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Arch Gynecol Obstet (2010) 282:395–399

DOI 10.1007/s00404-009-1290-y


Evaluation of endometrial thickness with transvaginal

ultrasonography and histopathology in premenopausal
women with abnormal vaginal bleeding
Suna Özdemir · Çetin Çelik · KazÂm Gezginç ·
Demet KÂreoi · Hasan Esen

Received: 29 July 2009 / Accepted: 2 November 2009 / Published online: 17 November 2009
© Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract The accuracy rate of preoperative Pipelle biopsy was 94.7% in

Objective This study was undertaken to investigate cut-oV a total of 57 women.
value of the endometrial thickness by transvaginal ultraso- Conclusion An endometrial thickness >8 mm is more
nography (TvUSG), and to detect the accuracy of preoperative likely than that of 8 mm or less to be indicated with endo-
Pipelle biopsy in premenopausal women with abnormal metrial biopsy in premenopausal uterine bleeding. Pipelle
vaginal bleeding. endometrial biopsy is an accurate diagnostic procedure for
Study design This study was included 144 premenopausal the detection of high-grade endometrial lesions in premeno-
women with abnormal bleeding. Their endometrial thick- pausal women.
ness was measured by TvUSG and then Pipelle endometrial
biopsy was performed. Preoperative histopathologic Wnd- Keywords Abnormal uterine bleeding · Premenopause ·
ings of 57 women who were operated were compared with Endometrial thickness · Transvaginal ultrasonography ·
Wnal histolopathologic examination. Pipelle biopsy
Results Of the 144 women, 113 (78.4%) had normal and
31 (21.6%) had an abnormal endometrium. The abnormal
endometrium was composed of 11.8% hyperplasia Introduction
(simple + atypical complex), 4.2% endometrial polyp, and
5.5% adenocarcinoma. An optimal sensitivity and speciWc- Abnormal vaginal bleeding is one of the most common pre-
ity (83.6 and 56.4%, respectively) and negative predictive senting complaints in women regardless of age. This com-
value with 95.6% for detection of abnormal endometrium plaint is taken more seriously when it occurs in women of
were obtained with an endometrial thickness of 8 mm. late reproductive age due to some possible malignant
causes. The diVerential diagnosis includes a broad range of
conditions, but the vast majority of women with irregular or
S. Özdemir · Ç. Çelik · K. Gezginç excessive vaginal bleeding have benign disorders. The most
Department of Gynecology and Obstetric, frequently used diagnostic tests to investigate the causes of
Meram Medical Faculty, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey
abnormal bleeding were transvaginal ultrasonography
D. KÂreoi (TvUSG) and endometrial biopsy. Dilatation and curettage
Department of Radiology, Meram Medical Faculty, (D&C) and oYce endometrial biopsy are the methods for
Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey endometrial sampling. Uterine curettage is an invasive pro-
H. Esen
cedure and it must be performed in the operating room with
Department of Pathology, Meram Medical Faculty, anesthesia and also its diagnostic accuracy is questionable
Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey [1]. EVective and less invasive screening methods are
needed for this problem.
S. Özdemir (&)
S.Ü. Meram TÂp Fak, KadÂn HastalÂklar ve Dufum AD,
TvUSG is one method that has been used to evaluate the
Meram, 42080 Konya, Turkey endometrium and uterine cavity. In addition, endometrial
e-mail: thickness, uterine volume, presence or absence of Wbroids,

396 Arch Gynecol Obstet (2010) 282:395–399

endometrial homogeneity and presence of abnormal vascu- endometrial aspiration, the patients were placed in dorsal
larity within the endometrium can be assessed by TvUSG position, and a bivalve speculum was inserted into the
[2]. In the absence of visible anomalies (e.g. Wbroids), vagina. The cervix was stabilised by a tenaculum if diY-
endometrial thickness and homogeneity has been used as culty was encountered during insertion of the sampler. The
markers of endometrial pathology. Endometrial thickness endometrial cavity was curetted using gentle rotatory and
measured by TvUSG has been shown as an eVective proce- longitudinal movements of the cannula with inner piston.
dure for evaluating abnormal bleeding in postmenopausal Following a successful attempt, the specimen was placed in
women [3, 4]. An endometrial thickness of 4–5 mm is formalin and sent for histopathological examination. The
accepted to be a safe cut-oV level to diVerentiate malignant endometrial sections were examined by a pathologist who
lesions in cases with no hormonal therapy [5–7]. The was blinded to the endometrial thickness result. The histo-
eYcacy of endometrial thickness in abnormal bleeding in pathology Wndings with proliferative, secretory, atrophy
premenopausal women is still a controversial issue and a were considered as normal endometrium; hyperplasia,
cut-oV level of endometrial thickness is unclear. polyp, and adenocarcinoma as abnormal endometrium.
This study was undertaken to evaluate the endometrial The data were expressed as percentage, mean and stan-
thickness with transvaginal sonography and histopathology dard deviation and analysed using SPSS version 13.0 pro-
in premenopausal women with abnormal vaginal bleeding gram. We performed receiver operating characteristics
and to detect the accuracy of preoperative Pipelle biopsy. (ROC) analysis to assess the discriminative capacity of
endometrial thickness for detection of abnormal endome-
trium. The area under the ROC curve reXects the diagnostic
Methods accuracy of a test, incorporating sensitivity and speciWcity
for all possible thresholds, thus allowing detection of an
This study was performed in patients attending the outpa- optimal cut-oV point for further clinical management.
tient gynecologic clinic of Meram Medical Faculty,
between November 2006 and June 2008. The study
included 144 premenopausal women with non-cyclic Results
abnormal uterine bleeding, who were more than 36 years
old. The patients with an underlying medical problem such The patient’s characteristics are shown in Table 1. The
as diabetes and hypertension or with users of intrauterine mean age of 144 women was 45.31 § 4.20 (36–53)/year;
devices and hormonal therapy were excluded from the body mass index was 28.54 § 2.67 (24–36) kg/m2. The
study. The study was approved by the ethics committee of mean endometrial thickness measured by TvUSG was
Meram Medical Faculty. Each patient gave written found to be 9.36 § 4.58 mm with a range of 2–30 mm.
informed consent to participate. There was no patient with an underlying medical problem.
After a complete history was taken and a physical exam- The median values of gravidity and parity were 4 (0–10)
ination was done, the patients were prepared for endome- and 4 (0–9), respectively.
trial biopsy. Before the endometrial biopsy, TvUSG was The distribution of the endometrial histologies with
performed to measure endometrial thickness and to assess mean endometrial thickness is displayed in Table 2. The
other abnormalities of the endometrial cavity. TvUSG was normal and abnormal endometrial histologies were detected
carried out by one single sonographer (D.K.) using an ultra- in 78.4 and 21.6% of women, respectively. Proliferative
sound system (Siemens Medical Sonoline G40, Ultrasound endometrium and secretory endometrium were the most
Division, Mountain View, CA, USA) equipped with a 4–9- common encountered normal Wndings (37.5 and 36.1%,
MHz transvaginal transducer. Endometrial thickness was respectively). The mean endometrial thickness was
measured in the sagittal plane of the uterus at the thickest 7.63 § 3.82 mm in proliferative endometrium, and 8.65 §
part near the fundus. The measurement of TvUSG was 4.21 mm in secretory endometrium. Endometrial atrophy
included both endometrial layers, from basal layer of the
anterior wall to the basal layer of the posterior uterine wall,
Table 1 Demographic characteristics of the study population
and any Xuid in the uterine cavity was excluded. The mean
results of three measurements were recorded for each Characteristics Mean § SD
patient. Age (year) 45.31 § 4.20 (36–53)
Endometrial biopsy was performed within the luteal Gravida (median) 4 (0–10)
phase of menstruation, and 3 days after the evaluation of
Parity (median) 4 (0–9)
endometrial thickness with TvUSG. Endometrial sampling
Body mass index (kg/m2) 28.54 § 2.67 (24–36)
was carried out by Pipelle biopsy, standard of care for eval-
Endometrial thickness (mm) 9.36 § 4.58
uating all premenopausal women with uterine bleeding. For

Arch Gynecol Obstet (2010) 282:395–399 397

Table 2 Histopathologic Wndings and mean endometrial thickness

Histopathology Number (n) Endomet.
thickness (mm)

Normal endometrium 113 (78.4%)

Proliferative 54 (37.5%) 7.63 § 3.82
Secretory 52 (36.1%) 8.65 § 4.21
Atrophy 6 (4.2%) 4.57 § 2.53
Abnormal endometrium 31 (21.6%)
Polyp 4 (4.2%) 12.83 § 2.82
Hyperplasia 17 (11.8%) 12.71 § 4.25
Simple 13 (9.1%) 12.61 § 7.42
Complex atypical 4 (2.7%) 13.52 § 4.52
Endometrial cancer 8 (5.5%) 15.25 § 8.23

Table 3 Sensitivity, speciWcity, positive predictive value, and nega-

tive predictive value of endometrial thickness at each cut-oV level for
abnormal endometrial histology
Endometrial Sensitivity SpeciWcity PPV NPV
thickness(mm) (%) (%) (%) (%) Fig. 1 ROC curve of the endometrial thickness and abnormal endo-
metrial histology with AUC value of 0.815 (95% CI = 0.742–0.888)
¸4 100 8.6 21.6 100
¸5 100 17.3 23.8 100
¸6 98.2 24.3 27.7 100 Fig. 1. The area under the curve is 0.815 (95% CI = 0.742–
¸7 93.4 36.2 31.3 93.3 0.888). Two women with simple hyperplasia and one
¸8 83.6 56.4 36.3 95.6 woman with polyp had endometrial thickness less than
¸9 74.7 58.7 39.3 93.2 8 mm.
¸10 62.2 69.2 40.9 92.8 The agreement between preoperative Pipelle endome-
¸11 61.0 78.2 41.7 89.0 trial sampling and hysterectomy diagnosis was detected
¸12 37.2 83.6 47.3 89.3 accurately in 54/57 of the patients who were operated
¸13 27.6 87.0 42.9 84.6 (Table 4). The accuracy of preoperative Pipelle biopsy was
¸14 20.7 93.0 50.0 83.5 found as 94.7% in the study population. The results of pre-
¸15 17 96.0 50.0 82.0 operative endometrial biopsy in two patients were prolifer-
ative endometrium but their Wnal pathology showed
submucous myoma. Although preoperative sampling in one
was detected in 4.8% of the patients and endometrial thickness patient was simple hyperplasia, Wnal examination revealed
was 4.57 § 3.53 mm. Regarding the abnormal endometrium, endometrial polyp associated with hyperplasia. Pipelle
endometrial hyperplasia and cancer were founded in 11.8 endometrial biopsy only seems to be insuYcient in detect-
and 5.5% of the patients, respectively. Only 6 (4.2%) of the ing the focal lesions such as endometrial polyp or submu-
patients had endometrial polyp. Endometrial thickness was cous myoma. No endometrial carcinoma or hyperplasia was
higher in patients with endometrial cancer (15.25 § 8.23) missed after Pipelle sampling.
than those with endometrial hyperplasia (12.71 § 4.25) and
polyp (12.83 § 2.82). Any pathologic Wnding was not
detected in endometrial thickness less than 4 mm. Discussion
The sensitivity and speciWcity for values of endometrial
thickness in detecting abnormal endometrial histologies are Abnormal uterine bleeding can signify an underlying
shown in Table 3. The endometrial thickness at 8 mm malignant lesion aVecting the female genital tract. Abnor-
revealed the optimal sensitivity and speciWcity (83.6 and mal bleeding is observed in 80–90% of pre- and postmeno-
56.4%, respectively) to detect an abnormal endometrium pausal women with endometrial cancer [2]. Perimenopausal
with 95.6% negative predictive value (NPV) and 36.3% women with abnormal uterine bleeding make up the major-
positive predictive value. The ROC curve for the endome- ity of patients that present to gynecologists with vaginal
trial thickness and the abnormal endometrial histologies bleeding. A careful diagnostic approach is necessary in
(hyperplasia, polyp, and adenocarcinoma) is shown in premenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding

398 Arch Gynecol Obstet (2010) 282:395–399

Table 4 The agreement between preoperative endometrial histopathology and hysterectomy diagnosis
Preoperative Postoperative histopathology
Proliferative Secretory Polyp Simple Atypical Endometrial Submucous
(n = 15) (n = 13) (n = 5) hyperplasia complex cancer myoma
(n = 10) (n = 4) (n = 8) (n = 2)

Proliferative (n = 17) 15 2
Secretory (n = 13) 13
Polyp (n = 4) 4
Simple hyperplasia (n = 11) 1 10
Atypical complex (n = 4) 4
Endometrial cancer (n = 8) 8
Submucous myoma (n = 0)

because of potential malignant conditions. Surgical inter- promoted the role of SIS and they included small data con-
ventions may be required for these endometrial pathologies cerning a safe cut-oV value for endometrial thickness in
in many such patients. Uterine curettage or endometrial women with premenopausal bleeding. SIS may not also be
sampling is usually performed to demonstrate the underly- an appropriate approach in women with active bleeding.
ing causes of abnormal bleeding. Because this conventional A recent study investigating endometrial thickness in pre-
approach is invasive and not convenient for either the menopausal bleeding showed optimal sensitivity and speci-
patient or the physician, questions have arisen regarding the Wcity of an endometrial thickness of 8 mm in screening
appropriateness of performing endometrial biopsies on all endometrial abnormalities [13]. The cut-oV level of the
patients with bleeding [2]. TvUSG have been reported as endometrial thickness in this study was not diVerent when
eYcient in detecting pathologies of the uterine cavity in submucous myoma was excluded. The present study was in
postmenopausal bleeding [3–7]. However, there are limited accordance with this study. We also obtained optimal sensi-
studies for endometrial thickness measurement in premeno- tivity and speciWcity for detection of abnormal endometrial
pausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding. Wndings at endometrial thickness of 8 mm with similar
Regarding the eYcacy of endometrial thickness in sensitivity and speciWcity.
abnormal bleeding in premenopausal women, a small num- Dueholm et al. investigated a cut-oV level for endome-
ber of studies have been reported on this controversial trial thickness with TvUSG and they were unable to Wnd an
issue. A study by Vercellini et al. [8] showed a good speci- optimal thickness [14]. They expressed that low levels of
Wcity and high NPV for TvUSG in identifying intrauterine endometrial thickness reduced the possibility of abnormali-
diseases. They suggested TvUSG as the initial investigation ties such as polyps and hyperplasia, but did not increase the
in menorrhagic patients, limiting hysteroscopy to cases diagnostic performance in cases with normal sonograms.
with positive or doubtful sonographic Wndings. Goldstein Similarly, we did not determine abnormal endometrial his-
et al. [9] suggested an ultrasonography-based triage and topathology at where endometrial thickness was less than
they used a thickness of 5 mm as the cut-oV point for the 6 mm. As we reduced the cut-oV level to endometrial thick-
screening in abnormal perimenopausal bleeding. They also ness of 6 mm, no abnormal histopathologic Wndings were
performed a further saline infusion sonography (SIS) with a missed but speciWcity for detection of abnormal endome-
single layer measurement of the endometrium. They have trium also decreased. Due to the absence of preoperative
proposed that nondirected oYce biopsy alone without diagnosis of submucous myoma, we did not evaluate the
imaging would have potentially missed the diagnosis of endometrial thickness for submucous myoma. In the suspi-
focal lesions such as polyps, submucous myomas, and focal cion of focal lesions, TvUSG associated with SIS may be
hyperplasia in 18% of the patients. Similarly, in our study, useful for increasing the diagnosis of these lesions.
preoperative diagnosis of some focal lesions including sub- A wide variety of endometrial biopsy devices with
mucous myoma and polyp, were missed after the Pipelle diVerent sensitivities and speciWcities have been developed.
sampling without a prior SIS or hysteroscopy. Pipelle endometrial biopsy is widely used as an inexpensive
A study by Schwarzler et al. [10] showed that SIS had a outpatient procedure for histological assessment. Despite
better diagnostic value than the conventional TvUSG for sampling, only a small proportion of the endometrial sur-
abnormal bleeding in patients from reproductive age to the face and having limitations in identifying focal lesions, it
late menopausal age. These Wndings were conWrmed by has been shown to have a high degree of sensitivity and
other studies [11, 12]. These previous studies usually have speciWcity for the detection of endometrial carcinoma

Arch Gynecol Obstet (2010) 282:395–399 399

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