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Malubay, Vera Mae R.

1A BSMT 07-19-19

“ Inside Out Character Analysis”

Riley Andersen- is the main character of the story, who loves hockey

Joy- is responsible for making riley happy. Her yellow and blue design radiates happiness and optimism,
as these colors are associated with.

Sadness- takes over in situations of disappointment and emotional pain. Her blue appearance/design is
related to sadness or depression. She also wears a gray sweater that is thick/heavy which is similar to
what we feel when we are sad.

Fear- takes over when Riley experiences terrifying, unexpected, or unfamiliar situations. Fear can
manifest in screaming or anxiety. Fear has a purple appearance which represents negativity
accompanied with his typical nerdy outfit to represent weakness and timidness.

Anger- angers’ main job is to make sure things are fair for Riley, He is quick to react and tends to

Disgust-Disgust is avoidant and judgmental of new situations, disgust is also opinionated and prevents
riley from getting into toxic situations both physically and socially.

Bing Bong - Riley's imaginary friend that exists within her mind. He was created by her when she was
three. As a result, he is somewhat naive in both his appearance and personality.

Cool Girl is one of the students at Riley's new school. She has dark hair partly dyed in blue and wears
makeup. Disgust, in particular, is very envious of her.

The Dream Director - One of the residents of Dream Productions, her job is to direct the live shooting of
dreams every night.

Forgetters Paula and Bobby- As Forgetters, the job of these Mind Workers is to go through the millions
of memories stored in Long Term Memory to identify the obsolete ones and dispose of them in the
Memory Dump.

Fritz - He is a blue-green Mind Worker with a mustache and no hair who installs an upgraded console,
which includes a large button labelled "PUBERTY", in Headquarters when Riley turns 12.

Gary is a bus driver for Transway Bus Lines who does the trip from San Francisco to Minnesota.

Jangles is an evil clown who lives in the mind of Riley Andersen. He is imprisoned in Subconscious, the
darkest part of her mind.

Meg She - grew up together and were best friends with Riley back in Minnesota. She played as forward
on the same hockey team as Riley.

Mind Worker Cop Jake - He is one of the two policemen investigating at Cloud Town in Imagination Land
about the disappearance of the husband of an inhabitant (he had been blown away by Bing Bong earlier
in the film)
Rainbow Unicorn - She lives in Riley's mind at Dream Productions, where she stars in Riley's dreams. She
was notably in a dream titled Fairy Dream Adventure Part 7. Joy is apparently a huge fan of her.

Riley's father - His main emotion seems to be Anger. He loves his wife and his daughter, but doesn't
always understand them very well.

Riley's mother - Her main emotion seems to be Sadness, as one of the main functions of Sadness is
healing or empathy.

Subconscious Guards Frank and Dave- They are two policemen-like Mind Workers who are in faction in
front of Subconscious' massive door. Frank has hair and no mustache while Dave is bald and has a

Teacher -She shares the memory of the Brazilian helicopter pilot with Riley's mom and is implied to be
dating him. Her emotions are dominated by Joy and share her afro, red headband and purple outfit. At
the end credits, she appears to be bored at the first days of school: even remembering the exact amount
of days until her next vacation.

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