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Dear Students,

The sample questions are categorised into the 4 different categories: ​ASEAN (in general and
member states), ​Economic​, ​Political-Security and ​Socio-Cultural​. Each category contains 3
types of question: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), True-False Questions (T/F) and
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (FIB). These sample questions serve as a guide for you, on the type
of questions that would appear in the 8th ASEAN Quiz. Remember to refer to the specific
instructions for each round (qualifying/ semis / finals) as the ​question types and format may

The answers to the question can be found in a separate document titled ANSWERS

For more questions, you can click on the links provided. These are links to video recordings of
past year ASEAN regional quizzes.

We wish you all the best for the 8th ASEAN Quiz!

Warmest regards,
The 8th ASEAN Quiz Main Committee


ASEAN (in General & Member States)

Question Question Questions

Type Number

MCQ 1 In which ASEAN Member State is the ASEAN Secretariat located?

A. Singapore
B. Malaysia
C. Cambodia
D. Indonesia

MCQ 2 Which of the following is NOT a founding member of ASEAN?

A. Brunei Darussalam
B. Malaysia
C. Thailand
D. Indonesia

MCQ 3 The ASEAN Scholarship is offered by the government of _______ to

all ASEAN nations annually.

A. Australia
B. Indonesia
C. Singapore
D. Japan

MCQ 4 Who is the current Prime Minister of Cambodia?

A. Norodom Ranariddh
B. Ung Huot
C. Hun Sen
D. Khieu Samphan

MCQ 5 ASEAN’s coastline of 173,000km amounts to about _______ of the

world’s coral reefs.

A. 10%
B. 18%
C. 20%
D. 30%

MCQ 6 Who are the two observers of ASEAN?

A. China and Papua New Guinea

B. South Korea and Timor-Leste
C. Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea
D. Australia and China

MCQ 7 Which country is the largest producer of rubber in Southeast Asia?

A. Malaysia
B. Indonesia
C. Thailand
D. Viet Nam

MCQ 8 In which member state was the First Model ASEAN Meeting held?

A. Singapore
B. Thailand
C. The Philippines
D. Malaysia

MCQ 9 The Dutch captured the port city of Melaka from the Portuguese in

A. 1641
B. 1642
C. 1643
D. 1644

MCQ 10 ASEAN plans to bid for the hosting of FIFA World Cup in the year

A. 2030
B. 2034
C. 2038
D. 2042

T/F 11 Indonesia was the last ASEAN member state to ratify the ASEAN
Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution?
(T / F)

T/F 12 The Petronas Twin Towers have 86 stories.

(T / F)

T/F 13 The blue colour of the ASEAN flag represents prosperity.

(T / F)

T/F 14 ASEAN day is celebrated on the 8th of August.

(T / F)

T/F 15 The national animal of malaysia is the Malayan tiger.

(T / F)

T/F 16 Thailand is not one of the founding members of ASEAN.

(T / F)

T/F 17 The special committee of ASEAN nations (SCCAN) was formed in

(T / F)

T/F 18 The treaty of amity and cooperation (TAC) is a mechanism for conflict
(T / F)

T/F 19 The second ASEAN summit was held in the Philippines.

(T / F)

T/F 20 One of the aims of the Bangkok declaration is “ to promote Southeast

Asian studies”.
(T / F)

FIB 21 The tagline for ASEAN2025 is ________________________.

FIB 22 _________________________ is the national flower of Singapore.

FIB 23 One term of the ASEAN secretary-general is ________________ long.

FIB 24 The 7th ASEAN Quiz Regional level was held in

_________________________ in 2016.

FIB 25 _____________________ was the ASEAN chair in 2015.

“ASEAN (in General & Member States)” Score: ___/ 25


Question Question Questions

Type Number

MCQ 1 Which of the following statements on the ASEAN Economic

Community (AEC) is ​NOT​ true?

A. One of the challenges of the AEC is bridging the perceived

“development divide” between the older and new ASEAN
B. If existing economic growth trends for the AEC continue, ASEAN
will become the fourth largest economy in the world by 2020.
C. ASEAN is one of the most open economic regions in the world,
with total merchandise exports of over $1.2 trillion, nearly 54% of
total ASEAN Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 7% of global
D. Next to the People's Republic of China, ASEAN has the world's
second largest labour force that remains relatively young.

MCQ 2 Which of the following is ​NOT one of the export-processing zones

established in ASEAN?

A. Tanjung Emas Export Processing Zone (Indonesia)

B. Thilawa Special Economic Zone (Myanmar)
C. Batam Export Processing Zone (Singapore-Indonesia)
D. Johor Bahru Free Zone (Malaysia)

MCQ 3 The ASEAN Economic Community does ​NOT allow the free flow of

A. Unskilled Labour
B. Investments
C. Services
D. Capital

MCQ 4 Which of the following is not under the ASEAN Economic


A. ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Minerals

B. ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture and Forestry
C. ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Women
D. ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology

MCQ 5 What is the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2025 part

A. ASEAN 2025: One Vision, One Identity, One Community

B. ASEAN 2025: United as One ASEAN
C. ASEAN 2025: ASEAN and the World
D. ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together

T/F 6 ASEAN has 6 free trade agreements.

(T / F)

T/F 7 Indonesia has the most Intra-ASEAN tourist arrivals.

(T / F)

T/F 8 Thailand accounts for more than half of the total FDI received by
(T / F)

T/F 9 Increasing cohesiveness is one of the four basic initiatives of the

ASEAN Economic community.
(T / F)

T/F 10 Indonesia has the highest GDP.

(T / F)

FIB 11 The tagline for the Tourism Strategic Plan is Southeast Asia: Feel the

FIB 12 Singapore signed its first Free Trade Agreement (FTA) under the
ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) in _________.

FIB 13 The Asian financial crisis occurred in _________ .

FIB 14 The preferential trading agreement was introduced to increase

_________ trade.

FIB 15 AFTA stands for


“Economics” Score: ____ / 15


Question Question Questions

Type Number

MCQ 1 Which party won the Myanmar’s general elections which concluded in
November 2015?

A. National League for Democracy (NLD)

B. Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP)
C. Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD)
D. Arakan National Party (ANP)

MCQ 2 Which of the following is ​NOT part of the ASEAN Political – Security

A. ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human rights

B. ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
C. ASEAN Law Minister Meeting
D. ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting

MCQ 3 The ASEAN Working Group on Pandemic Preparedness and

Response (AWGPPR) was previously known as

A. The ASEAN Working Group on Pandemic Influenza and

B. The ASEAN Task Force on Pandemic Preparedness and
C. The ASEAN Technical Working Group on Pandemic
Preparedness and Response
D. The ASEAN Working Group on Pandemic Preparedness and

MCQ 4 The main objective of the Southeast Asian Nuclear Weapon Free
Zone (SEANWFZ) Treaty is to __________.

A. discourage the construction of nuclear weapon plants in

Southeast Asia
B. ban the use, development and deployment of nuclear weapon by
ASEAN member states

C. ban the passage of nuclear-powered warships and submarines
through Southeast Asian waters
D. fulfill the obligations of ASEAN member states under United
Nations Security Council Resolution 1540

MCQ 5 Which of the following is false?

A. The ASEAN Declaration on Joint Action to Counter Terrorism was

adopted at the 5"ASEAN Summit.
B. The ASEAN Declaration on Joint Action to Counter Terrorism was
adopted in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
C. In 2002, a Declaration on Terrorism was issued to condemn the
heinous terrorist attacks in Bali, Indonesia and Philippines.
D. The ASEAN Political Security Community Blueprint was adopted
in Thailand.

T/F 6 ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights is part of

the ASEAN Political-Security Community.
(T / F)

T/F 7 Military Enforcement is one of the six Experts’ Working Groups

(EWGs) established at the ASEAN Defence Senior Officials Meeting,
to plan and operationalize the activities approved by the ASEAN
Defence Ministers Meeting.
(T / F)

T/F 8 2020 is the deadline set for the ASEAN Political-Security Community
(APSC) to achieve its goal.
(T / F)

T/F 9 Vietnam practices the Presidential political system.

(T / F)

T/F 10 The ASEAN Center of Military Medicine was one of the two new
initiatives endorsed by the ASEAN Political-Security Community
(APSC) in 2015.

(T / F)

FIB 11 The ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency

Response (AADMER) provides the Standard Operating Procedures in
case of disaster emergencies. Please write the correct order
(numbers only) of the emergency response operations:

(1) Party acknowledge to the request for assistance
immediately, preferably within 6 to 12 hours
(2) Contractual agreements for assistance
(3) Competent authorities review the request and determine
whether the type and scope of assistance can be provided
(4) The National Focal Point of the country requests
assistance from other Party

___ → ___ → ___ → ___

FIB 12 Recently in March 2016, Singapore suggested expanding a concept

called CUES to the parties involved in the South China Sea, to avoid
accidental miscalculations that can lead to conflict at sea. CUES
stand for


FIB 13 The Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC) has a

work programme that spells out the activities on cooperation in
combating the 8 areas of transnational crime. Name at least 4 areas
of transnational crime.





FIB 14 The Joint Statement of the ASEAN-U.S. Special Leaders’ Summit,

also known as the _____________________________, was derived
in February 2016 to emphasise the key principles that guide future
cooperation between ASEAN and the U.S.

FIB 15 ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) aims to promote peace and security
through dialogue and cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region. There
are _____ ​(*give a number)​ Member States in ARF.

“Political-Security” Score: _____ / 15


Question Question Questions

Type Number

MCQ 1 Which of the following action under the ASEAN Socio-Cultural

Community (ASCC) Blueprint 2009-2015 helped to “Promote a
sustainable development through environmental education and public

A. Develop a workshop for key target groups such as government

officials to learn more about environmental education.
B. Create an ASEAN Environmental Educational website for ASEAN
Member State citizens to access and learn more about
C. Promote ASEAN Environmental Week which serves as a platform
for national level activities to celebrate and raise awareness of the
region’s environment.
D. Create an Environmental Education subsidy scheme for youths.

MCQ 2 Which two teams competed in the 2016 ASEAN Basketball League

A. Westports Malaysia Dragons and Singapore Slingers

B. Hi-Tech Bangkok City and Saigon Heat
C. Mono Vampire Basketball Club and Pilipinas MX3 Kings
D. Singapore Slingers and Saigon Heat

MCQ 3 One strategic objective in the ASEAN Socio Cultural Community

(ASCC) Blueprint 2025 is to implement human resource development
programme which will facilitate regional Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) initiatives. Which of the following
action is ​NOT​ taken to aid the promotion of ICT?

A. Promote positive use of ICT, in particular, the Internet

B. Initiate the early use of ICT from secondary school level
C. Enhance the use of ICT to promote e-learning
D. Develop a workforce and manpower with high levels of ICT
proficiency and expertise.

MCQ 4 What is the ASEAN Youth Cultural Forum?

A. A platform for ASEAN youths to attend a workshop and

collaborate to create a video containing all the different cultures of
each ASEAN Member State.
B. A platform for ASEAN youths to experience the different traditional
and cultural games each AMS has to offer.
C. A platform for ASEAN youths to present and share about the
unique history, heritage and culture of their country.
D. A platform for ASEAN youths who have a talent in traditional or
contemporary performances, to share their ideas and experience
music, song and dance through lectures, workshops and

MCQ 5 SHARE aims to strengthen regional cooperation, enhance the quality,

competitiveness and internationalisation of ASEAN higher education
institutions and students, contributing to an ASEAN Community
beyond 2015. What does SHARE stand for?

A. Singapore Higher Academic and Research Education

B. Support to Higher Education in ASEAN Region
C. System for Helping and Assisting Research and Education
D. Support to build Holistic Academic and Research Entities

T/F 6 Chicken soup is a traditional Lao dish.

(T / F)

T/F 7 The women's national costume in Thailand is known as the Chakri.

(T / F)

T/F 8 Ambuyat is considered the most popular delicacy in Brunei.

(T / F)

T/F 9 Nasi Lemak is one of the well-known dishes from Malaysia.

(T / F)

T/F 10 The barong Tagalog is an embroidered formal garment of the

(T / F)

FIB 11 Name the largest Buddhist monument in the world and the city it can
be found.

Name of Buddhist Monument: _______________________________

City: _______________________

FIB 12 Name the host country of the 36th ASEAN Tourism Forum in 2017,
with the theme “Shaping Our Tourism Journey Together”.


FIB 13 Name all the ASEAN countries that celebrate national day in August?



FIB 14 Tourism is an important sector in ASEAN that brings the region closer
together through the exchange of people across member states. In
celebration of ASEAN’s 50​th anniversary, and to embrace ASEAN as
a single and united tourism destination, various ASEAN national
tourism organisations have come together to develop a joint tourism
programme. The theme of this programme is

______________________ : ___________________________.

FIB 15 _________ was declared the Sports Industry Year to recognize the
potential of the sports industry in ASEAN and highlight the
achievements of ASEAN sports sector.

“Socio-Cultural” Score: _____ / 15

Total Score: _______ / 70

************************************************THE END**************************************************


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