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The eleventh Meeting

Review Test 4 and Discussion (P.

Part 5: Choose the word or phrase that
best completes the sentence!
1. Everyone s very happy that the new computer system is ____to
use than the old one.
a) Easiest b)easily c) easy d) easier
2. The annual safety will be this Friday,___who are unable to attend
must speak to their supervisors.
a) Those b) they c)them d) these
3. I don’t really care either way; choose ___one you think is best,
then let me know what you decide.
a) Wherever b) however c) whichever d) whomever
4. Mr. Schmidt has been working here as___as I have yet earns a
higher salary.
a) Longer b) much longer c) longest d) long
5. We looked for three monthsw to find a replacement part, and
fortunately, we found ___in a scrap yard.
a) Other b)one c) others d) the other
6. We usually hold the conference in-house but this time we used a
hotel because we wanted to do ___
a) Something different c) somewhere different
b) Different something d)different somewhere
7. I realize you do not have ___inventory, but some is better than
none as far as I am concerned.
a) Little b) few c) only d) enough
8. ____he show impatience when dealing with customers in his store.
a) Rarely does b) Rarely do c) Does rarely d) Do rarely
9. The cost of living in a big city like Tokyo is ___higher than in a small
town like mine.
a) more b) far c) very d) many
10. Of all the people in our department, Rashida speaks English the
___although she has never taken English lessons.
a)Good b)well c) best d) better
11. We have ___choice in the matter; we must act immediately
before it is too late.
a) not b) none c) no d) never
12. Video conferencing is one of ____useful tools we have for
communicating with overseas branches.
a) More than b) most c) the most d) more
13. He is ____for the position; he is over-qualified.
a) More than enough qualified
b) Qualified more than enough
c) More than qualified enough
d) Qualified enough more than
14. She does not have ____reason to be in that meeting as she has
never even seen the proposal
a) some b) any c) no d) not
15. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE is the ___buildiing in the world.
a) Tallest b) taller c) most tall d)more tall
Part 6: Choose the best word or phrase
for each blank.
Questions 16 through 18 refer to the following report.
Gold Prices at an All-Time High
As world stock markets decline, the comfort in low-risk gold has pushed prices up to
new record highs. While gold has always been a popular investment, never__seen such
high demand for the precious metal.
16. a) the world has c) has not the world
b) the world has not d) has the world
This could be for several reasons. One is that top economists have forecasted a
continuation of the recession for the US and European markets, and_____
17. a) almost b) some c) any d) whoever
believe there is very little hope of a quick recovery. With the US housing market still not
performing ___expected and more unemployment than ever before, there is little
conference in stocks and bonds.
18. a) better b) than c) as well as d) more than
With such permission in the world economy, gold has become the “go to” investment.
Questions 19 through 21 refer to the
following memo
To: All Sales and Reservations Staff
From: Bill Williamson, Creative director
Re: New Summer promotion
Hello all,
As we head into our busiest season, we are once again starting a new summer promotion. This year’s
theme is “Home away from Home.” with this promotion, we are hoping to see more of an increase
___last summer. Unfortunately, last summer was a great disappointment as we failed to meet our
occupancy goals.
19. a) than b) then c) that d) this
This summer, in order ____ we are also setting up a competition for the Sales and Reservation
20. a) to not failing b) not to failing c) to not fail d) not to fail
____brings in the most reservations will win an all-expenses-paid 10-day vacation for two to
21. a) Whatever b) Whenever c) However d) Whoever
New York city. If everyone does their part, together we can ensure great succcess!


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