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Industrial Internet of
Things for Developers

by Ryane Bohm

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Developers have become heroes in the popular imagination.
They’re seen as having the imagination and ability to bring
new ideas to life. When you think of the iconic garages in
Silicon Valley, the engineers are the ones who made the magic,
as they did at HP and Apple. In today’s world, developers
understand the APIs, the platforms, and the way the appli-
cations are packaged for customers. Many of today’s largest
companies, ranked by market value, began in the minds of
As the opportunities facing developers evolve, so does the
nature of the heroes required. This book explains how you can
get started in writing applications that tap into the massive
potential of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). To do that,
you’ll need to reimagine your role as a developer and expand
your understanding of the supporting environment.

The Opportunity, The Challenge

Few doubt the size of the IIoT opportunity. Technologist Tim
O’Reilly says that the IIoT is the largest and most underesti-
mated opportunity in Silicon Valley: “Obviously, Silicon Valley
is all over this,” O’Reilly said, speaking of the proliferation of
narrowly defined consumer-oriented IoT devices and applica-
tions. “But I think they are missing the point. They are creating
some gadgets, but they aren’t thinking about systems.”1
The IIoT is all about systems, the systems that manage flows
of goods, chemicals, energy, and manufacturing processes that
run the world. It’s about improving health and safety, connect-
ing high-tech equipment in hospitals, and ensuring safety on
airlines and rail lines around the world.
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2 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

The IIoT market is larger than the consumer IoT market.

Estimates indicate the IIoT could be a $225 billion market by
2020, compared to a $170 billion consumer market.2 Further, in
the coming years, the Industrial Internet could add an addi-
tional $10 to 15 trillion to the global GDP—an amount equiva-
lent to the size of today’s US economy.3
Seeing the opportunity is easy. What is less well under-
stood, and more difficult to explain, is that the IIoT requires a
new kind of developer willing to be immersed in a highly com-
plex, challenging industrial environment, ready to be stretched
in ways never dreamed of, all to create applications that will
produce more of the stunning returns seen in the early days of
the IIoT.

The World of IIoT Apps

Every day, exabytes of data—and lost opportunities—are left
on the industrial floor, on the ground in oil fields, and in the air
amid wind turbines. On the factory floor, machines have had
interfaces since the 1970s. In hospitals, nearly every piece of
equipment has an interface, but very few have been connected,
let alone interconnected. More recently, as industrial control
systems were introduced, they used machine data in limited
ways for specific, repetitive tasks.
Opportunities abound for building applications to lever-
age this data broadly. If you listen, machines can tell you that
they’re running too hot, that they’re running more efficiently
than the machine on the next line, and whether they need
maintenance within a few days.
But in most industrial landscapes, the data that could
transform the assets, systems, and businesses goes unana-
lyzed. When developers imagine and implement applications
that use this data, the transformation begins.

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Preface 3

Some of the problems IIoT

applications can solve
Here is just a sampling of problems that IIoT apps can solve:
✓✓ Providing visibility to remote equipment, production pro-
cesses, and energy use
✓✓ Preventing unplanned downtime
✓✓ Optimizing the operation of an individual asset in the field
✓✓ Optimizing the operation of a process or plant in the field

The Playing Field for IIoT Applications

The environment for IIoT applications is far different than
that used for the sort of applications that are created for web-
sites, mobile apps, or even the consumer IoT along a variety of
dimensions. Here are some of the differences:
• The stakes are higher. If your phone drops a call, you
get irritated. But you can’t just turn off the Hoover Dam.
Similarly, if your FitBit doesn’t accurately count the
number of steps you took today, you may not even notice.
But if a power plant goes down, thousands lose electricity.
• IIoT applications must address operational technology
requirements. Operational technology (OT) includes
systems engaged in electricity generation and distribu-
tion as well as manufacturing systems that must remain
reliable and secure to avoid potential damage to people
and equipment.
• IIoT applications require a broad range of skills.
Because IIoT applications involve equipment that con-
trols flows of chemicals, energy, or physical items, the

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4 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

skills to create an application include software develop-

ment, domain knowledge of physics, disciplines such as
chemical or mechanical engineering, and OT.
• IIoT applications are intelligent learning systems.
The volume, variety, and velocity of big data in the IIoT
dwarf most other realms and represent a theme park for
data science. The complexity of equipment and indus-
trial processes and the task of modeling and extracting
signals and interpreting them may require the use of
artificial intelligence. Machine learning, deep learning,
and other techniques can extract meaning from data
and help create and tune predictive models. IIoT apps
that aren’t built to learn have trouble keeping up with
changing conditions and evolving interactions.
Although many of these aspects are found in some con-
sumer IoT applications and the full stack applications of the
Internet, in the IIoT these requirements are present most of the
time. The IIoT will clearly change the role of both applications
and the development teams who create them.

The Evolution of IIoT Applications

The pioneers of the IIoT have already shown how the power
of IIoT applications builds up to allow larger transformations
of both businesses and operating environments. Pitney Bowes,
which sells and services large mail inserting machines, went
through the following stages in creating IIoT applications:
• Internal productivity and efficiency: The first wave
of applications enabled improved operations, better
uptime, and a variety of optimizations that could
never previously be ­performed. For Pitney Bowes, its

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Preface 5

machines could be run with greater efficiency and pro-

vide more useful data.
• Improved customer service: After the OT environ-
ment becomes an open book for a company, it’s pos-
sible to share that visibility to allow customers to better
understand and optimize how their equipment works
for them. New types of visibility lead to new types of
services. For example, Pitney Bowes created software
for its customers, following the pattern that every com-
pany is a software company. The Pitney Bowes Clarity
application gives customers more visibility, control, and
value from their Pitney Bowes equipment.
• New digital revenue streams: The final evolution is
when a company takes the capabilities it has developed
and turns those capabilities into products for others to
use. Pitney Bowes created a service for location intelli-
gence that is now available to developers through GE’s
Predix platform. In this way, innovations can be mon-
etized as products and services. Other developers can
widely reuse those innovations, accelerating their abil-
ity to build apps for the IIoT.

The App Needs a Team

Even the most advanced software development teams who can
build web, mobile, and consumer IoT applications based on
existing APIs don’t yet have the skills to build the IIoT appli-
cations that we’ve described. But this book, and the lessons
you’ll be inspired to learn and apply on your own, will help
you gain the skills and understanding you need to succeed.
This book is a practical guide for anyone interested in develop-
ing IIoT applications.

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6 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

IIoT applications are often built jointly by subject matter

experts and full stack developers. Webscale apps are typically
built by a team of developers and ops people for backend
services, the UX layer, and scalability. For the IIoT, that team
expands. The opportunity and its attendant urgency require
all hands on deck. Sometimes OT subject matter experts—
who can contribute as citizen developers4—may create apps
themselves using low code or domain-specific languages. To
accelerate progress, IIoT development environments should
support both full stack developers and citizen developers with
various types of expertise.
Here are some of the types of developers and experts who
participate in creating IIoT applications:
• Asset modelers • IoT platform architects
• Control and process • Network architects
engineers • OT experts
• Data architects • Plant managers
• Data scientists • Security specialists
• Domain experts • Software architects
• Field engineers • Solution architects
• Full stack developers • UX designers
• Industrial automation
In explaining the range of skills needed, I’m not abandon-
ing the idea of the heroic vision of the developer. Most applica-
tions still come to life as an insight in the mind of an individual
who then develops the idea with the help of others.
In the IIoT, full stack developers need to understand OT
environments, equipment, data and processes, edge-to-cloud
architectures, and Digital Twins. Just as a graduate student in
geology may learn R to do a master’s thesis, a domain expert

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Preface 7

may need to learn about IIoT development platforms, whether

using low-code or full stack methods. OT developers need to
widen their knowledge as well.
By expanding understanding in this way, developers can
play a vital role in envisioning and creating transformative
applications for the IIoT.

The Team Needs a Platform

The final element developers need is a platform to productize
the integration and collaboration between all these experts.
Broadly speaking, a platform is a set of interconnected ser-
vices designed to enable all the parts of an application to work
These platforms not only provide basic services, but they
also create ecosystems so that new components can be added
and components can be offered for sale. Just as mobile apps
became a way for developers to monetize their talents, IIoT
platforms will allow developers and vendors to fill key gaps
and make money by selling their wares.
The IIoT has spawned a variety of platforms, including
GE’s Predix, which serves as a reference architecture and a
running example in this book. One important goal of this book
is to explain the nature of a modern IIoT platform and show
what it will do for developers.

Bringing Imagination to Life

After the full set of skills required to create an IIoT applica-
tion is set forth, it may seem impossible for one person to ever
master them all. In a way, it is. If developers think of their
expertise in terms of height and width, most are tall in one
area and shorter in many other areas.
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8 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

The goal of this book is to help developers gain a broader

understanding of OT domains so they can use those insights
to build applications for the industrial world. I’ll cover how
IIoT applications are constructed and built and how to get
IIoT platforms can be architected in a variety of ways, but
one common pattern for distributed IIoT architectures is the
edge-to-cloud pattern used by Predix and described in this
book. To conceptualize this pattern, think of a barbell. The
edge is the left side of a barbell, anchored in the world of OT
where data can be consumed from sensors, controllers, and
industrial equipment. The right side of the barbell is the cloud
platform. These two software stacks are in a dance, with many
considerations driving what types of processing and analytics
will be done at the edge and what will be done in the cloud.
Decisions about how an IIoT application will use such a
distributed architecture greatly vary by the use case. For that
reason, this book presents design patterns to inspire your
thinking about how to build your own IIoT applications.
Chapter 1 describes the world of operational technology
and key differences between the world of OT and IT. It covers
application design patterns focused on the edge.
Chapter 2 describes an architecture for IIoT applications
and the characteristics of an IIoT platform. It describes how
IIoT platform services can accelerate development.
Chapter 3 explains the building blocks of Digital Twins,
which are full digital representations of individual physical
systems and all the data related to them over time. Digital
Twins can be used in many ways because they capture the real-
world operations of a particular component or asset.
Chapter 4 offers inspiration and design considerations for
building your own IIoT application. It includes topics such
as assembling your team, collaborating, doing field research,

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Preface 9

designing for the OT world, considering tradeoffs that inform

edge-versus-cloud decisions, and more.
I’m excited about the potential of IIoT applications. All
over the world, companies, governments, and communities
are waking up to what is possible. They all need developers to
make it happen. That’s you, so let’s get started.

Resources for This Book

Throughout this book, you’ll find references to tutorials,
videos, case studies, and other resources where you can dis-
cover more about the IIoT and get hands-on experience.
Visit for chapter-by-
chapter links.

A book is never a solo effort. I want to thank Vineet Banga,
Samta Bansal, Rich Carpenter, Susheel Choudhari, Kevin
Collins, Dan Harrelson, Jean Lau, Rebecca Lawson, John
Magee, Steve Rokov, Marc-Thomas Schmidt, Tom Turner, and
Dimitri Volkmann who generously gave of their time and tal-
ents by providing interviews and sharing important resources,
in some cases weighing in with multiple rounds of reviews.
Sourabh Dash, Joel Markham, and Achalesh Pandey reviewed
the manuscript under extremely tight deadlines, offering
important feedback and guidance. Daniel Erwin and Joanne
Mendel supplied a process diagram to illustrate the teamwork
involved in creating an IIoT application. I especially want to
thank Jayson DeLancey who helped us at every stage of creat-
ing this book, from the first conversation to outlines to drafts
to final review.

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10 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Several people shared what drew them to the IIoT, includ-

ing John Andrechak, Andy Cash, Jayson DeLancey, Jay
Lakumb, Girish Modgil, Paul Park, Shamla Soans, and Tom
Turner. Their stories appear as sidebars throughout the book.
Most of all, I want to thank the Predix community, which
is building IIoT applications at a rapid pace, for sharing their
experience and use cases.

1. Chris O’Brien, “Tim O’Reilly: Silicon Valley is massively underestimating
the impact of IoT (interview),” VentureBeat, March 04, 2015, accessed July
18, 2017,
4. “Citizen developer,” Gartner IT Glossary,

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Understanding the
Industrial Edge

Ten years ago when a pump in a remote oil field failed, nearly
a month might pass before anyone even knew it had hap-
pened. That’s because the oil company dispatched a technician
in a pickup truck to drive around and check each of thousands
of pumps scattered over hundreds of square miles over the
course of weeks. After discovering that a pump had failed—
potentially weeks earlier—the company then dispatched
another technician to repair the bad pump. Meanwhile, that
pump had lost weeks of production.
Now there’s a way to find out what’s happening at each
of those pumps. Developers are creating applications that get
information from what’s called the Industrial Edge where smart
sensors, ruggedized routers, and other connected equipment
collect real-time data from all sorts of industrial machinery.
These applications monitor and analyze that data to identify
problems and potential issues. As soon as a pump fails, or
even before it fails, a technician can be on the way, replace-
ment parts in-hand. Time saved: three weeks. Money saved:
millions of dollars.

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12 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Developing applications for the Industrial Internet of

Things (IIoT) requires understanding the Industrial Edge. For
most app developers, it’s a cross-disciplinary experience with
forays into a new world. This chapter provides you with a
general orientation to that world, an orientation you can take
forward as you find your particular niche, whether it’s saving
the planet, preventing catastrophic equipment failure, or trans-
forming factories.

Welcome to the World of OT

After you get a vision for an IIoT application and start to think
about the potential of all the data available at the edge, you
just want to grab it and run with it. But how do you even know
what data is there and how you can access it? That data exists
in an industrial context under conditions that are vastly differ-
ent from those you’ve worked with before. For example, in the
OT world, you upgrade a large turbine in a specific, determin-
istic way. It’s complicated.
Your application will mine data that’s incredibly unstruc-
tured and complex compared to even the most intricate enter-
prise data sources. You’ll have to correlate and match data
from different data sources including some assets that are in
motion. You’ll have to analyze historical patterns and track
time series data in real time.
Perhaps the easiest way to begin to understand the IIoT
environment is to take a step inside the operational technol-
ogy (OT) world. Your guide is Ralph, an OT field engineer
with forty years of experience.1 He’ll give you a hard hat and
a breathing mask. Brace yourself for noise, bright lights, dark
spaces, and lots of big machines.

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Chapter 1: Understanding the Industrial Edge 13

A team of managers, engineers, operators, and field engi-

neers like Ralph run almost all such environments. Often the
operators and technicians have the most intimate relationship
with the equipment. Ralph can anticipate problems when he
recognizes subtle variations in how the equipment performs
and diagnose equipment like a faulty pump by palming it and
feeling the vibrations. When creating applications, you’ll want
to listen to the people who are closest to the machines.
Doing so is particularly critical because one day soon,
Ralph will retire. If you listen, Ralph can bring his deep knowl-
edge into the modern world by telling you about the machines,
their control systems, and their machine diagnostics. Working
with Ralph, you can begin to understand the data that’s avail-
able and how it can help your company as the worlds of IT
and OT converge. Ralph is a domain expert, one of a number
of people you’ll collaborate with in writing IIoT apps.
To effectively mine complex data for hidden gold nuggets,
you’ll need to understand Ralph’s world. However, that cul-
tural understanding is challenging. The people who come at
it only from the IT side don’t always understand the purpose
and mechanics behind the control systems or the limitations
in far-flung fields and factories. For example, your application
may have to assume dial-up speeds—when you have Internet
connectivity at all. Table 1-1 gives you an idea of some of the
key differences between OT and IT environments.
Because of the nature of industrial systems and equipment,
Ralph works in a static world where things stay the same for
years. Compare that to modern software release cycles where
continuous delivery is a key goal—for example, Amazon mea-
sures software updates in seconds.
Ralph may have used and maintained the same equipment
for years. People in the OT world come at the issue from the
controls standpoint. They often don’t realize that pairing this
environment with a massive computing infrastructure could

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14 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

solve problems that appear to be impossible. Developers need

to be prepared to invest time in understanding the OT environ-
ment to provide workable and compelling business reasons for

Table 1-1. Some differences between OT and IT

OT Environment IT Environment
Pace of Hardened environment Goal is continuous
change designed to be intact for years delivery; refresh cycles
or even decades. in seconds, months at
Environment Unfamiliar for most develop- Familiar. Offices,
of users ers. Wide variation. Extreme homes, mobile users
heat, cold, dust particulates on the go.
in the air, moisture, humid-
ity, bright sunlight, low light,
underground mines, loud
noises, hard hats, gloves.
Sanitary operating rooms.
Aircraft in flight. High-speed
Standardization Many protocols, often pro- Standardized on
prietary, standards vary by Internet protocols.
Use of the latest Sometimes. Usually.
analytics, cloud
Downtime Limiting downtime is critical Not as important as in
and an order of magnitude OT (unless you’re talk-
more expensive than IT. ing about online order-
ing on Black Friday).
Safety One of the highest priorities. Not usually a factor.
Connectivity Intermittent, dial-up. High speed Internet.
Constraints Hard: Laws of physics, deter- Soft: Business drivers,
ministic processes. evolving priorities.
Top priority Keep operations going at all Dynamic shifts may
(prime directive) costs. occur based on evolv-
ing business strategy.

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Chapter 1: Understanding the Industrial Edge 15

Why I left DreamWorks

Animation for the IIoT
“I spent eight-plus years making animated films. My IMDb
page has sixteen feature film credits including Shrek, Madagascar,
Kung Fu Panda, and How to Train Your Dragon. Moving pixels
around a screen was fun, but as a manager once told me: ‘You
can go home. We make cartoons. Nobody dies if a render fails
until tomorrow.’ I wanted to find something new and challeng-
ing to work on. I explored mobile and then cloud computing,
but felt those areas were well understood. I wanted to find
something closer to working with hardware and the maker
“Now at the other extreme I’ve been to nuclear facilities and bio-
chemistry labs to see how software is used to solve big problems
in large industrial settings that can impact everybody. At one
point my mission was to make people laugh. But now that I’ve
dived into robotics and the Industrial Internet, I’ve found I can
help developers move, cure, build, and power the world while
exploring emerging technology in artificial intelligence, machine
learning, and embedded systems.”
Jayson DeLancey

A Quick and Dirty Intro to

the OT System Landscape
IIoT developers need a basic understanding of the types of
machinery they may encounter in a plant. I mentioned that
people in OT environments come at the world from the con-
trols standpoint. They’re focused on operations, which is
directly related to controls.
But what are industrial control systems? A control system
is an arrangement of physical components that is designed to

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16 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

regulate the equipment to which it’s attached. Controls fall

into two basic categories: open loop and closed loop controls.
• Open loop controls operate the same way regardless
of conditions. For example, a washing machine runs
for a certain amount of time with particular settings. It
doesn’t measure whether clothes are clean or not.
• Closed loop controls have sensors, and the control
takes action based on sensor feedback, like a thermostat
does. Closed loop controls have become increasingly
sophisticated, but typically have one thing in common:
They use information in limited and repetitive ways to
control aspects of a production process.

Some systems you may encounter

With that basic understanding of industrial controls in place,
here’s a quick rundown of some of the systems you may
encounter in an OT landscape:
• Programmable logic controllers (PLCs): As you move
into Ralph’s world, you’ll hear him talk about PLCs,
which are industrial computers with specialized
languages that electricians, controls engineers, or
process engineers can easily use. PLCs control sequences
of operations and control the time constant of a plant.
Through a PLC and its input and output infrastructure,
Ralph can get information that leads to a decision to
increase a machine’s rotational speed by 5 rpm, for
example. The PLC sends signals to actuators, which
increase the gas so the machine rotates faster.
• Distributed control systems (DCSs): A factory or other
industrial environment might have dozens of control
loops, keeping tabs on speed, temperature, chemical
reactions, and gas output. The control loops always

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Chapter 1: Understanding the Industrial Edge 17

need to know how much to put into each process to

keep that process in a steady state. The DCS synchro-
nizes a hierarchy of control loops and orchestrates them
to obtain the desired plant output.
• Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA):
SCADA is often coupled with what’s called HMI, the
human machine interface. The HMI SCADA system
interfaces with multiple PLCs and DCSs to manage all
the information flowing through a plant or industrial
process to optimize production.
• Data historians: Data historians aggregate data from
industrial systems, storing selected types of data over
time. These systems are useful sources of data trends for
creating IIoT applications. But realize that their view,
of all the available data, is limited. More data could be
available to you than it may appear when you look at
higher-level systems such as data historians.
• Edge gateway systems: Edge gateway systems are a
key element of an architecture that combines edge and
cloud capabilities. Such systems translate OT protocols
and data formats, help manage storage and edge ana-
lytics, and facilitate secure data flows between the edge
and the cloud.

Figure 1-1 shows a simple example of edge to cloud com-

munications facilitated via an edge gateway. Say that you have
sensors that speak Modbus, an OT protocol. The edge gateway
server translates that data into a standard data format and then
transmits it to a cloud platform via WebSockets.
IIoT platform has the ability to manage software assets
centrally even though they’re highly distributed. The edge
infrastructure can be set up to know where the assets are, what
versions of software they are running, and how to download

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18 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

new versions. Doing so allows the equipment to be stable to

meet industry requirements and also have the software capabil-
ities needed to rapidly evolve the way a modern digital indus-
trial company requires. With that in mind, developers and IT
architects work hand in glove with operational technology (OT)
technicians and engineers in the field and on the factory floor,
collecting data from each asset and then analyzing it at the edge
or sending it to a cloud-based environment for analysis.

Figure 1-1. Sensor data sent to an IIoT cloud platform via an edge gateway.

A diversity of protocols
What enabled the immense leap forward in progress in modern
computing? You can argue that TCP/IP did with HTTP close
behind. Internet protocols paved the way, with rough consen-
sus and running code.2
But the world of OT is highly specialized, and standards
development reflects that specialization, which means that as
you find your edge environment, you’ll also discover, as in a trip
to India, many official languages. This is why you need an edge
gateway that converts between protocols and standardizes data
streams. Table 1-2 lists a few of the protocols we’ve seen in use.

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Chapter 1: Understanding the Industrial Edge 19

Table 1-2. A few of the protocols used in building IIoT applications

Use Case What It Is Links

MQTT Edge gateway Open, lightweight,
to cloud reliable, simple
Uses publish/
subscribe broker
OASIS standard
Modbus Edge gateway A serial communica-
to devices; tions protocol intro-
Modbus server duced in 1979
stores data De facto standard
from Modbus
WebSockets Machine to Runs over HTTP; tools.ietf.
machine can use TLS org/html/rfc6455
Can ingest time
series data
gRPC Lightweight Lightweight protocol
RPC for IoT devices
Supports multiple
AMQP Messaging Supports publish/
broker subscribe
OPC-UA Edge gateway Introduced in 2006
to devices Designed as an open
protocol follow-on
to OPC

Take Action at the Edge

Control loops at the edge enable machines to do a finite number
of things in a deterministic way. IIoT applications expand the
repertoire of machines so that they can react nimbly to changes
on the factory floor.

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20 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

There are multiple reasons why you might want a piece of

equipment on the edge to respond differently to different circum-
stances. Sometimes you want a quick reaction to happen right
on the edge—before sending the relevant data to the cloud. You
can remotely monitor and manage numerous pieces of equip-
ment, enabling Ralph to remotely shut off a machine when it’s
flying enough red flags to be a concern. You may want to know
more. For example, what else was going on when the pump’s
temperature spiked? Was the oil pressure up? In some cases, the
machine flying red flags could be programmed to automatically
shut off. Or, you and Ralph might want to cycle off a piece of
machinery and set it to turn back on when energy is cheaper.
How do you go from a deterministic process to a more
flexible one and do so safely? At a high level, think of two
data-processing loops separated by a hypervisor running on
the edge gateway system, as shown in Figure 1-2. The inner
loop (on the left) faces the Industrial Edge and is connected
directly to the sensors and other inputs and outputs. The
edge gateway translates industrial protocols and data for-
mats into a digestible form for your application. The outer
loop (on the right) faces the cloud where historical data can
be processed and optimized (mixing in other data sources,
such as weather data). The outer loop can provide optimized
recipes back to the inner loop for processing. The inner loop
keeps people and equipment safe. The hypervisor on the
edge gateway system cleanly separates the two loops, pro-
viding additional s­ecurity for the sensors and controllers
at the edge. (For more information, see

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Chapter 1: Understanding the Industrial Edge 21

Figure 1-2. Conceptual diagram of a new approach to closed loop controls.

Design patterns for the edge

Consider a few basic design patterns that use architecture.
Applications often use more than one of these design patterns,
and leverage both the edge and the cloud in doing so.

See: Design patterns for monitoring

You may want to know what’s going on with this machine.
Gain visibility into the status of equipment by writing an
application that enables a user to answer that question from
anywhere. Instead of knowing about a broken-down pump in
the oil field weeks later, get that information in real time, take
action, and save money.

To start creating your own IIoT applications, sign up

for a free trial of Predix at At
iiot-for-developers, you can access tutorials and down-
load code for a remote monitoring and diagnostics
(RMD) reference application.

Think: Design patterns for diagnostics

Add diagnostics to the application by asking yourself these
questions: How hot is the turbine running? How much fuel
am I using?
With that level of visibility, Ralph and his boss can get
more detailed information about the pumps in the oil field.

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22 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

They can see not only which pumps are running but also deter-
mine the performance of the pumps and their yield. They can
decide whether to run them all or a subset and when to sched-
ule maintenance.

Do: Design patterns for taking action

You can enable programmatic action to be taken, either
remotely via an app or locally via machine-to-machine com-
munications. For example, if the oil temperature reaches a cer-
tain threshold, shut down the machine.

Optimize: Design patterns for analytics

You analyze the data, at the edge or in the cloud, to drive opti-
mizations. For example, consider an app that optimizes elec-
tricity use by scheduling equipment to run when demand is
reduced and rates are lower. Some cities are saving $1.5 million
a year on energy with this type of technology. By analyzing
data, you can also identify faulty equipment before it breaks.
For example, after analyzing ten years’ worth of wind turbine
data, developers and technicians found a pattern in the data
that predicted certain types of failures. They realized if they
could detect that pattern and stop it every time it started, they
could prevent certain failures across a windmill fleet. This type
of analytics should happen in the cloud.

Data drew me to the IIoT

"For me, the biggest driver to work on the Industrial Internet is
to work with data from machines that serve as the foundation
of modern society. I enjoy the fusion of subject matter expertise
and data science to improve operations and deliver customer
Andy Cash

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Chapter 1: Understanding the Industrial Edge 23

Working with edge data

Exabytes of data are left on the shop floor every day. This data
is by nature more voluminous, complex, and harder to decipher
than data in the IT world. Multiple approaches are evolving to
ingest, integrate, manage, and make use of this data. When con-
sidering the use of this data, here are some things to think about.

Decide what data is worth keeping

Sending raw sensor data to the cloud for analytics often doesn’t
make sense. Raw data may be kept locally in a historian or a
data lake environment and preprocessed and summarized for
cloud-based analytics. Think of time series temperature data.
If sensors emit a stream of time series data once a minute that
reports the current temperature, and the temperature remains
constant for three hours, when that data is ingested, it can be
summarized without losing any of the information. Sensors
may emit data more frequently than you need it so filtering it
makes sense.

Don’t lose the data you want

Intermittent connectivity puts data streams at risk. Use a store-
and-forward approach to ingest all data locally, and then store
it in a holding area (similar to a buffer or cache) until the data
can be transferred and stored permanently, whether locally or
in the cloud. After the data is transferred to permanent storage,
it’s then deleted from the local store.

Find out what the data is saying

Industrial data is noisy. It takes work to find the signal.
Platforms are evolving to help find the signal in OT data
sources by leveraging machine learning and AI.

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24 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Expect Evolution at the Edge

So far this chapter has described the Industrial Edge as it exists
today in many places, with equipment that may be decades
old and industrial control systems that were designed for an
unconnected world. Applications that use such equipment are
sometimes called brownfield applications.
Connected controls were designed for a connected world.
These newer controls assume connectivity; applications
that leverage data from such controls are called greenfield
Edge-to-cloud architecture, a topic covered in Chapter 2,
provides more details about IIoT platform capabilities such as
data integration. Overall, there’s a movement to do more at the
edge, adding computing power and local storage and analyt-
ics. This is sometimes called fog computing, because it blends
the cloud with the edge.
A key reason for doing more at the edge is data gravity—the
difficulty of moving large amounts of data. The voluminous
data of the IIoT comes from the edge. There are arguments for
storing data at the edge and moving only what is needed to
the cloud.

Resources for Getting Started

As you’re learning about the IIoT, you may want to work with
Predix to get further experience. The Predix Developer Kit
features Predix software running on Intel hardware. The kit
enables developers to get experience with ingesting data from
a device into Predix. It comes with an edge gateway prein-
stalled. It’s designed to enroll itself as a secure device in Predix.

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Chapter 1: Understanding the Industrial Edge 25

For this and other resources mentioned in this book, go to ge.


Find Your Edge

Understanding the Industrial Edge is one of the main chal-
lenges as you begin to write IIoT applications. This chapter
introduces you to the lay of the land and what to look for, but
your edge will be specific and specialized. Is your edge in
motion, jets in flight, or high-speed rail? Is your edge an oil
and gas platform? Under the sea? Whatever your edge envi-
ronment, you’re likely to find that data has been trapped there.
Providing visibility to that data offers low-hanging fruit for
application development. Figure 1-3 shows examples of some
different edge environments.

Figure 1-3. A sampling of edge environments.

1. Ralph is fictional, here to personalize the world of OT for you. He is a guide
with a deep understanding of how everything works. You may learn from
industrial domain experts and plant managers, but I suggest getting to know
the people closest to the machines. OT experts like Ralph are retiring at a
rapid rate, so learn now.
2. The Tao of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). See

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A Platform Architecture
for IIoT Applications

When most people drive by a line of fast-spinning wind tur-

bines, they muse about the clean energy being generated. Unlike
hydroelectric power (think of the Hoover Dam), where falling
water generates a constant stream of electricity, wind turbines
generate power only when the wind blows. But energy markets
don’t work that way. Like most markets, you need to know in
advance that you have a product available before you can sell it.
Extra energy capacity generated by unexpected wind gusts,
called operational ramp events, may go unsold unless the energy
supplier can predict the wind gusts accurately in time to sell the
power generated. Energy suppliers bid each day, with adjust-
ments each hour, on how much power, including wind power,
they’ll be able to sell on the energy spot market that day and by
the hour. To profitably leverage and sell that fickle wind power,
energy suppliers must know in advance that they’ll have some-
thing to sell and how much capacity they’ll have available to sell
when strong gusts blow through. If a prediction model is less
accurate, energy suppliers have to hedge what they say they’ll
sell, potentially losing money on excess generation they can’t
sell. To be useful, a wind prediction model must be accurate.

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Chapter 2: A Platform Architecture for IIoT Applications 27

Exelon, a large power generation company, sought to improve

the responsiveness of its forecasts to consistently predict strong
gusts in time to monetize the power they generated. GE and
Exelon teams built a solution that, combining turbine data, histor-
ical data, and weather data, improved forecasting by 50 percent
and led to the sale of an additional 70 megawatts of new capacity.
The question is, how would you go about building an appli-
cation like this clean energy solution? Writing applications as a
cut-to-the-chase one-off to solve a pressing business problem is
certainly possible. In fact, this approach is often used to address
a high-value use case quickly (and truth be told, many early
IoT projects have been run in that way). But in the long term,
such an approach is shortsighted because it doesn’t offer a way
to make building the next application faster than the first.
Developers writing IIoT applications face a variety of chal-
lenges. In a 2016 survey from Evans Data, more than 1,200
industrial developers cited their top challenges in writing IoT
applications (see Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1. Top three challenges industrial developers face in building applications.

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28 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Notice that the challenges cited fall into categories of secu-

rity, standards, specialized systems, and data management.

The Need for an Architecture

Industrial developers need a way to address all of these chal-
lenges systematically in a way that improves their ability to
spend their time productively on industrial applications versus
on peripheral tasks. The industrial developers surveyed stated
that they spend little more than a quarter of their time devel-
oping. Putting an architecture in place enables you to meet
challenges head-on and implement a platform that simplifies
development through the use of platform services, increasing
time spent on development.

Why the IIoT was my next step as an

industrial developer
“The IIoT was the logical next step of my career. I worked my
way ‘up the stack’ from embedded systems for robotics and
automation, to SCADA systems for natural gas, to enterprise
software with data historians, and now to Industrial Internet
from edge to cloud. As a product manager, my OT and IT
background helps me grok customer needs and then explain
how we can help solve their problems and unlock value with
software/data/analytics. Our winning formula is simple: We
build the hardware so we know the assets, we service the assets
so we know how they operate, we have the domain knowledge
for industry, and now we have the technology with the platform
and our digital solutions. Those are the key ingredients to win
in the IIoT.”
Jay Lakumb

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Chapter 2: A Platform Architecture for IIoT Applications 29

IIoT applications are different from other applications,

particularly in that they must take into account more factors
that are considered critical to quality. The Preface mentioned
the many types of developers who participate in building IIoT
apps. Chapter  1 explored OT and the systems at the edge,
so it’s a given that numerous and diverse stakeholders are
involved in building apps.
An architecture provides a common understanding that
enables the participation and coordination of multiple groups
of stakeholders, not only those with IT knowledge but also
those with OT and domain knowledge. The Industrial Internet
Consortium has already laid the groundwork for such an

An IIoT Reference Architecture

The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) is an organization
with more than 250 members from industrial, technology, and
software companies as well as universities, open source proj-
ects, and standard-setting bodies.
The IIC has been at work for a number of years creating
a reference architecture that incorporates many different per-
spectives and architectural patterns.1 The Industrial Internet
Reference Architecture identifies several architectural patterns
for IIoT applications. Some of the patterns are edge focused,
like the gateway-mediated pattern, which relies on a wide area
network or WAN to gather data from the edge. Others follow a
distributed architecture pattern. For example, the IIC’s Three-
tier Architecture Pattern (see to Figure 2-2) identifies an edge
tier, a platform tier, and an enterprise tier.

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30 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Figure 2-2. Three-tier IIoT System Architecture.

Implementing an IIoT Architecture

After deciding on the type of architectural patterns you want
to implement, the next step is deciding how to assemble a plat-
form based on this architecture that can accelerate the creation
of IIoT applications by as many people as possible.
There are many ways to build a platform. GE faced a situa-
tion similar to Amazon. Amazon took its expertise in running
massive data centers and created a development platform. It
then began offering what it had built via Amazon Web Services
(AWS), allowing others to benefit.
In the same way, GE took its wealth of Industrial Internet
and development expertise and built Predix, creating a plat-
form that integrates and further secures existing cloud plat-
forms (such as Cloud Foundry) and incorporates open source
capabilities. The platform was built to serve real-world indus-
trial use cases. Because industrial environments incorporate

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Chapter 2: A Platform Architecture for IIoT Applications 31

many types of equipment, Predix was designed to be agnostic

as to equipment manufacturer and interoperates with both GE
and non-GE equipment.
Predix implements the IIC’s three-tier architecture while
also following what the IIC calls an edge-to-cloud architec-
ture pattern (see Figure 2-3). The platform extends beyond the
cloud to the third tier of apps, which the IIC refers to as the
enterprise tier. Note how the platform connects minds (people
using apps) with industrial machines and their data.

Figure 2-3. Predix as an example of edge-to-cloud architecture.

The wind forecasting example mentioned earlier in this

chapter uses Predix to connect Exelon wind farms, which are
comprised of GE and non-GE wind turbines. Wind turbine
data is aggregated through a data historian and interfaces
with the edge gateway. The application ingests data into the
cloud; runs it through forecasting models that use current
wind farm data, historical data, and weather data; and sends
the results to the edge gateway, which writes it to the data
historian to drive real-time forecasts.

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32 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

The smart grid drew

me to the IIoT
“My journey within the transmission and distribution (T&D)
of the electricity space started with the great Northeast United
States and Canada blackout in August 2003. The panel tasked
with finding the root cause of the problem showed how fragile
the T&D system in North America was and how desperately it
needed upgrades in intelligence and reliability.
“Initiatives to modernize the electrical grid started in a few areas
in North America, most notably in California, Texas, and Ontario
with smart meters. Around that time, I worked on developing
software to enable the smart grid. Things started to take off
around 2009 when President Obama pledged to modernize the
grid. With the IIoT, I saw the opportunity to lead rather than
to be led. I wanted to be involved with the Industrial Internet
revolution from the very start.”
Paul Park

IIoT Platform Capabilities

An IIoT platform must address the most critical concerns that
IIoT developers have in a systematic way to provide a secure
framework for developing applications. In this way, platform
capabilities accelerate development of IIoT apps, enabling you
to rely on platform services rather than starting from scratch
each time.
Platforms also enable collaboration. With a platform in
place to provide common ground, you can invite more people
to the app-writing party, not just stakeholders with IT knowl-
edge, but also citizen data scientists or asset reliability manag-
ers with OT and domain knowledge. Ralph and many of his

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Chapter 2: A Platform Architecture for IIoT Applications 33

contemporaries will be retiring within a decade, resulting in

the loss of a huge body of knowledge or brain trust. A platform
can be used to codify their knowledge.
The following sections describe each type of capability and
in some cases refer to its implementation in Predix.

Distributed architecture
The IIoT requires capabilities both at the edge and in the cloud.
Should data be stored at the edge and analyzed there? Should
it be ingested into the cloud, combined with historical data,
and analyzed using machine learning techniques? For any
given IIoT application, these may not be mutually exclusive
design choices. Some analytics may be better performed at the
edge for a variety of reasons.
Think of a speeding train, with a video stream monitoring
the train tracks for obstructions. The analytics on that stream
that recognize possible obstacles must work on the edge—on
the train—to alert the operator in real time. That same video
stream may be later uploaded to the cloud and analyzed to
prioritize maintenance activities such as repairing track or
switches or addressing environmental elements such as trees
or streams that may impede future train operations.
Having a platform that offers flexible support for a distrib-
uted architecture offers developers the ability to choreograph
the dance between the edge and the cloud stacks in a way
that makes the most sense for their application and its unique
requirements. (See Chapter 4 for more on this topic.)
Further, a platform built for industrial scale can manage
the complexity of having thousands of assets at numerous
locations and provide visibility and insight into those assets
through an edge manager. An edge manager enables you to
manage software assets centrally even though physical assets
are highly distributed. The edge infrastructure knows where

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34 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

the assets are, what versions of the software they’re running,

and how to download new versions. This allows the equip-
ment to be stable the way OT people like Ralph need it to be
yet have the software capabilities rapidly evolve the way a
modern digital industrial company requires.

End-to-end security
The security of IIoT applications is a topic of critical concern
to developers, and rightly so. Entire books and certificate pro-
grams2 are available on the subject of industrial cybersecu-
rity, and more will follow. When evaluating IIoT platforms,
consider their support for end-to-end security so that your
applications can take advantage of platform capabilities. The
following sections highlight some aspects of end-to-end secu-
rity but are by no means comprehensive.
When you focus on security for a consumer app or plat-
form in the IT realm, you’re working in a world where Internet
connectivity generally is a given. Your tasks run along well-
defined patterns and include penetration testing, code review,
and static code analysis. As you move into OT applications
and architecture, the tasks and challenges you face will be
new. You’re often working with legacy devices built decades
earlier. These devices, controllers, and other equipment don’t
meet the security standards implemented in newer devices.
That’s because they were never intended to be connected to
the Internet or any larger network.
Coming from the IT side, your immediate thought might
be to replace these legacy devices. You’re probably used to
replacing older computers with newer ones and realizing a
fast ROI and increased productivity. That’s not how the indus-
trial world works. In the industrial space, much of this special-
ized equipment is expensive with an expected life measured
in decades. Certification mandates and compliance rules also

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Chapter 2: A Platform Architecture for IIoT Applications 35

make it difficult to quickly swap out industrial equipment.

OT infrastructure is critical: think of a gas turbine generating
power for the life-saving equipment in a hospital or an air-
craft engine that must be built for ultra reliability to ensure the
safety of passengers.
As an IIoT developer, you’ll have to derive maximum value
from communication with legacy equipment, yet make sure
that the equipment remains protected. Now that these legacy
devices are connected to the Internet, one big challenge you’ll
face is maintaining a secure, tamper-proof connection between
the edge and the cloud. On the edge, each device needs a
unique, verifiable identity. Then that device needs to be able to
communicate its identity to the cloud so the cloud knows who
the device is. That end-to-end communication in both direc-
tions must be verified as secure and not interruptible nor cor-
ruptible. And the authentication must go both ways: Directives
to edge devices must come from authenticated sources.
You may be tempted to rely on internal experts when
developing security for your IIoT application. But a platform
designed for OT tasks and OT security will achieve better secu-
rity than code you write yourself. There’s no need to reinvent
the wheel: You’re likely to find out the hard way that your
shiny new wheel is missing a few spokes.

What about air-gapping?

In the OT world, the primary security mechanism in the past
was physical access control. Many places still accept this pattern
as secure and as an argument against the IIoT in general. The
rationale was that if equipment isn’t attached to the Internet at
all—referred to as an air gap—it was safe by definition.
In an age of smartphones, USB drives, and other electronic tech-
nologies that bridge the fence around the plant, air-gapping isn’t
sufficient. Defense in depth is required to protect industrial assets.

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36 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

An IIoT platform needs to have multiple components

and layers designed to establish secure communication and a
standards-based, defense-in-depth approach to security.

Edge devices are doubly vulnerable

Devices on the edge are doubly vulnerable. First, they’re
located in the field where malicious people could tamper with
them directly. Such devices might include oil pumps and smart
energy meters. Second, edge devices may be on networks that
aren’t as well protected as web servers behind a firewall. When
those devices connect to the cloud, making sure that they can
be identified and authenticated with confidence is important.
Again, the stakes are higher in the operational technology
world. A security breach in the OT realm could cause equip-
ment failures, with millions of dollars in losses, injuries, and

Protecting both sides of the conversation

Think of a two-way conversation between the industrial edge
and the cloud. Both sides of the conversation—edge and
cloud—need to be protected, secure, and unmodified.
Consider how that can be achieved. The edge device,
not the cloud, should initiate all communications and ser-
vices requests. A cloud service verifies that the edge device
is authentic and unaltered. The cloud service then channels
authenticated requests to the right resources on the cloud
side and issues a security token to be used for future, secured

Secure cloud infrastructure

As another layer of security, IIoT platforms should be built on
secure cloud infrastructure specifically designed to support
the requirements of Industrial Internet applications. The plat-
form should offer support for data governance, federation, and

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Chapter 2: A Platform Architecture for IIoT Applications 37

privacy, as well as meeting stringent security requirements in

areas such as perimeter security, data security, access control,
and data visibility. Table 2-1 summarizes some of the layers of
security required by IIoT platforms.

Table 2-1. Security layers for IIoT platforms

Cloud Multitenant and multicloud to support regional data

laws. Adherence to cloud standards and certifica-
tions. Mapping to the Cloud Security Alliance Cloud
Controls Matrix. Compliance with national, interna-
tional, and governing body regulations.
Authentication and Enrollment of edge devices via PKI; authentication of
authorization edge devices prior to data ingestion.
Authentication of connections from edge to cloud.
Fine-grained control over read/write access to data.
Encryption Data in transit encrypted with highest level of transport
layer security (TLS). Secure tunnels, VPNs, from edge to
cloud. White-listing to allow traffic only from certain IP
Data at rest can be encrypted and in virtual isolation
from data of other tenants.
Code security Code signing, code review, security-first mind-set.

Work through tutorials related to Predix security ser-

vices at

Data integration and management

Industrial data is the heart of IIoT applications. IIoT platforms
should be evaluated based on their ability to handle industrial
data at scale.
Support for the following types of data is required:
• Time series data: The most common type of data
coming from edge devices.

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38 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

• External data: Regardless of format (JSON, XML, CSV,

text, relational) to enrich models and analytics.
• Images, audio, and video: Increasingly, rich media is
being captured at the edge.
IIoT platforms must support a variety of database types,
and to the degree possible, make interacting with any type
of database as generic as possible to enable loose coupling
between the application and the underlying persistence store.
The platform must offer flexible options for ingesting that
data, whether at the edge or in the cloud, depending on the
use case. The scale of data can be enormous, and the ability
of the edge to affordably and quickly transmit data to the
cloud may be limited—Internet connectivity may be limited
or nonexistent. Data gravity, a term that refers to the difficulty
in moving large amounts of data, may suggest that data should
be analyzed where it is—at the edge—versus in the cloud. A
distributed edge-to-cloud approach enables applications to be
architected to clean, filter, ingest, and analyze data where it
makes the most sense. It also enables cases where some analyt-
ics are handled in the edge data center3 and some in the cloud.
A platform for the IIoT must make it easy to manage and
explore industrial data at scale. Don’t underestimate the com-
plexity of data integration for the Industrial Internet. Think of
thousands of devices streaming real-time data. Some of those
devices are at rest while others are in motion. Multiply those
thousands of devices by fifteen plant locations (or more). Now
imagine ingesting and correlating all those data streams, along
with historical data for each device and system in the industrial
landscape. A platform that can ingest and correlate industrial
data sources at scale and make them searchable and easy to
explore can permit business stakeholders to explore industrial
data and answer relevant questions, fueling the work of appli-
cation developers and citizen developers alike.

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Chapter 2: A Platform Architecture for IIoT Applications 39

Connecting and tagging data and making it searchable are

large parts of the rationale for the purchase of systems such as
Informatica. Even with such specialized systems, identifying
related fields can take months of work. Platforms that offer this
type of capability accelerate the use of IIoT data. Often it takes
machine learning to ingest and correlate industrial data sources,
enabling extraction of signal from noisy data and making it
possible to get results in days as opposed to weeks or months.

For tutorials related to data capture and management

and information about the low code environment
for Predix, see

Data science
The ultimate goal of IIoT apps is analyzing data to gain
insights, improve operations, and predict behavior. Use cases
include providing visibility into remote equipment, production
processes, and energy use; preventing unplanned downtime;
and optimizing the operation of individual assets, a process, or
even an entire plant. Each of these use cases requires analytics.
Support for a wide variety of data science tools and techniques
is a baseline requirement for IIoT platforms.
An IIoT platform needs analytics services as well as
machine learning capabilities to enable the broadest use of ana-
lytics capabilities by all developers. A key benefit of working
with an open platform is the ability to widely leverage models
and analytics built by data scientists—write once, use many.
Furthermore, using a platform that captures industrial domain
knowledge offers the option of building on the work of other
industrial professionals. By using a platform that offers ana-
lytics built for various types of industrial analysis, including
anomaly detection, time series analytics, quality control, and

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40 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

predictive models such as mean time to failure, developers can

leverage the work of numerous data scientists.
Rather than coding analytics and machine learning algo-
rithms, look for analytics services that may do some or all of
the work for you.

Enable mobile app creation

Mobile apps help deliver relevant knowledge to the edge so
that people can act immediately. They offer visibility from any-
where. An IIoT platform must provide services that make it
straightforward to build apps that deliver needed capabilities
to the mobile workforce. Further, the platform should sup-
port building apps that serve mobile users and enable them
to do useful work even when their device is unable to reach a
Capturing information on-site is a key aspect of such use
cases. Apps designed for field technicians should use device
capabilities to gather as much information as possible through
the camera, video, voice memos, case notes, and more. These
apps should upload relevant information as soon as connec-
tivity is available again. Leveraging the collaboration aspect
of the connected cloud completes the loop, giving the mobile
user greater scale and the capability of the whole organization.
A platform should make it easy to develop apps that secure
data on the device and that provide offline functionality, a fre-
quent requirement for industrial applications.

Support for developers and citizen developers alike

In the United States, about 10,000 people turn sixty-five each
day. Many of them are in the manufacturing sector. And as
they retire, their knowledge goes with them. An IIoT platform
must therefore empower the capture of expert knowledge

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Chapter 2: A Platform Architecture for IIoT Applications 41

and allow people of all skill levels to participate in the devel-

opment of IIoT applications, both full stack developers and
citizen ­developers—people who create applications using low-
code, often visual, environments.
In order to create great apps that will be widely adopted,
you need to leverage the deep expertise of the OT world and
codify workers’ knowledge. Developers can work with OT to
create these apps, and, as a force multiplier, OT experts can
be empowered with tools that enable them to create apps via
low-code techniques and the use of domain-specific languages.
An IIoT platform should offer the best of both worlds.
Developers should be able to build applications using their
favorite open source tools and languages and be able to lever-
age platform services that provide key functionality such as
fine-grained access control and authentication.
A platform should also enable OT experts and domain
experts to participate in the software development lifecycle
without requiring them to learn how to code in Go, Java, or
Python. This type of low-code approach offers promise for
empowering a larger group of experts to work together effec-
tively. Domain-specific languages or fourth generation lan-
guages, with visual environments, are becoming increasingly
popular. By building expertise right into the app, knowledge
is codified and app adoption grows because the app is relevant
to and trusted by the users.

Look at the Predix Catalog to review available

services. Visit

Impacting the real world

Chapter 1 introduced the inner and outer control loops that
handle processes of See, Think, Do, and Optimize in the con-
text of edge-to-cloud IIoT architecture. The Optimize portion

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42 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

of the loop has the potential to take work done using advanced
analytics and use it to change the physical operation of the
inner loop based on the optimizations identified. This is one of
the reasons that the IIoT is such an exciting area. You not only
identify what could be changed, but you also can change the
physical running of equipment to implement those changes in
the real world.
But with great power comes great responsibility. Security is
paramount for such applications. And compliance and safety
may require the use of advanced automation in order to drive
any change to the physical world. At one company that deals
with equipment related to natural gas incidents, some 5,000
logic conditions must be checked before any change can be
made to the environment. Managing change at that scale and
level of detail requires advanced automation because omitting
a step could quite literally result in an ­explosion.

1. The document describing the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture is
58 pages long at this writing, and is well worth reading and studying. Go to to download the latest version.
2. The International Society of Automation (ISA) offers certification and train-
ing in cybersecurity for the Industrial Internet through its IEC 62443 pro-
gram. Visit to learn more.
3. The term data center has a great deal of flexibility when it comes to the edge.
The edge might be in motion: on a locomotive or aircraft. In such cases, all
data collected is stored at the edge, at least temporarily.

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Digital Twins

Digital Twins are dynamic digital representations for modeling

assets, systems, and processes to learn from the past, under-
stand the present, and predict the future to achieve improved
business outcomes. Most of the time the goal in creating a
Digital Twin is to predict and optimize the performance of
machines that play a crucial role in a business.
Each of those machines or “things” is designed for the
average case and for potential extremes, but after a machine
leaves the factory, just as with nature versus nurture for human
beings, things change. It’s why car manufacturers say that your
mileage may vary (YMMV). The Digital Twin gives insights
into the longitudinal study of nature and how the environment
and maintenance (or lack thereof) impact a specific machine or
component. By creating a model of a thing as-manufactured
and adding to that all the available data about the use and
operating conditions of that thing over time, you can craft a
Digital Twin of a given asset and use that Digital Twin to drive
specific business outcomes.
Some of the earliest and most sophisticated examples of
Digital Twins come from aviation where the stakes are high.

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44 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Preventing loss of life from errors in aircraft maintenance has

made the aviation industry the leader in preventative and
predictive maintenance processes. Digital Twins are used to
model wear and tear on parts in complex systems such as jet
engines and landing gear. By using sensors to collect data
about engine performance and the surrounding environment,
models based on physics and materials science can predict
the wear on parts and provide clarity about what needs fixing
when. The models are based on takeoffs, climbs, cruises, and
landings in dusty deserts and in snow, ice, and subzero con-
ditions with various levels of pollution. These Digital Twins
have increased safety, saved money, and reduced unexpected
flight delays due to maintenance problems.
One of the key skills for IIoT developers is to understand
how to build Digital Twins and put them to work when cre-
ating applications. This is what this chapter is about, from a
practical perspective. When doing so though, remember that
there is no standard definition of a Digital Twin. Different com-
panies define and use the concept in different ways.
In addition, a lot of research and innovation is taking place,
so both the theory and practice of Digital Twins are moving
forward at a rapid pace. But that’s pretty much true in every
exciting area of technology.
GE Aviation uses Digital Twins to monitor more than
35,000 engines. The Digital Twins can find out what is normal
for each engine and how conditions affect wear and tear. With
this data GE has created an Analytics Based Maintenance pro-
gram for the engines on the Boeing 777 (see Figure 3-1).

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Chapter 3: Digital Twins 45

Figure 3-1. A Digital Twin generates critical data.

The Digital Twins in this program exhibit many of most

interesting aspects of Digital Twin-based applications:
• Massive amounts of data about the context for each
engine and its sensors are stored for each engine.
• Analytics extract important signals and generate
insights from time series data.
• It uses virtual sensors. Jet engines have a limited
number of physical sensors. For example, the GE90
engine has only 14 sensors. Physics models are used to
estimate various virtual sensors to get insights.
• Models for helping predict wear and tear and other
problems were created based on an understanding of
the physics governing wear on parts caused by sand,
pollution, and extreme temperatures.
• Predictive models were developed by combining
­physics-based insights with machine-learning techniques.
• One Digital Twin supports a variety of applications.

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46 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Digital Twins play a central role in the IIoT because they

provide a foundation for reuse and containment of complexity.
Digital Twins can be simple or extremely intricate. The chal-
lenge for developers is to understand what they do, how they
are constructed, and how they are supported by platforms and
ecosystems so that developers can use them as an architectural
component when they imagine applications.
As the rest of this chapter will show, Digital Twins are a
powerful foundation for a wide variety of scenarios for auto-
mation and optimization.

The Anatomy of a Digital Twin

In one sense, Digital Twins are complex models that combine
data, analytics, domain knowledge, and various software
capabilities to create applications that can do amazing things.
But in practice, software, especially in the manufacturing and
OT realm, has used such complex models for decades.
The big deal about the Digital Twin is the awareness that
this model should have a life of its own. In previous genera-
tions of applications, the models, the data, and the software
were tightly bound and in effect trapped inside applications.
They weren’t intended for wider reuse. Michael Grieves, who
coined the term, calls a Digital Twin “the idea that a digital
informational construct about a physical system could be cre-
ated as an entity on its own.” Think of Digital Twins as object-
oriented programming for the IIoT.  Instead of trapping the
model and associated functionality inside an application, it’s
loosely coupled: You create it explicitly as a reusable object.
One of the reasons that the models in older generations
of applications stayed trapped is that there was no coherent
structure for the model, the data, and the associated func-
tionality. In other words, there was no formal class definition.

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Chapter 3: Digital Twins 47

Digital Twins create the most value when they come to life as
reusable components typically controlled by RESTful APIs that
can power many applications.
Enough work has been done on Digital Twins that early
patterns for their anatomy are starting to emerge. In most
cases, Digital Twins capture three aspects of the devices they
are paired with: the structure, context, and behavior.

The mission of a Digital Twin is to make a physical system
work better. So, to do its job, the Digital Twin must reflect the
structure of the device in a useful way and change as the physi-
cal device does, either because of wear or maintenance.
The starting point for most Digital Twins is to create a
model of the physical asset. The granularity and scope of the
model of the physical world varies widely based on the way
that the device works and the opportunities for optimization.
In many cases, aspects of the physical systems are ignored or
greatly simplified because such detail won’t help. In some
cases, when important information can be harvested, a Digital
Twin might be a detailed model of just one subsystem.
Here are a few examples showing the range of models:
• For a wind turbine, you might have a digital representa-
tion of the blades, the gearbox, the controller, and the
pin that holds the construct up.
• The models of the jet engines focused on six crucial
parts out of thousands. It isn’t uncommon for a Digital
Twin to focus on the single most crucial part in a device.
• It’s also possible for a Digital Twin to focus on multiple
devices, such as a set of pumps working together to keep
a flow of liquid going, or even a whole plant or assembly
line. In this case, the system is being optimized.

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48 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Much of the modeling of Digital Twins involved gathering

data from sensors that provide data about individual parts of
the system or about the inputs and outputs of the system.
In addition, domain experts often play a crucial role in con-
structing Digital Twins. Sensor data, for example, may mea-
sure temperature, vibration, and other aspects of the system.
But that data, when combined with models based on physics,
can reveal much more about the operation of the system and of
the state of parts that may not have sensors directly on them.
The simplest domain models measure aspects like wear and
tear. A tire on a landing gear or metal parts wear out a bit each
flight, sometimes at an accelerating rate based on conditions.
A domain model using physics and materials science gov-
erning aspects such as wear and tear can keep track of just
how worn out a part is. In the aviation example, physics and
materials science models created by domain experts show that
the parts wear out faster when flying through air with high
levels of pollutants. More advanced models measure oxidation
and spallation due to high temperatures or external pollutants.
Of course, the model of the structure also has a history of
the sensor readings so that the system can be monitored over
time and analytics can be ­performed.

It’s important to realize that almost every Digital Twin model
also tracks the key conditions that affect the operation of the
system. In the jet engine example, temperature and other exter-
nal conditions are tracked just as sensors from the device are.
In addition, in most OT environments, a multitude of other
systems in play such as ERP, MES, historians, PLC and DCS
systems, and so on can provide additional, rich detail.
Of course, doing all of this can entail a massive data inte-
gration problem that requires knowledge of protocols and data

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Chapter 3: Digital Twins 49

formats. But that’s what IIoT platforms are for, right? Digital
Twins as implemented in Predix often use a graph repository
for asset structure, a relational database (RDBMS) for track-
ing contextual metadata, and a time series repository for the
streaming data from sensors.
Machine learning and AI have added powerful elements
to the creation of context for Digital Twins. These techniques
make it possible to automatically or semi-automatically inte-
grate and correlate fiendishly complex industrial data, includ-
ing all the streams of sensor data. Machine learning and AI also
make it possible to monitor dozens, hundreds, or even more
data sources to determine if any key signals are correlated
with important events. Machine learning enables the creation
of better models using advanced techniques for model discov-
ery. Machine learning and AI have enabled multiple modes of
learning for Digital Twins. These Digital Twins can learn from
peers, humans, historical context, and simulations.

A Digital Twin also has methods, that is, code serving a vari-
ety of functions, which are sometimes referred to by these
umbrella term behaviors:
• Reporting and analytics are the most common starting
point for Digital Twin behaviors. Making sense of the
data is often the first step to figuring out what else to
build and how to build it.
• Predictive models are the way that many early Digital
Twin projects have succeeded. But the rich collection of
time series data that most Digital Twins assemble pro-
vides fertile ground for predictive models of all sorts
that achieve many kinds of optimizations. The predic-
tions are compared to actual results so that the models
can be improved on a continual basis.

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50 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

• Simulation and optimization capabilities can use com-

binations of multiple predictive models to run what-if
analysis and generate optimal strategies to operate and
maintain assets and facilities.
• Process control capabilities provide ways to control the
asset. Methods on the Digital Twin can be connected in
a secure way to controllers at the edge so that behavior
can be controlled. Through such controls, dynamic opti-
mizations can be achieved, and systems with feedback
loops that optimize themselves can be created.
• APIs can allow the Digital Twin’s capabilities to be
accessed by other systems or Digital Twins.
These are all of the moving parts of a Digital Twin. The
next section explains how to create such a Digital Twin and
who is involved in the process.

Why I left eBay for the IIoT

“My last two jobs have been in ecommerce and end user cus-
tomer facing; I had no industrial background.
“The primary driver for me was data and analytics. Data is
growing, and there are a lot of new developments like AI and
machine learning.
“The area that clicked for me was a use case about building a
data lake to do predictive analytics on aviation. We collected
data from aircraft sensors and by analyzing this data, we were
able to identify that aircraft that travel certain routes such as to
Egypt or the Middle East require maintenance more frequently.
We achieved a huge win by focusing only on the aircraft flying
routes that require extra maintenance.”
Shamla Soans

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Chapter 3: Digital Twins 51

Building a Digital Twin

The level of interest in Digital Twins has spawned a rapidly
growing collection of development tools and platforms to
make it easier to build and deploy them. More than likely new
experts will write books about each of these offerings. Our task
is simply to describe the steps in the process of designing and
creating a Digital Twin so that a developer encountering any of
these tools will know what needs to be done.
Keep in mind the analogy between Digital Twins and
object-oriented programming.
• A Digital Twin is like a class. A Digital Twin starts out
as a generic expression of the structure of an asset: a
piece of equipment, a part, or a system of many pieces
of equipment. In this sense, a Digital Twin is like the
platonic ideal of a device, like a class in object-oriented
programming. At this point, the Digital Twin is in its
as-manufactured state.
• A Digital Twin is an instance. The generic Digital Twin
is brought to life to track a specific piece of equipment.
In effect, an instance of the Digital Twin is created from
the class, the generic description. The copy of the Digital
Twin takes on a life of its own that is all about tracking
and understanding what is happening with a specific
device, in the case of aviation, an engine or landing gear.

The Digital Twin works this way:

• The class for a Digital Twin is created to
describe a device.

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52 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

• The instance for a specific Digital Twin is created from

the class definition.
• The instance is bound to the device, so that data flow-
ing off the device comes to a repository connected to the
Digital Twin.
In addition, the Digital Twin can be enriched with data
from other sources that adds context to the device’s operations,
such as weather data.
Saying that a Digital Twin is a reusable object implies that it
exists in one place. However, like IIoT applications themselves,
Digital Twins can exist in the cloud, on the edge, or distributed
across both. IIoT application teams can decide which of these
options makes the most sense for the business outcomes the
Digital Twin is designed to support.
Much of the application code added to a Digital Twin has to
do with ingesting, storing, and managing data at scale. Usually
platform services help provide needed data management and
support for machine learning on data. Another large portion
of the application code added to a Digital Twin has to do with
processing the data to do analytics and reporting, to apply
advanced techniques such as machine learning and physics
modeling, and to create predictive models. Depending on the
type of twin being built, some of this code may be in the twin,
and some of it may be in the applications built on the twin.
Twins are built to be used by other applications. For this
reason the data and functionality of the twin is available
through RESTful APIs and other forms of integration such as
message queues that are appropriate for the types of applica-
tions that are supported. Again, much of the code to support
integration is usually provided by the platform that supports
Digital Twin development and operation.
So, with this high level description of how to create a
Digital Twin in mind, these sections dive a little deeper into a
few key areas.
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Chapter 3: Digital Twins 53

Creating the asset model

The level of detail in the asset model of a Digital Twin can vary
widely depending on the mission of the Digital Twin and the
nature of the physical device.
The goal of the asset model is to provide a foundation for
organizing the data, the analytics, and the application func-
tionality that will provide the value of the Digital Twin.
At the most detailed end of the spectrum are Digital Twins
that start with the sort of hyperaccurate models imported from
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems used in prod-
uct development. These models, which were used for debug-
ging the design and creating specifications for parts before the
physical device existed, are usually overkill for a variety of
reasons. Some subsystems aren’t controllable, don’t provide
useful information, and don’t have parts that wear out that
often. These systems can be treated like a black box or ignored.
Most Digital Twins don’t need a complete Bill of Materials–
based model of every part but rather the most important parts.
Often these models are represented in graph databases so that
the relationships between the parts are clear and the structure
can be adapted as the asset model develops.
Graph databases track relationships between entities.
Graph structures are intuitive and easily sketched on a white-
board. An asset and its parts can be drawn using a graph struc-
ture (for example, this assembly includes the following parts
and components). Graph databases can model data at any
level of detail required. A jet engine with thousands of moving
parts can be represented as a graph, as can the simplest wheel
assembly with only one or two parts.
RDBMSs are made up of tables that consist of rows and
columns. Although such databases are important for many
applications, they aren’t very good at modeling highly con-
nected data. Additionally, the schema for RDBMSs is difficult

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54 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

to change without breaking associated applications. Graph

data structures can be changed on an as-needed basis.
The asset model for a Digital Twin is often modeled in an
as-manufactured state, at the level of detail currently required
(because of the flexibility of graph data structures, detail can
be added later if desired). The asset model is then inherited by
or copied to the individual Digital Twin instance, where it’s
enriched with data about that particular machine and its history.
Some Digital Twins have a larger scope and focus on an
entire plant or an assembly line. In such cases, the data for
the Digital Twin with a larger scope, say, an assembly line,
might incorporate data from Digital Twins that represent each
machine in that assembly line.
In addition to the structure of the asset, metadata about
each part may be captured, such as information from the Bill
of Materials, the date of install, links to other service records,
and notes from technicians or operators relating to the part.
Depending on the implementation, the metadata may be
stored in the graph database or in a companion repository.

Creating the data collection model

The data collection model brings the asset model to life, adorn-
ing it with evidence that is the raw ingredient for creating value.
In most Digital Twins, sensor data that is tightly bound
to the asset is the star of the show. This data is commonly a
large volume of time series data that is being collected from
the physical half of the twin.
The first task is to store this data as it arrives. There can
be a lot of it from a variety of sensors. Most Digital Twin plat-
forms provide robust services for capturing and storing data
and for processing it as a stream.
But then, in a process similar to a data warehouse, the data
must be massaged into meaningful units for use in analytics
and in application coding. These semantic models can become
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Chapter 3: Digital Twins 55

quite ornate and can be represented in time series, RDBMS,

graph, or JSON formats. Platform services generally provide
ways to use all of these sorts of repositories.
Here’s where things get even trickier. The volume of data
is such that it often doesn’t make sense to store all of certain
types of data in the cloud. It’s vital that developers can choose
to process some data at the edge and only bring what is needed
to the cloud. For this reason, Digital Twins rely on platform
services that are aware of the distributed processing patterns
needed to make Digital Twins work.
Another point to keep in mind is that the task of build-
ing the data model overlaps with the job of creating analytics
and predictive models. Analytic functions are often used to
clean data, remove outliers, and perform statistics that make
the data cleaner and more meaningful. Machine learning rou-
tines, domain rules, and physics models may be used for the
same purposes.
The data model also must be able to store the context data,
which can be about the conditions such as weather or tempera-
ture at which the device is operating, or other information such
as the products being processed by equipment or other infor-
mation from MES, ERP, work order and maintenance manage-
ment systems, or other systems. This data is vital to creating a
full picture of the operation of a device.

Creating the analytics

The analytics in a Digital Twin range from the most basic forms
of reporting to advanced machine learning and AI.
Analytics can be created from scratch in most Digital Twin
environments by using languages such as R, Python, or Java.
But much of the use of analytics is driven by reusable analytics
services that perform all sorts of functions from data clean-
ing to application of physics to execution of machine learning
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56 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

One of the more challenging aspects of analytics is bring-

ing in the domain experts to enhance the core models with
knowledge of the physics or mechanical engineering princi-
ples of the physical twins. With this knowledge, the amount of
information that can come from a sensor can be supplemented.
Numerous virtual sensors can be placed in a Digital Twin based
on principles of physics, enabling sensor data to be inferred
and gathered from places in the twin such as a combustion
chamber where real sensors couldn’t withstand the heat.
In a real sense, a Digital Twin is a learning system. Platform
services that automate learning via machine learning and AI
are especially helpful for analyzing Digital Twin data.

For a developer webinar, tutorials, and a starter kit

on GitHub, see

Creating the predictive models

Predictive models help a twin optimize performance and
improve maintenance and also allow twins to become learn-
ing systems. Making predictions and then comparing them to
actual data can improve models.
Behavior and characteristics of physical assets change with
time due to aging, operational mode changes, maintenance
activities, repair and hardware upgrades, and so on. Therefore,
continuously adapting these predictive models, asset models,
and knowledge models is essential. These models can be
improved in a variety of ways, including directly by human
intervention or through machine learning using knowledge
gained from the fleet, from similar systems, or from simulations.
Predictive models can be created from scratch, use pre-
built models and templates, or utilize machine learning to
discover models. In most Digital Twin platforms, creating
libraries of advanced analytics is possible. Predictive models

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Chapter 3: Digital Twins 57

are stored and made reusable as part of these libraries. In this

way, generic techniques for creating models or for applying
models from physics, materials science, or other domains can
become a starting point for development of predictive models.

Creating the application services

Application services must be able to knit together everything a
Digital Twin has to offer and also employ, as needed, a collec-
tion of platform services. Again, both the application code and
the platform services must be aware of the distributed nature
of the IIoT and support code that runs in the cloud or on the
edge. Characterizing what might be in an application service is
difficult. Often services support analytics or data management.
If it turns out that all applications are creating a similar service,
it might make sense to move that service to the twin.
Most of the time, the Digital Twin development envi-
ronments are polyglot, allowing a variety of programming
languages to be used. In addition, platform services for API
management, identity, security, encryption, and other aspects
of creating OT-ready applications must be available.

The IIoT will transform the way

we work and live
“I have always loved working with emerging technology and
using it to find creative ways to solve business problems. It was
only natural to move to the Industrial Internet as it allows me to
be at the center of a space that will transform the way we work
and live.”
John Andrechak

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58 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Fostering reuse
One of the results of the success of the jet engine Digital Twin
program was an increased appetite for creating more Digital
Twins for different parts of the aircraft and for enhancing the
capabilities of those that proved successful. This desire shined
a spotlight on the issue of increasing developer productivity.
The Digital Twins used in the jet engine program took an
average of twenty-five weeks to build and deploy. By work-
ing with a platform that supports reuse, GE Aviation hopes to
reduce that time to six weeks.
Accelerating development of Digital Twins requires a plat-
form that performs the same sort of functions seen in other
development domains. The key is to create infrastructure ser-
vices and other components that support a division of labor
among all of the needed participants.

Putting Digital Twins to Work

As stated at the beginning of this chapter, the simple idea of
creating a Digital Twin of a physical device, like everything
else, gets complicated when you face the task of bringing it to
life. The OT requirements of the IIoT, the need to manage com-
munication, transfer of data, and distribution of capabilities
between the cloud and the edge, only make things more chal-
lenging. And finally, the large number of skills needed to make
a high quality Digital Twin work in a real-world environment
is yet another hurdle.
But at the end of the day, when have developers ever been
turned away by a challenge?

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Creating Your IIoT

A GE team started thinking about what it could do to make

power plants more efficient. The team found a thermal camera
attachment for an iPhone that could generate thermal images
quicker, more efficiently, and less expensively than existing
technologies. They hopped a plane to do some field research
with a power plant operator in Atlanta, who told them about
all the critical parts of the power plant he wanted to monitor
for heat loss but couldn’t.
The plant manager showed them thousands of yards of pipes
across the plant; the seams on those pipes could be leaking steam,
reducing plant efficiency. The team used what they learned to
create an app at a Predix hackathon (and they won). The app
detects heat loss anomalies by combining machine learning on
sets of images with field engineers’ expertise to classify those
images. The excitement generated by creating the IIoT app so
quickly garnered attention. The team pivoted and was able to
create a Thermal Imaging Tool for Anomaly Notification (TITAN)
in just six weeks. The first power plant operator who used TITAN
identified steam leaks that, when fixed, save that facility $50,000
a year.1


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60 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Building an App: What and Why

Ideas for IIoT applications may come from anywhere, but they
start with a business objective. Using outcome-based design,
you begin with the end in mind. The process may or may not
start with an idea for a specific app, but it definitely starts
with an objective. That objective might be to improve safety,
increase production output, reduce energy consumption, cut
costs, provide new products and services, or drive greater
operational efficiency. For TITAN, the goal was to improve
energy efficiency in power plants. What kinds of outcomes are
you looking to drive with your application?

Getting Everyone in the Room

After you zero in on the goal for your IIoT app, you’re ready to
work. Not so fast. IIoT applications aren’t usually solo efforts.2
Teams build IIoT applications for other teams. To develop
the app, bring the design lead, the engineering lead, and the
product management lead in the same room to create a shared
mindset around the app. Plus, with that many people in the
room, someone may bring doughnuts.
A team that drives an IIoT app may include a diverse
• Executives: They have been driving efficiency for years,
and they have deep knowledge of both how the busi-
ness runs and (usually) of the OT world.
• Domain experts: These experts from industrial engi-
neers to field engineers can tell you where they have
problems to resolve. (Some of them may become citizen
developers3 and start creating apps themselves.)

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Chapter 4: Creating Your IIoT Application 61

Joining an IIoT data science team

“I recognized that the Industrial Internet has the capacity to
transform how the world does business in the era of big data,
machine learning, and massively scalable cloud computing.
After seventeen years in the aerospace industry, I joined a data
science team with a glint in my eye, eager to do my bit toward
the digital industrial revolution.”
Girish Modgil

• Full stack developers: They can leverage the strengths

of a platform and fill in gaps and business logic for your
application (that may be you!).
• User experience (UX) designers: They can bring screen
designs to life, make the user interface work well, and
optimize the app for mobile devices where needed.

If Ralph and his people don’t like the app, they won’t use
it. That’s right—you can’t forget Ralph, with his 40 years of
OT experience. You could pull Ralph away from his pumps
and get him in the meeting, but you’ll also need to go to him.

Going to the Field

To design effective IIoT apps, your team needs to take a close
look at the particular challenges industrial users face. Consider
users who climb power poles to fix transformers, users who
wear work gloves and can’t readily access touch screens, users
whose connectivity is intermittent or at dial-up speeds, and
users working on remote oil platforms. You’ll need to take the

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62 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

team to see Ralph in his environment to determine what type

of app he needs and what type of device that app will run
on. You’ll also need to determine where the analytics need to
happen: can the analytics run in the cloud or does Ralph need
contextual analytics on edge data so he can make a decision
This is where field research comes in. It’s hard to imagine
crawling through a power plant wiring controllers, working
as a parking enforcement officer doling out parking tickets in
a big city, or flying by helicopter to spend weeks on remote oil
platforms in the middle of the ocean. A large part of design-
ing IIoT applications requires understanding where those apps
will be used and who will use them. And for your team that
just might mean, as it has for some of the developers I know,
getting certified to survive helicopter crashes in the middle of
the ocean as part of the app design process.

Processes and Workflows

Most successful IIoT applications support processes and
workflows and have a strong collaboration component. Your
development team doesn’t just take the data from a machine
on the edge, flow it into the cloud, run complex analytics, and
say, “Poof, here’s a 2 percent productivity gain. Enjoy.” Often
there’s one more step: helping the users of the app collaborate
to make a decision, which then results in that 2 percent pro-
ductivity gain.
An app might provide users with intelligence about a
downward trend in the performance of a piece of equipment.
At this point, because teams and not single individuals own
almost all industrial work, the app needs to provide access to

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Chapter 4: Creating Your IIoT Application 63

collaboration tools so that the users can start to cross-correlate

other data sets, reach out to other subject matter experts,
and  ping people in the field. That collaboration drives the
Designing IIoT apps often involves more systems design
than mockups of user interfaces. When you look around at
the artifacts that UX designers create to support such applica-
tions, you’ll find at least as many process diagrams that outline
workflows and the relationships between people, machines,
and systems as you will design mockups for the UI.

Designing for a Different World

In most industrial contexts, the role of the UX designer has
been underappreciated and underemphasized. Design think-
ing is even more critical for creating an effective user experi-
ence for IIoT apps, whose environments and users may differ
As you develop your IIoT app, you’ll want to learn about
what’s different in the OT world, compared to the world where
traditional business or consumer apps function, as Table 4-1
outlines. You’re no longer in Kansas: all those things you take
for granted are wrong.

IIoT Applications: Edge Versus Cloud

An important consideration when architecting IIoT applica-
tions is where the work of the application will be done: will
your app run at the edge or in the cloud?

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64 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Table 4-1. Traditional app versus IIoT app assumptions

Traditional App IIoT App

Uniform lighting in Yes. Lighting isn’t a given. May be
work environment intensely lit (think operating
room), dim, or even dark.
Temperature, noise, Assumes fairly Can vary significantly in terms
and pollution levels constant human of temperature, humidity, par-
friendly environment ticulates in the air, loud noises,
found in office distractions.
buildings (AC in
summer, heat in
Connectivity High speed Internet, Poor or intermittent connectiv-
always on. ity and near dial-up speed.
Sometimes no connectivity:
middle of the ocean, in the air.
Data signal to noise Typically high Voluminous data, multiple
ratio signal. sources to correlate, low signal.
You know what Yes. Not necessarily. Rare to get one
you’re looking for clear signal saying a pump is
about to fail. Instead you cor-
relate and parse a lot of opaque
data that, taken together,
points to a future failure.
Stakes for failure Invoice goes out Airplane crashes. Equipment
late. moves unexpectedly, putting
Facebook or FitBit worker safety at risk.

With some applications, you have a choice about whether

to run them on the edge or in the cloud. But often the charac-
teristics of the application, the data it uses, the availability of
the network, and whether it drives action at the edge become
factors in architecting your application. Some of the elements
to consider include the following:
• Internet connection: Is it wired, wireless, wireline,
intermittent satellite, cellular, data, or none at all? If the

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Chapter 4: Creating Your IIoT Application 65

connection is unreliable or costly, analyzing data in the

cloud won’t make sense. When a machine needs to be
shut down immediately, you can’t afford to wait.
• Data gravity: If the optimization requires high fidelity
data or mission critical analytics and must run with or
without Internet, the app should run at the edge.
• Control of physical hardware: Any app that runs phys-
ical machines should be run at the edge.
• Cloud-based data sources: Is edge data being combined
with other data sources in the cloud? In such cases, ana-
lyzing the data in the cloud makes sense.
• Real time versus batch: Cloud analytics are likely to
be done as a batch. Real time analytics are possible
on the edge.

IIoT Application Development:

A Basic Checklist
Your application will have an extremely specific industrial con-
text. This chapter is written to a broad audience. The checklist
in Figure 4-1 outlines some areas to consider as you develop
your application.
Security is a foundational topic for IIoT applications. It’s mul-
tilayered (see Chapter 2) and best provided by platform services.
Security isn’t a checklist item; it requires a detailed analysis.

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66 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Figure 4-1. IIoT application checklist.

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Chapter 4: Creating Your IIoT Application 67

Microservices and IIoT Apps

Developers of IIoT apps can and should take advantage of
as  many modern software development techniques as pos-
sible. Although it’s true that the lifespan of OT equipment is
measured in decades, it’s equally true that you want to leverage
the latest IT developments as much as possible. One consistent
theme in modern software architecture is the principle of loose
coupling—that each component depends on others to the least
extent possible. There’s a strong argument that loose coupling
is even more important in IIoT applications than in most other
environments. You want to be able to use the latest analytics,
DevOps, microservices, containers, and cloud and persistence
stores without impacting the underlying infrastructure.
Rather than building IIoT applications as one large code-
base, breaking them down into smaller, more independent pro-
cesses, or microservices, offers multiple benefits:
• The services themselves become easier to update
and replace.
• Services can be organized around capabilities, such as
front-end user interface, maintenance scheduling, logis-
tics, data management, analytics, intelligent environ-
ments, geospatial, mobile, and so on.
• Services can be implemented using different program-
ming languages, making them hardware and software
agnostic, so you can use the language that fits best.

You don’t realize these benefits unless you have an under-

lying platform that manages dependencies for you. As one
example, Predix leverages the manifest/app binding mecha-
nism in Cloud Foundry for this reason, which enables the use
of microservices at scale. Using such a platform, microservices

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68 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

can be connected using language-agnostic APIs that can be

integrated, updated, and reused, decoupled from code.
Multiple approaches to evaluating and using microservices
are available.
• Build and reuse. Microservices offer building block–
style functionality for creating IIoT applications. If you
create your application using microservices that can be
repurposed, you make building your next application
easier than your first. Over time, you and your team
increase the number of reusable building blocks, which
reduces the time for building subsequent applications.
• Buy versus build. If you’re using an IIoT platform that
offers microservices, app development includes look-
ing at existing services and deciding which to use and
which to build yourself to fill any gaps.
• Buy and adapt versus build. In many cases, platform
microservices may do most of what you need them to
do. You can then make your own version of the micro­
service, tailoring it to the needs of your application.
• Build and share. The microservices you build for your
IIoT application may represent capabilities that others
outside your organization can use as well. Some IIoT
platforms enable you to add your microservices to the
platform so that others can use them.

Build an App from Wing to Wing:

Full-Stack Code vs. Low Code
There are two approaches to coding IIoT applications:
• Coding using traditional development languages such
as Go, Java, C/C++, Python, and so on
• Low code using visual development environments
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Chapter 4: Creating Your IIoT Application 69

Coding an IIoT app requires a wide range of skills in deal-

ing with complex industrial data, as described in Chapter 2.
Numerous tradeoffs have been identified in this chapter, but
there is no substitute for experience and working with tuto-
rials to develop and hone your skills. See
iiot-for-developers for numerous resources. Using a purpose-
built platform accelerates IIoT app development considerably,
enabling developers to take advantage of platform services for
security, data management, analytics, and more.
Low code offers an approach that leverages the power of an
underlying platform that handles much of the work for devel-
opers and those with domain expertise who may lack coding
expertise. Such an approach expands the number of partici-
pants in application development, empowers citizen develop-
ers, and offers improved time-to-value for IIoT applications.
Low code isn’t a new idea; the approach traces its roots to
the fourth-generation languages and rapid application devel-
opment environments of the 1990s and 2000s. What is new
about today’s approaches is the desire to abstract the underly-
ing complexity of industrial data, which is parsed using artifi-
cial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, and automation.

Why I left independent software

consulting for the IIoT
“I was a consultant for seventeen years running my own busi-
ness. Working on IIoT software attracted me because it’s a once-
in-a-lifetime chance to bring important change to all the aspects
of life that we take for granted: healthcare, power generation,
transportation, and more.”
Tom Turner

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70 Industrial Internet of Things for Developers

Low code not only refers to how applications are written

but also to how industrial data sources are cleansed and inte-
grated. The less work it takes to ingest massive industrial data,
relate it, tag it, and make it searchable by everyone who needs
access to data, the better. Some low-code approaches remove
the burden of coding ETL scripts as a means of ingesting data.
Sophisticated automated data ingestion, organization, and
exploration capabilities in low code environments may appeal
to full stack developers and low code developers alike.

What Will You Build?

The last few years have seen the rise of new development
paradigms, with microservices, containers, automation, and
orchestration. New techniques and platforms for handling
data science, machine learning, and AI on multiple types of
databases and on streaming data arrive in a steady flow. But
the real-world applications of these techniques and their abil-
ity to impact physical systems are often lacking.
Developers are needed to write the applications that will
drive the world forward. Will you build an ecommerce rec-
ommendation system or write code that reduces energy con-
sumption, improves healthcare outcomes, prevents natural gas
explosions, and drives positive environmental impact? I hope,
after reading this book, that you’ll be inspired to begin build-
ing applications for the Industrial Internet.

1. Contact the TITAN app team (John Andrechak, Andy Cash, Girish Modgil,
and Paul Park) at
2. Most apps need a team. But as mentioned in Chapter 1, industrial data has
been trapped for a long time, and there are many simple use cases that repre-
sent low-hanging fruit. If you have an idea that falls in this category, go for it.
3. See

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