Igcse Doubleaward Chem Ws Ch01

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Chapter 1: States of Matter

Solids liquids and gases

1. Use the words in the box to complete the gaps below. Use each word only once.

Missing words: contact, energy, gases, liquids, more, move, particles, space, vibrate

There are three states of matter: solids, liquids and_______. Solids have a regular
arrangement of particles with each particle in ____________with the others. The particles in
a solid do not move but they do_________. In _________ the particles are able to move and
slide over one another. The particles are still touching but as they have ______ energy they
are able to move around. In a gas the particles have lots of__________. This means that
they are able to _______ very quickly and so they are not touching other ___________. As
the particles in a gas move lots they take up a lot of_____.

Changing state
2. Draw a line from the description below to the correct name for the

Changing from a gas to a Freezing

Changing from a solid to a Melting
Changing from a solid to a Condensing
Changing from a gas to a Boiling
Changing from a liquid to a Sublimation
Changing from a liquid to a Deposition

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3. In the boxes below draw particle diagrams to show how a soluble solid would
diffuse from one corner of a container over time.

Start After five minutes After four hours

Solubility of solids

4. Look at the example below. For each one, decide which substance is the solute
and which is the solution.

Seawater Solute ______________ Solvent


Tea with sugar Solute ______________ Solvent


Fragrance dissolved in Solute ______________ Solvent

ethanol to make perfume

5. Using your knowledge of solutions explain why the following occur:

a. When a cup of sweet tea cools down sugar appears in the bottom of the cup.

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b. To make the sauce for instant noodle water must be boiling hot.

c. Seawater is much saltier in hotter areas of the planet.


Saturation curves

6. Use the data below to complete the graph and questions on the following page.

Temperature/ 10 20 30 40 50

Solubility/g Sodium 33 35 36 37 37
per 100g of chloride
water Copper(II) 27 32 37 44 55

a. At which temperature do both compounds display the same solubility?

b. Which compound shows the greatest change in solubility?
c. Using the graph predict the solubility of copper (II) sulfate at 25 0C.
d. How much sodium chloride would dissolve in 50g of water if it was at a
temperature of 150C?

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© Pearson Education Ltd 2018. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.

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