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The proposed Cashiering and Accounts Receivable and Payable System with Decision Support will allow to
see the financial position of the school, can deal in keeping records in times of fire and theft through back-up.
In times of auditing, there is no more hassle for it is updated, accurate and systematic. In addition, it can easily
manage customers’ payment transaction.

The use of technology in our modern world gives more convenience to the user and contributes a great help
such as speed and accuracy of every transactions, reduces time and effort.

The implementation of Cashiering and Accounts Receivable and Payable System with Decision Support will
give a great help not only for the cashiering section but also for the management. For it gives reports for the
current and presents income of the school. It can generates reports for the Accounts receivable and Payable of
the students.

Project Purpose and Description

Cashiering and Accounts Receivable and Payable System with Decision Support provides functions that
monitor student’s account payables, school’s account receivable and school income. This system also
integrates model-drive DSS, which emphasizes access to, and manipulation of statistical financial,
optimization or simulation model. Model-driven Decision Support System use data and parameters provided
by users to assist decision makers in analyzing situation; they are not necessarily data intensive.

Specifically, the system enables to manage financial obligations of the student. It enables to monitor the cash
flow from the payments of the students. It will help the management’s decision-making in terms of the
following: comparative analysis for the previous and current income gathered from the students. This can
make the management decide and take appropriate actions in order to implement solutions for the coming
years on how to effectively collect payments from the students.

Moreover, since this project uses model-driven, it enables to display graphical report s and information of the
current and previous collected amounts so that it would be to compare and analyze values and properly design


General the main objective of this study is to design, develop and implement the Cashiering and Accounts
Receivable and Payable System with Decision Support that will replace the manual process.

Specific objectives are the following:

 To speed-up, the cashiering services.

 Keep financial records in an efficient way and in one storage area.

 Generate financial statement easily.

 Automatically tallies amounts and provides reporting functions

 Back-up records and keep them in a safe place in case of fire and theft.

 Give financial status of the school and the income of the school acquired from the students.

 Identify the collectible accounts from the student.

DSS functions also aim to

 Auto generates graphical reports of the current and previous income of the school.

 Forecast yearly income of the school.

Scope and Deliimitation

Cashiering and Accounts Receivable and Payable System with Decision Support can provide:

 Establishment and maintenance of accountability for cash items.

 Accurate and timely recordkeeping of cash receipts to the general ledger.

 Procedures for receipting and storing cash.

 Accurate statement of accounts for parents.

 Financial position of the school in graphical form.

 Less time-consuming to access student files during payment period.

 Comparative reports of the current and previous income.

 Easiness of using and managing the accounts of the students.

 Protection to the confidentiality of the student’s account records.

The system cannot support in:

 Providing financial status of income report coming from the other sources of the school.

 Paying of account using check or credit cards.


Review of Related Literature

SATS e-Cashiering System

According to this site

December 23, 2013-11:00am

E Cashiering helps in automating the cashiering and reconciliation system at SATS. The automation is critical
to avoid losses due to misuse of claims procedures and minimize reconciliation related losses. There is a need
to improve the documentation process and to reduce the reliance on hand written customer collection
documents (such as Excess Baggage Forms / cargo payment collection documents). This calls to introduce a
server based POS (Point-of-Sale) system to cater for future ad-hoc collections such as functions, gatherings
and generic stations for various new customers on a flexible web based platform for SATS Group and
associate businesses (collectively "SATS") to which this platform will be developed for use.

The Cashiering System for SATS looks at the three main functionalities Collections, POS and Claims. The
above stated all the systems are manual in nature at present. SATS has operations in the four passenger
terminals; they have placed several cashiers who handle the daily claims and payments of cash. Currently, each
cashier would receive the claims and provide the receipts manually.

SATS aims to automate all these processes with the help of a centralized Cashiering System. The E Cashier
software would help in automating the cashiering and reconciliation system at SATS. There is a need to
improve the documentation process and to reduce the reliance on hand written customer collection documents
(such as Excess Baggage Forms / cargo payment collection documents).Also, automation would be critical to
avoid losses due to misappropriate of claims procedures and minimize any reconciliation related losses.
Introduce a server based POS (Point-of-Sale) system. To cater for adhoc collections for various new customers
on a flexible web based platform for SATS Group and associate businesses (collectively "SATS") to which
this platform will be developed for use.
Review of Related Study

Cashiering, California State University, Fresno

According to the authors Henry Mendoza, Chair Melinda Guzman, Vice Chair Margaret Fortune Steven M.
Glazer William Hauck Hsing Kung Linda Lang.(2009)

Cashiering audits involve the assessment of the adequacy of the systems of internal accounting and
administrative control surrounding cash receipts, cash handling, change funds, and purchase funds at main and
satellite cashiering facilities. The main cashier at each campus handles the majority of cash transactions for the
campus. The main cashier’s chief responsibility is the collection of registration and other student fees using
mainly cash, credit cards, debit cards, cashier’s checks, money orders, and personal checks. Other common
transactions at the main cashier’s office include the collection of payments for parking permits, petty cash
reimbursements, disbursements of employee checks, and all other types of payment service needs, as well as
deposits, recordkeeping, and the safeguarding of cash.

Satellite cashiering comprises the collection of cash at campus and off-site locations other than the main
cashier. Examples of these locations include athletics, public safety, parking and transportation, student unions,
student health centers, housing, reprographics, libraries, and the performing arts. Receipts in the form of cash,
checks, and credit cards may be accepted at these locations for the sale of tickets and merchandise, as well as
for the collection of various fees. Change and purchase funds that provide cash may also be held at these
locations for small dollar purchases or services.
Cashiering and Accounts Receivable and Payable System
Student Government Voting System


Computer technology has been a great help to the improvement of one’s life. Most establishments,
corporations and institutions had developed their own use of such technology to help themselves work
more efficiently with less time and effort, resulting in better production, profit, and a more satisfied
clientele. One example of computer technology is the creation of a computer system. A design, fit for the
company’s needs as well as for the customer’s. A system that will help personnel work more efficiently
especially in accessing and retrieving data in and less time as possible.

Automated Election is a system appropriate technology, which has been demonstrated in the voting,
counting, consolidating, canvassing and transmission of election results and other electoral processes.

Automated voting technologies are increasingly used in elections across the world, particularly because
they are often seen as symbolic of a country’s level of modernization. The purpose of an Automated
Election System is to deliver state of the art technology that is both efficient, allowing electoral
authorities to utilize the benefits of a computerized system and also practical, maintaining the basic
principles that the voters and election personnel are accustomed to. This solution makes use of the latest
technologies that allow electoral authorities to complete counting and canvassing processes in a matter of
hours, a task that traditionally took days. The system automates the scanning counting, consolidation and
transmission of the votes, in a secure and traceable manner, reducing the chance of human error;
tampering or fraud attempts and increases the integrity of the elections.

Objective of the Study

This study is proposed to develop the CSC Automated Election System that will create:

1. Create a module that student will log in and will vote in a fast, easy secure and no hassle free.

2. Create a module that automatically counts the number of votes per candidates once students finished

3. Create a module that will generate needed result that reduces the chances of errors, because vote
counting is based on an internal machine count rather than human intervention.

4. Create a module that will standardize voting in such a way that they will just click the candidate they
choose and save it, to minimize invalid votes.
Scope and Delimitation

The researchers has anticipated covering in their study and program a system that is designed solely for
College Student Council election only, the system could append instantly voters and candidates and
would be responsible for counting the votes. The system was configured for at least 3-4 network
computers. The system also has the capability to release required reports regarding the list of voters,
candidates and the canvassing result and the system is designed with a user security access level in some

The researchers also made some limitations to their study; the list of courses is already predefined in the
system upon when a voter or student is registered. Candidate’s record after the election will be saved and
manually deleted on the system. Student that officially registered as voter can only vote. A candidate must
first apply as candidate before registering as a voter.

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