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Name of the Lab in charge: Mr.Kilaru Harsha Vardhan

Name of the Lab Assistant: Mr.B.Dhandapani


AIM: To determine experimentally the methods of controlling the processes including measurements using
process simulation techniques.

OBJECTIVES: To gain knowledge on the development and use of right type of control dynamics for
process control under different operative conditions.

1. ON-OFF control of thermal process
2. Simulation of Proportional Controller
3. Flow control loop and Flow Transmitter
4. Level Control loop and Level Transmitter
5. Pressure control loop and Pressure Transmitter
6. Control valve characteristics
7. Verifying the inherent characteristics of control valve
8. Flow co-efficient of control valve
9. Range ability of control valve
10. Verifying the response of Non-Interacting level System
11. Verifying the response of Interacting level System
12. Effect of PI controller on flow control System
13. The effect of a P controller on level process for set point and load changes
14. Effect of P, PI, PID Controller on Pressure Control Loop
15. Optimum controller setting using Zigler’s Nichols Methods
16. Optimum Controller Tuning on Level Process Station

*Minimum 10 experiments shall be offered.

Total :45 hours




Interacting and Non-Interacting Systems- 4

a)Time Constant
1. b)Non-Interacting Systems - Response 7

c)Interacting Systems - Response 10

2 Valve Characteristics 13

Level Controller- a)Servo problem 20

b)Regulator Problem 28
c)Level transmitter 31

d)I/P Converter, Pneumatic control valve 34,37

Flow Controller - a)Servo Problem 40

b)Differential pressure transmitter 48

c)I/P Converter 50

d)Pneumatic Control Valve 52

Pressure Controller – a)Servo Problem 54

b)Regulator Problem 61
c)Pressure Transmitter 63

d)I/P Converter, Pneumatic Control valve 65,67

Temperature Controller – a)Servo Problem 69

b)Resistance Temperature Detector. 74

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Expt: 1 a
To determine the valve resistance and time constant for valves in interacting and non interacting systems


VINIT - 01 is an exclusive unit studying the interfacing and non-interacting system. By switch
the tank and hand valve. User can determine the time constant of the interacting and non-
interacting system. From the response of the system, one can understand about the (Lagging)
nature of the interacting and non-interacting system. Process tank - 1 & Process tank 2 make
non-interacting system, where as Process tank - 1 & Process tank 3 make interacting system.
Here the liquid (water) is pumped from reservoir to an over head tank from there a constant liquid
flow is given to the process tank 1 through a rotameter. By changing the hand valve the two
systems (interacting & non-interacting) can be studied individually.

The flow resistance, for the liquid of constant density and the tanks to have uniform cross-sectional area is
linear. The flow-head relationships for the two linear resistances of the tanks in the Non Interacting System
are given by the expressions.

The flow-head relationships for the two linear resistances of the tanks in the Interacting System are given by
the expressions.


1. The unit is switched ON,

2. An inflow of X LPH is set in the Rotameter by adjusting the Valve HV1
3. Wait for sometime, so that the level in process tank 1 reaches steady state value.
4. The steady state level in process tank 1 is noted (h1)mm (Now the inflow is equal to outflow)
5. Now the inflow rate to process tank 1 is suddenly increased to Y LPH by adjusting HV1.
6. Variation in level of process tank 1 is tabulated with respect to time (say for every 10 seconds) unit it
reaches the new steady state h2mm.
7. Level Vs time graph is drawn.
8. Time constant of the process tank 1 is calculated. (Time constant is defined as the time taken for the
output to reach 63.2% of its final output).
9. Time constant can also be defined as the product of resistance and capacitance of the tank.
τ = RC
Where R - Resistance to flow (out flow)
C - Capacitance (Area).
10. From the above relation the resistance of the valve is calculated.
11. The same procedure is repeated for all the valves in the interacting and non interacting systems


Sl.No Time (sec) Rise in



Calculation of Time Constant

Calculation of Resistance


The valve resistances and time constants for valves in the interacting and non interacting systems are
determined experimentally and tabulated.

Expt : 1b


To find the response from the Transfer Function that relates H/Q for a given step input in the Non-
interacting tank System.


The overall transfer function of non interacting system is the product of two first-order transfer functions,
each one of which is the transfer function of a single tank operating independently of the other.

In the above figure the level in tank 2 depends on the level on tank 1 where as the level in tank 1 in
independent on the level on tank 2 this condition is termed as non interacting. In general considering two
systems if the output of first system is not affected by the conditions in second system then the system is
said to be Non - Interacting.
1. The unit is switched ON,
2. An inflow of X LPH is set in the Rota meter by adjusting the Valve HV1
3. Wait for some time, so that the level in process tank 1 reaches steady state value.
4. The steady state level in process tank 1 is noted (h1)mm (Now the inflow is equal to outflow)
5. Now the inflow rate to process tank 1 is suddenly increased to Y LPH by adjusting HV1.
6. Variation in level of process tank 1 is tabulated with respect to time (say for every 10 seconds) unit it
reaches the new steady state h2mm.
7. Level Vs time graph is drawn.
8. Time constant of the process tank 1 is calculated. (Time constant is defined as the time taken for the
output to reach 63.2% of its final output).
9. Time constant can also be defined as the product of resistance and capacitance of the tank.
τ = RC
Where R - Resistance to flow (out flow), C - Capacitance (Area).
10. From the above relation the resistance of the valve is calculated.

11. From the Resistance and the Time Constant, the response curve was drawn for the given step input.

Sl.No Time (sec) Rise in



Calculation of Time Constant

Calculation of Resistance


By substituting the values of Time Constants of the two tanks and the valve resistance, the response curve
was drawn.


The response curve was drawn from the Transfer Function that relates H/Q for a given step input in the
Non-interacting tank System.

Expt: 1c

To find the response from the Transfer Function that relates H/Q for a given step input in the interacting
tank System.


The overall transfer function cannot be found by simply multiplying together the separate transfer function.
The term interacting is often referred to as loading. We see that the effect of interaction has been to change
the effective time constants of the interacting system. One time constant has become considerably larger and
the other smaller than the time constant τ of either tank in the non interacting system.

In the above fig the level in tank 3 depends on the level on tank 1 where as the level in tank 1 in dependent
on the level on tank 3 this condition is termed as interacting. In general considering two system if the output
of first system is affected by the conditions in second system then the systems are said to be Interacting.
1. The unit is switched ON,
2. An inflow of X LPH is set in the Rota meter by adjusting the Valve HV1
3. Wait for some time, so that the level in process tank 1 reaches steady state value.
4. The steady state level in process tank 1 is noted (h1)mm (Now the inflow is equal to outflow)
5. Now the inflow rate to process tank 1 is suddenly increased to Y LPH by adjusting HV1.
6. Variation in level of process tank 1 is tabulated with respect to time (say for every 10 seconds) unit it
reaches the new steady state h2mm.
7. Level Vs time graph is drawn.
8. Time constant of the process tank 1 is calculated. (Time constant is defined as the time taken for the
output to reach 63.2% of its final output).
9. Time constant can also be defined as the product of resistance and capacitance of the tank.
τ = RC
Where R - Resistance to flow (out flow), C - Capacitance (Area).
10. From the above relation the resistance of the valve is calculated.
11. From the Resistance and the Time Constant, the response curve was drawn for the given step input.

Sl.No Time (sec) Rise in

Level (cm)


Calculation of Time Constant

Calculation of Resistance


By substituting the values of Time Constants of the two tanks and the valve resistance, the response curve
was drawn.


The response curve was drawn from the Transfer Function that relates H/Q for a given step input in the
interacting tank System.

Expt: 2



1. To Study the characteristics of ON/OFF, Linear and Equal Percentage control valves

2. To calculate the Gain for above valves


A control valve is the usual mechanism for adjusting the input of the process control system. In

most industrial process control system control valve is the final control element. It is used to

control flow of fluid viz. air, water, gas, steam, coolant water, vacuum, contaminated or viscous

fluid, mild acids, alkalies [ non injurious to body, stem, seating and gland packing.

The two types of control valve is

A.Single seat valve.

B.Double seat valve.

With a single seat valve, the valve position depends on both the unbalanced force on the plug from

the pressure drop across the valve and the force produced by the motor. The effect of valve

pressure drop can be minimized by using either a more powerful motor or a valve positioner.

The advantages of using double seats are that the pressure drop forces on the plugs almost cancel,

and also the flow capacity is upto 30 percent greater than for single seat valve of same size.

Our control valve is a single seated control valve as the valve with two seats cannot be tightly

closed and would not be used where positive shutoff is essential.


The control valve consists of two major components



The actuator is made of the following components

1.Flexible diaphragm.

2.Spring [ usually ] and spring tension element [ range location element ].

3.Plate, Stem and locknut.



The valve is made of the following components




4.Pressure tight connection.


A control valve is the usual mechanism for adjusting the input of the process control system. In most
industrial process control system, control valve is the final control element. It is used to control flow of fluid
viz. air, water, gas, steam, coolant water, vacuum, contaminated or viscous fluid, mild acids, alkalis [non
injurious to body, stem, seating and gland packing.

The control valve is essentially a variable resistance to the flow of a fluid, in which the resistance and
therefore the flow can be changed by a signal from a process controller.

The control valve consists of an actuator and a valve. The valve itself is divided into the body and the trim.
The body consists of housing for mounting the actuator and connections for attachment of the valve to a
supply line and a delivery line. The trim, which is enclosed within the body, consists of a plug, a valve seat,
and a valve stem.

The actuator moves the valve stem as the pressure on a spring-loaded diaphragm changes. The stem moves a
plug in a valve seat in order to change the resistance to flow through the valve. When a valve is supplied by
the manufacturer, the actuator and the valve are attached to each other to form one unit. For most actuators,
the motion of the stem is proportional to the pressure applied on the diaphragm. In general, this type of
actuator can be used for functions other than moving a valve stem. For example, it can be used-to adjust
dampers, variable speed drives, rheostats, and other devices. As the pressure to the valve varies over its
normal range of operation (3 to 15 psig) the range of motion of the stem varies from a fraction of an inch to
several inches depending on the size of the actuator. Manufacturers provide a range of actuators for various
valve sizes.

The valves available vary over a wide range of sizes. The size is usually referred to by the size of the end
connectors. For example, a one-inch valve would have connectors (threaded or flanged) to fit into a one-
inch pipe line. In general, the larger the valve size the larger the flow capacity of the valve. For the control
valve shown in Fig. 1, an increase in signal pressure above the diaphragm exerts a force on the diaphragm

and back plate, which causes the stem to move down; this causes the cross-sectional area for flow between
the plug and the seat to decrease, thereby reducing or throttling the flow. Such valve action as shown in
Fig.1 is called pressure-to-close action. The reverse action shown in Fig.2 is pressure-to-open, can be
accomplished by designing the actuator so that pressure is applied to the under side of the diaphragm, for
which case an increase in pressure to the valve raises the stem. An alternate method to reverse the valve
action is to leave the actuator as shown in Fig.1 and to invert the plug on the stem and place it under the
valve seat.

The valve shown in Fig.1 is single-seated, meaning the valve contains one plug with one seating surface.
For a single-seated valve, the plug must open against the full pressure drop across the valve. If the pressure
drop is large, this means that a larger, more expensive actuator will be needed. To overcome this problem,
valves are also constructed with double seating as shown in Fig. 3. In this type valve, two plugs are attached
to the valve stem and each one has a seat. The flow pattern through the valve is designed so that the pressure
drop across the seat at A tends to open the plug and the pressure drop across the seat at B tends to close the
plug. This counterbalancing of forces on the plugs reduces the effort needed to open the valve with the
result that a smaller, less expensive actuator is needed. In a double-seated valve, it is difficult to have tight
shut-off. If one plug has tight closure, there is usually a small gap between the other plug and its seat. For
this reason, single-seated valves are recommended if the valve is requited to be shut tight. In many
processes, the valve is used for throttling flow and is never expected to operate near its shut-off position. For
these conditions, the fact that the valve has a small leakage at shut-off position does not create a problem.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3



For studying the linear characteristics, a globe valve with sliding stem is used. A bevelled disc or poppet
valve consists of a globe valve with the sliding stem. Full flow is achieved with relatively short movement
of the stem. In short linear flow is the flow which is directly proportional to valve lift.


The flow area increases more rapidly with lift as valve opens in equal percentage valve for an ideal equal
percentage valve the flow characteristics would be straight line on a semi log graph. In equal percentage
flow, the flow changes by a constant percentage of its instantaneous value for each value of valve lift.
Whereas in quick opening, flow increases rapidly with initial travel reaching near its maximum at a low lift.


A valve with quick opening flow characteristic provides a maximum change in flow rate at low travels. The
curve is basically linear through the first 40 percent of valve plug travel, and then flattens out noticeably to
indicate little increase in flow rate as travel approaches the wide open position. Control valves with quick –
opening flow characteristics are often used for ON /OFF applications. Flow rate must be established quickly
as the valves begin to open. Consequently, they are often used in relief valve applications. (Quick- opening
valves can also be selected for the many of the same applications for which linear flow characteristics are
recommended, since the quick opening characteristic is linear up to about 70 percent of maximum flow rate.
Linearity decreases sharply after flow area generated by valve plug travel equals flow area of port. For a
typical quick opening valve, such as that shown in figure, this occurs when valve plug travel equals one
fourth of port diameter).


1. On /Off, Linear and Equal Percentage Control valve

2. Motor Pump
3. Rotameter
4. Air regulator
5. Pressure Gauge


1. Switch ON the compressor and motor.

2. Close the hand valve HV1.
3. Open the hand valve HV2 & HV6 and close the hand valve HV3 and HV5 for the Selection of ON /
OFF control valve.
4. Adjust the air regulator to give 15psi (Be careful such that the pressure should not exceed above
5. Adjust the variable speed so that the Rota meter reading shows 1000 psi.
6. Note down the pressure developed in the gauge (eg. 2 PSI).
7. Set the pressure at 12 psi to the control valve by adjusting the Air regulator.

8. Vary the hand valve HV41, so that the pressure remains constant (eg.2 psi).
9. Note down the readings of stem movement & Rota meter (provided the pressure should be kept
constant by adjusting the hand valve HV4).
10. Repeat the step 7 and 8 and the readings are tabulated.
11. Draw a graph for the stem movement Vs flow rate.
12. Repeat the same procedure for Linear and Equal Percentage Valve.


Sl.No Stem Position (Divisions) Flow Rate (LPH)




The characteristics of ON/OFF, Linear and Equal Percentage control valves were studied and plotted in
the graph also the gain values calculated.

Expt: 3 a

To study the performance of ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in set point for a Level
control system
The VLPA-101-CE is truly versatile and highly reliable standard computer based level process
Controller. It is a self contained process and control equipment. The VLPA- 101-CE has
Miniature pump, level sensor for sensing and personal computer for controlling.
Level controller is a module for analyzing and controlling the Level of a process tank. Water can
be made to flow through the and Level at various flow rate from pump can be measured and
Pneumatic Control Valve
Source-RK valve ltd
Type-Globe valve
Flow rate-(500/1000 ) Litre / hour
Trim mat-SS - 316
characteristics-Equal %Spring range-(0-2.1) Kg/mm
Valve action-Air to open
End connection-½" screwed.
Body material-CS Body.
Level Transmitter
Type-Dual RF capacitance
Source-switzer instruments pvt Ltd
Input Range-(0-300) mm
Measuring Range-(0-250) mm
Output Range-(4-20)mA / 2-wire system
Electro-pneumatic converter

Pneumatic Input air-20 psi constant
Current signal-(4-20) mA at 24VDC
Output pneumatic -(3-15) psi
Source-UP National ltd
Model-Tullu 80
Voltage-230 VAC/ DC, 50Hz
Discharge-800 lph
Process tank
Sourc-Vi Microsystems Pvt. Ltd.,
Capacity-2 liters
Body material-Acrylic
Dimension-290 × 100 mm
Reservoir TankSource-Vi microsystems Pvt. Ltd.,
Capacity-7 liters
Body-MS with fibre coating
DC power supplyInput-230 VAC / 50Hz
Output-24 VDC / 1A
Air RegulatorSource-Placka instruments
Input range-10.6 Kg / cm2
Output range-2.1 Kg / cm2
Special feature-Air regulator cum filter

The level process controller is used to perform the control action of level process and study the
characteristics of I/P converter. The RF capacitance level transmitter is used to measure the level of the
process tank.

In level control action, a pump sucks the water from reservoir and gives it to control valve. Every internal
transaction is in voltage. Here, IBM- PC acts as error detector and controller. According to the error signal,
corresponding control signal is given to the I/P converter. It controls the flow of the fluid in pipeline by
varying stem position of the control valve. For maintaining the level of the process tank, flow is
manipulated; level signal is given to the Data acquisition card. By pass line is provided to avoid the pump

From this controller we can also study the characteristics of level transmitter, I/P converter, control valve
and justify the various control action on the process.

1. Air Pressure regulator input should be more than 25 psi and maintain the air regulator output pressure
(G1) to 20 psi by varying the air regulator knob, which supplies a constant pneumatic input to the electro-
pneumatic converter.

2. Keep hand valve HV1, HV2 partially open.

3. Invoke “Level process control” software in PC

4. Select “control >> ON-OFF /P/PI/PD/PID”

5. Select “settings >> parameters” and enter values for each parameters ( ie KP, KI, KD )

6. Switch ON the pump and run the pump with desired speed by using variable speed control knob.

7. For getting a desired response, tune the process parameter to optimum values.

8. Now, study the response of ON-OFF/P/PI/PD/PID control action for the given step input.

PV - Test point for 2 wire level transmitter input (4 - 20mA).
CO - Test point for the I/P converter input (4 - 20mA).
G1 - It is used to indicating the output pressure of air regulator.
G2 - To indicate the I/P converter output.

Block diagram

Control valve


1. Quart Crystal R.F. source to provide stable and accurate level signal.

2. 4-20 mA output signal with internal indicating LED, intensity varying with level.

3. 24V DC Current loop for power source and signal transmission (2-wire system)

4. Input voltage 14 to 40 V DC at transmitter terminals.

5. Intrinsically safe when used with an approved barrier.

6. 230V AC option for 4-wire applications.

7. Zero - maximum 2000 picofarads (pf)

8. Minimum space 100 pf and Maximum span 6000 pf.

9. +1% repeatability.

10. Optional remote mounted transmitter electronics to facilitate easy calibration maximum

distance of separation 15 meters. The two units are inter connected by specially designed

shielded cable.

11.Integral metering points to measure 4 - 20mA loop current without disconnecting the


12.Wide range of sensing probe selection.


Sl. Time LEVEL
No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)



The performance of ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in set point for a Level control
system was studied and the performance was shown in graphs.



To study of performance of ON/OFF P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in load for a Level control


The level process controller is used to perform the control action of level process and study the
characteristics of I/P converter. The RF capacitance level transmitter is used to measure the level of the
process tank.

In level control action, a pump sucks the water from reservoir and gives it to control valve. Every internal
transaction are in voltage. Here, IBM- PC acts as error detector and controller. According to the error signal,
corresponding control signal is given to the I/P converter. It controls the flow of the fluid in pipeline by
varying stem position of the control valve. For maintaining the level of the process tank, flow is
manipulated level signal is given to the Data acquisition card. By pass line is provided to avoid the pump

From this controller also study the characteristics of level transmitter, I/P converter, control valve and
justify the various control action on the process.

1. Air Pressure regulator input should be more than 25 psi and maintain the air regulator output pressure
(G1) to 20 psi by varying the air regulator knob, which supplies a constant pneumatic input to the electro-
pneumatic converter.

2. Keep hand valve HV1, HV2 partially open.

3. Invoke “Level process control” software in PC

4. Select “control >> ON-OFF /P/PI/PD/PID”

5. Select “settings >> parameters” and enter values for each parameters ( ie KP, KI, KD )

6. Switch ON the pump and run the pump with desired speed by using variable speed control knob.

7. For getting a desired response, tune the process parameter to optimum values.

8. Now, study the response of ON-OFF/P/PI/PD/PID control action for a step change in load variable.

PV - Test point for 2 wire level transmitter input (4 - 20mA).
CO - Test point for the I/P converter input (4 - 20mA).
G1 - It is used to indicating the output pressure of air regulator.
G2 - To indicate the I/P converter output.


Sl. No. Time LEVEL

(Seconds) (cm)



The performance of ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in load variable for a Level control
system was studied and the performance was shown in graphs.


To study the Characteristics of Level Transmitter


Capacitance level transmitters are designed to measure the level of either liquids or dry bulk process
medium. The simplest capacitor or condenser consists of two parallel metal plates separated by a dielectric
or insulating material. The capacitance of this parallel plate capacitor is given by:

where ε0 is the permittivity of free space (vacuum) of magnitude 8.85 pF m-1, 0r is the relative permittivity
or dielectric constant of the insulating material, ‘A’ m2 is the area of overlap of the plates and ‘d’ meter their
separation. C can be changed by changing either d, A or ε.


1. Interfacing connection should be given as per figure..

2. Maintain the gauge (G1) pressure at 20 psi by using air regulator knob.
3. Switch ON the VLPA-101-CE and Data acquisition card unit.
4. Invoke ‘Level process control’ software.
5. Select “control >> manual mode” and enter a controller output of 100%.There by achieving control
valve fully open.
6. Switch ON the water circulating Pump and fully close the process tank outlet valve (HV2) and
partially open HV1.
7. The process tank level increases gradually. Note down the current reading for every 5 cm rise in
water level.
8. Switch OFF the pump.
9. Now, open the hand valve HV2. The process tank level will decrease corresponding current reading
also recorded.
10. Plot the graph between the process tank level (cm) along x-axis & Level Transmitter current output
(mA) along y axis respectively.


Sl.No Process Level

Tank Transmitter
Level Current
(cm) Output


Characteristics of level transmitter was studied and plotted in the graph


To study the Characteristics of Current-to-Pressure Converter (I/P) in the Level Controller.

The current-to-pressure converter, or simply I/P converter, is a very important element in process control.
Often, when we want to use the lo-level electric current signal to do work, it is much easier to let the work
be done by a pneumatic signal. The I/P converter gives us a linear way of translating the 4-20mA current
into a 3-15psig signal. There are many designs for these converters, but the basic principle almost always
involves the use of nozzle-flapper. Notice that the current through a coil produces a force that will tend to
pull the flapper down and close off the gap.

A high current produces a high pressure so that the device is direct acting. Adjustment of the springs and
perhaps the position relative to the pivot to which they are attached allows the unit to be calibrated so that
4mA corresponds to 15psig. These are the hard ware components of the control loops that implement the
control action. They receive the output of a controller (actuating signal) and adjust accordingly the value of
the manipulated variable.


1. Electrical connections should be given as per figure.

2. Maintain the gauge (G1) pressure at 20 psi by using air regulator knob.
3. Invoke “level process control” software.
4. Select “control >> manual mode” and enter a controller output of 100% there by achieving a control fully
5. Note down the current reading in mA. Plot graph between current input along x-axis vs pressure output
along y-axis.


Sl.No Current Pressure

Output Output
(mA) (Psi)


Characteristics of I/P was studied and plotted in the graph.

To study the Characteristics of Final Control Element (Pneumatic Control Valve) in the Level Controller

The most common final control element is the pneumatic valve. This is an air-operated valve which controls
the flow through an orifice by positioning approximately a plug. The plug is attached at the end of a stem
which is supported on a diaphragm at the other end. As the air pressure (controller output) above the
diaphragm increase, the plug moves down and consequently the plug restricts the flow through the orifice.
Such a valve is known as an “air-to-close” valve. If the air supply above the diaphragm is lost, the valve will
“fail open” since the spring would push the stem and the plug upward. There are pneumatic valves with
opposite actions,(i.e. “air-to open” which “fail closed”)

The most commercial valves move from fully closed as the air pressure at the top of the diaphragm changes
from 3 to 15pisg. The mathematical model that describes the dynamic behavior of a pneumatic control
valve. This was shown to be of second-order. But the response to changes, of most small or medium-size
valves, is so fast that the dynamics can be neglected. In such a case only a constant gain term will remain
which relates the output from the controller (air pressure signal) to the fluid flow through the valve.

1. Maintain the gauge (G1) pressure at 20 psi by using air regulator knob.
2. Switch ON the VLPA-101-CE unit and Data acquisition card unit.
3. Invoke “Level Process Control” Software.
4. Select “control >> manual mode” and enter a controller output of 100% there by achieving control
valve fully open.
5. The pneumatic output of I/P converter is given as a pneumatic input to the valve.
6. Gradually decrease the controller power in step of 25% and note down pressure gauge readings and
stem movement in %
7. Plot the graph between pressure gauge reading G2 along x-axis VS pneumatic control valve stem
movement reading is (%) along y axis.


Sl.No Controller Pressure Input Pneumatic

Output Psi Valve Stem


The characteristics of the pneumatic control valve as studied.



To study the performance of ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in set point for a flow
control system
The VFPA- 201CE is truly versatile and highly reliable standard computer based Flow process
Controller. It has a self contained process and control equipment. The VFPA- 201CE has
miniature pump, Flow sensor for sensing and personal computer for controlling.
Flow controller is a module for analysing and controlling the flow through pipe line. Water is
made to flow through the pipe line from pump and can be measured and controlled.
Pneumatic Control Valve
*Source-RK valve ltd
*Type-Globe valve
*Flow rate-(500/1000 ) Litre / hour
*Trim mat-SS - 316
*Characteristics-Equal %
*Spring range-(0-2.1) Kg/mm
*Valve action-Air to open
*End connection-½" screwed.
*Body material-CS Body.DPT
*Built-in-Sensor-Piezo-electric with :C based
*Input-(0-6500)mm H20
*Output-(4-20) mA at 24Vdc / 2wire system.
Orifice Plate
*Source-Vi Microsystems Pvt. Ltd
*Material -SS - 316

*Diameter-3.5mm (4mm)
*Up-stream distance-25 ×D
*Downstream distance-5 ×D
VFPA - 201CE
Vi M icrosystem s Pvt. Ltd., [2]
Electro-pneumatic converter
*Pneumatic Input air-20 psi constant
Current signal-(4-20) mA at 24VDC
Pneumatic output -(3-15) psi Signal Rotameter
*Make-Tele line
*Range-50 - 500 lph
End connection-1/4 “BSP (F) Thread.
*Body material-Acerlic
*Float material-SS - 316
Air Regulator
*Source-Placka Instruments
Input range-10.6 Kg / cm2
*Output range-2.1 Kg / cm2
*Special feature-Air regulator cum filter
Pressure gauge
*Make -Shreeji Ltd.
*Range-0-30 psi
*Mounting -Panel
*Type- Bourdon tube Reservoir Tank
*Source-Vi microsystems Pvt. Ltd.,
*Capacity-7 liters
*Body-MS with fibre coatingPump

*Source-UP National ltd
*Model-Tullu 80
*Voltage-230 VAC/ DC, 50Hz
*Discharge-800 lph
DC Power supply
*Input-230 VAC / 50Hz
*Output-24 VDC / 1A

The measurement and control of flow can be said to be the very heart of process industries. Continuously
operating manufacturing processes involve the movement of raw materials, products, and waste throughout
the process.
Flow process controller is used to perform the control action on Flow process. In this unit flow is the
process variable and is sensed and given to controller. A Differential Pressure Transmitters used to measure
the Flow of the fluid through orifice plate. In this unit, pump sucks the water from reservoir tank and gives it
to control valve. Every internal transaction is in voltage. Here, PC acts as error detector and controller.
According to the error signal, computer develops a control signal. This control signal is given to I/P
Converter which operates the control valve. Control valve acts here as final control element which controls
the flow of the fluid in pipeline by varying stem position of the control valve. Flow is the manipulated level
signal here and is given to the Data acquisition card. By pass liens provided to avoid the pump overloading.
Data Acquisition card has ADC and DAC, so that it acts an effective link between the process and the


1. Ensure the availability of Air & Water.

2. Interface the PC with process and Data Acquisition card.
3. Maintain Gauge (G1) pressure at 20 PSI by using air regulator knob.
4. Position the Hand valve HV1 in slightly open position.
5. Patch CO & PV terminals through Patch chords.
6. Switch ON the unit and Data Acquisition card with PC.
7. Invoke Process Control Software.
8. Select “Flow << control << P/PI/PD/PID.
9. Switch on the pump and select desired speed of pump by varying speed control knob.
10. Enter the parameters and observe the responses of various controllers for a step change in set point.

G1 - It is used to indicate output pressure of air regulator.
G2 - It is used to indicate the I/P converter output.
PV - Test points for flow transmitter output (4 - 20mA).
CO - Test points for Controller output (4 - 20mA).

Block diagram

Sl. No. Time (Seconds) Flow (LPH) Flow


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)



The performance of P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in set point for a flow control system was
studied and the performance was shown in graphs.

To study of performance of Differential pressure transmitter in the flow control system
Differential pressure transmitter is works on the principle of force balance. DPT is used to measure the
differential pressure (gauge pressure or absolute pressure). The output in terms of 4 - 20mA DC and it can
be transmitted by a lead to other devices of controller. Differential pressure transmitter have primary sensor
of diaphragm and secondary transducers of piezo electric sensor primary and secondary a capture type and
piezo electrode sensor is a quartz crystal type as shown in figure. Capsule type of diaphragm is kept inside
of the transmitter. Diaphragm movement depends upon the pressure difference between the terminals. The
variation is allowed to strike one face of the crystal material, the crystal produce electrical energy by the
principle of piezo electric effect. This output can be conditioned by using microcontroller based calibration

1. Ensure the availability of Air & Water.
2. Interface the PC with process and Data Acquisition card.
3. Maintain Gauge (G1) pressure at 20 PSI by using air regulator knob.
4. Patch CO terminals through Patch chord.
5. Connect multimeter (in current 200 mA mode) to the PV test points.
6. Position the hand valve HV1 slightly open.
7. Switch ON VFPA-201CE unit and Data Acquisition card with PC.
8. Invoke the process control software.
9. Select “Flow/control >> manual mode” and enter a controller output of 100%.
10. Switch ON the pump.
11. Gradually increase the flow (say in steps of 50 LPH) by varying the pump speed, and note down the
current readings.
12. Switch OFF the Pump.
13. Draw the graph between flow Vs output current and conclude the behaviour of the DPT.


Sl.No Process Level

Tank Transmitter
Level Current
(cm) Output (mA)


Thus the characteristics of the Differential pressure transmitter were studied.


To study the Characteristics of Current-to-Pressure Converter (I/P) in the Flow Controller.

The current-to-pressure converter, or simply I/P converter, is a very important element in process control.
Often, when we want to use the lo-level electric current signal to do work, it is much easier to let the work
be done by a pneumatic signal. The I/P converter gives us a linear way of translating the 4-20mA current
into a 3-15psig signal. There are many designs for these converters, but the basic principle almost always
involves the use of nozzle-flapper. Notice that the current through a coil produces a force that will tend to
pull the flapper down and close off the gap.

A high current produces a high pressure so that the device is direct acting. Adjustment of the springs and
perhaps the position relative to the pivot to which they are attached allows the unit to be calibrated so that
4mA corresponds to 15psig. These are the hard ware components of the control loops that implement the
control action. They receive the output of a controller (actuating signal) and adjust accordingly the value of
the manipulated variable.


1. Electrical connections should be given as per the figure shown.

2. Maintain the gauge (G1) pressure at 20 psi by using air regulator knob.
3. Invoke “level process control” software.
4. Select “control >> manual mode” and enter a controller output of 100% there by achieve a control fully
5. Note down the current reading in mA. Plot graph between current input along x-axis vs pressure output
along y-axis.


Sl.No Current Output (mA) Pressure Output (Psi)


Characteristics of I/P was studied and plotted in the graph.

To study the Characteristics of Final Control Element (Pneumatic Control Valve) in the Flow Controller

The most common final control element is the pneumatic valve. This is an air-operated valve which controls
the flow through an orifice by positioning approximately a plug. The plug is attached at the end of a stem
which is supported on a diaphragm at the other end. As the air pressure (controller output) above the
diaphragm increase, the plug moves down and consequently the plug restricts the flow through the orifice.
Such a valve is known is an “air-to-close” valve. If the air supply above the diaphragm is lost, the valve will
“fail open” since the spring would push the stem and the plug upward. There are pneumatic valves with
opposite actions,(i.e. “air-to open” which “fail closed”)

The most commercial valves move from fully closed as the air pressure at the top of the diaphragm changes
from 3 to 15pisg. The mathematical model that describes the dynamic behavior of a pneumatic control
valve. This was shown to be of second-order. But the change response to changes, of most small or
medium-size valves, is so fast that the dynamics can be neglected. In such a case only a constant gain term
will remain which relates the output from the controller (air pressure signal) to the fluid flow through the


1. Ensure the availability of Air & Water.

2. Interface the PC with process and Data Acquisition card.
3. Maintain Gauge (G1) pressure at 20 PSI by using air regulator knob.
4. Patch PV terminals through Patch chord.
5. Connect multimeter (in current 200 mA mode) to the CO test points.
6. Switch ON Data Acquisition card and PC.
7. Invoke process control software.
8. Select “control >> manual mode.
9. Gradually vary the controller output from 0 to 100% and note down the current reading and pressure
reading (G2) and stem movement (%).
10. Tabulate the readings and draw the graph between current in mA Vs pressure in PSI.
11. Similarly, draw the graph between pressure (G2) (PSI) Vs stem movement (%).
12. Conclude the behaviour of Current to Pressure Converter and Control Valve.


Sl.No Controller Pressure Pneumatic

Output Input Psi Valve Stem


The characteristics of the pneumatic control valve as studied.

Expt: 5a

To study the performance of ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in set point for the
Pressure control system


The VPPA- 401CE is truly versatile and highly reliable standard computer based Pressure process
Controller. It has a self contained process and control equipment. The VPPA- 401CE has a
piezo electric pressure sensor for sensing and personal computer for controlling the process.
Pressure process controller is a module for analysing and controlling the pressure in the process
Pressure Transmitter*
Make-Keller / Jupiter
*Range-(0 - 5) bar
*Sensor-Piezo Electric type
*Connection-1/4" BSP male thread
*Type-Two wire transmitter
*Output-(4 - 20) mA
*Operating Temperature-- 25° C - + 80°C
Air Regulator
*Source-Placka Instruments
*Input range-10.6 Kg / cm2
*Output range-2.1 Kg / cm2
*Special feature-Air regulator cum filter
Electro-pneumatic converter
*Pneumatic Input air-20 psi constant
*Current signal-(4-20) mA at 24VDC
*Pneumatic output -(3-15) psi Signal

VPPA - 401CE
Vi M icrosystem s Pvt. Ltd.,
Pneumatic Control Valve

*Source-RK valve ltd

*Type-Globe valve
*Flow rate-(500/1000 ) Litre / hour
*Trim mat-SS - 316
*Characteristics-Equal %
*Spring range-(0-2.1) Kg/mm
*Valve action-Air to open
*End connection-½" screwed.
*Body material-CS Body.Pressure gauge
*Make -Shreeji Ltd.
*Range-0-30 psi
*Mounting -Panel
*Type- Bourdon tube Process Tank
*Source-Vi microsystems Pvt. Ltd.,
*Capacity-2 liters
*Accessories-Relief valve cum air muffler DC Power supply
*Input-230 VAC / 50Hz
*Output-24 VDC / 1A

Pressure process controller is used to perform the control action on pressure process. In this unit pressure is
the process variable and is sensed and given to controller. A Piezo electric pressure transmitter is used to
measure and transmit the pressure developed in the process tank. In this unit, pressure is developed from a
compressor and is given to the unit. Every internal transaction is in voltage. Here, PC acts as error detector
and controller. According to the error signal, computer develops a control signal. This control signal is
given to I/P Converter which operates the control valve. Control valve acts here as final control element
which controls the pressure inside the process tank by varying its plug opening according to the controller
output. Data Acquisition card has ADC and DAC, so that it acts an effective link between the process and
the controller. Relief valve is being used for safety purpose by which excess pressure developed in the
process tank can be removed.

A pneumatic amplifier, also called a booster or relay, raises the pressure and/or air flow volume by some
linearly proportional amount from the input signal. Thus, if the booster has a pressure gain of 10, the output
would be 30-150 psi for an input of 3-15psi.This is accomplished via a regulator that is activated by the
control signal. A schematic diagram of one type of pressure booster is shown in above figure. As the signal
pressure varies, the diaphragm motion will move the plug in the body block of the booster. If motion is
down, the gas leak is reduced and pressure in the output line is increased. The devices shown in reverse
acting because a high-signal pressure will cause output pressure to decrease.

Nozzle / Flapper System

A very important signal conversion is from pressure to mechanical motion and vice versa. This conversion
can be provided by a nozzle/flapper system (sometimes called a nozzle /baffle system). A regulated supply
of pressure, usually over 20psig, provides a source of air through the restriction. The nozzle is open at the
end where the gap exists between the nozzle and flapper and air escapes in this region. If the flapper moves
down and closes off the nozzle opening so that no air leaks, if the signal pressure will rise to the supply

As the flapper moves away, the signal pressure will drop because of the leaking gas. Finally when the
flapper moves away, the pressure will stabilize at some value determined by the maximum leak through the
nozzle .Figure shows the relationship between signal pressure and gap distance. Note the great sensitivity in
the central region. A nozzle /flapper is the designed to operate in the central region where the slope of the
line is greatest. In this region, the response will be such that a very small motion of the flapper can change
the pressure by an order of magnitude.

1. Ensure the availability of Air.
2. Interface the PC with process and Data Acquisition card.
3. Maintain Gauge (G1) pressure at 20 PSI by using air regulator knob.
4. Position the Hand valve HV1 in slightly open position.
5. Patch CO & PV terminals using Patch chords.
6. Switch ON the unit and Data Acquisition card with PC.
7. Invoke Process Control Software.
8. Select “Pressure<< control << ON-OFF/P/PI/PD/PID”.

9. Enter the parameters and observe the responses of various controllers for a step change in set point.

Block diagram


Sl. Time LEVEL
No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)



The performance of ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in set point for the pressure control
system was studied and the performance was shown in graphs.

To study the performance of ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in load variable for the
Pressure control system

Pressure process controller is used to perform the control action on pressure process. In this unit pressure is
the process variable and is sensed and given to controller. A Piezo electric pressure transmitter is used to
measure and transmit the pressure developed in the process tank. In this unit, pressure is developed from a
compressor and is given to the unit. Every internal transaction is in voltage. Here, PC acts as error detector
and controller. According to the error signal, computer develops a control signal. This control signal is
given to I/P Converter which operates the control valve. Control valve acts here as final control element
which controls the pressure inside the process tank by varying its plug opening according to the controller
output. Data Acquisition card has ADC and DAC, so that it acts an effective link between the process and
the controller. Relief valve is being used for safety purpose by which excess pressure developed in the
process tank can be removed.

A pneumatic amplifier, also called a booster or relay, raises the pressure and/or air flow volume by some
linearly proportional amount from the input signal. Thus, if the booster has a pressure gain of 10, the output
would be 30-150 psi for an input of 3-15psi.This is accomplished via a regulator that is activated by the
control signal. A schematic diagram of one type of pressure booster is shown in above figure. As the signal
pressure varies, the diaphragm motion will move the plug in the body block of the booster. If motion is
down, the gas leak is reduced and pressure in the output line is increased. The device shown in reverse
acting because a high-signal pressure will cause output pressure to decrease.

Nozzle / Flapper System

A very important signal conversion is from pressure to mechanical motion and vice versa. This conversion
can be provided by a nozzle/flapper system (sometimes called a nozzle /baffle system). A regulated supply
of pressure, usually over 20psig, provides a source of air through the restriction. The nozzle is open at the
end where the gap exists between the nozzle and flapper and air escapes in this region. If the flapper moves
down and closes off the nozzle opening so that no air leaks, if the signal pressure will rise to the supply

As the flapper moves away, the signal pressure will drop because of the leaking gas. Finally when the
flapper moves away, the pressure will stabilize at some value determined by the maximum leak through the
nozzle .Figure shows the relationship between signal pressure and gap distance. Note the great sensitivity in
the central region. A nozzle /flapper is the designed to operate in the central region where the slope of the
line is greatest. In this region, the response will be such that a very small motion of the flapper can change
the pressure by an order of magnitude.

1. Ensure the availability of Air.
2. Interface the PC with process and Data Acquisition card.
3. Maintain Gauge (G1) pressure at 20 PSI by using air regulator knob.
4. Position the Hand valve HV1 in slightly open position.
5. Patch CO & PV terminals using Patch chords.
6. Switch ON the unit and Data Acquisition card with PC.
7. Invoke Process Control Software.
8. Select “Pressure<< control << ON-OFF/P/PI/PD/PID”.
9. Enter the parameters and observe the responses of various controllers for a step change in load

Sl.No Time (sec) Pressure (Kg/cm2)



The performance of ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in load variable for the pressure
control system was studied and the performance was shown in graphs.

To study the performance of Piezo-Electric pressure transmitter in the pressure control system
The piezo-electric effect can be made to respond to (or cause) mechanical deformations of the material in
many different modes. The modes can be: thickness expansion, transverse expansion, thickness shear and
face shear. The mode of motion affected depends on the shape of the body relative to the crystal axis and
location of the electrodes. A piezo-electric used for converting mechanical motion to electrical signals may
be thought as charge generator and a capacitor. Mechanical deformation generates a charge and this charge
appears as a voltage across the electrodes. The voltage is E = C/Q. The piezo-electric effect is direction
sensitive. A tensile force produces a voltage of one polarity while a compressive force produces a voltage of
opposite polarity.

1. Ensure the availability of Air.
2. Interface the PC with the unit and Data Acquisition card.
3. Maintain Gauge (G1) pressure at 20 PSI by using air regulator knob.
4. Patch CO terminals using Patch chord.
5. Connect multimeter ( in current 200 mA mode) to the PV test points.
6. Close the hand valve HV1 fully.
7. Switch ON the unit with Data Acquisition card with PC.
8. Invoke the process control software.
9. Select “Pressure << Control << manual mode”
10. Enter 100% controller output and allows the pressure to reach maximum value (say 75 psig)
11. Enter 0% controller output.
12. Now slightly open HV1 and close it, so as to set a new pressure value (say 70 Psig)

Sl.No Pressure Current
(psi) Output


Thus the characteristics of the Piezo-Electric pressure transmitter were studied.


To study the Characteristics of Current-to-Pressure Converter (I/P) in the Pressure Controller.

The current-to-pressure converter, or simply I/P converter, is a very important element in process control.
Often, when we want to use the lo-level electric current signal to do work, it is much easier to let the work
be done by a pneumatic signal. The I/P converter gives us a linear way of translating the 4-20mA current
into a 3-15psig signal. There are many designs for these converters, but the basic principle almost always
involves the use of nozzle-flapper. Notice that the current through a coil produces a force that will tend to
pull the flapper down and close off the gap.

A high current produces a high pressure so that the device is direct acting. Adjustment of the springs and
perhaps the position relative to the pivot to which they are attached allows the unit to be calibrated so that
4mA corresponds to 15psig. These are the hard ware components of the control loops that implement the
control action. They receive the output of a controller (actuating signal) and adjust accordingly the value of
the manipulated variable.


1. Electrical connections should be given as per the figure shown.

2. Maintain the gauge (G1) pressure at 20 psi by using air regulator knob.
3. Invoke “level process control” software.
4. Select “control >> manual mode” and enter a controller output of 100% there by achieve a control fully
5. Note down the current reading in mA. Plot graph between current input along x-axis vs pressure output
along y-axis.


Sl.No Current Output (mA) Pressure Output (Psi)


Characteristics of I/P was studied and plotted in the graph.

To study the Characteristics of Final Control Element (Pneumatic Control Valve) in the Pressure Controller

The most common final control element is the pneumatic valve. This is an air-operated valve which controls
the flow through an orifice by positioning approximately a plug. The plug is attached at the end of a stem
which is supported on a diaphragm at the other end. As the air pressure (controller output) above the
diaphragm increase, the plug moves down and consequently the plug restricts the flow through the orifice.
Such a valve is known is an “air-to-close” valve. If the air supply above the diaphragm is lost, the valve will
“fail open” since the spring would push the stem and the plug upward. There are pneumatic valves with
opposite actions,(i.e. “air-to open” which “fail closed”)

The most commercial valves move from fully closed as the air pressure at the top of the diaphragm changes
from 3 to 15pisg. The mathematical model that describes the dynamic behavior of a pneumatic control
valve. This was shown to be of second-order. But the change response to changes, of most small or
medium-size valves, is so fast that the dynamics can be neglected. In such a case only a constant gain term
will remain which relates the output from the controller (air pressure signal) to the fluid flow through the


1. Ensure the availability of Air & Water.

2. Interface the PC with process and Data Acquisition card.
3. Maintain Gauge (G1) pressure at 20 PSI by using air regulator knob.
4. Patch PV terminals through Patch chord.
5. Connect multimeter (in current 200 mA mode) to the CO test points.
6. Switch ON Data Acquisition card and PC.
7. Invoke process control software.
8. Select “control >> manual mode.
9. Gradually vary the controller output from 0 to 100% and note down the current reading and pressure
reading (G2) and stem movement (%).
10. Tabulate the readings and draw the graph between current in mA Vs pressure in PSI.
11. Similarly, draw the graph between pressure (G2) (PSI) Vs stem movement (%).
12. Conclude the behaviour of Current to Pressure Converter and Control Valve.


Sl.No Controller Pressure Input Pneumatic

Output Psi Valve Stem


The characteristics of the pneumatic control valve were studied.

Expt: 6a

To study the performance of ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in set point for the
Temperature control system

The VTPA-W-321CE is truly versatile and highly reliable standard computer based Temperature
process Controller. It has a self contained process and control equipment. The VTPA-W- 321
CE has miniature pump, RTD sensor for sensing and personal computer for controlling.
Temperature controller is a module for analysing and controlling the temperature of the water
bath. From the pump, water is made to flow through the process via the over head tank and
rotameter and can be measured and controlled.


RTD Sensor
*Length-60 mm
*Tube material-SS 316RTD Transmitter
*Source- Vi microsystems Pvt. Ltd.,
*Type-Pt 100 (3 wire)
*Temp Range-0-100°C
*Output-4-20 mA DC
*Supply-24V DCRotameter
*Range-10-100 LPH
*Body -Acerlic
*End connection-1/4 BSPSCR Unit
*Source-Vi microsystems Pvt. Ltd.,
*Input-220V AC
*Control Input-0-5V @ +24V Max
*Output-0 to 230V AC Amp max.


Vi M icrosystem s Pvt. Ltd.,
Multi Output DC Power Supply
*Input-230V AC / 50 Hz
*Output-+24V DC : 2A+5V DC : 2A+12V DC : 750 mA-12V DC : 750 mAPump
*Model-TUF 3
*RPM-4500 rpm
*Capacity-0-500 LPH
*Operating Supply range -0-230V ACHeater
*Make-Marrk Instrument

*Power-3 Kw
*Voltage-230V AC 50HzLevel switch
*Float material-Poly propylene
*Switching volt-230V AC
*Max. Pressure-4Kg/cm2 Reservoir Tank
*Source-Vi microsystems Pvt. Ltd.,
*Capacity-20 liters
*Body-MS with corrosion free fibre coating

Temperature process controller is used to perform the control action on temperature process. In this unit,
temperature is the process variable. A Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD) sensor is being used to
measure the temperature of the process and is transmitted by RTD transmitter. In this unit, water is stored up
in the over head tank by pumping water from reservoir tank through pump. Water from over head tank is
allowed to heater through a rotameter. Rotameter is being provided for giving disturbance to the process and
for operational safety of the heater. For conducting experiment flow rate in minimum value (say 30Lph). In
the outlet of heater, an RTD is provided for sensing the temperature and is transmitted by RTD transmitter.
Every internal transaction is in voltage. Here PC acts as error detector and controller. According to the error
signal, computer develops a control signal. This control signal is given to the Silicon control rectifier (SCR)
power driver circuit by which firing angle varies. Accordingly, the supply delivered to heater varies and thus
the process gets controlled. Data acquisition card has the ADC and DAC so that it acts as an effective link
between the process and controller.


1. Ensure the availability of water.

2. Interface the PC with the Unit and Data Acquisition card.
3. Connect the pump plug and Heater plug to the respective sockets provided at the back panel
4. Connect the sensor terminals and level switch terminals to the respective connectors provided at the
back panel.
5. Keep the switch ‘S2' in left position (towards 1)
6. Patch R1-R2, A1-A2, B1-B2, using patch chords.
7. Switch on the unit with PC and Data Acquisition card.
8. Switch on the pump.
9. Set rotameter at some minimum flow rate (say 40Lph).
10. Select “Temperature << control << ON/OFF/P/PI/PD/PID”.
11. Switch ON the heater.
12. Enter desired parameters and observe the response for a step change in set point.
13. Switch OFF the heater and pump.


Sl. Time LEVEL
No. (Seconds) (cm)

Sl. Time LEVEL
No. (Seconds) (cm)

Sl. Time LEVEL
No. (Seconds) (cm)

Sl. Time LEVEL
No. (Seconds) (cm)


Sl. Time LEVEL

No. (Seconds) (cm)

Sl. Time LEVEL
No. (Seconds) (cm)


The performance of ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PID controllers for step change in set point for the Temperature
control system was studied and the performance was shown in graphs.

To study the performance of Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD) in the Temperature control system


RTD works on the principle that electrical resistance of the most metals changes linearly with temperature.
If a metal wire has a temperature R0 at 0°C, then the resistance at T°C will be given by:
Rt = R0 (1 + αT )
The constant α is called the temperature coefficient of resistance. Typical values are:
Platinum 0.0039
Copper 0.0043
Nickel 0.0068

A temperature transducer using the above principle is called Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD).
These are simple to use, requiring no special wiring, are highly stable and very sensitive. RTD's commonly
use Platinum, nickel and copper to form the sensor, although iron, tungsten and alloys can be used.

1. Ensure the availability of water.
2. Interface the PC with the Unit and Data Acquisition card.
3. Connect the pump plug and Heater plug to the respective sockets provided at the back panel
4. Connect the sensor terminals and level switch terminals to the respective connectors provided at the
back panel.
5. Keep the switch ‘S2' in the right position (towards 2).
6. Connect the multimeter in resistance mode to the R1-R2 terminals.
7. Patch A1-A2 & B1-B2 using patch chords.
8. Switch on the unit.
9. Switch on the Pump.
10. Set the rotameter at some minimum flow rate (say 40Lph) by adjusting hand valve.
11. Switch on the heater.
12. Note down the resistance for different temperatures and tabulate.
13. Plot the graph between temperature Vs Resistance.
14. Switch OFF the heater and pump.

Sl.No Temperature (°C) Resistance (Ω)



The performance of Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD) was studied and the graph was plotted.


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