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Activity Sheet

Week 4-Day 5
Describe different forms and conventions
of film and moving pictures (characterization)

Let’s Learn This

In this activity sheet, you will be learning about characterization.

Do you know you are already using characterization skills in real life? For example,
when you describe somebody, you are using characterization.

But, this time you will be using them with literature.

Let’s begin.

  Let’s Recall

Before we learn more about characterization, let’s have a review of the perfect

Task 1: Perfect Tenses Practice

Pair Up

Read the following. Choose one to do. Then, have a conversation with your
seatmate/partner using the perfect tenses.

a. After five years, your family is holding a reunion. You and your cousin have a
lot of catching up to do. Simulate the conversation between you and your cousin.


"My, you have changed since I last saw you! How long has it been?"
"I haven’t seen you since my birthday party, five years ago."

"Have you seen a movie in 3D?"

"No, I have not seen a movie in 3D."

"Have you been to the beach?"

"Yes, I have been to the beach twice."

“Hi, cousin! You haven’t changed much since we last saw each other.”
“Hello, cousin! We haven’t communicated since you lived abroad.”

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b. In 25 years, Science will have accomplished much. List down three (3)
inventions or discoveries.


"Man will have lived on the moon."

“We will have sent a space satellite in Jupiter."
"Doctors will have discovered a cure for AIDS."
“Scientists will have built a time machine.”

In 20 years

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

Let’s Try This

Task 2: Character STEAL


On a piece of paper, write the name of your seatmate/partner.

Write at least three personality/character traits you feel he/she has.
After the traits have been written on the piece of paper, share to your
seatmate/partner how you know he/she has each particular character trait.

Your explanation should include the SEAL.

• What he/she Say
• His/her Effect on you and
• His/her Actions
• How he/she Looks


Character Explanation
honest Because you always tell the truth Say
funny Because I always laugh when we are together Effect
tall Because you are the tallest in the class Look

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These are the exact same ways character traits in literature are inferred, except that
literature has one advantage we do not. In literature we can also infer traits based
on characters' thoughts.

Let’s Study This

Films and books have much in common. They both tell stories. Both mediums have
narrative structure, genre, themes, character and setting.

Stories can be written, narrated orally, or told in film. But, stories are usually more
than entertainment. They have different purposes and main messages that provide
information or knowledge about the worlds and subjects that the reader or listener or
viewer may not have the opportunity to experience. They also give us the
opportunity to reflect on our own lives.

Similar with reading a book, the same set of skills to comprehend the story on film is
used. However, we often use the comprehension skills without realizing.

And film communicates in codes and conventions that help the viewer understand
the implied and embedded meaning of its story.

One of the conventions of film is characterization.

"Film Education -." Film Education | Events | Film in primary literacy | Introduction. Accessed May 11,


Watch the short video about Characterization.

Direct and Indirect Characterization

"Direct and Indirect Characterization." YouTube. September 03, 2015. Accessed May 11, 2017.

Remember to observe the following when viewing a movie/film:

• Do not talk to your seatmate while the movie/film is playing.
• Sit comfortably.
• Do not make unnecessary noise and movement.
• Understand what you are watching.

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What did you learn about characterization?

Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of the

Characterization is revealed through direct characterization or indirect


Direct characterization tells what the personality of the character is.

Indirect characterization shows things that reveal the personality of the character.

There are five different methods of indirect characterization:

Speech What does the character say? How does the character speak?
Thoughts What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts and
Effect on others What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people?
toward the How do the other characters feel or behave in reaction to the
character characters?
Actions What does the character do? How does the character behave?
Looks What does the character look like? How does the character

"Characterization Examples and Definition." Literary Devices. October 30, 2015. Accessed May 11,

We use indirect characterization in visual media like film or moving pictures.

Let’s Do This

Task 3: Watch It!


A. Watch the short animated film “Partly Cloudy” by Disney Pixar.

"Party Cloud Full Moive." YouTube. September 14, 2015. Accessed May 17, 2017.

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Remember to observe the following when viewing a movie/film:

• Do not talk to your seatmate while the movie/film is playing.
• Sit comfortably.
• Do not make unnecessary noise and movement.
• Understand what you are watching.

B. Answer the following discussion/ comprehension questions.

What did you learn from this short film?

What is the message of this short film? Do you agree or disagree with it?
What did you like best/least about it? Why?
Who was your most/least favorite character in the short film? Why?
Did anything that happened in this short film remind you of something about your
own life or about others’?
What were you thinking as you finished watching the film?
What would you say to a friend who asked you about it?
Would you recommend this to a friend? Explain your reasons.
What part of the film would you change? Why?
If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?

  Let’s Do More

Task 4: STEAL the Video

Group Work

Describe the characterization in the short animated film.

An example is given for you using the “Why Mosquitoes Buss in People’s Ears”

Story: “Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears” Character: Mosquito

Types of Indirect Character Explanation

Speech Show-off The mosquito told the iguana that
he will never believe what he saw.
Thoughts Not applicable Not applicable
Effect on Others Irritating/annoying The iguana snapped at him and
stuck two stick in his ears so that
he would not hear anymore what
the mosquito will say.

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Types of Indirect Character Explanation

Actions Irresponsible When the lion and the other
animals learned that the death of
the owlet was the mosquito’s fault,
the mosquito hid under the curly
leaf and was not seen anymore.
Looks Not applicable Not applicable

Now, it’s your turn.

As a group, complete the tables below.

Story: “Partly Cloudy”

Character: Stork

Types of Indirect Character Explanation



Effect on Others



Story: “Partly Cloudy”

Character: Cloud

Types of Indirect Character Explanation



Effect on Others



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  Let’s Remember

Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of the

Characterization is revealed through direct characterization or indirect


Direct characterization tells what the personality of the character is.

Indirect characterization shows things that reveal the personality of the character.

  Let’s Test Ourselves

Task 5: Venn Characterization

Pair Up
With your seatmate/partner, write the similarities and differences of the characters in
the short film. Write your answers in the Venn diagram.

How much did you enjoy the activity?

Color the smiley face according to your level of satisfaction.

Prepared by:


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(For Teachers’ Use Only)

Task 1

Answers may vary.

Task 2

Answers may vary.

Task 3

Answers may vary.

Task 4

Answers may vary.

Task 5

Answers may vary.

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