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Personal philosophy

Mariana castillo zamarron

Introduction to special education 203

Philosophy of special education

Mar 2, 2017

Special education is wonderful field to work in. for example teachers have the

opportunity to work with wonderful children. I also think that teachers who focus on

this area carry a lot of responsibility. One reason is because they have to be able to

teach children who have different abilities. I also think that it requires a lot of patience

to to teach special ed. The reason is because usually the teacher is dealing with a wide

variety of attitudes. You never know when a student might act out and as the teacher

you have to be able to handle the situation properly. At the end I believe that it is a

wonderful job that leaves you with a very rewarding feeling.


My belief on teaching is that teachers should focus on their students educational needs.

For example, teaching them at their own pace. This will allow the student to make progress.

Without any pressure. I also, believe that it is really important for the teacher to include

everyone. One example would would be to include them in group activities so that they don't

feel left out. Including students with special needs will help boost their self esteem. This is good

because they have to feel like they are accepted in the classroom. In order for them to function

properly with their other classmates. That is my teaching philosophy when it comes to special


There are many strategies when it comes to teaching children with different needs. One strategy

would be to have one on one time with that student to make sure he is understanding what is

being taught. Another strategy would be to have them do something they are really good at. For

example, that student might struggle with math but is is really good at drawing. Therefore, you

have them draw out the problem so that they understand it better. Another strategy could be

giving them busy work .this allows the teacher to finish her lesson. After she is done then now

she can have one on one time with the student to help them work. Those are only some of the

strategies teachers can use when teaching their students.


In the future I plan on finishing my classes at CSN then transferring to UNLV to get my degree

in education. I also plan on continuing doing volunteer work in schools. The reason is so that I

can get more experience in working with children. I don't think I’ll be going into special

education. My reason is because I don't think I could do it. Therefore I'll be going into

kindergarten. This is the area that I want to work in because teaching little kids is what makes

me happy. Also , because it is my dream job and would not want to do any else. That is what I

plan to do in the future and why.

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