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Philosophy paper 1

Philosophy paper

Mariana castillo zamarron

Edu 201
Education philosophy


I am choosing this profession because I have always enjoyed helping kids

learn.There are also multiple experiences that have inspired me to choose this profession.

One experience that I've had was when I helped my little cousin do his homework. This

inspired me because helping him gave me a feeling of accomplishment. Also, seeing his

face light up when understood it made me really happy. My personal knowledge or skill

set that will serve me is that I have a large amount of patience. The field observation

helped me understand the teaching environment in many ways. One way was that it made

me realize that you sometimes have to be strict to students so that they listen to you.

Additionally, it helped me understand how much work it really is to be a teacher. Overall I

think that teaching is a wonderful profession with a create environment.


The education philosophy that dictates my current belief s in education is

progressivism. This is based on the believe that education should be child centered rather

than focused on the teacher or the content area. My knowledge of historical events sets the

stage of how I will think about children and schools in many ways. For example, I have

seen how far education has come. This means that I will try to make more progress in

schools. Also, by allowing me to teach students in many ways and styles. This will help

many students because not everyone learns the same or at the same rate. That is my

philosophical orientation and how my knowledge will set the stage of how I think about

the children and schools.

Education philosophy


There are many strategies that I will implement. For example, I will try to prepare

my students for an unknown future. This is to give them problem solving strategies that

will help them in various stages of their lives. Also, i will guide them through various

projects and discoveries relying in part with the child's natural curiosity. Additionally, I

will provide students with experiences that replicate life as much as possible. My

approaches for learning student diversity,variability and assessment will be to see what

works best for the students. Fore example, for a student diversity I will see and determined

what method works best for them. This would help ELL students. My approach for

assessments would be to test everyone on the same thing but give give extra help to those

who struggle. Those will be my strategies and approaches


There are many qualities that that a person needs to possess in order to

move forward in this career. One quality would be to be patience because teaching

requires a lot of it. Another one would be being able to teach. This is important

because students have to understand what you are teaching otherwise they won't

learn. The steps that i will take to succeed include number one continue with my

education at CSN. Next transfer to UNLV to get my degree in education. After that
Education philosophy

I will do a lot of volunteer work at schools to get more experience with kids.

Finally, apply for a job.

Education philosophy

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