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Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (2005) 81:149–158  Springer 2005

Prevention of hyperhydricity in micropropagated carnation shoots by bottom

cooling: implications of oxidative stress

Sadhy Saher, Abel Piqueras, Eladio Hellin & Enrique Olmos*

Centro de Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada del Segura, CSIC, P.O. Box 164, 30100 Murcia, Spain (*requests
for offprints; Fax: +0034-968-39-62-13; E-mail:

Received 15 July 2004; accepted in revised form 30 September 2004

Key words: bottom cooling, carnation, hyperhydricity, micropropagation, oxidative stress


Carnation shoot cultures were micropropagated in two different agar concentrations (0.58 and 0.85%) and
placed in a bottom cooling system or control conditions. During the culture period of 28 days, it was
observed that relative humidity, hyperhydricity, dry weight, multiplication rate, and the activity of the
antioxidant enzymatic system changed in relation to the agar concentration used and the application of
bottom cooling. The percentage of hyperhydric shoots also showed a significant decrease under bottom
cooling conditions for both agar concentrations. Lipid peroxidation was always lower in shoots cultured
with bottom cooling. All the antioxidant enzymatic activities were lower in bottom cooling treatments
compared to controls. These results show that the normalization of the environmental conditions in vitro
via bottom cooling can prevent the onset of different simultaneous stress reactions concomitant with
hyperhydricity. The present work provides for the first time , direct evidence of a reduced H2O2 generation
in the tissues cultured in bottom cooling able to reduce oxidative stress.

Abbreviations: APX – ascorbate peroxidase; CAT – catalase; DHAr – dehydroascorbate reductase; EDTA –
ethylendiaminetetraacetic sodium salt; GPXs – soluble guaiacol peroxidase; GPXw – cell-wall bound gua-
iacol peroxidase; GR – glutathione reductase; MDA – malondialdehyde; MDHr – monodehydroascorbate
reductase; NADPH – nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; PVP – polyvinylpyrrolidone; ROS –
reactive oxygen species; SOD – superoxide dismutase; TBA – thiobarbituric acid; TCA – trichloroacetic acid

Introduction Usually, micropropagation is performed by using

small-scale vessels with passive ventilation and
Hyperhydricity is one of the main abnormalities poor diffusion of gases between the culture vessel
observed in plant micropropagation. Hyperhydric and the outside atmosphere. To avoid this, vessel
shoots exhibit physiological disorders and have lids with a filter vent of 0.2 lm have been used
aberrant morphology, characterized by translu- (Majada et al., 1997). The use of gas-permeable
cent and brittle stems and leaves (Ziv, 1991; Ol- membranes has also been reported in combina-
mos and Hellin, 1998). The occurrence of this tion with forced ventilation, to modify the
phenomenon is affected mainly by two factors, atmosphere of the culture vessel (Yue et al., 1993;
the gelling agent of the media and the atmosphere Zobayed et al., 2001). These ventilation systems
in the culture vessels (Debergh, 1983; George, were adequate for improvement of micropropa-
1996; Gribble, 1999; Perez-Tornero et al., 2001). gation when hyperhydricity was a problem

(Majada et al., 1997, 2000). The major disad- purpose, shoots grown under bottom cooling have
vantage of increasing ventilation, by whatever been compared with those produced in control
method, is that water is lost from the medium vessels.
(George, 1996). A different method for over-
coming hyperhydricity is the bottom cooling
system. Bottom cooling is based on the reduction Material and methods
of relative humidity of the vessel atmosphere by
condensation on the cooled culture medium Plant material and shoot micropropagation
(Vanderschaeghe and Debergh, 1987). Bottom
cooling of the vessels not only reduced the rela- Mother-shoots of three Dianthus caryophyllus
tive humidity in the containers but also avoided varieties (Oslo, Killer and Alister) were provided by
desiccation of the culture media. This system also Barber and Blanc S.A.E. (Puerto Lumbreras,
activates transpiration and translocation by Murcia, Spain). Shoots were multiplied on MS-
shoots (DeRiek et al., 1997; Piqueras et al., 1998) based medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962), pH
and it has been used successfully to recover hy- 5.8 ± 0.1, supplemented with 3% (w/v) sucrose
perhydric shoots of carnation (Piqueras et al., and solidified with 0.8% (w/v) agar without plant
2002) and apricot (Perez-Tornero et al., 2001). growth regulators. Hyperhydricity was induced by
Agar concentration and agar type are known to transferring the shoots to the same medium con-
influence the growth response of micropropaged taining 0.58% (w/v) agar. For the cultures, cylindric
plants (George, 1996; Scholten and Pierik, 1998). glass flasks (15 cm height and diameter 8 cm) closed
Several authors showed that raising agar concen- with translucent plastic lids were used. A bottom
tration overcame hyperhydricity, while drastically cooling system was used, as described previously by
lowering propagation rate (Debergh, 1983; Ziv Vanderschaege and Debergh (1987). Refrigeration
et al., 1983). Similarly, hyperhydricity can be temperature of the system was 17 C, creating a
avoided by modifying the types of solidifying temperature gradient of 7 C between the surface
agents (Scholten and Pierik, 1998; Marga et al., culture medium and the atmosphere. Cultures were
1997; Perez-Tornero et al., 2001; Whitehouse maintained under a 16/8 h light/dark regime. The
et al., 2002). culture room temperature was kept at 25 ± 2 C.
In a previous paper, we have observed that Healthy and hyperhydric leaves of carnations were
micropropagated carnation shoots became hyper- obtained after 4 weeks of culture.
hydric when grown in 0.58% agar. However, an
increase of agar concentration to 0.85% reduced Multiplication
hyperhydricity to 15–30%, depending on the After 28 days, the total number of shoots pro-
variety. This was accompanied by a decrease of duced from each individual shoot was expressed as
the oxidative stress in these shoots growing in the multiplication rate. Shoot length was measured
0.85% agar (Saher et al., 2004). However, it is still after 28 days of culture.
not known what induces oxidative stress in hy-
perhydric shoots. Oxidative stress triggers cell Assays of enzymatic activities
death in plants by damaging nucleic acids, protein
and lipids due to ROS. Shoots micropropagated Leaves (1.0 gr FW) were extracted by grinding
in vitro are under continuous stress conditions with a mortar and pestle, with 50 mM phosphate
(Gaspar et al., 2002). It has been proposed that buffer (pH 7.8) containing inert sand and 0.3%
shoots which are unable to induce their antioxi- PVP, at 2 C. The buffer used for extraction of
dant defenses (enzymes and soluble reductants) ascorbate peroxidase (APX) was supplemented
against activated forms of oxygen will become with 0.2 mM ascorbate. The homogenates were
hyperhydric (Franck et al., 1998; Saher et al., filtered and centrifuged at 10,000 · g for 15 min.
2004). These fractions were used for spectrophotometric
The aim of the present work was to evaluate the determinations of all enzymatic activities except
effect of the combination of bottom cooling system wall-bound peroxidase. For the extraction of this
with different concentrations of agar, with respect enzyme, the previous precipitate was resuspended
to oxidative stress in hyperhydricity. To this in the same buffer and washed two times. The final

precipitate was resuspended in the same buffer, enzyme extract (Hodges et al., 1997). The reaction
with 1 M KCl and agitated at 4 C for 1 h. After was followed by measuring the decrease in absor-
another centrifugation at 10,000 · g for 15 min, bance at 340 nm, due to NADH oxidation.
the new supernatant was used to determine wall- Dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR; EC
bound peroxidase. All samples were passed was determined according to the method
through Sephadex columns and then desalted. of Dalton et al. (1993). The reaction mixture
Total superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC contained 0.85 ml of 100 mM potassium phos-
activity of the samples was determined spectro- phate (pH 7.8), 0.05 ml of 50 mM reduced gluta-
photometrically at 550 nm by the ferricytochrome thione (GSH), 0.05 ml of 4 mM DHA, and
c method, using xanthine/xanthine oxidase as the 0.05 ml enzyme extract. Activity was determined
source of superoxide radicals (McCord and by following the reduction of DHA at 265 nm.
Fridovich, 1969). Specific activities were expressed as U · mg)1
Catalase (CAT; EC was assayed proteins, where 1 mU ¼ 1 nmol specific substrate
according to Aebi (1984). The reaction mixture min)1. Protein concentration was determined
contained 50 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.8), according to Lowry et al. (1951), using bovine
10 mM H2O2 and enzyme extract. Activity was serum albumin as a standard.
determined by following the decomposition of
H2O2 at 240 nm. The molar extinction coefficient Spectrofluorimetric determination of H2O2 and
was 36 mM)1 cm)1. peroxide production
Ascorbate peroxidase (APX; EC
activity was determined in a mixture containing Leaves were cut in small squares (0.5 · 0.5 mm)
50 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.0), 1.5 mM and incubated in 5 ml of 50 mM phosphate buffer,
ascorbate, 1.0 mM H2O2 and enzyme extract pH 7.8, containing 5 lM 20 ,70 -dichlorofluorescein
(Hodges et al., 1997). Activity was determined diacetate, this nonpolar compound is non-fluo-
spectrophotometrically by following the H2O2, rescent but, after deacetylation, is rapidly oxidized
dependent decomposition of ascorbate at 265 nm. to the highly fluorescent 20 ,70 -dichlorofluorescein
Guaiacol peroxidase (GPX; EC (DCF) by intracellular H2O2 and peroxides. Every
activity was determined in a reaction mixture 5 min, the incubation media were collected and
composed of 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer measured using a Kontron SFM 25 fluorescence
(pH 7.0), 9 mM guaiacol, 10 mM H2O2, and en- spectrophotometer with excitation and emission
zyme extract (Olmos et al., 1997). The enzyme wavelengths set at 488 and 520 nm, respectively
activity was measured by monitoring the increase (Saher et al., 2004). All studies were performed at
in absorbance at 470 nm. The molar extinction least 5 times in separate experiments.
coefficient was 26.6 mM)1 cm)1.
Glutathione reductase (GR; EC ) was Lipid peroxides determinations
assayed by monitoring the glutathione-dependent
oxidation of NADPH. The reaction mixture con- The level of lipid peroxides was determined as
tained 0.73 ml of 100 mM potassium phosphate malondialdehyde (MDA) content, by the thio-
buffer (pH 7.8), 0.1 ml of 100 mM oxidized glu- barbituric (TBA) reaction as described by Heath
tathione (GSSG), 0.1 ml of 15 mM EDTA, and Packer (1968). One gram of tissue was
0.02 ml of 10 mM NADPH, and 0.05 ml enzyme homogenized in 5 ml of 0.1% (w/v) trichloroacetic
extract (Hodges et al., 1997). Activity was deter- acid (TCA). The homogenate was centrifuged at
mined by following the oxidation of NADPH at 10,000 · g for 5 min and 4 ml of 20% TCA con-
340 nm. taining 0.5% (w/v) TBA was added to a 1 ml
Monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR; aliquot of the supernatant. The mixture was
EC was determined in a reaction mixture heated at 95 C for 30 min and then quickly
composed of 0.065 ml of 50 mM Tris–HCl buffer cooled on ice, followed by centrifugation at
(pH 7.8), 0.05 ml of 1.25% Triton X-100, 0.1 ml of 10,000 · g for 15 min, the absorbance was then
0.2 mM NADH, 0.1 ml of 2.5 mM ascorbate, measured at 532 nm. The concentration of MDA
0.05 ml (12.5 U) of ascorbate oxidase (unit as de- was calculated using an extinction coefficient of
fined by Sigma Chemical Co.), and 0.05 ml 155 mM)1 cm)1.

Results 100
a b
Relative humidity and micropropagation parameters 80 killer

% Hyperhydricity

Figure 1 shows the evolution of relative humidity 60

(RH) in the culture vessel of Killer. The atmo-
sphere of vessels with shoots growing on 0.58%
agar and without bottom cooling (CII) shows that b

RH was saturated during the 28 days of culture. a

20 a
However, when these vessels were placed on bot- a

tom cooling (BCII), a slight decrease in RH was

observed, that rose again to saturation at the end 0
of the culture period. Vessels with shoots cultured Agar concentration
in 0.85% agar and without bottom cooling (CI)
had a RH much lower than vessels with 0.58% Figure 2. Hyperhydricity rate of micropropagated carnation
agar (CII). In these vessels, RH decreased slightly plantlets in control 0.85% agar (CI), control 0.58% agar (CII),
during the first 14 days of culture, rising progres- 0.85% agar with bottom cooling (BCI), and 0.58% agar with
bottom cooling (BCII) during culture. Values are means ± SD
sively until the end of the culture. When these (n ¼ 40). Significant differences (p < 0.05,) between cultivars
vessels were placed on bottom cooling (BCI), RH are indicated by different letters.
evolution showed the lowest percentage values, the
pattern of evolution being similar to vessels with-
out bottom cooling. 0.58% agar with bottom cooling (BCII) showed
Figure 2 shows the effect of bottom cooling similar levels of hyperhydricity that remained
and agar concentration on hyperhydricity between 20–35%.
induction in all varieties. Shoots cultured in Figure 3a shows the evolution of dry weight
0.58% agar without bottom cooling (CII) (DW) during micropropagation. In the three
developed 80–95% of hyperhydric shoots. How- varieties, DW increased with bottom cooling
ever, for shoots cultured in 0.85% agar with compared to the controls with 0.58 or 0.85%
bottom cooling (BCI) hyperhydricity was fully agar. DW was halved in hyperhydric leaves (CII)
prevented. Shoots grown in 0.85% agar without compared to the other treatments. Figure 3b
bottom cooling (CI) and shoots grown with shows the multiplication rate of the three varie-
ties. Multiplication rate only increased signifi-
cantly for Alister grown with bottom cooling,
with 0.85 or 0.58% of agar, compared with
100 shoots grown without bottom cooling. Alister
and Killer shoots grown in bottom cooling with
0.58% agar (BCII) showed decreased multiplica-
90 tion rates compared to bottom cooling with

0.85% agar. Figure 3c shows the length of shoots

85 from the different treatments. Shoots cultured in
80 0.58% agar without bottom cooling (hyperhydric
shoots) did not grow. We have observed a sig-
75 BCII nificant increase in length only in Oslo growing in

0.85% agar with bottom cooling, compared to
1 3 7 14 21 28 shoots grown without bottom cooling.

Oxidative stress and antioxidant systems

Figure 1. Relative humidity inside the culture vessels during The time course of H2O2 production is shown in
culture periods in control 0.85% agar (CI), control 0.58% agar
(CII), 0.85% agar with bottom cooling (BCI) and 0.58% agar Figure 4. For this parameter, a similar trend was
with bottom cooling (BCII) of Killer shoot cultures. Values are observed for the three cultivars. Bottom cooling
means ± SD (n ¼ 6). reduced H2O2 production to a level similar to the

(a) 16
c c
(hyperhydric shoots) compared to the others.
14 b b
b Lipid peroxidation was always lower in shoots
cultured in bottom cooling (treatment BCI and
b BCII), but treatment BCI showed the lowest
10 values.
Tables 2 and 3 show the evolution of antioxi-
% DW

8 a
a dant enzymes during shoot development. All the
enzymatic activities, except for peroxidases, de-
4 creased at the end of the culture period. The
highest reduction was observed in SOD activity. In
Oslo treatments CI and CII, SOD activity was
d 90% less at 28 days compared to 14 days of cul-
ture. All enzymatic activities were always lower in
CII bottom cooling treatments. However, treatment
CII (hyperhydric shoots) showed the highest level
Multiplication rate

b for all the enzymatic activities.
Both soluble (GPXs) and cell wall-bound gua-
a iacol peroxidases (GPXw) showed a different
pattern compared to the other antioxidant
a a a a
2 enzymes. In both cases, the activity was main-
tained or increased slightly with time, except in
treatment CII (hyperhydric shoots) where enzyme
activities were increased from 3–5-fold.
8 b b

6 c Discussion
Height (cm)

According to our present and previous results, the
4 application of a bottom cooling system to micro-
3 propagated shoot cultures of carnation can be
2 a
considered as an effective method for reducing and
a a preventing hyperhydricity. A temperature reduc-
tion of 3–4 C inside the culture vessel was enough
Alister Killer Oslo
to decrease relative humidity below 90%. Our re-
sults were similar to those reported in Betula pen-
dula and Dianthus sinensis by Böttcher et al.
Figure 3. Dry weight (a), multiplication rate (b), and height (c) (1988), where a reduction of only 1 C in temper-
in control 0.85% agar (CI), control 0.58% agar (CII), 0.85%
ature lowered relative humidity inside the culture
agar with bottom cooling (BCI), and 0.58% agar with bottom
cooling (BCII) during culture. Values are means ± SD vessel to below 95%. The same authors reported
(n ¼ 50). Significant differences (p < 0.05,) between cultivars that reduced relative humidity, coupled to a rise in
are indicated by different letters. agar concentration, reverted hyperhydricity. This
approach agrees with results from other authors
control with 0.85% agar (CI), however hyperhy- who observed that a decrease in temperature of 1–
dric tissues (CII) showed a high increase in fluo- 5 C lowered significantly the relative humidity in
rescence. the culture vessel (Ghashghaie et al., 1992; Kozai
Table 1 shows the evolution of lipid peroxi- et al., 1992). It has been reported that the tran-
dation during shoot development. In general, spiration rate in cultured shoots is almost
lipid peroxidation increased during the evolution proportional to the absolute value of water po-
of shoot culture and showed the same pattern tential in the atmosphere when the relative
for all the varieties. The level of lipid per- humidity in the culture vessel rises over 90%
oxidation was always higher in treatment CII (Kozai et al., 1992). Hence, slight differences in

Alister-14d Killer-14d Oslo-14d
160 CI
140 CII






Alister-28d Killer-28d Oslo-28d








0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 05 10 15 20 25

Time (min.)

Figure 4. Time course of H2O2 production [Relative fluorescence units (RFU)] in control 0.85% agar (CI), control 0.58% agar (CII),
0.85% agar with bottom cooling (BCI), and 0.58% agar with bottom cooling (BCII) during culture. Values are means ± SD (n ¼ 6).

relative humidity can lead to important differences considerations show a clear relationship between
in the rate of transpiration although absolute hyperhydricity and lack of transpiration. Thus, it
values remain low (Gribble, 1999). The previous is not surprising that slight decreases in relative

Table 1. Percentage of lipid peroxidation (MDA) in control 0.85% agar (CI), control 0.58% agar (CII), 0.85% agar with bottom
cooling (BCI), and 0.58% agar with bottom cooling during culture

Alister Killer Oslo

14d 28d 14d 28d 14d 28d

MDA CI 100b 121.8b 100b 92b 100a 73b

BCI 74.3c 93.4c 62.1d 73.8c 48.7c 25.2d
CII 147.4a 170.9a 127a 114.5a 107.5a 96.6a
BCII 89.8bc 115.6b 70c 98.6ab 67.2b 35.3c

MDA values (nmol · g D W)1) equivalent to 100% were: 57.5 ± 6.2(Alister); 50.5 ± 7.1(Killer); 39.9 ± 1.8(Oslo). Values are
means ± S.D. Significant differences (p < 0.05,) between cultivars are indicated by different letters.

humidity, of around 5%, were able to not only to multiplication rate in the carnation cultivar Alis-
reverse but also prevent hyperhydricity, while rel- ter. This could be explained by the moderate
ative humidities of 100% raised hyperhydricity to concentration of agar (0.85%) used in our exper-
100%. This could explain our results, where mi- iment, since the inhibitory effects on multiplication
cropropagated carnation shoots without bottom reported previously have been observed when
cooling and with 0.85% agar in the culture med- higher concentrations of agar (1–1.5%) were used
ium (treatment CI) showed a relative humidity of (Debergh, 1983). Similar results have been re-
95% and low hyperhydricity levels, for all three ported after a reduction of the relative humidity in
varieties studied. However, shoots cultured in the culture atmosphere, by the use of forced ven-
0.58% agar without bottom cooling (treatment tilation (Majada et al., 1997; Gribble, 1999;
CII) showed 100% relative humidity in the culture Thomas et al., 2000; Zobayed et al., 2001). Piqu-
atmosphere and the same percentage of hyper- eras et al. (1998) have reported a reduction of
hydricity. The quality analysis of the cultured hyperhydricity in micropropagated tobacco plants
shoots indicated that bottom cooling always in- with bottom cooling, although a reduction in the
creased dry weight, which could be related to a multiplication rate was reported.
reduction in water uptake for the shoots micro- During the multiplication period studied (14–
propagated with bottom cooling. As it has been 28 days) the increase in lipid peroxidation could be
reported previously, in addition to the reduction of explained by the senescence induced in the cul-
hyperhydricity, increased agar concentrations can tured shoots during growth (Jimenez et al., 1997).
cause a drastic reduction of the multiplication rate But the most significant fact was the reduction of
(Debergh et al., 1981; George, 1996). In our case, lipid peroxidation in the shoots cultured in bottom
the increase in agar concentration not only cooling. Bottom cooling also reduced the genera-
prevented hyperhydricity but also improved the tion of H2O2 to levels similar to those of treatment

Table 2. Percentage of antioxidant enzymatic activities (SOD, CAT, GPXs, GPXw) in control 0.85% agar (CI), control 0.58% agar
(CII), 0.85% agar with bottom cooling (BCI), and 0.58% agar with bottom cooling during culture

Alister Killer Oslo

14d 28d 14d 28d 14d 28d

SOD CI 100c 29.8b 100b 27b 100b 10.3b

BCI 42.5d 15.1c 46.3d 10.3c 45.1d 8.9bc
CII 419.4a 72a 190.6a 52.4a 250.7a 24.4a
BCII 117.2b 25.2b 85.4c 21.8b 71.6c 8c
CAT CI 100b 35.9b 100b 55.9b 100 46.3b
BCI 70.5c 23.5c 63.5c 30.6c 76.4 12.3d
CII 456.6a 160.9a 273.1a 213.1a 345.2 166.9a
BCII 99.9b 24.2c 94.4b 46.3b 91.6 26.7c
GPXs CI 100c 112.4b 100b 146.7b 100 52.8b
BCI 115.5b 55.9c 57.3d 53d 38.9 23.1c
CII 521.9a 1484a 449.1a 1697a 528.6 1509a
BCII 92.5c 53.5c 70.9c 73.1c 52.9 57.9b
GPXw CI 100b 98.6b 100b 144.4b 100 161.5b
BCI 42.6c 35.9d 66.1d 75.8d 52.8 53.4d
CII 553.6a 2048a 746a 3916a 896 2933a
BCII 51.7c 55.5c 85.5c 118.5c 68.9 91.3c

SOD (U min)1 mg)1 protein) activities equivalent to 100% were: 32.5 ± 4.8 (Alister); 45.8 ± 7 (Killer); 57.4 ± 4.1 (Oslo).
CAT (U min)1 mg)1 protein) activities equivalent to 100% were: 74.9 ± 15.8 (Alister); 88 ± 4 (Killer); 67.7 ± 10.4 (Oslo).
GPXs(U min)1 mg)1 protein) activities equivalent to 100% were: 243.9 ± 16.7 (Alister); 220.7 ± 21 (Killer); 244,4 ± 29.7 (Oslo).
GPXw(U min)1 mg)1 protein) activities equivalent to 100% were: 20.9 ± 3.2 (Alister); 12.4 ± 1.8 (Killer); 16.1 ± 4 (Oslo). Values
are means ± S.D. Significant differences (p < 0.05,) between cultivars are indicated by different letters.

Table 3. Percentage of antioxidant enzymatic activities (APX, MDHr, DHAr, GR) in control 0.85% agar (CI), control 0.58% agar
(CII), 0.85% agar with bottom cooling (BCI), and 0.58% agar with bottom cooling during culture

Alister Killer Oslo

14d 28d 14d 28d 14d 28d

APX CI 100b 51.7b 100b 50b 100b 48.8b

BCI 55d 36c 59.9c 31c 68.4d 32.4c
CII 320.9a 223.2a 259.5a 248.8a 373.8a 182a
BCII 86.3c 42.2bc 71.8c 45.6b 81.6c 43b
MDHr CI 100b 38.9b 100b 67.9b 100b 29.2c
BCI 73.8c 29.1c 74.7c 54.5c 54c 18.5d
CII 313.8a 142.7a 232.1a 211.2a 333a 110.1a
BCII 101.2b 40.2b 88b 67.7b 91.7b 38b
DHAr CI 100b 55.1b 100b 41.1b 100b 23.2b
BCI 69.7c 43c 65.3d 37.6b 60.9d 14c
CII 304.4a 156.1a 178.7a 138a 225a 94.3a
BCII 92.8b 54.9b 86.6c 42.3b 81.3c 28b
GR CI 100b 53.8b 100b 100.4b 100b 45.1c
BCI 74.3c 52.7b 61.3d 59.6d 96b 35.3c
CII 282.8a 229a 193.5a 333a 279.1a 304.9a
BCII 84c 63.1b 85.7c 84.1c 102.9b 61.8b

APX (U min)1 mg)1 protein) activities equivalent to 100% were: 21.1 ± 3.5 (Alister); 25.2 ± 1 (Killer); 24.4 ± 4.6 (Oslo).
MDHr (U min)1 mg)1 protein) activities equivalent to 100% were: 47.8 ± 4 (Alister); 48.3 ± 3.6 (Killer); 60.6 ± 3.9 (Oslo).
DHAr (U min)1 mg)1 protein) activities equivalent to 100% were: 591.5 ± 36 (Alister); 590.5 ± 17.3 (Killer); 667.9 ± 8.7 (Oslo).
GR (U min)1 mg)1 protein) activities equivalent to 100% were: 138.9 ± 20.2 (Alister); 140.2 ± 13.2 (Killer); 162.7 ± 10.2 (Oslo).
Values are means ± S.D. Significant differences (p < 0.05,) between cultivars are indicated by different letters.

CI. In this study, the relation between oxidative peroxidase during senescence in pea leaves with a
stress and hyperhydricity has been shown directly concomitant increase in the concentration of
by the spectrofluorimetric determination of H2O2 H2O2. A similar process could explain the rise in
in addition to lipid peroxidation and the response lipid peroxidation during the culture period.
of the antioxidant enzymatic system which have In relation to the antioxidant enzymatic activ-
been the most frequently studied parameters in ities studied, a remarkable reduction was observed
relation to oxidative stress in previous works in shoots micropropagated with bottom cooling. A
(Franck et al., 1995; Olmos et al., 1997; Piqueras direct relationship exists between SOD activity
et al., 1998). induction and the presence of superoxide radicals
The time course of the antioxidant enzymatic (Hassan and Fridovich, 1977). Therefore, the
activities showed a reduction with the age of the previous result seems to indicate a reduction in the
cultured shoots. In the case of SOD, it has been generation of superoxide radicals in the tissues
observed that the activity decreases with the aging cultured with bottom cooling. However, Piqueras
of the tissues (Rabinowitch and Fridovich, 1983). et al. (1998) have shown that SOD activity in
In the same way, it has been reported that young Nicotiana tabacum micropropagated in bottom
leaves of tobacco, oat, and pea have more SOD cooling did not show differences, compared to the
activity than senescent ones (del Rio et al., 1978; control, until day 15 of culture, when an important
Dhindsa et al., 1981, 1982). The same has been reduction was observed. Our results would be in
observed in senescing carnation petals (Droillard agreement with the decrease in lipid peroxidation
et al., 1989; Sylvestre et al., 1989; Droillard and observed in the shoots cultured with bottom
Paulin, 1990). Jimenez et al. (1997) reported a cooling. The reduction in both ascorbate peroxi-
decrease in the enzymatic activities of the gluta- dase and catalase, H2O2 scavenging enzymes,
thione/ascorbate cycle as well as of ascorbate would be related to the lower activity of SOD.

Similarly, the reduction in the enzymatic activities mones and scavengers of free radical and singlet oxygen.
of the gluthatione/ascorbate cycle could be linked Physiol. Plant 56: 453–457
Dhindsa RR, Plunb-Dhindsa P & Thorpe TA (1981) Leaf
to a reduced need to regenerate ascorbate and
senescence correlated with increased levels of membrane
gluthatione, due to decreased stress conditions permeability and lipid peroxidation and decreased levels of
(Foyer et al., 1997). superoxide dismutase and catalase. J. Exp. Bot. 126: 93–106
Compared to antioxidant enzymes, both solu- Droillard ML & Paulin P(1990) Isozymes of superoxide
ble and cell wall peroxidases showed a different dismutase in mitochondria and peroxisomes isolated from
petals of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) during senes-
trend. The evolution of both types of peroxidases
cence. Plant Physiol. 94: 1187–1192
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