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1. Explain the the classification of security goals/CIA Triad

2. Explain Symmetric-key and asymetric key Encipherment
3. Define cryptanalysis. Explain the various types cryptanalysis attacks
4. Differentiate between cryptography and steganography.
5. Explain Euclidean Algorithm .Find GCD(25,60) using Euclidean
6. Find GCD (2740, 1760) using Euclidean Algorithm.
7. Explain Euclidean and Extended Euclidean algorithms.Given a=161 and
b=28, find gcd(a,b) and the values of s and t using the Extended Euclidean
8. Explain Keyless Transposition Ciphers with suitable example
9. Explain Caesar’s cipher / Shift Cipher with suitable example.
10.Explain Playfair Cipher with an example.
11.Explain the difference between streams and block ciphers.
12.Explain Euler’s Theorem.
13.Explain Fermat’s little Theorem
14.Explain Primality Testing
15.Differences b/w conventional and digital signatures.
16.Compare SSL and TLS protocols.
17.Define one-way function(OWF) and Trapdoor one-way function(TOWF)
18.Point out the differences between SSL Connection and SSL Session?
19.What is transport mode and tunnel mode in IP Security?
20.Explain about the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
21.Explain Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
22.Explain Secure Electronic Transaction [SET]
23.Differentiate between MIME and S/MIME .


1. Explain in detail the security services and mechanism.

2. Discuss in detail the taxonomy of attacks with relation to security goals.
3. Explain Feistel Cipher Structure with neat diagram
4. Explain DES in detail with neat diagram.
5. Explain AES in detail with neat diagram.
6. Explain the modes of operations in DES and AES
7. Explain Chinese Remainder Theorem(CRT) with suitable example. Find
the solution to the simultaneous equations X≡2(MOD3), X≡3(MOD5) and
X≡2(MOD7) .
8. Explain digital signature standard and security services and attacks .
9. Explain Whirlpool cipher in detail.
10. Explain E-mail Architecture with neat diagram .
11. Explain in detail Kerberos authentication mechanism.
12. Explain in detail Diffie-Hellman Key agreement Algorithm
13. Explain in detail Diffie-Hellman Key agreement.Given P=23,
g=9,Xa=4, Xb =3 .Find public key and secret key of user A and B.
14. Explain in detail Handshake protocol action
15. Explain RSA algorithm with an example.
16.Explain RSA key generation algorithm. Demonstrate encryption and
decryption for the RSA algorithm parameters: p= 11, q = 5, e = 3, m = 5,

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