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watchOS 6 Beta 4 Release

watchOS 6 Beta 4 release notes downloaded by
GeeksCorner and sponsored by Creativley

watchOS 6 Beta 4 Release

The watchOS 6 SDK provides support for developing watchOS
apps for Apple Watch devices running watchOS 6. The SDK
comes bundled with Xcode 11 beta available from Beta
Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility
requirements for Xcode 11, see Xcode 11 Beta 4 Release
Upgrade your iPhone to the newest available version of iOS 13
beta before upgrading any paired watches to watchOS 6 beta
or a newer version of watchOS 6 beta. (51366653)
Resolved Issues
• When playing audio in Music, Podcasts, or Books on
iPhone, the counterpart watchOS app launches as
expected to the Now Playing view. (51591666)
• Reinstalling built-in apps reinstalls both the iOS app and
the watchOS counterpart app. (50799441)
• Close buttons are positioned correctly in modally
presented interfaces. (51679414)
• Apps can consistently send data over WatchConnectivity.

Known Issues
• Workouts might be missing maps and weather information.

App Store
Resolved Issues
• Apps no longer download twice under certain conditions.
• You can consistently download apps from App Store on
Apple Watch. (48607063)

Known Issues
• Firmly pressing a button in Calculator might cause buttons
to become stuck. (50738294)

Workaround: Tap any button.

Resolved Issues
• You can create timers from a Siri watch face suggestion.

Emergency SOS
Resolved Issues
• Cellular-capable watches consistently send SMS
messages to your emergency contacts during an SOS call.

Known Issues
• Certain languages might display text that isn’t localized.

Known Issues
• Temporary, “Allow Once” location authorization isn’t
currently supported. (50385453)

Resolved Issues
• You can navigate from an origin location that’s different
than your current location when a watch running watchOS
6 is paired to your iPhone. (47399367)

New Features
• URLSessionWebSocketTask and URLSessionStreamTask
are now available for use in watchOS apps. (49779789)

Resolved Issues
• URLSession instances can consistently use the cellular
interface of your phone to complete HTTP requests.

• The URLSession and NSURLConnection APIs no longer
support SPDY. Servers should use HTTP 2 or HTTP 1.1.

New Features
• To send a UserNotifications push to a watchOS device, a
new apns-push-type key is now required as part of the
APNs request header. Depending on the type of
notification, this key can be set to alert or background and
is supported across all Apple platforms. (47099534)

Known Issues
• Asking Siri to play a podcast on Apple Watch might result
in an error message. (50392036)

Known Issues
• Do Not Disturb settings might not synchronize between
your phone and watch until both are updated to iOS 13
beta 4 and watchOS 6 beta 4. (52830669)
• Dictation might remain enabled after disabling it in
Settings. (49396495)

Resolved Issues
• Apps appear correctly in Privacy settings on your watch.
• Sharing a Wi-Fi network password from a device to your
watch no longer causes the Settings app to become
unresponsive. (51639347)
• WatchKit apps with multiple pages no longer become
unresponsive when you launch them from a complication.
• Toggling the Auto-launch Audio Apps setting behaves as
expected. (50993931)

Resolved Issues
• You don’t need to restart your watch for Shortcuts to sync.

Known Issues
• Announce Messages with Siri might not work with AirPods
that are connected to Apple Watch. (47467681)

New Features
• The EnvironmentValues structure has four new properties
for reading accessibility values from the environment:
accessibilityReduceMotion, and accessibilityInvertColors.
• The color(_:) modifier for Text is renamed
foregroundColor(_:) for consistency with the more general
foregroundColor(_:) view modifier. (50391847)
• The BindableObject protocol’s requirement is now
willChange instead of didChange, and should now be sent
before the object changes rather than after it changes. This
change allows for improved coalescing of change
notifications. (51580731)
• The RangeReplaceableCollection protocol is extended to
include a remove(atOffsets:) method and the
MutableCollection protocol is extended to include a
move(fromOffsets:toOffset:) method. Each new method
takes IndexSet instances that you use with the
onMove(perform:) and onDelete(perform:) modifiers on
ForEach views. (51991601)
• Added improved presentation modifiers:
actionSheet(isPresented:content:), and
alert(isPresented:content:) — along with isPresented in the
environment — replace the existing presentation(_:),
Sheet, Modal, and PresentationLink types. (52075730)
• Updated the APIs for creating animations. The basic
animations are now named after the curve type — such as
linear and easeInOut. The interpolation-based
spring(mass:stiffness:damping:initialVelocity:) animation is
ep:idleThreshold:) is now
spring(response:dampingFraction:blendDuration:) or
:), depending on whether or not the animation is driven
interactively. (50280375)
• Added an initializer for creating a Font from a CTFont.

Known Issues
• Text in lists and stacks might be unexpectedly truncated.
• Image instances don’t use resizing information configured
in asset catalogs. Configure the size of an image using the
resizable(capInsets:resizingMode:) modifier instead.
• A Picker may take longer than expected to appear at
runtime on watchOS. (50969430)
Resolved Issues
• View modifier methods return opaque views (some View)
rather than complex generic types. (46140669)
• ScrollView instances always size themselves as expected
for their content. (49204262)
• The identified(by:) method on the Collection protocol is
deprecated in favor of dedicated
init(_:id:selection:rowContent:) and init(_:id:content:)
initializers. (52976883)
• The relativeWidth(_:), relativeHeight(_:), and
relativeSize(width:height:) modifiers are deprecated. Use
other modifiers like
ht:maxHeight:alignment:) instead. (51494692)

Resolved Issues
• Complication pushes are no longer delayed. (51201984)

Voice Memos
Resolved Issues
• iCloud support is now available for Voice Memos.

Known Issues
• If your watch debugging session continuously times out,
you might need to quit and relaunch Xcode after
connecting to the internet in order to download the
appropriate DeviceSupport files. (50554987)

Resolved Issues
• CKSubscription and CKSubscription.NotificationInfo are
available to Swift on watchOS. (47819934)
• Swift interfaces for several new URLSession APIs are now
available. (50517967)

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