Change Is Hard What Really Happens When You Try To Implement A New Care Model

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What Really Happens

When You Try to Implement
a New Care Model

Susan M. Grantham, PhD, Theresa Knowles, FNP-C,

Noah Nesin, MD, Natalie Truesdell, MBA, MPH,
and Eugenie H. Coakley, MA, MPH

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Even with a laudable goal, such as reducing physicians’ administrative burdens,
it can be difficult to implement change. These real-world lessons can help.

I t’s hard to change. Practice settings, workflows,

individual characteristics, and time constraints all
affect our will and capacity to try something new
even when the status quo is not working for us.
Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC) is a
federally qualified health center located in rural Maine.
It serves more than 60,000 patients across 15 practice sites,
In this article, we will share what really happened,
as well as the lessons we learned at the three critical
stages of change – adoption, implementation, and
sustaining change.

Adoption: getting people on board

including nine primary care practices, and it employs 700 To encourage adoption of the new practice model, we
people, including 200 providers. In January 2014, we needed to “sell” it to everyone. Staff and leaders at every
attempted a major change across our primary care sites – level had different expectations for the model and priori-
implementing a “delegate model,” a team-based approach tized our three goals differently. Organizational leader-
to care featuring an enhanced medical assistant (MA) role.1 ship thought all three goals – reduced provider burnout,
Under this model, MAs are trained to take on addi- improved access, and improved quality – were important,
tional administrative tasks thereby reducing the burden but they stressed that the model also had to pay for itself
on primary care providers. The model combines two pri- through increased visits to be sustainable. Practice leader-
mary care providers and their MAs to form a team with a ship also agreed with all three goals but thought there
shared panel of patients and adds a full-time “care team might be ways to achieve them instead of using the del-
MA” (CTMA) as a fifth team member. The CTMA, after egate model (they wanted to retain their autonomy and not
approximately 30 hours of training, can then take on a be pressured into adopting a standard model). Providers
range of responsibilities. These include previsit planning, endorsed the focus on burnout and improved quality of
standardized prescription renewals, schedule manage- care but were adamant that they could not improve access
ment, provider in-box management, and identification by seeing more patients. They felt that current productivity
of patients for routine auxiliary testing and referrals (e.g., demands were already unachievable and contributing to
mammograms, behavioral health, and care management) time pressure, low levels of job satisfaction, and burnout.
using an expanded set of standing orders. Because transparency is an organization-wide value, we
Three goals drove our interest in the delegate model: wanted to be forthright with providers that this model
1. Reduced provider burnout, was intended to improve efficiency, which in turn would
2. Improved access to care, enable them to see more patients over time. We calculated
3. Improved quality of care. that if the new two-provider team could see on average
Our change team’s initial strategy was to identify two additional patients per day (one per provider), this
teams in five of our larger primary care practices that would be sufficient to cover the cost of the CTMA in a
would champion the new model and share their experi- fee-for-service payment environment. In discussions with
ence with their peers. As others observed and heard about providers, we acknowledged the pressure they work under
the success of the model, they too would want to par- and the fact that administrative tasks related to their jobs
ticipate. After two or three years, the new model would were slowing them down and invading their evenings and
become the new norm – or so we thought. weekends. We emphasized that this was a pilot project

About the Authors

Susan Grantham, PhD, served as principal investigator for this project and is the director of research and evaluation for the Health
Services Division at John Snow Inc., in Boston. Theresa Knowles is vice president of quality improvement at Penobscot Community
Health Care in Bangor, Maine. Dr. Nesin, a family physician, is vice president of medical affairs at Penobscot Community Health Care.
Natalie Truesdell was project manager and conducts program evaluation of health services innovations in federally qualified health
centers at John Snow Inc. Eugenie Coakley served as statistician and provides research design and statistical expertise to health ser-
vices research projects at John Snow Inc. The authors thank Michael Harrison, senior social scientist for the Organizations & Systems
Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) for his guidance and input.
Additionally, the authors thank Janet Van Ness and Frances Marshman from John Snow Inc., who contributed to the article’s editing.
Author disclosures: This study was funded by AHRQ, contract #HHSA290201000034I. The views expressed are those of the authors
and are not endorsed by AHRQ. No other relevant financial affiliations disclosed.

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and only after its completion would we be intangibles we thought were important for the
able to see the extent to which it reduced their model to work. (See “Characteristics to look for
administrative burden, as well as their job in a change champion.”)
stress. However, we knew we also needed to Although the long-term vision is that this
do something immediately to address their staffing model will become the new norm, we
concerns about productivity demands, so we decided early on not to concentrate on prac-
dropped provider productivity penalties, mov- tices that were resistant to change. The effort
ing from an incentive-based compensation and cost of engaging those who were reluctant
To get team
model to a salary model. Although this change did not seem worth it. Instead, we screened for
members on board, in the compensation model had been under characteristics amenable to the model when
speak to their consideration for some time, implementa- recruiting new providers and MAs. Rather than
different priorities. tion of the delegate model was an important stick to our initial strategy of spreading within
consideration in our leadership’s decision to our five largest practices, we also took advan-
finally change the policy. tage of the organic spread in smaller practices.
Showing a good faith effort through this This generally occurred when providers or MAs
Select change organization-wide change helped with recruit- who had been involved in the model trans-
champions who are ment of the initial championship team, but ferred to other practices within our network.
high-performing it didn’t convince everyone to get on board. Practice and provider autonomy proved to
and willing to Some providers just weren’t interested; for the be another stumbling block during the adop-
most part, they had long tenure and a practice tion phase. They definitely wanted the extra
style they had no desire to change. Other pro- set of hands that the CTMA could provide,
viders simply weren’t right for these new teams but they wanted to determine how to best use
because of performance issues; we wanted high- the extra team member rather than have the
performing providers to be champions with the role prescribed for them. Although being able
rationale that they would to adapt the intervention to various contexts
be most likely to succeed is important, we were adamant about pro-
CHARACTERISTICS and most in need of the tecting two core elements: 1) Teams should
TO LOOK FOR IN A relief that the new model not use the CTMA as a “floating” MA (used
CHANGE CHAMPION could provide. We ended to cover other MA absences), as this would
up targeting providers work against the CTMA’s primary purpose of
For providers:
who were new to practice reducing providers’ administrative tasks, and
• Willing to delegate, and did not already have 2) Teams had to implement the core function
• Willing to work as part of a team, established practice pat- of previsit planning, which we felt was essen-
• High-performing or new to practice
terns. Often, we paired a tial to efficient, effective care.2 If providers or
and not attached to a practice style.
high-performing provider practice leadership were unwilling to accept
and a new provider to these two elements, we did not implement the
For CTMAs: form a team. Among model within that team.
• Critical thinker, our MAs, many were Lessons learned. The key lessons we
interested in assuming learned about adoption are as follows:
• Independent,
the new CTMA role, but • Be transparent about what you are trying
• Competent, some were reluctant to to accomplish, but use messaging that speaks
• Trustworthy, change their routines or to the different priorities people may have.
not interested in having • Back up these messages with actions that
• Comfortable speaking up,
a largely administrative show good faith, sincerity, and a willingness
• Skilled with the electronic health position. Additionally, to listen (e.g., following through on changes
record. not all MAs and provid- to the compensation model).
ers seemed to have the • Choose champions who are willing to

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engage, committed to working through set- to all MAs was that, as they moved between
backs, seen as leaders, and willing to act as our various practices, they took this new
ambassadors for the intervention. knowledge and way of doing things and advo-
• Don’t waste valuable resources on convert- cated for the model in their new environments.
ing resisters. Leverage those who are eager. Cross-training MAs also led to some teams
• Identify which components of the inter- adapting the model to make it more appeal-
vention are negotiable and which are essential ing. Some CTMAs wanted to maintain their
and nonnegotiable. patient interaction responsibilities, rather
than be entirely devoted to administrative
tasks. Thus, cross-trained teams were able to
Implementation: putting the
rotate CTMA responsibilities among the MAs,
plan into action
allowing them to continue working with
We underestimated the level of effort needed patients directly.
to get our new teams up and running. We had We also prioritized certain training modules
planned to provide significant training to our that proved to be most helpful. For example,
MAs to ensure they were well prepared to carry providers were most enthusiastic about previsit
out the CTMA role, along with two weeks of planning, and it seemed to offer the greatest Identify which
aspects of the
observation and support to the new team in opportunity to improve care quality. Teams
change must be
the practice setting. However, once we started could start the model once the MAs completed
implementing the model within a practice, we this initial training, without having to wait exactly as pre-
inevitably encountered operational, managerial, for the full CTMA training to be completed. scribed and which
and administrative barriers and had to change Rather than trying to change multiple work- are negotiable.
our implementation strategy accordingly. flows simultaneously, they could focus just on
Teams needed more than just observation and those related to previsit planning.
supervision during initial implementation; they For providers and MAs to work well
also needed technical assistance. Because we together with maximum delegation, they Don’t underesti-
only had one person providing this assistance, needed to build trust, become comfortable mate the amount
other team start-ups and training sessions were with reorganized roles and responsibilities, and of training and
delayed. Given the significant training time learn how to communicate with one another support teams will
required for MAs, it was not unusual for turn- more effectively. Team building required more need to get up and
over to occur at some point, requiring us to effort, took longer than we expected, and in
identify a new staff member for the new team, some cases did not work out. We selected the
and the whole process started anew. Addition- teams carefully, but should have offered more
ally, it proved challenging to pull MAs from team-building training and support.
Invest in team
their practices for the approximately 30 hours We eventually realized that we needed to building to help
of training. Their duties had to be covered by involve practice directors, clinical coordinators, build trust and
other staff, which was not always possible. This and providers in training and team meetings communication,
led to further delays in implementation. rather than focusing almost exclusively on which will aid the
We needed to come up with strategies to the MAs. Broad involvement was essential to overall effort.
reduce the long lead time for teams to go live. secure understanding of the model’s intent,
One strategy was to open the CTMA training clarity about roles and responsibilities, and sup-
to all MAs who would be part of these new port for team building. Practice leaders became
teams, regardless of their role. This cross-train- important advocates for the model. They devel-
ing meant that other MAs were aware of and oped budget requests that included funding for
could perform the CTMA role, which yielded CTMAs, recruited new staff with qualities that
a number of benefits. Teams did not fall apart would contribute to successful team dynamics,
when a CTMA shifted positions, went on and managed operational issues to facilitate
leave, or left the organization. It also increased implementation of the model.
knowledge, understanding, and buy-in of the Although our implementation did not
model by all MAs, whereas previously the lack go according to plan and was slower than
of understanding around the new CTMA role we had hoped, we did eventually establish
sometimes created uncertainty and stress for seven teams at six of our nine primary care
the other MAs on the team. Another unex- practices. (See “Implementation timeline and
pected and positive benefit of opening training strategies,” page 14.) ➤

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Lessons learned. The key lessons we • Understand that staff turnover is to be

learned about implementation are as follows: expected, and work out a proactive implemen-
• Remain flexible, willing to adapt, and tation strategy that takes turnover into account.
prepared to bring in additional resources if
needed, because implementing change never
Sustainability: keeping it going
goes completely according to plan.
• Be broad in involving others in training Looking at our initial three goals of reduced
and model implementation. The more people provider burnout, improved quality, and
who are aware of what you are trying to improved access, we found neutral to modest
accomplish, the better; they can serve as advo- results. Although a survey of provider burnout
cates for the model, resulting in more staff showed no statistically significant changes
who understand it and can support imple- between providers engaged versus not engaged
menting teams. in the new model, anecdotal evidence found
• Approach team building, developing trust, that involved providers and MAs appreciated
and learning how to work together as a pro- the model. For our longest engaged practice,
cess. It may require more time, training, and we did see modest statistically significant
resources to accomplish. increases in three quality measures (blood

As challenges arise,
willing to adapt.
Strategies to address barriers Key dates Practice teams

Apr 2014 Practice 1, team 1 starts

Involve more
people in the
change effort; Jul 2014 Practice 1, team 2 starts
don’t make it exclu- Instituted biweekly on-site trouble Aug 2014
sive or secretive. shooting
Removed penalties related to productivity Sep 2014

Presented physician champion Nov 2014

Be mindful of staff
turnover, which can Moved to straight salary model Jan 2015
slow down your
progress. Introduced full team pre-“go live” meeting Mar 2015 Practice 2, team 1 starts

Opened training to all MAs May 2015

Jun 2015 Practice 3, team 1 starts*

Prioritized modules in MA training Oct 2015

Nov 2015 Practice 4, team 1 starts*

Jan 2016 Practice 5, team 1 starts

Mar 2016 Practice 2, team 1 relaunches

May 2016 Practice 6, team 1 starts*

*Not initially targeted for implementation.

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pressure control, breast cancer screening, and thrive under these new reimbursement models.
cervical screening). There was also a gradual This may be the way we ultimately recoup the
but statistically significant increase in cycle CTMAs’ salaries. Additionally, through sim-
time (the time from patient check-in to check- ply engaging in the experiment, we learned
out), likely reflecting the time for screening valuable lessons about change management
and other care management tasks. However, and implementation that will carry over to
our data on encounters did not show any other endeavors.
change in the average number of patients seen Lessons learned. The key lessons we
per day (our proxy measure for access). We learned about sustainability are as follows:
suspect that even though providers did not see • Be open to other outcomes that will sup-
more patients overall, the use of previsit plan- port sustainability beyond simply covering
ning and delegation likely made their services costs. For example, providing additional
more comprehensive, contributing to higher training to MAs increased their knowledge
quality. Perhaps, as teams become more com- and skills and helped establish a career ladder
fortable with the model, patients seen per day within the organization to recognize those
will eventually increase. with high proficiency. This benefits not only
We did not consider the training costs the MAs but also the organization. Addition-
associated with the model as particularly high. ally, improving clinical quality became as
We estimated that it cost between $4,047 important as cost in considering whether to Look for outcomes
and $5,812 in staff time to train the MA and sustain the model, as this was the factor that that will support
team to implement the new model. (The latter providers valued most. sustainability,
amount takes into account turnover of MAs • Recognize the importance of organiza- beyond simply
or providers during implementation.) The tional learning that comes from experimenta- covering costs.
largest cost, however, is the additional salary tion – not only the knowledge related to the
of a third MA for the two-provider team. In a intervention itself but also the growth that
fee-for-service environment, we would have to comes from attempting something new.
The organizational
recoup this through seeing additional patients • Accept that outcomes from experimenta- learning that comes
(an average of two per day for the team or one tion are rarely entirely clear and that decisions from experimenta-
per provider). As noted, our initial encounter about how to move forward must generally be tion is invaluable.
data did not show this increase in productivity. made with this “gray” information.
Three years after starting our efforts, the del-
egate model persists in four of the seven teams,
Applying lessons learned
most notably those with the longest experience Plan for each phase
with the model. It has not been sustained in The concept of spreading change has three of change, but
the sites that implemented it more recently, phases: adoption, implementation, and sus- don’t panic when
due entirely to financial pressures related to the tainability. Although planning for each of things don’t go
additional cost of a third MA. However, other these phases is important, things rarely go exactly as planned.
innovations have stemmed from the model as anticipated. Keeping an eye on progress,
(e.g., a senior MA role and revised standing being flexible, and addressing challenges as
orders) and are well established. they arise are essential. Even if you do every-
For now, perhaps the greatest benefit of thing right, change will be hard and will come
our experiment is readying our staff for a with unknowns, but drawing on these les-
team-based approach to care and shared panel sons learned will give you a jump start as you
management. As screening, preventive care, implement change in your setting.
and chronic disease management guidelines
proliferate, the only way we will be able to 1. Hopkins K, Sinsky CA. Team-based care: saving time and
improving efficiency. Fam Pract Manag. 2014;21(6):23-29.
fulfill these expectations is to shift to a team-
2. Sinsky CA, Sinsky TA, Rajcevich E. Putting pre-visit plan-
based approach where everyone works at the ning into practice. Fam Pract Manag. 2015;22(6):34-38.
top of their license and shares responsibility
and accountability for their patients. We
know that value-based payments will eventu- Send comments to, or
ally become the norm and the delegate model add your comments to the article at http://
with its focus on previsit planning and popu-
lation health will put us in good position to

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