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Sample Skills Inventory

Major Accounting Career Interests Tax

Tax Law
This is provided as an example to illustrate how your inventory may look. However, each individual will
develop skills across varying experiences and thus it is important for you to identify the skills necessary to be
successful in this chosen career.
Skill Gained via ("x")

Global Experential
Skill EXAMPLES Opportunities WHERE you Can Develop Skill Leadership Curriculum
Perspective Learning

General Skills to Develop…

Leadership: Persuasion Career Leadership Academy, Student Orgs X X
Leadership: Creating Ideas Work, Student Orgs, Career Leadership Academy X X
Conflict Management 6J:048 Intro to Management, Work, Classroom experiences X X X
Customer Service Work, Student Orgs x x
Working with others of different
Community Service, Intramurals X X X
Career Specific Skills to Develop…
Tax return preperation VITA, 6A:133 Intro to Taxation X X X
Understanding of tax laws VITA, 6A:133, 6J:047 Intro to Law X X X
Explaining complex materials to those that do not
VITA, 6A:133 X X X
Selling Ideas/items (sales) Classroom, Student Orgs X X
Writing accounting reports & written
6A:131 Inc Meas & Asset Val, 6A:132 Valuation Fin Claims X
communication skills
Teach/Instruct others VITA, tutoring peers, work X X X
Budgeting Work, student organizations X X
Auditing procedures 6A:144 Auditing X
Ability to read & prepare financial statements 6A:001 Intro to Fin Acctg, 6A:131, 6A:132, Internship X X
Presentation skills Foundations of Business, Classroom, Student Orgs X X
Math/logical thinking 22M: 017, 6A:001, Math courses X
Analytical thinking 6A:131, 132, Science courses X X
Computer skills (Excel, Word, Access, Publisher, tax
preperation software, etc) 6K:070 Computer Analysis, VITA, Work, Internship X X X
Knowledge of Accounting/Tax Software (Intuit,
CCH ProSystem fx TAX, Summit Software, etc.) Internships, Work X X
Law and Government 6J:047 Intro to Law, 030:140 Government & Politics of Europe X X

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