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Dalam tekanan konstan turbin gas siklus terbuka udara masuk pada 1 bar dan 20 ° C dan
meninggalkan kompresor pada 5 bar. Menggunakan data sebagai berikut; Suhu gas masuk turbin
= 680°C, pressure loss in the combustion chamber = 0.1 bar, η compressor = 85%, η turbine = 80%, η combustion
= 85%, γ = 1.4 and cp = 1.024 kJ/kgK for air and gas, find:
(1) The quantity of air circulation if the plant develops 1065 kW.


(2) Heat supplied per hg of air circulation.

(3) The thermal efficiency of the cycle. Mass of the fuel may be neglected.
Solution. Pl = 1 bar
P2 = 5 bar T(K) r

a b

P3 = 5 – 0.1 = 4.9 bar 4

. 9

P4 = 1 bar
953 3
T1 = 20 + 273 = 293 K
T3 = 680 + 273 = 953 K
= 85%
η compressor
η = 80% 2′ 4′
turbine 2
= 85% 4
η combustion
For air and gases: cP′ = 1.024 kJ/kgK
y = 1.4
Power developed by the plant,
Fig. 9.31
P = 1065 kW
(1) The quantity of air circulation, ma
= ? For isentropic compression 1 – 2,
T p
2 2 ( γ − 1) /γ 5 (1.4 − 1) /1.4
= = = 1.584

T1 1 1
T2 = 293 × 1.584 = 464 K
η = (T2 − T1 )
compressor = 0.85
(T2 ′ − T1 )
(464 −
0.85 = (T − 293)

T2′ = 494 K
For isentropic expansion process 3 – 4,
4 P4 ( γ − 1) /γ 1 (1.4 − 1) /1.4
T = P = 4.9 = 0.635
3 3

T4 = 953 × 0.635 = 605 K

= (T3 − T4′ )
Now, η turbine (T −T) = 0.80
3 4
299 1


T4′ = 674.6 K
Wcompressor = Cp(T2′ – T1) = 1.024(494 – 293) = 205.8 kJ/kg
Wturbine = Cp(T3 – T4′) = 1.024(953 – 674.6) = 285.1 kJ/kg
W =W –W
net turbine compressor
= 285.1 – 205.8 = 79.3 kJ/kg of air
If the mass of air flowing is ma kg/s,
the power developed by the plant is given by P = ma × W net kW
1065 = ma × 79.3
m = kg
a 13.43
i.e., Quantity of air circulation = 13.43 kg.
(2) Heat supplied per kg of air circulation = ?
Actual heat supplied per kg of air circulation

cp (T3 − T2 ′ ) 1.024(953 − 494)

= combustion = 0.85 = 552.9 kJ/kg.
(3) Thermal efficiency of the cycle, η thermal = ?
work output
η thermal =
heat supplied

= 79.3 = 0.1434 or 14.34%.

Example 3. In an open cycle regenerative gas turbine plant, the air enters the compressor at 1
bar abs 32°C and leaves at 6.9 bar abs. The temperature at the end of combustion chamber is 816°C.
The isentropic efficiencies of compressor and turbine are respectively 0.84 and 0.85. Combustion effi-
ciency is 90% and the regenerator effectiveness is 60 percent, determine:
(a) Thermal efficiency, (b) Air rate, (c) Work ratio.
Solution. P1 = 1.0 bar,
T1 = 273 + 32 = 305 K
P2 = P2a = 6.9 bar
T4 = 816 + 273 = 1089 K

T P ( γ − 1) /γ
2a 2a

T = P
1 1

6.9 (1.4 − 1) /1.4

= = 1.736

T2a = 1.736 × 305 = 529.4 K

η = (T2 a − T1 ) 4
Now, compressor = 0.84 Regenerator
(T2 − T1 )
(529.4 − 305) 3 6 Temp. Reduced
0.84 = 5a
due to Transfer
(T2 − 305) 2a of Heat in H.E.

T2 = 572.2 K
Again = 1.736
T φ
5a Regeneration cycle
Fig. 9.32
T 1089
5a = = 627.3 K
η = (T4 − T5 )
Now, turbine − = 0.85
(T4 T5 a )
T4 – T5 = 0.85(1089 – 627.3) = 392.4
T5 = 1089 – 392.4 = 696.6 K
(529.4 − 305)
0.84 =
(T2 − 305)
T2 = 572.2 K
Again = 1.736
T 1089
5a = = 627.3 K

= (T3 − T2 )
Regenerator efficiency η rg (T5 − T2 )
T3 – T2 = 0.6 × (696.6 – 572.2) = 74.65
T3 = 572.2 + 74.65 = 646.85 K
(a) Thermal efficiency

Useful workdone [C p (T4 − T5 ) − C p (T2 − T1 )]

η t = Heat supplied = C p (T4 − T3 )


(392.4 − 267.2)
η t = (1089 − 646.85) = 25.48 %


(b) Air rate AR =
Useful work in kW/kg

= = 28.56 kg/kW-hr
(1.005 125.4)
Useful work × 125.2)
(c) Work ratio = = = 0.32.
Turbine work × 392.4)
Example 4. A gas turbine power plant is operated between 1 bar and 9 bar pressures and
minimum and maximum cycle temperatures are 25°C and 1250°C. Compression is carried out in two
stages with perfect intercooling. The gases coming out from HP. turbine are heated to 1250°C before
entering into L.P. turbine. The expansions in both turbines are arranged in such a way that each stage
develops same power. Assuming compressors and turbines isentropic efficiencies as 83%,
(1) determine the cycle efficiency assuming ideal regenerator. Neglect the mass of fuel.
(2) Find the power developed by the cycle in kW if the airflow through the power plant is 16.5 kg/sec.
Solution. The arrangement of the components and the processes are shown in Fig. 9.33(a and
b). The given data is
Tl = 25 + 273 = 298 K = T3 (as it is perfect intercooling),
pl = 1 bar and p3 = 9 bar

p = p1 p3 = (1 × 9) = 3 bar
RPl = Rp2 = 3
ηc1 = η c2 = η t1 = η t2 = 0.83,
T6 = T8 = 1250 + 273 = 1523 K
T10 = T5 (as perfect regenerator is given)
Applying isentropic law to the process 1 – 2′

P ( γ − 1) /γ
T2′ = T1 2 = 298(3) = 408 K

Intercooler Fuel 3
6 8 P2
5 1
2 3 Regenerator T 5
4 7 9
T 4 2 7′ 9′
C1 C2 1 T2
4′ 2′ 10

1 7 Fuel 8 3 1
Air in

(a) (b)
Fig. 9.33

−T )
η (T
2 ′ 1
c1 =
(T2 − T1 )

T1 + (T2′ − T1 )
T2 =
η c1

298 + (408 − 298)

= = 430.5 K
T4 = T2 = 430.5 K
Applying isentropic law to the process 6 – 7′
6 P ( γ − 1) /γ 0.286 = 1.37 K
= 3
= (3) T9
7′ 2 T5
1523 10
7′ = = 1111 K T4
η (T6 − T7 ) Fig. 9.34
t1 =
(T6 − T7′ )
T7 = T6 – η t1(T6 – T7′)
= 1523 – 0.83(1523 – 1111) = 1181 K
T9 = T7 = 1181 K (as equal work is developed by each turbine)
Wc = 2CPa (T2 – Tl) = 2 × 1(430.5 – 298) = 266 kJ/kg
Wt = 2CPa(T6 – T7) = 2 × 1(1523 – 1181) = 687.5 kJ/kg
Wn = Wt – Wc = 687.5 – 266 = 421.5 kJ/kg
When the ideal regeneration is given, then
ε = 1 therefore T5 = T9 = 1181 K = T7
QS (heat supplied) = 2Cpa(T6 – T5)
= 2 × 1(1523 – 1181) = 684 kJ/kg
Wn 421.5
(1) Thermal η = = = 0.615 = 61.5%
Qs 684
(2) Power developed by the plant = Wn × m = 421.5 × 16.5 = 6954.75 kW.
Example 5. A gas-turbine power plant generates 25 MW of electric power. Air enters the com-
pressor at 10°C and 0.981 bar and leaves at 4.2 bar and gas enters the turbine at 850°C. If the
turbine and compressor efficiencies are each 80%, determine
(1) The temperatures at each point in the cycle
(2) The specific work of the cycle
(3) The specific work of the turbine and the compressor

(4) The thermal efficiencies of the actual and ideal cycle

(5) The required airflow rate.
Solution. T1 = 273 + 20 = 293 K
T3 = 273 + 850 = 1123 K
P ( γ − 1) /γ
T 0.2857
2a = T1 2 = 293.(4.28) = 443.9 KI 4
P1 2 4a
Similarly T4a = (4.28)0.2857 = 741.25 K φ

η (T2 a1 − T1 ) Fig. 9.35

Now compressor = (T2 − T1 )

η (T3 − T4 )
turbine = (T3 − T4 a )

T T1 + (T2 a − T1 ) 293 + (443.9 − 293)

2 = η compressor = = 481.6 K
T = T –η (T – T )
4 3 turbine 3 4a
= 1123 – 0.8(1123 – 741.25) = 817.6 K
(2) and (3) specific work of compressor = Cp (T2 – T1)
= 1.005(481.6 – 293) = 189.54 kJ/kg
Specific work of turbine = 1.005 (T3 – T4)
= 1.005(1123 – 817.6) = 306.93 kJ/kg
Net work = 306.93 – 189.54 = 117.4 kJ/kg
(4) Thermal efficiency (η t) of ideal cycle,

η = 1−1 = 1 – 0.66 = 34%

t P ( γ − 1)γ

Thermal efficiency of actual cycle,
(Heat supplied-Heat rejected)
t =
Heat supplied

{C p (T3 − T2 ) − C p (T4 − T1 )} (T − T )
4 1

= {C p (T3 − T2 )} = 1 – (T3 − T2 )
(817.6 − 293)
=1– = 1 – 0.818 = 18.20%
(1123 − 481.6)

(5) Air flow rate = 3600 kg/kW-hr.

net work output in kJ/kg

= × 25,000 kg/hr 117.4
(3600 × 25000)
= kg/s = 212.95 kg/s
(117.4 × 3600)


1. Given the advantages and limitations of gas turbine power plant.

2. Given the application of gas turbine power plants.
3. Name the major components of a gas turbine plant.
4. Draw a simple line diagram for a simple open cycle gas turbine plant.
5. Derive an expression for the thermal efficiency.
6. Define Air-rate and work-ratio.
7. What is regeneration? Flow it improves the thermal efficiency of a simple open cycle gas
turbine plant.
8. Define “effectiveness” of regeneration.
9. How “reheating” improves the thermal efficiency of a simple open cycle gas turbine plant ?
10. Discuss combined steam and gas turbine power plants.


1. A simple, constant pressure gas turbine is designed for a pressure ratio of 5 to 1, and a
turbine inlet temperature of 550°C. The adiabatic efficiency of compressing is 80% and that
of ex-pansion 85%, and there is a pressure loss of 0.0343bar through the combustion
chamber. Calculate
(a) the power per kg of air per sec.
(b) the overall efficiency.
Assuming the air to enter at 15°C and 1.01 bar. Take k = 1.4 and C n = 1.047 for both air and
combustion gases. Neglect the additional mass flow due to the fuel. [Ans. 65.47, 14.27%]
2. A gas turbine has a pressure ratio of 6/1 and a maximum cycle temperature of 600°C. The
isentropic efficiencies of the compressor and turbine are 0.82 and 0.85 respectively. Calcu-
late the power output in kilowatts of an electric generator geared to the turbine when the air
enters the compressor at 15°C at the rate of 15 kg/s.
Take: cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K and y = 1.4 for the compression process, and take cp = 1.11 kJ/kg K
and y = 1.333 for the expansion process. [Ans. 920 kW]
3. In a gas turbine plant air at 10°C and 1.01 bar is compressed through a pressure ratio of 4:1. In a
heat exchanger and combustion chamber the air is heated to 700°C while its pressure drops 0.14
bar. After expansion through the turbine the air passes through a heat exchanger, which cools the
air through, 75% of maximum range possible, while the pressure drops 0.14

bar, and the air is finally exhausted to atmosphere. The isentropic efficiency of the compres-
sor is 0.80 and that of turbine 0.85. Calculate the efficiency of the plant. [Ans. 22.76%]
4. In a gas turbine plant, air is compressed through a pressure ratio of 6:1 from 15°C. It is then
heated to the maximum permissible temperature of 750°C and expanded in two stages each
of expansion ratio 6 , the air being reheated between the stages to 750°C. An heat ex-
changer allows the heating of the compressed gases through 75 percent of the maximum
range possible. Calculate:
(i) The cycle efficiency
(ii) The work ratio
(iii) The work per kg of air.
The isentropic efficiencies of the compressor and turbine are 0.8 and 0.85 respectively.
[Ans. (i) 32.75% (ii) 0.3852 (iii) 152 kJ/kg]
5. The gas turbine has an overall pressure ratio of 5:1 and a maximum cycle temperature of 550°C.
The turbine drives the compressor and an electric generator, the mechanical effi-ciency of the
drive being 97%. The ambient temperature is 20°C and the isentropic efficiencies of the
compressor and turbine are 0.8 and 0.83 respectively. Calculate the power output in kilowatts
for an air flow of 15 kg/s. Calculate also the thermal efficiency and the work ratio. Neglect
changes are kinetic energy, and the loss of pressure in combustion chamber.
[Ans. 655 kW; 12%; 0.168]
6. At the design speed the following data apply to a gas turbine set employing the heat ex-
changer: Isentropic efficiency of compressor = 75%, isentropic efficiency of the turbine
= 85%, mechanical transmission efficiency = 99%, combustion efficiency = 98%, mass flow
= 22.7 kg/s, pressure ratio = 6:1, heat exchanger effectiveness = 75%, maximum cycle tem-
perature = 1000 K.
The ambient air temperature and pressure are 15°C and 1.013 bar respectively. Calculate:
(i) The net power output
(ii) Specific fuel consumption
(iii) Thermal efficiency of the cycle.
Take the lower calorific value of fuel as 43125 kJ/kg and assume no pressure-loss in heat
exchanger and combustion chamber. [Ans. (i) 2019 kW (ii) 0.4999 kg/kWh (iii) 16.7%]

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