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from Mahabharat

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આ વાર્ાાઓનો અંગ્રજી
ે અનુવાદ પણ આપ્યો છે. વાર્ાામાં આવર્ા કેટલાક ગુજરાર્ી શબ્દોનો
અંગ્રેજી અર્ા (અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર થાર્ે) પણ આપ્યો છે. અંગ્રેજી શીખી રહે લા બાળકોને આ ઉપયોગી

When we ask children about Mahabharat stories, they tell stories of

Pandavas, Kauravas, Kurukshetra War. They don't know some interesting
stories from Mahabharat. Even many elders also don't know such stories.
Some interesting stories are selected from Mahabharat and given here so
children and elders can know these stories and enjoy.

Stories are given with English Translations and Words Meanings so children
Not Knowing Gujarati can also Enjoy and perhaps also Learn some Gujarati

- ર્ુષાર જ. અંજારરયા (Tushar J. Anjaria)

47/4, L.Colony, Nr. Polytechnic, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat, India

Mobile: 98251 59024, Email:

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વાર્ાાઓ / Stories

1. Story of Three and a Half Iron)

2. (Story of Golden Mongoose)
3. Story of Vyagh, the Butcher)
4. Bhim Taught a Lesson to Yudhishthir)
5. Draupadi’s Akshaypatra)
6. Shri Krishna Brahmachari)
7. Shri Krishna’s Victory over Anger)
8. Lord Krishna’s Mercy for Creatures)
9. - Shri Krishna’s Characteristics as God)
10. (Kunti Seeks Boon of Life with Thorns)
11. Time is Mighty, Not the Man)
12. Bhim Fights Bakasur)
13. Hanumanji Removes Bhim’s Arrogance)
14. (Abhimanyu Born as a Parrot)
15. (Lomasa Cat and Palit Mouse)

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Story of Three and a Half Iron

Once Pandavas’ mother Kunti told them that they will have to
observe a fast for the Agiyaras (a holy day). Bhim started giving
excuses, saying he cannot remain hungry and he feels weak even at
the thought of not eating. But when he came to know that he can
eat ladu (Sweet Ball) the previous night, he agreed to keep a fast.

On Agiyaras day, Kunti sent Pandava brothers to a Shiv temple

near a river. Others bathed and then went to the temple but Bhim
was too lazy and lied down on his side in the river bed. The giant
size of his body blocked the water. The water started gathering and
entered the temple. Parvatiji asked shivji why it was so. Shivji
laughed and said this is the way one of my bhakta offers his pooja!
Shivji came down and touched one side of Bhim's body and blessed
him that this side of his body will become of Vajra – Unbreakable

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One day Durvasa muni came to heaven to meet Indra – king of the
heaven. Indra paid his respects to him. Durvasa just sat in Indra’s
assembly with his eyes closed. Urvashi, the best of the damsel
(apsara) danced and danced to please the muni but of no avail. She
was tired and frustrated. She said, “Everyone living in the Jungle is
a Junglee They don’t know anything about dance” Durvasa opened
his red eyes and cursed her that she will have to go to the earth
and live as a mare at day time and a woman during the night time.
Indra and every one pleaded so Durvasa said when Three and a
Half Unbreakable Iron (Vajra) will meet together, she will return
back to the heaven.

Urvashi came down to the earth. She was living as a mare during
the day and a woman during the night. One day a king Dangav,
from a small kingdom called Sundir under Duryodhan had gone for
hunting. Suddenly at night he could feel warm drops falling over
him from a tree. He looked up and saw the most beautiful lady
crying. He offered to marry her. She told him the truth and took a
promise from the king that at any cost he will not give her to

Some time passed and Naradji thought it was time to do something

for Urvashi so he went to Lord Krishna's son Pradyuman and said

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there is a very beautiful woman with the king Dangav. Actually
such a beautiful woman should be with him. Pradyuman became
very upset for this and decided to get this woman anyhow. Lord
Krishna and Yadavas had no choice but to help Pradyuman so they
went for a battle with king Dangav. Dangav was a very small king
who cannot fight the Yadavas so he went to Duryodhan for help.
Duryodhan refused to help him as he did not want to fight
Krishna's army. Dangav went to seek the help of Pandavas.
Yudhishthir was reluctant to help as they were Krishana's relatives.
Bhim was in a favour to help the king who came to their refuge. So
a big war began between Pandavas and Yadavas!

Pandavas and Krishna's Yadavas were against each other! The war
was terrible and lots of lives were lost. Lord Krishna used his
Sudarshan Chakra so Pandavas got Shivji's Trishul. Both the
Unbreakable Iron weapons - Shastras of Vajra collided in the sky.
There was fire all around and people were horrified. There was no
way to stop these two Iron weapons. Now Krishna suggested to call
Hanumanji as Hanumanji has Unbreakable Iron body and only he
can separate these two Iron weapons. Hanumanji said if he lands
with these Iron weapons, then the land will split. So Bhim was
asked to sleep on the land with Vajra-Iron side of his body facing

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the sky. Hanumanji separated the two powerful iron weapons and
landed on this Vajra-Iron side of Bhim's body. With this, the Three
and a Half Iron met together – Sudarshan Chakra, Trishul,
Hanumanji’s Iron body and Bhim’s half body of Iron! As soon as
this happened, the mare turned into the damsel Urvashi and went
back to heaven!!!

For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Unbreakable Iron = (vajra). Three and a Half = (saadaa

tran). Mother = (maa), (maataa). Fast = (upavaas).
Holy = (pavitra). Day = (divas). E cuses
(bahaanaa). Hungry = (bhukhyo). Thought = (vichaar).
To eat = (khaavu). Brother = (bhaai). Brothers =
(bhaaio). Temple = (mandir). River = (nadi). To bath =
(nahaavu). Lazy = (aalasu). Giant = (vishaal).
Size = (kad). Body = (sharir). Water = (paani). To
laugh = (hasavu). Touch = (sparsh). Heaven =
(swarg). King = (raajaa). Respect = (maan), (aadar).
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Assembly = (sabhaa), (darbaar). Eyes = (aankho).
Damsel = (apsaraa). Dance = (nrutya). To get Tired =
(thaaki javu). Frustrated = (niraash). Anger =
(gusso). Curse = (shraap). Earth = (pruthvi). Mare =
(ghodi). Woman, Lady = (stri). Night = (raat). Plead =
(aajiji). Beautiful = (sundar). To Cry = (radavu).
Promise = (vachan). Upset = (udaas). Battle, War =
(yudhdh). Army = (lashkar). Refuge = (sharan). Terrible
= (bhishan). Sky = (aakash). To collide =
(takaraavu). Fire = (aag). Weapon = (hathiyaar). To
Separate = (chhutu paadavu). Suggestion = (suchan).

(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Unbreakable Iron ( ). = Mother (મધર). = Fast

( ). = Holy ( ). = Day ( ). = Excuses
( ). = Hungry ( ર ). = Thought ( ). =
To Eat ( ). = Brother ( ધર). = Brothers ( ધ ).
= Temple ( ). = River (ર ર). = To Bath ( ).
= Lazy ( ). = Giant ( ). = Size ( ).
= Body ( ). = Water ( ર). = To Laugh ( ).

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= Touch ( ચ). = Heaven ( ). = King ( ). , =
Respect (ર ). , = Assembly ( ). = Eyes
( ). = Damsel ( ). = Dance ( ). =
To Get Tired ( ). = Frustrated ( ). =
Anger ( ર). = Curse ( ). = Earth ( ). = Mare
(મર). = Woman ( મ ), Lady ( ). = Night ( ). =
Plead ( ). = Beautiful ( ). = To Cry ( ).
= Promise ( મ ). = Upset ( ). = Battle ( ), War
( ર). = Army ( મ ). = Refuge (ર ). = Terrible
( ર ). = Sky ( ). = To Collide ( ). =
Fire ( ર). , = Weapon ( ). = To Separate
( ર ). = Suggestion ( ).

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Story of Golden Mongoose

At the end of the Mahabharat war, Maharaj Yudhisthir, the eldest of

the Pandava brothers was crowned the king of India, known as
Bharat Varsha. After an unchallenged victory in an Ashwamegha
yagna and a successful beginning of his virtuous reign, he would
often organize feasts for the poor and hungry. The charitable acts,
feeding of the brahmnas and the poor gave Yudhisthir a sense of

After organizing one such function, Yudhisthir was thinking if there

was another ruler in the whole world as kind to their subject as he
was. Shri Krishna knew what was running in Yudhisthir's mind.
Shri Krishna immediately acted and set up a leela (an act).

The guests had left and the pandal had little remnants of foodstuff
scattered in the areas where the guests had dined. Shri Krishna,
Yudhisthir and others sitting in the balcony saw a mongoose appear
and run to the spots where there were the remnants of the
foodstuff. The mongoose appeared to be very special, half of its
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body was of golden colour. The mongoose kept running here
and there and appeared very restless. Seeing this Yudhdhistir called
the mongoose and asked why it was so restless and what was
troubling it. The mongoose could talk. It narrated its story.

It talked of a time when there was a great famine which had caused
devastating hunger everywhere. There was hardly anything to eat
and survival for life had become extremely difficult. The mongoose
while in search of food had landed in a poor brahman's house
where it noticed that the brahman's wife was preparing food and
waited to partake the remnants of the flour from the kitchen.

It had so happened that the brahman and his family had not eaten
anything for several days. His attempts in obtaining some grains in
alms had failed completely in the last few days and as a result the
family was starving. Fortunately, on this day, the brahman had
managed to obtain a small quantity of aata (wheat flour) and had
returned home very happily thinking that finally he and his family
members which comprised his wife, a son and a daughter-in-law
will be able to eat some food.

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The brahman had finished his evening puja and the family had just
sat for the dinner which was a mere four rotis one each for the four
members. As they were about to begin eating, a very hungry
mendicant appeared on his door.

He was famished and begged to be fed. This was an ultimate test

for the brahman. On one hand, the family members, themselves
were starving and here was the call of dharma which stated that a
guest is like God (Athithi Devo Bhava) and he cannot be turned
away without being attended.

The starved brahman asked his wife to offer his share of the rotis to
the mendicant. The beggar ate the roti and asked for more saying
that after eating the first roti he had become hungrier. The
brahman's wife then decided to give away her share. She thought
that it is her moral duty to bear an equal responsibility with her
husband. The mendicant was still not satisfied. And the son decided
to give his share too. The mendicant was still not satiated and
he wanted one more roti. And so the daughter-in-law too joined her
other family members in this ultimate test of their lives.

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Finally the mendicant went away but by then the family could
hardly bear their hunger and slowly they died one by one.

The stunned mongoose witnessed the entire episode. Itself about to

die, it ran to the kitchen area to grab a bit of the flour. In the
process a part of its body came in touch with the flour and to its
great surprise that part of its body turned golden. Since then, the
mongoose had been looking for another such miracle to happen. It
used to go to many yagnas hoping to fulfil its desire to turn its
whole body into a golden hue. However, it had remained

Today it had thought that its long wait was over. After all, there
was no one like Yudhisthir in the whole world and his yagna
would surely have the power to do this magic. But, this was not
the case. Despite its many attempts in rolling in the foodstuff left
over, its body did not acquire the golden colour which it required
so desperately. Undoubtedly, the mongoose was severely

By now, the message was clear to Yudhisthir. He realised that the

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brahman's act of charity was far superior. Yudhhisthir had a huge
fortune from which he had donated only a part whereas the
starving brahman's family had only those four rotis which were
needed to save their lives but their commitment to dharma and faith
in God was so strong that they did not hesitate in giving away
everything and deciding to make the ultimate sacrifice.

For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Golden = (soneri). Mongoose = (noliyo). Story =

(vaartaa). End = (ant). War = (yudhdh). Eldest =
(jyeshth). Victory = (vijay). Successful = (safal).
Beginning = (sharuaat). Virtuous = (nitimaan).
Reign = (shaasan). To Organize = (aayojan
karavu). Feast = (mijabaani). Poor = (garib). Charity
= (daan). Pride = (garv), (abhimaan). To Think =
(vichaaravu). Ruler = (shaasak). World = (vishva),
(duniyaa). Kind = (dayaalu). Mind = (man).

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Immediate = (tatkaalik). Guest = (mahemaan),
(atithi). Remnants = (bachelu), (vadhelu). Food =
(anna). Special = (vishishth). Half = (adadhu).
Colour = (rang). To Run = (dodavu). Time = (samay).
Famine = (dukaal). Life = (jivan). Difficult =
(mushkel). House = (ghar). Wife = (patni). Flour = (lot).
Kitchen = (rasodu). Family = (kutumb). Attempt =
(prayatn). Grain = (anaaj). Alms = (bhikshaa). Son =
(dikaro), (putra). Daughter-in-law = (putrvadhu).
Dinner = (raat nu bhojan). Member = (sabhya).
Mendicant = (bhikshuk). Door = (darvaajo),
(dwaar). God = (bhagvaan). Beggar = (bhikhaari).
Responsibility = (jawaabadaari). Husband = (pati). To
Bear = (sahan karavu). Death = (mrutyu). To die =
(maravu). Miracle = (chamtkaar). Desire =
(ichchaa). Power = (Shakti). Magic = (jaadu). Disappointed
= (niraash). Message = (sandesh). Faith =
(shradhdhaa). Sacrifice = (tyaag).

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(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Golden ( ). = Mongoose (મ ). = Story

( ર ). = War ( ર). = End ( ). = Eldest
( ). = King ( ). = Large ( ). =
Kingdom ( મ). = Success ( ). = Successful
( ). = Beginning ( ). Often
(ઓ Poor ( ર). = Hungry ( ). = People
( ). = Feast ( ). = To Organize (
ઓ ). = Meal (મ ). = Charity (ચ ર ). = Pride
( ). = Function ( ). = To Think ( ).
= World ( ). = Mind (મ ). Guest ( ).
= Food ( ). = Palace ( ). = Balcony ( ).
= Special ( ). = Half ( ). = Body (
= Tu Run ( ર ). = Restlessness (ર ). =
Trouble ( ). = Time ( મ). = Everywhere
( ર ર). , = Terrible ( ર ). = Femine
( મ ). = Starvation ( ર ). = Scarcity ( ર ).
= laaif ( ). = Maintenance (મ ). =
Maintenance of Life (મ ઓ ). = Difficult
( ). = House ( ). = Wife ( = To Cook

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( ). = Kitchen ( ચ ). Family ( મ ). = Alms
( ). = Grain ( ). = Fortune ( ર ). =
Wheat ( ). = Flour ( ર). = To be Happy (
). = Son ( ). = Daughter in Law ( ર ).
= Evening ( ). = Prayer ( ર). = Door ( ર). =
Mendicant (મ ). = Immediate ( મ ). =
Test ( ). = Householder ( ર). = Religion
(ર ). = Guest ( ). = God ( ). =
Respect (ર ). = Husband ( ). =
Responsibility ( ર ). = Duty ( ). =
Satisfaction ( = To Bear ( ર). = Death
( ). = Event ( ). Surprise ( ર ). =
Miracle (મ ર ). = Clear ( ર). = Message (મ ).
= Superior ( ર ર). = Faith ( ). = Sacrifice
( ).

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Story of Vyagh, a Butcher

One saint went to a jungle. He was sitting under a tree to do

meditation. He was disturbed as a crow and a crane were fighting
on the tree. The saint became very angry and just had a thought
that crow and crane should burn to ashes. With saintly life and
meditation, he had gained high powers. Just by his thought, the
crow and crane burned to ashes. Seeing this, the saint became proud
of his powers.

One day he went to get alms in the village. He went to a house and
asked for alms. There was a woman working in the house. She
asked him to wait for some time. The saint became angry as he had
to wait for some more time. The woman came out with alms and
told the saint that it is very bad for him to get angry and every
time the incident of burning the birds don’t get repeated The saint
was very much surprised as how this woman could know the
incident of jungle?

He asked her about her powers. She told that she is a very
dedicated woman serving her family. She was doing her work

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sincerely and looking after old in-laws just as she worships God. So
she has gained such powers. She then asked the saint to meet a
Vyagh – a butcher to get some knowledge from him.

The saint was hesitated to get knowledge from a butcher but after
seeing the woman’s powers he decided to meet the person she has
suggested When he went to the butcher’s house he was cutting
meat. There was bad odour all over the place. The saint thought
how such a cruel man can give him knowledge? Then the butcher
told the saint that he knew that the woman has sent him here. He
asked him to wait. The saint was surprised how this man could
know this?

The butcher took the saint inside his home and asked to wait. He
gave bath to his old parents, gave them food, gave medicines and
prepared their bed. Then he came to the saint.

The saint asked him about Soul and other high level knowledge.
The butcher gave a very good sermon to the saint. This is also
known as “Vyagh Geeta”

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The butcher told the saint that no work is bad. He was a butcher
due to Karma (deed) of his past birth. But he was fully dedicated to
his duties and serving his old parents like God. That woman was
also sincere in her duties. It is always important to do your duty
sincerely. This way there is no difference between a person doing
his family duties and a Sanyasin. He advised the saint not to do
proud of his saintly position and his powers.

For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Butcher = (Vyaagh), (kasaai). Saint = (sant). Tree =

(vruksh), (zaad). Meditation = (dhyaan dharavu).
Disturbance = (khalel), (vikshep). Crow =
(kaagado). Crane = (bagalo). To Fight = (zaghadavu).
Anger = (gusso). To Burn = (balavu), (baalavu).
Ash = (bhasma). Power = (shakti). Alms =
(bhikshaa). Village = (gaam). House = (ghar). Woman =
(stri). To Wait = (raah jovi). Incident = (ghatanaa),
(banaav). Bird = (pakshi), (pankhi). Dedicated =

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(samarpit). To Serve = (sevaa karavi). Sincerely =
(nishthaa purvak). To Look after = (sambhaal
levi). Old = (gharadaa). In laws = (saasu sasaraa).
To Worship = (pujaa karavi). God = (bhagvaan).
Knowledge = (gyaan). Hesitation = (sankoch). To Decide
= (nakki karavu). Person = (vyakti). To Cut =
(kaapavu). Meat = (maans). Bad = (kharaab). Odour =
(gandh), (vaas). Place = (jagyaa), (sthaan). Cruel =
(ghaataki). Surprise = (ascharya). Parents =
(maataa pitaa), (maa baap). Medicine = (davaa). Soul =
(aatmaa). Sermon = (upadesh). Past =
(aagalanu), (bhutakaal). Birth = (janma). Past Birth =
(purva janma). Duty = (faraj). Important =
(agatya nu). Difference = (bhed). To advise =
(salaah aapavi). Advice salaah). Proud =
(abhimaan). Position = (hoddo).

(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

, = Butcher ( ચર). = Saint ( ). = Tree ( ).

= Meditation (મ ). = Crow ( ). = Crane
( = To Fight ( ). = Disturbance ( ).

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= Anger ( ર). = To Burn ( ). = Ash
( ). = Power ( ર). = Proud ( ). = Village
( ). = Alms ( ). = House ( ). = Woman
( મ ). = Busy ( ). = To Wait ( ). = Bird
( ). = To be Surprised ( ર ). =
Incident ( ). = Dedicated ( = To
Serve ( ). = Sincerely ( God
( ). = Old (ઓ ). = In Laws ( ). =
Knowledge ( ). = Hesitation ( ). = Suggestion
( ). = Meat (મ = To Cut ( ). = Bad Odour
( ઓ ર). = Cruel ( ). , = Parents
( ર = To Bath ( ). = Medicine (મ ).
= Bed ( ). = Bad ( ). = Soul ( ). =
Sermon ( મ ). = Past ( ), Previous ( ). =
Birth ( Deed ( ), Action ( ). = Person ( ).
= Difference ( ર ). = Advice ( ).
= To Advise ( ).

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Bhim Taught a Lesson to Yudhisthir!

From Mahabhrat tales, usually we have an impression that the

eldest Pandava Yudhisthir was a very wise, intelligent and law
obeying person. While Bhim was an easy going person. Here we
have a story where Yudhisthir made a mistake and Bhim taught
him a lesson!

Yudhisthir was a very noble king. He was daily donating essential

things to the poor citizens. One day one poor fellow came late from
his work. By that time king Yudhisthir's donation giving for that
day was already over so he asked the poor fellow to come the next

The poor person was in so much need that he was crying while
going back. Bhim saw this so he asked him what happened. When
Bhim knew that his elder brother has asked the poor person to
come next day, he decided to teach him a lesson.

Bhim started a procession and was beating a drum. When people

asked him what is the matter, he told that his elder brother

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Yudhisthir has got control over the time! So he is celebrating his
victory. People could not understand so they asked him to explain.
Bhim said that we human beings never know what will happen the
very next moment. We are not sure whether we will be in this
world tomorrow? We have no control over the time but my elder
brother Yudhisthir has got the control over the time as he knows
that he will surely be alive tomorrow. That is why he has asked this
poor person to meet him tomorrow.

When Yudhisthir came to know this, he understood his mistake. He

immediately called the poor fellow and gave him his required

Thus Bhim taught a very important lesson to his wise brother

Yudhisthir that a king should never leave anything, specially the
task of helping poor citizens for tomorrow.

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For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

To Teach = (shikhavavu), (bhanaavavu). Lesson =

(paath). Tale = (vaartaa). Usually = (saamaany
rite). Impression = (maanyataa). Wise = (shaano),
(daahyo). Intelligent = (budhdhi shaali). Law =
(kaayado). To Obey = (paalan karavu). Easy going =
(laheri). Mistake = (bhul). Noble = (Udaar). King =
(raajaa). Daily = (dar roj). To Donate = (daan
aapavu). Essential = (jaruri), (aavashyak). Thing =
(vastu), (chij). Poor = (garib). Citizen =
(naagarik). Late = (modu). Work = (kaam). Need =
(jarur). To Cry = (radavu). Elder brother = (motaa
bhaai). Procession = (sarghas). To Beat = (vagaadavu).
Drum = (dhol). Matter = (baabat). Control = (kaabu).
Celebration = (ujavani). Victory = (vijay). To
understand = (samajavu). To Explain = (varnavavu).
Human being = (manushya). Never = (kyaarey

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nahi). To Know = (janavu). Moment = (kshan). World =
(duniyaa). Tomorrow = (aavati kaal). Sure =
(khaatari hovi). Alive = (jeevit). To Meet =
(malavu). Immediately = (tarat). To Call = (bolaavavu).
Required = (jaruri). Important = (agatyanu). To Help
= (madad karavi).

(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Lesson ( ). , = To Teach ( ચ). =

Impression ( ). = Wise ( ). = Intelligent
( ). = Law ( = To Obey ( ઓ ).
= Easy going ( ). = Mistake ( મ ). = Noble
( ). = King ( ). = Everyday ( ર ). =
Poor ( ર Citizen ( ). , = Essential
( ). , = Thing ( ). = Work ( ). = Late
( ). Tomorrow ( મ ર ). = Need ( ),
Requirement (ર રમ = To Cry ( ). =
Procession ( ). = Drum ( મ = To Beat ( )
= People ( = To Ask ( ). = Matter
(મ ર). = Time ( મ). = Control ( ). =
Celebration ( ). = To Understand ( ર ).

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= Human Being ( મ Moment (મ મ ). =
World ( ). = Alive ( ). = To Meet ( મ
= To Call ( ). = Immediate ( મ
= To Help ( ). = To Leave ( ).

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Draupadi's Akshaypatra

Surya, the Sun God had given one Akshay Patra to Draupadi, the
wife of Pandavas. The Kauravas had given 12 years of exile to the
Pandavas. During their exile period, Pandavas traveled across the
country and wherever they camped, numerous saints and people
used to visit them. The Pandavas found it difficult to provide food
to the visitors. So Draupadi prayed to Surya and He gave her the
Akshaya Patra. The divine bowl would give food all day till
Draupadi takes her food. After the queen of the Pandavas had
eaten, the bowl would not provide any food on the day.

The Kauravas were consumed by jealousy of the Pandavas, and lost

no opportunity to cause them trouble.

With a view to harming the Pandavas, Duryodhana sent sage

Durvasa to them, telling him that they will have no trouble
providing food to him and any number of people accompanying

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him. The Pandavas have a vessel called Akshayapatra, which
supplies infinite amount of food to feed sages who turn up on their

Durvasa went to the Pandavas with a large number of his disciples.

He said they were hungry and asked for food for all of them. The
sage said that they will first go to bathe in a river and on his
return, he and his followers will take food.

Meanwhile, Draupadi had cleaned up the Akshayapatra for the day

so the Pandavas were in a big trouble. If food is not served, then
Durvasa known for his sharp temper, will curse them. The
Pandavas knew this must be Duryodhan’s mischief to harass them
As always, Draupadi remembered Lord Krishna with a sincere

She found Krishna right in front of her! Krishna asked her to serve
him some food. How can she serve Krishna when there was no food
left? Krishna, however, asked Draupadi to see whether there was at
least a grain of rice in the Akshayapatra. She looked out and found
a grain in the vessel. The Lord took it from her and ate it.

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As the Lord had just eaten the grain, Durvasa sensed a certain
fullness in his stomach. He felt he cannot eat even a morsel of food.
So he did not go to Draupadi for the promised food.

Thus, as always, Lord Krishna came to the rescue of Draupadi.

The Lord always comes to help those who are devoted to Him.

For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Akshay = Imperishable. Patra = Vessel. Sun = (surya). God

(bhagvaan). Wife = (patni). Exile = (deshvato).
Period = (samay gaalo). Travel = (musaafari).
Country = (desh). Camp = (padaav). Numerous =
(ghanaa). Saint = (sant). People = (loko). Visit =
(mulaakaat). Visitor = (mulaakaati). Difficult =
(mushkel). To Provide = (puru paadavu). Food =
(ann). To Pray = (praarthanaa karavi). Divine =
(daivi), (pavitra). Bowl = (vaatako). Queen = (raani).

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To Eat = (khaavu). Jealousy = (irshyaa). Opportunity =
(tak). Trouble = (taklif). To Harm = (nuksaan
karavu). Sage = (muni). Number = (sankhyaa).
Accompany = (saathenu). Vessel = (vaasan),
(paatra). To Supply = (puru paadavu). Infinite =
(anant). To Feed = (khavaraavavu). Doorstep =
(baarane), (dwaare). Large = (vishaal). Disciple =
(shishya). Hungry = (bhukhyaa). To Bath = (nahaavu).
River = (nadi). Follower = (anuyaayi), (shishya).
Sharp = (tivra). Temper = (gusso). Mischief =
(adapalu). To Harass = (pajavavu). To Rremember =
(yaad karavu). Lord = (bhagvaan). With Sincerity =
(antah karan thi). Prayer = (praarthanaa). To Serve
food = (pirasavu). Grain = (daano). Rice =
(chokhaa). Stomach = (pet). Morsel = (koliyo). Promise =
(vachan). Rescue = (rakshan). Help = (madad).
Devoted = (samarpit).

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(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Imperishable ( ર ). = Vessel ( ). = Wife

( ). = Sun ( = God ( ). Exile
( ). = Country ( ). = Moving around (મ
ર ). = Camp ( ). Saint ( ).
= To Feed ( ). , = Difficulty ( ). =
Prayer ( ર). = Queen ( ). = Jealousy ( )
= To Harass ( ર ). = Opportunity (ઓ ર ). =
Intention ( ). = Sage ( ). = People ( ). =
Doorstep ( ર ). = Infinite ( ) = To Provide
( ). = Number ( ર Disciple ( ).
= Hungry ( = To Prepare ( ર). =
River (ર ર = To Bath ( ). = To Clean (
). = Sharp ( ). , = Temper ( ર Curse
( ). = Mischief ( મ ચ ). = With Sincerity (
ર ). = Prayer ( ર). = In Person (
= Manifest (મ ). = Grain ( ).
Stomach ( મ ). = Contentment ( મ ), Satisfaction
( ). = Morsel (મ ). Devoted ( ).
Help ).

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Shri Krishna Brahmachari

One day, Krishna informed his wife Rukmini that Sage Durvasa is
camping on the other side of the river. He asked her to prepare a
sumptuous meal for the sage to please him. Rukmini prepared the
food but when she went to the river, she did not find any boat or
boatman to take her across the river.

So she asked Krishna to help. Krishna asked her to tell the river,
“The Nitya brahmachari (celibate – one who is not married) Krishna
has asked her to part and give way to cross ” Rukmini was
surprised as how Krishna can be considered a celibate as he was a
married man with family. But still she said what she was asked to
say and the river indeed parted and let her cross it.

Rukmini went to the sage Durvasa and offered him food. The sage
was indeed pleased and he blessed her. When she had to leave, she
urged him to help her cross the river. Sage Durvasa asked her to
tell the river, “The Nitya Upavasi one who has never eaten food
Durvasa has asked her to part and give way to cross ” Again

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Rukmini was surprised and thought “Just now he had a sumptuous
meal yet he calls himself Nitya Upavasi ”

She did not ask him anything and followed his instruction. The
river indeed parted and gave her way when she told that the Nitya
Upavasi had asked her to part. Rukmini reached the other side and
unable to control her curiosity, asked Krishna “You called yourself
Nitya Brahmachari even though you are married with family and
the sage called himself Nitya Upavasi after eating the food I offered
him. And the river agreed to both and parted. I am not able to
understand ”

Krishna laughed and told her “We both are realized souls. When
we perform an action we understand that it is the body which is
performing the action. The soul is unattached. The soul is never
bound by anything. While doing any action, Durvasa and I remain
unattached. We are never bound to that action. So I am Nitya
Brahmachari and Durvasa is Nitya Upavasi”

Once we understand this great truth, we can live a contended and

happy life.

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For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Celibate = (brahmachaari). Wife = (patni). Sage =

(muni). Camp = (padaav). River = (nadi). Sumptuous =
(ati uttam) Meal = (bhojan). To please =
(prasann karavu). Food = (khorak). Boat = (naav),
(hodi). Boatman = (naavik). Help = (madad). Marriage =
(lagn). Family = (kutumb). Blessing =
(aashirvaad). To Urge = (vinanti karavi). To Eat =
(khaavu). Fast = (upavaas). To Ask = (puchhavu). To
Follow = (anusaravu). Instruction = (suchanaa).
Control = (kaabu). Curiosity = (jignaasaa). To
Understand = (samajavu). To Laugh = (hasavu). Soul =
(aatmaa). Action = (kaarya). Body = (sharir).
Attached = (aasakta). Unattached = (anaasakta).
Bound = (bandhaayelu). Great = (mahaan). Truth =
(satya). To Live = (jivavu). Contended = (santoshi).
Happy = (sukhi). Life = (jivan).

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(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Celibate ( ). Wife ( ). = Sage

( ). = River (ર ર). = Bank ( ). = To
Please ( ). = Sumptuous ( ). = Meal
(મ ). = Boat ( ). = Boatman ( મ ). = Help
( ). = Eternal ( ). = Way ( ). Surprise
( ર ). = Married (મર ). = Family ( મ ).
= Blessing ( ). Fast ( ). = To Ask ( ).
= Curiosity ( ર ). = To Understand (
ર ). = To Laugh ( ). = Realized Soul
(ર ). = Soul ( ). = Action ( ).
= Body ( ). = Attached ( ). = Unattached
( = Bound ( ). = Mind (મ ). =
Great ( ). = Truth ( ). = Happy ( ). =
Contented ( ). = Life ( = To Live ( ).

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Shri Krishna’s Victory over Anger

Lord Krishna had many special characteristics different from an

ordinary person so he is considered as an incarnation of God! We
all know that it is not possible for us to control anger in the adverse
situation – not even for a sage! Lord Krishna had almost conquered
the anger!

Once sage Durvasa came to Krishna’s palace Durvasa is known for

his sharp temper and he used to curse anybody not fulfilling his
expectations. Krishna and his wife Rukmini did everything to please
the sage.

Durvasa wanted to test Krishna’s control over anger so he started

insulting Krishna. He asked Krishna to apply curd all over his body.
Who will dare to do such things with a powerful leader of
Mahabharat era? Krishna kept calm and applied curd all over his

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Now Durvasa asked Krishna to ride him in a chariot and asked
Rukmini to pull the chariot! This was too much for Krishna’s
dearest wife Rukmini. Still Krishna asked her to pull the sage’s
chariot just like a horse! Durvasa saw that he is still not able to
provoke Krishna so he started whipping Rukmini! This was indeed
the cruelest act but still Krishna did not utter a single word.

Delicate Rukmini could not bear this and fell on the ground with
the sage’s chariot Durvasa became very angry and started walking
away. Krishna ran to him and fell in the sage’s feet Krishna
pleaded the sage to forgive them as they failed to serve him
properly. Seeing this, Durvasa could realize that Krishna has indeed
complete control over the anger.

Durvasa held Krishna and said “Krishna you have won the anger
by nature! I am very sorry for what I did with you and Rukmini. I
was just testing you. I am giving you a boon that all the parts of
your body where you have applied the curd will become like Vajra
– no weapon can hurt you.”

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Krishna had applied curd all over his body except in the heel
(bottom of the legs) so that part did not become like Vajra. When
Krishna’s end was near and that hunter threw an arrow to Krishna,
the arrow hit his toe and entered into his chest!

For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Lord = (parmeshwar). Many = (anek). Special =

(vishishtha). Characteristics = (lakshano), Different =
(alag). Ordinary = (saamaanya). Person = (vyakti),
(maanas). Incarnation = (avataar). God =
(bhagvaan). To Know = (jaanavu). Possible = (shakya).
Control = (kaabu). Anger = (gusso). Adverse =
(visham). Situation = (paristhiti). Sage = (muni). To
Conquer = (jiti levu). Palace = (mahel). Sharp =
(tivra). Temper = (gusso). Curse = (shraap). Expectation =
(). Test = (kasoti), (partikshaa). Insult =
(apamaan). Curd = (dahi). Body = (sharir). To Dare =

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(himmat karavi). King = (raajaa). Powerful =
(shaktishaali). Leader = (netaa). Era = (yug). Calm
= (shaant). Ride = (savaari). Chariot = (rath). To Pull
= (khenchavu). Dear = (priya). Horse = (ashwa),
(ghodo). To Provoke = (ushkeravu). Whip = (chaabuk).
Cruel = (ghaataki). To Utter = (uchcharavu). Word =
(shabda). Delicate = (naajuk). To Bear = (sahan
karavu). Ground = (jamin). To Walk = (chaalavu). To
Run = (dodavu). Feet, Leg = (pag). To Plead =
(aajiji karavi). To Forgive = (maafi aapavi). Nature
= (swabhaav). Sorry = (dilgir). Boon =
(vardaan). Weapon = (hathiyaar). To Hurt = (ijaa
karavi). Heel = (pag ni paani). Bottom = (taliyu).
Hunter = (paaradhi), (shikaari). Arrow = (tir). Toe
= (angutho). Chest = (chhaati).

(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Many (મ ). = Special ( ). =
Characteristic ( ર ર ). = Ordinary (ઓ ર ). =
Person ( ). = Different ( ર ). = God ( ).
= Incarnation ( ર ). = Adverse ( ).

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= Situation ( ). , = Anger ( ર
Control ( Saint ( ). = Hard ( ). =
Victory ( ર ). = Palace ( ). = Sharp ( ). =
Expectation ( ). = Curse ( ). = To Please
( ). = Test ( ). = Insult ( ). = Body
( ). = Curd ( ). = Era ( ર ). = Powerful
( ર ). = Leader ( ર). = King ( ). = Daring
( ર ). = To Dare ( ર). = Calm ( મ). =
Chariot (ચ ર ). = To Pull ( ). = Dear ( ર).
= Unbearable ( ર ). , = Horse ( = To
Provoke ( ). = Whip ( ). = Cruel ( ). =
Word ( ). = Delicate ( ). = To Bear ( ર).
= Ground ( = To Walk ( ). = To Run ( ર ).
Leg = To Plead ( = To
Forgive ( ર ). = Complete ( ). = Sorry
( ર ). = Boon ( ). = Weapon ( ). = To
Hurt ( ). = Heel ( ). = Hunter ( ર). =
Arrow ( ર ). = Toe ( ). = Chest (ચ ).

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Lord Krishna’s Mercy for Creatures

Lord Krishna had many special characteristics different from an

ordinary person so he is considered as an incarnation of God!
He was considered as the best human being of the Mahabharat era.
He used to take care of everybody who came in his contact. This
was same for humans and also for any creature.

In the famous Kurukshetra war, he was not directly involved as a

warrior. He had become Charioteer for Arjun. Every day after the
terrible battle, he used to look after the horses. He was personally
cleaning their wounds, giving them bath and feeding them. He
could have ordered anyone to do this work but he himself was
taking care of the animals.

One day a female lapwing bird had built her nest near the
battlefield of kurukshetra. The innocent bird was totally unaware of
the fierce battle between men. When the battle started for the day
after the sunrise, Krishna noticed this. He quickly put a big elethant
bell over the nest to protect it.

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The innocent bird kept weeping for her dear ones. But they were
safe under the bell put by Krishna. At the end of the war, Krishna
took away the bell and the lapwing found her nest safe.

If the Lord takes so much care of such little creatures even during a
war, then we must be assured that he definitely takes care of us!

For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Mercy = (dayaa). Lord = (parmeshwar). Many =

(anek). Special = (vishishtha). Characteristics =
(lakshano). Different = (alag). Ordinary = (saamaanya).
Person = (vyakti), (maanas). Incarnation =
(avataar). God = (bhagvaan). Era = (yug). Contact =
(sampark). Human = (manushya). Creature = (jiv).
Famous = (prakhyaat). War, Battle = (yudhdh). Warrior =
(yodhdho). Charioteer = (saarathi). Terrible =
(bhishan). To Look After = (kaalaji levi). Horse =

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(ghodo). To Clean = (saaf karavu). Wound = (ghaa). To
Bath = (snaan karavu). To Feed =
(khavadaavavu). Animal = (praani). Lapwing bird =
(titodi). Nest = (maalo). Battlefield = (ran medaan).
Innocent = (nirdosh). Bird = (pankhi), (pakshi).
Unaware = (ajaan). Sunrise = (suryoday). Bell =
(ghant). To Protect = (rakshan karavu). To Weep =
(radavu). Dear = (priy). Safe = (salaamat). Assurance =
(). Definitely = (chokkas pane).

(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

Mercy (મ ). = Many (મ ). = Special ( ).

= Characteristic ( ર ર ). = Ordinary (ઓ ર ).
= Person ( ). = Different ( ર ). = God
( ). = Incarnation ( ર ). = Era ( ર ). =
Contact ( ). = Human ( મ ). = Creature ( ચર).
= To Look after ( ર). = Famous ( મ ).
= War ( ર), Battle ( ). = Warrior ( ર ર). =
Charioteer (ચ ર ર). = Terrible ( ર ). = Horse
( ). = Personally ( ). = Wound ( = To
Clean ( ). = To Bath ( ). = To Feed (

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). = Work ( ). = Order (ઓ ર). = Animal
( મ ). = Lapwing Bird ( Battlefield
( Nest ( ). = Innocent ( ). =
Bird ( ) = Sunrise ( ર = To Protect (
Big ( Bell ( ). Worry ( ર ).
= To Weep ( ). = Safe ( ). = Care free
( ર ).

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Shri Krishna’s Characteristics as God

Lord Krishna had many special characteristics different from an

ordinary person so he is considered as an incarnation of God! But
he had hardly spoken about this publicly.

In the Kurukshetra war, Kauravas were defeated and all the

Kaurava brothers died. Bhishma, Drona, Karna and many other
great warriors from Kaurava side also died. Five Pandava brothers
had survived but their sons died Arjun’s brave son Abhimanyu
also died so there was no heir alive in the Pandava lineage.
Abhimanyu’s wife Uttara was pregnant that time so the child in her
womb was the only hope for Pandava’s lineage

Drona’s son Ashwasthama decided to kill the child in Uttara’s

womb to end Pandava’s lineage He used a powerful weapon
Brahmastra to kill the child in Uttara’s womb Uttara was crying
inconsolably and Pandavas were also very sad as their only heir
was no more.

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This time Lord Krishna used his power to bring back life in the
child in Uttara’s womb He took a stick of sacred grass and prayed,
“If I have always lived a life of Truth and never committed a sin,
then let the child in Uttara’s womb be Alive ”

With this life came back to the child in Uttara’s womb Here
Krishna has publicly demonstrated his powers and special
characteristics. Usually, we may feel that Krishna had supported
many tactics for Pandava’s victory so how he can say that he has
always lived a life of Truth and never committed any sin? The fact
is, Lord Krishna had always supported Dharma – Truth and he was
only against Adharma – Untruth. So he could confidently announce
that he had never committed any sin.

The child born to Uttara became King Parikshit to rule Hastinapur

after Pandava.

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For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Many = (anek). Special = (vishishtha). Characteristics =

(lakshano). Different = (alag). Ordinary =
(saamaanya). Person = (vyakti), (maanas). Incarnation =
(avataar). God = (bhagvaan). To Speak =
(bolavu). Publicly = (jaaher ma). War = (yudhdh).
Warrior = (yodhdho). Defeat = (paraajay). Brother =
(bhaai). Brave = (paraakrami). Son = (dikaro).
Alive = (jeevit). Heir = (vaaras). Wife = (patni).
Pregnant = (garbhvati). Child = (baalak). Womb =
(garbh). Hope = (aashaa). Lineage = (vansh). To Kill =
(maari naakhavu). Powerful = (shaktishaali).
Weapon = (shastra), (hathiyaar). To Cry = (radavu).
Inconsolably = (shokaatur). Sad = (gamgin). To Bring
Back = (paachhu laavavu). Life = (jeevan). Stick =
(sali). Sacred Grass = (darbh). To Pray =
(praarthanaa karavi). Truth = (satya). Never =

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(kyaarey nahi). To Commit Sin = (paap karavu). To
Demonstrate = (nidarshan karavu). To Support =
(saath aapavo). Tactic = (yukti). Victory = (vijay).
Fact = (hakikat). Lord = (bhagvaan). Confidence =
(vishwaas). To Announce = (jaaher karavu). Born =
(janmelu). King = (raajaa). To Rule = (raaj

(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Incarnate ( ). = Many (મ ). = Special

( ). = Characteristic ( ર ર ). = Ordinary
(ઓ ર ). = Person ( ). = Different ( ર ).
= God ( ). = Incarnation ( ર ). = Publicly
( ). = Rarely (રર = To Speak ( ). =
War ( ર). = Defeat ( ). = Warrior ( ર ર). =
Alive ( ). = Brave ( ). = Son ( ). = Lineage
( ). = Wife ( ). = Pregnant ( ). =
Womb ( મ). = Child (ચ ). = Hope ( ). =
To Destroy ( = To Decide ( ). =
Destructive ( ). , = Weapon ( ). = Sad
( ). = Heir ( ર). = Sacred Grass ( ). =

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Stick ( ). = Prayer ( ર). = Always (ઓ ). =
Truth ( ). = Conduct ( ), Practice ( ).
= Never ( ર). = Sin ( ). = Publicly ( ).
= Victory ( ર ). Tactic ( ). = Fact ( ). Saath
aapavao = To Support ( ). = Opposite (ઓ ).
= Confidence ( ). = King ( = To Rule (

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Kunti Seeks a Boon for a Life with Thorns

Pandavas’ mother Kunti was Lord Krishna’s aunt – his father

Vasudev’s sister Kunti had hardly seen happy days She lost her
husband Pandu at a very young age. She had to live in forests for
many years with her sons – five Pandavas.

Naturally, Krishna felt sorry for his aunt as he was capable to do

anything for his loved ones and still his aunt was facing so many
troubles in her life. One day he asked his aunt Kunti to ask any
boon as he can definitely help her.

Kunti told Krishna “Keshav if I will have a happy life, then I may
not constantly remember you as my Lord. So if you want to give
me a boon, then please give me a life full with thorns so I can
remember you every moment of my life during all the troubles ”

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Usually, we never remember God in happy days of our life. We
remember God only during our troubles. Kunti did not want to lose
even a single moment of her life without Lord Krishna’s thought so
she asked him to give her a life full of troubles!

For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Boon = (vardaan). Thorns = (kaantaa). Life =

(jindagi), (jivan). Mother = (maa), (maataa). Lord =
(bhagvaan Father’s sister = (fai), (foi). Hardly =
(bhaagye j). Happy = (sukhi). Husband = (pati).
Young = (yuvaan). Age = (vay). Forest = (jangal).
Son = (putr). Sorry = (dilgir). Capable = (samartha).
Trouble = (mushkeli). Help = (madad). Constantly =
(satat). To Remember = (yaad karavu). Moment =
(kshan), (pal). Thought = (vichaar).

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(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Boon ( ). = Thorns ( ). = Thorn ( ).

= Life ( ). = Mother (મધર). = Father = ( ધર).
= Sister ( ર). Father’s sister. = Hardly
( ). = Happy ( ). = Unhappy ( ). =
Young ( ). = Age ( ). = Husband ( Son
( ). Relative (ર ). = Capable ( ). =
Trouble ( ). = Constantly ( ). , = Moment
(મ મ ). = To Remember ( ર મ ર). = (ર મ ર ).

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Time is Mighty, Not the Man

Pandavas won the Kurukshetra battle with Lord Krishna’s blessings.

Arjun was the real hero of the war. He used different weapons
through his bow Gandiv. Arjun and his bow Gandiv were
considered invincible.

Pandavas ruled Hastinapur for years When Krishna’s family

members fought in between and died, Krishna knew that his end
was near. He also knew that his Dwarka will be submerged in the
sea. So he sent a message to Arjun to come to Dwarka to take
women, children and old ones to

Arjun came to Dwarka and took women, children and old ones with
him They were passing through a thick forest in the present time’s
Madhya Pradesh). The forest tribe called Abhir was ruling that
forest. They stopped Arjun and started looting the people of
Dwarka. Arjun resisted and there was a fight between Arjun and

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The hero of Kurukshetra war Arjun used his bow Gandiv. But he
failed! He could not defeat the Abhirs! People of Dwarka were
looted in front of Arjun and he was helpless! Some women and
their children even went away with Abhirs. Arjun could not fulfill
the promise he had given to Krishna to take his people safe to

It was the same Arjun who was Kurukshetra’s real hero He used
the same powerful bow Gandiv. They both were invincible. Not
only Kurukshra but Arjun had won many battles with Gandiv. Still
he lost to much weaker opponents. Why? Probably this time he did
not have Lord Krishna with him! The Time was not in his favor!
That is why it is said “Time is Mighty Not the Man ”

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For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Time = (samay). Mighty = (balvaan). Man =

(maanas). = (manushya). To Win = (jitavu). Battle, War =
(yudhdh). Lord = (bhagvaan). Blessings =
(aashirvaad). Real = (sacho). Hero = (shurvir). Different
= (juda juda). Weapon = (hathiyaar). Bow =
(dhanush). Invincible = (ajey). To Rule = (raaj
karavu). King = (raajaa). Family Members =
(kutumbio). Fight = (ladaai). End = (ant). Near =
(najik). Submerged = (dubi javu). Sea = (samudra),
(dariyo). Message = (sandesho). Woman = (stri).
Women = (strio). Children = (baalako). Thick Forest =
(gaadh jangal). Present Time = (vartmaan
samay). Tribe = (jaati). To Stop = (rokavu). To Start =
(sharu karavu). To Loot = (luntavu). People = (loko).
To Resist = (saamano karavo). To Fail =
(nishfal javu). To Defeat = (paraajit karavu). Helpless =

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(laachaar). To Fulfill = (paalan karavu). Promise =
(vachan). Safe = (salaamat). Powerful =
(shaktishaali). Weaker = (nabalaa). Opponent =
(pratispardhi). Favor = (tarfen).

(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Time ( મ). = Mighty (મ ). = Human

( ). = God ( ). = Blessings ( ). =
War ( ર). = Hero ( ર ). = Bow ( ). = Weapons
( ). = Invincible ( ). = To Rule ( ).
= King ( ). = Battle ( ), Fight ( ). = End
( ). = Near ( ર). = Sea ( = ( મ ).
= Message (મ ). = Children ( ચ ). = Women
( મ ). = Old people (ઓ ). = Thick Forest
( ર ). = Tribe ( ). = To Loot ( ).
= (ર ). = Vain ( = To Defeat ( ). =
To Win ( ). = Promise ( મ ). = Family Members
( મ મ ). = Safe ( ). = Powerful ( ર ).
= Weak ( ). = Opponent (ઓ ). =
Favour ( ર).

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Bhim Fights Bakasur

Pandavas had to live in the jungles for 12 years by hiding

themselves from the Kauravas. Once they disguised themselves as
Brahmans and went to a place called Ekachakra. There they took
shelter in a brahman’s house. They were studying scripture in the
day time and going to beg alms after sunset so nobody can
recognize them.

One day Pandavas’ mother Kunti noticed that their host’s family
was very sad. They were even crying. Kunti asked them why they
were so much upset. The host said “A demon named Bakasur lives
in the jungle. He wants lots of food, two buffaloes and a man to eat
every day. Each family of Ekachakra has to send a person in turn to
feed the monster Bakasur. Tomorrow is our turn. If we send our
only son we will lose him” Saying this the Brahman and his wife
cried inconsolably.

Kunti told them not to worry as his son will go instead of their son.
The host said it is a sin to send their guest to be eaten alive by
Bakasur. But Kunti assured them that nothing will happen as her

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son was very strong. When Bhim came to know this, he was
overjoyed as he had not fought such demon since a long time.
Besides, he was very happy to know that he will get plenty of food!

Next day, Bhim went to the jungle with a cart full of food. He was
very hungry so he started eating the food. There were so many food
items that Bhim started eating with both the hands! He ate lots of
laddus (sweet balls), sweets, curry, vegetables, rice, rotis etc. Bhim
got to eat all these things after a long time after leaving home so he
was enjoying everything.

Bakasur was sleeping but got up by the smell of the food. He saw
that a man is happily eating everything. So he became very angry
and shouted loudly “Hey Man Who are you You are eating my
food before getting killed by me ” Bhim did not even look at him
and continued eating. So Bakasur’s anger increased and he rushed
towards Bhim. Bhim threw the bucket of hot curry on Bakasur. He
was burned but started licking curry from his body. Bhim started
hitting laddus (sweet balls). Bakasur started collecting and eating the
laddus Bhim threw vegetables and rice on Bakasur’s head Bakasur
started picking up from his long hairs and started eating. Bhim was
really enjoying to annoy Bakasur.

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Now Bhim himself had eaten enough so he decided to have a
serious fight. He punched Bakasur with a force. Bakasur was flung
at a long distance and fell on a tree. He pulled out the tree and ran
towards Bhim but Bhim stopped him with just one hand and kicked
him hard. Then Bhim pulled a tree and hit him hard. Thus there
was a fierce battle between them. Bakasur had never fought such a
strong man so he was totally down but Bhim was not tired at all.
Finally he decided to end the fight. Bhim tossed Bakasur very high
in the air like a doll. When Bakasur fell on the ground, all the bones
of his body were broken to pieces! Bhim roared loudly. With this,
all other demons ran away from the jungle.

Now Ekachakra was free from Bakasur’s harassments People

celebrated their freedom and Bhim became their hero. Everybody
invited Pandavas to take meals at their homes. As Pandavas were in
hiding, now it was not safe for them to stay there longer as
Kauravas can suspect that these brave Brahmans were not the real
Brahmans but Pandavas. So they took leave from the people and
once again started roaming.

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This story of Bhim’s funny fight with Bakasur also teaches us few
things. In India, we say “Atithi Devo Bhav” – “Guests are like
God” So even though the Brahman family was in trouble, they gave
shelter to Pandavas as that was their duty. Pandavas were Kshatriya
– Warriors. Their duty was to protect others so even though they
had a risk to get recognized, they put their duty first and saved
their host and the people of Ekachakra. One should always perform
the duty sincerely.

For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

To Hide = (chhupaavu). Disguise = (vesh palato).

Shelter = (aasharo). House = (ghar). To Study =
(bhanavu). Scripture = (shaastra). To beg alms =
(bhikshaa levi). Sunset = (suryaast). To Recognize =
(olakhavu). To Notice = (dhyaan javu). Host =
(yajamaan). Family = (kutumb). Sad = (gamgin).
Demon, Monster = (raakshas). Male Buffalo = (pado).
Tomorrow = (aavat kaal). Turn = (vaaro). Worry =

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(chinataa). Guest = (atithi). To Assure =
(khaatari aapavi). Strong = (balvaan). To be Overjoyed =
(raaji thavu). Fight = (ladaai). Plenty = (ghanu),
(puratu). Cart = (gaadu). Hungry = (bhukhyo). Food
Item = (khaavaani chij). To Sleep = (sui javu).
Smell = (sugandh). To be Angry = (gusse thavu). To
Shout = (raad padavi). Loudly = (motethi). To Lick
= (chaatavu). Hairs = (vaal). To Annoy =
(chidavavu). Punch = (mukko). Force = (bal). Distance =
(antar). To Toss = (uchhaalavu). Doll =
(dhingali). Ground = (jamin). Bones = (haadakaa). Pieces
= (tukadaa). Harassments = (pajavavu). To Celebrate =
(ujavani karavi). Freedom = (swatantrataa),
(aazaadi). Invitation = (aamantran). Meal =
(bhojan). To Suspect = (shankaa karavi). To Roam =
(bhatakavu). Funny = (ramuji), (hasavaa jevi). Duty
= (faraj). To Protect = (rakshan karavu). Risk =
(jokham). Sincerely = (nishthaa purvak).

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(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= To Hide ( ). = Disguise ( ). =
City ( ). = House ( ). = Shelter ( ર).
Scripture ( ચર). = To Study ( ). =
Sunset ( ). = Alms ( = To Recognize (
ર ). = Host ( ). = Family ( મ ). = Sad
( ). = Harassed ( ર ). = Demon ( મ ), Monster
(મ ર). = Male Baffalo (મ ). = In Turn (
). = Turn ( ). Tomorrow ( મ ર ). = Worry
( ર ). = Guest ( ). = Sin ( ). = Strong
( ). = To Be Overjoyed ( ઓ ર ). =
Fight ( ). = Next Day ( ). = Cart ( ).
= Hungry ( ). = Delicious Food Items (
). = Relish (ર ). , = To Sleep ( ).
= Smell ( મ ). = To Get Up ( ). =
To Be angry ( ). = To Shout ( ). =
Bucket ( ). = Burn ( = To Lick ( ). =
Hair ( ર = To Annoy ( ). With Force
( ). = Punch ( ચ). = To Kick ( ).
= To Hit ( ). = Doll ( = To Flung ( ).

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= Ground ( ). = Bones ( ). = Roar (ર ર).
= Harassment ( ર મ = To Be Free ( ).
= Freedom ( મ = To Celebrate ( ).
= Meal (મ = To Invite ( ).
= Roaming (ર મ ). = Funny ( ). = Duty
( ). = To Protect ( = To
Recognize ( ર ). = Risk (ર ). = Sincerely
( ).

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Hanumanji Removes Bhim’s Arrogance

As per the old scripture, Hanumanji was a son of Lord of Wind –

Vayu (Pavan) putra. Bhim was also a son of Lord of Wind – Vayu
Pavan putra So Hanumanji was Bhim’s elder brother

For some time Bhim started having proud of his mighty strength.
Hanumanji decided to teach a lesson to his younger brother.
Hanumanji became an old monkey and sat on the road from where
Bhim was passing. Bhim saw this old monkey in his way so he
shouted and asked him to go away.

The old monkey did not bother to move so Bhim became very
angry. He threatened the monkey to move else he would kick him.
The old monkey challenged Bhim to move him. Now Bhim rushed
to the monkey to flung him with his tail But…he could not even
lift his tail. Bhim was shocked and surprised but used his all
strength to raise the tail. He could not raise it a bit!

Now Bhim realized that this is not an ordinary monkey. Who else
in the world can be mightier than himself? He immediately

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recognized that he must be his elder brother Hanumanji. Bhim was
ashamed as he had insulted his elder brother. He requested
Hanumanji to pardon him.

Hanumanji pardoned Bhim and advised him to remove his

arrogance. He asked Bhim to be humble and polite.

For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Scripture = (shaastra), (granth). Wind = Vayu ( ), Pavan

( ). Elder Brother = (moto bhaai). Younger Brother =
(naano bhaai). Proud = (abhimaan). Mighty =
(balvaan). Strength = (bal). To Teach =
(shikhavavu). Lesson = (paath). Old = (gharadaa). Monkey
= (vaandaro). Road = (rasto), (maarg). To Pass =
(pasaar thavu). To Go Away = (jataa rahevu).
To Bother = (tasdi levi). Threat = (dhamaki). To
Move = (khasavu). To Challenge = (padakaaravu). To
Flung = (fangolavu). Tail = (punchhadi). To Lift =

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(unchakavu). Shock = (aaghaat). Surprise =
(aasharya). To Realize = (samajavu). Ordinary =
(saadhaaran). World = (duniyaa). Immediately = (tarat).
To Recognize = (olakhi javu). To Be Ashamed =
(sharam aavavi). Insult = (apamaan). To Pardon =
(maaf karavu). To Advise = (salaah aapavi).
To Remove = (dur karavu). Arrogance = (ahankaar).
Humble = (namnra). Polite = (viveki).

(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Ancient ( ). , = Scripture ( ચર). ,

= Wind ( ). = Elder Brother ( ર ધર). =
Younger Brother ( ર ધર). = Mighty (મ ). = Strength
( ). = Proud ( ). Lesson ( = To
Teach ( ચ). = Old (ઓ ). = Monkey (મ =
To Pass ( ). = Road (ર ). = To Move ( મ ).
= To Bother ( ધર). = Threat ( = To
Challenge ( ચ ). Tail = To Flung ( ).
= Shock ( ). = Surprise ( ર ). = Inch
( ચ = To Realize ( ર ). = Ordinary
(ઓ ર ). = World ( ). = To Recognize (

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ર ). = Insult ( ). = To Be Ashamed
( ). = To Request ( ર
= To Forgive ( ર ). = Arrogance ( ર ).
= To Remove ( ર મ Advice ( ).
= To Advise ( ). = Humble ( ). = Polite
( ).

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Abhimanyu born as a Parrot after Death

In the kurukshetra war Arjun’s brave son Abhimanyu fought alone

against the mighty warriors and died a true warrior’s heroic death
It was a severe blow for Arjun. Arjun was weeping inconsolably.

Lord Krishna gave him sermon but in vain. Arjun was not able to
accept that his son is no more. So Krishna told him that Abhimanyu
is still near them His soul has entered into a parrot’s body
Knowing this, Arjun ran to the parrot.

Crying loudly Arjun shouted “My Son My Son ”

The parrot said “Who is son and who is father In the previous
birth, I was your father and you were my son. In the last birth, you
were my father and I was your son ”

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Now Arjun realized that one should not weep for the dead ones as
the father, son etc relations are only for the body. The soul is eternal
and never dies. The soul changes the bodies just like we change the

For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

War = (yudhdh). Brave = (paraakrami). Alone =

(ekalo). Mighty = (shaktishaali). Warriors =
(yodhdhaa). Heroic Death = (veer gati). Severe =
(kathor). Blow = (ghaa). Sermon = (updesh). In Vain =
(vyartha). To Accept = (swikaaravu). Soul = (aatmaa).
To Enter = (praveshavu). Parrot = (popat). Body =
(sharir). Previous = (aagalaa). Birth = (janma). Last =
(chhellaa). Relations = (sambandho). Eternal =
(amar). To Change = (badalavu). Clothes = (kapadaa).

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(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= War ( ર). , = Brave ( ). = Mighty

(મ ). = Warriors ( ર ). = Alone ( ). =
Heroic Death ( ર ). = Severe ( ર) = Blow ( ).
= Sermon ( મ ). = Vain ( ). = To Accept (
). = Soul ( ). = Parrot ( ર ). = Body
( ). = Previous ( ). = Birth ( ). = Last
( ). = Relations ( ર ). = Eternal ( ). =
Clothes ( = To Change ( ચ ).

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” “

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Lomasa Cat and Palita Mouse

Once a mouse named Palita was living in the base of an expansive

banyan tree. In one of the branches of that tree, there also lived a
cat Lomasa, which subsisted on birds that visited the tree.

There was also a hunter living nearby, who used to set up traps
made of net every evening. Various animals would fall into traps
each night, and the hunter would return the next morning to collect
his nets and catch.

One night, the cat Lomasa was caught unaware in one of the traps.
Palita, the mouse, came out of his hole and started feasting on a
piece of meat left behind by the hunter. The mouse even got upon
the trapped cat that lay helpless. Suddenly, the mouse Palita
observed two threats – a mongoose named Harita which had
arrived there attracted by the mouse’s scent and an owl Chandraka
of sharp beaks that lay perched on one of the tree’s branches.

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The mouse realized that if he got off the trap on to the ground, the
mongoose would prey on him. However, if he remained there, the
owl was sure to snatch him. Thinking that it is best to take refuge
with an enemy to ward off a stronger enemy, the mouse decided to
seek the cat’s protection

Palita said “O Lomasa, are you alive? I wish to make peace with
you as both the owl and the mongoose are intent upon feasting on
me. I shall rescue you if you agree not to kill me. Without my help,
you cannot escape. A wood that supports a man to cross a river
also crosses the river with the help of the man. Let us escape from
this unfavourable situation by helping each other. What do you
say ”

The cat Lomasa expressed words of agreement, and the mouse soon
crouched beneath the cat’s body Seeing no chances of seizing the
prey, the disappointed owl and mongoose soon left that place.

The mouse then started cutting the ropes of the snare, but at a slow
pace. The cat soon became impatient, and said, “Have you forgotten
your words now that you are out of the reach of danger? Expedite

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your work as the hunter will soon be here”

Palita replied “I do not want to hurry my work for I wish to

release you at the right time. An act done at an improper time will
fail to yield results. If I release you now, you are sure to eat me. I
shall free you at the time when the hunter is at sight. At that
moment, your heart will not be set upon eating me, as your focus
will be on escaping from the hunter. I too shall use that moment to
save my life ”

The disappointed cat Lomasa said “The honest ones do not repay
their debt to friends in this manner. Please act with haste” The
mouse said “O Cat listen to me That friendship in which there is
fear and which cannot be kept up without fear, should be
maintained with great caution like the hand of the snake-charmer
from the snake’s fangs However be assured that I will cut the last
string at a time e pedient to both of us”

As Palita and the Lomasa were thus talking with each other, the
night was over. Soon the hunter appeared on the scene. The mouse
very quickly cut the remaining string that held the cat. Freed from
the noose, the cat ran with speed and got upon the tree. Palita also

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quickly fled and entered his hole. The hunter, seeing everything,
was frustrated and he quickly left that spot.

The cat Lomasa, from the branches of that tree, addressed the
mouse Palita inside the hole “You suddenly ran away without
conversing with me. I hope you do not suspect my intentions, as I
am certainly grateful to you. Why do you not approach me at a
time when friends should enjoy the sweetness of friendship ”

The mouse turned down Lomasa’s request for friendship and gave
various reasons.

There is no such thing in existence as a foe or a friend. Only

circumstances create friends and foes. Both friends and foes arise
from considerations of interest and gain. Friendship turns into
enmity over time. Similarly a foe also becomes a friend. For these
reasons, both friends and foes must be studied and well understood.

Everyone is moved by the desire of gain in some form or other.

One never becomes dear to another without cause.

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One becomes dear due to his position. Another becomes dear for his
sweet words. A third becomes so due to his religious affiliation.

You have no use for me except to make me your meal. I am your

food. You are the eater. I am weak and you are strong. There
cannot be a friendly union between us when we are not equals. I
am filled with alarm even if I see you from a distance.

The wise always recommend not to have a residence near someone

possessed of strength and power.

He who blindly trusts friends and always mistrusts foes puts

himself in peril.

The cat Lomasa frightened of the hunter, hastily left the tree and
ran away with great speed. The wise mouse Palita, having
completed its conversation, entered another hole.

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For English medium students

Meanings and Pronounciations for some words used in this story.

(Pronounciation is given in the bracket):

Mouse = (undar). Banyan tree = (vad). Branch =

(daali). Cat = (bilaado). Bird = (pakshi), (pankhi).
Hunter = (shikaari). Trap = (chhataku). Net = (jaal).
Evening = (saanj). Various = (jaat jaat na). Animal
= (praani). Night = (raat). , Morning = (savaar).
Unaware = (ajaanataa). Hole = (dar). Feast =
(mijabaani). Meat = (maans). Helpless = (laachaar).
Suddenly = (achaanak). To Observe = (jovu). Threat =
(bhay). Mongoose = (noliyo). Scent = (gandh). Owl =
(ghuvad). Sharp = (tikshna). Beaks = (chaanch). Prey
= (shikaar). To Snatch = (aanchaki levu). Refuge =
(sharan). Enemy = (dushman). To Ward Off =
(nivaaran karavu). Protection = (rakshan). To Rescue =
(bachaavavu). To Agree = (sammat thavu).
Agreement = (sammati). Wood = (laakadu).
Unfavourable = (pratikul). Situation = (parishthiti).

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To Express = (vyakta karavu). Words = (shabdo).
Disappointed = (niraash). To Cut = (kaapavu). Rope =
(doradu). Impatient = (adhiro). To Forget =
(bhuli javu). Danger = (khataro). Reply = (jawaab). To
Hurry = (utaaval karavi). To Release =
(chhodavu). Improper = (ayogya). Result =
(parinaam). Honest = (praamaanik). To Repay =
(chukavavu). Debt = (run). Friend = (mitra). Haste =
(utaaval). Fear = (bhay). Caution =
(saavadhaani). Snake-charmer = (madaari). Snake =
(saap). Frustrated = (hataash). To Suspect = (shankaa
karavi). Intention = (iraado). Grateful = (aabhaari).
Sweetness = (mithaash). To Turn down = (nakaaravu).
Request = (vinanti). Reason = (kaaran). Foe =
(dushman). Circumstances = (sanjogo). Friendship =
(maitri). Enmity = (dushmani). Desire = (ichchhaa).
Gain = (laabh). Position = (sattaa). Religious =
(dhaarmik). Affiliation = (jodaan). Equal = (samaan).
Wise = (shaanaa). To Recommend = (suchavavu),
(salaah aapavi). Residence = (nivaas). Trust =
(vishwaas). Mistrust = (avishwaas). Peril = (jokham).
Conversation = (vaatchit).

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(અંગ્રેજી ઉચ્ચાર કૌંસમાં આપેલા છે)

= Mouse (મ ). = Large ( ). = Banyan Tree

( ). = Hole ( ). = Branch ( ચ). = Cat
( ). = Tree ( ). = Bird ( ). = Hunter ( ર).
= Everyday ( ર Evening ( = To Be
Trapped ( ). = Net ( ). Night ( ). =
Animal ( મ Morning (મ ). = Unaware
( ર). = Meat (મ ). = Piece ( ). =
Suddenly ( ). = Danger ( ર). = Scent ( ).
= Mongoose (મ ). = Sharp ( ). = Beak ( ). =
Owl ( ). = Enemy ( મ ). Mitr = Friend ( ). =
Solution ( ). = Refuge (ર ). = Protection
( ). = Friendship ( ). = Assurance
( ર ). = Wood ( ). = Difficult ( ). =
Situation ( ). = Side of Body ( ઓ =
Rope (ર = To Cut ( ). = Impatient ( ).
= Fear ( ર). = Out of Danger ( ઓ ર). =
Promise ( મ ). = To Forget ( ર ). = Reply
(ર ), Answer ( ર). = Proper ( ર). = Improper
( મ ર). = Fail ( ). = Focus ( ). =

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Disappoint ( ). = Honest (ઓ ). = Debt (
= To Pay ( ) = Favour ( ર). = Caution
( ). = Snake Charmer ( ચ મર). = Snake ( ).
= Hissing (). = Frustrate ( ). = To Address
( ). = Hope ( ). = Intention ( ).
= To Suspect ( ). = Greatful ( ). =
Sweetness ( ). = Proposal ( = To Reject
( ર Reason (ર ). = Circumstance
( મ ) = Self Interest ( ર ). = Greed ( ).
= Desire ( ર). = Position ( ). = Religious
(ર ). = Eater ( ર). = Equal ( = To
Be Alert ( ). = Wise ( ). = Strength
( ). = Residence (ર ). = Trust ( ).
= Mistrust ( મ ). = Conversation ( ).

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A to alphabet fruits

A Apple B Banana C Cherry D Date

A to category

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Always Do in your Life…

 Take Care of parents and elders.

 Take Care of Birds and Animals. Feed them.
 Keep Everything Clean.
 Save Water, Electricity.
 Never Waste Food. In Parties, Stop Wastage of Food. Arrange to Give
the Leftover food to the Hungry people.
 Stop Wastage of Milk. Never use Milk in the Temple to Please the
God! Give to Poor Children, to Sick people.
 Give your previous year’s Te t books Blank papers from notebooks
your clothes, shoes to poor children. These children go to school bare
footed They don’t have things like you.
 Keep doing some Noble, Social work to give back to the society. Spare
some time to help Old, Disabled people. Teach to some illiterates.
 If you have good heath, then be a regular blood donor. Bone Marro
transplant can save a cancer patient’s life. So register to donate your
bone marro and create an aware ness for that. Decide for Eye
donation, Organ donation and create an aware ness for that.

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Help A Child to Read this Book

I am Free Distributing the Printed version of this story book (its Gujarati
version) to School Libraries of Rural areas of Gujarat. The Children studying
in these Gujarati medium schools cannot afford to buy story books.

If you enjoy reading this book, then please Help a child in rural school of
Gujarat to read this story book. You can Donate some amount & Contribute
to help in this cause. You can contact me for this cause.

My Contact Details -

47/4, L.Colony, Nr. Polytechnic, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat, India

Mobile: 98251 59024


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