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I-sand: an alternative of natural sand

I-sand: Replacement of Natural Sand


Cement, sand and aggregate are essential needs for any construction industry. Sand is a major
material used for preparation of mortar and concrete and plays a most key role in mix design. In
general consumption of natural sand is high, due to the large use of concrete and mortar. Hence
the demand of natural sand is very high in developing countries to satisfy the rapid infrastructure
growth. The developing country like India facing shortage of excellent quality natural sand and
particularly in India, natural sand deposits are being used up and causing serious threat to
environment as well as the society. Rapid extraction of sand from river bed causing so many
problems like losing water retaining soil strata, deepening of the river beds and causing bank
slides, loss of vegetation on the bank of rivers, disturbs the aquatic life as well as disturbs
agriculture due to lowering the water table in the well etc. are some of the examples. The heavy
exploitation of river sand for construction purposes in Sri Lanka has led to various harmful
problems. Options for various river sand alternatives, such as offshore sand, quarry dust and
filtered sand have also been made. Physical as well as chemical properties of fine aggregate
affect the durability, workability and strength of concrete, so fine aggregate is a most important
constituent of concrete and cement mortar.
Generally, river sand or pit sand is used as fine aggregate in mortar and concrete. Together fine
and coarse aggregate make about 75- 80 % of total volume of concrete and hence it is very
important to fine suitable type and excellent quality aggregate nearby site. Recently natural sand
is becoming a very costly material because of its demand in the construction industry due to this
condition research began for cheap and easily available alternative material to natural sand.
Some alternatives materials have already been used as a replacement of natural sand such as fly-
ash, quarry dust or limestone and siliceous stone powder, filtered sand, copper slag are used in
concrete and mortar mixtures as a partial or full replacement of natural sand. Even though
offshore sand is used in many countries such as the UK, Sri Lanka, Continental Europe, India
and Singapore, most of the records regarding use of this alternative found mainly as a lesser
extent of practice in the construction field.
Now a day’s sustainable infrastructural growth requires the alternative material that should
satisfy technical requisites of fine aggregate as well as it should be available locally with large


I-sand: an alternative of natural sand

2. Literature review:

I-sand: An environment friendly alternative to river sand in Reinforced

Cement Concrete constructions:

Iron slag (I-sand) generated as a by-product in iron and steel industries, is usually disposed by
delivering to landfills. Effective utilization of iron slag in reinforced concrete could be an
interesting method for the waste disposal with the added advantage of conservation of natural
resources and as an economically viable alternative. This paper examines this possibility of
preparing Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) using I-sand with physical properties like those of
RCC using natural sand as fine aggregate. Detailed systematic investigations of the mechanical,
chemical and physical properties of I-sand in comparison with that of river sand in RCC were
performed. The test results indicated that it is possible to prepare Reinforced Cement Concrete
(RCC) using I-sand with physical properties like those of RCC using natural sand as fine

Crushed Rock Sand-An economic and ecological alternative to natural sand to optimize
concrete mix:

The study investigates the use of crushed rock sand as viable alternative to Natural River sand
that is being conventionally used as fine aggregate in cement concrete. Various mix designs were
developed for different grades of concrete based on IS, ACI and British codes using Natural
River sand and crushed rock sand. In each case, the cube compressive strength test, and beam
flexure tests were conducted. The results of the study show that, the strength properties of
concrete using crushed rock sand are nearly like the conventional concrete. The study has shown
that crushed stone sand can be used as economic and readily available alternative to river sand
and can therefore help to arrest the detrimental effects on the environment caused due to
excessive mining of river sand.

Replacement of Natural Sand by Crushed Sand in the Concrete:

Nowadays it is very important to make the concrete economical. Therefore, the present work has
initiated to make the concrete economical by replacing the natural sand by crushed sand in the
concrete. From our study it is concluded that different Crushed sand gives different results for
compressive strength depending on different quarries and from study of different research paper
at 40% to 50% replacement of crushed sand the maximum compressive strength is obtained. The
maximum tensile strength of concrete is obtained at 60% and 70% replacement of natural sand
with Crushed sand. The concrete with crushed sand performed better than concrete with natural
sand as the property of crush sand is better than that of natural sand.


I-sand: an alternative of natural sand
Iron slag (I-sand) generated as a by-product in iron and steel industries, is usually disposed by
delivering to landfills. Effective utilization of iron slag in reinforced concrete could be an
interesting method for the waste disposal with the added advantage of conservation of natural
resources and as an economically viable alternative. This paper examines this possibility of
preparing Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) using I-sand with physical properties like those of
RCC using natural sand as fine aggregate. Detailed systematic investigations of the mechanical,
chemical and physical properties of I-sand in comparison with that of river sand in RCC were
performed. The test results indicated that it is possible to prepare Reinforced Cement Concrete
(RCC) using I-sand with physical properties like those of RCC using natural sand as fine

3. Properties of materials:

The properties of cement greatly influence the performance of concrete as diverse types of
cement exhibits different water requirements, strength developments, rate of hydration etc. It is
also important to ensure compatibility of the chemical and mineral admixtures with the cement
being used. Physical properties of the Portland cement used for the present experiments are
summarized in Table 1.

Table 1
Physical properties of Portland cement used
Physical Property Values IS: 8112-1989
obtained specifications[6]
Fineness of cement (m2/kg) 490 370 (minimum)
Soundness of cement (mm) 1.2 10
Specific Gravity 3.15 3.15
Initial setting time (min) 128 30 (minimum)
Final setting time (min) 285 600 (maximum)
Compressive strength (Mpa)
3 days 23.5 23.0 (minimum)
7days 36.0 33.0 (minimum)
28 days 46.0 43 (minimum)

I-sand (Iron slag) obtained from JSW Steel Ltd, Mysore, India was used in this investigation
which had specific gravity of 2.653 and bulking factor of 1. Table 2summarizes the properties of
loose and compact I-sand used for the present experiments.

Table 2
Properties of i-sand used
Particulars Loose sand Compact sand
Bulk density 1.273 1.469
Voids ratio 0.806 0.551
Porosity 0.446 0.355


I-sand: an alternative of natural sand

Figure 1 sieve analysis of i-sand

Table 3
Tabulation based on sieve analysis
IS sieve % of passing Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4
10 100 100 100 100 100
4.75 100 90-100 90-100 90-100 95-100
2.36 99.6 60-95 75-100 85-100 95-100
1.18 96.8 30-70 50-95 75-100 90-100
0.6 36.8 15-34 35-59 60-80 80-100
0.3 4.4 5-20 8-30 12-40 15-50
0.15 1.6 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-15

The mix design M30 of concrete mixtures with different proportions of I-sand, used as a partial
or full substitute for fine aggregate, were prepared as per IS 10262:2009. The proportions (by
weight) of I sand added to concrete mixtures were as follows: 0% (for the control mix),
10%,20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 100%. The control mixture was designed to have a target 28-day
characteristic compressive strength of 38.25 N/mm2 (M30) using a water to cement ratio of 0.4.
The chemical admixture used was complots SP430.


I-sand: an alternative of natural sand
Table 4
Comparison of particle size distribution
IS sieve River sand i-sand % passing of single
mm % of passing % of passing sized aggregate of
normal sand zone 2
[8] (IS 383 -1970)
4.75 99.25 100 90-100
2.36 93.5 99.6 75-100
1.18 48.0 96.8 55-90
0.6 21.0 36.8 35-59
0.3 4.0 4.4 08-30
0.15 0.05 1.6 0-10

The mix ratio for M30 obtained by calculation is 1:1.6:3.03. Slump tests has been performed on
all samples by preparing moulds of the shape of the frustum of a cone open at both ends with 30
cm height and having diameters of 10 cm and 20 cm, respectively, at the top and the bottom.
Compressive strength was evaluated by preparing cubes of 15 cm *15 cm *15 cm using various
proportions of I-sand as fine aggregate in M30 mix. The cubes were then cured up to 28 days and
tested using compression testing machine for adjudging the compressive strength. Split tensile
strength of cylindrical specimens of respective samples were evaluated using universal testing

5. Results and discussion:

Physical and mechanical properties:
Sieve analysis helps in determining the distribution of aggregate particles, by size, within a given
sample. The gradation data helps in determining compliance with design, production control
requirements and verification specifications. Sieve analysis was performed on river sand and I-
sand and Fig. 1 shows the semi log graph representing the zoning. The physical properties tested
as per IS:383-1970. A comparison of the physical and mechanical properties between river sand
and I-sand. The results clearly suggest that I-sand fall into the category of Zone 2 which is
recommended for mass concrete as per IS:383-1970 [8]. The mechanical property evaluations
suggest that the gradation in I-sand can be controlled and the specific gravity and water
absorption values lie within the range of river sand.
Table 5
Mechanical properties of river sand and i-sand
Sl no. property River sand i-sand remark
1 Shape Spherical particle Flaky and cubical Good
2 gradation Cannot be controlled Can be controlled Good
3 Specific gravity 2.3-2.7 2.653 May vary
4 Water absorption 1.5%-3% 1.48% Limit 2%
5 Ability to hold Upto 7% Upto 10% Endurance limit
surface moisture
6 Grading zone Zone 2 and 3 Zone 2 Recommend zone
2 for mass


I-sand: an alternative of natural sand
Mix design-replacement of river sand by I-sand

Slump test as well as evaluation of compressive strength, split tensile strength were performed
for mix designation M30 by replacing river sand with I-sand in varying proportions [10,11,13].
Results from the slump test are summarized in Table 7. Initially, an increase in values of slump
with increasing replacement has been noted which may be arising due to the action of both
pozzolanic reaction and the use of super plasticizer as admixture.
Results from the slump test are summarized in Table 6.

Table 6
Results of slump test for mix proportion M30
Sl no. % replacement of river sand Slump mm
by i-sand
1 0% 95
2 10% 101
3 20% 113
4 30% 112
5 40% 119
6 50% 113
7 100% 112

Initially, an increase in values of slump with increasing replacement has been noted which may
be arising due to the action of both pozzolanic reaction and the use of super plasticizer as
admixture. The water cement ratio and the admixture quantity used remains the same throughout,
thereby the particle packing behavior become more effective affecting the slump at higher
replacements. Hence after reaching 40% replacement, the slump tends to decrease, as seen in
several previous reports as well.

Figure 2 results of compressive strength test


I-sand: an alternative of natural sand
Table 7
Results of compressive strength for mix proportion M30
% replacement of river sand by i-sand Compressive strength (N/
7 days 28 days
0% 20.33 31.28
10% 21.06 33.96
20% 22.20 35.81
30% 23.85 37.26
40% 21.62 33.78
50% 20.48 31.04
100% 18.11 28.78

Evaluation of compressive strength by replacing river sand by I-sand for different proportions,
after 7 and 28 days were performed, and the results obtained are tabulated in Table 7. Maximum
size of the aggregate used was 20 mm. The mix proportion of cement, fine aggregate and coarse
aggregate followed was 1:1.63:3.03 with the water cement ratio being 0.4. Variation of
compressive strength with percentage replacement of I-sand after 7 and 28 days of curing are
plotted in Fig. 3. The results clearly suggest that the 30% replacement of river sand by I-sand
gives the optimal compressive strength. Improvement in the compressive strength of the mix
with the incorporation of iron slag is primarily due to the pozzolanic reaction and slag being finer
than sand, the resulting particle packing behavior. Beyond 30% replacement, the excessive slag
remains unreacted and acts as a filler leading to a reduction in the compressive strength. Hence
Pozzolanic reaction as well as the particle packing behavior in combination affects the
compressive strength.

Figure 3 results of split tensile strength


I-sand: an alternative of natural sand
Table 8
Results of split tensile strength for mix proportion M30
% replacement of rive sand Maximum load p (kN) split tensile strength
by i-sand (N/ 28 days
0% 223.20 3.15
10% 241.6 3.42
20% 256.4 3.63
30% 264.8 3.75
40% 241.0 3.41
50% 219.6 3.11
100% 205.0 2.90

Table 8 and Fig. 3 summarizes the results obtained from the split tensile strength test
performed for various compositions after 28 days of curing. Here also the maximum size of the
aggregate used was 20 mm. The mix proportion of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate
followed was 1:1.6:3.03 with the water cement ratio being 0.4. Again, the best results were
obtained for an optimal replacement of 30% of river sand by I-sand.
The hardened concrete property for 100% river sand, 100% I-sand as well as 30%
replacement proportion, after 28 days of curing, is as given in Table 9. The results suggest that
the 30% replacement gives the optimal hardened properties as well. Control mix with 0% I-slag
comes under the category of moderate permeability and other mixes with 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and
100 percentage I-slag come under the category of low permeability as per ASTM C1202.
Reduction in permeability with increase in I-slag content indicates the improvement in the
microstructure of concrete.

Table 9
Hardened concrete property.
Hardened property River sand 100% i-sand 100% Proportion of i-sand
N/ N/ 30% N/
Compressive strength 31.28 28.78 37.26
Split tensile strength 3.15 2.9 3.75
6. Conclusions:
In this manuscript the possibilities of using I-sand, a waste product generated from iron and steel
industries, as a replacement for river sand as fine aggregates in RCC constructions is discussed.
In this regard detailed systematic investigations of the mechanical, chemical and physical
properties of I-sand in comparison with that of river sand for various mix proportions were
performed. Results suggest that the physical properties of I-sand aids in increasing the
workability of concrete. Fineness modulus, specific gravity and water absorption coefficients of
I-sand are within permissible limits. Surface compositional analysis shows that the slag is mainly
composed of Si and that the Fe content is smaller. Evaluation of the hardened concrete properties
like compressive and split tensile strengths indicated that the best results were obtained for an
optimal replacement of 30% of river sand by I-sand. Above results suggest that an effective
utilization of iron slag in reinforced concrete is possible without compromising on the quality
and this could be an interesting method for the industrial waste disposal with the added
advantage of conservation of natural resources and as an economically viable alternative.


I-sand: an alternative of natural sand
7. References:

[1] A. Oner, S. Akyuz, An experimental study on optimum usage of GGBS for the compressive
strength of concrete, Cem. Concr. Compos. 29 (2007) 507–514.
[2] D. Brindha, S. Nagan, Utilization of copper slag as a partial replacement of fine aggregate in
concrete, Int J. Earth Sci. Eng. 3 (4) (2010) 579–585.
[3] Beixing Li, Guoju Ke, Mingkai Zhou, Influence of manufactured sand characteristics on
strength and abrasion resistance of pavement cement concrete, Constr. Build. Mater. 25 (2011)
[4] IS: 456–2000, Plain and reinforced concrete code of practice (fourth revision), Bureau of
Indian Standard, New Delhi, India.
[5] IS: 2386(part III)-1963 (reaffirmed 1997), Methods of test for Aggregates for concrete, Part
III Specific gravity, Density, Voids, Absorption and Bulking, Bureau of Indian Standard, New
Delhi, India.
[6] IS: 8112–1989, 43 grade ordinary Portland cement-specification, Bureau of Indian Standard,
New Delhi, India.
[7] IS: 2386(part I)-1963(reaffirmed 1997), Methods of Test for Aggregates for concrete, part 1-
particle size and shape, Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi, India.
[8] IS: 383-1970 (reaffirmed 1997), Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural
sources for concrete, Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi, India.
[9] U. Manju, M. Sreemony, A.K. Chakraborty, Multi-technique photoelectron spectrometer for
micro area spectroscopy and imaging, Curr. Sci. 105 (2013) 1056–1060.
[10] IS: 10262–2009, Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design, Bureau of
Indian Standard, New Delhi, India.
[11] IS: 1199-1959 (reaffirmed 1999), Methods of sampling and analysis of
concrete, Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi, India.


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