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”For by one Spirit are we all baptized into

one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles,

whether we be bond or free; and have been
all made to drink into one Spirit.”
1 Cor 12:13 (KJV)
We are all called to be part of the body of Christ.
Every single Believer has a God given function within
the Body and it is our responsibility to not only UNITE
as a Body of Christ, but to fulfill that given function to
the best of your ability. IN short; Find your Spiritual gifts and
use them to BUILD the Body.

Praise be to Almighty God! On 2 July 2019 we had our first

ever Leadership Caucus in Cullinan at the Volle Evangelie church
and man, God was in control. The theme for the caucus was our
calling: UNITY in the Body of Christ. It became very clear early in
the evening that God is indeed the builder of His Church. We
invited all the church leadership in the area and though not all
could attend, we believe that those that could, was there because
God put them there. As we progressed into the night, regarding
Biblical principles for unity and the model God gave us, something
stirred....... Soon there were confessions of God speaking to His
children, sharing of dreams and testimonies about God moving in
the world, UNITING His Church. We believe that this was the
beginning of something spectacular God wants to do in the area
and the world. WATCH THIS SPACE!
A special thank you to Past. Mark and his team for the
use of the church, all the help and the ‘lekker koekies’
and coffee.
It is that time again. The Journey 2019 - Botswana kicks off on the 6
December 2019. This is an adventure outreach that will build your faith,
test your personality and in the end, bring you closer to God.

We will be cycling 1800km in the 15 days and spread the Gospel as we

go. Don’t worry; you will not be cycling all of the way. We do it on a relay
base. What you will do is sleep under the stars, eat local foods, witness
to people of all natures and sow the Word of God as far as we go.
R6 500 per person.
(all inclusive)
6 – 20 December 2019
YOU! (13years – old)

If you really want to go but finances could be a problem:

1. Pray
2. Sponsorship forms are available to help.


to enter or for
more info.
For those that do not already know, United Missions Academy has on offer various short
courses to serve the Body of Christ. We offer these courses at a minimum fee (basically
covering costs such as printing and travel) or when possible FOR FREE. These are our main

Prayer counseling
Art Counseling
Life couching through sport
Mission mobilization
Christian Trauma counseling & debriefing

You can find more information about these courses on our website or email us on

o Trauma counseling training – Cullinan (date will be confirmed)
o the Journey Mens camp: 20 – 22 September 2019
o the Journey Youth camp: 27 – 29 September 2019
o The Journey Ladies camp: 11 – 13 October 2019
o Sport as life couch training: 18 – 19 October 2019
o The Journey 2019 – Botswana Outreach: 6 – 20 December 2019

We thank you for your continued prayer support. Everything starts with prayer and we cannot and
will not do anything without answered prayer from our Father. Please pray with us for the following:

 Please thank God with us for His guidance, for making His will clear to us.
 Please pray for our general funding. That God may open the doors He chooses for us.
 Unity in the Body of Christ as Jesus prayed (John 17)
 The Journey 2019 – Botswana: That God will put the team together Himself to His glory and
the needed finances.
 All the Journey camps: for Godly personnel and campers that need to KNOW.
 Trauma counseling training – Cullinan: God provision and grace.
What we believe about support Bank account
Bank: FNB
Account nr: 626 803 81466
1. God is our sole provider.
Branch nr: 250 655
2. We will never guilt anyone into anything.
3. All that is given towards a specific request will only be used for that purpose.
4. We work hard, As Paul did, to earn our keep.
5. Any donation should be done out of praying consideration
and answer from God.
6. 5% of all finances received will be used for administrative purposes

As we all well know, any ministry needs resources to do the work. Even the Apostles were at
times supported by various congregations and private individuals. This is our request list:

1. UNiTED Generation Finances (ref: general)

This is for our travel and administrative expenses. We do not have a specific amount
request but every bit helps.
2. Technology: (ref: Tech)
Our technology (laptops, sound and projectors) is extremely old and out of date. We
need R25 000 to replace the current technology lapses.
3. Printing services
As our training and camps are becoming more and more, so is the cost of hosting
these events. To keep the cost down to a minimum, we need a Printing partner that
can help with all the printing needs.

Thank you for taking the time to read our

newsletter. If you have any prayer request
or need more info on any of our projects,
please contact us at your convieniance or
visit our website .

Trust God and He

will show you your

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