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Miranda Yeoh


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Grade level Form 2 Science

Chapter 4 Interdependence Among Living Organisms and the Environment; pp. 73-99
Sub Topic 4.4 Photosynthesis; p.87
Book Reference Science Form 2, Volume 1; Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.2003; ISBN 983-59-1707-8
Time allotment 70-80 minutes
Teacher Science teacher / Dr. Miranda Yeoh
Learning competency 1. The student will learn the interdependence among living organisms,
specifically between plants that produce oxygen through photosynthesis, and
other organisms like humans and animals that require oxygen. Learners will
learn to value plants, as human life depends on the oxygen that is produced by

2. The learner will also be involved in a small entrepreneurial activity of planting

various plants and harvesting the produce to be sold to the school community.
The procedures suggested in the teaching section and the activities built around it
will imbibe in the learner a few entrepreneurial trait-skills like observation,
being a team player and task oriented. (This project may need several weeks.)

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Define ‘photosynthesis’.
2. State the factors required for photosynthesis.
3. Describe the interdependence among living organisms, between plants that produce oxygen through
photosynthesis, and other organisms like humans and animals that require oxygen.
4. Explain the value of plants to humans.

1. ELICIT (Access prior knowledge) Tools/ materials

(The learner is already introduced to the concepts of Test paper for written quiz. The student provides
nutrition, interdependence of plants and animals, air short answers.
around us, sources of energy, and cell as a basic unit
of life.)

Teacher uses a short written quiz to test student’s

previous knowledge. This method of testing will
elicit the knowledge of all students, not just those
who always have ready answers.

1. Name 2 animals that feed on plants only?
2. How do plants obtain energy?
3. What gas is given out when animals and humans
4. What gas is required by animals and humans and
taken in during respiration?
5. What happens to your breathing rate when you
have just completed a quick 100 metre sprint?
6. Related to Q5, explain why do you breathe in this

2. ENGAGE (Get students to focus on the topic; short: Question or pictures)

Teacher asks students to list the different types and Pictures of indoor plants, and outdoor plants/trees
numbers (if possible) of plants that they have in the Common indoor plants:
garden and inside the house. Students will say that
there are many more growing plants in the garden, air-around-you-naturally/song-of-india/
than in the house.

An activity is done on listing the types of plants,

and/or number of plants that students have in their

3. EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience)

Teacher asks students how much sunlight is in the Readings:
open tropical garden, as compared to the amount of Tropical plants/ trees:
light in the house.
Students explore how many plants possess green plants/types-of-tropical-plants-pictures
coloured leaves, showing that they contain
Then, the teacher leads the learners to realize that
more plants are able to grow well in a place that
receives more sunlight. Hence, sunlight is a
requirement for photosynthesis and healthy plant
growth. Almost 100% of plants have green leaves of
green portions on the leaves, although some may
have reddish/ orange pigments.

Key concept: The most common photosynthetic

pigment is chlorophyll; and chlorophyll is another
requirement for photosynthesis.

4. EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students
The teacher explains that the word photosynthesis is To show the need for light and carbon dioxide, this
derived from 2 root words: photo meaning light, and is a suitable link,
synthesis that means ‘putting together’ or chemically
combining. The teacher tells the learner that the
plant makes food by photosynthesis, meaning that To show the need of chlorophyll, the demonstration
light is needed to make food. The teacher tells the or experiment may be used,
learner that plants with chlorophyll can make food
only when light, carbon dioxide, and water are 0-An-experiment-to-show-chlorophyll-is-necessary-
present. for-plants-to-carry-out.aspx
Formation of starch by photosynthesis is shown by
Hence, photosynthesis is a process by which living using the iodine test.
organisms like green plants (that possess the
chlorophyll pigment) manufacture glucose, by
combining smaller molecules (carbon dioxide and
water). The first product is glucose. Glucose is No starch, photosynthesis did not occur because of a
converted to sucrose to be moved to storage organs, lack in either of sunlight, chlorophyll or carbon
and finally converted and stored as starch, usually in dioxide.
seeds or roots. Oxygen is released as a by-product.

Teacher leads the students into an experiment mode.

Teacher guides students to make hypotheses that
photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide; that
photosynthesis requires light, and that
photosynthesis requires chlorophyll. Three
experiments were set up according to the text book.
They are demonstrated by the teacher. Alternatively,
to show the need for light and carbon dioxide, this is
a suitable link,
As for the need of chlorophyll, a variegated leaf is
used. The demonstration or experiment may be
The leaf shows the brown colour of iodine.
Teacher asks students to give examples of variegated
leaves (Coleus, Geranium).
Starch is formed, all 3 requirements are present:
Teacher may use suggested text book demonstrations
if desired. Teacher needs to question and probe
students’ understanding, to ensure that the concepts
are correctly formed in students’ minds.

The leaf shows a dark blue colour.

5. ELABORATE (Students apply the information

learned under ‘Explain’)
Teacher questions what application should be made
from the knowledge gained from the explanations
and demonstrations on Photosynthesis.
Teacher asks: Why must potted house plants be
taken out to the garden, from time to time?
When there are potted plants planted in the house,
the learner will take it outside where there is more
sunshine, from time to time. Sunnier areas in the
garden will be most suitable for planting vegetables
like cucumber, four angled beans or long beans (near
Teacher asks: What plants can be safely planted
indoors, in the house or classroom?
Students are encouraged to discuss in groups.
Teacher may give some hints, and provide examples
of plants that can grow easily in the homes and
Teacher asks: Name the plants that are grown for
food in tropical home gardens.
Plants that can be grown for food in tropical home

Key concept: Some plants can grow healthily in pots.

They are quite hardy, and easy to grow. They bear
fruit in a short time. Teacher suggests okra (ladies’
fingers), eggplant and chilly because they can be
harvested and sold in a short time.
6. EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept?)
Throughout the lesson, the teacher is alert to student Questioning, a written quiz.
understanding (or lack of) of concepts.

Teacher uses a short written quiz. Students should

be able to:

1. What are the 2 root words in Photosynthesis?

2. How do you define photosynthesis?
3. What are the requirements of photosynthesis?
4. What are produced in photosynthesis?
5. What is the first sugar formed, in the chloroplast?
6. What is sugar converted to in storage organs like
tubers of tapioca?
7. What gas is released by Photosynthesis?
8. Describe the interdependence among living
organisms, between plants that produce oxygen
through photosynthesis, and other organisms like
humans and animals that require oxygen.
9. What reagent is used to test a leaf for starch?
10. Give an example of a variegated leaf.
11. What advantage/s is/are there in growing plants
12. Explain the value of plants to humans.

7. EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in a new context. This includes inculcating
entrepreneurship skills in STEM education.)

Entrepreneurship activity related to this lesson

The teacher will divide the students in groups of 3, 4 or 5 students (or as appropriate), and involve them in
buying seeds, collecting organic fertilizers and preparing a compost heap. Some groups are in charge of
planting, watering and caring for the plants. Other groups are in charge of selling the produce at school to
teachers, parents and neighbours.
From the activity, students will learn some entrepreneurship skills:
o The process of planting seeds and watching them grow into seedlings allows students to do a lot of
observing. They must watch the amount of water that is provided, the amount of sunlight the plants
get, and watch the growth. This process will hone observation skills.
o The whole business of planting various types of plants that can be harvested for sale will require
students to be team-players, willing to share responsibilities.
o To reach the goal of having healthy plants that can bear fruit to be sold will require students to
improve focus and task-orientation.

Additional Information/ Reading/ Listed Reference

Common indoor plants:
Tropical plants/ trees:

To show the need for light and carbon dioxide,

To show the need of chlorophyll,
Examples of plants that can grow easily in the homes and gardens,
Plants that can be grown for food in tropical home gardens

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