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Operating instructions PLC Function Block Step 7

>pDRIVE< MX basic
>pDRIVE< MX plus
>pDRIVE< MX plus-hydro
>pDRIVE< MX multi-basic
>pDRIVE< MX multi-plus
>pDRIVE< MX top
>pDRIVE< MX top-hydro
Safety Instructions
The following symbols should assist you in handling the instructions:

General information, note exactly!

Dangerous voltages! Danger of life!

Advice, tip!

The requirements for successful commissioning are correct selection of the unit, proper projection and mounting. If you have any further
questions, please contact the supplier or call the manufacturer of the unit directly.

Capacitor Discharge!
Before performing any work on or in the unit, disconnect from the mains and wait at least 5 minutes until the D.C. link capacitors have
been fully discharged, to make sure that the device is no longer live.

Automatic Restart!
With certain parameter settings it may happen that the frequency inverter starts up automatically when the mains supply returns after a
power failure. Make sure that no persons and no other equipment is in danger.

Commissioning and Service!

Work on or in the unit must be done only by duly qualified staff and in full compliance with the appropriate instructions and pertinent
regulations. Note that a fault may cause potential-free contacts and/or PCBs to carry mains potential. To avoid any risk to humans, obey
the regulations concerning ”Work on Live Equipment” explicitly.

Terms of delivery:
Our deliveries and services are based on the ”General Terms of Delivery of the Austrian Electrical Industries” in the latest edition.

Specifications in this instruction:

We are constantly striving to improve our products and adapt them to the latest state of technical development. Therefore, we reserve the
right to modify the specifications given in this instruction at any time, particular those referring to measures and dimensions. All planning
recommendations and connection examples are non-binding suggestions for which we cannot accept any liability, particularly since the
regulations to be complied with depend on the type and location of the plant and on the use of instruments.

It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the instrument and its component parts are used in compliance with applicable regulations. It is
not permitted to use these instruments in residential areas without special measures to suppress radio frequency interference.

Patents and trademarks:

Please note that we do not guarantee any connections, instruments or processes described herein to be free from patent or trademark
rights of third parties.

Keep this instruction at hand near the unit!

PLC Step 7 connection for Frequency inverter
>pDRIVE< MX basic >pDRIVE< MX plus >pDRIVE< MX top

Topic Page

Brief description 2
Detailed description 3
Internal used blocks 3
Display of the block in the Step 7 FUP-Editor 3
Input parameters 4
Output parameters 4
Structure of telegram 5
Scaling of analog values (reference and actual values) 5
Description of digital values (control and status bits) 6
Example 10
Hardware configuration 10
FUP editor 11
Object block OB1 12
Function block FB100 14

This manual covers the connection of >pDRIVE< MX frequency inverters with profibus option PBO1
and a PLC type Simatic by means of Step 7 function block. Detailled information about the Profibus DP
is provided in the Manual Option Profibus PBO1.

Please inform your supplier or insurance company in the case of damage or incomplete delivery. The
manufacturer shall not accept responsibility for damage caused during shipment or unpacking.

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 1

Brief description
This block provides a basis for application programmers and includes only the basic control functions of the
>pDRIVE< MX (without parametrization).

Profibus protocol: the telegram structures PPO3 and PPO4 are used
(Parameter Process data Object)




PKW: Parameter Code Value STW: Control Word

PZD: Process Data ZSW: Status Word
PKE: Parameter Code HSW: Main Reference Value
IND: Index HIW: Main Actual Value
PWE: Parameter Value

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 2

Detailed description

Internal used blocks

SFC 14 - "DPRD_DAT" read data of Profibus DP slave

SFC 15 - "DPWR_DAT" write data of Profibus DP slave

Display of the block in the Step 7 FUP-Editor

... EN Act value1 ...
... Start_address Act_value2 ...
... PPO_type Act_value3 ...
... Ref_value1 Act_value4 ...
... Ref_value2 Act_value5 ...
... Ref_value3 Not_ReadySwitchOn ...
... Ref_value4 ReadySwitchOn ...
... Ref_value5 ReadyToRun ...
... Start_Stop Run ...
... Pulse_release Fault ...
... Quick_Stop LockSwitchOn ...
... Release_Operation Alarm ...
... Reset f_eq_fref ...
... Bit_11_STW f_gr_flevel ...
... Bit_12_STW DeviceState ...
... Bit_13_STW Bit_11_ZSW ...
... Bit_14_STW Bit_12_ZSW ...
... Bit_15_STW Bit_13_ZSW ...
Bit_14_ZSW ...
Bit_15_ZSW ...
ENO ...

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 3

Input parameters

Parameter Data type Initial value Comment

Start_address WORD W#16#0 Start adress (hex-value of DP - I/O data)
PPO_type BOOL FALSE PPO type: PPO3 = "0" PPO4 = "1"
Ref_value1 REAL 0.000000e+000 Reference value 1 (-200% to +200%)
Ref_value2 REAL 0.000000e+000 Reference value 2 (-200% to +200%)
Ref_value3 REAL 0.000000e+000 Reference value 3 (-200% to +200%)
Ref_value4 REAL 0.000000e+000 Reference value 4 (-200% to +200%)
Ref_value5 REAL 0.000000e+000 Reference value 5 (-200% to +200%)
Start_Stop BOOL FALSE Bit 0: Start (at "1"), Stop (at "0")
Bit 1: Operating condition 1 (at "1"),
Pulse_release BOOL FALSE
Pulse release (at "0")
Bit 2: Operating condition 2 (at "1"),
Quick Stop (at "0")
Bit 3: Release Operation (at "1"),
Release_Operation BOOL FALSE
Lock Operation (at "0")
Reset BOOL FALSE Bit 7: Reset (at pos. edge)
Bit_11_STW BOOL FALSE Bit 11: configurable (B6.21)
Bit_12_STW BOOL FALSE Bit 12: configurable (B6.22)
Bit_13_STW BOOL FALSE Bit 13: configurable (B6.23)
Bit_14_STW BOOL FALSE Bit 14: configurable (B6.24)
Bit_15_STW BOOL FALSE Bit 15: configurable (B6.25)

Output parameters

Parameter Data type Initial value Comment

Act_value1 REAL 0.000000e+000 Actual value 1 (B6.11)
Act_value2 REAL 0.000000e+000 Actual value 2 (B6.13)
Act_value3 REAL 0.000000e+000 Actual value 3 (B6.15)
Act_value4 REAL 0.000000e+000 Actual value 4 (B6.17)
Act_value5 REAL 0.000000e+000 Actual value 5 (B6.19)
Not_ReadySwitchOn BOOL FALSE Bit 0: Not ready to switch on (at "1")
ReadySwitchOn BOOL FALSE Bit 0: Ready to switch on (at "1")
ReadyToRun BOOL FALSE Bit 1: Ready to run (at "1")
Run BOOL FALSE Bit 2: Run (at "1")
Fault BOOL FALSE Bit 3: Fault (at "1")
LockSwitchOn BOOL FALSE Bit 6: Lock switching on (at "1")
Alarm BOOL FALSE Bit 7: Alarm (at "1")
f_eq_fref BOOL FALSE Bit 8: f(n) = f reference (at"1")
f_gr_flevel BOOL FALSE Bit 10: f(n) >= f level (at "1")
DeviceState INT 0 Device state (B6.48)
Bit_11_ZSW BOOL FALSE Bit 11: configurable (B6.26)
Bit_12_ZSW BOOL FALSE Bit 12: configurable (B6.27)
Bit_13_ZSW BOOL FALSE Bit 13: configurable (B6.28)
Bit_14_ZSW BOOL FALSE Bit 14: configurable (B6.29)
Bit_15_ZSW BOOL FALSE Bit 15: configurable (B6.30)

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 4

Structure of telegram

Transmitted telegram SPS → >pDRIVE< MX

Process data area PZD


0 … 15 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit

Control word
Steuerwort Ref. value 1 1
Hauptsollwert Ref. value 2 2
Hilfssollwert Ref. value 3 3
Hilfssollwert Ref. value 4 4
Hilfssollwert Ref. value 5 5

Received telegram >pDRIVE< MX → SPS

Process data area PZD


0 … 15 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit

Status word
Zustandswort Act. value 1 1
Hauptistwert Act. value 22
Hilfsistwert Act. value 33
Hilfsistwert Act. value 44
Hilfsistwert Act. value 55

Scaling of analog values (reference and actual values)

At the inputs and outputs the values are in a range of ±200 % according to the following table.
That complies with a range of 7FFF…8000 hex at the inverter side.

% Hexadecimal Decimal
199.9939 7FFF 32767
100.0000 4000 16384
0.0061 0001 1
0.0000 0000 0
-0.0061 FFFF -1
-100.0000 C000 -16384
-200.0000 8000 -32768

The limits (7FFF and 8000) are checked internal in the block and so they cannot be exceeded.

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 5

Description of digital values (control and status bits)

Control Word STW

Bit 0 STW: Bit 0 / STW is described as shown in the following drawing.

Followed from the device state "Ready to switch on", the drive accelerates along the set ramp
and changes to device state "Run". Setting bit 0 to zero effects a controlled deceleration. If
speed zero is reached, the drive changes to "Ready to switch on" again.

Start Stop

Pulse release
Quick stop
Fault (ZSW Bit 3) Bit 0


Bit 1 STW: The external command Pulse release sets bit 1 / STW directly to 1.
For operation of the frequency inverter bit 1 must be always 1 (switch-on condition).
Setting to zero (also only for a short time) causes an immediately run-out of the motor. The
device state changes to "Lock switching on". Before starting again the basic state has to be
applied. OFF1=0; OFF2=1, OFF3=1; Control OK.
Thus, starting during active ON-command (Bit 0=1) is not possible!
Inverting this command has to be discussed!

Pulse release OFF 2
Bit 1


Bit 2 STW: The external command Quick stop sets bit 2 / STW directly to 1.
For operation of the frequency inverter bit 2 must be always 1 (switch-on condition).
Setting to zero causes an immediately deceleration without deceleration ramp. If speed zero is
reached, the drive changes to device state "Pulse release". Before starting again the basic state
has to be applied. OFF1=0, OFF2=1, OFF3=1; Control OK.
Thus, starting during active ON-command (Bit 0=1) is not possible!

Quick stop OFF 3
Bit 2


>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 6

Bit 3 STW: The command "Release operation", which is defined according to the Profidrive profile, is
typically internally set to 1 always.

Release operation operation
Bit 3


Bit 4 STW: The command "Ramp output enable", which is defined according to the Profidrive profile, is
typically not used and therefore internally set to 1 always.

1 Ramp output
Bit 4 enable


Bit 5 STW: The command "Ramp integrator enable", which is defined according to the Profidrive profile, is
typically not used and therefore internally set to 1 always.

Ramp integrator
Bit 5 enable


Bit 6 STW: The command "Release reference value", which is defined according to the Profidrive profile, is
typically not used and therefore internally set to 1 always.

1 Release
Bit 6 ref. value


>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 7

Bit 7 STW: The external command Reset sets bit 7 / STW directly to 1.
At the positive edge of bit 7 a reset is triggered once. A permanent command has no further
effect. This command changes the device state from "Fault" to "Lock switching on". Lock
switching on must be quit by applying the basic state (OFF1=0; OFF2=1, OFF3=1; Control
Thus, starting during active ON-command by reset of the fault is prevented.

Reset Reset
Bit 7


Bit 8 STW: The command "Jog 1 start", which is defined according to the Profidrive profile, is typically not
used and therefore internally set to 0 always.

0 Jog 1 start
Bit 8


Bit 9 STW: The command "Jog 2 start", which is defined according to the Profidrive profile, is not
supported by the >pDRIVE< MX and therefore internally set to 0 always.

0 ----
Bit 9


Bit 10 STW: The command "Control OK", which is defined according to the Profidrive profile, is compulsory
for the communication with the bus subscibers in the PZD area and therefore internally set to 1

1 Control OK
Bit 10


Bit 11…15 STW: According to the Profidrive profile this 5 bits are not defined and thus they are "free for use"
in the >pDRIVE< MX. For adjustment possibilities see Profibus instructions for option

Bit 11 IN … Bit 15 IN Bit 11…15
Bit 11…15

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 8
Status Word ZSW

Bit 0…10 ZSW: Corresponding to the states of status word bits 0...10, which are described below, the
respective operating states are generated and issued separately or as a word.

Operating state No.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Not ready to switch on x 1 x x 0 x x 0 0 0 0 0
Ready to switch on x 1 x x 0 x x 0 0 0 1 1
Ready to run x 1 x x 0 x x 0 0 1 1 3
Run x 1 x x 0 x 1 0 1 1 1 7
Fault x 1 x x 0 x x 1 0 0 0 20
Lock switching on x 1 x x 1 x x 0 0 0 0 19
Alarm x x x 1 x x x x x x x −
f(n) = f(n)ref x x 1 x x x x x x x x −
f(n) < f(n)level 1 x x x x x x x x x x −

1= Not_ReadySwitchOn

1= ReadySwitchOn

Bit 0 1= ReadyToRun
Bit 1
Bit 2 1= Run
Bit 3
Bit 4 1= Fault
Bit 5 interpretation
Bit 6 1= LockSwitchOn
Bit 7
Bit 8 1= Alarm
Bit 9
Bit 10 1= f_eq_fref

1= f_gr_flevel

0…20 Operating state

Bit 11…15 ZSW: According to the Profidrive profile this 5 bits are not defined and thus they are "free for
use" in the >pDRIVE< MX. For selection of possible messages see Profibus instructions
for option PBO1.

Bit 11…15 Bit_11_OUT … Bit_15_OUT
Bit 11-15

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 9


Hardware configuration

Step 1: install GSD file (EEL_1234.gsd)

Step 2: Connect the modul <pDRIVE> MX with the profibus by means of drag and drop and assign the
wanted profibus address.
Step 3: Put the favored PPO type (4 byte I/O PPO type 3 or 12 byte I/O PPO type 4) to slot 0 by means of
drag and drop and assign a I/O address.
Step 4: Store, compile and then load the hardware configuration.

Step 2:

Step 3:

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 10

FUP editor

Exemplary linking of a running block in the Step7 FUP editor (corresponding to the hardware configuration

Start address: 200 hex (corresponds with I/O address 512)

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 11

Object block OB1

Name Data Type

Address Comment
TEMP 0.0
Bits 0-3 = 1 (Coming event),
OB1_EV_CLASS Byte 0.0
Bits 4-7 = 1 (Event class 1)
1 (Cold restart scan 1 of OB 1),
OB1_SCAN_1 Byte 1.0
3 (Scan 2-n of OB 1)
OB1_PRIORITY Byte 2.0 Priority of OB Execution
OB1_OB_NUMBR Byte 3.0 1 (Organization block 1, OB1)
OB1_RESERVED_1 Byte 4.0 Reserved for system
OB1_RESERVED_2 Byte 5.0 Reserved for system
OB1_PREV_CYCLE Int 6.0 Cycle time of previous OB1 scan (milliseconds)
OB1_MIN_CYCLE Int 8.0 Minimum cycle time of OB1 (milliseconds)
OB1_MAX_CYCLE Int 10.0 Maximum cycle time of OB1 (milliseconds)
OB1_DATE_TIME Date_And_Time 12.0 Date and time OB1 started

Block: OB1 "Main Program Sweep (Cycle)"

Network: 1 Plant On

"ReadyToRun" >=1 "Plant_On" "Start_Stop"
& =

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 12

Network: 2 Call Function

EN Act_value1 "Act_value1"
W#16#200 Start_address Act_value2 "Act_value2"
"PPO_type" PPO_type Act_value3 "Act_value3"
"Ref_value1" Ref_value1 Act_value4 "Act_value4"
" Ref_value2" Ref_value2 Act_value5 "Act_value5"
" Ref_value3" Ref_value3 Not_ReadySwitchOn "Not_ReadySwitchOn"
" Ref_value4" Ref_value4 ReadySwitchOn "ReadySwitchOn"
" Ref_value5" Ref_value5 ReadyToRun "ReadyToRun"
"Start_Stop" Start_Stop Run "Run"
"Pulse_release" Pulse_release Fault "Fault"
"Quick_Stop" Quick_Stop LockSwitchOn "LockSwitchOn"
"Release_Operation" Release_Operation Alarm "Alarm"
"Reset" Reset f_eq_fsoll "f_eq_fsoll"
"Bit_11_STW" Bit_11_STW f_gr_flevel "f_gr_flevel"
"Bit_12_STW" Bit_12_STW DeviceState "DeviceState"
"Bit_13_STW" Bit_13_STW Bit_11_ZSW "Bit_11_ZSW"
"Bit_14_STW" Bit_14_STW Bit_12_ZSW "Bit_12_ZSW"
"Bit_15_STW" Bit_15_STW Bit_13_ZSW "Bit_13_ZSW"
Bit_14_ZSW "Bit_14_ZSW"
Bit_15_ZSW "Bit_15_ZSW"

Network: 3 Plant Ready

"ReadyToRun" >=1 "Plant_Ready"

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 13

Function block FB100

Name Data Type Address Initial Value Comment

IN 0.0
Start address
Start_address Word 0.0 W#16#0
(hex-value of DP - I/O data)
PPO type:
PPO_type Bool 2.0 FALSE
PPO3 = "0", PPO4 = "1"
Reference value 1
Ref_value1 Real 4.0 0.000000e+000
(-200% to +200%)
Reference value 2
Ref_value2 Real 8.0 0.000000e+000
(-200% to +200%)
Reference value 3
Ref_value3 Real 12.0 0.000000e+000
(-200% to +200%)
Reference value 4
Ref_value4 Real 16.0 0.000000e+000
(-200% to +200%)
Reference value 5
Ref_value5 Real 20.0 0.000000e+000
(-200% to +200%)
Bit 0: Start (at "1"),
Start_Stop Bool 24.0 FALSE
Stop (at "0")
Bit 1: Operating condition 1
Pulse_release Bool 24.1 FALSE
(at "1"), Pulse release(at "0")
Bit 2: Operating condition 2
Quick_Stop Bool 24.2 FALSE
(at "1"), Quick Stop (at "0")
Bit 3:
Release_Operation Bool 24.3 FALSE Release Operation (at "1"),
Lock Operation (at "0")
Reset Bool 24.4 FALSE Bit 7: Reset (at pos. edge)
Bit_11_STW Bool 24.5 FALSE Bit 11: configurable (B6.21)
Bit_12_STW Bool 24.6 FALSE Bit 12: configurable (B6.22)
Bit_13_STW Bool 24.7 FALSE Bit 13: configurable (B6.23)
Bit_14_STW Bool 25.0 FALSE Bit 14: configurable (B6.24)
Bit_15_STW Bool 25.1 FALSE Bit 15: configurable (B6.25)
OUT 0.0
Act_value1 Real 26.0 0.000000e+000 Actual value 1 (B6.11)
Act_value2 Real 30.0 0.000000e+000 Actual value 2 (B6.13)
Act_value3 Real 34.0 0.000000e+000 Actual value 3 (B6.15)
Act_value4 Real 38.0 0.000000e+000 Actual value 4 (B6.17)
Act_value5 Real 42.0 0.000000e+000 Actual value 5 (B6.19)
Bit 0: Not ready to switch on
Not_ReadySwitchOn Bool 46.0 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit 0: Ready to switch on
ReadySwitchOn Bool 46.1 FALSE
(at "1")
ReadyToRun Bool 46.2 FALSE Bit 1: Ready to run (at "1")
Run Bool 46.3 FALSE Bit 2: Run (at "1")
Fault Bool 46.4 FALSE Bit 3: Fault (at "1")
Bit 6: Lock switching on
LockSwitchOn Bool 46.5 FALSE
(at "1")
>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 14
Name Data Type Address Initial Value Comment
Alarm Bool 46.6 FALSE Bit 7: Alarm (at "1")
Bit 8: f(n) = f reference
f_eq_fref Bool 46.7 FALSE
(at "1")
f_gr_flevel Bool 47.0 FALSE Bit 10: f(n) >= f level (at "1")
DeviceState Int 48.0 0 Device state (B6.48)
Bit_11_ZSW Bool 50.0 FALSE Bit 11: configurable (B6.26)
Bit_12_ZSW Bool 50.1 FALSE Bit 12: configurable (B6.27)
Bit_13_ZSW Bool 50.2 FALSE Bit 13: configurable (B6.28)
Bit_14_ZSW Bool 50.3 FALSE Bit 14: configurable (B6.29)
Bit_15_ZSW Bool 50.4 FALSE Bit 15: configurable (B6.30)
IN_OUT 0.0
STAT 0.0
FURD_DAT_4 Struct 52.0 12 Byte Input PPO Type 4
PZD1 Struct 52.0 Statusword
Bit 8: f(n) = f reference
Bit_8 Bool 52.0 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit_9 Bool 52.1 FALSE Bit 9: Control request (at "1")
Bit_10 Bool 52.2 FALSE Bit 10: f(n) >= f level (at "1")
Bit_11 Bool 52.3 FALSE Bit 11: configurable
Bit_12 Bool 52.4 FALSE Bit 12:configurable
Bit_13 Bool 52.5 FALSE Bit 13: configurable
Bit_14 Bool 52.6 FALSE Bit 14: configurable
Bit_15 Bool 52.7 FALSE Bit 15: configurable
Bit 0: Ready to switch on
Bit_0 Bool 53.0 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit_1 Bool 53.1 FALSE Bit 1: Ready to run (at "1")
Bit 2: Operation enable
Bit_2 Bool 53.2 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit_3 Bool 53.3 FALSE Bit 3: Fault (at "1")
Bit_4 Bool 53.4 FALSE Bit 4: no OFF 2 (at "1")
Bit_5 Bool 53.5 FALSE Bit 5: no OFF 3 (at "1")
Bit 6: Lock switching on
Bit_6 Bool 53.6 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit_7 Bool 53.7 FALSE Bit 7: Alarm (at "1")
PZD2 Int 54.0 0 Actual value 1
PZD3 Int 56.0 0 Actual value 2
PZD4 Int 58.0 0 Actual value 3
PZD5 Int 60.0 0 Actual value 4
PZD6 Int 62.0 0 Actual value 5
FUWR_DAT_4 Struct 64.0 12 Byte Output PPO Typ 4
PZD1 Struct 64.0 Control word
Bit_8 Bool 64.0 FALSE Bit 8: Jog 1 start (at "1")
Bit_9 Bool 64.1 FALSE Bit 9: Not used
>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 15
Name Data Type Address Initial Value Comment
Bit_10 Bool 64.2 FALSE Bit 10: Control OK (at "1")
Bit_11 Bool 64.3 FALSE Bit 11: configurable
Bit_12 Bool 64.4 FALSE Bit 12: configurable
Bit_13 Bool 64.5 FALSE Bit 13: configurable
Bit_14 Bool 64.6 FALSE Bit 14: configurable
Bit_15 Bool 64.7 FALSE Bit 15: configurable
Bit_0 Bool 65.0 FALSE Bit 0: On (at "1")
Bit 1: Operating condition 1
Bit_1 Bool 65.1 FALSE
(at "1"), Pulse release (at "0")
Bit 2: Operating condition 2
Bit_2 Bool 65.2 FALSE
(at "1"), Quick Stop (at "0")
Bit 3:
Bit_3 Bool 65.3 FALSE Release Operation (at "1"),
Lock Operation (at "0")
Bit 4: Ramp output enable
Bit_4 Bool 65.4 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit 5: Ramp integrator run
Bit_5 Bool 65.5 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit 6: Enable reference value
Bit_6 Bool 65.6 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit_7 Bool 65.7 FALSE Bit 7: Reset (at "1")
PZD2 Int 66.0 0 Reference value 1
PZD3 Int 68.0 0 Reference value 2
PZD4 Int 70.0 0 Reference value 3
PZD5 Int 72.0 0 Reference value 4
PZD6 Int 74.0 0 Reference value 5
Feedback of "DPRD_DAT"
RET_VAL_DPRD_DAT_4 Int 76.0 0 function (failure code)
PPO Type 4
Feedback of "DPWR_DAT"
RET_VAL_DPWR_DAT_4 Int 78.0 0 function (failure code)
PPO Type 4
FURD_DAT_3 Struct 80.0 4 Byte Input PPO Type 3
PZD1 Struct 80.0 Status word
Bit 8: f(n) = f reference
Bit_8 Bool 80.0 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit_9 Bool 80.1 FALSE Bit 9: Control request (at "1")
Bit_10 Bool 80.2 FALSE Bit 10: f(n) >= f level (at "1")
Bit_11 Bool 80.3 FALSE Bit 11: configurable
Bit_12 Bool 80.4 FALSE Bit 12: configurable
Bit_13 Bool 80.5 FALSE Bit 13: configurable
Bit_14 Bool 80.6 FALSE Bit 14: configurable
Bit_15 Bool 80.7 FALSE Bit 15: configurable
Bit 0: Ready to switch on
Bit_0 Bool 81.0 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit_1 Bool 81.1 FALSE Bit 1: Ready to run (at "1")

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 16

Name Data Type Address Initial Value Comment
Bit 2: Operation enable
Bit_2 Bool 81.2 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit_3 Bool 81.3 FALSE Bit 3: Fault (at "1")
Bit_4 Bool 81.4 FALSE Bit 4: no OFF 2 (at "1")
Bit_5 Bool 81.5 FALSE Bit 5: no OFF 3 (at "1")
Bit 6: Lock switching on
Bit_6 Bool 81.6 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit_7 Bool 81.7 FALSE Bit 7: Alarm (at "1")
PZD2 Int 82.0 0 Main reference 1
FUWR_DAT_3 Struct 84.0 4 Byte Output PPO Type 3
PZD1 Struct 84.0 Control word
Bit_8 Bool 84.0 FALSE Bit 8: Jog 1 start (at "1")
Bit_9 Bool 84.1 FALSE Bit 9: Not used
Bit_10 Bool 84.2 FALSE Bit 10: Control OK (at "1")
Bit_11 Bool 84.3 FALSE Bit 11: configurable
Bit_12 Bool 84.4 FALSE Bit 12: configurable
Bit_13 Bool 84.5 FALSE Bit 13: configurable
Bit_14 Bool 84.6 FALSE Bit 14: configurable
Bit_15 Bool 84.7 FALSE Bit 15: configurable
Bit_0 Bool 85.0 FALSE Bit 0: On (at "1")
Bit 1: Operating condition 1
Bit_1 Bool 85.1 FALSE
(at "1"), Pulse release (at "0")
Bit 2: Operating condition 2
Bit_2 Bool 85.2 FALSE
(at "1"), Quick Stop (at "0")
Bit 3: Release Operation (at
Bit_3 Bool 85.3 FALSE
"1"), Lock Operation (at "0")
Bit 4: Ramp output enable
Bit_4 Bool 85.4 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit 5: Ramp integrator run
Bit_5 Bool 85.5 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit 6: Enable reference value
Bit_6 Bool 85.6 FALSE
(at "1")
Bit_7 Bool 85.7 FALSE Bit 7: Reset (at "1")
PZD2 Int 86.0 0 Reference value 1
Feedback of "DPRD_DAT"
RET_VAL_DPRD_DAT_3 Int 88.0 0 function (failure code)
PPO Type 3
Feedback of "DPWR_DAT"
RET_VAL_DPWR_DAT_3 Int 90.0 0 function (failure code)
PPO Type 3
High Bool 92.0 FALSE always "high" (defined state)
Low Bool 92.1 FALSE always "low" (defined state)
Internal_Flag Bool 92.2 FALSE Internal flag
Reference value 1 checked
Ref_1_Checked Real 94.0 0.000000e+000
(min, max = OK)
Reference value 2 checked
Ref_2_Checked Real 98.0 0.000000e+000
(min, max = OK)
>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 17
Name Data Type Address Initial Value Comment
Reference value 3 checked
Ref_3_Checked Real 102.0 0.000000e+000
(min, max = OK)
Reference value 4 checked
Ref_4_Checked Real 106.0 0.000000e+000
(min, max = OK)
Reference value 5 checked
Ref_5_Checked Real 110.0 0.000000e+000
(min, max = OK)
TEMP 0.0
Temporary Flag Address
TMP_AR2 DInt 0.0

Block: FB100 Control block pDRIVE MX for Profibus

This block provides a basis for application programmers and only includes
the basic functions for controlling the pDRIVE MX (PPO3 and PPO4 without

Internal used functions:

System functions: Read DP-Slave Data ..........SFC 14 - "DPRD_DAT"

Write DP-Slave Data .........SFC 15 - "DPWR_DAT"

Network: 1 High/Low - Flag

Generating a flag with defined state for parametrization.

High ... "1"

Low .... "0"

S #High
R #Low

Network: 2 PPO Type 3 or PPO Type 4

If PPO Type 3 is set (PPO_Type="0"), the PLC jumps to the networks for PPO
Type 3. Otherwise the following networks are worked off.


>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 18

Network: 3 Read DP-Data PPO Type 4
Read inverter data from Profibus DP-Slave with block SFC 14 - "DPRD_DAT"

#Start_address LADDR ENO

Network: 4 Checking and scaling of reference values

The standard limits of the reference value are -200% ... +199.9939%.

The scaling complies with the following table:

I % I Hexadecimal I Decimal I
I 199.9939 I 7FFF I 32767 I
I 100 I 4000 I 16384 I
I 0 I 0000 I 0 I
I -100 I C000 I -16384 I
I -200 I 8000 I -32768 I

// Reference value 1
// Check of reference value 1 (upper limit)
L #Ref_value1
L 1.999939e+002
L 1.999939e+002
T #Ref_1_Checked
// Check of reference value 1 (lower limit)
S141: U(
L #Ref_value1
L -2.000000e+002
L -2.000000e+002
T #Ref_1_Checked
// Take over reference value 1
S142: U(
L #Ref_value1
L 1.999939e+002
L #Ref_value1
L -2.000000e+002
L #Ref_value1
T #Ref_1_Checked
// Multiply by 163.84 because reference value is available in %
S143: L #Ref_1_Checked
L 1.638400e+002
RND //Conversion from Real to DINT
T #FUWR_DAT_4.PZD2 //Conversion from DINT to INT and output
>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 19
// Reference value 2
// Check of reference value 2 (upper limit)
L #Ref_value2
L 1.999939e+002
L 1.999939e+002
T #Ref_2_Checked
// Check of reference value 2 (lower limit)
S241: U(
L #Ref_value2
L -2.000000e+002
L -2.000000e+002
T #Ref_2_Checked
// Take over reference value 2
S242: U(
L #Ref_value2
L 1.999939e+002
L #Ref_value2
L -2.000000e+002
L #Ref_value2
T #Ref_2_Checked
// Multiply by 163.84 because reference value is available in %
S243: L #Ref_2_Checked
L 1.638400e+002
RND //Conversion from Real to DINT
T #FUWR_DAT_4.PZD3 //Conversion from DINT to INT and output
// Reference value 3
// Check of reference value 3 (upper limit)
L #Ref_value3
L 1.999939e+002
L 1.999939e+002
T #Ref_3_Checked
// Check of reference value 3 (lower limit)
S341: U(
L #Ref_value3
L -2.000000e+002
L -2.000000e+002
T #Ref_3_Checked

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 20

// Take over reference value 3
S342: U(
L #Ref_value3
L 1.999939e+002
L #Ref_value3
L -2.000000e+002
L #Ref_value3
T #Ref_3_Checked
// Multiply by 163.84 because reference value is available in %
S343: L #Ref_3_Checked
L 1.638400e+002
RND //Conversion from Real to DINT
T #FUWR_DAT_4.PZD4 //Conversion from DINT to INT and output
// Reference value 4
// Check of reference value 4 (upper limit)
L #Ref_value4
L 1.999939e+002
L 1.999939e+002
T #Ref_4_Checked
// Check of reference value 4 (lower limit)
S441: U(
L #Ref_value4
L -2.000000e+002
L -2.000000e+002
T #Ref_4_Checked
// Take over reference value 4
S442: U(
L #Ref_value4
L 1.999939e+002
L #Ref_value4
L -2.000000e+002
L #Ref_value4
T #Ref_4_Checked
// Multiply by 163.84 because reference value is available in %
S443: L #Ref_4_Checked
L 1.638400e+002
RND //Conversion from Real to DINT
T #FUWR_DAT_4.PZD5 //Conversion from DINT to INT and output
// Reference value 5
// Check of reference value 5 (upper limit)
L #Ref_value5
L 1.999939e+002
L 1.999939e+002
T #Ref_5_Checked
>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 21
// Check of reference value 5 (lower limit)
S541: U(
L #Ref_value5
L -2.000000e+002
L -2.000000e+002
T #Ref_5_Checked
// Take over reference value 5
S542: U(
L #Ref_value5
L 1.999939e+002
L #Ref_value5
L -2.000000e+002
L #Ref_value5
T #Ref_5_Checked
// Multiply by 163.84 because reference value is available in %
S543: L #Ref_5_Checked
L 1.638400e+002
RND //Conversion from Real to DINT
T #FUWR_DAT_4.PZD6 //Conversion from DINT to INT and output

Network: 5 Control Word Bit 0 "Start/Stop"

Write in control word – STW

Bit 0: On (at "1")

#Quick_Stop &
#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_3 #FUWR_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_0
#Start_Stop =

Network: 6 Control Word Bit 1 "Operating condition 1/Pulse release"

Write in control word – STW

Bit 1: Operating condition 1 (at "1") Pulse_Release (at "0")

#Pulse release & =

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 22

Network: 7 Control Word Bit 2 "Operating condition 2/Quick Stop"
Write in control word – STW

Bit 2:Operating condition 2 (at "1") Quick_Stop (at "0")

#Quick Stop & =

Network: 8 Control Word Bit 3 "Release operation"

Write in control word – STW

Bit 3: Release_Operation (at "1")

#Release Operation & =

Network: 9 Control Word Bit 4 ... Bit 6

Write in control word – STW

Bit 4: Ramp output enable (at "1")

Bit 5: Ramp integrator run (at "1")
Bit 6: Release reference value (at "1")
This bits are set to "1" on standard.

#High & =



Network: 10 Control Word Bit 7 "Operating condition 2/Quick stop"

Write in control word – STW

Bit 7: Reset (at "1")

#Reset & =

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 23

Network: 11 Control Word Bit 8 ... Bit 9
Write in control word – STW

Bit 8: Jog 1 start (at "1")

Bit 9: not used

This bits are set to "0" on standard.

#Low & =


Network: 12 Control Word Bit 10

Write in control word – STW

Bit_10: Control OK (at "1")

This bits are set to "1" on standard.

#High & =

Network: 13 Control Word Bit 11 ... Bit 15

The free configurable bits of the control word (Bit 11 ... Bit 15) are
passed 1:1.

#Bit 11 STW #

#Bit 12 STW #

#Bit 13 STW # >=1

#Bit 14 STW #

#FUWR_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_15 #Internal_Flag
#Bit 15 STW # =

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 24

Network: 14 Device state "Not ready to switch on"
Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "Not_ReadySwitchOn" is high and
operating state is set to "0".

#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_6 #Not_ReadySwitchOn
#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

Network: 15 Device state "Ready to switch on"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "ReadySwitchOn" is high and
operating state is set to "1".

#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_6 #ReadySwitchOn
#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

Network: 16 Device state "Ready to run"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "ReadyToRun" is high and operating
state is set to "3".

#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_6 #ReadyToRun
#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 25

Network: 17 Device state "Run"
Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "Run" is high and operating state
is set to "7".

#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_3 &
#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_6 #Run
#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

Network: 18 Device state "Fault"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "Fault" is high and operating state
is set to "20".

#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_6 #Fault
#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

Network: 19 Device state "Lock switching on"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "LockSwitchOn" is high and
operating state is set to "19".

#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_6 #LockSwitchOn
#FURD_DAT_4.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 26

Network: 20 Device state "Alarm"
Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "Alarm" is high.

#FURD DAT 4.PZD1.Bit 7 & =

Network: 21 Device state "f(n) = f(n)ref"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "f_eq_fref" is high.

#FURD DAT 4.PZD1.Bit 8 & =

Network: 22 Device state "f(n) > f(n)level"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "f_gr_flevel" is high.

#FURD DAT 4.PZD1.Bit 10 & =

Network: 23 Statusword Bit 11 ... Bit 15

The free configurable bits of the status word ZSW (Bit 11 ... Bit 15) are
passed 1:1.

#FURD DAT 4.PZD1.Bit 11 #

#FURD DAT 4.PZD1.Bit 12 #

#FURD DAT 4.PZD1.Bit 13 # >=1

#FURD DAT 4.PZD1.Bit 14 #

#Bit_15_ZSW #Internal_Flag
#FURD DAT 4.PZD1.Bit 15 # =

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 27

Network: 24 Actual values (1 ... 5)
The scaling complies with the following table:
I % I Hexadecimal I Decimal I
I 199.9939 I 7FFF I 32767 I
I 100 I 4000 I 16384 I
I 0 I 0000 I 0 I
I -100 I C000 I -16384 I
I -200 I 8000 I -32768 I
in this network the actual value is divided by 163.84 (thus the actual
value is available in %)

// Actual value 1
L 1.638400e+002
T #Act_value1
// Actual value 2
L 1.638400e+002
T #Act_value2
// Actual value 3
L 1.638400e+002
T #Act_value3
// Actual value 4
L 1.638400e+002
T #Act_value4
// Actual value 5
L 1.638400e+002
T #Act_value5

Network: 25 Write DP-Data for PPO Type 4

Write data to Profibus DP-Slave with block SFC 15 - "DPWR_DAT"



>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 28

Network: 26 PPO Type 3 or PPO Type 4
If PPO Type 4 is set, the PLC jumps to the end of the block.
Otherwise the following networks are worked off.

#PPO type & JMP

Network: 27 Read DP-Data PPO Type 3

PPO3: TAR2 #TMP_AR2 //Storage of multiinstance offset

L #Start_address //Number of the input double word
SLD 3 //Create pointer in Byte format
L P##FURD_DAT_3 //Load lokal data address
TAR2 //Load multiinstance offset into battery 1
+D //Add up addresses
LAR2 //Actual address
L PED [AR1,P#0.0] //Write input data into receipt tray
T DID [AR2,P#0.0]
LAR2 #TMP_AR2 //Re-establish multiinstance offset

Network: 28 Checking and scaling of reference values

The standard limits of the reference value are -200% ... +199.9939%.

The scaling complies with the following table:

I % I Hexadecimal I Decimal I
I 199.9939 I 7FFF I 32767 I
I 100 I 4000 I 16384 I
I 0 I 0000 I 0 I
I -100 I C000 I -16384 I
I -200 I 8000 I -32768 I

// Reference value 1
// Check of reference value 1 (upper limit)
L #Ref_value1
L 1.999939e+002
L 1.999939e+002
T #Ref_1_Checked

// Check of reference value 1 (lower limit)

S131: U(
L #Ref_value1
L -2.000000e+002
L -2.000000e+002
T #Ref_1_Checked

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 29

// Take over reference value 1
S132: U(
L #Ref_value1
L 1.999939e+002
L #Ref_value1
L -2.000000e+002
L #Ref_value1
T #Ref_1_Checked
// Multiply by 163.84 because reference value is available in %
S133: L #Ref_1_Checked
L 1.638400e+002
RND //Conversion from Real to DINT
T #FUWR_DAT_3.PZD2 //Conversion from DINT to INT and output

Network: 29 Control Word Bit 0 "Start/Stop"

Write in control word – STW

Bit 0: On (at "1")

#Pulse release
#Quick_Stop &
#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_3 #FUWR_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_0
#Start_Stop =

Network: 30 Control Word Bit 1 "Operating condition 1/Pulse release"

Write in control word – STW

Bit 1: Operating condition 1 (at "1") Pulse_release (at "0")

#Pulse release & =

Network: 31 Control Word Bit 2 " Operating condition 2/Quick Stop"

Write in control word – STW

Bit 2: Operating condition 2 (at "1") Quick_Stop (at "0")

#Quick Stop & =

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 30

Network: 32 Control Word Bit 3 "Release operation"
Write in control word – STW

Bit 2: Operation condition 2 (at "1) Quick_Stop (at "0")

#Release Operation & =

Network: 33 Control Word Bit 3 ... Bit 6

Write in control word – STW

Bit 3: Enable operation (at "1")

Bit 4: Ramp output enable (at "1")
Bit 5: Ramp integrator run (at "1")
Bit 6: Release reference value (at "1")
This bits are set to "1" on standard.

#High & =



Network: 34 Control Word Bit 7 "Operating condition 2/Quick stop"

Write in control word – STW

Bit 7: Reset (at "1")

#Reset & =

Network: 35 Control Word Bit 8 ... Bit 9

Write in control word – STW

Bit 8: Jog 1 start (at "1")

Bit 9: not used

This bits are set to "0" on standard.

#Low & =


>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 31

Network: 36 Control Word Bit 10
Write in control word – STW

Bit_10: Control OK (at "1")

This bits are set to "1" on standard.

#High & =

Network: 37 Control Word Bit 11 ... Bit 15

The free configurable bits of the control word (Bit 11 ... Bit 15) are
passed 1:1.

#Bit 11 STW #

#Bit 12 STW #

#Bit 13 STW # >=1

#Bit 14 STW #

#FUWR_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_15 #Internal_Flag
#Bit 15 STW # =

Network: 38 Device state "Not ready to switch on"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "Not_ReadySwitchOn" is high and
operating state is set to "0".

#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_6 #Not_ReadySwitchOn
#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 32

Network: 39 Device state "Ready to switch on"
Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output " ReadySwitchOn" is high and
operating state is set to "1".

#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_6 #ReadySwitchOn
#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

Network: 40 Device state "Ready to run"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "ReadyToRun" is high and operating
state is set to "3".

#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_6 #ReadyToRun
#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

Network: 41 Device state "Run"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "Run" is high and operating state
is set to "7".

#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_3 &
#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_6 #Run
#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 33

Network: 42 Device state "Fault"
Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "Fault" is high and operating state
is set to "20".

#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_6 #Fault
#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

Network: 43 Device state "Lock switching on"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "LockSwitchOn" is high and
operating state is set to "19".

#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_6 #LockSwitchOn
#FURD_DAT_3.PZD1.Bit_9 =

MOVE #DeviceState

Network: 44 Device state "Alarm"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "Alarm" is high.

#FURD DAT 3.PZD1.Bit 7 & =

Network: 45 Device state "f(n) = f(n)ref"

Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "f_eq_fref" is high.

#FURD DAT 3.PZD1.Bit 8 & =

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 34

Network: 46 Device state "f(n) > f(n)level"
Interpretation of status word ZSW
If the inquiry is fulfilled, the output "f_gr_flevel" is high.

#FURD DAT 3.PZD1.Bit 10 & =

Network: 47 Statusword Bit 11 ... Bit 15

The free configurable bits of the status word (Bit 11 ... Bit 15) are
passed 1:1.

#FURD DAT 3.PZD1.Bit 11 #

#FURD DAT 3.PZD1.Bit 12 #

#FURD DAT 3.PZD1.Bit 13 # >=1

#FURD DAT 3.PZD1.Bit 14 #

#Bit_15_ZSW #Internal_Flag
#FURD DAT 3.PZD1.Bit 15 # =

Network: 48 Actual values (1 ... 5)

The scaling complies with the following table:
I % I Hexadecimal I Decimal I
I 199.9939 I 7FFF I 32767 I
I 100 I 4000 I 16384 I
I 0 I 0000 I 0 I
I -100 I C000 I -16384 I
I -200 I 8000 I -32768 I
in this network the actual value is divided by 163.84 (thus the actual
value is available in %)

// Actual value 1 (IW1)

L 1.638400e+002
T #Act_value1
L 0
T #Act_value2
T #Act_value3
T #Act_value4
T #Act_value5

>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 35

Network: 49 Write DP-Data PPO Type 3

TAR2 #TMP_AR2 //Storage of multiinstance offset

L #Start_address //Number of the input double word
SLD 3 //Create pointer in Byte format

L P##FUWR_DAT_3 //Load lokal data address

TAR2 //Load multiinstance offset into battery 1
+D //Add up addresses
LAR2 //Actual address
L DID [AR2,P#0.0] //Write sending data into output tray
T PAD [AR1,P#0.0]
LAR2 #TMP_AR2 //Re-establish multiinstance offset

Network: 50 End
End of block


>pDRIVE< MX – Online-Manual SPS – 8 074 184.00/00 – Page 36

Schneider Electric Power Drives GmbH
Ruthnergasse 1
A-1210 Vienna
Phone: +43 (0)1 29191 0
Fax: +43 (0)1 29191 15

>pDRIVE< stands for intelligent high-performance.

As one of the leading providers of inverters and motors,
we know from experience that quality without compromising,
consolidated advice and more flexible service lead to
longstanding research and expertise.
Therefore we dedicate an essential part of our activities
to permanently optimising processes and developing
solutions for target groups which will meet even the
highest demands.
The right to make technical changes is reserved.

Information quick at hand - under

In addition to company specifications we have made
available to you a detailed list of technical data for all
our products as well as helpful software tools to set up
the parameters of our inverters.

8 074 184.00/00a HSIT

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