Detailed Lesson Plan

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Date: 08-20-18
Time: 8:00 – 8:45

I. Objective
At the end of discussion the pupils should be able to:
A. Classify the 3 basic food groups
B. Perform the activities that the teachers give and,
C. Appreciate the 3 basic food groups.
II. Subject matter
A. Topic: 3 basic food groups
B. Materials: cartolina, marker, construction paper, pictures
C. References: science and health IV
D. Integration: English

Values: Cooperation

III. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activity
Teacher’s activity pupils activities
1. Prayer
- Please everybody stand for our
Prayer to be head us by - (pupils will pray)
“datang, Alnur - rajihe
2. Greetings
- Good morning class - good morning teacher,
Good morning classmate
Good morning it’s nice to see
you again.
- Please set down
3. Opening song
- “chop banana action song”
Chop banana3x
Shake banana3x
Eat banana3x
4. Checking of attendance
- Class who is absent today? - none teacher!
- Very good!
5. Setting of classroom standard
- If I’m going to discuss or speak in - kept silent!
your front what will you do? - listen carefully!
6. Review
- Class what was our topic - teacher 5 senses
- What are those 5 senses - ears, nose, hands, eyes
7. Motivation
- (showing videos and real object)
- What did you see in the videos? - fruits and vegetables
- Do you have this in your home? - yes teacher
- Did you eat this kind of foods? - yes teacher
B. Developmental of the session
1. Presentation
-our topic for this time is all about - (the pupils will listen
The 3 basic food groups
2. Discussion
1. Go foods-
-foods that rich in carbohydrates
Gives our boy with energy.
Examples: peanut, rice, bread
2. Grow foods
- Foods that rich in proteins for growth
Examples: milk, beans, fish, egg, meat
3. Glow foods
- Foods that rich in vitamins to keep our
Eyes and skin in good condition,
build strong bones and teeth.
Examples: string beans, banana
3. Application

Group activity

A. Group yourself into 3 groups
B. Let us answer and perform the activities

Go group: choose only the go foods and put it to the basket.

Grow Groups: choose only the grow foods and put it to the basket
Glow Groups: choose only the glow foods and put it to the basket

Rubrics of the Activity

Groups Name Speed (5%) Team work (5%) Behavior (5%) Total (15%)

Go Group

Grow Group

Glow Group

4. Generalization
- What are those three Basic groups? 1. Go foods
2. Grow foods
3. Glow foods

- What kind of foods that belongs

to the glow foods? - Fruits and Vegetables

- Why we need to eat this kind of foods? - To be healthy!

IV. Evaluation


Classify the following into 3 Basic food groups

(Go, Grow and Glow foods)

1. Milk
2. Malunggay
3. Banana
4. Fish
5. Bread

Prepare by: Checked by:



Approved by:

East District Supervisor

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