Individual Elements of Health

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Health= originated from the old English term “heal” which means “whole”,

indicating that health is about the whole person and his/her uprightness

dependability, or security.

Accdg. to WHO= a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, not

merely the absence of disease/ infirmity; pessimistic p.o.v., it is the nonexistence of

sickness/poor health.

Holistic Health= attractive relation of the disconnect weights and dealings of the

different dimensions of health.


Individual elements of health:

Physical- ability of the human body to function with vigor & alertness, without

undue fatigue & with ample energy to engage in leisure activities, and to meet

physical stresses

Emotional- capability to convey emotions and build up & sustain relationships

Mental- psychological state of well-being, characterized by continuing personal

growth, a sense of purpose in life, self acceptance, and positive relations with


Social- the wisdom of having support accessible from family & friends

Spiritual- the acknowledgement & capability to put into practice ethical/religious


Sexual- recognition & talent to accomplish a reasonable expression of one’s


Two atmospheres where health can be calculated :

Environmental- characterized by ecological fitness such as air & water superiority,

& housing kinds & concreteness

Societal- characterized by the socio-economic condition of the people such as

having improvements in housing facilities as well as convenience & security of

people around the area


Seven main determinants of health:

1. Social class & health

2. Income & health

3. Housing & health

4. Employment & health

5. Gender & health

6. Health & ethnic minorities

7. Place of residence & health

To determine what affects health, social scientists & epidemiologists will seek to
compare at least two variables:

1. A measure of health, or rather ill health, such as mortality/morbidity

2. A factor such as gender/occupation

Health status can also be accounted for not by one variable, but by many factors
which interact together:

*social stratification factors- class, gender, age, ethnicity

*environmental factors- housing tenure, environment, regional location

*lifestyle factors- nutrition, smoking, physical activity

*physiological factors- cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity

To identify the major determinants of health & ill has focused on the links between
social class & health & so on…

 Genetic & biological factors which determine an individual’s predisposition to


 Lifestyle factors in which health behaviors such as smoking contribute to


 Environmental factors such as housing/population

 Extent & nature of health services

Social class & health

 In 1980, a report was published by the DOH & Social security working

group on inequalities in health.

 The report which is known as the ‘black report” after the group’s chairman

“Sir Douglas Black” provided a detailed study of the relationship between

mortality & morbidity, & social class.

Income & health

There are three ways in which low income can affect health:

1. Physiological- inadequate/ unfit housing, lack of food, lack of fuel

2. Psychological-stress & lack of social support

3. Behavioral- health-damaging behaviors such as smoking/ drinking/ giving

children sweets are ways of helping people to cope with demands of


*poverty- reduces people’s choice of healthier lifestyle

Housing & health

*housing quality & its lack of availability can damage health.

Particular problems of homelessness are:

 Respiratory illnesses

 Depression

 High rates of infection among children

 Accidents are difficulties in gaining access to health services

Employment & health

*WORK is important to consider as a social determinant of health:

 It determines income level

 It affects self-esteem

 The type of employment may itself directly affect health

Gender & health

Gender- refers to the social categorization of people as men/ women, & the social

meaning & beliefs about sexual differences.

*Sex differences in mortality have been attributed as an artifact of measurement

of the use of health services.

Health & ethnic minorities

Race is another way in which social & health in equalities are structured.

Race = Political Race ≠ Biological category

*Use the term ethnic minority groups to identify those who are cultural heritage &

who also share experience of discrimination

*Black & white ethnic minority groups also experience more ill health, particularly

chronic & mental ill health.

Place of Residence & Health

*The greatest disparities are in regions with the poorest mortality rates

*One obvious explanation for the geographical differences in death rates might be

differences in social class distribution


Health & medical care is now one of the human’s basic needs, ranking after

clothing & shelter.

*Health economics- encompasses the medical care industry. It deals with the

analysis of the economic costs of diseases, control programs, return from

investment in education & training conditions conducive to medical research & so


*The criterion used in decision-making is usually combination of value & efficiency.


It is a part of social science, treating of the manufacture, distribution &

expenditure of wealth or “the material interests of mankind”.

It also refers to the proper allocation & utilization of the resources to satisfy the

unlimited needs &wants of people.

For non-economists, they may define economics as the study of the role of money

in human affairs – how a person earns & spends money in their living, what sort

of life do they lead, & how money can affects their ways of living & visions in life.

A more precise concept is that of economics focuses on how people attempt to

make use of resources, which are scarce to satisfy their wants, which are

numerous, & how these attempts interact through exchange.


It is solitary of the collective sciences, which are learning’s of how public lean, as

well as how they do something, particularly in their dealings with others.

There are problems of allocations that are often formalized by economists in terms


1. Technical productivity [maximizing the output from any given input]

2. Cost minimization [choosing the least expensive set of inputs]

3. Current economic efficiency [balancing marginal costs &marginal benefits]

The very nature of economics, which is making the best use of resources [which

are usually scarce] to satisfy human needs & wants [which are numerous makes

it an essential framework of thinking for the health manager, complementary

to the value framework, in making decisions.


A better & good economic system has to consider the ff:

1. determining what is to be produced= determining which is consumer wants

& needs, what is in/ new & most important is to know where consumers

will be satisfied

2. determining the users= it is very important to know who the users of a

given product are- oldies/young, male/female, rich/poor

3. Rationing in the very short run= an economic scheme must construct some

stipulation for measuring merchandise over the point in time for the

duration of which goods of these cannot be misrepresented

4. To determine the best technique of production= in production/

manafucturing you have to consider everything. Productions must be unique

to make it unique.

5. Economic maintenance & growth= every economy in the modern world is

expected to maintain & expand its productive capacity

*maintenance- refers to keeping the productive power of the economic

machine intact through provision for depreciation.

*expansion- refers to continuous increase in the kinds & quantities of the

economy’s resources, together with continuous improvement in techniques of

production resulting in more products of high quality at competitive prices.


The things which are needed to carry on the production of goods & services.
In 19 century economic resources are divided into:

a. Land- includes everything beneath/ above the earth surface.

b. Labor- is any form of human effort both physical & mental exerted in

the production of goods & services. It is the largest category of health

care expenditure.

c. Capital- refers to the man made goods used in the production of goods

& services

d. Technology- refers to the society’s pool of knowledge used in industry &

agriculture. It concerns the principles of physical & social phenomena.



This deals with profitable performance of entity components in economy.

Such elements consist of:

a. Customer

b. Companies

c. Laborers

d. Savers

e. Shareholders

f. & the like

Microeconomic impressions cover such issues as:

1. What involve the value of an entity good/service

2. What resolves the production stage of a company

3. How the levy price have an effect on the distinctive shareholder in reserves

*economic- deals for nearly all divisions with the money oriented aims of

goods& services.


This is concerned with the aggregate/ overall economy. It deals with

economic factors such as total national output & income, unemployment,

balance of payments & the rate of inflation.

*GNP- it is the total value of goods & services produced in an economy

during a given period of time, usually a year.

*Final Demand- the measure of what a country’s economic activity produces

in the year end

The main determinants of final demand:

1. Consumption [personal expenditures on items such s food, clothing,

appliances & cars]

2. Investment [spending by business on items such as new faculties &


3. Government spending & net exports [exports minus imports]


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