Do Le Song Ha - Effect of Learning English Outside Classroom For Students

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Effect of Learning English Outside Classroom

for Students

Do Le Song Ha

Research writing


Instructor: Nguyen Van Nam

March, 2019

Effect of Learning English outside Classroom

For Students

Thesis statement

In modern society, learning English is important for student, so which ways to learn

outside of the class become the top concern that help students are confident in

international integration period.


I. The perspective about the learning English outside classroom.

A. Definition about learning English outside classroom.

B. Difference between learning English inside and outside the classroom.

1. Learning English inside the classroom.

2. Learning English outside the classroom.

II. The positive effects.

A. Changing the environment for better English learning.

B. Increasing motivation to learn English for Student.

C. Increasing student’s confidence and improving student’s communication.

III. Four ways to learn outside classroom.

A. Learning English by internet.

B. Learning English by reading.

C. Learning English by media.

D. Learning English by computer.


IV. The way to obtain good results when learning English outside classroom.

Effect of Learning English outside Classroom


For Students

In modern society, having a good English skills is one of learning goals of

students at university. How to achieve efficiency while learning English is always the

top concern of students. Most students only focus on learning English at school but

they do not know that learning outside classroom can help them improve English very

effectively. Griffiths and Keohane (quoted by Guo, 2015, p. 247) state “textbooks

often fail to achieve a meaningful level of involvement on the part of the learners;

learning need not be confined to the classroom with set textbooks and practice”.

Consequently, students only study in textbooks that is not enough to achieve good

results. Besides studying in textbooks and participating in university activities, it is

essential for students to find methods to learn at home. This study will show students

some activities outside the classroom that make learning English effective.

Learning English outside classroom are defined as students' activities in

listening, speaking, writing, vocabulary learning, and grammar learning to improve

their English after-school. But it is not easy for students to identify activities outside

the classroom to help them learn English effectively. Pickard (quoted Tanjila, 2013)

indicated that listening to the radio, reading newspapers, and novels outside of the

classroom appear to rank highest in students’ learning activities; however, students

made little use of the facilities in out-of-class English learning, such as English

newspapers, satellite TV, and self-study materials in the library. All activities

mentioned by Pickard are very familiar to students and it seems that students do not

recognize these activities can bring efficiency for learning English. Additionally,

speaking with colleagues, listening to songs, watching TV programs, watching videos,


playing gaming, surfing the internet, reading in English so on and so forth are also

activities that help students improve their English.

Learning English inside the classroom is a method related to textbooks and

interaction with teachers at school. For this method, teachers play a important role in

learning students' English. A. Avila (2015) stated teachers take on a role of authority

in the eyes of the students, which greatly influences pupils’ learning process. The

English classroom provides the perfect controlled environment to learn English, and

your teacher guides you in your learning experience. If student have a question, they

can immediately ask their teacher and you will get an answer. For this reason, good

teacher is essential for learning English inside the classroom, but finding a

perfect teacher is not easy. Learning English inside the classroom is considered a

traditional method associated with textbooks, it is a passive method for students. They

only need to acquire knowledge through books and teachers' guidance. Some studies

show that passive learning is not good for students. However, learning English at

school still plays an important role in helping students learn English well.

In general, learning English outside the classroom enabled the students to see

many things beyond their textbooks. When students put all effort into making the

most of their English learning experience outside of the classroom, they will quickly

progress in their learning and their entire experience will be better off. Lai, Zhu and

Gong denied that out-of-class learning embodies an important context for successful

language development. Nunan (1991) claims that successful language learning in a

variety of contexts all over the world is often associated with the learners' ability to

continue learning English outside the classroom. If students want to improve their

English quickly, out-of-class language learning activities will be a way to help

students build their own skills.

On the whole, to bring positive results in learning English, students need both

to attend classes and to study on their own. This will help them develop their language

skills and extend their knowledge to reach higher levels of proficiency. According to

Richards (2015, p. 1), “there are two important dimensions to successful second

language learning: what goes on inside the classroom and what goes on outside of the

classroom”. However, learning English outside classroom will be superior to lectures

in promoting both comprehension and memory, because students are given

opportunity to control the information while learning leads to improve memory. While

studying in class, students only listen to their professors’ lectures and obtain

information through their textbook. Furthermore, a difference between English in

school and English outside is communication. If students have opportunities to use

experiences of English in communication, they will be much more comfortable using

English outside school than inside.

Many researches show that there are positive influences of learning English

outside classroom, towards developing a positive attitude to English language, and

English language use of students. Firstly, learning English outside the classroom is a

way to change the English learning environment which is really important and

necessary for students who are in need of improving their English skills. Environment

outside classroom is an effective factor in language improvement that helps students

to memorize knowledge, practice each skill proficiency. Environmental factors have

significant impact on learning second languages, especially learning vocabulary

(Collentine, 2004). Reese, Garnier, Gallimore and Goldenberg (2000) said that the

environment impacts vocabulary learning through home literacy

environment. Indeed , learning English outside class is a way to create real-world

experience which helps students learn more vocabulary, sentence structure or

communication skills instead of just writing and remembering like traditional learning

in classroom. Creating and involving students in real life activities outside the

classroom enlarges students’ learning environment (Guo, 2011). Therefore changing

the environment from the classroom to the outside of the classroom will help students

learn English more effectively.

Furthermore, out-of-class learning can enhance motivation to learn English

for student. Motivation plays a significant role in the process of learning a language.

Students with a good attitude towards English are more likely to work hard and keep

going when learning gets challenging. Many students complain that they are bored

with English. They are tired and don’t want to study every day. They do not how they

can increase their motivation for English. The way to help them improve the situation

is that instead of just learning English in the traditional way, students should look for

outside activities. Activities to learn English outside the classroom, such as playing

computer games, watching TV programs, surfing the Internet, so on and so forth are a

great way to learn and play. Not only helps students reduce stress, but also increases

their English language acquisition. Students are most motivated when they feel that a

learning activity is interesting and meaningful. Deci & Ryan (1985) stated that people

that are driven by an inner motivation do things because they think that what they do

is interesting, entertaining or challenging. Because of the fun of activities outside the

classroom, motivation to learn English for Student is increased and English skills are

improved day by day.


In other words, to be able to speak English confidently, learning method is

very important for students. Therefore, final effect that learning English outside the

classroom brings to students is confidence and good communication in English. If a

student feels that at any moment a peer can ridicule them, students will not obviously

willing to express themselves as well as their wider confidence around school. In

particular, students with lower achievement levels may feel insecure and lack

confidence in the presence of their peers and/or teachers. Learning English outside

will help students establish a secure learning environment. This method of learning

helps students feel safe to express themselves and be themselves. Learn English

outside the classroom through many activities related to technology devices. Using

computers is one of them and is proven to be an effective activity that helps students

learn English better. Gatz & Hirt (quoted by Krause, 2007, p. 313) stated that

“computer-mediated forms of communication can provide an avenue of

communication that may build these students’s confidence and encourage them to

contribute to and participate more fully in the learning community”. Therefore,

students learn English faster and are more confident in communication when they are

actively using the language in real-world settings outside.

If students put all their effort into making the most of your English learning

experience outside of the classroom, they will quickly progress in their learning and

their entire experience will be better off. The ways they can extend your learning

experience are endless and we suggest four ways to learn outside classroom in this

research. Four ways can be listed as beneficial out-of-class learning ways: surfing the

Internet, reading a document in English, using media (television, radio) and learning

English through computer. Tanjila (2013) said


“Outside the classroom, most students are immersed in a first-language

environment with limited exposure to English. Out-of-class activities can be

devised to show students that they are surrounded by English if they make a

little effort to pay attention to the language as it is used in their daily lives”


It can easily recognize that the activities listed above are daily activities and those

activities are entertaining activities that interest to students.

One of the modern methods of learning English that students can use outside

of the classroom is learning English through the Internet. This method helps students

to save time, students can choose their study time and learning environment. Nah

(Tanjila quoted, 2013, p. 21) said that “computer and internet technologies have been

frequently used in language learning contexts to enhance student-centredness,

student’s engagement, interaction, and collaboration”. The Internet also contains sites

where students can utilize internet voice communication tools to practice their

language speaking skills. Besides, students can also find down academic documents

which are not available in school libraries on the Internet. Students learn English by

joining social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter. This way help students can

connect with those who need to learn English around the world. By asking questions

and answering comments on English websites, student can practice their reading and

writing skills. In short, learning English on the Internet is a method outside classroom

that not only brings high efficiency, accessibility and convenience but also helps

students save time for themselves.

In addition, reading a document with English content also help students both

relax and feel comfortable after stressful classes and help them learn English more

effectively. Instead of just reading textbooks students can read English newspapers

after-school. Because newspapers contain a wide variety of different types of texts;

students can read narratives, stories, letters, advertisements, reports, and reviews, all

of which can help them to expand their knowledge of English. Another great reason

why students should read newspapers are much more current than textbooks.

Textbooks can become outdated rather quickly - the reading material they contain can

soon seem old fashioned and boring to the reader. Obviously , out-of-class learning

activities such as reading newspaper positively affect English learners' proficiency

levels. (Hyland, 2004). Besides reading books in English is one of the most fun and

effective ways to help improve student’s English language skills. It can help to expand

vocabulary of learners and expose them to different sentence structures, all while they

enjoy some wonderful stories. According to Tanjila (2013), reading books is

mentioned one of the most common activities the participants participated in using

English. To conclude with, if students want to learn English more quickly, lots of

reading outside classroom is important.

What’s more, media not only plays an important role student's life but also

helps student learn English better. Some students think that teacher is the best source

of learning and there is no adequate environment of learning English outside the class.

Because they do not know that learning English through media is an interesting

experience. Çelik, S., Arkin, E., and Sabriler (2012) state “as a result of the

advancements in the media combining learning and entertainment, imbedding

language learning endeavour in out-of-class time becomes a preference for many

students.” For instance, something from crime dramas to comedy series on TV will

expose student to new and interesting vocabulary which they can then use in a

different context. On the other hand, listening to the radio or podcast is quite useful,

especially if students are preparing for important exams such as IELTS, TOEFL.

Because the more native speech learner listen to, the more learner understand. In

summary, if students devote enough time to every form of the above-mentioned mass

media, student will definitely make your English fluent and have no problems

understanding native speakers.

Using computer to learning English is an effective method of learning English

beside above activities. This way is an opportunity for learners to improve, expand

their vocabulary by themselves. There are several of these applications for students

who may know just a handful of vocabulary words. These applications are easy to use

and help students save time searching for academic information. Moreover, students

can work with live native speakers and attend group online through computer, this

way can help them build the confidence in English. Nah (Tanjila quoted, 2013) said

that computers have been frequently used in language learning contexts to enhance

student concentration, student’s engagement, interaction, and collaboration. In fact

with the help of computers, students can easily practice English after-school.

Applications about learning English is installed easily on the computer that help

students have the best results. in conclusion, if students use computers to learn

English, it will be a good choice to learn effectively

There are many ways to help you learn English effectively outside class.

However, selecting the right method for yourself is the most important thing. When

selecting activities after-school to learn English, it’s necessary for students to consider

their individual learning style and match their program accordingly.

Once again, students who want to obtain good results when learning English

outside classroom should have a clear plan. First they have determine their own

learning goals and interests, then they choose English learning activities that suit

themselves. In particular, students should determine how many hours they can spend

each day to learn English? Next students refer to ways to learn English outside the

classroom listed above. Then, based on students' interests, they will choose the

appropriate activity and try to practice every day. Students notice that while choosing

any activities they should keep in their mind which activity is more beneficial and

which are not. Beside that a sense of self-study accounts for an important level for

students in activities outside the classroom. According to Tanjila (2013), students

want to obtain good results, they need their own motivation and should have

autonomy to carry out these activities outside the class. Moreover students who really

want to get better at English to use their target language they should change their

learning routines in a positive way. Consequently, to start learning outside the

classroom, students should determine their goals first. Then they try to practice

English outside of the classroom and incorporate this into the classroom.

To conclude, in today modern world, millions of people are learning English

and want to be good at English and among them are students. Unfortunately, typical

English classes seem to be not only an effective way to learn English. Because

learning English inside classroom is very slow progress and it is difficult to have a

good teacher. Furthermore, students often think that their classroom is the only place

you will learn, but in reality, what happens outside the classroom is just as important.

If students want to learn English well, they cannot wait for their teacher to put

knowledge into their head. They have to take charge of their learning. Surfing the

Internet, reading a document in English, using media (television, radio) and learning

English through computer are familiar daily activities for students. If students choose

one of these activities and perform each day. In this way they will learn English

through entertainment without feeling depressed and bored. To achieve good English

skills, students need to surround themselves with English, make English part of their

life at home, at school during their free time. Learning English outside class is a

unique experience that has many benefits, from changing the learning environment,

enhancing motivation to learn, improving communication and heightening classroom

outcomes. However, students need use English both in class and outside of the

classroom to achieve high efficiency in learning.



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