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Internet VS Library 1

Effectiveness of Internet VS Public Libraries among Grade 11 Accountancy

Business Management Students

Abalos, Jonnel

Bravo, Jelmer

Calinga, Bob

Imam, Nurjannah

Tiria, Rossell

Angeles City National High School-Senior High school

Internet VS Library 2


This paper focuses on the students choice on which do they prefer in terms of
looking for an answer to their questions which could either be the internet or the
public libraries. Nowadays, students may be very busy searching and studying.
They may also find it difficult to look for the reliable resources of answers. This is
why we conducted a quantitative research to the Accountancy Business and
Management students of Angeles City National High School-Senior High School
on which do they prefer, Internet or Libraries. We predicted that Internet is the
most effective method for the students, for they had experience that Internet is the
easiest way on finding the resources they needed. The researchers are hoping to
inspire students to study hard for the improvement of their academic performance.
The researchers are hoping to inspire students to study hard for the improvement of
their academic performance.
Internet VS Library 3

Effectiveness of Internet vs. Public Libraries among Grade 11

Accountancy Business Management Students

The development of the World Wide Web interface for the Internet has
produced additional avenues for seeking class-related information for students. At
the same time it has created challenges for both students and libraries to learn how
to best use this resource. The literature reviewed indicated that adult students have
long used a variety of means to acquire the information they need to meet their
course work. Students also have often shown a limited understanding of how to
construct searches for scholarly information. The information seeking process,
whether in a library or internet, has proven frustrating for many of them. (Cynthia
H. Kumah,2015).

We live in the information age, where we have access to many wonderful

Internet resources is just a few quick clicks away. The Internet is not a substitute
for the library. It's a tool best used in addition to to traditional research sources.
You can already see that only few people are going to libraries, because they said
that the internet is the easiest way to find what you want to find. But the full
information is in the books. And that’s the problem that we need to tackle, which
is more effective. (Rosalyn Eishen,2011)

This study examines the effectiveness of Internet vs. Library. We predicted

that using Internet and Books may cause to have a high grade. Using Internet may
lead to confusion because searches are not always relevant to the topic, however
you can also have a high grade through the help of it and using books also gives us

Therefore, the current study helps us to understand the effectiveness of

Internet and Library. Specifically, the respondents have their different way to find
the resources they need and different perspective that in turn were predicted that
the Internet is the most effective material for the students.
Internet VS Library 4



Our participants are Grade 11 Accountancy Business and Management students

with 50 respondents of Angeles City National High school-Senior High School, the
chosen participants are the one who is using internet and library. The sampling
method used in this study is Random Sampling.


The material that we used is questionnaire that is needed to answer by the grade
11 Accountancy Business and Management to conduct our comparative study and
to gather information and data.


Participants are asked for permission if they can fill up the questionnaire about
Effectiveness of Internet and Library that is given by the researcher personally.
The questionnaire is consisted of 30 questionnaires and was divided into two
groups; this 30 questionnaire was given to 30 respondents of Grade 11
Accountancy Business and Management students of Angeles City National High
school. The respondents were given a questionnaire and need to fill it up. And
then, after the participant take the questionnaire, the researcher will collect the
entire questionnaire and start to tally the participant’s answers. Lastly, the
researcher made a graph using Microsoft Excel so that the data or the information
can easily understand.
Internet VS Library 5


After getting the information, the researcher already found the results that
they need. And most of the students prefer Internet. In doing research, it’s
impossible that you will not encounter some problems. While we conducting our
survey and distributing our questionnaires, most of the students don’t understand
the instructions and even the questions, in that moment we really need to change
the questionnaire again. But we already solve the problem and here we are now,
already know the answer to our problem. Thank you for our teacher who guide us
in our adventure in making our research successful and helpful, not just for us, but
also for other students.

We predicted that Internet is the most effective method for the students, for
they had experience that Internet is the easiest way on finding the resources they
needed. The researchers are hoping to inspire students to study hard for the
improvement of their academic performance.

Figure 1

Internet vs. Library

1- Totally
2- Disagree 3- Agree 4- Totally Agree
Library 24 4 2 0
Internet 1 1 11 17
Internet VS Library 6

Internet VS Library

Based on the graph given, library has a highest rate that choose the totally
disagree in finding the material for their study which is 24 respondents, while the
Internet has the highest in totally agree with 14 respondents. Overall, it means that
the Internet is the best way or method to use in finding materials for their study.

Figure 2

Finding Resources





1- Totally Disagree 2- Disagree 3- Agree 4- Totally Agree
Library 24 3 3 0
Internet 1 2 11 16

Easy to find resources

Based on the graph, the library is the highest in totally disagree in easy to find
resources which is 24 respondents, while the Internet has the highest in totally
agree which is 16 respondents. It means that, the easiest in finding resources is the
Internet with 16 respondents that agrees on it.
Internet VS Library 7

Figure 3

Usually Find References

1- Totally
2- Disagree 3- Agree 4- Totally Agree
Library 25 2 2 1
Internet 1 2 13 14

Doing assignment usually find references

Based on the graph, the most usable materials in doing assignments is the
Internet with 14 respondents who answers totally agree, while the Library has the
highest score in totally disagree in using the materials on their assignments with 24
respondents who answers totally disagree.

Figure 4

Availability of Materials





1- Totally Disagree 2- Disagree 3- Agree 4- Totally Agree
Library 25 3 2 0
Internet 1 3 12 14
Internet VS Library 8

Availability of Materials

Based on the graph, the most available materials that can be use by the
students is Internet with 25 respondents who chose totally agree in availability of
materials, while the Library has the highest score on totally disagree on availability
of materials which is 14 respondents.

Figure 5





1-30 minutes 2-1 hour 3-2 hours 4- others

Time in Searching

Base on the graph, 8 of the respondents takes 30 minutes in searching in the

internet, 13 of the respondents takes 1 hour in searching using internet, 7 of the
respondents takes 2 hours in using internet while 2 of the respondents takes their
more than 2 hours in using internet.

While in Library, 11 of the respondents take 30 minutes in using library, 13

of the respondents take 1 hour in using library, 4 respondents take 2 hours in using
library while 2 of the respondents take their more than 2 hours in using library
Internet VS Library 9

Figure 6





1- 75-80 2- 81-86 3- 87-89 4- 91 above

Average Grade in 1st Semester

Based on the graph, the grade of using Internet is 2 of the respondent’s grade
is between 75-80, 4 of the respondent’s grade is between 81-86, 12 of the
respondent’s grade is between 87-89 and 12 respondent’s grade 91 above.

While in Library, 5 of the respondent’s grade is between 75-80, 8 of the

respondent’s grade is between 81-86, 11 of the respondent’s grade is between 87-
89 and 6 of the respondent’s grade is 91 above.

Overall, the most effective between Internet and Library base on the respondents’
grade is the Internet with 12 respondents with a grade of 91 above; it means that
the Internet is the most helpful or effective for most of the students in maintaining
their grade.
Internet VS Library 10


A library has a very systematic way in which information is catalogued to

enable searchers to locate the desired information. The internet, on the other hand,
has no system for consistency. Different search engines to their data bases in
different ways. The accuracy of both library information and internet information
are dissimilar. In a library, the information is selected, reviewed, evaluated, and
catalogued. Information found in the library is selected for specific purposes and
specific reasons to be included in the collection found inside the library. Internet
information on the other hand, has no evaluation criteria. Anyone can publish
anything on the internet without restriction.

Libraries and the internet are major sources of information that researchers
commonly use, for purposes of academic assignment and to obtain reliable
information that can be utilized to researches. A library is a sea of books,
educational magazines, newspapers and so on for people to dive into, explore,
discover and build knowledge. Unlike a library, the internet is a universe of
computer networks where researchers can search for any kind of information, bad
or good, simply by opening the network. As sources of information for students,
libraries and the internet have many similar but different aspects such as time,
reliability, and accessibility.(Catty Jun2014)

The use of both library and the internet will depend on the researcher. In a
research the material cited on paper needs to be up to date to ensure accuracy. The
rise of the internet has presented researchers with new sources of information. The
ease of locating information in a vast array of data on the internet is a tempting
alternative to visiting the library. There are numerous benefits to relying on
libraries for research purposes. The information stored in the library is usually of
quality, and librarians take great pains to ensure that the periodicals and books
housed are reliable sources. Libraries often include material that cannot be
accessed on the internet, or at least cannot be accessed for free. The library and the
internet seem to be serving the same purpose in the lives of the researchers; it is
just a matter of pick.

In conclusion, the most effective or helpful material to the students is the

Internet. Most of the respondent answers about Internet, but some is using Library.
Internet VS Library 11

The results of this study provide some information about Internet and Library
especially their effectiveness. This research and other upcoming research will
contribute to knowledge of effectiveness of internet and library. The results of this
study suggest that we have much more to learn about Internet and Library.
Internet VS Library 12


Catty Jun(2014). Compare and Contrast Essay: Internet vs. Libraries, Cathy's

Cynthia H. Kumah(2015). A Comparative Study of use of the Library and the

Internet as Sources of Information by Graduate Students in the University Of
Ghana, University of Nebraska – Lincoln

Rosalyn Eishen(2011). The Internet vs. the Library: A College Student Perspective

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