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Cartoon analysis

By: mariana castillo

Edu 210
What I got from it
● Schools need to take more precaution now with their students
● It has become harder to trust students now.

● It's easier for students to get into trouble now v back then
Court case
New jersey v T.L.O 1984: TLO was a highschool student. School officials searched her purse
because they suspected she had cigarettes. After the searched they found cigarettes and a small
amount of marijuana. So she was charged with marijuana possession. The court held that the
search of TLO purse was reasonable under the circumstance.
Vernonia school district v Acton: James acton a student was denied participation of his school football
program when he and his parents refused to consent to the athlete drug policy which allows random drug
"New Jersey v. T.L.O." Oyez, 26 Oct. 2017,

"Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton." Oyez, 26 Oct. 2017,

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