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Numerical Listing of Finishes for Standard and Utility Parts AA-100.05

Finish Guidelines AA-100.06

General Requirements: AA-110.01

- Part Condition
- Embrittlement Avoidance
- Test Methods

Finish Descriptions and Requirements AA-110.03

Special Purpose Suffixes AA-110.09

• DECEMBER 1991 PAGE AA-100.01


~ Standard Parts


•• 5
CoeIe No.

52 (576 FOE)
Plain ..................................................................•.......•........•.................•.•.•.................•..........................•...........•...
Phosphate & Lubrieant ..•...•...•.•......•..•..•..•......•..•...••....••.•...•....••.•.........••.•...••.•.....•..•.•.•..•.••.......•.•.•...•.•.•.......•...... 72 Hrs (e)
Blaek Paint 0.0005' (Obsolete) ..•..•.....••..•.•...•.•.•.•.•....•...••.....•.•..............•.•..•.•.........•.•.••...................••.•...•.•.•....•. 16 Hrs
Phosphate & Oil (Obsolete) .•...•........•.•.•.•.•....•..•.•..••.•.•.••.•..•....••.....•...•....•..•....•....•...•.•...•..•................................ 72 Hrs (e)
Requirements (b)

55 Copper Plate 0.0001' .•....•.......•...•..•..•....•.....•.•...•.••..........•..................•.........•.•........•.•.•...................................... None

56 Nickel Plate - 0.00002' Cu -j.-O.OOO3' Bright Ni .•..•.•..••....•.......•...••..••......•...•.•....•.....••.•.•..•.•........•.••.•............ 24 Hrs
57 Cadmium Plate 0.00015~ (Elec1rolytie or Mechanical) .•......................•..................•.•.••...............•...................... 24 Hrs
58 Zinc Plata 0.00015' (ElectrolY:lic or Mechanical) •...•.••...•.•...•.......•..........•..........•..........•.........•......................•... 24 Hrs (e)
58B Zinc Plate 0.00035' (Electroly:tic or Mechanieal) (Obsoleta) •...•.•.....•...•.•..•......•...•.....•..•...................•..••.........•.. 48 Hrs (e)
59 (579 FOE) Zinc Ptate - 0.0002' + Bright Chromata ....•..•.•.•...•.•..•......•...•..............•...•..•........•...•...•.•...................•............. 24 Hrs (I)
510 linned 0.0001' .•....................•.....•........•....•.•.........•.••.....•.•..•.............•.................................................................. None
511 Copper Plate ..•....•..........•.....•........••......•.....•.....•..•.•...•.........•...•..•.......•.•....•.....•.....••.•........•............................•.... None
513 (578 FOE) Chromium Plate - Interior 0.00002' Cu + 0.0003' Ni + 0.000005' Cr ....•..••.•.•..•..•..•.••.......•.•.•..•...............•.. 24 Hrs
516 Lead Plate 0.0003' .........................................................•................................•............•.••...•...............•.••............ None
518 Case Hardened 0.003' to 0.005' per HT4·2 (Obsolete) ......•...•.•............•......•..•................•.................•...•......•.. None
520 Cemen! Coa! .•.................••.....•.•...........•..•......•....•..•..••••••••.•......•...........•.............•.................. ........•....•................ None
526 5terile Coating 0.00015' Zn or Cd + Enamel ..•.........•.................•.......•.........••..................•............................... None
532 (581 FOE) Enamel - Black or Olive Drab .................•................•..•..................................................................................... 96 Hrs
534 Case Harden & Cadmium Plate 518 + 57 + Green 5tain (Obsolete) .......................•....•................•...............• 24 Hrs .
535 Zinc Coat - 0.0002' Nonelectrolytie + Chromate .•...................................................•...................................... 48 Hrs (e)(h)
536 (571 FOE) Zinc Plate - 0.0002' Electrolytic or Mechanical + Iridescent Chromate .......•................................................ 72 Hrs (I)(h)
537 (575 FOE) Chromium Plate, Exterior - 0.0003' Cu + 0.001' Ni + 0.00001' Cr ................•.....•.............•....................•.... 16 Hrs Corrodkote
S39 Cadmium Plate 0.0005' (Electrolytic or Mechanical) ...•..•....................•......•....•...•.•.•..•.•...........•......•.••.•.•.......... 96 Hrs (d)
540 Zinc Plate 0.0005' (Electrolytic or Mechanical) ....•...........•.........................•...................................................... 96 Hrs (e)
S41 Pre·galvanizad Coat .•..............•.•.••..•......•.•..•..••..•..•.•...•....••..........••........•..•...•..•...•.... 24 Hrs (e)
S42 Cadmium Plate - 0.00015' + Black Conversion Coating ............•.•...•...•.......•...•.......•...•................................. 24 Hrs
543 Zinc Plate - 0.00035' + Olive Orab Chromate .......•.......•.................•..•.•..............•.•........................................ 120 Hrs rust; 96 Hrs white (h)
543B Zinc Plale - 0.00035' + Olive Orab Chromate Dyed Black .......•........•..•.•...•..•................................................ 120 Hrs rust; 48 Hrs wMe (h)
S4S Chromium Plata - 0.00030' Ni + 0.‫סס‬0010' Cr (on Austenitic) .........•....•................•......•.....•...........•............. 16 Hrs Cass
546 Black Phenolic .............................................•..•..........•....•.....•.•............................•.............•......................•....•...... 96 Hrs Per ESB·M2P54·A
547 Chromium Plate - Extr. 0.0002' Ni Alloy + 0.0003' Cd + 0.0002' Cu + 0.0003' Ni + 0.‫סס‬001' Cr 22 Hrs Cas!
S48M Cadmiumllin Plate - 0.0002' •..•..•.........•.....•.......•..•..•..•.••....................•....•...•.•..................................•......•.•.... 72 Hrs
S49 Epoxy - Black •....•.•.•......••...•..••.••...•...•..•.•.•.•...•...•..•..••...•.•....•......•..•..••...........•.................•................................ 96 Hrs per ESB·M2Pl06·A

S50 Cadmium Plate - 0.0002' + lridescent Chromate + Blue Dye .........•..•....•............•.....•...................•.............. 72 Hrs (h)
S51 Zinc Plate - 0.0002' + lridescent Chromale + Blue Oye ...................•...•.•.............. 72 Hrs (I)(h)
S52 Phosphate and Oil (Blue) .•••........•...•..•.••....•.•.••..••...•...••....•••..•.•...•.•......•.......•....•...•........•.................................... 72 Hrs (c)
S53 Baked White Organic Coating .........•..•.•............•.........•..•.......•........•........................•...••...•.•.............•................. 168 Hrs
S54 Cadmium/Zine Plate (Mechanicall + Chromale - 0.0003' .•.•...............•..........•..................•......•.•.....•.•...•........ 300 Hrs rust; 48 Hrs while
555 Cadmium Plate - 0.00030' + Chromate. Organic •.........•.•..•..•............•.......•.....•...•..............•.............•............. 375 Hrs rust; 336 Hrs white
556 Organic Polymer - Waler Reduced ...•....•.•..•..............•.•.•.•......•.•.•..•......•.•.....•..........•.•..•.•..•.••...•...•.•.•.•...•.•.•.•... 240 Hrs
557 Zinc Plate - 0.00020' + Chromate. Organic ..•....••..•.•.•.......•....•.•....•.•.•....•......••..•....•...•.•....•.•.....•.•.•......•.•..•..•. 240 Hrs rust; 120 Hrs white
S58 Phosphate and Dry lubricant •..•..•..•..•...••.....•.....•.•..•.••...•.•..•.•.•..•.•....•.•.•.•......•........•..•.•...••..•.•.•......•. •......•••...•.•.. 48 Hrs
559 Organic Polymer - Waler Reduced - Clear .•......••......•.......•..•...••..•..••...•.•.••..•...•.•...•.•.•...........•..•.•..•.•.•..•.•..•.. 240 Hrs
S60 Organic POlymer - Waler Reduced - Friction Modified •.•.•.•.....•.•.•.....•.....•......•.•.•.............•......•........•..•......•. 240 Hrs
Ford of EuropeFinishes 571-581
S71 (See 536) Zinc Plate - Chromate Passivated O.OO6mmZn + Chromale ...•.............•.•....•....•..•.......•..•.•...•....•..•..•..•..•.•...•. 48 Hrs white; 96 Hrs rust
S72 Zinc Plale - Chromale Passivated Plus Lubricant O.006mm Zn + Chromate •................................................ 48 Hrs while; 96 Hrs rust
S75 (See S37) Chromium Plated - Bright Exlerior 0.008mm Cu + 0.026mm Ni + 0.00025mm Cr ....•...............................•.... 16 Hrs Corrodkote
576 (See 52) Phosphale Coat Plus lubricant ...........••.•....•....•...•......••..•....•.••..•..•.....•.•..•..•..•......•...•......•.......•...•...•..•...•...•...•... 24 Hrs
578 (See 513) Chromium Plate - Interior 0.1XXl5mmeu + 0.076mm Ni + O.OOOI3mmCr (on 51eeO ....•.•.•.•..•.•.•.•..•..••....•.•........ 24 Hrs
579 (See S9) Zinc Plate - Clear Chromale Passivated O.OOSmmZn + Chromate •.•..•.•.....•.•.....................•.....•.......•..••........ 24 Hrs white; 96 Hrs rust
580 Zinc Plate - Clear Chromale Passivaled Plus lubricanl O.OO6mmZn +
Chromate .•.•.•..•......•....•.•.•.•...•..•...•. 24 Hrs whi1e; 96 Hrs rusl
581 (See 532) Enamel - Black or Olive Drab Phosphate + Baked Zinc Chromale Primer ....•.••••.••••...•.......•.......•..•.•...•..••.•.. 96 Hrs
Sufflx Codes for Special Purposes
S91 O-Ring Material 5AE Jt20RI Class I
S92 O·Ring Material 5AE Jl2OR1 Class 11
S93 O-Ring Material E5W-M2D128-A
S94 O-Ring Material E5W·M2D1QO.A
595 O-Ring Material E5N·M2D86-A
S96 O-Ring Material 5AE-AMS 7280
5100 Special (See Utility Part Drawing)
s002A Suffix Oesignation lor Length and Color Code 01 Hoses and Tubes
SX01A "Special" 5u!fllt Designation lor Hoses and Tubes
$oM Nonelectrolytic Plaling
5·X Wax Sealer
S·C Clear Coating
S140 Ihru 5142 5pecial Finishes Oesignated lor 5pecific Programs
5t50 Ihru 5199 Designated Conlrolllems
S1000 Automalion Grade Faslener Oesignation

(a) See Finish Guideline, page AA-l00.06, lor selection 01 appropriate linish and delailed descriplions 01 finishes beginning on page AA-110.03.
(b) Sal! 5pray corrosion resistance as defined in General Requirements. Section 1, Paragraph C·3 excepl as noted .
(c) Alter vehicle installation. corrosion proteetion could approximate 24 hr. sal1 spray resul1s.
(d) Corrosion resislance approximately double this requirement is usually achieved.
(e) Corrosion requirement IS 10 red rust; white corrosion develops in approximaleiy 8 hours.
(1) Corrosion requiremenl is for both white corrosion and red rust.
(h) See Ceior Oye note Page AA·110.11.

DECEMBER 1991 PAGE AA-100.05

__ Standard Parts

(52=1.0 )

@ ~ Recommeaded for lntenW. eDglAe parts and ooo-ferr0u5

matenals wbere DOcorrosioo p~tecbOD recp.n.rel1.
Ph08phate and Oit. l\ecommeDàed for CeDera! pupose applicabOllS
whêre loo.g-tenn attractlve appe&nDCe lLOtreqwred. Not swtable

@ for applieatioas
mutlc sealers.
reqUlring electrtcal coatkJcUvity or appUCatlOD of
(72 bour salt spny corrosioa reSlstance as pro-
o.aced.. but detenorates to as low as 24 hourt alter installation. )
Zine Pl.ate (0.00015"). Better resllrtance to lDBtalla1ion damqe tban

@ 52. Also, speeia.1 fiDish for use wtth m.a.stu: sea1en. (2. boor salt
apray COrroSloa re.istaDeo ta I'Ult; wbite corroSiOD develops 111.~
proximatel)' 8 hours.

@ Cad:rnium Plate (0.00015"1.

(Electrolybc or Mec:lwhcal
resl.u".,.,. )
Also. apeaal h'Quob for tubular nvets.
PlatlDl) (24 bCKIr salt spray corroaiOD

@ ~~~~!~~ p~=: ~:::e~~

:l~C b~c:en::.loa(96
Rour salt spray COrroalOQ reSlsu.oee to f'\lSt: whlte COrTOalOZl
develOPS IDo appraxunalely 8 bours )
Zlftc: 10.0002"1 plus lnóucent Chromate 5&Pl1'lcamly bener resis~
C@ tanee to wtnte eorTOSIOo. tIl&Dbare ZlQC RccommeDded ••.bere etee-
trica.Uy COQductive fim.h requlred
quired to ewee masbcs.
Chl'Omate degraded by re-
(72 i10ur salt 5):Iray COrro&lOo.nS\SUDOe.)

Zine (o. 00035") ptus Ohve 'Orab Chroma.te Molõt<i.lrahle Cbromate
available to nalal wlllte eorroS1OD. (120 bour salt spray COrTOSlOO
:resistauce. )
Cadmium ""late (O 0005"). SpeClal hDl5.b proY\cb.og eorrosiotl resis·

@ tanee greacer
tbart. S43 at blg'ber ecst, ElecuolytlC
finiab UUAlly providcs
or MechaJuça1
requlres COrroS1OOrcSI5\aAce oí $6 Hrs., but
COrroS10l1 n::nltaAec o! apprccl1:n.u.ely 200

ChroIDe Plate. (0.0003" Ni'" 0.00001" c- suate1:l.1tu: ataJ.nless atee1a,
or 0.0005" Nj .•.O. 00001 Cr 00. rernce or mutecuncc StalIUeBS
~ steds). (16bouI' Test. )

Chrome Pllte - E:rtenor (0.0003" eu .•.0.0001" aeau-bnght Ni'"

@ o ÕO03" brigb.t Ni .•. 0.00001" Cr ee 8tHl. or 0.0004" N1 .•.O.‫סס‬001''
Cr ODbras.). (16 bour CorTOdla>!.e Teot.)

@ Zlnc {D.0002") 21uII Clear Chromatc

reBJataDce. )
C24 bour p,lt apra)' corroetoo

Cbrome Pla.te - lnterior 10.00002" eu • 0.0003" N1 •. O. ‫סס‬000$ C"r

OD steel. or O. 0001" N1 • O. 0‫סס‬005'' Cr OD brus) (24 bour aalt
Ipray corroaloD re~llstaDce. )

@ Black Pbenolae.

@ Cadm1UTn Plate (0.00015"\

111iDtenor appheatlcms.
- ALao, SpeC1U fiulab for rivet6
a. bour salt &praj COrroS1ODresu.taDCe.)

O ~ (ESB-M4G8G-A) Speaal fimah to "aI

Zlnc Plate fO. 00015") plus Masbc ZlQC plate u. compatible

acrew thrcada.


® masUt used 10 8êã1 8tamped n\Wõ (24 bour salt spn,. eorrc:.too

@ Enamel. Also, spltcial fulisb for Sll2gle tbread spnDI' Iluta aa,d wrap
U'OUDd.clipe. (96 llour aalt spray COl'T08um reslatuee.)

@) Cadm\t.:Im fOI0002") plu$ lridescent Chl'Omate (Blue). 5peClal flD1&h

to tdeQQty metric PrevaJ.l1Dg Torque DIltS. (12 bour salt 1pr&J'
eorro.siOD realat&nt:e.)

@ Zluc (0.0002") plu.6 Irtdescent Chromate (Blue). $pedal finiah to

ideDt.ify metnc 1aateners ma.rUd. or ldeDtlfied.
("r2. bour salt apra)" eorrolÂOu reallJ\an<:e)

@ ~ •• _clfled oa oUllty pano dnwl11lS

identffy certaln Ff,{V$ part.a.
Í$ a .poela! fi"," to

The _'" "E" __ d ee lhe 5-36 " S-43 ft.,.b•• dealJl1&les that
these flmabe5 are dyed ~B - 4% tugber eeer thaD ebowu.




~ Standard Parts


SCOPE: The following speeifieations cover engineering requirements for finishes used on Standard and Utility
Parts. These finish specifications are identitied by the letter "S" as a suffix to the part number, followed by a
number identifying the particular finish.

APPLICATION: Selection of the finish for each part or category of parts should follow currently applicable Engi-
neering Guidelines, which are p~rt of the Standard and Utility Parts Control System. Limitations on application
included below in the descrtctícn of individual finishes are intended for information; in special cases such limita-
tions may not necessarily appl::'

CAUTION: The influence of these finishes on fastener performance needs to be evaluated; theretore, the re-
leasing aetivity should make this evaluation for eaeh application prior to release.


Ali parts supplied to any of the following "S" finishes shall meet requirements listed below for PART CONDI-
TlON, plus ali requirements Iisted under the specific finish. Ali parts whieh are electroplated shall meet re-
quirements and be processed as specitied below under EMBRITTLEMENT AVOIDANCE.The paragraphs below
on SALT SPRAY, CORRODKOTE and CASS tests apply any time these tests are specified in the individual
finish requirements. Finishes must conform to WSS-M99P9999-A 1/ A2 / A3 substance use restrictions.

A. PART CONDITION: Parts as supplied shall be completely eoated with the finish speeified and also be
eommercially elean, free from chips, seale, excessive iron oxide, dirt. abrasives, mechanical plating media
or other foreign material. Ali parts furnished shall be free from rust as received, and shall be suitably
protected to remain rust-free during normal indoor plant storage. Processing lubricants or coatings used
for this purpose, or íubricants or coatings applied as part of a specified finish, shall not be tacky or
exeessively oily to the touch, shall not promote adherence of dirt, or interfere with assembly or with

feeding of parts in automatic devices. Parts made from corrosion resistant materiais do not require such
lubricants or eoatings, exeept when normally used to facilitate assembly.

B. EMBRITTLEMENT AVOIDANCE: Parts shall be free trom the detrimental effects of hydrogen embrittle-
ment or other tactors that result in part brittleness. Parts shall meet the requirements of Ford Material
Specification WSS-M99A3-A. A copy of this speeifieation is ineluded on Page AA-116.01 for reference.
Please contact Ford Engineering Materiais & Standards Department for the latest revision of this specifi-
eation .

• DECEMBER 1991 --------------------------- PAGE AA-110.01

~ Standard Parts
C. TEST METHODS: The following tesl methods and definitions shall be used for evaluating corrosion resis-
tant finishes of parts supplied.

1. Significant Surfaces: Ali surfaces visible on a part as assembled, or surfaces which can be the source
of corrosion products visible on an assembled vehicle, are significant surfaces. Significant surfaces are
designed for specific finishes (listed below) that are normally used in areas of the vehicle where ap-
pearance is important.

NOTE: Unless otherwise speciüed on the Engineering Drawing, threads, sharp edges, crevices, holes

and screwdriver SlÓ1Sor -recesses are not 10 be used for finish thickness measurement.

2. Plating Thickness: Thicknê s requirements are specified both in inches and the metric equivalent in
mm. Test melhods applicable to plating thickness of specific finishes are as follows:

a. Zinc and Cadmium: The metallographic method, ASTM A-219, shall be the umpire method used in
case of dispute. Other melhods may be used for process control, such as magnetic (Magne-gage),
electronic deplating (Kocour test), or suitable acid dropping tests.

b. Copper and Nickel: The metallographic melhod, ASTM A-219, shall be the standard test method.

c. Chromium: The electronic deplating test, Ford Laboratory Test Method 80 103-01, shall be the
umpire method used in case of dispute. The spot test method, ASTM A-219, may be used for pro-
cess control.

3. Salt Spray Test: Salt spray tests shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM 8-117. Afler the speci-
fied test time, one rust or corrosion spot on the significant surface area is acceptable, provided such
spot is not larger than 1/16 inch in diameter. On other surfaces, rust or corrosion shatl nct exceed 2
percent of the area.

NOTE: For ali zinc finishes without chromate treatment, salt spray test evaluation shall be limited to

red rust.

For electro-plated zinc finishes with chromate Ireatmenl, salt spray evaluation includes white
corrosion products and red rust.

For mechanically plated zinc finishes with chromate treatment, salt spray evaluation shall per-
mit a Iight haze or "wisps" of whiteness (any size) but no red rust. A "cancerous" growth of
deposits is not aeeeptable.

4. "Corrodkote" Test: This test shall be conducted in .accordance with Ford Laboratory Test Method
80 104·01. Evaluation of parts tested shall be on the same basis described under "Salt Spray Test."

5. "CASS" Test: This test shall be conducted in accordance with Ford Laboratory Test Method
80 105-01. Parts tested shall not show corrosion over more than 2 percent of the significant surface

PAGE AA-110.02 -------------------------- DECEM8ER 1991

~ Standard Parts
11. OETAILEO FINISH OESCRIPTIONS ANO REQUIREMENTS (Finishes are listed in numerical order)

• Potential uses for some finishes are shown on the Finish Guidelines Chart. Contact local PEO Fastener Engi-
neer for specific finish recommendations on ali Standard and Utility Parts. Obsolete finishes are listed for
information only, and should not be released for new designs. Finishes containing cadmium should not be
used. For further information see WSS-M99P9999-A 1/ A2 / A3.

S PLAIN. No silpplementary finish required, other than the finish considered the normal result of manufac-
turing processes for the material and product involved. When color is required, see Color Oye note
Page AA-110. 11. .:~-

82 PH08PHATE ANO OIL. t.tlis finish is a phosphate conversion coating plus an oil, black or dark gray in
color, and is intended for general use on steel parts which do not require long term attractive appear-
ance. Parts shall be evenly coated with oil. Parts supplied shall withstand 72-hour salt spray test as
defined in the general requirements of section I, paragraph C-3.

The phosphate coating shall be fine or medium grain size with a minimum coating weight of 1000 mg.
per sq. ft. It shall ordinarily be of the zinc phosphate type, but manganese phosphate type may be
used provided ali other requirements are met. The specific phosphate process used is optional with
the supplier, but it is recommended that ali special cleaning and post-phosphate solutions used be
obtained from the same source as the phosphate bath. (This does not necessarily apply to the oil
used.) Controls shall be provided for solution composition and concentration, and for time and tempera-
ture of the process steps, so as to assure a uniform coating which meets the above requirements.

To avoid a phosphate coating of course grain size or excessive weight, use of strong acids or alkalies
for cleaning should be minimized. If the condition of parts prior to treatment require such cleaning, a
neutralizing rinse should be used prior to phosphating.

S3 (OBSOLETE) BLACK PAINT. This finish is blsck ensmel or lacquer (usual/y of the air dry type), tnick-

ness 0.00050 inches (0.0127 mm) minimum, appfied over suitably cfeaned metel. Parts suppfied shal/
withstand ts-nour saft spray testo This finish is intended for use on clips, stapfes, or other psrts where
moderate corrosion protection is adequate.

S4 (OBSOLETE) PHOSPHATE AND O/L. This finish is functionally identical with the 52 finish. Usage was
restricted to U.B.S. nuts and bolts and composite stsndard prevai/ing torque nuts. Source approval

S5 . COPPEA PLATE. This finish is electroplated copper, thickness 0.00010 inches (0.0025 mm) minimum. It
is used only for identification or electrical contact purposes, and has no specified corrosion resistance

56 (OBSOLETE) NICKEL PLATE - BRIGHT. This finish is sn electroplated costing of nickel on steelor
bress, and is intended for body interior or other mild service app/ications. On steel, minimum thickness
shall be 0.000020 inches (0.0005 mm) copper and 0.00030 inches (0.0076 mm) nicke/. On brsss,
minimum thickness shall be 0.000050 inches (0.0013 mm) nickel. Parts supplied must withstand 24
hour salt spray test and satisfy requirements for significant surfaces.

87 CAOMIUM PLATE. This finish is electroplated or "mechanically plated" cadmium, thickness 0.00015
inch (0.0038 mm) minimum. Where mechanical plating is specifically desired, the suffix "M" is added
to the finish number; e.ç., 87M. Parts supplied shall withstand 24-hour salt spray testo Finishes con-
taining cadmium should not be used. For further information see W5S-M99P9999-A 1/ A2 / A3 .

• DECEMBEA 1991 -------------------------- PAGE AA-110.03

~ Standard Parts
~ .'
S8 ZINC PlATE. This finish is electroplated or "mechanically plated" zinc, thickness 0.00015 inch (0.0038
mm) minimum. Where mechanical plating is specifically desired, the suffix "M" is added to the finish •
number; e.g., SeM. Parts supplied shall withstand 24-hour salt spray testo

S8B (OB50LETE) ZINC PLATE. This finish is electroplated or "mechanical/y plated" zinc, thickness
0.00035 inch (0.0089 mm) minimum. Parts supplied shal/ withstand 48-hour salt spray (test to rust). For
new applications, 59 or 536 tinisnes are recommended where zinc plating is required. Cadmium p/ate
is not an acceptable substitute.

S9 ZINC PlATE - BRIGH{ This finish is electroplated bright zinc, followed by chromate treatment and
leaching to remove iríd'!scence. Minimum zinc thickness shall be 0.00020 inches (0.0050 rnm) áfter
chromate treatment. Exposed surfaces of parts supplied (such as screw heads) shall have a bright
appearance similar to reference samples supplied by the releasing Product Engineering Office. Parts
supplied shall withstand 24-hour salt spray test, and satisfy requirements for significant surfaces.

S 10 TINNED. This finish is a tin coating on copper or brass, applied by immersion or electroplating, thick-
ness 0.00010 inches (0.0025 mm) minimum.

S11 COPPER COAT. This finish is a bright copper coating with no specified thickness or corrosion resis-
fance requirement. It can be strike electroplated (flash), or immersion coated. It is used only for identi-
fication or electrical contact purposes. The copper coating shall be smooth and lustrous, and have
good adhesion.

S 13 CHROMIUM PlATE - INTERIOR. This finish is an electroplated coating of chromium and other metais
on steel or brass, and is intended for body interior or other míld service applications.

On steel, minimum thickness shall be 0.00002 inches (0.0005 mm) copper, 0.0003 inches (0.0076 mm)
nickel, and 0.000005 inches (0.00013 mm) chromium. (Initial copper may be replaced with nickel pro-
vided parts meet other specification requirements.)

On brass, minimum thickness shall be 0.0001 inches (0.0025 mm) nickel and 0.000005 inches (0.00013 •
mm) chromium.

Plated steel parts shall withstand 24-hour salt spray test and satisfy requirements for significant sur-
Plated brass parts shall be evaluated on plating thickness.

S16 LEAD PLATE. This finish is electroplated lead, thickness 0.00030 inches (0.0076 mm) minimum, and is
used only on battery connections. .

S 18 (OBSOLETE) CASE HARDENED. This is a surface hardening treatment of steel in accordance with
Manufacturing 5tandard HT4-2, case depth 0.003 to 0.005 inches (0.076 to 0.127 mm).

S20 (OBSOLETE) CEMENT COAT. This finish is a commercia/ cement or adhesive coating, with usage re-
stricted to staples.

526 (OBSOLETE) 5TERILE COATlNG. This finish is e/ectroplated zinc or cadmium, thickness 0.00015 in-
ches (0.0038 mm) folJowed by a coating ot enamel. It is intended for use only on tacks or other parts
which are p/aced in the mouth. The enamel and packaging of parts must be such that mouth irritation or
infection, or other health hazards will not result. Finishes containing Cadmium should not be used. For
further information see W55-M99P9999-A 1/ A2 / A3.

PAGE AA-110.04 ------------------------- DECEMBER 1991

eD Standard Parts

832 ENAMEL - BLACK OR OUVE ORAB.,This finish is a baked enamel. usually black in color. Olive Drab
is acceptable only on hidden clips or fasteners. Parts supplied shall withstand 96-hour salt spray testo
(NOTE: Other colors may be specified.) When the colo r black is a requirement. the suffix B will be

S34 (OBSOLETE) CASE HARDEN AND CADM/UM PLATE. This is a combination of S18 (Case Hardened)
followed by 57 (Cadmium Pia te), dipped in green stain for identification. Finishes containing cadmium
should not be used. For/urthe.r informatian see WSS-M99P9999-A 1/ A2 / A3.

835 ZINC COAT. This finish is a nonelectrolytic coating ot zinc, thickness 0.00020 inches (0.0050 mm)
minimum, followed by di6hromate treatment. Parts supplied shall withstand 48-hour salt spray testo 8ee
Colo r Oye note Page AA-110.11.

836 ZINC PLATE PLU8 CHROMATE. This finish is plated zinc plus chromate treatment, light yellow to dark
yellow or gold in color. Minimum zinc thickness shall be 0.00020 inches (0.0050 mm) after chromate
treatment, and parts supplied shall withstand 72-hour salt spray testo

Zinc plating may be applied by either an electrolytic or mechanical process, but where mechanical
plating is specifically desired the suffix "M" is added to the finish number, e.ç., S36M.

The chromate coating shall not increase electrical resistance appreciably compared to the plated part
betore chromate treatment.

NOTE: The corrosion r'esistance of chromate coatings is significantly degraded by heat. When heating
after plating is required, such heating must be performed prior to the chromate treatment. TI!!!
finish is not suitable for parts to which heat-cured mastic sealers are applied subseguent to the
chromating operation.

The suffix "B" may be added to designate that the finish shall be dyed black, 9.g., S368. See Color

Oye note Page AA-l1 0.11 .

837 CHROMIUM PLATE - BRIGHT EXTERIOR. This finish is an elecroplated coating of chromium and other
metais on steel or brass. and is intended for exterior applications. On steel, minimum thickness shall
be 0.0003 inches (0.0076 mm) copper, 0.0007 inches (0.0178 mm) semi-bright nickel, 0.0003 inches
(0.0076 mm) bright nickel, and 0.000010 inches (0.00025 mm) chromimum. Minimum total thickness not
including chromium shall be 0.0013 inches (0.033 mm). (lnitial copper may be replaced with nickel
provided parts meet other specifieation requirements.) On brass, minimum thickness shatl be 0.0004
inches (0.010 mm) bright nickel and 0.000010 inches (0.00025 mm) chromium. Plated steel parts shall
withstand 16-hour Corrodkote testo Plated brass part shall withstand ts-nour CASS test and satisfy
requirements for significant surfaces.

839 CADMIUM PLATE. This finish is electroplated or "mechanicatly plated" cadmium, thickness 0.00050
inches (0.0127 mm) minimum. Where mechanical plating is specifically desired, the suffix "M" is added
to the finish number; e.g. 839M. Parts supplied must withstand 96-hour salt spray test. Finishes con-
taining cadmium should not be used. For further information see W88-M99P9999-A 1/ A2/ A3.

840 ZINC J:'LATE. This finish is electroplated or "mechanically plated" zinc, thickness 0.00050 inches
(0.0127 mm) minimum, and is intended for exterior applications. Where mechanieal plating is speclfical-
Iy desired, the suffix UM" is added to the finish number; e.g .• 840M. Parts supplied must withstand 96-
hour salt spray testo

S41 (OBSOLETE) PRE-GAL VANIZED COAT. This finish is restricted to wire or sheet subjected to a subee-
quent forming operation. The pre-coating ot f/exible ztnc must not f/ake or crack duríng forming, and
must provide 24 hours saft spray oorroslon protectian except on sheared edges ar ends.

DECEM8ER 1991 ------------------------- PAGE AA-110.05
~ Standard Parts,
542 CAOMIUM PLATE - BLACK. This finish is electroplated cadmium plus a black conversion coating,

thickness 0.00015 inches (0.0038 mm) minimum. Parts supplied must withstand 24-hour salt spray testo
Finishes containing cadmium should not be used. For further information see W55-M99P9999-
Ali A21 A3.
ZINC PLATE PLUS OUVE ORAB CHROMATE. This finish is electroplated or "mechanicafly plated" zinc
plus olive drab chromate treatment. Minimum zinc thickness shall be 0.00035 inches (0.0089 mm) minl-
mum after chromate treatment, and parts "as received" shafl withstand 96 hours salt spray test to

white corrosion and 120 heurs salt spray test to red rust. Note: A color suffix shall not be used if the
above salt spray require~~nts are to be met. See 5438 for a black finish with reduced performance.

5438 ZINC PLATE PLU5 OUVE ORAB CHROMATE DYED BLACK. This finish is electroplated or "mechanical-
Iy plated" zinc plus olive drab chromate treatment dyed black. Minimum zinc thickness shall be
0.00035 inches (0.0089 mm) after chromate treatment and parts "as received" shall withstand 48
hours salt spray to white corrosion and 120 hours salt spray test to red rust.

545 CHROMIUM PLATE ON STAINLES5 STEEL This finish is an electroplated coating of nickel and chromium
on stainless steel. On austenitic stainless steels (such as 5AE 30305) minimum thickness shall be
0.00030 inches (0.0076 mm) nickel and 0.000010 inches (0.0025 mm) chromium. On ferritic or martensitic
stainless steels (such as 5AE 51410, 51430, or 51434) minimum thickness shall be 0.00050 inches
(0.0127 mm) nickel and 0.000010 inches (0.00025 mm) chromium. Parts supplied shall withstand ts-nour
CA55 test and satisfy requirements for significant surfaces.

546 BLACK PHENOLlC. This finish is a black phenolic coating applied to stainless steel screws to satisfy
appearance requirements. It is not recommended for use on machine screw threads because of signifi-
cant film build-up. Performance requirements shall conform with E5B-M2P54-A, with approved sources
established by the affected Product Engineering Office.

547 CHROMIUM PLATE - EXTERIOR. This is an electroplated coating of chromium and other metais on

steel, and is intended for exterior body applications. The minimum plate thickness shafl be 0.0002
inches (0.005 mm) Ni afloy, 0.0003 inches (0.0075 mm) Cad, 0.0002 inches (0.005 mm) Cu, 0.0003
inches (0.0075 mm) bright Ni, and 0.00001 inches (0.0003 mm) Cr. Performance requirements shall
conform with ESB-M 1P70-B, with approved sources established by the affected Product Engineering
Office. Finishes containing cadmium should not be used. For further information see W55-M99P9999-
Ali A21 A3.
S48M (OBSOLETEJ CADMIUMITIN PLATE. This finish is a composite coating of equal prçportions of cadmium
and tin applied mechanical/y. The minimum coating -ttücknees shal/ be 0.0002 inches (0.0050 mm).
Parts supp/ied shall withstand 72-hour salt spray testo Finishes containing cadmium should not be
used. For further information see WSS-M99P9999-A 1/A2/A3.

(This is an economical finish for parts requiring: electrical ccnductivttv, no hazard of hydrogen embrit-
tlement, and baking, in a secondary process, without degradation of corrosion protection.)

-./ 549 EPOXY - BLACK. This is a ss-ncur salt spray resistance finish, of thermosetting epoxy, electrostati-
cally applied to rustless steel fasteners. It is an exterior finish which offers exceflent resistance to the
abrasion 01 automatic feeding equipment. Oue to li 1m bulld-up, it should be restricted to the non-
threaded portions of threaded fasteners.

Performance requirements shafl conform with ESB-M2Pl06-A with approved sources established by
the affected Product Engineering Office.

PAGE AA-110.06 ------------------------- DECEMBER 1991

~ Standard Parts

550 CADMIUM PlATE PlUS CHROMATE (BlUE). This finish is electroplated or "mechanically plated"
cadmium of 0.0002 inch (0.0050 mm) minimum thickness plus a chromate conversion coating dyed
medium blue. Colcr shading and uniformity of the finish shall be approved by Engineering. Where
mechanical plating is specifically desired, the suffix "M" is added to the finish number; e.g., S50M.
See Colar Oye note Page AA-11 O. 11.

For prevailing torque nut applications a wax shall also be applied.

The finish is restricted to metric Prevailing Torgue Nuts for the ready identification of such parts .
Parts supplied shaJl wi~stand a 72-hour salt spray testo

Finishes containing cadrnlum should not be used. For further information see WSS-M99P9999-

551 ZINC PlATE PlUS CHROMATE (BlUE). This finish is electroplated or "mechanically plated" zinc of
0.0002 inch (0.0050 mm) minimum thickness plus a chromate conversion coating dyed medi um blue.
Colar shading and uniformity of the finish shall be approved by Engineering. Where nonelectrolytic
plating is specifically desired, the suffix "M" ls added to the finish number; e.g., S51 M.

The blue chromate coating shall not increase electrical resistance appreciably compared to the plat-
ed part before chromate treatment.

The finish is restricted to metric fasteners (except Prevailing Torgue Nuts) for ready identification of
such parts in B&A plants where similar inch fasteners are already in use.

Parts supplied shall withstand a 72-hour salt spray testo See Colar Oye note Page AA-110.11.

S52 PHOSPHATE ANO Oll (BlUE). This is a phosphate and oil (S2) finish which incorporates a blue calor
and is used to identify metric fasteners. Finished parts must meet ali the requirements of the S2
finish specification, plus the following:

• • Bolts and free-running nuts must be able to be assembled with finger effort.
• Prevailing torque nuts must meet performance requirements shown in ES-21000-S100.
• The blue calor shall be evident on ali externa I surfaces but need not be uniform (see Colar Oye
Note, Page AA-110.11).
• Colar shall not transfer to other objects during handllng and shipping.

This finish is restricted to metric fasteners for ready identification of such parts in B&A plants where
similar inch fasteners are already in use. This finish may affect torque tension relationships or installation
torques; theretore, its use on fasteners used in critícal joints should be reviewed prior to release.

S53 BAKEO WHITE ORGANIC COATING. This finish is a baked white organic and emulsion oil coating over
zinc phosphate which has been chromic acid sealed and is generally applied to steel parts to prohib-
it galvanic corrosion. Performance requirements shall conform to ESB-M21 P l-A, with approved
sources established by the affected Product Engineering Office. Colors, other than white, may be
obtained by the use of the proper colar code letter (see Calor Oye Note, Page AA-11 0.11) with the

554 CADMIUM/ZINC PLATE PlUS CHROMATE. This finish ls a mechanically plated cadmium/zinc (nomi-
nal 50/50 by weight) plus an iridescent chromate treatment. The minimum plating thickness shall be
0.00030 inches (0.0076 mm) after chromate treatment. Pertormance requirements shall conform with
ESB-M1P74-A. source approval is the responsibility of the affected Product Engineering Office. Fin-
ishes containing cadmium should not be used. For further information see W55-M99P9999-
A 1/A2/A3.

OECEMBER 1991 -------------------------- PAGE AA-110.07
•• Standard Parts

555 CAOMIUM PLATE PLU5 CHROMATE, ORGANIC. This finish is an electrolytic or non-electrolytic plat-
ing of cadmium followed by a chromate and organic coating on steel surfaces. Color shall be black.
Performance requírernents shall conform to E5B-M21P4-A4, with approved sources to be established
by the affeeted Product Engineering Office. Finishes eontaining cadmium should not be used. For
further information see W55-M99P9999-A 1/ A2/ A3.

556 RU5T PREVENTIVE ORGANIC POLYMER - WATER REOUCEO. This finish is a liquid corrosion protec-
tion material eontaining organic polymers, oils and pigments, normally applied by the dip-spin process
over zinc phosphated stêel suÍiaces. Performance requirements shall conform to ESA-M7CS9-A. with
approved sources estabj'shed by the affected Product Engineering Offiee. Color shall be black unless
otherwise indicated.

557 ZINC PLATED PLUS CHROMATE, ORGANIC. This finish is an electrolytic or non-electrolytic plating of
zinc followed by a chromate and organic coating on steel surfaces. Color shall be black. Perfor-
mance requirements shall eonform to ESB-M21 P4-A 1. with approved sources to be established by
the atfeeted Produet Engineering Office. .

558 PH05PHATE ANO ORY TO THE TOUCH 01L. This finish is a phosphate conversion coating plus an oil,
black or dark gray in .colcr. and is intended for general use on steel parts. Parts supplied shall
withstand 48-hour salt spray test as defined in the general requirements of 5ection I, Paragraph C-3.

Parts must be evenly coated with oil and must be dry to touch such that when held with Watman's
No. 41 filter paper or equivalent, and applying hand pressure for 5 to 10 seconds, there shall be no
visible staining of the filter paper when viewed without using supplementary magnification. For refe-
ree purposes only, this test shall be carried out using a force of 10N.

The phosphate coating shall be fine or medium grain size with a minimum coating weight of 1000 mg per
sq. ft. It shall ordinarily be of the zinc phosphate type but manganese phosphate type may be used

provided ali other requirements are meto The specific phosphate proeess used is optional with the
supplier, but it is necessary that for ali cleaning and post-phosphate solutions, compatibility with the
phosphate coating be assured. Controls shall be provided to assure a uniform coating which meets the
above requirements.

To avoid a phosphate coating of coarse grain size or excessive weight, use of strong acids or alka-
lies for eleaning should be minimized. If the condition of parts prior to treatment requires such elean-
ing, a neutralizing rinse should be used prior to phosphating.

corrosion protection material containing organic polymers, olls and pigments, normally applied by the
dip-spin process over zinc phosphated steel surfaces. Performance requirements shall conform to
ESA-M7C69-A2, with approved sources established by the affected Produet Engineering OHiee. Col-
or shall be black unless otherwise indicated.

liquid corrosion protection material eontaining organic polymers, oils and pigments, normally applied
by lhe dip-spin process over zinc phosphated steel surfaces. Performanee requirements shall con-
form to ESA-M7C69-A3, with approved sources established by the affected Produet Engineering Of-
fice. Color shall be black unless olherwise indicated.

PAGE AA-110.08 -------------------------- OECEMBER 1991

~ Standard Parts
• In the following instanees "5" suffixes are used in eonjunetion with Standard or Utility Part Numbers to identify
materiais, or for other purposes, rather than speeifieation of finishes.


O-RING MATERIAl. SAE J120RI Class I. Oil resistant synthetie rubber identified by one yellow stripe.

O-RING MATERIAL. SAE J 120RI Class li, Gasoline resistant synthetie rubber, identified by one red

S93 O-RING MATERIAL..ESW·M2D128-A, Nonmineral oil resistant synthetie rubber, identified by one green
stripe. ..•.
S94 O-RING MATERIAl. ESW-M2D 1OO-A,Hot automatie transmission fluid resistant synthetie rubber, iden-
tified by one blue stripe.

595 O-RING MATERIAl. ESN-M2D86-A High durometer synthetie rubber seal for hi9h temperature oít, gen-
erally used as oll seals in automotive transmissions and hydraulie systems of ears, trucks, traetors
and industrial equipment. Identified by two blue stripes; flash tírníts .003 high by .005 wide.

596 O-RING MATERIAL. SAE·AM5 7280, Synthetie rubber sealing ring generally used in gas turbine en-
gines, for high temperature synthetie oil resistanee, identified by 2 green stripes, flash limits .003
high by ';005 wide.

5100, 5PECIAL. This designation means that the finish ís defined on a drawing of the parto The suffix S100,
ete. 5101, ete. is also used to identify secondary treatments and additions. deseribe speeial handling,
ete .. provided that the seeondary requirements, if physieally removed return the part to the eondition
as defined by the base number. 5tandard Parts, otherwise the same as parts shown in the Standard
Parts Book exeept for speeial seeondary treatment, are shown on drawings retaining the basic stan-
dard part number in the title bloek. The suffix 5100, 5101. ete. may also be used in eonjunction with

part numbers 01 eomposite designs to limit the variety of designs permitted .

5140 5PECIAl. These suffixes are designated for special finishes on specifie programs and are defined on
thru the individual part drawings.

5150 REFERENCE ONLY - DESIGNATED CONTROl ITEMS. (See the Ford Engineering Drafting Standards
thru Seetion MFA-240.) 5150 thru 5199 are used in conjunetion with standard and utility part numbers to
5199 identify control items.

S200 A series of finishes issued by Ford European A'utomobile operations.

S300 Standard Worldwide surfaee finishes specified in the Worldwide Standard Parts Book.

S400 A series of special Worldwide surface finishes referred to in the Worldwide Standard Parts Book and
specified in Ford material performanee specifieation WSD-M21 P 19-__ .

NOTE: North American, European and Worldwide surfaee finishes may be used with North American and Euro-
pean standard and utility parts. Worldwide finishes are reeommended. Worldwide base numbers may
only be released with Worldwide finishes .

• DECEMBER 1991 -------------------------- PAGE AA-l10.09

Standard Parts
systematie method for designating the lengths (in either inches or centimeters) and color eoding of
cut hoses and tubes. When the Utility Part Number is preeeded by an "N" and the number is in the
"800000" series, the siJffix will read in centimeters. Example follows:

Suffix This portion of the Utility Part Number represents the length and color
S18S R ideritification stripe.
Color A-No Color O-Dark Brown P-Pink Y-Vellow
B~Slue . G-Green T-Tan W-White
Stripe C~Chareoal ~ -Orange R-Red

Cut length 1/10 in. or 1/10 em increments - 18.5 in. ar 18.5 cm. lengths over
100 in. or em are shown using alpha-numerie characters. The alpha charaeters
"plus" the remaining digits represents eut length (A= 100, B= 110, C= 120,
0=130, E=140, F=150, G=160, H=170, J=180, K=190, l=200, M=210,
N=220, P=230, 0=240, R=2S0, S=260, T=270, U=280, V=290, W=300,
Y=310 and Z=320.

Examples: SA40R= 104.0 in. or 104.0 em

SC60~=126.0 in. or 126.0 em
S080B=248.0 in. ar 248.0 cm

NOTE: The suffix "SOOO (alpha)" indieates bulk quantity of hose or tube.

eut Length Tolerance: The following Industry cut tolerances will apply:
Up to 12 in. ± .125 in.
Over 12 in. to 24 in. ± .188 in.
Over 24 in. to 36 in. ± .250 in.
± .375 in.

Over 36 in. to 48 in.
Over 48 in. to 72 in. ± .500 in.
Over 72 in. ± 1% of length
Up to 300mm ± 3mm
Over 300mm to soomm ± 5mm
Over 600mm to 900mm ± 7mm
Over 900mm to 1200mm ± 10mm
Over 1200mm to 1'800mm ± 13mm
Over 1800mm ± 1% of length

thru - SX99A) designate that there is a special requirement needed for a hose or tube and does not
SX99A indicate a length. When one of these suffixes appears with a utility part number, it is neeessary to
refer to the utility part print to determine the speeial requirement in addition to hose or tube length.

PAGE AA-110.10 ---------------------..:..---- DECEMBER 1991
~ Standard Parts

S10XX SUFFIX OESIGNATION FOR AUTOMATEO ASSEMBLY. This suffix identifies standard and utility parts
that will be utilized by automated assembly equipment at the consumer location. For automation qual-
ity fasteners, Q-101 Appendix'O requires that producers must provide process controls to ensure
that no more than one part in 250,000 is damaged, incompletely formed, or mixed stock.

S 1'O--MB X


FINISH NUMBER (eg 36.02)



S-X WAX SEALER. Use of the letter X as a suffix to other standard part finish designations indicates that
a sealer, of compound wax or other thermoplastic material, is applied to serew threads ave r the
specified finish to provide a moisture resistant seal on the assembly.

The material used, and performance of coated screws, shall meet requirements of Engineering Speci-
fication ESB-M4G80-A. Screws having a length of 0.38 inches (10 mm) ar less shall be coated from
the point to a distance of 0.01 inches (0.25 mm) to 0.10 inches (2.50 mm) from the underside of the
screw head; screws longer than 0.38 inches (10 mm) shall be coated from the point to a distance of
0.01 inches (0.25 mm) to 0.15 inches (3.8 mm) from the underside of the screw head, ar end of the
screw diameter section, as applicable. The sealer thickness shall increase the major thread dia meter

not less than 0.02 inches (0.50 mm) or more than 0.06 inches (1.52 mm). Adhesion of the sealer to
the screw must be greater than the cohesive strength of the material so that the sealer tends to
separate rather than strip from the screw.

S-C CLEAR COATING OESIGNATOR. The use of the letter C as a suffix to other standard part finish
designations indicates that coatings over platings and non·plated parts (e.g. chromate, polymers,
wax, etc.) must be clear. The C suffix may also be used to indicate that the normal colar requirement
of a specific finish is to be omitted; e.g., -S50C would have a elear chromate NOT dyed blue.


COLO R When the finishes in this publication require coloring, it is aeceptable to colar dye or color coat.
However, when a cadmium or zinc finish (e.g. S7, S8, S39, S40) can be ehromated or requires a
chromate treatment as part of the finish requirement and must be colored, then a colar dye which can
be absorbed into the chromate must be used (any coating organic or otherwise is prohibited). Finish-
es which cannot be chromated may be colored with a coating provided that they meet the require-
ments Iisted below. NOTE: Dyeing as referred to above is a process where a colored powder or
eolored liquid is used to produce a solution and then the resulting solution is absorbed into a chro-
mate finish.

A color chart showing recommended colar range for these and other dyed parts is available from the
Fastener Engineering Offiee, Parklane Towers East, Suite 200, One Parklane Boulevard, Dearborn,
Michigan 48126, to supplement the initial distribution through B&A Purchasing. The color ranges
shown on this chart are considered commereially reasonable and should be used as objectives to
provide Company and supplier personnel with a basis for increased mutual understanding.

When colar is required for identification purposes ao a plain (S) finish standard ar utility part (metallic
ar non-metallie) the appropriate calor suffix must be added to the part number. Suffix codes are the

same as those used for plated finishes. (Example: 38Dxxx-SG, green colored part.) The color must
not create manufacturing or assembly problems, plus the following:

• Free-running bolts, studs, Sems and nuts must be able to be assembled with finger effort.
• Prevailing torque bolts, studs and nuts must meet their respective standard parts book pertor-
mance requirements. ar as called out on the individual drawings.

DECEMBER 1991 --------------------------- PAGE AA-110.11

--------- -

Standard Parts

The color shall be evident on the externa I surface but need not be uniform.
Color shall not transfer to other objects during handling and shipping.
The color coatings may affect torque-tension relationships or installation torques; therefore, its
use on critical joints should be reviewed prior to release.
The colored chromate coating shall not increase electrical resistance appreciably compared to

the plated part betore chromate treatment.

The following restrictions apply when using the color codes with standard metallically-plated finishes and S

. ,Color, with Color is Automatic - Pantone Matching

Suffix Appropriate 5uffix, Code 5uffix 5ystem
Code Color Restricted To Must Not 8e Used Color No.

8 81ack S7, S35, S36, S39, S40, (None Defined)

S43, S53

T Blue S, S7, 58, S53 550, 551, 552 284-288

R Red S, S7, 58, S35, S36, 539, 198-202

S40, 553

L Gold S, S7, 58,S39, 540, 553 535,536 116-146

O OUve Drab S, S7, 58, S35, 536, 539, 843 371-383

540, 553

G Green S, 57, 58, 535, 536, 539, 348-353

S40, 553

V Violet 5, 57, 58, 535, 536, 539, 249-251

540, S53

O Orange 5, 57, 58, 535, 536, 539, 163-173


Note: When code "V" (violet) is used with eithar 535 or 536 finish, the corrosion protection may be degraded.

SOM MECHANICAL PLATING. The "M" suffix designates that a mechanical plating process must be em-
ployed. The suffix is used to eliminate the plating process option for those finishas where plating is
permitted by eíther electrolytic or "mechanical" methods and to require the use of a mechanical plating
process; e.g., 57, S8, S36, 539, 540, 850 and 551 permit either electrolytic or "mechanical" plating,
but 57M, 58M, etc., require the use of a mechanical plating processo

DRY At the option of the supplier, a dry fluorescent lubricant may be applied over a base finish to assure
LU8E functional pertormance of the parto The lubricant as received on parts must not be apparent except
under "black Iight," stain or mark material which it contacts, be toxic or cause skin rash, reduce corro-
sion protection, nor increase electrical resistance more than .2%. NOTE: When this type of treatment is
specifically required for fastener performance, then the suffix S 100, etc., with reference to this page
should be used.

PAGE AA-110.12 ----------------------------- DEC 1991

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