Review and Opinion

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Charity is the social value that keeps the humans together for a cause.

When we have
in mind charitable actions, we are full of joy and kindness and we are willing to become
better persons.
I strongly believe that the charities which should be the first ones to receive funds
are the health charities. Nowadays, medical assurances and chronic diseases diagnosis are so
expensive that ordinary people cannot afford them. Being healthy requires big amounts of
money and our wellbeing should be the first one we take care of.
First of all, poverty is a global problem that inevitably leads to an unhealthy lifestyle.
There are orphanages or even low budget hospitals that do not have enough money to cure
their patients properly, respectively children. Therefore health charities are the first ones
that offer their helping hand and support.
Second of all, even people who have jobs often end up begging for help because the
odds were not in their favour. An illness or a disease changes their life forever. Health
charities choose their cases and offer as much help as they can. Out there, there are people
who are opened and have a big heart, willing to donate or even help with material things.
However, human rights charities should receive funding because they support noble
causes such as antiracism and equality. Equal people mean peace and joy in the world.
To sum up, health is worth giving the priority of receiving funds and help, because
with people who are safe and sound we can evolve and make the world a better place.
+/- 265 words
I was so excited to be given the opportunity to review and express a critical, but
constructive opinion on a Chinese restaurant, the ‘’Spicy Ones’’. The instructions were very
clear and the newspaper raised my expectations, as I am going to eat ‘’ Chinese food at its
best flavour, testing the spice limits.’’
As I made my way to the beautiful entrance, I could not abstain myself from admiring
the little meadow where the restaurant was placed. I was delighted with the ambient lights
and with the cherry blossoms. All the little pastel pink flowers made me feel in a folkloric
Chinese tale.
My day-dreaming was interrupted by a very kind waitress. She was smiling and
showed us some tables with a view to a lake. She was very patient with us and she
recommended some traditional dishes. The staff was very attentive and avoided being
overbearing. A characteristic which shows professionalism and subtlety.
The food was more than I expected. I could sense the quality of food easily. We
started with spring rolls, then we chose some mushrooms with spicy chicken. The food was
not fatty and the spice was bearable and a little aromatic. The colours and the plating gave
an air of sophistication. Even if the dish was pretty simple, it was served in such a way that it
made me feel I could not ask for more. The outer layers and sauces were excellent.
My companion and I agreed on that the food was great and we would like to give it
another try on a special occasion. I highly recommend this place, not only for their great
ambiance, but for authentic and amazing dishes.

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