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Determine the ductility with respect to curvature of the beam

sigmacbc 7 1- Checking for minimum and maximum percentages of reinforcement (sec. 16.40.8 (ii) e)
b 300 min. r/f= 0.429325
d 540 max r/f = 2.5
D 600 for this b 0.581481
Ast 942 2- Determination of ∈y, k and xu/d (Eqs. 16.8, 16.9 and 16.12)
fck 20 ey= fy/Es 0.00125
fy 250 k=mp/100)+(mp/100)0.323808
Es 200000 Taking moment of compression concrete and tension steel about the neutral axis, we hav
area of beam= 162000 x/d=k
area of r/f= 942 xu/d = 0.87 fy p/(36 - fck) ≤ (xu, max/d)
m=280/3sigmac 13.33333 μ = (∈uc /∈y) {(1 – k) / (xu/d)}.
ec. 16.40.8 (ii) e)

ut the neutral axis, we have: 300 (x2/2)

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