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Curriculum Content

Sub: Curriculum Planning & Development

Faculty: Miss Farah Anil
Presenter: Aziza Solangi
Bsc Nursing 4th Semester, 2016-18, JCON

• Selecting of Content and Determining priorities for Curriculum.

• Content Mapping
• Contextual Relevance

Content Selection and Priority Setting

By making clear the content objectives of a course and training learners

to set their own objectives, the following benefits can be accrued:
• Students come to have a more realistic idea of what can be achieved in a given
• Learning comes to be seen as a process of gradually reaching achievable goals.
• Students develop greater sensitivity to their role as learners
• Self-evaluation becomes more feasible.
• Classroom activities can be seen to relate to the learner’s real-life needs.
• The development of competences can be seen as a gradual, rather than an all-or-
nothing process.


Since content hours often are limited, class time has to be used as
effectively and productively as possible to achieve the following aims:
• To provide students with effective learning strategies;
• To assist students to identify their preferred ways of learning;
• To develop skills needed to negotiate the curriculum;
• To encourage students to set their own objectives;
• To encourage students to adopt realistic goals and time frames;
• To develop the students’ skills of/by self-evaluation.

What is a Content Map?
• A content map is a plan to deliver the right content, to the right
people, at the right time.
• To ensure that your School's content is effective at generating and
nurturing leads, you need to deliver the right content, to the right
people, at the right time.
• Content mapping is the process of doing just that.
• With content mapping, the goal is to target content according to the
characteristics of the person who will be consuming it.

Contextual Relevance

• The model of curriculum development in nursing education shows

the overall process for developing a context relevant curriculum

and its illustrated as process summarized below.


Faculty Development
Determine Needs for Curriculum Development
Gain Support for Curriculum Development
Organized for Curriculum Development
Gather Data about internal and external Contextual Factors
Formulate Curriculum Outcomes
Design Curriculum/ Design Course
Plan Curriculum Implementation and Evaluation
Evaluate total Curriculum
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