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AL-MUQADDIMAH, A Journal of the Humanities, Law, Social & Management Sciences, VOL., 1 (2). October, 2017.

ISSN: 2616-0455

Students’ Perception of Learning Vocabulary in Suggestopedia Class

Alhaji Malah Galti
Department of English
Yobe State University, Damaturu

Learners of second language seems to have less interest about vocabulary learning. Many
learners are not motivated to learn vocabulary and for that, they consider it challenging and
difficulty aspect of second language learning. To motivate learners, teachers need to create a
rich language learning environment. Suggestopedia class is reported to include posters,
pictures, music, as well as ambient learning condition and environment. This method is also
considered effective in teaching young learners. For this, 18 primary five students were taught
using suggestopedia method. A questionnaire was administered to these students’ to get their
perception about the class. This was followed with an interview question. Descriptive statistic
and thematic-based analysis were employed to determine the students’ perception. The result
revealed that suggestopedia method is considered to be motivating, easing learning, and create
autonomy for learners.
Keywords: Motivation, Primary School learners, Students’ perception, Suggestopedia,
Vocabulary Learning.
Language vocabulary seems to be one of the important elements in second language learning.
Without vocabulary knowledge, it would be difficult for second language learners to
comprehend and learn the language. As Wilkins (1972) once mention, without grammar one
could convey very little but without vocabulary, one could not convey anything. Despite the
importance of vocabulary to second language learners who start schools mostly with little
vocabulary about the second language they would be exposed to in schools, many language
learners show less interest in learning vocabulary (Hulstijn, 2001; Laufer, 1986). Most of
second language learners perceive vocabulary learning as one of the most common difficult
and challenging part of learning second language (Berne & Blachowicz, 2008). The long
practice of teaching vocabulary through wordlist method seems to be the possible reason why
learners view learning vocabulary not interesting and difficult (Mehta, 2009). Consequently,
this method did not yield the desired result. For learners to be motivated and face learning with
interest, they should be provided with rich learning environment; where learning materials and
the environment arouse the learners’ interest and as a result get motivated. As reported by
(Georgi Lozanov & Gateva, 1988; Schaefer, 1980), suggestopedia method provides learners
AL-MUQADDIMAH, A Journal of the Humanities, Law, Social & Management Sciences, VOL., 1 (2). October, 2017. ISSN: 2616-0455

with ambient learning environment, rich with learning materials. In addition to these, music is
an important element in suggestopedia method purposely to prepare the mind of the learners to
the teaching and learning activities. The teachers’ attitude should be positive with no negative
feedback. In fact, as Priyatmojo (2009)suggests, suggestopedia could be the best method to
young language learners.
For this reason, this study examines learners’ perception in respect to learning vocabulary
in a suggestopedia class.
1. Method
The main respondents in this study are the 18 primary school pupils who were exposed to
the suggestopedia class in an experimental study in Abbaganaram Primary School in
Maiduguri-Borno State. A self-developed questionnaire was administered to the respondents
after the suggestopedia class. There were 20 items with five likert scale rating to be responded.
Descriptive statistic was used as a tool using SPSS to determine the mean and the standard
deviation to determine the students’ perception about the suggestopedia class. And to elicit
more about the students’ perception, 6 out of the 18 students were interviewed. The interview
was analysed based on thematic-based as postulated by Braun and Clarke (2006).
Result and discussion

Table 1 Overall mean for the students’ perception.

N Minimum Maximum Sum Mean Deviation
questionnaire 18 1.00 5.00 63.30 3.5167 1.05426
Valid N(listwise)

Based on the interview result, the following themes were identified and interpreted:
Suggestopedia method motivates learners, suggestopedia method makes learning easy, and
suggestopedia class allows learner autonomy.

The result of this study reveals that suggestopedia motivates learners, make learning easy and
also allow learners’ autonomy in the class. The finding indicates that the pupils like the
suggestopedia class because it motivates them. This agrees with Zaid (2014) report. He reports
that the use of suggestopedia method motivates. Gassner-Roberts and Brislan (1984) report
students’ perception about the suggestopedia class as a source for motivating learners. Also
AL-MUQADDIMAH, A Journal of the Humanities, Law, Social & Management Sciences, VOL., 1 (2). October, 2017. ISSN: 2616-0455

agreeing with this findings is the report by (Oxford, 1990) which states that performing better
in a language class is associated to learners’ level of motivation. In this study, some of the
motivating elements in the suggestopedia class identified include among others, the use of
music, pictures, and teacher’s positive attitudes (which include laughter and smile) as well as
dramatizing the class activities. Mahmud and Yaacob (2007) explain that teacher’s positive
attitude describes the concept of immediacy behaviour. Immediacy behaviour includes smiling
and calling names and it motivates learners. Moreover, supporting the result of this study about
the suggestopedia class environment, Shakerian, Rezaei, Murnani, and Moeinmanesh (2016)
in their studies emphasize that one of the best learning environment should be the one with
music, drama, and beautiful materials. An appealing and conducive learning environment
develop interest in the learners. According to Young (1990) any teacher who creates a friendly,
humorous, supportive, and relaxed learning environment has helped learners to learn and
acquire language easily. In addition, Georgi Lozanov and Gateva (1988) identify some
important elements in suggestopedia to include comfortable environment and the use of music.

The finding of this study also revealed that music is comforting. This is supported with what
Cruz-Cruz (2005) claims that music improves teaching of vocabulary. This could be so because
(Georgi Lozanov & Gateva, 1988) believe that music balances learners’ mind. Also supporting
the importance of music in comforting learners and making the learning environment
conducive, (Kara & Aksel, 2013; Priyatmojo, 2009) report that music creates a friendlier
environment which could comfort learners to learn language. Probably, this could be one of
the reasons why the students like suggestopedia class. Also reported in this study is that the
suggestopedia class comfort students. This agrees with what Larsen-Freeman (1985) who
concludes that suggestopedia class gives the learner comfort during the learning process.
Moreover, (Gassner-Roberts & Brislan, 1984) found out in their survey studies that in
suggestopedia class, students feel comfortable and view the method as impressive.

The findings in this study also reveal that the students are interested in the suggestopedia class.
Some of the reasons given for this include the new setting of the suggestopedia class with
curtains, posters and pictures as well as music. Many scholars claim that some of the factors to
be employed in order to activate interest and motivates language learners include, rich language
learning environment (Dincer, Yesilyurt, & Takkac, 2012), music (Köksal, Yağışan, & Çekiç,
AL-MUQADDIMAH, A Journal of the Humanities, Law, Social & Management Sciences, VOL., 1 (2). October, 2017. ISSN: 2616-0455

2013) and these have also proven to be effective in creating learners’ interest and motivating
language learners.

It is revealed that suggestopedia class makes learning easy to the learners. The teacher were
reported to be using demonstration to explain the learning materials, and asking the participants
to meditate on the learning materials. This could probably contribute to making learning easy.
This agrees with what (G Lozanov, 1978) claims about learning in suggestopedia class that it
accelerates learning. Another evidence from the work of (Köksal et al., 2013) maintain that
class with music makes learning of vocabulary easy and interesting.

The result of the findings of this study also show that suggestopedia class promotes and allows
learner autonomy. The learners felt that in the suggestopedia class they can exercise some level
of autonomy. They identified elements such as walking freely and relating freely with mates
and the teacher as learner autonomy. These seem to increase learners’ interest and learning
performance. This agrees with what (Dincer et al., 2012) describe as autonomy-supportive
climate where learners’ perception, ability, and initiations are respected and taken care of.
Expatiating further, Maslow, Frager, Fadiman, McReynolds, and Cox (1970) explain that
allowing learners to exercise some level of independence satisfy their physiological needs.
They are of the view that the physiological need of every human, need to be satisfied before
cognitive ability of an individual would be balanced. According to Oxford (2003) when a
learner is exercising some level of autonomy it will give him satisfaction and security.
Therefore, allowing the learners to interact freely in suggestopedia class is supported by these
studies and reports.
From the findings and discussion of the result, the students perceived suggestopedia method as
motivating, easing learning as well as creating autonomy to learners. This study therefore
concludes that the use of music, pictures, posters and the teacher’s positive attitude in the class
were considered as important elements that might provide comforting environment and
motivate learners in a language learning class. In the same vein, many researchers have
concluded that for a learner to be motivated in a language class, an environment with pictures,
posters (Dincer et al., 2012) and the use of music (Shimbo, 2011) would greatly assist the
learners. In this study, therefore, the use of music in the suggestopedia class is believed to have
comforted the learners and it aroused their interest. As Georgi Lozanov and Gateva (1988)
AL-MUQADDIMAH, A Journal of the Humanities, Law, Social & Management Sciences, VOL., 1 (2). October, 2017. ISSN: 2616-0455

report that the use of music in a language class help learners to have comforted mind set. In a
related report, Larsen-Freeman (1985) concludes that suggestopedia bring comfort into
learner’s mind in language learning class. Because the suggestopedia class create and provides
a comforting and an ambient learning environment (Kara & Aksel, 2013; Larsen-Freeman,
1985). This study contends that this could have changed the students’ perception about
language learning generally and vocabulary learning in particular.

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