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Ginger Soy Fish Recipe

and stir-fry until they turn

Ingredients light brown. Remove them
 12 oz. halibut fish fillet or from the oil and set aside in
other white fish (please see a bowl.
6. Using the ginger-infused oil,
recipe notes)
pan fry the fish until both
 1 tablespoon corn starch
surface turn light to golden
 1 2-inch piece ginger brown. Make sure you turn
 2 tablespoons cooking oil the fish very gently with
 1 tablespoon chopped spatula or tong, or
scallions preferably with a pair of long
cooking chopsticks. Fish
Sauce: fillets are very delicate; you
 2 tablespoons soy sauce don't want to break them up
 2 tablespoons water while pan-frying.
 1 tablespoon sugar 7. Add the Sauce to the fish.
 1 teaspoon sesame oil
As soon as the sauce
bubbles. Turn off the heat
 3 dashes ground white
and dish out. Top the fish
pepper with the ginger strips and
scallion. Serve immediately
Instructions with steamed rice.
1. Cut to the fish into thick, but
bite size pieces. Add corn
starch to the fish fillet.
2. Coat the fish with the corn
starch. Set aside.
3. Peel the ginger, slice and cut
into thin strips.
4. Mix all the ingredients for the
Sauce in a small bowl. Stir
to mix well and make sure
that the sugar melts.
5. Heat up a non-stick skillet or
well-seasoned wok with the
cooking oil on medium to
high heat. When the oil is
fully heated, add the ginger

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