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CAMBRIDGE LOUGHS#@NE SUSAN RIVERS GEORGIANA FARNOAGA * | | a i ee | oF a) a5 “lla Ht ne ay Lae “TU | a Lo = = WORKBOOK ‘A. Complete the chart with the words inthe box cash moves ‘ony ohid TV callege major _Yeighbortood parents BB Answer the questions with your wn information Use short answers. 1. Areyouanoniyehiat ves.taun GQ) Ne. tenner, 2 Isyour neighborhood quiet. |. Doypouive with your parents 44 Doyouhaveabig TV? ‘5 Doyouand your fiends go tw college? 6. Areyou French major? 1 Does your bes find like action movi 1. Is your English ass un? bel Where youtom, Koi? ‘om apan. How about you? Isabel Mexico, rom Monterey ‘jt Ob, my fends Manuel ad Ross from Meteo to. Ieabet Rea. yourfriends herenow! Koji No, they not. Uh gues they tate. Isabel he eacher here? Koji Yes. over thers, Isabel She loks ice, Terns? ot Uehiak tt aig ds 3, Dots trends sudyin the evening? 4 Ise froma large amily? "Unscramble the questions. Then answer the questions with your own information. mame / What's frst yours slkaw's yee Frstnewnet full-time a Do /have you sob? live bestfriend / Does / your nearby? 4, weekends / What / on you! do? 5, Where / you for fun go do 6 teacher your /lke/ What's?

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