voter Information: Note 1: This Output Is Computer Generated and Is Provided Only For The Information To The Voter

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मतदाता सू चना/Voter Information

रा य/State Odisha

िवधान सभा िनव चन े /Assembly Morada


नाम/Name େଗାପିନାଥ ସିଂ

Gopinath Singh

लग/Gender M

पहचान प मांक /EPIC No UZG0958355

िपता/पित का नाम/Father's/Husband's ରବିନଦ୍ ସିଂ

Rabindra Singh

भाग सं या/Part Number 239

भाग का नाम/Part Name Khunta I

मतदाता मांक /Serial No 228

मतदान क /Polling Station Khunta UPS (N)

मतदान की तारीख /Polling Date 29/ 04/ 2019

मुि त ितिथ/Printed On 7/18/2019 2:17:04 PM

Note 1 : This output is computer generated and is provided only for the information to the voter.

Note 2 : This is not an identity document.

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