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Quick setup guide

Radar sensor for continuous level

measurement of water and wastewater

4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

Document ID: 47095


1 For your safety.......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Authorised personnel........................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Appropriate use................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Warning about incorrect use.............................................................................................. 3
1.4 General safety instructions................................................................................................ 3
1.5 EU conformity.................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 NAMUR recommendations............................................................................................... 4
1.7 Radio licenses for Europe................................................................................................. 4
1.8 Radio approval for USA..................................................................................................... 5
1.9 Radio approval for Canada................................................................................................ 5
1.10 Environmental instructions................................................................................................ 7
2 Product description.................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Configuration..................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Adjustment........................................................................................................................ 9
3 Mounting.................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Mounting versions........................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Mounting preparations, mounting strap........................................................................... 14
4 Connecting to power supply.................................................................................................. 16
4.1 Wiring plan...................................................................................................................... 16
5 Setup with smartphone/tablet (Bluetooth)........................................................................... 17
5.1 Connecting...................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Sensor parameter adjustment......................................................................................... 18
5.3 Adjustment...................................................................................................................... 18
6 Setup with VEGADIS 82.......................................................................................................... 20
6.1 Principle of operation and connection............................................................................. 20
6.2 Adjustment volume.......................................................................................................... 20
6.3 Setup steps..................................................................................................................... 21
7 Setup with PACTware.............................................................................................................. 22
7.1 Connect the PC............................................................................................................... 22
7.2 Parameter adjustment with PACTware............................................................................. 23
8 Supplement............................................................................................................................. 25
8.1 Technical data................................................................................................................. 25

This quick setup guide enables quick setup and commissioning of
your instrument.
You can find supplementary information in the corresponding, more
detailed Operating Instructions Manual as well as the Safety Manual
that comes with instruments with SIL qualification. These manuals are

available in the download area of "".

Operating instructions VEGAPULS WL 61 - 4 … 20 mA/HART -

two-wire: Document-ID 38061
Editing status of the quick setup guide: 2019-03-14

2 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

1 For your safety

1 For your safety

1.1 Authorised personnel
All operations described in this documentation must be carried out
only by trained, qualified personnel authorised by the plant operator.
During work on and with the device, the required personal protective
equipment must always be worn.

1.2 Appropriate use

VEGAPULS WL 61 is a sensor for continuous level measurement.
You can find detailed information about the area of application in
chapter "Product description".
Operational reliability is ensured only if the instrument is properly
used according to the specifications in the operating instructions
manual as well as possible supplementary instructions.

1.3 Warning about incorrect use

Inappropriate or incorrect use of this product can give rise to applica-
tion-specific hazards, e.g. vessel overfill through incorrect mounting
or adjustment. Damage to property and persons or environmental
contamination can result. Also, the protective characteristics of the
instrument can be impaired.

1.4 General safety instructions

This is a state-of-the-art instrument complying with all prevailing
regulations and directives. The instrument must only be operated in a
technically flawless and reliable condition. The operator is responsi-
ble for the trouble-free operation of the instrument. When measuring
aggressive or corrosive media that can cause a dangerous situation
if the instrument malfunctions, the operator has to implement suitable
measures to make sure the instrument is functioning properly.
During the entire duration of use, the user is obliged to determine the
compliance of the necessary occupational safety measures with the
current valid rules and regulations and also take note of new regula-
The safety instructions in this operating instructions manual, the na-
tional installation standards as well as the valid safety regulations and
accident prevention rules must be observed by the user.
For safety and warranty reasons, any invasive work on the device
beyond that described in the operating instructions manual may be
carried out only by personnel authorised by the manufacturer. Arbi-
trary conversions or modifications are explicitly forbidden. For safety
reasons, only the accessory specified by the manufacturer must be

To avoid any danger, the safety approval markings and safety tips on
the device must also be observed and their meaning read in this oper-
ating instructions manual.

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 3

1 For your safety

The low transmitting power of the radar sensor is far below the inter-
nationally approved limits. No health impairments are to be expected
with intended use. The band range of the transmission frequency can
be found in chapter "Technical data".

1.5 EU conformity
The device fulfils the legal requirements of the applicable EU direc-
tives. By affixing the CE marking, we confirm the conformity of the
instrument with these directives.
You can find the EU conformity declaration on our website under

1.6 NAMUR recommendations

NAMUR is the automation technology user association in the process
industry in Germany. The published NAMUR recommendations are
accepted as the standard in field instrumentation.
The device fulfils the requirements of the following NAMUR recom-
• NE 43 – Signal level for fault information from measuring transduc-
• NE 53 – Compatibility of field devices and display/adjustment
• NE 107 – Self-monitoring and diagnosis of field devices
For further information see

1.7 Radio licenses for Europe

The instrument was tested according to the latest issue of the follow-
ing harmonized standards:
• EN 302372 - Tank Level Probing Radar
• EN 302729 - Level Probing Radar
It is hence approved for use inside and outside closed vessels in
countries of the EU.
Use is also approved in EFTA countries, provided the respective
standards have been implemented.
For operation inside of closed vessels, points a to f in annex E of
EN 302372 must be fulfilled.
For operation outside of closed vessels, the following conditions must
be fulfilled:
• The installation must be carried out by trained qualified personnel
• The instrument must be stationary mounted and the antenna
directed vertically downward

• The mounting location must be at least 4 km away from radio

astronomy stations, unless special permission was granted by the
responsible national approval authority

4 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

1 For your safety

• When installed within 4 to 40 km of a radio astronomy station,

the instrument must not be mounted higher than 15 m above the
You can find a list of the respective radio astronomy stations in chap-
ter "Supplement".

Bluetooth radio module

The radio module used in the instrument for wireless Bluetooth com-
munication was tested by the manufacturer according to the latest
edition of the following standard:
• EN 300328 – Wideband transmission systems
It is hence for use inside closed vessels in countries of the EU and

1.8 Radio approval for USA

This approval is only valid for USA. Hence the following text is only
available in English language.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following conditions:
• This device may not cause interference, and
• This device must accept any interference, including interference
that may cause undesired operation of the device
This device has been approved for open air environments with the
following limitations:
• This device shall be installed and maintained to ensure a verti-
cally downward orientation of the transmit antenna's main beam.
Furthermore, the use of any mechanism that does not allow the
main beam of the transmitter to be mounted vertically downward is
• This device shall be installed only at fixed locations. The LPR
device shall not operate while being moved or while inside a mov-
ing container.
• Hand-held applications are prohibited.
• Marketing to residential consumers is prohibited.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufac-
turer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.

1.9 Radio approval for Canada

This approval is only valid for Canada. Hence the following texts are
only available in English/French language.
This device complies with Industry Canada's license-exempt RSS

Operation is subject to the following conditions:

• This device may not cause interference, and
• This device must accept any interference, including interference
that may cause undesired operation of the device

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 5

1 For your safety

This device has been approved for open air environments with the
following limitations:
• This device shall be installed and maintained to ensure a verti-
cally downward orientation of the transmit antenna's main beam.
Furthermore, the use of any mechanism that does not allow the
main beam of the transmitter to be mounted vertically downward is
• The installation of the LPR/TLPR device shall be done by trained
installers, in strict compliance with the manufacturer's instructions.
• This device shall be installed only at fixed locations. The LPR
device shall not operate while being moved or while inside a mov-
ing container.
• Hand-held applications are prohibited.
• Marketing to residential consumers is prohibited.
• The use of this device is on a "no-interference, no-protection"
basis. That is, the user shall accept operations of high-powered
radar in the same frequency band which may interfere with or
damage this device.
• However, devices found to interfere with primary licensing opera-
tions will be required to be removed at the user's expense.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada ap-
plicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est
autorisée aux conditions suivantes :
• L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage; et
• L’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélect-
rique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromet-
tre le fonctionnement.
Cet appareil est homologué pour une utilisation dans les environne-
ments ouverts avec les restrictions suivantes :
• L'appareil doit être installé et entretenu de manière à garantir une
orientation verticale vers le bas du faisceau principal de l’antenne
émettrice. De plus, l’utilisation de tout mécanisme ne permettant
pas l’orientation verticale vers le bas du faisceau principal de
l’émetteur est interdite
• L’installation d’un dispositif LPR ou TLPR doit être effectuée
par des installateurs qualifiés, en pleine conformité avec les
instructions du fabricant.
• Cet appareil ne doit être installé qu'à des emplacements fixes.
L’appareil LPR ne doit pas être utilisé pendant qu’il est en train
d’être déplacé ou se trouve dans un conteneur en mouvement.
• Les applications portables sont interdites.
• La vente à des particuliers est interdite
• Ce dispositif ne peut être exploité qu'en régime de non-brouillage
et de non-protection, c'est-à-dire que l'utilisateur doit accepter que
des radars de haute puissance de la même bande de fréquences
puissent brouiller ce dispositif ou même l'endommager.

• D'autre part, les capteurs de niveau qui perturbent une exploita-

tion autorisée par licence de fonctionnement principal doivent être
enlevés aux frais de leur utilisateur.

6 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

1 For your safety

1.10 Environmental instructions

Protection of the environment is one of our most important duties.
That is why we have introduced an environment management system
with the goal of continuously improving company environmental pro-
tection. The environment management system is certified according
to DIN EN ISO 14001.
Please help us fulfil this obligation by observing the environmental
instructions in this manual:
• Chapter "Packaging, transport and storage"
• Chapter "Disposal"

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 7

2 Product description

2 Product description
2.1 Configuration
Type label You can find the type label on the sensor housing as well as on the
type label support on the connection cable.
It contains the most important data for identification and use of the

1 16
3 15
8 12
10 11

Fig. 1: Layout of the type label (example)

1 Instrument type
2 Product code
3 Approvals
4 Power supply and signal output, electronics
5 Protection rating
6 Measuring range
7 Process and ambient temperature, process pressure
8 Material wetted parts
9 Hardware and software version
10 Order number
11 Serial number of the instrument
12 Data matrix code for VEGA Tools app
13 Symbol of the device protection class
14 ID numbers, instrument documentation
15 Reminder to observe the instrument documentation
16 Symbol for Bluetooth

Sensor PIN The 4-digit PIN is necessary for the Bluetooth connection to the sen-
sor. The PIN is unique and is only valid of this sensor.
You can find the PIN:
• Next to the type label on the connection cable
• On the information sheet of the documentation

Fig. 2: Bluetooth PIN next to the type label

8 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

2 Product description


Fig. 3: Bluetooth PIN on the information sheet

Serial number - Instru- The type label contains the serial number of the instrument. With it
ment search you can find the following instrument data on our homepage:
• Product code (HTML)
• Delivery date (HTML)
• Order-specific instrument features (HTML)
• Operating instructions and quick setup guide at the time of ship-
ment (PDF)
• Order-specific sensor data for an electronics exchange (XML)
• Test certificate (PDF) - optional
Move to "" and enter in the search field the serial
number of your instrument.
Alternatively, you can access the data via your smartphone:
• Download the VEGA Tools app from the "Apple App Store" or the
"Google Play Store"
• Scan the Data Matrix code on the type label of the instrument or
• Enter the serial number manually in the app

2.2 Adjustment
Adjustment via the signal The VEGAPULS WL 61 can be operated by default:
• External display and adjustment unit VEGADIS 82
• PC/notebook with adjustment software PACTware
• DD adjustment programs
• Field Communicator 375, 475

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 9

2 Product description


Fig. 4: Connection of the VEGADIS 82 to the sensor, adjustment via the display
and adjustment module
1 Voltage supply/Signal output sensor
3 Display and adjustment module
4 4 … 20 mA/HART signal cable
5 Sensor

Wireless adjustment The VEGAPULS WL 61 with integrated Bluetooth module can be

adjusted wirelessly via standard adjustment instruments:
• Smartphone/tablet (iOS or Android operating system)
• PC/notebook with Bluetooth USB adapter and adjustment soft-
ware PACTware (Windows operating system)



Fig. 5: Wireless connection to standard operating devices

1 Sensor
2 Smartphone/Tablet
3 Bluetooth USB adapter
4 PC/Notebook

10 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

3 Mounting

3 Mounting
3.1 Mounting versions
Straining clamp Most simply mount the instrument via the straining clamp. For this
purpose, the connection cable is provided with a strain relief wire of
In order to avoid faulty measured values, make sure that the sensor
does not oscillate.

> 200 mm

Fig. 6: Mounting via a straining clamp

Mounting bracket For a rigid mounting, a mounting bracket with opening for thread
G1½, e.g. from the VEGA product range, is recommended. The
mounting of the sensor in the bracket is carried out via a G1½ counter
nut of plastic. Take note of chapter "Mounting instructions" for the
distance to the wall.

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 11

3 Mounting

> 200 mm

Fig. 7: Mounting via a mounting bracket

Mounting strap The optional mounting strap enables sensor mounting on e.g. a ceil-
ing, wall or bracket. It is available in the following versions:
• Length 300 mm for ceiling mounting
• Length 170 mm for wall mounting

Mounting strap - Ceiling The instrument is normally mounted vertically with a bracket on the
mounting ceiling.
This ensures swivelling of the sensor up to 180° for optimum orienta-

Fig. 8: Ceiling mounting via the mounting strap with length 300 mm

12 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

3 Mounting

Fig. 9: Rotation in the centre with ceiling mounting

Mounting strap - Wall As an alternative the strap mounting is carried out horizontally or
mounting obliquely.

> 200 mm

Fig. 10: Wall mounting via the mounting strap with length 170 mm

Fig. 11: Wall mounting with inclined wall via the mounting strap with length
300 mm

Flange mounting For mounting the instrument on a socket or a manhole cover, an

unassembled combi collar flange for DN 80 (ASME 3" or JIS 80) is
optionally available also as retrofitting part.
You can find drawings of these mounting options in chapter "Dimen-

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 13

3 Mounting

Fig. 12: Mounting by means of an adapter flange, for example, on a manhole lid.

3.2 Mounting preparations, mounting strap

The optional mounting strap is supplied unassembled. It must be
screwed to the sensor before setup with the attached screws. Max.
torque, see chapter "Technical data". Required tools: Allen wrench
size 4.
There are two different variants of screwing the strap to the sensor,
see following illustration:

1 2
Fig. 13: Mounting strap for screwing to the sensor
1 For angle of inclination in steps
2 For angle of inclination, infinitely variable

Depending on the variant selected, the sensor in the bracket can be

swivelled steplessly over 180° or in three steps 0°, 90° and 180°.

14 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

3 Mounting

Fig. 14: Adjustment of the angle of inclination

Fig. 15: Turning by fastening in the centre


VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 15

4 Connecting to power supply

4 Connecting to power supply

4.1 Wiring plan
Wire assignment, con-
nection cable

Fig. 16: Wire assignment in permanently connected connection cable
1 Brown (+) and blue (-) to power supply or to the processing system
2 Shielding


16 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

5 Setup with smartphone/tablet (Bluetooth)

5 Setup with smartphone/tablet (Bluetooth)

5.1 Connecting
Connecting … Start the "VEGA Tools" app and select the function "Setup". The
smartphone/tablet searches automatically for Bluetooth-capable
instruments in the area.
The message "Searching …" is displayed.
The found instruments will be listed on the left side of the adjustment
window. The search is continued automatically.
Select the requested instrument in the device list.
The message "Connecting …" is displayed.

Authenticate For the first connection, the operating device and the sensor must
authenticate each other. After successful authentication, the next con-
nection functions without authentication.

During the pairing process, the following message is displayed: "Pair-
ing request (Bluetooth), e.g. 12345678 wants to pair with your iPad".
Press "Pair".

The coupling passes through automatically.

Enter PIN For authentication, enter in the next menu window the 4-digit PIN.
You can find the PIN:
• Next to the type label on the connection cable
• On the supplement to the documentation

If an incorrect sensor PIN is entered, the PIN can only be entered
again after a delay time. This time gets longer after each incorrect
The message "Waiting for authentication" is displayed on the smart-

Connected After connection, the sensor adjustment menu is displayed on the

respective adjustment instrument.
If the Bluetooth connection is interrupted, e.g. due to a too large
distance between the two devices, this is displayed on the operating

device. The message disappears when the connection is restored.

Change sensor PIN It is recommended to change the default setting of the sensor PIN to
your own sensor PIN. To do this, go to the menu item "Lock adjust-

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 17

5 Setup with smartphone/tablet (Bluetooth)

After the sensor PIN has been changed, sensor adjustment can be
enabled again. For access (authentication) with Bluetooth, the PIN is
still effective.

5.2 Sensor parameter adjustment

Enter parameters The sensor adjustment menu is divided into two halves:
On the left you'll find the navigation section with the menus "Setup",
"Display", "Diagnosis" and others.
The selected menu item, recognisable by the colour change, is dis-
played in the right half.

Fig. 17: Example of an app view - Setup sensor adjustment

Enter the requested parameters and confirm via the keyboard or the
editing field. The settings are then active in the sensor.
Close the app to terminate connection.

5.3 Adjustment
Since a radar sensor is a distance measuring instrument, the distance
from the sensor to the product surface is measured. For indication of
the real level, an allocation of the measured distance to the percent-
age height must be carried out. To perform the adjustment, enter the
distance with full and empty vessel, see the following example:

18 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

5 Setup with smartphone/tablet (Bluetooth)

0,5 m
100% 2

0% 1

Fig. 18: Parameterization example

1 Min. level = max. measuring distance
2 Max. level = min. measuring distance

If these values are not known, an adjustment with the distances of for
example 10 % and 90 % is possible. Starting point for these distance
specifications is always the seal surface of the thread or flange. By
means of these settings, the real level will be calculated.
The actual product level during this adjustment is not important,
because the min./max. adjustment is always carried out without
changing the product level. These settings can be made ahead of
time without the instrument having to be installed.

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 19

6 Setup with VEGADIS 82

6 Setup with VEGADIS 82

6.1 Principle of operation and connection
The VEGADIS 82 is an external display and adjustment unit without
additional external energy.
The instrument is suitable for measured value indication and adjust-
ment of sensors with HART protocol. It can be connected at any point
to the 4 … 20 mA signal cable. A separate external energy is not


Fig. 19: Connection of the VEGADIS 82 to the sensor, adjustment via the dis-
play and adjustment module
1 Voltage supply/Signal output sensor
3 Display and adjustment module
4 4 … 20 mA/HART signal cable
5 Sensor

6.2 Adjustment volume

Main menu: Setup, Diagnosis, Additional adjustments, Info

Setup: Settings, for example, for medium, application, vessel form,

adjustment, signal output

Diagnosis: Information, for example on the instrument status, peak

value, measurement reliability, echo curve memory as well as simula-

20 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

6 Setup with VEGADIS 82

Additional adjustment: False signal suppression, linearization, reset

Info: Instrument type and serial number

6.3 Setup steps

You can find a detailed description of the setup steps for VEGAPULS
WL 61 in the operating instructions manual "VEGADIS 82 -
4 … 20 mA/HART".

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 21

7 Setup with PACTware

7 Setup with PACTware

7.1 Connect the PC
Via interface adapter to
the signal cable
2 4



Fig. 20: Connecting the PC to the signal cable
1 Sensor
2 HART resistance 250 Ω (optional depending on evaluation)
3 Connection cable with 2 mm pins and terminals
4 Processing system/PLC/Voltage supply
5 Interface adapter VEGACONNECT

With power supply units with integrated HART resistance (internal
resistance approx. 250 Ω), an additional external resistance is not
necessary. This applies, e.g. to the VEGA instruments VEGATRENN
149A, VEGAMET 381, VEGAMET 391. Common Ex separators are
also usually equipped with a sufficient current limiting resistance. In
such cases, the interface converter can be connected parallel to the
4 … 20 mA cable (dashed line in the previous illustration).

22 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

7 Setup with PACTware

Via interface adapter to

the VEGAMET controller
1 2


2 on





Fig. 21: Connection of the PC to the VEGAMET controller

1 Sensor
2 Connection cable with 2 mm pins
3 Controller, e.g. VEGAMET 381
4 Interface adapter VEGACONNECT

7.2 Parameter adjustment with PACTware

Prerequisites For parameter adjustment of the sensor via a Windows PC, the con-
figuration software PACTware and a suitable instrument driver (DTM)
according to FDT standard are required. The up-to-date PACTware
version as well as all available DTMs are compiled in a DTM Collec-
tion. The DTMs can also be integrated into other frame applications
according to FDT standard.
To ensure that all instrument functions are supported, you should
always use the latest DTM Collection. Furthermore, not all described
functions are included in older firmware versions. You can download
the latest instrument software from our homepage. A description of
the update procedure is also available in the Internet.
Further setup steps are described in the operating instructions manu-
al "DTM Collection/PACTware" attached to each DTM Collection and
which can also be downloaded from the Internet. Detailed descrip-
tions are available in the online help of PACTware and the DTMs.

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 23

7 Setup with PACTware

Fig. 22: Example of a DTM view

Standard/Full version All device DTMs are available as a free-of-charge standard version
and as a full version that must be purchased. In the standard version,
all functions for complete setup are already included. An assistant for
simple project configuration simplifies the adjustment considerably.
Saving/printing the project as well as import/export functions are also
part of the standard version.
In the full version there is also an extended print function for complete
project documentation as well as a save function for measured value
and echo curves. In addition, there is a tank calculation program as
well as a multiviewer for display and analysis of the saved measured
value and echo curves.
The standard version is available as a download under and "Software". The full version is avail-
able on CD from the agency serving you.

24 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

8 Supplement

8 Supplement
8.1 Technical data
Note for approved instruments
The technical data in the respective safety instructions are valid for approved instruments (e.g. with
Ex approval). These data can differ from the data listed herein, for example regarding the process
conditions or the voltage supply.

Electromechanical data - version IP 66/IP 68 (2 bar)

Cable entry IP 68 cable gland
Connection cable
ƲƲ Configuration two wires, one Kevlar cable, braiding, cover
ƲƲ Standard length 6 m (19.69 ft)
ƲƲ Max. length 550 m (1804 ft)
ƲƲ Min. bending radius 25 mm (0.984 in) with 25 °C (77 °F)
ƲƲ Diameter approx. 8 mm (0.315 in)
ƲƲ Wire isolating and cable cover PUR
ƲƲ Colour Black
ƲƲ Fire protection classification UL94-V0
Connection cable, electrical data
ƲƲ Wire cross-section 0.5 mm² (AWG 20)
ƲƲ Wire resistance R ´
0.037 Ω/m (0.012 Ω/ft)
ƲƲ Inductance Li´ 0.6 µH/m (0.018 µH/ft)
ƲƲ Capacitance Wire/Wire Ci´ 133 pF/m (40 pF/ft)
ƲƲ Capacitance Wire/Screen Ci´ 215 pF/m (65 pF/ft)

Voltage supply
Operating voltage
ƲƲ Non-Ex instrument 9.6 … 35 V DC
ƲƲ Non-Ex device - Bluetooth 11.6 … 35 V DC
ƲƲ Ex-ia instrument 9.6 … 30 V DC
ƲƲ Ex-ia device - Bluetooth 11.6 … 30 V DC
Reverse voltage protection Integrated
Permissible residual ripple - Non-Ex, Ex-ia instrument
ƲƲ for 9.6 V < UN < 14 V ≤ 0.7 Veff (16 … 400 Hz)
ƲƲ for 18 V < UN < 36 V ≤ 1 Veff (16 … 400 Hz)
Load resistor
ƲƲ Calculation (UB - Umin)/0.022 A

ƲƲ Example - Non-Ex instrument with (24 V - 9.6 V)/0.022 A = 655 Ω

UB= 24 V DC

VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 25



26 VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire


VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire 27

Printing date:


All statements concerning scope of delivery, application, practical use and operat-
ing conditions of the sensors and processing systems correspond to the information
available at the time of printing.
Subject to change without prior notice

© VEGA Grieshaber KG, Schiltach/Germany 2019

VEGA Grieshaber KG Phone +49 7836 50-0

Am Hohenstein 113 Fax +49 7836 50-201
77761 Schiltach E-mail:

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