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Multiple Choices: Choose the best (one) answer. Show in bold.

Questions break-down: Q1-5: Chapter 2; Q 6-13: Chapter 3; Q14-25: Chapter 4.

1. Which of the following statement is wrong concerning the significant digits (Or
say, significant figures)?
(A) There are five significant digits in 53.410.
(B) There are three significant digits in 0.00405.
(C) There are four significant digits in 2.1870 x 102.
(D) There are three significant digits in 1.03.
(E) There are four significant digits in 0.05000.

2. Which of the following statement is correct concerning the significant figures?

(A) The sum of 202.450 and 16.25 written in scientific notation and giving the
correct number of significant digits is 2.187 x 102.
(B) The subtraction of 3.965 from 4.8 giving the correct number of significant
digits is 0.8.
(C) The sum of 202.450 and 16.25 giving the correct number of significant digits
is 218.700.
(D) The subtraction of 3.965 from 4.8 giving the correct number of significant
digits is 0.835.
(E) None of the above.
You need to memorize all the rules concerning the significant figures and the
rules related to addition or subtraction and multiplication or division. Many
students do not know the differences between addition/subtraction and
multiplication/division. See two examples below:
Remember that the answers obtained from calculators are always WRONG when
considering the significant figures.

Ex. 202.450 + 16.25 = 218.700 from calculator, which must be corrected with the
least decimal points of the components, and thus it is 218.70, and thus it must
be written in scientific notation and giving the correct number of significant
figures as 2.1870 x 102.

3. Which of the following expression is not equivalent to 5.152 x 10– 4?

(A) 0.0005152 x 100
(B) 0.005152 x 10-1
(C) 0.05152 x 10-2
(D) 0.5152 x 10-3
(E) None of the above

4. Which of the following statement is true?
(A) The result of multiplying 25.20 x 10–2 and 1.167 x 10-4 written in scientific
notation and giving the correct number of significant figures is 2.940 x 10-5.
(B) The result of multiplying 25.2 x 10–2 and 1.167 x 10-4 written in scientific
notation and giving the correct number of significant figures is 2.941 x 10-5.
(C) The result of multiplying 25.2 x 10–2 and 1.167 x 10-4 written in scientific
notation and giving the correct number of significant figures is 2.94 x 10-5.
(D) All of the above.
(E) None of the above.
When counting number of significant figures or significant digits, we always
count from left to right. In a scientific notation, we only count the numbers
before the multiplication sign (N).

Choice (A): (25.20 x 10–2) x (1.167 x 10-4) = 2.94084 x 10 –5 from calculator, which
is usually wrong, when consider the significant digits. In multiplication, the
number of significant digits is the same as the component which has the least
significant digits. Since there are 4 significant figures in 25.20 and so are for 1.167
and thus the answer of the calculation result should have 4 significant figures. So
the answer for (A) is 2.941 x 10 –5. The reason that Choice (A) is wrong is due to
the rounding error. This is because the result of multiplication must match the
least significant digits of the components. Do not confuse with the
addition/subtraction rule. In addition or subtraction, the result must have the
same decimal digits with the component which has the least decimal digits. After
determining the decimal digits, then count the significant digits.

Scientific notation can only have one digit in front of a decimal point. When the
decimal point moves to the left side, the exponent becomes more positive, when
it moves to the right, the exponent becomes more negative.

Choice (B): The result or answer should contain 3 significant digits only. This is
because 25.2 contain 3 significant digits and 1.167 contains 4 significant digits.
This is why Choice (C) is correct.

5. A solution contains 255 mL of ethanol and 375 mL of water. What is the percent
of water in the solution?
(A) 3.75 %
(B) 40.48 %
(C) 2.55 %
(D) 59.52%
(E) None of the above.

6. The initial water level in a 10-mL graduated cylinder reads 5.0 mL. After a marble
is dropped into the cylinder, the water level reads 7.5 mL. What is the volume of
the marble?
(A) 5.0 mL
(B) 7.5 mL
(C) 2.5 mL
(D) 12.5 mL
(E) None of the above.

7. Which of the following will sink when dropped into water (d = 1.00 g/mL)?
(A) bamboo ( d = 0.40 g/mL)
(B) paraffin wax (d = 0.90 g/cm3)
(C) limestone (d = 2.8 g/cm3)
(D) helium gas ( d = 0.178 g/mL)
(E) ammonia (d = 0.759 g/mL)

8. What is the volume for a substance with density of 2.5 g/cm 3 and mass of 0.5 kg?
(A) 0.2 cm3
(B) 2.0 cm3
(C) 20.0 cm3
(D) 200.0 cm3
(E) 5.0 cm3
Hint: Memorize the formula: density (g/cm 3) = mass (g) / volume (cm3). Note: 1
kg = 1000 g.

9. Which of the following is equivalent to 230 oC?

(A) 503 K, 446 oF
(B) + 43 K, 300 oF
(C) - 43 K, 230 oF
(D) 300 K, 937.4 oF
(E) 20 K, 247.4 oF
Hint: Memorize the formula: K = 273.15 + oC and then see which choice is closer
to the answer calculated. oF = 1.8 x oC + 32. Note that there is no direct
conversion between the K and oF. So in this question, you must convert K to oC
first and then convert oC to oF.

10. Which of the following statement is concerning sublimation?

(A) The phenomenon describes a solid melts into a liquid.
(B) The phenomenon describes a liquid vaporizes into a vapor.
(C) The phenomenon describes a direct change from a solid into a vapor.
(D) The phenomenon describes a direct change from a gas to a solid.
(E) None of the above.

11. Which of the following material is a homogeneous mixture?
(A) Alloy
(B) Baking soda
(C) Sodium atom
(D) Table salt
(E) Hydrogen gas
Hint: When presented by chemical formulas mixture (like sugar water as H 2O +
C6H12O6) usually contains at least one plus sign and the pure substance does not
(like baking soda as Na2CO3).

17. Which of the following chemical symbols is correctly matched?

(A) Tin, Ti
(B) Sodium, So
(C) Mercury, Hg
(D) Potassium, P
(E) Lead, Le

18. Which of the following statements is true?

(A) Au, nonmetal
(B) Hg, the only liquid metal
(C) Al, nonmetal
(D) Br, the only solid nonmetal
(E) H, metal

19. Which of the following statements is true?

(A) Most of the metals are located at the far right side of the periodic table.
(B) Most of the nonmetals are located at the far left side of the periodic table.
(C) B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po and At are semimetals or say metalloids.
(D) H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and Fr are alkali metals.
(E) He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn are halogens.

20. Which of the following is/are physical properties?

(A) Density and color
(B) Conductivity & melting (i.e. freezing) point
(C) Condensation & vaporization
(D) Odor & magnetism
(E) All of the above.
Definition: Physical properties are the ones you can get them back by changing
the temperature or pressure. The procedure used by adapting physical
properties is called the physical process.
Chemical properties are the ones you cannot get them back.

21. Which of the following is a physical change?
(A) Paper burns in the air.
(B) Wine turns sour into vinegar.
(C) Glucose ferments into ethyl alcohol.
(D) Aluminum foil dissolves in hydrochloric acid
(E) Dry ice vaporizes into a gas.

22.Which of the following is a chemical change?

(A) The fading of a carpet upon repeated exposure to sunlight.
(B) The evaporation of fingernail-polish remover (acetone) from the skin.
(C) The shiny appearance of silver.
(D) The ability of dry ice to vaporize without melting.
(E) The low mass (for a given volume) of aluminum relative to other metals.
Hint: Chemical change is the change that you can not get it back to original. Or
say, chemical change is a process using chemical property.

23.Which of the following statements is wrong?

(A) The chemical formula for sulfuric acid is H2SO4 indicating two hydrogen
atoms, 1 sulfuric atom, and 4 oxygen atoms.
(B) There are total 10 atoms in a molecule of glycerin, C2H4(OH)2.
(C) The chemical formula for nitroglycerin is C3H5O3(NO2)3 indicating there are 3
carbon atoms, 5 hydrogen atoms, 3 oxygen atoms, and 3 NO2 units.
(D) There are 2 carbon atoms, 4 hydrogen atoms, and 1 oxygen atom in the
chemical formula of glycerin, C2H4(OH)2.
The difference between answers (C) and (D) are that answer (C) expressed 3 NO 2
units and thus there are 3 oxygen atoms; while answer (D) does not say anying
about OH units, and thus we have to include all H atoms together. Thus, there are
6 hydrogen and 2 oxygen atoms.

24.If 0.654 g of zinc metal reacts with 0.321 g of yellow powered sulfur, what is the
mass of the zinc sulfide produced? (Law of Conservation of Mass)
(A) 0.654 g
(B) 0.321 g
(C) 0.975 g
(D) All of the above.
(E) None of the above.

25.Which of the following statements is correct?

(A) When a steel cylinder containing air is heated from 25 oC to 50 oC. The
kinetic energy of the gas is increasing.
(B) When a steel cylinder containing air is heated from 25 oC to 50 oC. The kinetic
energy of the gas is decreasing.

(C) When a steel cylinder containing air is heated from 25 oC to 50 oC. The motion
of the air molecules is decreasing.
(D) All of the above.
(E) None of the above.

26. Which of the following is not part of Dalton’s theory?

(A) An element is composed of tiny, indivisible, indestructible particles called
(B) All atoms of an element are identical and have the same properties.
(C) Atoms of different elements combine to form compounds.
(D) Compounds contain atoms in small fractional number ratios.
(E) Atoms can combine in more than one ratio to form different compounds.

27. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are there in 107Ag?
(A) 47, 107, 60
(B) 107, 47, 60
(C) 47, 60, 47
(D) 60, 47, 47
(E) 60, 107, 47
Hint: See both 5th ed. and 6th ed. Section 5.4.

28. Which of the following is correct concerning isotopes?

(A) Isotopes of the same element have a different number of protons in the
(B) Isotopes of the same element have a different number of electrons in the
(C) Isotopes of the same element have a different number of neutrons in the
(D) Isotopes of the same element have same mass numbers.
(E) Isotopes of the same element have same atomic notations

29.Which of the following statement is correct?

(A) For energy level 2, there are 2s, 2 p, and 2d energy sublevels.
(B) There are maximum 2 electrons in the energy sublevel 3p.
(C) For energy level 4, there are 4s, 4p, 4d, and 4f energy sublevels.
(D) There are maximum 6 electrons in the energy sublevel 4d.
(E) There are maximum 18 electrons in energy level 4.

30. Which of the following is a correct order of the energy sublevel?

(A) p, d, s, f
(B) s, p, d, f
(C) f, d, p, s
(D) f, s, d, p
(E) s, d, f, p

31. Which of the following is correct electron configuration for silicon (atomic
number 14)?
(A) 1s22s22p63s23p2
(B) 1s22s22p63s23p63d64s24p5
(C) 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p5 (arranged according to the order of principle
quantum number)
or 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5 (arranged according to the order of orbital
(D) 1s22s22p63s23p63d64s24p1 (arranged according to the order of principle
quantum number)
or 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d64p1 (arranged according to the order of principle
quantum number)
(E) 1s22s22p63s23p6

Hint: This is a very important question. Follow the definition and energy order of
energy sublevel (sometimes, it’s called as orbital) in the textbook. For the one
shown below, the electrons filled-in order is from the upper right corner to left
bottom corner starting the first row and follow the same procedure for the
second, third, etc. rows.

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