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Production Process of Cement and Status of Cement Industries in Nepal


CKD Cement Kiln Dust

ESP Electro Static Precipitator

GON Government of Nepal

HCIL Hetauda Cement Industry Ltd.

IS International Standard

JCIPL Jagadamba Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd

MT Metric Ton

MT/PA Metric Ton per Annum

OPC Ordinary Portland Cement

PPC Pozzolana Portland Cement

RABH Reverse Air Bag House

TPD Ton Per day

By BIE 065 batch

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Production Process of Cement and Status of Cement Industries in Nepal

Table of content
OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ...........................................................................................................................................- 3 -

METHODOLOGY OF STUDY .........................................................................................................................................- 3 -

1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................................- 4 -
1.1 HISTORY ................................................................................................................................................................- 4 -
1.2 COMPOSITION OF CEMENT ...................................................................................................................................- 6 -
ALUMINA (AL2O3)........................................................................................................................................................- 7 -
1.3 FUNCTIONS OF VARIOUS INGREDIENTS ................................................................................................................- 7 -

ALUMINA (AL2O3)........................................................................................................................................................- 7 -
1.4 TYPES OF CEMENT.................................................................................................................................................- 8 -
1.5 CEMENT PRODUCTION PROCESS ...........................................................................................................................- 9 -

1.5.1 ACQUISITION OF RAW MATERIALS .......................................................................................................................... - 10 -

1.5.2 RAW MILLING - PREPARATION OF RAW MATERIALS FOR THE PYROPROCESSING SYSTEM ........................................................ - 10 -
1.5.3 PYROPROCESSING – PYROPROCESSING RAW MATERIALS TO FORM PORTLAND CEMENT CLINKER ............................................. - 11 -
1.5.4 COOLING OF PORTLAND CEMENT CLINKER ................................................................................................................ - 12 -
1.5.5 STORAGE OF PORTLAND CEMENT CLINKER ................................................................................................................ - 12 -
1.5.6 FINISH MILLING / CEMENT MILLING ....................................................................................................................... - 12 -
1.5.7 PACKING, LOADING AND DISTRIBUTION. .................................................................................................................. - 12 -
1.6.1 AIR POLLUTANTS ............................................................................................................................................... - 13 -
1.6.2 LIQUID AND SOLID WASTE ................................................................................................................................... - 15 -
1.7.1 FINENESS TEST .................................................................................................................................................. - 16 -
1.7.2 SETTING TIME................................................................................................................................................... - 17 -
1.7.3 SOUNDNESS TEST .............................................................................................................................................. - 17 -
1.7.4 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST.............................................................................................................................. - 17 -
1.7.5 TENSILE STRENGTH TEST ...................................................................................................................................... - 17 -
1.7.6 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION .................................................................................................................................... - 18 -
2.0 STATUS OF CEMENT INDUSTRIES IN NEPAL .........................................................................................................- 18 -
2.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................- 18 -
2.2 CEMENT SUPPLY SITUATION IN NEPAL ................................................................................................................- 23 -
2.3 IMPORT OF CEMENT ...........................................................................................................................................- 23 -
2.4 FUTURE OF CEMENT INDUSTRIES IN NEPAL.........................................................................................................- 24 -

3.0 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF JAGADAMBA CEMENT INDUSTRIES .........................................................................- 25 -

4.0 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................................................- 27 -
5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..............................................................................................................- 27 -
BIBLIOGRAPHY..........................................................................................................................................................- 28 -

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Production Process of Cement and Status of Cement Industries in Nepal

Objective of the study

The main objectives of this study are as follows:

 To know about the overall production process of cement.

 To know about different raw materials required and composition of cement.
 To know about various sources and types of pollutants on cement industries and pollution
control measures used.
 To know about different quality control techniques used in cement industries.
 To know about status of cement industries of Nepal.

Methodology of study

The information gathered during field visit and Current data and facts regarding production process
and current status of Cement industries in Nepal have contributed to form a vital part of this report.
Different suitable techniques have been employed to collect that information. The tools and
methods employed to collect those information's are as follows:

Various publications News and Articles

Yearly Report of Jagadamba Cement industries (p) ltd., Department of Customs etc. have been
consulted along with Brochures and leaflets while preparing these reports. Most of data's were
derived from them.

News, articles, research papers published independently or in other publications have been
extensively consulted and facts and figures identified to be useful have been derived from them.

Field Visit

We Visited Factory of Jagadamba Cement in gonaha VDC-07,Bhairahawa (Bhairahawa to Lumbini

highway) along with Hetauda Cement Industry ltd in Hetauda to observe the overall production
processes of Cement and to gather information about various quality control techniques. The field
visits to the particular industries helped us a lot to understand the production processes, raw
material used, quality control measures, pollutants and different pollution control measures used in
cement industries which is the soul of this report.


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Production Process of Cement and Status of Cement Industries in Nepal

Various websites were visited in order to get valuable information about biogas technology. We
surfed various websites for gathering useful information. Some of them are:

1.0 Introduction
Cement is one of most widely used construction material from ancient time to the modern era.
Cement is the major ingredient of concrete, which is the second most consumed material on the
planet. It is the most important building materials in the modern world, but it was even more
important in antiquity. The Roman Empire relied on cement to build its roads, its aqueducts, and all
of its other great engineering marvels. Today, modern skyscrapers couldn't exist without the
strength added to modern-day concrete by Portland cement. In other words, human society as it
exists today would not be possible without cement.

At its most basic, the term "cement" can refer to almost any simple binding substance more
specifically it can be defined as “a substance applied to the surface of solid bodies to make them
cohere firmly” or “a powdered substance which, made plastic with water, is used in a soft and pasty
state (which hardens on drying) to bind together bricks, stones, etc”. Cement gets its high levels of
strength and durability through chemical reactions between the materials contained in it. For
instance, in Portland cement, limestone, gypsum, and clay are all mixed together. Complex chemical
processes within the materials, as they are mixed together, exposed to water, and then heated,
cause bonds to form on a molecular level. The final product, once dried and set, is extremely
durable and strong. While these chemical processes differ in each different variety of cement, the
basic process is relatively uniform.

Modern society, however, tends to connect the term cement with a more particular product that is
more specifically called "Portland cement." Portland cement was developed in the 19th century and
is so called due to its resemblance in color and character to the naturally occurring stone of Portland
Bill, off the south coast of England.

1.1 History

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Cement has been around almost as long as human intelligence has been, and it predates recorded
history. All of the great ancient civilizations utilized cement, from the Greeks to the Egyptians, the
Chinese Empire to the Roman Empire. In fact, the Romans actually named the substance "cement,"
although the cement that they used varied a great deal
from modern cement. It wasn't until the Industrial
Revolution that cement would become more
modernized and standardized, which vastly improved
the final product.

The great mediaeval cathedrals, such as Durham,

Lincoln and Rochester in England and Chartres and
Rheims in France, were clearly built by highly skilled
masons. The Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment
brought new ways of thinking, which for better or worse, led to the industrial revolution. In
eighteenth century Britain, the interests of industry and empire coincided, with the need to build
lighthouses on exposed rocks to prevent shipping losses. The constant loss of merchant ships and
warships drove cements technology forwards. Portland cement is a successor to a hydraulic
lime that was first developed by John Smeaton in 1756 when he was called in to erect the Eddystone
Lighthouse off the coast of Plymouth, Devon, England.

The invention of portland cement usually is attributed to Joseph Aspdin of Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng.,
who in 1824 took out a patent for a material that was produced from a synthetic mixture
of limestone and clay. He called the product portland cement because of a fancied resemblance of
the material, when set, to portland stone, a limestone used for building in England.

In 1845, Isaac Johnson made the first modern Portland Cement by firing a mixture of chalk and clay
at much higher temperatures, similar to those used today. At these temperatures (1400C-1500C),
clinkering occurs and minerals form which are very reactive and more strongly cementitious.

While Johnson used the same materials to make Portland cement as we use now, three important
developments in the manufacturing process lead to modern Portland cement:

- Development of rotary kilns

- Addition of gypsum to control setting

- Use of ball mills to grind clinker and raw materials

Following are some of the more significant dates in the development of Portland cement

 1824 Joseph Aspdin patented Portland cement

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 1845 Isaac Johnson recognised the significance of high temperature to produce C3S. This was
the first cement as we know it.
 1880's Gypsum first added for set control.
 1885 Ransome patented the rotary kiln.
 1891 The continuously fed ball mill was patented.
 1928 Introduction of the grate preheater kiln (Lepol) by Polysius provided the first major
improvement in thermal efficiency from the previous long, wet kilns.
 1930's Roller mill first applied to cement manufacture; rapid development after 1960.
 1930's Introduction of the roll press; rapid development after 1980.
 1932 Patent of the cyclone preheater kiln with commercial development by KHD dating from
 1937 Introduction by Fuller of the grate cooler.
 1950's Introduction of mechanical separators
 1960 Introduction by KHD of the kiln bypass to allow use of raw materials with high volatiles
 1966 Introduction of precalcination which was initially air-through riser-firing.
 1970's Introduction of high-efficiency separators.
 1973 Introduction by IHI of the flash calciner with tertiary air duct.
 1980's Rotary kilns gradually replaced the original vertical shaft kilns used for making lime

The two other principal technical developments, gypsum addition to control setting and the use of
ball mills to grind the clinker, were also introduced at around the end of the 19th century.

1.2 Composition of Cement

Portland cement consists essentially of compounds of lime (calcium oxide, CaO) mixed with
silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2) and alumina (aluminum oxide, Al2O3). The lime is obtained from a
calcareous (lime-containing) raw material, and the other oxides are derived from an argillaceous
(clayey) material. Additional raw materials such as silica sand, iron oxide (Fe2O3), and bauxite
(containing hydrated aluminum, Al[OH]3) may be used in smaller quantities to get the desired
composition. impurities in raw materials that must be strictly limited are fluorine compounds,
phosphates, metal oxides and sulfides, and excessive alkalies.

Compositions of Ordinary Portland Cement are as follows:

Ingredients Proportion

Lime (CaO) 63.0%

Silica (SiO2) 22.0%

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Alumina (Al2O3) 6.0%

Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) 3.0%

Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 2.5%

Sulpher Trioxide (So3) 1.75%

Loss in Ignition 1.5%

Insolvable Residue 0.25%

Besides the above ingredients, Calcium Sulphate (CaSO4), commonly known as gypsum is added
about 3% to 4%, for controlling the initial setting time of cement. Larger the proportion of gypsum
more will be the initial setting time and vice versa.

1.3 Functions of various ingredients

Functions of various ingredients of cement are as follows:

Lime (CaO)

It is the major constituent of cement and its proportion needs to be maintained carefully. The lime
in excess makes the cement unsound and causes the cement to expand and disintegrate. If lime is in
deficiency, the strength of cement is decreased and cement sets quickly. So lime present in right
proportion makes the cement sound and strong.

Silica (SiO2)

It is another important constituent of cement. It imparts strength to the cement due to the
formation of dicalcium and tricalcium silicates. Silica in excess provides greater strength but
prolongs its setting time.

Alumina (Al2O3)

Presence of alumina in cement imparts quick setting quality to the cement. It acts as a flux and
lowers the clinkering temperature. Alumina in excess reduces the strength of cement.

Calcium Sulphate (CaSO4)

It is present in form of very soft mineral called Gypsum which is composed of calcium sulphate
dehydrate (CaSO4.2H2O). Addition of Gypsum helps in increasing the initial setting time.

Iron Oxide (FeO2)

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Iron Oxide provides color, hardness and strength to the cement. It also helps in the fusion of raw
materials during manufacturing of cement.

Magnesium Oxide (MgO)

It is present in small amount in cement. It imparts hardness and color to the cement. Magnesium
Oxide in excess makes the cement unsound. If the content of Magnesium Oxides exceeds 5% it
causes cracks after mortar or concrete hardens.

Sulpher Trioxide (SO3)

The amount of Sulpher Trioxide in cement is very small and it makes the cement sound. Its presence
in excess makes the cement unsound.


Generally Alkalies are present in small quantities but presence of it in excess causes Effervescences.
If the content of alkali oxides exceeds 1% it leads to the failure of concrete made from cement.

1.4 Types of Cement

Depending upon the composition, use and other factors cement are of numerous types. Following
are some important types of cements:

Portland cement: Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is the general use cement. It has medium rate of
strength development and heat generation. It has adequate resistance to shrinkage and cracking but
has less resistance to chemical attack.

Rapid Hardening Cement: It is also known as High early strength cement and is Used when high
strength are desired at very early periods. It contains large proportion of lime and other
constituents are as same as that for OPC. It is prepared by burning at high temperature than that if
OPC and is more fine than OPC. Its curing period is also shorter than other cement.

Sulphate Resisting Portland cement: It is used at places where sulphate action is severe. It is used
in structures which are likely to be damaged by severe alkalis condition such as Canal Lining,
Culverts, and Siphons etc.

High Alumina Cement: It is a type of rapid hardening cement. It contains nearly 35% of alumina. It is
capable of resisting action of acids and high temperature. It sets quickly and attains higher ultimate
strength in a short period. It is also not affected by Frost. Generally these types of cements are used
in chemical plants, colder regions and for under water construction.

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Low Heat Portland cement: It contains less lime than ordinary cement but other materials remain
the same as in case of ordinary cement. It is mostly used for mass concrete work due to the low
heat development.

Quick setting cement: It contains less percentage of gypsum and is ground much finer than OPC.
Due to quick setting properties it is used for under water work or in running water.

White Cement: It contains very little amount of iron oxide and manganese oxide. It posses high
strength and dries quickly. It is mostly used for aesthetic purpose. Generally it is used for floor
finishing and plaster works and in mortar for marbles and tiles.

Colored Cement: It is prepared by adding 5 to 15% of a suitable coloring pigment before the cement
is finally grounded. Cobalt oxide for Blue, chromium for green and iron oxide for red and yellow
color are used as coloring pigments.

Portland Pozzalana cement: Portland Pozzalana cement is an intimate mixture of cement and
pozzalana. Pozzalana is a natural or artificial material containing silica and alumina in reactive form.
Pozzalanic materials may be volcanic ash or burnt clay etc. This cement possesses high tensile
strength and attains compressive strength with age. It imparts higher resistance to chemical attack.

1.5 Cement Production Process

Cement industries typically produce portland cement, although they also produce masonry cement
(which is also manufactured at portland cement plants). Portland cement is a fine, typically gray
powder comprised of dicalcium silicate, tricalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate, and tetracalcium
aluminoferrite, with the addition of forms of calcium sulfate. Different types of portland cements
are created based on the use and chemical and physical properties desired. Portland cement plants
can operate continuously for long time periods (i.e., 6 months) with minimal shut down time for
maintenance.The air pollution problems related to the production, handling, and transportation of
Portland cement are caused by the very fine particles in the product.

Depending on a physical state of raw mix, Portland cement clinker production is classified under the
following technologies:

 If a raw mix is prepared as raw mix suspension in water - slurry - wet production technology
is being used
 If a raw mix is prepared as dump granules - semi-wet or semi-dry technology is being used;

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 If a raw mix is prepared as dry powder - dry technology is being used.

An overview of different stages of Cement production Process can be shown as following.

Following are the stages of cement production at a Portland cement plant.

1.5.1 Acquisition of raw materials

Most of the raw materials used are extracted from the earth through mining and quarrying and can
be divided into the following groups: lime (calcareous), silica (siliceous), alumina (argillaceous), and
iron (ferriferous). Since a form of calcium carbonate, usually limestone, is the predominant raw
material, most plants are situated near a limestone quarry or receive this material from a source via
inexpensive transportation. The plant must minimize the transportation cost since one third of the
limestone is converted to CO2 during the pyroprocessing and is subsequently lost. Quarry
operations consist of drilling, blasting, excavating, handling, loading, hauling, crushing, screening,
stockpiling, and storing.

1.5.2 Raw Milling - preparation of raw materials for the pyroprocessing system

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Raw milling involves mixing the extracted raw materials to obtain the correct chemical
configuration, and grinding them to achieve the proper particle-size to ensure optimal fuel efficiency
in the cement kiln and strength in the final concrete product.

The pre-blended limestone from stack pile is transported to raw mill hoppers. More than one
hoppers are used for proportioning of raw mix incase the limestone is obtained from more than one
sources or sweetener or additive materials are required to be mixed with captive mines limestone.
Presently Raw mill hoppers are provided with continuous weighing machines known as weigh
feeders in order to produce a suitable raw meal proportioned appropriately for production of
desired good quality of cement clinker. Three types of processes may be used: the dry process, the
wet process, or the semidry process. If the dry process is used, the raw materials are dried using
impact dryers, drum dryers, paddle-equipped rapid dryers, air separators, or autogenous mills,
before grinding, or in the grinding process itself. In the wet process, water is added during grinding.
In the semidry process the materials are formed into pellets with the addition of water in a
pelletizing device. The raw meal ground in the raw mill is thoroughly blended The moisture content
of raw meal powder is less than 1%. The properly blended raw meal is now ready for burning the
same to produce cement clinker in cement rotary kiln.

1.5.3 Pyroprocessing – pyroprocessing raw materials to form Portland cement clinker

In pyroprocessing, the raw mix is heated to produce portland cement clinkers. Clinkers are hard,
gray, spherical nodules with diameters ranging from 0.32 - 5.0 cm (1/8 - 2") created from the
chemical reactions between the raw materials. The pyroprocessing takes place in the burning/kiln
department. The raw mix is supplied to the system as a slurry (wet process), a powder (dry
process), or as moist pellets (semidry process). The modern burning (pyroprocessing) system
comprises of three important sections namely preheating and precalcining(a heating process in
which calcium oxide is formed), clinkerisation and cooling. The preheating section is 90-100 meters
tall and comprises of battery of cyclones arranged one over the other in series. Precalcining of raw
meal is carried out in a separate vessel vertically held and placed in between preheating and
clinkerisation section. The clinkerisation reaction is carried out in a rotary kiln. The kiln is inclined at
an angle of about 3-5o from horizontal from preheating to the cooling end. The kilns are mounted on
tyres and rotated at a speed of 2.5 to 4 rpm. The combustion gases generated from burning of
purlverized coal in clinkerisation zone of the kiln flows from burning zone towards the inlet of fan
after passing through Kiln Precalciner–Preheater circuit. The high temperature combustion gas
transfer its heat to the finally derived raw meal and falls towards the bottom end of preheater after
passing through all stages of cyclones under the influence of hot gases flowing in the circuit. The
moisture and other volatile contents present are completely driven away. The burning zone in
rotary kiln receives complete decarbonated material, the part of which is transformed into liquid
after achieving appropriate melting temperature of some of the raw meal components and powdery
form of raw meal gets converted into nodulized clinker form. The final clinkerisation of raw meal is

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achieved between the temperature range of 1250-1450oC depending upon the raw meal
characteristics. The high temperature clinker nodules varying in size then fall out of the kiln and
enter the cooler.

1.5.4 Cooling of Portland cement clinker

The clinker cooling operation recovers up to 30% of kiln system heat, preserves the ideal product
qualities, and enables the cooled clinker to be maneuvered by conveyors. The most common types
of clinker coolers are reciprocating grate, planetary, and rotary. Air sent through the clinker to cool
it is directed to the rotary kiln where it nourishes fuel combustion. The fairly coarse dust collected
from clinker coolers is comprised of cement minerals and is restored to the operation. Based on the
cooling efficiency and desired cooled temperature, the amount of air used in this cooling process is
approximately 1-2 kg/kg of clinker. The amount of gas to be cleaned following the cooling process is
decreased when a portion of the gas is used for other processes such as coal drying.

1.5.5 Storage of Portland cement clinker

Although clinker storage capacity is based on the state of the market, a plant can normally store 5 -
25% of its annual clinker production capacity. Equipment such as conveyors and bucket elevators is
used to transfer the clinkers from coolers to storage areas and to the finish mill. Gravity drops and
transfer points typically are vented to dust collectors.

1.5.6 Finish Milling / Cement Milling

During the final stage of portland cement production known as finish milling or Cement Milling, the
clinker is ground with other materials (which impart special characteristics to the finished product)
into a fine powder. Up to 5% gypsum and/or natural anhydrite is added to regulate the setting time
of the cement. Other chemicals, such as those which regulate flow-ability or air entrainment, may
also be added. Many plants use a roll crusher to achieve a preliminary size reduction of the clinker
and gypsum. These materials are then sent through ball or tube mills (rotating, horizontal steel
cylinders containing steel alloy balls) which perform the remaining grinding. The grinding process
occurs in a closed system with an air separator that divides the cement particles according to size.
Material that has not been completely ground is sent through the system again.

1.5.7 Packing, loading and distribution.

Once the production of portland cement is complete, the finished product is transferred using
bucket elevators and conveyors to large, storage silos in the shipping department. Most of the
portland cement is transported in bulk by truck, or train, or in 43 kg (94 pound) multiwalled paper
bags. Bags are used primarily to package masonry cement. Once the cement leaves the plant,
distribution terminals are sometimes used as an intermediary holding location prior to customer

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distribution. The some types of conveyor systems used at the plant are used to load cement at
distribution terminals.

1.6 Pollutants and Control

In this section we briefly discuss the nature of the pollutants generated from, and controls used at,
several sources in the cement manufacturing process. Air pollutants are typically of greater concern
than solid or liquid wastes.

1.6.1 Air pollutants

Air pollutants generated during the cement manufacturing process consist primarily of particulates
from the raw and finished materials, and fuel combustion by-products. Controlling particulate
emissions from sources other than the kiln usually entails capturing the dust using a hood or other
partial enclosure and transporting it through a series of ducts to the collectors. The type of dust
collector used is based on factors such as particle size, dust loading, flow rate, moisture content, and
gas temperature. The best disposal method for collected dust is to send it through the kiln creating
the clinker. However, if the alkali content of the raw materials is too high, the dust must be
discarded, or must be pretreated before introduction into the kiln. The highest allowable alkali
content is 0.6 percent (as sodium oxide). Additional air pollutants emitted include such materials as
sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides generated from the kiln and drying processes. Sulfur dioxide is
generated from the sulfur compounds in the ores and the combusted fuel and varies in amount
produced from plant to plant. The efficiency of particulate control devices is inconclusive as the
result of variables such as feed sulfur content, temperature, moisture, and feed chemical
composition, in addition to alkali and sulfur content of the raw materials and fuel. The combustion
of fuel in rotary cement kilns generates nitrogen oxides from the nitrogen in the fuel and incoming
combustion air. The amount emitted depends on several factors including fuel type, nitrogen
content, and combustion temperature. Both sulfur dioxide and some of the nitrogen oxide react
with the alkaline cement and are removed from the gas stream.

Raw material acquisition

During raw material acquisition the primary air pollutant emitted is particulate matter. Particulate
matter is also emitted from the handling, loading, unloading, and transport of raw materials, such as
coal, purchased from another source. In certain areas, exhaust from portable equipment may also
be a consideration.

The following methods are used to control particulate emissions generated from the quarry and
handling of purchased raw materials:

 fabric filters (pulse-jet or reverse-air/shaker)

 equipment enclosures

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 water sprays (with and without surfactants)

 silos (with and without exhaust venting to wind screens fabric filters)
 Foam
 Mechanical collector

Raw Milling

Fugitive dust is emitted from raw material feeders, stackers, blenders, reclaimers, conveyor belt
transfer points, and bucket elevators used for transferring materials to the mill department from
storage. Particulate emissions from the dry raw mills and subsequent equipment occur during
temporary failure or from improperly designed or maintained seals. The following devices are used
to collect particulate matter in the raw mill and raw mix storage areas:

 mechanical cyclones (usually used in series with another control)

 fabric filters (pulse jet or reverse air/shaker)
 electrostatic precipitators (rarely used)

Newer plants typically use the pulse-jet fabric filters while older plants employ the reverse-air or
shaker type fabric filters.


The main pyroprocessing system emissions are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water, oxygen, nitrogen
oxides, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. Cement kiln dust (CKD) is also produced.
The cement kiln itself has been designated as best available control technology (BACT) for the
control of SO2. The highly alkaline conditions of the kiln system enable it to capture up to 95% of the
possible SO2 emissions. However, if sulfide sulfur (pyrites) is present in the kiln feed, this
absorption rate can decline to as low as 50%. Therefore, sulfur emissions can be decreased through
careful selection of raw materials. No device to control cement kiln NOx emissions has been
developed, but there are several prospects:

 stable kiln operation (reduces long term NOx emissions)

 burner configurations for the rotary kiln (efficiency varies);
 staged combustion for precalciner kilns;
 recirculation of the flue gas (oxygen deficient air in the rotary kiln); and
 Alternative / low-nitrogen fuels.

Cement kiln dust (CKD) is the powder retrieved from the exiting gases and is either all or partly
returned to the operation or removed entirely. The type of system, the chemical makeup of the raw
materials and fuel, and the condition of the system operations all affect the chemical configuration
of the CKD. Portland cement specifications usually limit the amounts of sodium and potassium.
Because bypass CKD contains a large quantity of these minerals, CKD is usually removed from the

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process. The CKD from a preheater tower is composed of the same general elements as the kiln
feed and therefore is returned to the process. The handling, storage, and deposition of CKD can
generate fugitive dust emissions.

The following methods are used to control particulate emissions from the kiln system:

 reverse-air fabric filters

 electrostatic precipitators (ESPs)
 acoustic horns (sometimes used in conjunction with the two devices above)

Clinker Cooling

Reciprocating grate clinker coolers most often employ fabric filters, but ESPs and gravel bed filters
are also used with a mechanical cyclone or multiclone dust collector sometimes placed in front.
Newer plants typically use pulse-jet or pulsed-plenum fabric filters and older plants use reverse-air
type fabric filters which may simply be a smaller form of a kiln fabric filter. Gravel bed filters, which
are also used by the cement industry, contain quartz granules; contaminated gas passes through this
filter and the dust settles to the bottom of the bed.

Clinker Storage

Particulate matter is emitted from mill vents, air separator vents, and material-handling system
vents. Newer plants usually use pulse-jet or pulsed-plenum fabric filters with high-efficiency
separators, while older plants use reverse-air/shaker fabric filters. The cement dust collected by the
fabric filter is restored to the system. In cold weather, a plume may develop at the bag house vent;
this may be mistaken for particulate matter, but actually is condensed water vapor from the cooling

Packing and Loading

In the shipping department particulate matter is emitted from the silos and the handling and
loading operations. Active and passive fabric filters are used to collect this dust. During loading of
the product, particulate emissions are controlled by a fabric filter connected to the transport vessel;
collected dust is restored to the shipment. To ensure dust-free loading onto the transport vessel, a
flexible loading spout consisting of concentric tubes is used. The outermost tube seals the delivery
spout to the transport vehicle. The product is then delivered through the inner tube and displaced
air drawn up the outer tube to a filter. At distribution terminals, fabric filters are again used and the
collected dust is returned to the product. New plants typically use pulse-jet fabric filters while older
plants use reverse-air or shaker-type fabric filters.

1.6.2 Liquid and Solid Waste

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The overflow from slurry concentrating equipment (i.e. thickeners) constitutes the main water
pollution problem. For new plants that process slurry, closed-cycle water systems are used to
return the overflow water to the process. Another source of waste is the stripped overburden,
which is used as a raw material or disposed of in a local landfill. An estimate of overburden
deposited in a landfill varies from 0 - 3 metric tons per metric ton of cement produced. The
combustion processes of cement kilns and rotary kilns have been used to dispose of hazardous
waste material. For the cement kiln, waste material is burned with a primary fuel. For a wet process
kiln, the raw materials are introduced into the top of the kiln and exit at the bottom as cement
clinker. The burner is located at the lower end of the kiln where the fuel and waste are ignited. The
hot gases move up the kiln and heat the raw materials, exit the kiln, and are then cleaned in a bag
house prior to exiting through a stack. When waste is fired, any ash generated becomes a part of
the cement product.

1.7 Tests of cement for Quality Control

The fast and accurate determination of the elemental composition of all materials involved in
cement production is vital for successful process control and product quality. Immediate feedback
allows the close control of all process parameters. Depending upon the use and type different
properties on a product are desirable while some are undesirable. Different tests are performed in
order to find out whether the cement produced possesses required properties or not. For testing
the quality level of cement different tests performed some of them are as follows:

1.7.1 Fineness Test

The objective of conducting fineness test is to check the proper grinding of cement. Finer cement
has quicker action with water and gain early strength. Finer cement has more surface area of the
aggregate covered by it. Excessive fineness is undesirable due to following reasons:

 Cost of grinding is considerable

 Deteriorate more quickly when exposed to air and likely to cause more shrinkage
 Greater fineness requires more amount of gypsum

So in order to maintain adequate fineness regular fineness tests are carried out generally employing
following two techniques:

 Sieve Test
 Surface area Test

Test of fineness of cement is a measure of its cementing value.

The residue of Portland cement left in an I.S. test sieve No. 9 (90 micron) should not exceed 10% and
with rapid hardening cement the residue should not exceed 5%. As per the IS: 4031, the specific
surface of cement shall not be less than 2250cm2/gm.
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1.7.2 Setting Time

The objective of this test is to check the initial and final setting times of cement. The initial setting
time is determined as to give sufficient time for various operations such as mixing, transportation,
placing and compacting of mortar and concrete. The final setting time is determined to find that
after laying the mortar or concrete the hardening should be rapid so that the structure may be used
as early as possible

For sample preparation a stiff paste o neat cement and water is made and formed into a pat about
75 mm diameter and 12 to 25 mm thick. The paste should commence to set in about 30 to 60
minutes. In 18 to 24 hours the paste should have hardened sufficiently so as to make it impossible
to scratch the surface with the thumb nail. It should be difficult to break with the fingers after 48
hours and set fully hard in 7-8 days. As per IS: 4031 when tested by VICAT apparatus setting time
shall be as follows:

 Initial setting time – Not less than 30 minutes

 Final setting time – Not more than 600 minutes

1.7.3 Soundness test

It is performed to detect the presence of uncombined lime and magnesia in cement. These
substances slake very slowly and cause expansion. It is essential that the cement concrete doesn’t
undergo large change in volume after setting. The change in volume is known as unsoundness and
may cause cracks, distortion and disintegration of concrete. When tested as per IS: 4031 as per Le-
Chatelier method; unaerated Portland cement shall not have an expansion of more than 10mm.

1.7.4 Compressive Strength Test

This test is carried out to determine the suitability of cement for developing required compressive
strength of concrete and mortar. Test is performed on 1:3 cement mortar cubes (area of face
50cm2) made by 185 gram cement, 555 gram sand and 74 gram water. As per standard average
compressive strength for three cubes should not be less than 11.5 N/mm2 and 17.5 N/mm2 after 2
and 7 days respectively.

1.7.5 Tensile Strength test

This test is carried out to determine the suitability of cement for developing required Tensile
strength of concrete and mortar. Test is performed on 1:3 cement sand mortar with water content
8% by weight is mixed and molded into a briquette as the shape of mould. The briquette is molded
in standard manner cured for 24 hours at a temperature of (27 +,- 2) degree Celsius in a atmosphere
with 90% relative humidity and tested in direct tension. Average strength for 6 briquettes tested
after 3 and 7 days should not be less than 2N/mm2 and 2.5 N/mm2 respectively.

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1.7.6 Chemical Composition

Various tests are carried out to determine the chemical constituents of cement. The following are
the chemical requirements of ordinary cement:

 Ratio of percentage of alumina to that of iron oxide: This should not be less than 0.66.
 Lime saturation factor: Ratio of percentage of lime to percentage of alumina, iron oxide and
silica should be not less than 0.66 and not greater than 1.02, when calculated by following
 (CaO - 0.7SO3) / (2.8 SiO2 + 1.2 Al2O3 + 0.65 Fe2O3)
 Total sulphur content calculated as sulphuric anhydride (SO3) which is produced due to the
presence of Gypsum should not be more than 2.75 %. This combines with lime and alumina
and forms crystalline calcium sulpho aluminate. This causes expansion resulting into
 Total Weight of Insoluble Residue: This must not be more than 1.50%.
 Weight of Magnesia: This should not be more than 6 % as this affects the soundness of

1. 8 Grading of cement

Grade refers to the strength of cement at 28 days, when tested as per IS: 4031-1988. If the 28 days
strength is less than 33 N/mm2, it is called 33 Grade Cement. If the 28 days strength is lies between
33 to 43 N/mm2, it is called 43 Grade Cement. If the 28 days strength is lies between 43 to 53
N/mm2, it is called 53 Grade Cement.

2.0 Status of cement industries in Nepal

2.1 Introduction
The use of cement in Nepal as binding material came into effect in Nepal from the beginning
of early 1950's. As no indigenous cement manufacturing industry existed, early users of cement
were dependent on imports from India to meet their needs. Gradually, around 1965, the supply of
cement was diversified in the form of foreign aid program. The cement was started to import in
commercial scale only in the early 1970's from China, South Korea, North Korea, Burma, Indonesia,
Thailand , Japan, Hong Kong and many other countries.

In 1975, the first cement plant, Himal Cement Company Limited, came into being to provide
Nepal's first state–owned cement manufacturing facility. Its production capacity initially was 160 tpd
and subsequently a new Chinese plant with the production capacity of 200 tpd was added making
total capacity of 360 tpd. Then two additional plants, one at Hetauda, Hetauda Cement Industries
Limited with the production capacity of 750 tpd and other at Udayapur, Udayapur Cement

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Industries Limited, with the production capacity of 800 tpd were added to the state cement
manufacturing capability. Himal Cement Company was dissolved in 2002 due to environmental
At present, in addition to two public sector cement industries and three private mini
integrated cement industries, company registration book of the Department of Industries shows 27
mini, medium and large scale integrated cement industries and 17 mini and medium scale clinker
based industries are registered. List of registered cement industries is given in Table below.

Cement industries registered in Department of Industries

Installed capacity (MT)

S. No. Name of industry
Clinker MT/PA CementMT/PA

A. Public sector

1. Himal Cement Company Dissolved Dissolved

2. Hetauda Cement Industries Ltd. 247,500 259,875

3. Udayapur Cement Industries Ltd. 264,000 277,200

Sub - Total (A) 511,500 537,075

B. Private Sector

I. Integrated cement industries

1. Maruti Cement Udhyog 150,000 157,500

2. Triveni Cement Udhyog 9,900 10,395

3. Pancha Ratna Udhyog 15,000 15,750

4. Butwal Cement Mills Pvt. Ltd. 30,000 31,500

5. National Cement Pvt. Ltd. 60,000 63,000

6. Surya Cement Pvt. Ltd. 120,000 126,000

7. Balaji Cement Udhyog 30,000 31,500

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8. Kanak Cement Pvt. Ltd. 120,000 126,000

9. Budhha Cement Pvt. Ltd 60,000 63,000

10. Laxmi Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd. 90,000 94,500

11. Manakamna Cement Pvt. Ltd. 30,000 31,500

12. Buddha Cement Industries 300,000 315,000

13. Gorkhali Cement Udhyog Pvt. Ltd. 75,000 78,750

14. Sidhhartha Cement Udhyog 150,000 157,500

15. Dynasty Industry Nepal Pvt. Ltd. 90,000 94,500

16. Reliance Company Pvt. Ltd. 150,000 157,500

17. Shivam Cement Pvt. Ltd. 150,000 157,500

18. Kalash Cement Pvt. Ltd. 45,000 47,250

19. Dang Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd. 237,600 249,480

20. Om Cement Pvt. Ltd. 39,600 41,580

21. Shyam Mineral Industries Pvt. Ltd. 60,000 63,000

22. Koshi Cement Udhyog Pvt. Ltd. 10,500 11,025

23. KP Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd. 43,000 45,150

24. Jaybageswori Cement Industries 15,000 15,750

25. Jayakali Cement Udhyog Pvt. Ltd. 12,000 12,600

26. Sagarmatha Cement Pvt. Ltd. 163,721 171,907

27. Shiva Shree Jagadamba Cement Mills 120,000 126,000

Sub Total (B - I) 2,376,321 2,495,137

II. Clinker based cement industries

1. Lumbini Cement Pvt. Ltd. 150,000 157,500

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2. Mittal cement industries Pvt. Ltd. 30,000 31,500

3. Dynasty industry Pvt. Ltd. 30,000 31,500

4. Cosmos Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd. 90,000 94,500

5. Pashupati cement Pvt. Ltd. 132,000 138,600

6. Vijaya Cement pvt. Ltd. 90,000 94,500

7. Chitwan cement Udhyog pvt. Ltd. 30,000 31,500

8. Jagadamba Cement Industry Pvt. Ltd. 66,000 69,300

9. Narayani Cement udhyog Pvt. Ltd. 15,000 15,750

10. Krishna Cement Co. Pvt. Ltd. 60,000 63,000

11. Brij Cement industries Pvt. Ltd. 60,000 63,000

12. Bishworkarma Cement Pvt. Ltd. 132,000 138,600

13. Amber industries Pvt. Ltd. 45,000 47,250

14. Suprim Cement Pvt. Ltd. 150,000 157,500

15. Nepal Ambuja Cement udhyog 60,000 63,000

16. Ambe cement Pvt. Ltd. 90,000 94,500

17. Shree Cement industries Pvt. Ltd. 60,000 63,000

Sub – Total (B – II) 1,290,000 1,354,500

Grand Total (A+B) 4,177,821 4,386,712

Source: Department of Industry 2008

Among 27 mini, medium and large scale integrated cement industries in private sector, 12 industries
are producing cement. Similarly, out of 17 mini and medium scale clinker based industries, 11
industries are producing cement. The list of Cement industries under production, installed
production capacity and estimated production in 2005/06 is shown in table below.

Name of industries Installed capacity Installed production

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S. No. Cement (MT/PA) Cement (MT/PA)

A. Public Sector

1. Himal Cement Company 124,740 Dissolved in 2002

2. Hetauda Cement Industries Ltd. 259,875 103,950

3. Udayapur Cement Industries Ltd. 272,200 108,880

Sub - Total (A) 532,075 212,830

B. Private Sector

I. Integrated Cement industries

1. Maruti Cement Udhyog 157,500 63,000

2. Triveni Cement Pvt. Ltd. 10,395 4,158

3. Pancha Ratna Udhyog 15,750 6,300

4. Butwal Cement Mills Pvt. Ltd. 31,500 12,600

5. Balaji Cement Udhyog 31,500 12,600

6. Budhha Cement Pvt. Ltd. 63,000 25,200

7. Manakamana Cement Pvt. Ltd. 31,500 12,600

8. Gorkhali Cement Udhyog Pvt. Ltd. 78,750 31,500

9. Siddhartha Cement Udhyog 157,500 63,000

10. Reliance Cement Pvt. Ltd. 157,500 63,000

11. Kalash Cement Pvt. Ltd. 47,250 18,900

12. Sagarmatha Cement Pvt. Ltd. 171,907 68,763

Sub - Total (B - I) 954,052 381,621

II. Clinker based cement industries

1. Mittal Cement Industry Pvt. Ltd. 31,500 12,600

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2. Dynasty Industry Nepal Pvt. Ltd. 31,500 12,600

3. Cosmos Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd. 94,500 37,800

4. Pashupati Cement Pvt. Ltd. 138,600 55,440

5. Vijaya Cement Pvt. Ltd. 94,500 37,800

6. Chitwan Cement Udhyog Pvt. Ltd. 31,500 12,600

7. Jagadamba Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd. 69,300 27,720

8. Brij Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd. 63,000 25,200

9. Bishwokarma Cement Pvt. Ltd. 138,600 55,440

10. Nepal Ambuja Cement Udhyog 63,000 25,200

11. Ambe Cement Pvt. Ltd. 94,500 37,800

Sub-Total (B - II) 850,500 340,200

Grand Total (A + B) 2,336,627 934,651

2.2 Cement supply situation in Nepal

The domestic production both from public and private sector, and import from India and
other East Asian countries are the sources of supply. The public sector industries produce only
239,000 tons which is 45% of total installed capacity of 532,075 tons. Himal Cement Company is
excluded. It no longer produces cement. At present public sector industries are operating below
50% capacity utilization. Similar is the case with other private sector integrated and clinker based
mini, medium and large scale industries. As per the capacity utilization of existing cement
production industries published in economic survey, 2009/10, the production capacity was utilized
62% maximum in 1994/95 and it was 40% in 2008/09 and it will remain around 60% in coming

2.3 Import of cement

The deficit in the supply of cement is met through import. Cement is imported from East
Asian countries and India. However, after the decontrol of cement by the then Government of

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Nepal, the import has been predominantly from India. Import from other countries is negligible. The
import statistics of the cement from India is presented in the table below.

Fiscal year Import of cement from India (MT)

1992/93 152,680

1993/94 218,115

1994/95 281,138

1995/96 296,995

1996/97 403,175

1997/98 468,256

1998/99 616,409

1999/2000 619,179

2000/01 1,264,803

2001/02 1,379,817

2002/03 1,329,574

2003/04 931,541

2004/05 1,085,920

2005/06 646,207

Source: Import and export data published by Department of Custom, copy in 2008.

2.4 Future of cement industries in Nepal

The future for Nepal's cement industry is reported to be very favorable. The market is
substantial relative to current production capability and installed production capacity. Fourteen
industries including two public sector industries have access to limestone resources which are of
cement quality and have sufficient reserves to meet increased capacity and demand in the future.
The market is growing. At present domestic production is fulfilling 55%, and projected to fulfill 35%

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in 2014/15 and 21% in 2019/20 (as projected by Arun Valley Developers). The cement industry
needs to improve its efficiency by dealing first with the shortcoming of its present manufacturing
facilities and then increases the current capacity to the higher level.

3.0 A brief introduction of Jagadamba cement industries

Jagdamba Cement is a distinct brand name in the Nepalese market. This company was established in
the year 2001 and since then has been the
market leader in cement manufacturing in
Nepal. According to the market
requirement Jagdamba Cement Industries
has different products spread all over the
Jagdamba Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd. is to
produce & distribute Ordinary Portland
Cement (OPC) and Pozzolana Portland
Cement (PPC) at competitive prices to
achieve the needs and satisfaction of its
valued customers in Nepal, which can be achieved through meeting the statutory & regulatory
requirements of country, using high grade of raw material & Continual improvement in quality of
works and services rendered by the company, enhancing the involvement of all levels of employees,
using best available resources and by reviewing quality objectives time to time.

About jagadamba cement

For the manufacture of cement, this Industry uses high quality clinker imported only from the Best
Supplier’s including Shree Cement, Prism Cement and Vasavadutta Cement and like wise. The main
raw material Lime (CaO) is controlled by very advanced technology with computerized weigh feeder,
used for the product of Jagadamba Cement brands.

This Cement Industry produces OPC and PPC cement, whereas its Birgunj unit produces Slag
cement, as per market need products are supplied to specific area and for specific use.


The factory is located at gonaha VDC-07,bhairahawa (bhairahawa to lumbini highway),which is around the 290
km from the Kathmandu .The factory has total production capacity of 900 MT day or 18,000 bags of
cement/day..The factory also produce PPC cement beside OPC cement .The PPC cement is marketed under it’s
The company also has another manufacturing unit located at birgunj with a production capacity of additional 900

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MT/day or 18,000 bags of cement /day. This plant produces Portland slag cement.
Thus , in the total company produces 1800 MT/Day or 36,00 bags of cement /day, daily covering all the major
market of Nepal, on time on demand.


Jagdamba Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd. is to produce & distribute Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
and Pozzolana Portland Cement (PPC) under following branding names:

 Jagdamba 53 Grade OPC Cement

 Ultra Premium 53 Grade OPC Cement
 Ultra PPC Cement
 NS 385 cement


With a appropriate Quality

monitoring unit located in
factory and in India controls
quality of regular supply along

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with huge production capacity of 36,000 bags of cement per day. Jagdamba Cement Industries Pvt.
Ltd. holds frequent Lab tests in reputed laboratories in Nepal and India. “NATIONAL TEST HOUSE
(NR), Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Department of Consumer Affairs” as
Laboratories, Ballabgarh” are the main Laboratories in India.

4.0 Limitation of the study

In spite of our paramount efforts, to make this report as useful and informative as possible, this report still
may be incomplete, which is obvious because of different problems we faced. We gave our best to
accomplish the aim of this study under various constraints. There may be various things lacking on this
reports but effort were made to make this report as informative as possible. While this report conveys
valuable information regarding production process of cement and status of Nepalese cements industries, it is
not a perfection of any kind.

5.0 Conclusion and recommendation

Cement is a major ingredient of concrete which is second largely consumed material in the planet.
Since no modern construction activity can take place without the use of cement in one form or
another, it follows that the cement industry forms a vital part of infrastructure development.

The use of cement in Nepal as binding material came into effect in Nepal from the beginning of early
1950's. Besides having great potential of cement production in Nepal still more than 40% of
domestic demand is met through import mainly from India along with other south Asian countries.
Now altogether there are about 47 cement industries registered including public cement industries,
integrated cement industries and clinker based cement industries. Among them only 25 cement

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industries are operating with capacity utilization less than 50%. The capacity utilized is limited due
to non – availability of adequate raw materials in time, operational insufficiency, defects in
management, over manning, power load shedding etc.

Therefore, to increase the production of cement the GON must pay attention to revive sick
industries and give incentive to those industries which are still not under operation. Apart from it
the GON must address the ongoing power crisis. If the GON is not serious in talking the problems
faced by these industries, the cement supply situation is very bleak and Nepal has to depend heavily
on the import. This will create problem of timely availability of cement, hampering construction
activities and ultimately adversely affect the development work of the country.


[1] Rajput , R.K. , Engineering Material

[2] Aswani, K.G. , A text book of Material Science

[3] Shrestha, Dwarika Man, Marketing of Cement in Nepal, 2009

[4] Pandey, Paresh Raj and Banskota, Narayan, Proces of Cement Production in Nepal

[6] Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, Vol. 11, 2008,

[7] CBS – Central Bureau of Statistics, 2009

[8] Economic Survey 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09, MOF

[9] Import and export statistics, Department of Custom

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