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Spreadsheet Lesson Reflection

ISTE Technology Facilitation (TF) Standards

Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences. Educational technology

facilitators plan, design, and model effective learning environments and multiple experiences
supported by technology. Educational technology facilitators:
TF-II.A. Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply
technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
1. Identify opportunities to integrate technology into the classroom to support
instructional outcomes while supporting the diverse needs of learners.

TF-II.B. Apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when
planning learning environments and experiences.
1. Uses current and meaningful research from academic journals and resources that
show evidence on the benefits of integrating technology into the classroom for
diverse learners.

TF-II.C. Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and
1. Evaluates technology resources that can be integrated into content classrooms for
authority, accuracy, currency, objectivity, and coverage

TF-II.D. Plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning
1. Assists teachers in identifying technology resources that can be integrated into
content classrooms to best support diverse learners and student centered activities.

TF-II.E. Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced

1. Use methods and classrooms managements strategies for teaching content and
technology in individual, small group, and classroom setting.

TF-II.F. Identify and apply instructional design principles associated with the
development of technology resources.
1. Identifies technology resources that support teaching pedagogy and practices that
align with national/state content standards.

Assessment and Evaluation. Educational technology facilitators apply technology to facilitate

a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. Educational technology facilitators:
TF-IV.A. Apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a
variety of assessment techniques.
1. Provides teachers opportunities to utilize assessment that is fully integrated into
instruction through informal/formal methods while utilizing technology.
TF-IV.B. Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and
communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
1. Assists teachers in monitoring student understanding and making use of strategies to
elicit information about individual student understanding through various technology

TF-IV.C. Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students' appropriate use

of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.
1. Demonstrates ways that teachers can weave monitoring of student learning
seamlessly into the lesson by using a variety of techniques that support the school’s
technology integration policies.

Productivity and Professional Practice. Educational technology facilitators apply technology

to enhance and improve personal productivity and professional practice. Educational technology
TF-V.A. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and
lifelong learning.
1. Discusses issues related to developing a school technology plan with the most
updated and relevant information and research.

TF-V.B. Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed

decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning.
1. Continuously conducts an evaluation of various technology practices, tools, and
resources and how it can support a productive learning environment.

TF-V.C. Apply technology to increase productivity.

1. Describes and identify various ways to seamlessly integrate technology into
classroom instruction to support learning objectives.

TF-V.D. Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the
larger community in order to nurture student learning.
1. Suggests strategies and procedures involving technology resources and tools that
involve peers, parents, and the larger community to be involved in student learning.


The lesson allowed students to collectively work together to add content and knowledge
to the classroom. The lesson provides educators a method of integrating technology into the
classroom that can meet a school’s technology needs. This lesson allows students to learn the
material of data and representing data as well as assessed using the Microsoft Excel. This
technology plan supports TF-II A-F, TF-IV A-C, and TF-V A-D because it is the goal to
maximize learning in a school. This lesson demonstrates various methods to integrate technology
into classrooms. This technology plan supports these standards as it demonstrates a way to
integrate technology into the classroom to also benefit students.

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