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Rahul Dahekar

Answered Feb 14, 2017 ·

Media plays very a important role and has influence in virtually every aspect of our lives. It is

considered as the best source to know about the happenings of world. Newspaper, magazine,

radio, television and internet are the different types of media. It greatly affects our lives

because media has the power to influence our thoughts. This influence is sometimes positive

and sometimes negative.

Positive effects:

Earth has become a global village due to media. We can know about any part of the world

within minutes through television and internet. Media is the best way to spread knowledge,

information and news from one part of the world to the other.

Media educates the people to know about their basic rights and how to use them. It is also a

link between the government and people because all the policies and activities of government

are conveyed through media.

Education programs help the people to learn anything through internet, television and radio.

Children can develop their skills and intellect by watching these programs because audio and

visual media makes it quite easy to understand.

Advertisements help us to know the different products in the market and we can easily make

our choices according to our needs.

Weather forecast programs tell us about the weather so that we can take precautions or plan


Negative effects :

Media is the most influential one for the people to resort violence. Studies have suggested that
the exposure to violence on television, movies and video games make the children more
aggressive, fearful, less trusting and more accepting of violence. This does not mean that they
will start bringing weapons in the school but they will be more aggressive and less trusting
towards their friends, teachers and siblings.

Sex and violence in media also lead towards the sex crimes in the society. It traumatizes
youngsters which result in abuse in the home, streets, towards children etc.

Some advertisements try to influence the people by telling them the importance of branded
items. As a result children and youngsters become status conscious and thinks that by using
these items they can show their high status in the society. To fulfill their needs or to impress
others they many times go violent to get money.

Every coin has two sides similarly Media has positive and negative effects.
Jagir Jhaveri Answered Mar 17, 2014
Originally Answered: How has social networking changed our lives?

It is hard to know sometimes how our life has changed until we stop for a moment and look at

how different it is from ten or even five years ago. In recent years social media, likely more than

anything else, has significantly impacted most of our daily lives. Envisioning the global

conversation that has developed over the past few years because of tools like Facebook and

Twitter might have been unimaginable for most people at the beginning of this decade.

But social media communication tools have profoundly changed our lives and how we interact

with one another and the world around us. Here are the top areas that social media has

affected in our daily lives.

Xiao Jessie Xiao

Originally Answered: How has social media changed your lives?

Social media changes lives because it is full of information. You can search for anything you

want to. Not only limited to that but you can study different courses online. There are number

of colleges and universities that are providing online education. Social media is very helpful, you

should know how to use it. However, it has become the important part of our daily lives.
Anthony D. Browne, Current Student (2017-present)

Answered Mar 14, 2018 s

Originally Answered: How does social media influence a person’s life?

Social Media can “Influence” as well as “Impact” a persons life in many ways. Those ways can

be good and bad in comparison. There are people that do nothing but sit online all day every

day and soak up what Social Media has to offer and do nothing productive with their lives, or

beneficial for others. People take what they see on the platform as Truth without thinking for

themselves, investigating the information or doing thorough research that necessitates

whether that information is correct or not. Social Media can cause problems for people that do

not adequate its’ efficiency appropriately. People are subject to online bullying and a plethora

of other issues. This is a major issue with Social Media.

At the same time, Social Media can be a platform for success! People network and solve issues

through this medium. People provide answers, such as this platform. People can have thriving

businesses via this method. People that have been lost, have been found as a source of using

this tool. People keep in touch with friends and loved ones that they could not otherwise see

from anywhere on the Globe as a result of Social Media. People share their most personal and

private information which may account as a plus to some and a hindrance to others.

This topic can vary from user to user, but at the end of the day, as with anything else it is that

you have at your disposal, the quality of it is only as good as the one using it in whatever way,

shape and or form with which they are using it.

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