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Bunkers and A selection of articles previously

published by Gard AS


© Gard AS, January 2014


Introduction.................................................................................................................... 4
Bunkers contracts.......................................................................................................... 5
Low-sulphur fuels explained......................................................................................... 6
USCG detains vessel for failure to use low sulphur fuel oil
in the North American ECA...................................................................................... 7
Turkey – New requirements for fuel oil sulphur content............................................ 8
Fuel handling and treatment on board....................................................................... 9
EU – de-bunkered off-spec fuel is not waste............................................................ 10
Bunker Sampling......................................................................................................... 11
Bunkers and bunkering - It’s nothing to do with your golf swing .......................... 12
Fines for burning non-compliant fuel in EU ports.................................................... 15
California low sulphur fuel changes 1 January 2014................................................. 16
North American ECA requirements after 1 August 2012......................................... 17
Canada implements North American ECA requirements........................................ 18
Hull and machinery incident - Consequences of using
off-specification bunkers......................................................................................... 19
The importance of an efficient fuel oil treatment system........................................ 20
Marpol Annex VI - New risks and challenges for owners and charterers................ 22
Marpol Annex VI - Solving the low sulphur issue...................................................... 25
Marpol Annex VI – Challenges in operating on low sulphur fuel............................ 27
Off-spec bunkers – Some practical cases.................................................................. 28
Controlling bunker costs............................................................................................. 30
Liquid gold - Fuel oil and lubricating oil................................................................... 36
Bunker Quality............................................................................................................. 38
Some technical aspects of marine fuels testing........................................................ 39
Effects of off-spec bunkers......................................................................................... 42
Main Engine Damage Due to Ignition Delay............................................................ 44
The interplay of fuel and lubricating oil quality on the reliability
of diesel engines..................................................................................................... 45
Bunker spills................................................................................................................. 47
Charterer’s Liabilities and Bunkers............................................................................. 50
P&I incident – How not to do it – Bunker operations............................................... 51
Stone cold bonkers – FD&D bunker disputes........................................................... 52

The information contained in this publication is compiled from material previously published by Gard AS and is provided for
general information purposes only. Whilst we have taken every care to ensure the accuracy and quality of the information
provided at the time of original publication, Gard AS can accept no responsibility in respect of any loss or damage of any
kind whatsoever which may arise from reliance on information contained in this publication regardless of whether such
information originates from Gard AS, its shareholders, correspondents or other contributors.

© Gard AS, January 2014



This booklet contains a collection of 3. If the supplier takes other samples 9. Expert advice should be considered
loss prevention materials relating to at the time of the delivery, try to and a reliable fuel testing services
bunkers and bunkering, which has been establish how and when they were such as DNV Petroleum Services
published by Gard over the years. taken. Issue a protest if you are not (DNVPS) or Lloyds Register (FOBAS)
invited to witness the sampling. should be used to obtain advice on
Problems occurring onboard the how to proceed in order to solve
vessels and which arise from bunker 4. Use a fast, reliable testing service to the particular problem and to avoid
related issues are diverse, and may analyse the samples. damage and mitigate any losses.
involve disputes varying from engine/
equipment problems and vessel delay 5. Segregate new fuel from that 10. Contact the engine manufacturer as
to off loading/re-bunkering. Main already held onboard. well as the fuel supplier for advice.
and auxiliary engine related claims Further action will depend on which
constitute approximately 31 per cent of 6. Avoid using new fuel until the parameter is off-specification and/or
Gard’s total hull and machinery claims. analysis results have been what the particular problem is. The
This figure should also be compared considered and it has been degree of quality deviation from the
with statistics from the industry established that the fuel is suitable. specification must be considered.
indicating that 80 percent of all engine
breakdowns are related to problems 7. Maintain accurate daily records of 11. The charterer should be notified,
with either the fuel or the lubricating oil. the contents of and consumption if the charterer purchased the fuel,
from each fuel tank and other interested parties.
As with most claims, bunker related
claims can be avoided. The following If off-spec bunkers have been 12. The parties should inform their
points may serve as a reminder and delivered and are found to be insurers.
assist in ensuring a claim free voyage. unsuitable for use the bunkers
should be off-loaded and replaced
1. Be selective when choosing a by new on-spec bunkers. If inferior
supplier. Order fuel to desired ISO bunkers have to be used or have
grade and describe the required already been used the following
grade in the charterparty as well as should be done:
in the requisition to supplier.
8. The vessel should immediately
2. Take samples at the time of delivery notify the shipowner if it is
and obtain confirmation from the experiencing problems with
suppliers that the samples are off-spec fuel. If the shipowner
representative. Ensure that the purchased the fuel directly from
samples taken are properly labelled. the supplier, he should notify the
bunker supplier and forward a copy
of the test results.

© Gard AS, January 2014


Bunkers contracts Gard News 204, November 2011/

January 2012

Gard News looks at some of the issues days after delivery. The time limit for Insurance
regarding contracts for the supply of producing claims in respect of quality Most insurance contracts provide that
bunkers which may affect shipowners is normally 30 days, with very strict the cover may be prejudiced if the
and charterers. procedural steps to be followed by the assured has waived his right to claim
buyer. damages from third parties. However,
Contracts for the supply of marine this does not normally apply to
bunkers may give rise to a number Limitation of liability contracts which are considered “usual”
of challenges to owners, charterers Contracts normally contain limitation of or “customary” in a trade. Hence, as
and sellers of bunkers. A close study liability provisions whereby the sellers’ long as the contract entered into may
of these contracts will reveal onerous liability is limited to the price charged be considered “usual”, insurance cover
liabilities and responsibilities put on the under the contract or the cost of should not be prejudiced.
buyers, be they charterers or owners. removal of the relevant bunkers.
Contracts relating to sale of bunkers Not surprisingly, liability for Charterers and owners should carefully
often include provisions of a general consequential losses and personal consider all provisions before signing a
nature, which apply to all dealings injury are usually excluded. In addition, bunkers supply contract. This may help
between the parties and may well be some contracts provide that any claim to avoid unpleasant surprises.
given priority over other contracts. against sellers will be deemed to
Affiliates of the sellers may also be be abandoned if the sellers are not
affected by the general conditions even provided with bank security for costs.
if the buyer may not be aware that a
company selling bunkers is an affiliate. Spill during bunkering
Contracts may have clauses regulating
Quality and quantity spillage and if they do the sellers
Quality may be defined as sellers’ will normally be authorised to take
commercial grades offered to whatever measure they deem necessary
customers at the time and place of to minimise damage. Costs will be
delivery. However, contracts often paid by the party causing the spill or
contain provisions like “the seller apportioned according to blame if both
makes no warranties of quality except parties are at fault.
for being sellers’ commercial grades at
the time and place of delivery”, or “the Lien
seller does not provide any guarantee Certain bunker supply contracts
nor warranty as to the satisfactory provide that the sellers “shall have
quality, fitness or suitability of products the right to assert a lien against the
provided”. Such provisions may cause vessel covering the fuels delivered”,
difficulty if a claim for quality is to be regardless of whether the buyer is
pursued. the owner or charterer of the vessel.
By accepting this clause the charterer
Contracts may also provide that would give a third party a contractual
bunkers to be delivered shall be lien on property they do not own. The
determined by the sellers’ preferred legal implications of such a clause are
method of measuring and that the unclear.
buyer will be charged according to the
measurements taken by the seller. The Indemnity clauses
buyers are often encouraged to have an Certain contracts contain an indemnity
independent surveyor present during clause stating that the buyer shall
measuring. However, contracts may indemnify the sellers for “any and all
include clauses such as “determination costs, claims demands or liabilities,
of quantity shall be made solely by the damage to property or personal injury...
seller”. unless the same is due to the sole
negligence of the seller”. Any incident
Time limits not caused solely by the negligence
Claims in respect of bunkers delivery of the sellers may therefore trigger
usually have very short time limits and liability to indemnify. Some contracts
often there are different time limits for may stipulate that the sellers’ liability
quantity and quality claims. According is limited to damages and costs
to many standard contracts, claims caused by gross negligence or wilful
for short delivery are time-barred 15 misconduct of the seller.

© Gard AS, January 2014


Low-sulphur fuels Gard News 209, February/

April 2013


Why is there a drive towards the use of are saleable commodities. The recovery is highly reactive and can reduce
low-sulphur fuels? process is highly efficient, with a typical the lubrication properties of diesel,
recovery rate of 99 per cent. a significant problem for rotary
Whilst shipping, with relatively low injector pumps which use the diesel
CO2 emissions compared with other Not all crude oils extracted from the for lubrication. Varying levels of
forms of transport, is regarded as ground are identical. Crude oil is made hydrotreatment result in the lubrication
the most energy-efficient means of up of many different hydrocarbon properties of diesel varying, depending
mass transportation, the global trend components, ranging from light ends on the location of the refinery or the
towards reducing emissions from all (aromatic hydrocarbons) to the heavier source of their crude oil.
industry sectors has led to recent ends (non-aromatic – oily). There are
calls to improve energy efficiency many forms and within those forms Acid rain
and control emissions in international there are many different compositions. Sulphur, when burnt in air, converts into
maritime transport. Shipping is In the traditional crudes there is a large sulphur dioxide (SO2), which, when
becoming recognised as one of the difference in viscosity and sulphur released into the atmosphere, can form
most significant sources of localised content. The more viscous oils tend to an acidic solution, dissolving in rain to
air pollution and acidification in the contain significant amounts of heavier form acid rain. This causes widespread
European Union. A significant element ends, having a lower API1 gravity and damage to the environment, affecting
of the pollution from shipboard sources higher sulphur content, whereas the lakes and forests, and has been blamed
has been identified as being from the less viscous oils are predominantly for erosion damage to buildings and
flue gas emissions containing sulphur made up of the lighter ends and have structures of historic importance.
dioxide (SOx). a lower sulphur content. The heavier
the crude, the greater the expense Although acid rain is so weak as not to
Some major players in the shipping to extract usable components. It is cause immediate danger, a prolonged
industry have already taken the initiative possible with some very light sweet build-up does have significant effects
of switching to low-sulphur fuel and crudes to burn them directly in diesel on forests, causing the nutrients in the
investing in finding alternative sources engines without any significant soils to dissolve and be washed away.
of “green” fuel. processing. Crude oil extracted from The release of aluminium into the soil,
the ground is classified as sweet or which blocks the trees’ ability to absorb
But why is sulphur such a villain? sour, depending on the level of sulphur nutrients, and the washing of the tree
naturally occurring in the crude. High leaves’ natural waxy deposits, restrict
Origin concentrations of sulphur dictate sour their ability to perform photosynthesis.
Sulphur (brimstone) is a naturally crude, while low levels are indicative This combined attack can leave trees
occurring element and is found freely of sweet crude. Commercially, sweet open to disease and damage by insects
within the earth’s crust and is essential light crude has been preferred and and weather. Minor changes in the
to life, forming a constituent part of therefore these resources have been PH levels of rivers and lakes can affect
body fats and bone. It is from here consumed at a far greater rate than the some species while not affecting others,
that sulphur finds its way, through the less commercial heavier sour crudes. causing very intense plankton blooms,
passage of millions of years, into the However, in the future, refineries will which go on to form very deadly toxins.
earth’s supply of crude oil. Most of the need to use the heavier crudes as
oil supply is found between layers of supplies of the light crudes diminish. The relationship between acid rain,
sedimentary rock, this being formed As the supply of light sweet crude has pollution and fossil fuels was first
by the layering of sea bed deposits progressively declined since 2000, discovered in 1852 by Scottish chemist
and free organic material settling. The the demand has increased and this Robert Angus Smith, but it was not
industrious work of anaerobic bacteria has been matched by the increased until the middle of the 20th century
consumes the free organic matter requirement for low-sulphur fuels. that the first significant steps to control
converting it into simple hydrocarbons air pollution were taken, gradually
with the leaching of sulphur from the Why is sulphur undesirable in fuel? progressing into the current focus on
surrounding rock, resulting in crude Sulphur has several undesirable shipping emissions.
oils having varying degrees of sulphur properties when combined with
content. the internal combustion engine. It Footnotes
is acidic in nature, which can result 1 American Petroleum Institute.
Extraction in the corrosion of the constituent 2 A catalytic converter is a vehicle
There are several methods for metal parts, and is known to poison emissions control device which converts
extracting sulphur. The cheapest and catalytic converters,2 i.e., to reduce toxic by-products of combustion in
most widespread is hydrotreatment, catalytic activity, thereby reducing the the exhaust of an internal combustion
a process that involves treating the effectiveness of exhaust systems. engine to less toxic substances by way
product with hydrogen. The removed of catalyzed chemical reactions.
sulphur is often in the form of H2S and Extraction of sulphur through
must be converted into either elemental hydrotreatment involves treating the
sulphur or sulphuric acid, both of which sulphur with hydrogen. Hydrogen

© Gard AS, January 2014


USCG detains vessel for

Gard Alert, 12 March 2013

failure to use low sulphur fuel

oil in the North American ECA
Gard has recently been advised that • For Gard’s specific advice on EPA have compiled a joint list of
the United States Coast Guard (USCG) operation in the North American ECA, FAQs and associated responses as a
included in its list of IMO reportable we refer to our previous Gard alert: result of queries received since the
detentions, which is part of the US “North American ECA requirements implementation of the North American
Port State Control (PSC) program, after 1 August 2012” dated 4 July 2012. ECA. At the end of the document is
the detention of a foreign bulk carrier a list of questions received which are
for using fuel oil exceeding the 1.0% • Further to the details provided in currently under review by the USCG/
sulphur limit content whilst operating our previous Gard Alert regarding the EPA.
within the North American Emission submission of “Fuel Oil Non-Availability
Control Area (ECA). According to the Reports” to the Environmental Footnotes
report published on the USCG website, Protection Agency (EPA), Members 1 The requirements for the North
the vessel had low sulphur fuel available and clients should note that a new American area as an ECA under
on board for use, but neither the Master electronic portal has been launched by MARPOL Annex VI took full effect on 1
nor the Chief Engineer was familiar the EPA through which vessel owners August 2012, while for the United States
with the current North American ECA and operators can electronically Caribbean Sea area, the requirements
regulations, and the compliant fuel was submit a disclosure of fuel oil non- shall take full effect on 1 January 2014
therefore not used.1 availability. The electronic portal is (ref. also IMO MEPC.1/Circ. 756).
managed through the EPA’s Central 2 For Gard’s advice concerning fuel
The referenced incident clearly Data Exchange (CDX) and instructions changeover procedures and fuel
indicates that not all Masters and on how to access the electronic portal oil treatment in general, see Loss
Chief Engineers are fully aware of is available through the following URL: Prevention Circulars No.15-09 “Low
their responsibilities under MARPOL sulphur changeover” and No.05-12
Annex VI and the requirements when marpolannex.html#fueloil “Fuel handling and treatment on
operating in ECAs. Gard’s Members board”
and clients are therefore strongly • In addition, useful information for
advised to make sure that their Masters ensuring compliance with the North
and relevant crew are properly trained American ECA requirements can be
and familiar with all air pollution found in the document “Frequently
prevention requirements within their Asked Questions about the North
areas of operation - and with their American ECA by USCG“ which
shipboard procedures concerning use is also accessible via the EPA URL
of compliant fuel oil in particular.2 included above. The USCG and the

© Gard AS, January 2014


Turkey – New requirements

Gard Alert, December 2011

for fuel oil sulphur content

As part of the measures implemented by local regulators and Gard has been Directive for the sulphur content of
to prevent and reduce air pollution, advised that as of 1 January 2012, marine fuels and of MARPOL Annex VI.
MARPOL Annex VI sets out the Turkey will enforce new regulations
requirements for the sulphur content covering the limits of the sulphur Based on information published by the
of any fuel oil used onboard ships in content of marine fuels used by vessels Turkish Chamber of Shipping and the
general and for the Emission Control within its domestic territorial waters. Turkish General Directorate of Marine
Areas (ECAs) in particular. However, The purpose of the new regulations Transport in September 2011, the new
stricter regulations covering the sulphur is reportedly to align these with the Turkish requirements are:
content of fuel oil may also be enforced requirements contained in the EU

Effective date Type of vessel and operation Sulphur content limit required
All vessels arriving at Turkish ports and Marine fuels at or below 0.1% sulphur
1 January 2012 all inland waterway vessels sailing on
Turkish inland waters

All passenger vessels providing regular Marine fuels at or below 1.5% sulphur
services in areas covered by Turkey’s
marine jurisdiction

It has also been indicated that Turkish and artificial lakes, reservoirs, fisheries According to Gard’s correspondents,
flagged vessels, when sailing within and rivers of Turkey; the Turkish Straits, information about the new fuel
“SOx Emission Detection Fields as the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, and regulations has not been readily
defined by the International Maritime the Marmara Sea are reportedly not available and there is no clear indication
Organization” cannot use marine fuels part of this definition. However, it has of how the Turkish authorities will
with a sulphur content exceeding been indicated that vessels transiting interpret them. Prior to entering Turkish
1.5%. Assuming that this refers to the the Turkish Straits may still be subject territorial waters, Members and Clients
ECAs defined in MARPOL Annex VI, to the new regulations if their stay at should also check with local sources
Members and Clients should be aware an anchorage whilst awaiting passage and/or their local agents whether there
that the requirements of MARPOL exceeds 2 hours. is any additional or new information
Annex VI, i.e. the use of marine fuels at available from the authorities.
or below 1.0% sulphur content within • There are currently no detailed
ECAs regardless of flag, will prevail. indications as to how the Turkish We would like to thank Gard’s
authorities intend to follow-up the new correspondents in Turkey, Kalimbassieris
Gard’s correspondents in Turkey advise regulations and what the consequences Maritime Ltd and Vitsan Mümessillik
that, to their knowledge: will be of contravening the regulations. ve Musavirlik A.S., for the above
• The regulations apply to all vessels Gard’s Members and Clients trading to
safely at berth or at anchor within the Turkey should ensure that their vessels
boundaries of any port, and staying comply with the new Turkish regulatory
at berth or at anchor for more than 2 requirements by 1 January 2012. It is
hours. Fuel replacement operations important that operators specify, and
must take place in the shortest possible crew members verify, that the sulphur
time following the vessel’s arrival in level in the bunker delivery note
port. conforms to ISO 8217 and is within the
sulphur limits set by local regulators
• “Inland waters” means the natural and MARPOL.

© Gard AS, January 2014


Fuel handling and

Loss Prevention Circular No.

treatment on board

Introduction is considered especially important to fuel during critical operations or when

Fuel-related engine breakdowns emphasise this advice to new crew navigating in restricted areas.
are not a new problem. Between members and junior engineers. For
storage and combustion, the fuel further information and additional • Consider if bunkering upon entering
must be transferred, heated, filtered details on practical cases and important a port is an option (draft, cargo, timing,
and purified in order to meet the learning points, please see the Loss etc., permitting) instead of when
engine manufacturer’s specifications. Prevention Compilation: “Bunkers and leaving a port. This will allow analysis
Depending on the quality of the bunkering”. of the new fuel to be available prior
fuel delivered on board, this can to leaving port, which of course is the
be a complex process and Gard Fuel oil storage and tanks ideal situation.
regularly sees engine breakdowns and Even if fuel is within specification,
operational problems caused by poor problems can arise at the very Fuel oil separation
fuel quality or poor fuel treatment first stage of storage. Build-up of Even if the HFO received complies
on board. The bulk of such engine sediment inside the tanks can cause with the requirements of ISO 8217,
breakdowns arises from the use of contamination of new fuel and mixing operational problems can arise if
heavy fuel oil (HFO) and the number of different batches of fuel can lead to the treatment plant and in particular
of cases where engine damage is unstable fuel. Important precautions the HFO separators are not properly
caused by catalytic fines seems to be are: operated and maintained. In order to
in the majority. Gard has also seen efficiently reduce the level of catalytic
engine problems caused by mixing of • Regularly clean storage and settling/ fines and other impurities present
incompatible fuels and filters clogged service tanks. Large particles will settle in the fuel, such as rust, sand, dust
by sludge. in the tanks and these particles can be and water, separator manufacturer’s
whirled up during rough weather and recommendations should be followed.
The purpose of this circular is to remind supplied to the separators, sometimes Important precautions are:
ship owners and operators of important in concentrations above the limits
issues regarding fuel handling and set out in ISO 8217.2 Cleaning of • Keep the HFO inlet temperature at
treatment on board and to highlight fuel oil tanks is often only performed 98oC. The efficiency of the separators
the importance of structured training of during scheduled yard stay and is dependent on the inlet temperature
crew members to prevent operational the implementation of routines for of the fuel and even a small reduction
problems and engine damage. more frequent cleaning should be in temperature will reduce the quality
considered. of the separation. Some commonly
Changes in rules and regulations observed causes of failures are leaking
The drive towards the use of low • Regularly drain settling/service tanks heating coils, wrong set points for
sulphur fuel oils (LSFO)1 is causing to remove water and sludge, preferably temperature sensors and defective
fuel refining processes to change, on a daily basis. monitoring systems.
sometimes resulting in lower quality
HFO being delivered to ships. More • Place new bunkers into empty tanks • Use the correct flow ratio and gravity
blending of different oil components whenever possible. Be aware that disc. The longer the fuel is in the
to optimise sulphur content may mixing of two stable fuels does not separator, the better the cleaning of the
create side effects such as instability, guarantee a compatible mixture and fuel oil will be. For separators without
incompatibility, ignition and combustion the sediment potential can increase gravity discs, it is recommended to
difficulties and an increase in the levels drastically after mixing. always use all available HFO separators
of catalytic fines. The need for frequent and to run them in parallel, with
changeovers between different types of • If mixing cannot be avoided, carry a corresponding feed rate. If the
fuels clearly increases the opportunity out tests to ensure that the two types separators are of the manual type with
for errors. Therefore, it is very important of fuel are compatible. Use a fast, gravity discs, they must be operated
that the crew be familiar with the reliable and recognised testing service in series with a purifier followed by a
properties of the fuel supplied and the to analyse fuel samples and avoid using clarifier, but with the lowest possible
limitations of the particular ship’s fuel the new fuel until the analysis results flow. On this type of separators, the use
treatment plant. have been reviewed. Carefully adhere of correct gravity discs is crucial and the
to the recommendations provided with discs have to be changed depending
Gard has issued a series of the results from the test laboratory. on the density of the fuel used.
recommendations previously but,
because of changes in rules and • Where time is a critical factor • Maintain the separators according to
regulations influencing both the quality but there are doubts about the manufacturer’s instructions and, as far as
of available fuel and the operating compatibility and sediment potential practically possible, use manufacturer’s
procedures on board, it is important to of a mixed fuel, carry out the simple approved parts only. In addition, the
reiterate some of this guidance. Below on-board test (test kits for this purpose separators should be checked by
is a summary of Gard’s advice on fuel should be available on board) as a the manufacturer’s service engineers
handling and treatment on board. It minimum, and avoid using the mixed at regular intervals. One commonly

© Gard AS, January 2014

observed causal factor for failure is HFO and low sulphur distillates, or even Footnotes
incorrect assembly of the separators marine gas oil (MGO), can be high and 1 Permissible levels of sulphur oxide
after cleaning. requires increased awareness. (SOx) emissions are regulated via
IMO’s MARPOL Annex VI and various
• Verify the efficiency of the separators Conclusion domestic regulations. The sulphur
and the cleanliness of the service tank For the safety of the crew, ship and content limit for LSFO allowed
by sampling the fuel in the system cargo, and to minimise costs and therefore depends on the location of
before and after the separators and periods off-hire caused by engine the ship and the regulations in force
as close to the engines as possible. breakdowns, it is important that ship at the time. At the time of writing,
Send the samples in for analysis by a owners and operators focus on the the maximum sulphur limit of fuel oils
recognised laboratory. Verification of quality of fuel handling and treatment used outside emission control areas
separators should be carried out at on board. All engine crew must receive (ECAs) and other designated areas
least once per year. proper and regular training and it is is 3.5%, while inside ECAs the limit is
particularly important to ensure that 1.0% (ref. IMO MARPOL Annex VI).
Fuel changeover junior engineers become familiar with Identified designated areas other than
Ships that trade between areas with the ship’s fuel treatment equipment and the MARPOL ECAs are: EU Community
different sulphur limitations should how to perform regular maintenance. ports (0.1%), Turkish ports (0.1%) and
have detailed changeover procedures. California coastal areas (1.0% for marine
Insufficient knowledge of the actions Changes in rules and regulations may gas oil (MGO) and 0.5% for marine
required in a given situation may lead to changes in procedures so diesel oil (MDO)).
result in engine failure, so changeover training and facilitation of experience
procedures should be practised before exchange are essential for the crew to 2 ISO 8217 specifies the requirements
entering restricted waters, especially be able to detect the cause of a fuel- for petroleum fuels for use in marine
in ships that do not perform fuel related problem when it occurs, and engines and boilers prior to appropriate
changeovers on a regular basis. The adjust the fuel handling and treatment treatment before use.
risk of incompatibility when mixing procedures to minimise potential

EU – de-bunkered off-
Gard Alert, 20 January 2014

spec fuel is not waste

A recent guiding ruling from the Court interpretation has resulted in a number market. However, the Dutch authorities
of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of criminal investigations and cases decided that this oil should be treated
states that off-spec oil need not be against bunker providers for failure as waste and pursued Shell for criminal
handled as waste. to follow environmental regulations fines.
when de-bunkering fuel that did not
meet contract specifications but was
As previously reported (see Gard Alert The CJEU found that the buyer’s
nonetheless suitable for reconditioning
“De-bunkering in The Netherlands” rejection of the cargo as off-spec
and resale.
dated 26 January 2012) there have under the sales contract was not
been some uncertainties regarding decisive and held that “a consignment
the Dutch authorities’ interpretation of The recent CJEU ruling followed an of diesel accidentally mixed with
the EU waste legislation and at what appeal by Shell Nederland and Shell another substance is not covered
time bunker fuel not compliant with Belgium against a prior ruling by the by the concept of ‘waste’, provided
the stated specifications (off-spec fuel) Dutch environmental authorities. The that the holder of that consignment
is to be considered as waste. Current case concerned contamination of does actually intend to place that
regulations define ‘waste’ as “any a parcel of ultra low sulphur diesel consignment, mixed with another
substance or object which the holder (ULSD) with remnants of MTBE. As product, back on the market.”
discards or intends or is required to a result, the flashpoint became too
discard” and Dutch environmental high and the ULDS was considered
Members and Clients are advised to
authorities have in some instances off-spec by the buyer. Shell agreed to
take note of the recent ruling by the
interpreted this statement to mean that refund the purchase price and take the
CJEU when considering options for
if a buyer rejects a parcel of fuel oil, the parcel back and transported the oil to
de-bunkering and reconditioning of
oil must be considered as ‘discarded’ the Netherlands with the intention of
off-spec fuel in the Netherlands. For
and accordingly treated as waste. This blending it and placing it back on the
further information on this the particular
Shell case, please see CJEU Case No.C-

© Gard AS, January 2014


Bunker Sampling
Loss Prevention Circular No. 05-11

Introduction and background labeled. If the supplier takes other • Expert advice should be obtained
Gard is frequently involved with samples at the time of delivery, try to from a reliable fuel testing service as to
machinery damage/claims related to establish how and when they were how to proceed and how to solve the
fuel quality. The purpose of taken. Issue a protest if you are not particular problem. Contact the engine
this circular is to emphasise the invited to witness the sampling. manufacturer as well as the fuel
importance of the fuel ordering, supplier for advice. Further actions
delivery procedures, bunker • One sample should be retained to be taken will depend on which
delivery receipts and bunkering on board the ship, another should be parameter is off-specification.
samples including the correct retained by the supplier, and a further
procedures for taking and handling of sample may be used for analysis Recommendations
the samples. purposes and a fourth may be held by Bunkering procedures, including fuel-
a responsible independent party for testing procedures and charter party
Reducing the risk safe keeping and reference in case of a requirements to fuel quality, should
To reduce or minimise the risk of claims dispute. be reviewed to ensure that the correct
arising or breakdown of machinery, procedures are followed when dealing
there are some main • Bunker fuel samples should be sent with off-spec bunkers. The shipowners
issues to be aware of when handling to the laboratory for testing as soon as should also familiarise himself with
bunkers. possible after completion of bunkering. any recommendations issued by class
Use a fast, reliable testing service to societies or any other experts. The
• Fuel sampling and analysis is analyse the samples. Segregate any crew involved should also be properly
essential for verification of the quality of new fuel from that already held nboard. briefed on these guidelines and
the fuel received onboard. Procedures Avoid using the new fuel until the procedures to avoid costly and time
and instructions should be established analysis results have been considered consuming interruptions. Gard strongly
within the technical or operational and it has been established that the fuel recommends that bunker sampling and
departments to ensure correct sampling is suitable. Maintain accurate daily testing should be carried out in
and stating where the samples should records of the contents of and accordance with correct procedures.
be sent for analysis. It is important to consumption from each tank. The lack of testing can lead to extensive
ensure that the engineers on board damage to the vessels machinery
and technical staff ashore understand which is costly for all involved. can
the results of the analysis and the Off-Spec bunkers lead to extensive damage to the
limitations of their equipment. It If off-spec bunkers have been delivered vessels machinery which is costly for all
is important that the quantity of and are found to be unsuitable for use, involved.
the sample is large enough for the the bunkers should be off-loaded and
appropriate analysis to be undertaken. replaced by new on-spec bunkers. If
inferior bunkers have to be used or
• Always be selective when selecting have already been used the following
fuel supplier. Order fuel to the desired should be done:
ISO grade, and describe the required
grade in the charterparty as well as in • The vessel should immediately
the request to the supplier. notify the shipowner if it is experiencing
problems with off-spec fuel. If the
• Take samples at the time of shipowner purchased the fuel directly
delivery and obtain confirmation from from the supplier, he should notify the
the suppliers that the samples are bunker supplier and forward a copy of
representative of the entire delivery. the test result. The time limit for any
The samples taken must be properly protest vis-à-vis the supplier is very
short, at times only 2 weeks.

© Gard AS, January 2014


Bunkers and bunkering

Gard News 165, 2002

- It’s nothing to do with

your golf swing
Introduction crude oil has been processed is likely fuel spilled from non-tankers. In the last
Everybody who owns or drives a car to lead to bunkers of a lower quality two years, this percentage has risen to
has experience of bunkering. We all fill being produced. If the bunkers contain about 50 per cent.”
up with petrol from time to time. We additives such as used car oil, this may
do so almost without thinking about well add to the problem. Causes of spills from tankers,
it. Fortunately, we rarely, if ever, have combination carriers and barges during
a problem with the quality of the fuel. Off-specification bunkers (bad bunkers) 1974-2000 (Source: ITOPF).
And if we spill some petrol, it is not a can cause many problems. At best,
“pollution incident”. they may result in the main engine not The above figures, produced by ITOPF in
performing effectively or efficiently. their latest Handbook, show the causes
The procedures which take place during This may result in reduced speed and of spills from tankers, combination
bunkering vessels are, or should be, over-consumption of bunkers. In turn, carriers and barges, but not bulk carriers,
very different from the procedure of either or both of these is likely to lead during the period 1974-2000. It can
putting petrol into your car. Given the to a claim by charterers - a speed and be seen that 35 per cent of such spills
problems and liabilities which bunkers consumption claim. occurred during the routine operation
and bunkering can lead to, it is essential of loading or discharging. A further 15
that the entire bunkering operation, More importantly, the consumption per cent fall into the “other” category,
from start to finish, is closely monitored of bunkers which are off-specification not involving serious casualties. These
by the receiving vessel. It is also vital could well cause damage to the main “other” spills are almost certainly
that the quality of the (new) bunkers engine. Relatively speaking, the age operational as well. Bunkering by itself
is checked and the bunkers are tested and condition of the engine is not accounts for seven per cent.
before they are used or mixed with relevant, although it is perhaps true
other bunkers already on board. to say that an engine in first-class It is likely that for bulk carriers, the
condition may have a greater tolerance number/percentage of oil spills
Apart from nuclear-powered ships, all for bad bunkers than an engine in poor caused by casualties of some sort (i.e.,
vessels have to take on bunkers from condition. Nevertheless, damage to the grounding or collision) is substantially
time to time. Large bulk carriers and main engine caused by bad bunkers is less than for tankers (which is only 14
container vessels can carry as much as likely to be a serious problem. Your hull per cent anyway) and the number/
10,000 MT of fuel oil at any one time. insurers are likely to be worried. percentage of spills happening during
Even the “workhorses” of the bulk routine operations is substantially higher.
trades, the Handymax and Panamax Such main engine damage can lead to
vessels, may have up to 1,000 MT of even more serious problems. If a loss Most bunker spills will be in the range
fuel oil on board after bunkering. Fuel of main engine power occurs at sea, of between 7 and 700 MT. Some will
oil is very viscous and persistent. there is likely to be a significant delay involve smaller quantities. Unless the
to the vessel while the engineers work vessel concerned is a large vessel, with
The problems which (good or bad) hard to put right the problem. They a large quantity of bunkers on board,
bunkers can cause may not be able to do so. Salvage and is involved in a major casualty, such
Bunkers do not need to be “bad”, or, assistance, or possibly a straightforward as a grounding in which more than one
more correctly, off-specification, to tow, may be needed. Even more bunker tank is holed, few bunker spills
cause serious claims and liabilities. A seriously, a vessel with little or no main will be more than 700 MT.
spill of bunkers from any vessel is likely engine power could, particularly in
to lead to a difficult and expensive confined waters, result in the vessel Many such spills are the result of
clean-up operation and - depending grounding or colliding with another carelessness or negligence, either on
to some extent on where the spill has vessel or fixed or floating object such the part of those supplying the bunkers,
occurred - to claims for damage to the as a jetty or dolphin. If this happens, or those on board the vessel receiving
environment and for losses suffered by both your hull and your P&I insurers will them. Even a technical problem, such
individuals or organisations allegedly be very worried people. The potential as the failure of an alarm to go off, may
affected by the spill. claims and liabilities arising in such well be the result of human error. More
circumstances are very large. often, our experience is that one or
more of the following are present:
A spill of bunkers may lead to costly Bunker spills - failure to agree a loading rate with the
claims. Bunker experts generally The International Tanker Owners’ bunker barge or shore loading facility;
consider that overall bunker quality has Pollution Federation (ITOPF) publishes - failure on the part of the bunker barge
deteriorated over the years, although oil pollution statistics every year. In or shore facility to stick to the agreed
the quality also tends to follow the price a speech made at an oil pollution loading rate;
and vice-versa. However, it is often conference in London in May 2001, - failure on the part of the vessel’s crew
the case that, because of increased the managing director of ITOPF said to check that the bunkers are being
demand for high quality products that “about 28 per cent of the oil spills loaded at the agreed rate and if they
such as kerosene and jet fuel, the attended on site by ITOPF staff over the are not, failure to request the loading
“raw material” left behind after the past fifteen years have involved bunker barge to slow down;

© Gard AS, January 2014

- failure to monitor the tank(s) into Disposal of the oil which has been trend is continuing. Remember that
which the bunkers are being loaded; collected is also a problem and can criminal prosecution and any liability
- failure to respond to an alarm be just as difficult and expensive as arising as a result is not covered by
indicating that the tank is nearly full. the clean-up operation. If the spill P&I insurance. The legal costs involved
has occurred in or close to an area and any liability incurred may well
Out of all of these, Gard’s experience where other ships or private boats remain with the person or company in
is that most bunker spills result from are moored, their hulls may be oiled question.
an overflow of bunkers. The cause and require cleaning. Even more
is usually one or both of the last two importantly, if the spill affects, or is All these problems can and often do
failures. A former deck officer once alleged to have affected, mariculture, arise in a bunker spill.
suggested that the best way of avoiding often fish-farming, the claims can
bunker spills would to be connect all be very significant. The local and Even if there is no initial bunker spill,
the bunker tank airvents and overflow sometimes the national, media may well it is very likely that, if the vessel has
pipes to the chief engineer’s cabin! take an interest in the incident. Even suffered a casualty of some kind, the
worse, local or national politicians may first “request” (i.e., instruction) from
Example either take an interest themselves, or the authorities will be: “remove the
A small tanker was discharging mineral find themselves called upon to do so by bunkers”. The nature of the casualty
oil at a berth upriver in London. their voters, whose pleasure boats have and the quantity and location of the
Owners’ safety officer was on board to been oiled, or whose beach has been bunkers are often ignored. The focus -
assist with a vetting inspection by one closed while the clean-up is carried out. sometimes to the exclusion of almost
of the major oil companies. During everything else - is on the potential
discharge from four of the vessel’s Even a small quantity of fuel oil can, pollution which the bunkers could cause.
tanks, the high level alarms went off. if spilt, result in very large liabilities.
The master and chief officer were Perhaps the best - or worst - example This may be good for the environment. It
taking part in the vetting inspection concerns a non-tanker - a woodchip is certainly good business for the salvors.
and the second officer was on duty. carrier, which spilled approximately However, someone has to pay for it and
He assumed that the alarms had been 17.5 MT of heavy fuel oil in a port in it is likely that a shipowner will look for
activated in the course of the vetting Southern California. The spill occurred his P&I Club to do so, on the basis that
inspection - perhaps to show to the during loading and was caused by the the removal of the bunkers is mainly a
inspectors from the oil company that vessel making contact with a dolphin on measure to avoid or minimise pollution.
they worked properly - and took no the jetty. A bunker tank was holed and
action. In fact, they had been activated heavy fuel oil was spilt. For the first five Over the last 20 years or so, there
in exactly the intended way - to warn days, the clean-up cost, per day, was has been worldwide growth of
that cargo was close to overflowing approximately USD 1 million. After five environmental awareness and concern
from a cargo tank. A couple of minutes days, it was possible to reduce the cost about the damage which we are all,
later, the cargo overflowed from one per day to about USD 500,000. By the in some way, said to be doing to the
of the tanks. Fortunately, the crew then end of 1999, the Club in question had environment. These days, the publicity
responded very quickly and took all paid approximately USD 14.3 million, given by the media to an oil spill of any
the required steps to stop discharge mainly in respect of clean-up costs and significance is extensive and almost
and clean up the spill. As a result, only third party claims. They were estimating always unfavourable to the shipowner,
a very small quantity - estimated at a further USD 10.7 million to cover or indeed, almost anyone involved in
100 litres - went over the side. Later the claim for alleged natural resource the operation of the ship. Remember
investigation showed that the device damage and further legal and expert’s the very negative publicity which Total,
showing the position of the cargo costs. A round sum of USD 25 million! the charterers of the ERIKA, received.
valves (i.e., open or closed) was not
working on almost all valves. Both the This is the worst-case scenario - the P&I Bunker spills are difficult and expensive
chief officer and the second officer man’s nightmare. Most bunker spills to deal with. International conventions
wrongly thought that a particular valve do not cost anything like this amount, With the exception of the US, a large
was closed, when in fact it was open. but they are difficult and expensive proportion of the world’s coastal
Neither of them checked the position to deal with. If you spill a little petrol states have ratified one or both of the
of the valve before starting discharge. when you are filling up your car, it is Civil Liability Conventions (CLCs) and
The quantity spilled was very small. It nobody’s problem but yours, since you the International Convention on the
was not spilled into the water, but on to have to pay for the petrol you have lost. Establishment of an International Fund
“Thames mud”, which becomes visible You do not have to clean it up. Nor for Compensation for Oil Pollution
at times as a result of the large rise and do you have to pay compensation to Damage (Fund Convention). These
fall of the river. Despite this, the Port the garage owner for “damaging” his conventions essentially deal with
of London Authority (PLA) investigated property. Nor do you have to deal with compensation for loss and damage
the incident, with a view to possible claims from third parties - for example, caused by oil pollution from tankers and
criminal prosecution. Ultimately, they people living near to the garage who are widely recognised and accepted.
decided not to prosecute. Instead, may claim that they have been affected
they issued the master with a letter by the smell of the petrol which has The text of a new convention,
of warning, which will be taken into been spilt. Nor are you likely to face specifically covering bunker spills,
account in a future similar incident. The civil and criminal proceedings, with was agreed in March 2001 at an IMO
potential maximum fine in such cases is every chance of being deemed to be Diplomatic Conference in London. It is
GBP 250,000 in the Magistrates Court guilty, which brings with it the potential unlikely to come into force for at least
or an unlimited fine in the Crown Court. for large fines and even imprisonment. a couple of years, but the intention
In the example mentioned, criminal is for this latest Convention to fill the
The time and cost involved in cleaning- prosecution did not happen. However, gaps left by the earlier CLCs, which
up spills of heavy fuel oil is usually Gard has had many cases, in various effectively date back to 1969 and 1992.1
considerable. The oil is thick and does countries, where the master, usually
not evaporate or disperse. Manual together with the shipowner, is Neither the CLC 1969, nor the Protocols
cleaning is often the only option. criminally prosecuted. Regrettably, this to the CLC of 1992, will apply to a spill

© Gard AS, January 2014

of bunkers from a non-tanker, such as a on the Club is USD 250,000. In addition, does not mean that serious problems
bulk carrier. However, in general terms, some areas of the vessel were heavily will automatically follow. The vessel’s
if the bunker barge supplying the oil oiled and had to be cleaned. The time engine may be capable of using the
could be classed as a “tanker” and the and expense involved in cleaning the fuel, albeit with a reduced power
spill occurred from the bunker barge, vessel is unlikely to be covered by the output and/or a greater consumption
the CLC in one of its two forms would P&I insurance. It is owners’ responsibility of fuel to produce the same power.
probably apply. to properly clean and prepare the vessel Such circumstances are, however, likely
for loading and carrying cargo. to lead to a claim by charterers either
The fact that many countries are now because the vessel has burned a larger
focusing more closely on bunker spills Bunker shortages quantity of bunkers than she should
can be seen from the new compulsory Engineers reading this article will know have, or because she has taken longer
insurance requirements which have the difficulties involved in accurately to complete the voyage (because of
come into force in Australia. measuring and perhaps more importantly, the reduced power output). Often,
agreeing with the bunker supplier, the the claim is a combination of the two
As from 6th April 2001, all ships quantity of bunkers supplied. Inevitably, aspects - what is called a speed and
larger than 400 GT which are visiting with a bulk liquid, there will be some consumption claim.
an Australian port and are carrying minor measurement variations. Equally,
oil as cargo or bunkers must have a however, there are examples where the Claims for delay
“relevant insurance certificate”. This difference between the bunker supplier’s A speed and consumption claim by
rule does not cover oil tankers which figures and the vessel’s figures are itself is not necessarily particularly
are already required to have such substantial. It always seems to be the difficult or expensive, but a long delay
insurance under the 1992 CLC. Clearly, case that the supplier’s figures are higher in the voyage will mean a delay in the
therefore, the rule is aimed at non- than the vessel’s figures. delivery of the cargo. Often, this may
tankers and by implication, at bunker not matter. Sometimes, however, it
pollution. Amongst other things, the In a case mentioned in a recent warning may be extremely important to both
“relevant insurance certificate” must issued by DNV and Intertanko, a vessel the seller and the buyer, especially if
state the amount of insurance cover, bunkered diesel and fuel oil. The the price of the cargo has gone up
or other financial security, which “must responsible engineer on board the or down during the period of delay.
be no less than the limit of any liability vessel recorded substantial shortages In such circumstances, the party who
applicable under relevant international for both products. In the case of the may have lost money because of the
law”. The good news is that, in most diesel, the bunker barge’s figure was delay may well bring a claim against the
cases, the requirements should be met 119.69 cbm , whereas the vessel’s figure vessel. Depending on the cargo and
by carrying on board the original P&I was 93.0 cbm, a shortage of 26.69 the variation(s) in price, the amount may
Club certificate of entry, or a certified cbm. At the request of the vessel, the be large. Further, the cargo itself may
copy. The certificate must be produced bunker barge resumed pumping diesel. have suffered damage. Many fruit and
on request. Problems were also noted in relation vegetable cargoes have a limited shelf
to the fuel oil. The flow from the barge life and the conditions under which they
Other problems with “good” bunkers to the vessel was very slow. When the are carried are calculated as precisely
As can be seen from the above, engineer commented on this, the crew as they can be for the expected length
bunkers do not have to be “bad” to of the bunker barge were seen to adjust of the voyage. A delay of only a few
cause serious problems. Apart from the a valve on board the barge, which days can upset these calculations. The
pollution aspect, even on-specification resulted in the flow speeding up. Even result can often be a claim for damage
bunkers can cause problems and so, on completion of bunkering, the to the cargo, often the entire cargo if
damage, as can be seen from the vessel still recorded shortages of some the vessel is carrying foodstuffs with a
example described below. 3 MT in relation to the fuel oil and some limited shelf life.
19 MT in relation to the diesel.
A purpose-built car carrier, laden with Conclusion
cargo for Japan and entered with Gard, “Bad” bunkers Being human, all of us will make
was bunkering heavy fuel oil in the Far We have seen how perfectly good mistakes from time to time. Fortunately,
East just before Christmas 2000. The (i.e., within specification) bunkers can these mistakes rarely have important
vessel was receiving bunkers into the cause serious problems and liabilities. consequences, but from time to time,
No. 1 port and starboard bunker tanks. Bad bunkers - bunkers which are off- a person involved in the bunkering
Because an inlet valve had been left specification - can cause equally difficult operation, or in the preparation and use
open, bunkers leaked into the No. 4 and expensive problems and liabilities. of the bunkers on board the vessel, will
centre heavy fuel oil tank. This tank was make a mistake which results in a spill
nearly full. Not surprisingly, it filled up Gard News issue No. 156 contains an of bunkers, or in damage to the main
and the excess oil overflowed up the article dealing with procedures for engine or other machinery on board.
ventilation pipe. Unfortunately, this pipe bunkering.2 It includes comments and
had a small hole, later found to have suggestions in relation to sampling and Clearly, it is impossible to do away with
been caused by corrosion, through which testing the bunkers received, as well as human error completely. One must
fuel oil leaked out. Where did it go? practical advice, especially regarding accept that accidents will happen from
Approximately 3 MT leaked out on to a the sampling and testing of bunkers time to time - that is what P&I insurance
car deck in No. 2 hold. Some of this ran before use. A little prevention at an is for. However, by properly following
down through lashing openings on to early stage can avoid the need for a lot well prepared and clearly explained
a further three car decks. As if this was of (expensive) cure at a later date! procedures, the problems and incidents
not bad enough, a further, fortunately Speed and consumption claims mentioned above can be avoided.
small, quantity of fuel oil leaked from a Unfortunately for shipowners and
previously repaired part of the ventilation charterers and their insurers, proper Footnotes
pipe from No. 4 centre F.O. tank. The sampling and testing is not always 1 See article “The new Bunker
cargo was BMW cars! Some 41 cars carried out. As a result, fuel which Convention” elsewhere in this edition
were badly damaged. A further 209 were is off-specification in some way may of Gard News.
slightly damaged. The estimated liability well be supplied to the vessel. This 2 “Liquid Gold - Fuel oil and
lubricating oil”, pages 30-32.
© Gard AS, January 2014

Fines for burning non-

Gard Alert, 5 September 2013

compliant fuel in EU
EU Directive (1999/32/EC), covering sufficient time must be allowed for the 4b(2)). The Directive was amended
the sulphur content of marine fuels, crew to complete any fuel changeover again in 2012 (2012/33/EC), bringing EC
was amended in 2005 (2005/33/EC). operation as soon as possible after legislation in line with MARPOL Annex
As of 1 January 2010, ships berthed arrival at berth and as late as possible VI on the requirement for the use of
in a European Union (EU) port must before departure. Ships that, according low sulphur fuels, and the current EU
use marine fuel with a sulphur content to published timetables, are due to requirements can be summarised as
not exceeding 0.1% by mass (Article be at berth for less than two hours are follows:
4b(1)). The Directive also states that exempted from the requirement (Article

Type of ship: Max fuel sulphur content Max fuel sulphur content
outside SOx ECAs1 inside SOx ECAs
a) All ships excluding b) and c) below 3.5% from 18 June 2014 1.0% until 31 Dec 2014
0.5% from 1 Jan 2020 0.1% from 1 Jan 2015
b) Passenger ships on regular services2 1.5% until 1 Jan 2020 Same as above
to/from EC ports excluding c) below 0.5% from 1 Jan 2020
c) Ships at berth in EC ports 0.1% 0.1%

From time to time Members and clients 0.4% - and no fuel samples had been that the time may vary depending upon
contact Gard to ask for advice when a analysed upon delivery to establish if ship type and ship systems (ref. MCA’s
ship has been fined for burning non- the fuel’s actual sulphur content was MGN 400 (M+F)).
compliant fuel in an EU port. Gard has exceeding 0.1% or not. • Authorities are likely to expect a ship
recently been notified of three different to have compliant fuel onboard on
cases where ships have been fined for After more than three years in arrival at the berth and will not accept
alleged breaches of a state’s national operation, shipowners and operators additional delays in the changeover
legislation concerning sulphur content calling at EU ports should be fully operation caused by time spent
of marine fuels used in ports.3 conversant with the applicable procuring and taking delivery of
regulations. However, given that there compliant fuel after berthing.
Case A: A ship at an outer anchorage, may be differences in enforcement, Useful clarifications are also provided
waiting for a load berth, did not even within member states, recent in the EU document: “Questions and
perform a fuel changeover operation. cases indicate that Members and Answers on the use of fuel containing
However, the authorities still considered clients should continue their focus on not more than 0.1% sulphur in ships
the ship’s position to fall under the providing crew with proper instructions while at berth”.
regulatory definition of ‘at berth’4 on the purchase and use of low sulphur
because it was securely anchored inside fuels. The following should be noted: Footnotes
the port limits and providing crew 1 The current EU SOx ECAs are the
with accommodation and associated • The requirements for fuel changeover Baltic Sea and the North Sea, including
services (hotelling). contained in the EU Directive apply the English Channel.
from the moment the ship is securely 2 Regular services means: “a series
Case B: A ship arrived in port without moored or has anchored in port, of passenger ship crossings operated
having compliant fuel available on but since the Directive does not so as to serve traffic between the
board. Although low sulphur fuel contain a common definition of ‘port’, same two or more ports, or a series
had been ordered well in advance the delimitations of each port are of voyages from and to the same port
and was to be delivered immediately established locally. Ships intending without intermediate calls, either: (i)
upon arrival in the port, bad weather to burn high sulphur fuel at outer according to a published timetable, or
prevented the bunker barge operations anchorages within EU ports should (ii) with crossings so regular or frequent
and the ship was not able to complete therefore, for each individual port call, that they constitute a recognisable
its fuel changeover operation within seek the advice of their agent as to schedule”.
what was considered a “reasonable whether or not a specific anchorage 3 It is important to remember that each
time” by the authorities. falls within ‘the port’ for the purposes of EU member state has implemented
sulphur emission compliance. the EU Directive through their national
Case C: A ship completed its fuel • Guidance on the term ‘sufficient legislation.
changeover operation immediately after time’ for the crew to complete fuel 4 Ships at berth means: “ships which
berthing, but upon inspection by the changeover operations may vary within are securely moored or anchored in a
local authorities, it was discovered that member states, e.g. UK authorities Community port while they are loading,
the delivery note for the low-sulphur fuel will in general consider one hour to unloading or hotelling, including the
being consumed in port only indicated be sufficient time to complete fuel time spent when not engaged in cargo
that its’ sulphur content was less than changeover operations but recognising operations”.

© Gard AS, January 2014


California low sulphur

Gard Alert, 2 January 2014

fuel changes 1 January

Phase II of the California Ocean- requirements. The ECA sulphur limit will
going Vessel (OGV) Fuel Regulation drop to 0.1% from the start of 2015.
entered into force on 1 January 2014
and stipulates that only marine gas In addition, Members and clients
oil (DMA) and marine diesel oil (DMB) should be aware that there are also
with sulphur levels at or below 0.1% 2014 requirements for some vessels
can be used. The Phase II requirements under California’s At-Berth Regulation.
are enforced within California’s OGV More information on this regulation
Regulatory Zone which extends 24 can be found by using the following
nm from the California Baseline link:
(shoreline), including 24 nm from the shorepower/shorepower.htm
shoreline of the offshore islands.1
Although the regulation does provide Gard would also like to take the
a ‘Noncompliance Fee Provision’ opportunity to remind Members and
designed to accommodate operators Clients of the importance of having
unable to find compliant fuel, Members detailed changeover procedures for
and clients with ships calling at U.S. ships that trade between areas with
West Coast ports are urged to make different sulphur limitations.2 The need Footnotes
their best efforts to obtain compliant for frequent changeovers between 1 See also Gard Alert from October
fuel oil. More details are provided in different types of fuels clearly increases 2011 concerning amendments to the
California Air Resources Board’s Marine the opportunity for errors to occur California Fuel Regulations.
Notice 2013-1 which can be obtained and it is very important that the crew 2 It is a MARPOL Anne VI requirement
by using the following link: is familiar with the properties of the to have a written procedure on board fuel supplied and the limitations of the the ship showing how the fuel oil
marinevess/ogv.htm. particular ship’s fuel treatment plant. change-over is to be done when
Insufficient knowledge of the actions entering or leaving an Emission Control
It should be noted that ships must required in a given situation may Area (ECA).
comply with both the California OGV result in engine failure, so changeover
Fuel Regulation and the MARPOL procedures should be practised before
Annex VI North American Emission entering restricted waters, especially on
Control Area (ECA) fuel sulphur ships that do not regularly perform fuel

© Gard AS, January 2014


North American ECA Gard Alert, 4 July 2012

requirements after
1 August 2012
North American Emissions Control 1.0% sulphur standard to be available the fuel changeover logbook. Other
Area (ECA) requirements for vessels that plan to operate in methods of verification of compliance
The North American ECA will enter into the North American ECA - but also may also be enforced and could include
force on 1 August 2012 and includes anticipates that, despite the best sampling and analysing fuel oil from
areas around the Hawaiian Islands but efforts2 of the shipowner or operator, the vessel’s fuel oil tanks and lines and
does not include the US Caribbean they may in some instances be unable air emissions from the vessel’s exhaust
Sea ECA, which will enter into force to ensure compliance. The EPA has plume.
on 1 January 2014. The geographical therefore released interim guidance for
limits of the North American ECA can shipowners and operators to:
If, in spite of best efforts, it is not
be found in Appendix VII of MARPOL possible to procure compliant fuel oil
Annex VI and in IMO Circular MEPC.1/ 1) provide background information on prior to entering the North American
Circ.723.1 the North American Emission ECA fuel ECA, the United States government
sulphur standards; and the Flag Administration must be
The sulphur content of fuel oil used 2) explain in what way compliance with notified. In order to minimise disruption
on board vessels operating within these requirements can be established to trade and avoid delays, a “Fuel
the North American ECA must not as well as how to demonstrate Oil Non-Availability Report” should
exceed 1.0% by weight on or after compliance if requested to do so by the be submitted as soon as possible
1 August 2012. As an alternative to United States government; and and no later than 96 hours prior to
using low sulphur fuel oil, shipowners 3) describe how to make a fuel oil non- entering the North American ECA. The
and operators may choose to equip availability claim should the vessel not interim guidance contains a list of the
their vessels with exhaust gas cleaning be able to obtain compliant fuel. information that should be included in
devices (scrubbers) in accordance with a Fuel Oil Non-Availability Report and
MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 4 and Click here to access the full text of also provides details of where to send
the corresponding emission value for a the EPA statement and the interim the report.
fuel oil sulphur content of 1% is a ratio guidance.
of 43.3 SO2(ppm)/CO2. Footnotes
Recommendations 1 See also Gard Alert “North American
Further information can also be found Members and clients are strongly ECA MARPOL amendments entered
in the US Environmental Protection advised to plan in advance so that into force 1 August“ issued on 18
Agency’s (EPA) fact sheet: Designation vessels entering or operating in the October 2011.
of North American Emission Control defined North American ECA have fuel 2 “Best efforts” to procure compliant
Area to Reduce Emissions from Ships. on board with a sulphur content of a fuel oil, include, but are not limited to,
For vessels visiting Californian ports maximum of 1.0% and that they start investigating alternative sources of fuel
special requirements apply within 24 using it as of 1 August 2012. oil prior to commencing the voyage
nautical miles (nm) of the California or en route prior to entering the North
Baseline (shoreline). Reference is American ECA. However, a deviation
Once the North American ECA
made to Gard Alert “Amendments from the intended voyage in order
requirements enter into force, it will
to California Clean Fuel Regulations“ to purchase compliant fuel oil is not
be essential that accurate records
issued on 1 December 2011 for details. required and the EPA does not expect
are maintained on board in order to
vessels to use distillate fuel oil, other
be able to demonstrate compliance
than as a blending agent, prior to 1
Interim guidance on the non- with the new requirements at any
January 2015 when the 0.1% sulphur
availability of compliant fuel oil time during routine Port State Control
standard begins
for the North American ECA inspections. Typical documents to be
The US Environmental Protection presented are bunker delivery notes,
Agency (EPA) indicate that they do representative fuel oil samples, written
expect fuel oil compliant with the fuel oil changeover procedures and

© Gard AS, January 2014


Canada implements
Gard Alert 10 May 2013

North American ECA

The North American Emission Control 2014, in the case of a foreign vessel or a entries made when the vessel enters
Area (ECA) requirements, as defined foreign pleasure craft that is operating and exits the ECA, with date, time and
under MARPOL Annex VI Regulations in waters under Canadian jurisdiction position noted.
for prevention of air pollution from other than arctic waters or in Hudson
ships, are now in force in Canadian Bay, James Bay or Ungava Bay.” Please refer to Transport Canada’s
territorial waters. webpage:
This brings Canadian enforcement of
The North American ECA was the North American ECA requirements backgrounders-vessel-pollution-
originally due to enter into force on 1 in line with current enforcement by regulations-7162.html for a description
August 2012, but Transport Canada’s US authorities, and effectively make of all amendments to the pollution
amendments to their Vessel Pollution compliance mandatory in all areas of regulations.
and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations the ECA.2 Members and clients are
were delayed due to additional advised that: Footnotes
consultations with the domestic marine • Enforcement of the North American 1 See previous Gard Alert from 20 July
industry.1 However, on 8 May 2013, ECA requirements in Canadian waters 2012: Canada delays implementation of
the amendments to the regulations is immediate, with effect from 8 May the North American ECA requirements.
were published in Part II of the Canada 2013. All vessels entering the Canadian 2 The North American Emission Control
Gazette. part of the North American ECA must Area (ECA) covers waters within the
now use only fuel oil with a maximum jurisdiction of the US, including Hawaii
Under the category “Sulphur Oxides sulphur content of 1.0% by mass, until 1 and Alaska south of 60°N. It also covers
(SOx)”, the amended regulations state January 2015.3 Canadian territorial waters south of
that “the authorized representative of • It is essential that accurate records 60°N and extending approximately
a vessel must ensure that the sulphur are maintained on board in order to 200 nautical miles out to sea, as well
content of the fuel oil used on board be able to demonstrate compliance as French territorial waters around the
the vessel does not exceed: with the new requirements at any islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon.
(g) 1.00% by mass before January 1, time during routine Port State Control The geographical limits of the North
2015, in the case of a Canadian vessel inspections. Documents which may be American ECA can be found in
or a Canadian pleasure craft that is requested are bunker delivery notes, Appendix VII of MARPOL Annex VI and
operating in waters under Canadian representative fuel oil samples, written in IMO Circular MEPC.1/Circ.723.
jurisdiction other than arctic waters; fuel oil changeover procedures and the 3 As an alternative to using low
(i) 1.00% by mass before January 1, fuel changeover logbook. sulphur fuel oil, shipowners and
2015, in the case of a foreign vessel or a • Every effort must be made operators may choose to equip their
foreign pleasure craft that is operating to acquire compliant fuel before vessels with exhaust gas cleaning
in waters under Canadian jurisdiction commencing a voyage to Canada, as devices (scrubbers) in accordance with
other than arctic waters or in Hudson well as at ports en route to Canada. MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 4 and
Bay, James Bay or Ungava Bay; However, if a vessel is unable to the corresponding emission values for
(j) 0.10% by mass after December 31, acquire compliant fuel oil, copies a fuel oil sulphur content of 1.0% is a
2014, in the case of a Canadian vessel of all correspondence between the ratio of 43.3 SO2(ppm)/CO2. Any such
or a Canadian pleasure craft that is involved parties must be kept, including equivalent methods must be approved
operating in waters under Canadian correspondence between the vessel’s by the vessel’s Flag Administration.
jurisdiction other than arctic waters; operators, agents, bunker suppliers,
(l) 0.10% by mass after December 31, bunker brokers and charterers and log

© Gard AS, January 2014


Hull and machinery incident

Gard News 199
August/October 2010

- Consequences of using off-

specification bunkers
Another example of the importance of reach the next port whilst maintaining
sampling and testing bunkers. reduced speed. They also had to stop
several times each day to replace fuel
Bunkering valves, fuel pumps and to clean filters
A medium-sized bulk carrier was and change exhaust valves dealing with
delivered HFO (heavy fuel oil) bunkers turbocharger problems. The service
whilst at anchorage at a port in and settling tanks were being drained
the Far East. Since the vessel was almost continuously.
scheduled to sail to Europe, and due
to the prevailing fuel prices, charterers Repairs
decided to bunker the vessel to almost The vessel finally arrived at the next
full capacity. The operation itself took port of call several days late. The owner
several hours and was completed decided to pump the off-specification View of damaged cylinder liner.
without problems. However, the vessel bunker ashore and ordered new
did not take its own fuel samples during bunkers. During the vessel’s stay in
the bunkering, but instead received port, various repairs were carried out
two sealed samples from the barge to the main engine. All pistons were
operator. Both samples were signed by dismantled and overhauled and piston
the vessel’s chief engineer; however, rings were replaced. Several of the
neither of the samples was sent ashore piston top rings were broken whilst one
for further analysis. was badly worn. One of the cylinder
liners was cracked and had to be
The fuel delivered was specified replaced. The main engine fuel system
as 380cst -RMG 35, which was in and turbocharger had to be completely
accordance with the applicable overhauled and the settling and service
charterparty. tanks had to be emptied and cleaned.

Problems Several fuel samples were taken during View of damaged cylinder liner with
Soon after leaving port, the engineers the vessel’s stay in port and sent ashore piston fitted.
started using the new bunkers. for testing, which revealed that the
Shortly thereafter, they experienced fuel was off- specification. The whole
abnormal sludge generation in the operation became very costly, time-
purifier, which resulted in excessive consuming and caused delays to all
water-sludge content in the settling involved.
and service tanks. A large amount of
water and sludge was drained from Lesson learned
these tanks. The amount of water and It is strongly recommended that:
sludge also resulted in problems with - the crew ensure there is sufficient
the performance of the main engine, quantity of tested reserve HFO on
in the form of fluctuations in exhaust board for consumption to cover the
temperatures, as well as a rise in the time delay involved in sending newly-
scavenge temperatures of the various bunkered representative samples for
units. The main engine fuel pumps testing and receiving the laboratory test
and fuel injection valves also sustained results.
some damage. - the crew take sufficient representative
samples of bunkers received and send
In order to prevent any power failure, them ashore for testing.
the fuel consumption of the auxiliary - laboratory test results for newly
engines was switched to diesel oil. received bunkers are known before
The engine crew switched the fuel consuming the bunkers.
consumption to another double bottom Piston complete.
tank, containing the newly bunkered
HFO, but with the same result.
Consequently, the engine crew had to
consume the recently bunkered HFO
for the propulsion machinery as nothing
else was available and as a result the
vessel had to reduce speed and slow
steam to the next port, which was
12 days away. It took several days to

© Gard AS, January 2014


The importance of
Gard News 195,
August/October 2009

an efficient fuel oil

treatment system
Fuel-related engine breakdown is operational problems may occur if chamber (piston grooves, piston rings,
not a novel problem, and even as the HFO separators are not properly cylinder liners) and of the fuel injection
more stringent rules, regulations and operated and maintained. equipment (fuel pump plunger and
procedures are implemented, Gard barrel, fuel injection valves), will be the
regularly sees engine casualties where HFO contains catalytic fines such as consequences of exceeding the level of
the cause can be traced to poor fuel aluminium and silicon oxides, which catalytic fines of 15 mg/kg.
quality or poor on-board fuel treatment. are remnants from the refining process.
This article will focus on the latter. These are hard abrasive particles, and In order for the HFO separators to
ISO 8217:2005 regulates the amount efficiently reduce the level of catalytic
The current international standard of catalytic fines permitted in HFO, fines and other impurities that can be
for heavy fuel oil (HFO) to be used in expressed as Al+Si, to 80 mg/kg present in the fuel oil, such as rust,
marine diesel engines and boilers is (ppm). However, due to the abrasive sand, dust and water, the following
ISO 8217:2005. It defines limit values nature of these particles, most engine precautions should be taken:
for a large number of substances manufacturers limit the amount of – Keep the HFO inlet temperature at
and impurities which the HFO can catalytic fines in the fuel injected into 98oC. The efficiency of the separators
contain. However, even if the HFO the engines to 15 mg/kg. Excessive is highly dependent on the inlet
received satisfies these requirements, wear of components in the combustion temperature of the fuel, and even a

Picture 1 – Example of a fuel system analysis.

Bunker Port or
Sample Fuel System Dens H20 S V Na Al Si Fe TSP
Sample Date ddm- Position kg/m3 % v/v % mg/ mg/ mg/ mg/ mg/ %
Number myy @15c m/m kg kg kg kg kg m/m
F307003850 260209 ULSAN 977.4 <0.10 3.06 54 6 6 7 6 <0.01
F307004249 180309 SINGAPORE 987.0 0.30 2.93 217 31 15 17 12 0.03
F307005251 170309 SINGAPORE 989.8 0.16 3.38 190 17 14 15 10 0.03
F407006350 200409 ANTWERP 984.2 <0.10 2.04 90 15 2 4 12 <0.01
F407006372 260409 ROTTERDAM 989.7 0.11 1.31 66 11 30 25 13 0.03

Bunker tank in use: Port Fwd 11 F. Centrifuge operation: Parallel.

The fuel in use is indicated as being the fuel bunkered in: ROTTERDAM on 26th April 2009.

The sample taken at the transfer pump indicates low levels of sludge and water and somewhat high levels of impurities.
Compared with the bunkering sample some settling of impurities appears to have taken place in bunker tank(s).

Water and sediments remain at low levels throughout the fuel system.

Sample after Separator 1:

The somewhat high levels of solid contaminants have been reduced to acceptable levels for diesel engine use.

Sample after Separator 2:

The levels of solid contaminants have been reduced but still on the high side for consumption, hence some marginal
increase of wear in cylinder gear and injection equipment may be expected.

NB. Please ensure that fuel treatment is operated at optimum condition with centrifuges in parallel using the lowest
possible throughput while keeping the fuel temp. near to 98°C.

NB. As always when ‘Cat-fines’ and water are detected – Frequent bottom draining of all tanks and filters in use is

© Gard AS, January 2014

– Maintenance. Maintain the separators institute, and the result will provide
according to maker’s instructions and an indication of the efficiency of the
use maker’s approved parts only. In separators. The analysis will be most
addition, it is recommended to have the accurate if performed once the analysis
separators checked by maker’s service of the regular bunker manifold sample
engineers at regular intervals. confirms that a certain amount of cat
– Regularly clean storage, settling fines is present in the bunkered fuel
and service tanks. Large particles oil. Above 25-30 mg/kg is preferable.
will settle in the storage, settling The results of the analysis gives
and service tanks, and over time the owners/managers regular verification
concentration of abrasive particles of the quality of operation and the
in the bottom of the tanks can be superintendent can, in co-operation
excessive. During rough weather these with the chief engineer, discuss relevant
components can be whirled up and actions if required. Picture 1, below, is
supplied to the separators, sometimes an example of such an analysis.
in concentrations above the limits
set out in ISO 8217:2005. Hence, In this context it should also be
these tanks should be drained and mentioned that companies such
cleaned at regular intervals, typically as DNV Petroleum Services and
during scheduled yard stays. This also Lloyd’s Register (FOBAS) offer fuel
illustrates that it is beneficial to run all management services that can assist
available separators, even when the fuel shipowners in efficiently running on-
used initially has a low level of catalytic board fuel treatment systems.
By following the above
An efficient fuel treatment system Further to the above recommendations, recommendations, the fuel treatment
reduces the risk of casualties. it is also important that the quality system should operate with optimum
of the on-board fuel treatment has efficiency, which will increase the
a strong focus from owners’ and likelihood of the engines having an
small reduction in temperature will managers’ side. Regular monitoring of acceptable level of wear, and reduce
reduce the quality of separation. The the performance is vital to ensure that the risk of casualties creating costly
recommended inlet temperature is the systems on board are capable of business interruption losses.
98oC, but this is often not achieved handling the HFO supplied at all times.
due to limited steam supply to the Important issues in this context are: Read more about fuel oil in Gard News:
pre-heaters, wrong set point, the pre- – Educate and train responsible – “Liquid gold – Fuel oil and lubricating
heaters being too small, fouled or in personnel. Ensure that the junior oil” in issue No. 156.
other ways defective. engineers responsible for the operation – “The quality of bunkers” in issue No.
– Use correct flow ratio. The longer and maintenance of the separators are 163.
the fuel is present in the separator, the properly trained and are familiar with – “Some technical aspects of marine
better the cleaning of the fuel oil will the equipment and how to perform the fuels testing” in issue No. 165.
be. Since the 1980s, separators without regular maintenance. This increases – “The interplay of fuel and lubricating
gravity discs have been more or less reliability, and also reduces the oil quality on the reliability of diesel
standard, and it is recommended consumption of non-wear parts. engines” in issue No. 174.
to always use all available HFO – Check fuel system efficiency. To
separators and to run them in parallel, verify that the fuel treatment system
with corresponding feed rate. If the really works as it should, procedures
separators are of the manual type with should be implemented where fuel
gravity discs, they must be operated samples are taken before and after
in series with a purifier followed by a each separator at intervals of four to
clarifier, but with the lowest possible six months. The samples should be
flow. sent to an established fuel analysis

© Gard AS, January 2014


Marpol Annex VI - New Gard News 187,

August/October 2007

risks and challenges for

owners and charterers

Gard News has a look at some of the Annex VI sets limits on sulphur oxide certificate (IAPP Certificate) issued by
challenges of compliance and potential (SOx) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) the flag state (usually the class society
consequences of non-compliance with emissions from ship exhaust and as designated agent by flag state or
MARPOL Annex VI. prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone for ships that are not registered in a
depleting substances. The Annex MARPOL Annex VI signatory state).
What is MARPOL Annex VI? places a global cap on the sulphur
MARPOL Annex VI is a section of content of fuel oil at 4.5 per cent In order for flag and port states
the International Convention for the m/m (percentage by mass) and a 1.5 to monitor compliance with the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, per cent m/m cap in “SOx Emission regulations, MARPOL Annex VI
1973, as modified by the Protocol of Control Areas” (SECAs). The Baltic Sea requires a bunker delivery note to be
1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78), is currently defined as a SECA. In July obtained and retained on board stating
drafted by the International Maritime 2005 the IMO adopted amendments the sulphur content of the bunkers
Organization (IMO).1 The individual which identify the North Sea as a supplied, as well as samples of the oil.
sections of the convention have SECA, with an implementation date Fuel oil suppliers that are located in
entered into force at different times of November 2007. Annex VI also MARPOL Annex VI signatory states are
as they gained the required number prohibits the introduction into fuels of subject to the regulations but those
of signatory states. For example, inorganic acids or chemical wastes that in non-signatory countries are not
MARPOL Annex I, regulations for the could jeopardise the safety of the ship, subject to oversight by the port state
prevention of pollution by oil, have or harm ships’ personnel.2 authorities.
been in force for more than 20 years.
Annex VI, regulations for the prevention Ships of 400 GT or more engaged The challenges of compliance and
of air pollution from ships, entered in international voyages to or from potential consequences of non-
into force on 19th May 2005. Presently countries that have ratified the compliance
37 countries have ratified Annex VI convention or ships flying the flag of An article written by a DNV expert
covering 70 per cent of the global those countries are required to have an and published in Gard News issue No.
tonnage. International Air Pollution Prevention 1843 outlines some of the possible

1 See article “Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78 – Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships” in Gard News issue No. 176.
2 See article “MARPOL Annex VI – Solving the low sulphur issue” in Gard News issue No. 184.

© Gard AS, January 2014

problems with low sulphur fuels and requirements as well as any special should there later be a question as to
with the addition of the North Sea regional requirements where the vessel compliance. But testing should be done
SECA. Among those issues identified may trade. The United States is not in any event to make sure the bunkers
are ignition and combustion problems currently a signatory to Annex VI but supplied meet the specifications.
due to the low sulphur content and an California, for example, has its own Sampling should be witnessed by vessel
increased presence of catalytic fines, standards and requirements for ship personnel or a designated surveyor
abrasives that can damage the engine. stack emissions. and samples should be taken at the
Toxic materials may find their way ship manifold. It is not recommended
into fuels. Such materials can lead to As an addition to fuel specification, to accept samples from the supplier
personal injury of crew or others aboard BIMCO has published a clause that that have not been witnessed. Ideally,
or on shore. DNV has also questioned is intended to balance the rights the sale contract should include an
the market availability of sufficient low and responsibilities of owners and agreement to the test protocol and lab
sulphur bunkers due to the addition charterers.4 Pursuant to this clause for the analysis.
of the North Sea SECA. Finally, as an the charterer will be liable to the
operational problem DNV has identified owner when the physical supplier has If the fuel is ultimately determined to be
the difficulty of timing a change over delivered non-compliant bunkers. If off-spec, can the buyer seek recourse
to fuel required to enter and operate the bunkers supplied are compliant, against the seller for additional costs or
within a SECA. Even with the required the owner will be responsible for the liabilities they may have? Yes, but often
fuel on board, a mistimed or improperly consequences of operational failures the sale contract contains provisions
executed change over will result in such as failure to timely change over that either extinguish the claim or limit
violations within a SECA. to low sulphur fuel before entering a it. Bunker supply contracts are notorious
SECA which results in sulphur content in for extremely short claim notification
In the event that the fuel does not excess of 1.5 m/m. limits. Seven days from delivery is
meet the low sulphur requirements, common. The short window for claims
port state or flag state authorities may The bunkers sale contract and against the supplier underscores the
require deviation, de-bunkering and possible recourse against the importance of immediate analysis
replacement of fuel, causing delay and bunkers supplier and notice to the supplier. Another
additional costs. MARPOL violations The business of supplying bunkers common clause limits the claim to the
may also result in fines against the is said to be one of slim margins. Yet value of the bunkers supplied which will
vessel. Reportedly, enforcement activity the commodity is essential. Suppliers be insufficient to cover losses such as
has, to date, been light but if history generally have the upper hand with damage to an engine.
with respect to MARPOL Annex I serves respect to dictating the terms of the
as an example, penalties will increase if sales contract. Suppliers in MARPOL The bunker sale contract should contain
the industry is slow to comply. signatory countries do have an a dispute resolution clause which also
obligation to comply with the Annex VI specifies law and jurisdiction. In an ideal
The vessel owners’ and charterers’ requirements and should not have an world, the forum would be the same
responsibilities for compliance issue with wording in the sales contract in the charterparty and the bunker
When the vessel is under a time charter, that confirms the obligation. sale contract: for example, English law
at a minimum the following parties will and arbitration. That way, in the case
be involved in bunkering: shipowner, The buyer is responsible for specifying of dispute, all three parties could be
time charterer, bunkers broker and the quality ordered and should ensure brought into one proceeding. In the
physical supplier. As a starting point, that the bunkers sale is ordered and real world, the contract between owner
compliance with MARPOL Annex VI is confirmed as: “fully in accordance and charterer and the contract between
the responsibility of the vessel owner. with ISO 8217 Third Edition 2005 and charterer and bunker supplier are both
Ultimate liability for the consequences MARPOL Annex VI” and any other based on form contracts and favoured
of off specification fuel, however, specific regional requirement for ports terms which may not be negotiable.
may be subject to contract indemnity where the vessel will call. When fuel
provisions commonly found in time is required for a SECA, the following P&I and Defence cover respond to
charterparties, or liability may rest should be added: “and with maximum the
with the supplier depending upon sulphur content of 1.5 per cent.” new risks
the terms of a sales contract. At least Additionally, the contract should Gard’s Defence cover provides
under English law, the bunker broker state that “the supply procedures compensation for legal and other
is ordinarily considered the agent of shall comply in all respects with the costs pertaining to disputes related to
the purchaser and is not a party to the requirements of MARPOL Annex VI MARPOL Annex VI non-compliance,
bunker sales contract and is therefore regulations in respect of sampling and whether under charterparties or bunker
not generally subject to liability. documentation including the bunker sale contracts, and whether pursuing
delivery note”. or defending such claims. The Defence
The time charterer is ordinarily obliged cover also includes fees and expenses
to purchase the bunkers pursuant to It takes time to analyse fuel, so it due to claims by authorities for fines
various forms of charterparty clauses. may not be practical or possible to whether they are presented directly or
Typically a bunker clause will refer to a independently test quality before via a charterparty indemnity provision.
specific grade of fuel that meets “ISO delivery. The bunker delivery note Gard’s lawyers and solicitors may also
8217 Third Edition 2005” specifications. requires the supplier to declare assist in advising members concerning
This standard was amended in 2005 to the sulphur content of the bunkers contract provisions before a claim
track MARPOL requirements, including delivered and MARPOL does not arises.
the sulphur limits and elimination of require the supplier or the vessel to
waste oils. Bunkers clauses would also analyse the product before acceptance Damage to the ship itself is not an
typically warrant that bunkers supplied but, instead, merely requires sampling owners’ risk under P&I (but may be an
by charterers comply with MARPOL and retention of samples for analysis insured risk under hull and machinery

3 See footnote 2.
4 See article “New BIMCO bunker fuel sulphur content clause” in Gard News issue No. 179.

© Gard AS, January 2014

insurance). Gard’s Comprehensive P&I cover for fines is narrow. Under Rule liability for delay is covered if in
Charterers P&I Cover, however, includes 47.1.c, pollution fines are covered if consequence of damage to the hull
charterers’ liability for damage to hull. they arise from an “accidental escape caused by off-specification bunkers.
Thus, liability for physical damage to or discharge” of a pollutant from the Loss of use claims are of course subject
the vessel caused by bunkers, and vessel. to the Defence cover with respect to
de-bunkering costs, if in mitigation of owners and charterers.
liability for damage to the vessel, are Fines for stack emissions exceeding the
covered risks under the charterers’ MARPOL cap may not be considered Conclusion
P&I policy. Liability for personal injury “accidental” in that the emission itself is The focus on air pollution, including
due to toxic substances to persons on intentional. Fines may be considered for stack emissions reflected in the
board or ashore is a covered P&I risk. discretionary cover on a case-by-case MARPOL requirements, will no doubt
Rule 38 of Assuranceforeningen Gard’s basis under Rule 47.2, provided “the increase. Bunker quality claims under
Statutes and Rules covers liability for member has satisfied the Association sale contracts and charterparties will
pollution (with the exception of fines) that he took such steps as appear to the certainly grow in number and value.
caused by stack emissions whether it Association to be reasonable to avoid Owners and charterers can meet
is direct liability or via indemnity under the event giving rise to the fine”. these new challenges with practical
the charterparty. Legal costs associated loss prevention measures on both a
with any of these covered risks are also Finally, costs associated with delay, technical and legal basis. Gard is here
picked up by Gard provided such costs detention and deviation are not to help its members meet the new
are approved by Gard. covered under owners’ P&I. Charterers’ challenges.

© Gard AS, January 2014


Marpol Annex VI -
Gard News 184,
November 2006/January 2007

Solving the low sulphur

By Olav Tveit, DNV Petroleum Services

With the entry into force of the North be sufficient when the North Sea SECA acceptable as 1.5 per cent. Currently
Sea SECA there will be increased enters into force next year. this is left to the discretion of the
pressure on charterers and operators to individual port and flag states.
provide ships with low sulphur fuel oil. Needless to say, the pressure on
charterers and operators to provide Some suppliers and certain testing
Background ships with LSFO will increase. As companies introduce a default standard
MARPOL Annex VI, Regulations for a result, bunker management will margin of error (reproducibility). It is
the Prevention of Air Pollution from be more complex. It is also vital argued that deviations above 4.5 per
Ships, entered into force on 19th May that owners/charterers and bunker cent or 1.5 per cent would be caused by
2005. MARPOL Annex VI Regulation purchasers ensure that MARPOL Annex a default margin of error during testing.
14 restricts SOx emissions from ships VI clauses (Regulations 14 and18) The problem is that the concept of
by introducing a maximum sulphur are included in their charterparties margins of error has not been discussed
content in marine fuels of 4.5 per and bunker purchase confirmations. at IMO so one can not say whether
cent. In addition, MARPOL Annex VI INTERTANKO has developed contract authorities will accept any result above
identifies SOx emission control areas clauses that may be suitable in this 1.5 per cent in a subsequent flag or port
(SECAs). In these areas the maximum respect.1 state control. Hence, until further notice
sulphur content of marine fuels used is it is recommended that any indication
1.5 per cent. The Annex also set forth Bunker quality of sulphur levels above 4.5 per cent
requirements for documentation and In order to produce LSFO refineries or 1.5 per cent respectively should
representative sampling of fuel oil. have the following options: be accompanied by a notification to
– Use inherently low sulphur crude the flag administration, bunker port
EU Directive 2005/33/EC deals with stocks. administration and supplier according
issues similar to those in MARPOL – Invest in de-sulphurisation units. to the requirements of the IMO Port
Annex VI, although its dates for – Blend to LSFO specification, using a State Control Guidelines for MARPOL
implementation do not coincide with variety of cutter stocks, inland quality Annex VI.2
those of Annex VI. It also provides for LSFO or purchased inherently LSFO.
a maximum sulphur content in marine Following the ISO 4259 standard, for
gas oils of 0.2 per cent from 11th The blending option seems to be the a supplier to be 95 per cent confident
August 2006. Further, there will be a preferred future method. Regrettably, it that the fuel delivered will have a
reduction of sulphur content of marine appears that this option is also the one sulphur level of 1.50 per cent, the
fuels for vessels at berth in EU ports, which could impact the bunker quality suppliers’ target should not be higher
the entry into force date being 2010, in a negative way as explained below. than 1.42 per cent.
with the maximum sulphur content from
that date being 0.1 per cent. Other Increased stability and Considering the possible margin of
implementation dates are as follows: compatibility problems error, as well as the aspect of fuel oil
The more you blend, the greater the change-over, owners should consider
On 19th May 2006 the Baltic Sea SECA risk of making products unstable. This whether a limit of 1.5 per cent in orders
under IMO came into force. On 11th should be detected through fuel quality is sufficient or whether they should
August 2006 the Baltic Sea SECA testing (total sediment potential). specify a lower sulphur limit.
became enforceable by EU member However, if products are blended on
states. On 11th August 2007 the North the stability limit, subsequent mixing on Increased levels of catfines (Al/Si)
Sea SECA will become enforceable by board with an existing fuel with different With decreasing sulphur content there
EU member states. On 21st November properties (e.g., viscosity, density) or may be an increasing level of catfines.
2007 the North Sea SECA enters into gas oil/diesel oil could lead to unstable This may be due to an increased use
force under IMO. fuels and subsequent sludging. The risk of cycle oils as cutter stock in the fuel
increases during LSFO change-over, blend (cycle oils are a low sulphur,
Bunker management depending on system configuration. highly viscous refinery product which
There is uncertainty as to whether tends to contain an elevated amount of
suppliers will be able to meet the Sulphur content deviations catfines).
demand for low sulphur fuel oil (LSFO) In some cases certain ports blend to the
in main bunker ports world-wide. What sulphur limit of just below 4.5 per cent. Increased ignition and combustion
is clear today is that operators with a From time to time, the 4.5 per cent limit problems
contract for LSFO in general have their may be exceeded, although marginally. Increasing ignition and combustion
demands covered by the majors/larger problems may also occur when using
independents at main bunker ports at a Some samples tested also exceed the LSFO. This could be related to an
premium of USD 30-50/MT. Fortunately, 1.5 per cent limit, although in most increased use of high density and
it appears so far that the demand has cases only marginally. The IMO has not high aromatic cycle oils as cutter stock
been met with respect to the Baltic Sea yet provided guidance as to whether during blending.
SECA. There is, however, uncertainty an allowance can be made, like for
as to whether world-wide supply will instance whether 1.54 per cent can be

© Gard AS, January 2014

the blending ratio could be very low).
This procedure has been successfully
adopted and accepted by at least two

Fuel change-over
Fuel change-over contains both
commercial and statutory compliance
elements. On the commercial side, with
a premium of up to USD 30-70/MT, the
change-over from normal to LSFO and
vice-versa should be as fast as possible.
On the statutory compliance side,
owners need to be confident that the
crew has managed to change over from
normal to LSFO before crossing the
SECA boundary.

With a high sulphur limit of 4 per cent

and a LSFO level of 1.49 per cent,
reaching the required 1.5 per cent limit
will take time, if it can be done at all.

Bunker deliveries administration to require the ship Although not yet specifically required,
MARPOL Annex VI has not yet been to deviate due to a possible non- realistic and proven change-over
subject to significant enforcement compliance for which a supplier is procedures should be developed for
and as such the stringency applied responsible. The operator should each ship or group of ships with similar
is uncertain. It is recommended therefore request that the ship be fuel tank configuration and system
that ships adhere to the MARPOL permitted to proceed to the next port set-up.
Annex VI sampling procedures and of call.
documentation requirements as laid – The operator should agree with the The pre-requisite for change-over is
down in IMO Resolution MEPC 96(47).3 flag state administration regarding the exact sulphur level of existing fuel
At the recent IMO MEPC 54 meeting verification testing of the on board and LSFO, i.e., a bunker delivery note
a circular was adopted urging IMO MARPOL sample (the on board sulphur level set as “less than 4.5 per
member states to ensure that bunker MARPOL sample is the official cent” and “less than 1.5 per cent”
suppliers within their jurisdiction apply sample which is legally binding). If the should not be accepted as it creates
this resolution. supplier’s MARPOL sample has not uncertainty regarding change-over time
been taken in accordance with the IMO (in addition to uncertainty regarding
As a minimum, the crew must verify the sampling guidelines, then the operator the selected base number (TBN) of the
sulphur content in the bunker delivery should propose to test the ship’s cylinder lube oil used on board).
notes and that the official MARPOL MARPOL sample (if taken) as well. It is
sample is representative of the bunker the prerogative of the administration Some owners have converted their
supplied. In accordance with the IMO to select an appropriate laboratory ships by dedicating a bunker tank to
Port State Control Guidelines for for the purpose of verification testing. LSFO with separate bunker line, as well
MARPOL Annex VI, any non-compliance However, the administration should as introducing separate LSFO service
must be reported through a notification be encouraged to select a laboratory and settling tank with piping ensuring
to the flag state and the bunker port which is accredited with respect to split separator operation. This option
authorities. the ISO sulphur test method and means that the change-over can be
has documented experience with carried out quickly.
High sulphur fuels fuel testing. The laboratory should,
It is of vital importance that operators in addition to sulphur, also test for However, the majority of ships have
specify and crew verify that the sulphur fingerprint parameters such as density, conventional fuel oil systems with a
level in the bunker delivery note is viscosity, nickel and vanadium. The limited number of bunker tanks and
below the respective MARPOL limits. MARPOL sample should be forwarded only one service and settling tank. For
to the laboratory in question. The these ships the main contributors to
In the event a fuel testing company result is to be communicated to the change-over time are the following:
detects a sulphur level which exceeds administration, which is subsequently – Total consumption (main engine +
the MARPOL limits and is above that obliged to inform the bunker port state auxiliary engines + boilers).
specified in the bunker delivery note, administration. – Total volume of high sulphur fuel oil
the following course of action should – In case non-compliant fuel is remaining in piping systems, settling
be taken: detected, de-bunkering is not the only and service tanks prior to change-over.
– A notification should be sent to option available. As an emergency – Initial high sulphur level and LSFO
the flag state and the bunker port measure, provided existing fuel is on level.
authorities, highlighting the indicated board and it is verified compatible with – Transfer pumps capacity.
sulphur level deviating from the bunker the new fuel, the owner may request – Separators capacity versus total
delivery note level. acceptance for on board blending consumption.
– It would be unreasonable for the (depending on sulphur differences,

1 For details go to

3 A copy can be found at
pdf#search=%22IMO% 20Resolution%20MEPC%2096(47)%22.

© Gard AS, January 2014

Cylinder lube oil experiencing any excessive deposits or two of these prototype concepts have
Oil and engine manufacturers wear. shown very promising results. Some
have varying requirements and manufacturers have shown increasing
recommendations. In general there are However, some owners have decided to interest in the commercial feasibility
two alternatives related to cylinder lube make modifications on board and install of exhaust gas cleaning concepts.
oil during LSFO operation: redundant service tanks: one for TBN 70 Needless to say, it will be some time
– Feed-rate regulation. and one for TBN 40/50 with a three-way before they are commercially available.
– Change of cylinder lube oil. switch-over valve in-between.
One additional challenge is future
Some shipowners have flagged their Regardless of alternative chosen, it is requirements (particularly EU and US
intention to continue operating with recommended that the crew perform requirements) for handling of waste
TBN 70 cylinder lube oil at LSFO down periodical checks of cylinder condition water from such units before discharge
to 1 per cent, by feed-rate regulation, (including ring-pack) shortly after to sea.
provided not already on the limit. change-over. As always, the quality of
This alternative also appears to be the cylinder lube oil regarding thermal Although the investment is high,
supported by engine manufacturers, stability, detergency and dispersion is exhaust gas cleaning systems have
provided the operation on LSFO is also essential. the advantage of eliminating the
limited to approximately 1-2 weeks. LSFO premiums as well as bunker
Abatement technology (exhaust management complexity. Further, they
There are, however, examples of gas cleaning) will reduce the particulate matter in the
shipowners who have operated with Recent developments are encouraging, exhaust, for which new legislation is
reduced feed rate on South American as at least three concepts are now coming soon.
LSFO for instance down to 0.5 per cent in a prototype test stage either on
over approximately a month without board ships or on test beds. At least

Marpol Annex VI – Loss Prevention Circular

No. 06-06

Challenges in operating
on low sulphur fuel
Background Sea Area is the first area designated • Supply and storage for low sulphur
International regulations to control as a SECA under the Protocol and fuels
harmful emissions from ships’ exhausts will permit a maximum 1.5% sulphur
entered into force on 19 May 2005. content in any fuel used onboard. In Lube oil related issues
MARPOL Annex VI contains provisions 2007, the second SECA, covering the • Matching cylinder oil BN fuel sulphur
allowing special “SOx Emission Control North Sea and English Channel, will level across operating conditions
Areas” (SECAs) to be established with be come into force, requiring similar • Possible additional storage tanks
more stringent controls on sulphur sulphur levels. • Cylinder lubrication monitoring
emissions. In these areas, the sulphur • Cylinder oil feed rate
content of fuel oil used onboard The effects of low sulphur fuel
ships must not exceed 1.5% m/m. There are several implications of Operations related issues
Alternatively, ships must fit an exhaust operating on low sulphur fuel or • Monitoring sulfur content in fuel
gas cleaning system or use other altering between high and low sulphur • Engine load
methods to limit SOx emissions. The fuels. The issues listed below are some • Cylinder Liner Temperature
regulation requires any such alternative of the most common challenges that • Water content in scavenge air
methods to be approved by the must be considered by the shipowners
relevant flag state. Sanctions for Marpol and operators to avoid problems Recommendations
violations are becoming increasingly related to operation and maintenance Shipowners and operators should
severe around the world, and there is of the ship engines. thoroughly consider all undesired
no reason to believe Annex VI will not effects of operating on low sulphur
be treated to the same scrutiny. Fuel related issues fuel. It is recommended that the engine
• Incompatibility of different fuels makers and the lube oil suppliers are
The regulation allowed for a 12-month • Combustion characteristics and contacted to obtain their detailed
period from the date of entry into force impact on engine deposits and wear instructions and guidelines. Specifically
before the limits within a SECA could • Varying fuel viscosity, and impact on worded charterparty clauses regarding
be enforced, and they will thus be fuel injection bunkers supplied by Charterers are
enforced from 19 May 2006. The Baltic • Low sulphur fuel having less anti-wear important to ensure that any problems
capability are avoided.

© Gard AS, January 2014


Off-spec bunkers – Some

Gard News 174,
May/July 2004

practical cases
Gard has recently assisted two charterers the ship’s plans, there was no direct oil was mailed to Det Norske Veritas
in the handling of claims arising from connection between them and no ballast Petroleum Services (DNVPS) for analysis.
delivery of off-spec bunkers. These pipes were routed through the fuel tanks. A fuel quality report was sent to the
cases show how important it is for both There was also no evidence of oil in the owners, which showed a Total Sediment
charterers and owners to have a good ballast water. Furthermore, the tanks were Potential (TSP) of 0.22, the standard TSP
bunker testing system in place. reported to be tight and in order during being 0.10. DNV advised that at this level
a recent overhaul. This possibility was of TSP, increased sludging was likely to
Damage to fuel injection pumps therefore ruled out. occur and fuel stability was at risk. They
The first case concerns a general advised the owners to purify the fuel,
cargo vessel, whose main engine had The surveyor’s conclusion was that the not to mix it with any other fuel and to
undergone a complete overhaul whilst damage was probably caused by water take and retain periodic samples before
the vessel was dry-docked. The bunker in the fuel. and after centrifuging and record the
tanks were cleaned and all sediment sampling details in the logbook.
removed. Following that, the vessel Based on the entries in the engine
took delivery of 170 MT of bunkers room log book, it was evident that there Charterers were put on notice that
at Rotterdam for a round trip to the had been a certain quantity of water in owners held them responsible for
Mediterranean and return to Norway. The the fuel oil tanks No. 6 starboard and the consequences of supplying off-
bunkers were put into fuel oil tanks No.6 port. How the water entered the tanks, spec bunkers, including the cost of
starboard and port and, in accordance however, had not been established. de-bunkering if required and any
with the Baltime charterparty, were damage to the vessel’s engine. The
provided and paid for by the charterers. The owners put the charterers on notice head charterparty included detailed
that they held them responsible for all and comprehensive clauses concerning
When the vessel started to take fuel from costs incurred and time lost during the responsibility for delivery, quality, testing
tanks No. 6 port and starboard during period the vessel was out of service and analysis of bunkers, but these clauses
the voyage, she experienced severe due to supply of inferior bunkers. The were not included in the sub-charter.
problems with sediment. The problems charterers in turn held the bunker
continued for the rest of the trip and on supplier responsible. The vessel sailed for Richards Bay to load
arrival in Kristiansund, Norway, assistance a cargo for Praia Mole, Brazil. During
from the engine manufacturer was The bunker supplier rejected liability, the voyage, the master advised that
needed. A without prejudice joint survey relying on an analysis of a sample of the the vessel was experiencing a critical
was arranged, which was attended on fuel oil taken from the vessel after the situation on board in trying to purify the
behalf of the owners, charterers and bunker delivery. This analysis confirmed off-spec bunkers. For safety reasons,
bunker suppliers. Fuel oil samples were the bunkers delivered to the vessel were he decided to deviate to Port Louis,
taken from the relevant tanks, a survey within specification. The test sample Mauritius, which was the nearest port
of the vessel’s engine and all relevant taken from the bunker barge had with enough bunkers to enable the ship
machinery was performed and an been lost and samples from the fuel in to reach Richards Bay safely. The owners
investigation into the cause, nature and tanks No.6 port and starboard which requested charterers to make provisional
extent of the damage was carried out. purportedly showed that they were arrangements for
contaminated with water, could no longer de-bunkering. Charterers put the sub-
The engine manufacturer’s representative be traced. charterers on notice, requested them to
concluded that all 18 fuel injector pumps make the necessary arrangements to take
had to be replaced. The damaged Fortunately for charterers, in this case the inferior bunkers ashore and re-supply
pumps and valves were sent to the the owners did not have a system in at Port Louis. The sub-charterers did
engine manufacturer’s plant in Denmark place to take bunker samples for analysis not admit any liability for the problems
for overhaul/repairs, and a joint survey when bunkering, so no samples of experienced by the vessel, but advised
was also carried out there. Sixteen of the bunkered fuel were available. As a they would appoint a surveyor to inspect
the fuel oil pumps were dismantled result, the owners had no evidence and the vessel and bunkers.
for further examination. Fifteen of therefore no case against the charterers
the pistons were found to be brown- and had to bear the losses. Accordingly, the charterers had little
coloured, one was found to contain water choice but to arrange delivery of fresh
drops, some were found with corrosion High Total Sediment Potential bunkers at Port Louis, so it was decided
and several pump hoses contained water. The second case concerns a 1995-built to de-bunker the off-spec bunkers at
Due to the corrosion and browning, the bulk carrier which was time-chartered Richards Bay. Charterers invited the
manufacturer advised replacement of all under a NYPE 1993 form. The vessel was shipowners and sub-charterers to take
the sub-chartered and upon re-delivery sub- part in a survey of the vessel’s engines
pistons and cylinders, which were charterers supplied the vessel with 900 and purifiers at Richards Bay and
replaced with reconditioned fuel oil MT of IFO, which was taken into DB tanks a without prejudice joint survey of the
pumps. Nos. 1 and 2. sealed samples held on board by the
master for charterers’ use was arranged,
It was considered whether there could The shipowners had an agreement with and the fuel in the vessel’s tanks was
have been leakage between the ballast Det Norske Veritas (DNV) for testing tested.
and fuel oil systems. According to bunker samples, so a sample of the fuel

© Gard AS, January 2014

Owners and charterers agreed to use four days, five hours and 18 minutes. record all temperatures, pressures and
an independent laboratory to analyse Charterers claimed from sub-charterers remarks of engine performance on a daily
the fuel oil samples. The sub-charterers the cost of the calls at Port Louis and basis.
appointed a different laboratory to Cape Town, the cost of removing and
carry out their analysis. Surveyors were replacing the off-spec bunkers, the cost If off-spec bunkers have been delivered
instructed to attend the laboratory to of repairs to the purifiers, the time lost, and are unsuitable for use they should
witness the sample analysis. The owners costs of the surveyors and fuel experts as be off-loaded and replaced by new on-
and charterers’ surveyor monitored the well as legal costs, which amounted to a spec bunkers. If inferior bunkers have to
analysis done on behalf of the sub- total of USD 182,000. Legal proceedings be used or have been taken in use the
charterers and vice versa. In addition, an were commenced but immediately prior following should be done:
analysis was also carried out by a third to the hearing the case was settled by – The vessel should notify the shipowner
independent company. sub-charterers for USD 150,000 plus immediately if they are experiencing
recoverable costs of GBP 35,000. problems with an off-spec fuel. If the
Owners and charterers’ analytical report shipowner purchased the fuel directly
from tanks Nos. 1 and 2 confirmed a TSP Lessons learned from the supplier, he should notify the
of between 0.13 and 0.21. The analysis of Shipowners – and charterers, if they bunker supplier and send a copy of the
the sub-charterers and the independent supply bunkers to a vessel – should test results.
laboratory showed TSP of between 0.04 always:1 – The shipowner should contact an
and 0.05. According to technical experts, – Be selective when choosing a supplier. expert and make use of reliable fuel
however, the analysis method used by Order fuel to desired ISO grade and testing services such as DNV Petroleum
sub-charterers and the independent describe it in the charterparty as well as in Services (DNVPS) or Lloyds Register
laboratory was unacceptable as the the requisition to supplier. (FOBAS) to obtain advice on how to
tests were not in accordance with IP 390 – Take representative samples at the time proceed to solve the particular problem
specifications, in which case, the fuel oil of delivery and agree with the suppliers to avoid damage and mitigate losses.
supplied was indeed off-specification. that the samples are representative. – The shipowner should contact the
Ensure that the samples taken are engine manufacturer as well as fuel
The vessel had three IFO tanks, two properly labelled. supplier for advice. Action will depend
large ones and one smaller one. The – If the supplier takes other samples at on which parameter is off-specification
third, smaller, tank was not big enough the time of the delivery, try to establish and/or what the particular problem is.
to take the amount of bunkers required how and when they were obtained. The degree of quality deviation from the
for a safe passage to Praia Mole, so since Protest if not invited to witness the taking specification must be considered.
it proved impossible to arrange de- of these samples. – The shipowner should notify the
bunkering at Richards Bay, there was no – Use a fast, reliable testing service to charterer (if the charterer purchased the
other alternative but to proceed to Cape analyse representative samples. fuel) and other interested parties.
Town and de-bunker there, thus incurring – The parties should inform their insurers.
further costs and delay. Tank cleaning Owners should also:
was not possible because the vessel was – Segregate new fuel from that held on Conclusion
loaded with coal, which meant access board. These two cases illustrate the importance
to the tanks was blocked. However, a – Never use new fuel until the analysis for shipowners and charterers of having
bunker quality/quantity survey of the 675 results have been examined and it has in place a good system for testing bunker
MT of fresh bunkers put on board was been established that it is suitable. quality with a reputed organisation, as
carried out. – Maintain careful reliable daily records of well as having protective contractual
the contents and consumption from each clauses in charterparties.
Fortunately, the off-spec bunkers caused fuel tank.
no damage to the vessel’s engine, – Ensure good maintenance and
auxiliary engines or purifiers. However, calibration records are kept for all
the total distance deviated from the machinery.
voyage was 1,074 nautical miles, involving – Ensure engine log books properly

© Gard AS, January 2014


Controlling bunker costs

By Ivar Tønnensen, Gearbulk (UK) Ltd, London; Member of the Executive
Gard News 165,
February/April 2002

Committee of the International Bunker Industry Association, Ltd,

Introduction the buyer and/or the crew. Depending Liner operators, who see their fuel costs
Is it possible to make money on on the development of the bunker clearly, have implemented sophisticated
bunkers? Yes, and not just by selling market, one can safely say that the purchase and management strategies
them. Owners generally can not control bunker department is both loved and for bunkers. Tanker owners all too often
their earnings, and are at the mercy of hated. But all too often companies leave it to the market. It is suggested
the market when it comes to freight and have no actual bunker department, or that educated buyers who follow proper
time charter rates. But they can control there is a difference of opinion within purchase routines with proper follow
costs, and every cent saved on a direct the organisation as to what the bunker up, who know the market, and know
cost like fuel is welcome. So you can department should actually be doing. whom they are buying from, will have a
make money on bunkers, by cutting significant positive effect on the bottom
costs. The chartering department usually line.
looks upon bunkering a vessel as
Bunker prices are just as much market- synonymous with a car pulling up If two shipowners are buying fuel in
driven as freight rates, but the market to the local petrol station, and they the same market for a similar route,
price of bunkers is far from the only usually need the fuel in a rush. The why can one get a better result than
cost involved. Too many owners fail to management looks at the department the other? Because one employs staff
realise that and give too little attention as the biggest spender in the that pay attention to where the money
to bunker purchasing and management. organisation and is always asking: goes, and the other simply looks at the
This article shows how attention to “couldn’t you get the fuel cheaper market price. Anyone with a trading
bunkers can generate real cost savings, somewhere else?” The technical and instinct can play a market. Bunker
and a real boost to bottom line results. operational departments treat it as management requires more knowledge
a necessary evil and are constantly than that.
Bunkers have always been an important complaining about the quality of the
part of ship operations and, as such, fuel, and that it is always delivered Your money can go up in smoke without
bunkering is a vital part of an owner’s outside office hours. But either way, pushing the ship one metre forward.
day to day operation. Fuel costs have bunkers must be bought and therefore You may lose on the volume/weight
become a major part of the running it is of vital importance for an owner conversion, or more simply, you may
costs of a vessel – in some instances that the persons involved with fuel pay for more than you get because your
as high as 60 per cent. This weighs purchasing have the necessary crew does not supervise and ensure the
heavily on the profit margin and may knowledge on how, where, and when quantity is lifted correctly. You may lose
lead to financial loss through lack of to procure the fuel in an efficient and money because the energy content of
knowledge, skill or care on the part of economical way. your cheap fuel is much less than the

© Gard AS, January 2014

energy content of the expensive fuel the capacity of her bunker tanks. Thus, ISO 8217/1996/RMG35). ISO 8217
bought by the clever owner up the if the vessel is in a low cost area and is an efficient specification that calls
road. You may lose money through going to a high cost area, it makes for a minimum of tests and expenses
barges cheating you out of some of sense to bunker as much as possible, required to control a desired property,
what you think you are getting. And provided draft, cargo intake, etc., and for tests which are as independent
you may lose out on the headline price permit, thereby ensuring that one buys of each other as possible. Since this
through not knowing this specialised as little as possible in the high cost port specification normally protects the
and fast-moving market properly. if the vessel is returning to an area of buyer fully, accidental problems should
Finally, you may lose an awful lot of time lower prices. be kept to a minimum.
and money if you lift bad bunkers. Even
if you win a subsequent dispute, it will Alternative bunker ports and time Having in mind the debate over the
still hurt. Better to avoid problems in factor: The discharge port (inbound past few years on the issue of waste
the first place. voyage) must be considered against the lube oil in the fuel, it may be prudent
load port (outbound voyage), provided to add the following wording when
The first step to better buying is to have they are in the same geographical specifying which fuel is required:
a purchasing strategy. area and price range. One must also “The Seller warrants that the bunkers
compare the economics of bunkering delivered under this contract do
Purchasing while working cargo against bunkering not contain chemical waste, waste
The purchasing aspect of the business en route in a typical bunker port. The lubricating oil of any kind or other
can be broken down into three parts, rule of thumb is that one can calculate substances detrimental to the vessel,
namely: 1) activities leading up to the at least 12 hours’ loss of time for a her engine(s) and/or her crew.”
purchase, 2) the purchase itself and 1,000 MT stem. Time has a value, which
3) the control functions that must be together with port cost adds up to a However, “when” to purchase is often
performed once the purchase has been cost per tonne of fuel to be bunkered. the big dilemma for the spot buyer.
concluded and the fuel delivered. Needless to say, the smaller the stem, Timing may result in big savings,
the larger the difference, since both depending on volume. There are no
Pre-purchase time value and port cost are constant. set rules for “when” - it is normally a
When a vessel is in need of fuel In addition, there is the weather factor. combination of “gut feeling”, market
replenishment, it triggers a series Conditions may be such that it is information and luck. However, do not
of events. It starts with the operator impossible to bring a barge alongside, think for a minute that you will be able
approaching the bunker department thus additional time is lost. Hence, to strike when the prices are at the
with a request for bunkers. Together, when comparing bunker prices at a bottom. Usually, when one thinks
they look at the schedule of the discharge port or a load port with prices prices are at their lowest they are
intended voyage and the various at a potential bunker port en route, it actually on the way up again, so the
criteria indicating how much, where and may be advantageous to bunker while best time should be when they are on
when the bunker is to be bought. Some working cargo in port, even if the price the way down, just before the market
of these criteria can typically be: is higher than at the potential bunker bottoms out.
– Intended cargo (freight v. bunker). port en route.
– Ensuing voyage. If you use brokers it is recommended
– Low priced market v. high priced Timing of purchase: “Should I buy to use a minimum of two. This makes
market. today, or wait till tomorrow?” Many oil it more likely that the market will be
– Alternative bunker ports. companies only give quotes valid for covered properly and, most important,
– Time factor (deviation, time to a maximum of seven days. However, if gives you the necessary leverage to
bunker). you can narrow the time for lifting the obtain the best price possible. However,
– Timing of purchase. bunker to one or two days, firm quotes you should ensure that each broker
may be obtained sometimes up to covers different suppliers, as otherwise
Intended cargo: The freight rate two weeks in advance. The drawback, the market becomes confused. The
must be considered against the price unfortunately, is that the price may fall Internet is as yet only a limited option,
difference of the fuel between the load again. Just be aware that entering the but you can use it to check what brokers
port and discharge port. If the price market too close to the lifting date may are saying.
of fuel at the load port is lower than at pose problems, after all, the barge must
the discharge port and the difference be loaded, the supplier must prepare Once in the marketplace, consider
in price is greater than the freight rate, documentation, etc. The suppliers which possible suppliers you will or can
it is more economical to take fuel than may even be sold out, or committed use. Have you used them before, are
cargo. to other vessels, forcing you to let the they newcomers to the market, are they
vessel wait. Fifty cents on the dollar traders or actual suppliers? What is their
Ensuing voyage: One must also saved going into the deal may easily reputation, how do they handle claims?
take into consideration what are the cost you much more at the end of the If you do not know all the answers,
intentions for the following voyage. As deal. This should also be kept in mind ask the brokers. Remember that the
indicated in the introduction, bunkering when choosing a supplier. supplier has the same attitude towards
a vessel is not like driving a car into the you, hence asking questions is a vital
local petrol station. Your vessel may part of the trade.
end up in a port where the fuel is very Once a decision on where and how
expensive, or in the worst case, there is Another method to differentiate
much to purchase has been made, one between sellers is to look at the energy
no fuel available. may proceed with the order. This can content of their fuel. When converting
be done in several ways: directly with their offered price into cost per mj/
Low priced market v. high priced the supplier, via one or more brokers, kg an interesting picture emerges. Let
market: It is also important for the or via the Internet. Irrespectively, it us assume supplier A offers USD 150/
purchaser to have a good knowledge is important to indicate clearly the MT and supplier B offers USD 147.50/
of the bunker market. Every vessel has type of fuel needed, referring to the MT. You know from past history that
a certain steaming range, based upon relevant ISO Standard (e.g., 380 CST, A’s oil has an energy content of around

© Gard AS, January 2014

41.2 mj/kg and that B’s level is around oriented publication and as such not
39.9 mj/kg. From the outset, one widely known among buyers. Either
would assume seller B is the cheaper way, the question really becomes:
alternative. However, seller A is actually “how much are we willing to sacrifice
the best buy, as seller B would have to on the price for the benefit of quality
lower his price to USD 145.27 in order and service?”. Only you can answer
to match A (USD150: this question, but if your answer is
41.2 x 39.9). “nothing” then you are certainly going
to lose money on bunkers.
When you have decided which
supplier(s) you would like to deal with, Post-purchase
you must negotiate the price and You have now placed a stem with
conditions under which the fuel is to a supplier and the fuel has been
be delivered. With respect to the latter, delivered as requested. Then comes the
you may discover that many suppliers task of checking whether the vessel has
refuse to negotiate their terms of sale, received what was ordered and paid for.
but one should always try. Quite often This will be discussed in more detail
one will find that a supplier is more a little later on, but the importance of
willing to negotiate an addendum to properly instructing the crew on what to
the terms of sale than to actually alter do prior to, during and after bunkering,
the printed text. Some call this process especially with respect to the sampling,
“Dutch auction”. Be that as it may, the should be stressed. The sample is the is final and binding for both parties.
buyer’s function in the company is to sole evidence of the quality of the fuel Again, it is important to properly
obtain the best quality fuel for the most delivered and becomes the focus in a verify that the sample is true and
reasonable price delivered at the time quality dispute.1 The standard questions representative, because in the end it
one has requested and agreed. to the chief engineer are: “how, where can mean money.
and when were the samples taken,
Most large buyers of fuel do part and did you witness the process?”. In Another item to look out for is correct
of their purchases on a spot basis, virtually all terms of sale it is the sample temperature conversion, which can be
while other portions of their overall retained by the barge that is to be re- illustrated as set out in the left table to
requirements are met by short and/ tested, so the importance of properly the left.
or long term contract(s) with one or witnessing the sampling is evident.
more suppliers. The contract can cover There are tables explaining which factor
a specific grade or port or an area, There are only two items the crew to use when adjusting for temperature
depending on the overall trading can correctly verify: the volume and and it is strongly recommended that
pattern of the owner’s fleet. Since temperature of the fuel, and both are they be used. As a general rule, it is
monetary savings are the exception important as they, together with the recommended not to pay an invoice
rather than the rule with regards to density, are the basis to determine the which is not accompanied by a copy
contracts, there are basically two major weight which the invoice is based upon. of the bunker receipt, or at least hold
reasons for entering into contracts: 1) Since you can not witness all bunkerings off on the payment until the receipt is
quality and 2) availability. We all like yourself, the crew becomes your ears received – otherwise the invoice can
to buy top quality fuel every time, as and eyes on the spot, and their report, not be controlled properly. A word
this reflects on the maintenance costs. together with the delivery receipt, is of of caution, though: always pay the
Hence, one would tend to enter into importance for the final control of the undisputed amount.
contracts in ports with questionable invoice.
quality and go spot in ports where
good quality fuel is always available. Hedging
Likewise, with regard to availability, The sample should always be tested at Hedging has been used in the bunker
one tends to contract in ports which an independent laboratory. There are industry for many years, but only
are strategically located where one obvious reasons why. Firstly, to know if recently has hedging reached the
must have fuel in order to perform the the quality is according to specifications popularity it presently enjoys. While
voyage. ordered and secondly, to find out if the it was basically the oil companies that
weight is correct. Based on experience offered owners hedging instruments
This applies especially to the liner it can be said that the tested density is in the past, today banks, trading
trades. The benefit of contracts is seldom equal to the density declared houses and others have jumped on
that one always deals with the same on the delivery receipt. Large variation the bandwagon. They offer hedging
supplier, the parties know each other’s means that you are paying for fuel that in commodities such as crude oil,
requirements, quality and quantity you have not received, or have received heating oil, jet fuel, gas oil, etc., but as
disputes are rare and so is the hassle more fuel than what is stated. This can an owner, one should concentrate the
of solving them. But you do not get be illustrated as follows: hedging in fuel oil. In general, the main
something for nothing, so you may rule should be that one hedges in the
experience that prices may not be product that the vessel burns.
as advantageous as if you went into One can easily imagine what this may
the spot market. Normally pricing is amount to over the years, if the fleet Here are a few thoughts (from an
based on Platt’s Bunkerwire and it is sizeable and it happens a few times owner’s point of view) on why and how
may be Platt’s average for the port per vessel. However, it can also happen to hedge.
or area. Some suppliers use monthly the other way around, in which case
averages, some use weekly or even one must add the extra weight when When looking at the futures market, it
the issue published closest to lifting controlling the invoice. Normally, when is important to distinguish between the
day. Contracts are also known to have you are faced with large differences in paper and the physical market. In this
been entered on the basis of Platt’s density, a re-test of the retained sample connection, the physical market means
Marketscan, which is a commodity- is called for and the result of this test that one buys a pre-determined amount

© Gard AS, January 2014

of fuel at a set price for delivery at a are that one has full coverage on the and just to name a few points:
specified period. The paper market, upside, and at the same time can take – Streamline the broker network.
however, differs from the physical full advantage of the lower priced fuel – Avoid confusion in the marketplace.
in that one settles one’s positions in plus a cost factor that is locked in. The – Easier to develop/maintain internal
cash, either way, and no physical oil drawback, however, is that one must database.
is involved. You should always keep pay the total premium up-front, which – More “clout” in the marketplace.
the objectives in mind when you enter may influence the overall cash flow. The – Better buying practices.
the paper market: speculation or premium is based on several factors
insurance? such as volatility, time period, base One comment heard from a buyer is:
price of the product, interest rate, etc. “but we can not afford to have a bunker
In general terms, one should look upon The general principle is that the further department ...”. The answer is simple,
hedging as insurance. This means best away the strike price from the market it is not a question of establishing a
possible coverage at minimal cost and price, the lower the premium. “new” bunker department, it is just a
risk. matter of taking one of the persons
There are other instruments available who presently buys and letting him or
What do we hedge? Primarily the and it seems that there is no end to her buy for the whole fleet.
bunker prices in the annual budget, some of the players’ imagination.
but it can also be the bunker prices in For those of you who are not familiar On board handling and claims
a freight contract or even the bunker with hedging, but would like to get You buy the fuel carefully, but things
consumption for a vessel taken on time involved with it, take time to learn can go wrong on board. It is vitally
charter. the differences between the various important to have a clear bunker
instruments available. Learn the policy for the crew, and to make sure
difference between Platt’s Bunkerwire it is followed every time. Firstly, for
If a cargo contract already has a bunker and Platt’s Marketscan, as it is on the
clause built into it, that in itself is a latter that most hedges are based.
hedge. However, one should note that
a bunker clause in a freight contract
might be converted into a hedge. If Irrespectively, keep in mind that you are
the buyer and it is your needs that have Measured volume ex barge is
a bunker clause is an asset for an owner, 1,850 cbm at 35°C. Density on
it is a liability for the charterer, for which to be covered. “Here is my problem
and what can you do to help me? What delivery ticket is 0.964 basis 15ºC.
he may be prepared to pay additional It is easy to say:
freight to get out of. The owner can use are the benefits and drawbacks with the
the extra few cents to the freight to buy particular instrument you propose?”.
One has, unfortunately, heard too many 1,850 x 0.964 = 1,783.4 MT.
an option. This can be illustrated as in
the above table. stories of owners who hedge in crude
oil, etc., with a strike price based on a However, the correct picture is:
When the decision has been made port or an area they do not even call.
1,850 cbm at 35°C = 1,823.73 cbm
to hedge, the next question is what
Organisation at 15°C x 0.964 = 1,758.075 MT.
instrument to use. There are different
instruments available, such as swaps, After discussing efficient purchasing
caps, participation, etc., but common to practices it is prudent to also say a few This gives a difference of 25.324
them all is the element of risk, and do words about how the shipowner or MT. (1,783.4 – 1,758.075 = 25.342).
not forget, you still have to pay market operator organises the fuel purchases. Multiply this by USD 150 and you
price for the fuel. There appears to be two ways buyers get a difference of USD 3,798.60 –
handle this task: either they let each again, money paid for something
operator buy fuel for the vessel(s) it not received.
The two most commonly used handles or they have designated one
instruments are swaps and options. person to perform this task. While there
Swaps are possibly the most used way is not much to say about the former,
of hedging. The main principle is that there is much to be said about the latter
one agrees on a strike price with a set
volume over a certain period. In other
words, buy in the future at a price set
today. The benefits of this instrument
are that you are fully covered if the The supplier claims he has delivered 1,500 MT based upon a density of
price goes over the strike price and 0.990. However, the test shows that the actual density is 0.978. The formula
there is no premium to pay. The to calculate the actual quantity is quite simple:
drawback, however, is that if the price Using the above formula, the calculation becomes:
falls below the agreed strike price, you
are faced with the opportunity loss and
this cost is an unknown factor in the
overall budget. A swap makes sense
in a low market when the downside
potential for cash payoff is low.

The main principle in options is that

one buys the right to a product at a set
price for a set period at a set time. One If the price was USD 150/MT, there has been an over-payment of USD 2,727.
buys the right, but not the obligation to
buy. With this instrument the benefits

1 See also articles “Some technical aspects of marine fuels testing” and “Effects of off-spec bunkers” elsewhere in this issue of
Gard News.

© Gard AS, January 2014


their safety. Secondly, because a small

accident while bunkering will often lead (A x B):(C x D) = E
to a small oil spill right under the noses A: Total cargo to be carried. 500,000 MT
of the authorities, which will become B: Freight increase per ton. USD 0.05
a considerable and very expensive C: Bunker consumed per voyage. 1000 MT
problem. So your first priority must be D: Number of voyages for the contract. 10
to ensure that the crew follows correct E: Option premium per MT. USD 2.50
routines to prevent safety problems or
pollution. These are well documented,
and should be in your ISM system, but
it is easy to cut corners at night or in
less regulated ports. Do not allow it to
happen. challenge by the Buyer of the said The crew should always make proper
measurement shall only be admissible remarks on the delivery receipt, as the
Whatever you do, sooner or later if made to the Seller’s representative supplier will use it later against you
you will be faced with a claim. Types and noted on the delivery receipt at as evidence. Preventive measures are
of claims will vary, but there are two the time of delivery and confirmed in the best way to fight and/or eliminate
major: quantity and quality. Of these writing by the Seller within 14 days of quantity disputes.
two, quantity may be rated as problem delivery.”
number one, followed by quality. Unfortunately, quality disputes are
Faced with such a clause or similarly unavoidable and measures are similar
As discussed earlier, the quantity worded clauses, a buyer must exercise to those applicable to quantity
(weight) is based upon volume and its right to be present or represented disputes. Preventive medicine is the
density at a set temperature. at the measuring. Fortunately, most important feature. What is then
measurement at storage tanks ashore the prescription?
A classic scenario is that the barge is about to be a thing of the past, but – Be selective in choosing a supplier.
claims it has delivered a certain volume, measurement at barges is very much a – Always test the fuel.
the vessel claims it has only received reality. One can always have a surveyor – Do not use the new fuel before the
so much and we have a dispute on our present, but many owners look at the test result is available.
hands. How do we solve this? Firstly, let cost issue and leave it to the crew to – Avoid mixing new fuel with old fuel in
us take a look at a common clause used perform this task. Things to watch out the same tank(s).
in terms of sale: for are: – Ensure that the samples taken are
“Quantity shall be determined at – Correctness of calibration tables. as representative as possible and that
Seller’s or Seller’s supplier’s option from – Ensure that actual measurement is they are properly labelled. They are the
the gauge or meter of shore or barge carried out by the crew, and that they sole evidence of the fuel the vessel has
tanks. The Seller’s determination of report it to the head office. received.
quantity shall be final and conclusive, – Note the temperature and make
but the Buyer shall have the right to sure it matches what is on the delivery But even after having done all of the
be represented at the measuring. Any receipt. above, you may still be faced with a

© Gard AS, January 2014

dispute. The nature of the dispute, Conclusion for suppliers, or for buyers. It is a forum
more often than not, dictates which Certainly there are those of you who for everyone dealing with bunkers. IBIA
actions you must take. It is always feel that important points have been offers free training courses all over the
preferable to try to solve a dispute left out of this article. They probably world to bunker buyers, it publishes
outside the courtroom, and experience have, but it is hoped that the few numerous guides to good practice and
shows that most suppliers share the issues raised may point you in the right its officers can help with both simple
same point of view. It then comes down direction. A good piece of advice, and technical bunker questions. There
to your negotiating skills. However, though: make sure the person who buys is a reservoir of expertise to tap into,
should the dispute be of such a nature your fuel learns from past mistakes. both to help avoid problems and to
that the courtroom is unavoidable, Look at old claims and analyse them resolve any that arise. A call to IBIA will
make sure that all communication for the purpose of determining what add to your bottom line because by
between you and the other parties went wrong and what must be done to knowing more about bunkers they will
involved is in writing. In this day and ensure it does not happen again. The cost you less. Money saved is money
age too much is done via the telephone result may be frightening, but it sets earned.
and when you are in the heat of the in motion a process with the ultimate
battle, maybe a year later, it is hard to goal of overall improvement of routines,
remember who said what to whom. It both in the office and on board.
only takes a few minutes to summarise
the contents of a telephone call in Where to go for help
writing and send a copy of your notes To some owners, the contents of this
to the person you spoke with. Get into article will be familiar stuff. But to many,
the habit of doing it. Hearsay, or “I think the idea of a sophisticated approach to
I said...” unfortunately does not help bunkers will be novel. Where do you go
your case. Keep in mind that in the for help? The first port of call should be
end what is written down will be your IBIA, the International Bunker Industry
strongest evidence. Association.2 This is not a trade body

2 For further information look at

© Gard AS, January 2014


Liquid gold - Fuel oil and

Gard News 156
December 1999/February 2000

lubricating oil
By Lindsay Gordon, Gordon, Giles & Company Ltd, London

INTRODUCTION Rule No. 4 (2) Never exceed the flow rate

Poor quality fuel oil or lubricating oil Employ the services of an independent recommended for the centrifuge
in an engine can result in damage or fuel analysis contractor, e.g., Lloyd’s for the grade of fuel in use. The
breakdown. In relation to the high cost Register, FOBAS (Fuel Oil Bunker lower the flow rate the better the
of these essential products, testing and Analysis & Advisory Service), Det efficiency. Consider using two or
careful handling on board requires little Norske Veritas – Veritas Petroleum three centrifuges in series/parallel
effort and minimal cost. This article Services. The cost is a few hundred as purifier/clarifier.
considers these aspects. dollars and test results are usually
available within 36 hours. (3) Centrifuging is still recommended
FUEL OIL for the distillate fuels, MDO/MGO,
The advice below applies to fuel oil and Note: Regardless of whether the as the fuel may be contaminated in
diesel oil. service of an independent fuel analysis the storage tanks.
contractor is utilised or not, an owner
BUNKERING should ensure that the Chief Engineer (4) Keep the fuel temperature
There are a few “golden rules” to be takes a continuous drip sample at about 10°C above the minimum
observed when bunkering fuel oil. the manifold throughout the entire storage temperature, to minimise
These are as follows: bunkering procedure. The equipment the risk of wax formation and
necessary to do this is relatively small the temperature after the final
Rule No. 1 cost compared with the cost of the heater 5°C to 10°C above the
Always order fuel according to the bunkers. recommended fuel injection
engine maker’s recommendation, using temperature to compensate for
the industry fuel oil standard ISO 8217. Rule No. 5 heat losses between heater and
This requirement should be included in The Chief Engineer should check fuel injector.
the charterparty. For each fuel category that the bunkers to be loaded do not
within ISO 8217 the characteristics contain an unacceptable amount of (5) The temperature at the purifier
are given as maximum values with the water. In the case of distillates, a simple should be steady – a typical
exception of flash point and for this test involving a dip tape and water optimum temperature is 98°C.
reason it is not sufficient to only refer to finding paste can be used. For fuel oil Note: Temperatures at storage,
ISO 8217. this may not always be accurate and settling and service tanks should
a water test kit can be used. The kit is be monitored at least twice daily.
cheap and simple to use. Overheating can degrade the fuel
Rule No. 2
and result in cargo damage in
Check the supplier’s paperwork to
Note: If the bunker supply is from a holds.
ensure that the delivery conforms in
terms of quantity and specification with barge, a Chief Engineer should be
wary if the supply is continually being (6) The importance of operating the
what has actually been ordered.
circulated in the barge tanks. The settling and service drain test cocks
circulating process may be disguising a is often overlooked, particularly in
Rule No. 3 unattended engine rooms. Twice a
Whenever possible, place new bunkers nasty cocktail!
day is the minimum for this simple
into empty tanks. New fuel oil should operation, which will reduce the
not be used until analysis results have HANDLING FUEL OIL
Heavy fuel (residuals and mixtures risk of water or sludge entering the
been received. fuel system.
of residuals and distillate) must be
Note: Even when it is possible to purified in an efficient centrifuge before
entering the service tank. There are (7) Fuel oil filters should be examined,
do this, it is essential that the Chief say, every few days in service –
Engineer carries out a compatibility several key points.
(1) Ensure that the correct gravity disc even if the differential pressure
test. Simple, cheap test kits are gauges are normal. The reason
available. is used.
for this is twofold. First, a filter
will often allow fuel to pass even
when partially choked. It can
then suddenly choke completely.
Second, although Class Rules
require a standby filter to be
available, difficulties have been
encountered in changing over to
the standby filter in an emergency
situation, resulting in engine

An on-board portable fuel test kit.

© Gard AS, January 2014

(8) An automatic viscosity controller (2) Lubricating oil is not technically
(viscometer) should be in proper clean when supplied and,
working order to maintain correct inevitably, becomes dirty and often
viscosity of the fuel at the engine. contaminated in service. It should
Failure to do this can result in poor be purified constantly at sea.
combustion and even damage. Water must not be added when
Note (1): Remember, viscosity in itself is
not a measure of the quality of a fuel. (3) The oil should be heated to about
90°C at the centrifuge. Check with
Note (2): Fuel oils having a high density supplier.
in combination with low viscosity have
low ignition quality. This can mean poor (4) Try and use only about 20 per cent
combustion and “diesel knock”. of the rated flow capacity of the
Ignition quality can be calculated in
terms of calculated carbon aromaticity (5) Check that the correct gravity disc
index (CCAI). Typically, while not an is in use at the purifier.
exact tool for judging ignition quality,
engines running at constant speed (6) Take samples for analysis about Fuel oil samples taken and sealed on
and load (over 50 per cent) can without every 1,000 operating hours, to board.
difficulty use fuels with CCAI 870 ensure safe engine operation. The
(maximum). Engines running at variable sample (minimum 1 litre) should be sample for analysis. Meanwhile, clean
speed and load can without difficulty taken with the engine in operation, out sump tank, filters, etc., renew
use fuels with CCAI 860 (maximum). after the oil filter on the engine. charge.
Provide the following details with
WHAT CAN BE DONE the sample – name of vessel, date, SHORT STORY
(1) If an independent analysis installation, engine number, oil One of the world’s largest marine diesel
recommends that a fuel should brand, engine operating hours, engines burnt untested fuel containing
not be burnt, do not do it! Place hours oil has been in use, where “cat fines” (catalytic aluminium/silicon
the supplier on notice, seek advice taken, type of fuel oil, other fines). In a few hours of operation,
from your P&I Club and consider a remarks. several years wear and tear occurred in
port of refuge. the new engine. An independent few
(7) If the water content of an oil charge hundred dollar test would have avoided
(2) Excess water can be settled out exceeds 0.5 per cent to 1 per this expensive claim.
with time and heat. Purify slowly. cent, and can not be removed by
Check to see if contamination is purification in service, change the SUMMARY
saline – do not use the fuel if it is. complete charge and renovate. If Based on experience it can be said
problems are experienced, tell the that excessive wear and tear, damage
(3) If a fuel has a poor compatibility analyst as various types of analysis and salvage of vessels with broken
rating, do not mix with any other are available. down engines often relate back to
fuel. basic problems with fuel oil and lube oil
(8) In general, changes in the analyses quality.
(4) If “diesel knock” (high CCAI) provide a better idea of the
occurs, ensure that engine and fuel condition and trends in the oil than What is so amazing is that having fuel
temperatures are maintained. Do the absolute values. oil independently analysed costs a
not advance ignition timing. few hundred dollars. Suppliers often
(9) Send or ask the oil supplier to analyse lube oil free of charge. The
(5) If problems occur, samples should send copies of the analyses to the amazement is that many owners still, on
be taken at various points in the engine maker for comment. the threshold of the year 2000, do not
fuel system, e.g., transfer pump, do this!
setting and service tanks, before/ If the lube oil in an engine is suspect,
after purifier. It is also useful to take pump contents up to an empty storage
sludge or deposit samples at the tank. Allow to settle – drain – take
purifier, filter, scavenge spaces and
piston rings/crowns. Note: some of
the current problems with fuels are:
– “cat fines” – abrasive
– waste automotive lube oil –
– bacteria in MDO and gas oil –
corrosive, etc.

Many of the points discussed above
regarding purifiers, filters, test cocks on
Taking a lube oil sample at the purifier.
storage tanks apply to lubricating oil. In
addition, there are several key points to
(1) Ensure that the correct grade of oil
is being used.

© Gard AS, January 2014


Bunker Quality
Loss Prevention Circular
No. 03-01, May 2001

Introduction component used for blending Circular 04-01, Charterers Liabilities and
The securing of bunkers of an Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO) for Bunkers).
acceptable quality depends on a variety ships. The result is fuels with higher
of factors such as availability, demand, density, carbon residue, sulphur If the vessel is in the unfortunate
area, choice of suppliers etc. The etc. Practically every parameter has situation of having received a high
problems have, to a certain degree, increased significantly throughout Catfines fuel, and has to use the fuel,
fluctuated with the bunker prices. The the refinery processing. Ships owners should be prepared for a
market has seen fuels contaminated fitted with older centrifuges are succession of replacements of plungers,
with waste chemicals detrimental to the unable to effectively treat such nozzles and other moveable engine
health of the crew as well as damaging fuels, particularly the “high density” parts. A normal full set of spares may
to the ships engines. For many years, it products, i.e. fuel densities of 990 not be sufficient to see the problem
has been normal in certain areas of the Kg/m3 and above. Centrifuge through. The fuel testing service
world to dispose of used automotive manufacturers offered upgrade kits provider should also be contacted,
lubricants in bunkers, thus possibly for the “old” separators, but few together with your centrifuge
adding to engine operating problems. operators invested in these kits. manufacturer and fuel supplier
for advice and decision-making.
High-density fuels which far exceed 3 Poor ignition quality is another Separators must be in prime conditions.
the capabilities of the onboard fuel problem that has arisen recently. Considerations should be given to
treatment plants are being delivered The standard laboratory tests do replacing separators manufactured
to vessels.. Water in the fuels is not not test the ignition quality, and it prior to 1984/1985.
uncommon, resulting in emulsified is not a part of the ISO 8217 Fuel
fuels and fuels that cannot be treated in Standards. The problem is normally If the vessel has been on extended
shipboard fuel treatment plants. Some associated with low viscosity/high lay-up, Catfines and other impurities
of the problems mentioned result in density fuels. If a vessel receives may settle in the bunker tanks if a
damages that are insured against, but this type of fuel, the ship should sufficient amount of bunkers remain
in most cases the associated costs fall keep temperatures as high as onboard during the lay-up period.
below the deductible. Occasionally, possible, thus avoiding low load When subsequently re-commissioned,
blending contaminated fuel with good operation. Gard has seen a number these Catfines and impurities are likely
quality fuel may solve the problem. of claims in the last few years where to be stirred up in heavy seas and cause
In other instances, the damages in the the vessel has had to be assisted damage to the engine(s). Therefore,
form of wear and tear of moving parts to an emergency port. The use of consideration should be given to
are so great that the vessel has to divert inferior ignition quality fuels may the cleaning of bunker tanks prior to
to an emergency port for major repairs. well result in major repairs to the bringing a vessel out of an extended
vessel’s engine(s). lay-up to prevent the occurrence of this
Primary problems type of problem.
We see mainly three problems: Recommendations
1 Catfines, aluminium and silicon Owners should be aware that the The settling of Catfines is a continuous
resulting from the refinery cracking increased demand from shore side process taking place onboard every
processes, are very abrasive to ship’s industries for premium products has seagoing vessel. As a rule, fuel tanks
machinery, unless properly removed. resulted in a deterioration of IFO used should be cleaned regularly. Settling
The end result can be machinery in marine engines. Compounding and daily service tanks should be
damage unless the Catfines are the problem is the demand from cleaned at least once a year. This messy,
removed to an acceptable level shipowners for high performance but important task would save ship
(contact your engine manufacturer) lighter engines. operators a lot of problems.
through effective fuel treatment
onboard, i.e. optimum use of IFO used as bunkers should, as a For further information on bunker
the centrifuges. The mode of minimum, meet the requirements of the quality, testing and other relevant
centrifuge operation must be specifications set out in ISO 8217, latest information, can be found on websites
discussed with the manufacturer as issue. Bunker testing agencies such as such as, www.
the type and year of manufacture of DnV Petroleum Services (DnVPS) and, and and
the separators is of significance. Lloyd’s Register’s FOBAS are set up to
monitor that this is the case.
2 As the global demand for premium Gard would like to thank and
products such as gasoline, jet If the vessel has performance difficulties acknowledge Mr. Kjell Haugland’s
fuel, heating oils and gas oils and poor ignition quality is suspected assistance in preparing this circular.
has increased sharply, the use of despite a satisfactory CCAI value, a
refinery conversion processing have further test for the ignition quality
markedly influenced the quality should be performed. Fueltech,
of the end product, the residual FOBAS and DnVPS can perform these
component which is the major services (see Gard Loss Prevention

© Gard AS, January 2014


Some technical aspects

Gard News 165,
February/April 2002

of marine fuels testing

By Kjell Haugland, Marine Fuels Consultant, Oslo

Introduction suitable samplers. Prior to placing the to accept joint sampling by buyer and
Ships use the cheapest liquid fuels order, it is his responsibility to agree seller, despite the obvious fact that this
available on the market, hence the fuel on a joint sampling procedure with the is only fair and square. The practice
quality varies greatly. The safe operation supplier, including where and when of multiple sampling by both parties
of ships depends on knowledge of the the sampling shall be carried out. If the makes dispute resolution difficult, and is
quality of the fuel used. vessel does not have a fuel sampler always costly and time-consuming to all
acceptable to the supplier, the buyer is involved. The sophisticated buyer, who
Fuel Testing not likely to be in a position to stipulate sees the benefit of fuel quality control,
It is estimated that only one third of all sampling at the point of custody should always insist on joint sampling at
marine fuels delivered to ships trading transfer, i.e., at the ship’s fuel manifold. the point of custody transfer. If declined
internationally is tested. Even so, the by the supplier, then he should make a
experience from the testing services Proper sampling during a bunker reference to this in the ship’s logbook.
indicates that things are far from transfer operation is extremely
perfect. The comparison of a car filling important, because continuous drip Testing services provide their customers
up with fuel at a petrol station with a sampling at the point of custody with sound and practical advice relating
ship lifting bunkers via a barge does not transfer is the only secure way to to bunkering operations. Following
apply. And for good reasons, which will ascertain the quality of the product them is good practice.
be explained later. received by the buyer. Sampling either
before or after the event will not, for It is customary in some ports to request
Marine fuels are practically all custom obvious reasons, bear the same weight. the pre-signing of documents relating
blended to a buyer or ISO specification. It is good news that Singapore, being to the bunkers being transferred,
The supplier may or may not have by far the largest bunkering port in including the signing of labels for
detailed information on the quality the world, has decided to introduce the bunkering samples. This is not
of the components he is using in the legislation requiring all bunkerings acceptable, as the buyer has no control
blend. Satisfactory quality components taking place by barge to be sampled over which sample bottles the labels
in themselves may well result in an continuously during the bunkering will be placed on.
unsatisfactory blend, unless you know operation at the receiving vessel’s
exactly what you are doing, and we all manifold. The bunker barges will all be Sample transport
know that blends are made directly to required to fit a defined quality sampler The operator pays good money to
the vessel bunkering, either through at the receiving vessel’s end of the the testing service for speedy analysis
line blending from shore installations, bunker delivery hose. The new law will results. The chief engineer must
blending on board barge, or in-line become effective on 1st January 2002. therefore arrange for a courier company
blending from the bunker barge. The to pick up the sample immediately
only way to ascertain the quality of the The Marine Environment Pollution after collection. It is advisable to inform
product actually received on board is Committee (MEPC) of the IMO the courier company of the sample’s
through representative sampling and (International Maritime Organization) whereabouts by e-mail or fax, with copy
testing by specialised laboratories.1 has also recently drafted guidelines to the agent and owner/operator.
indicating where and how samples
It is true that any analysis result is only should be taken in connection This will put pressure on the ship’s
as good as the sample analysed. If with the bunkering of ships. The agent and courier, and will enable the
the sample is not representative of “Guidelines for the sampling of fuel operator to follow up in order to avoid
the average quality of the product oil for determination of compliance delays.
transferred from supplier to buyer, with ANNEX VI of Marpol 73/78” state:
then the analysis result is of little or “For the purpose of these Guidelines Use of new fuel
no value. Therefore, there should a sample of the fuel delivered to ship The ship should avoid using the new
be rules and routines on board should be obtained at the receiving fuel until its quality has been confirmed
to ensure that every bunkering is ship’s bunker manifold and should be to be satisfactory by the laboratory
properly sampled, including fuels for drawn continuously throughout the report. It has been customary to bunker
the auxiliary engines. Each and every bunker delivery period”. It is hoped that just prior to leaving port. However,
vessel should have fixed routines these guidelines will be adopted by all analysis results on the new bunkers may
describing in detail the bunkering the major shipping nations, because not be available until a few days after
operation, including the stages they make good sense. leaving port, so some operators have
before, during and after bunkering, started to bunker when entering port,
and listing the responsibilities of each Even if the bunker industry has whenever possible (draft, cargo, timing,
individual involved. It is the owner/ come a long way in its endeavour to etc., permitting). This allows the analysis
operator’s responsibility to set up such safeguard the interests of the various results of the new fuel to be available
an instruction manual. It is also his parties involved, there are still strong prior to leaving port, which of course is
responsibility to provide the ships with objections from some supplier quarters the ideal situation. Should the fuel be

1 See article “Effects of off-spec bunkers” elsewhere in this issue of Gard News.

© Gard AS, January 2014

While at sea, a ship having received which it is intended, provided that
the report indicating a satisfactory fuel application (the diesel engine/boiler)
quality can optimise the fuel treatment, is in normal good condition. However,
knowing the precise values of important fuel specification can not safeguard
fuel parameters, such as density every aspect of satisfactory fuel quality,
(selection of the correct gravity disc for otherwise it would be far too detailed
the purifier), the viscosity (adjustment of to be of practical use. And remember,
temperature), water content (checking we live in a competitive world. It is
of water content in the fuel after naturally in the supplier’s interest to
treatment in order to decide on the use deliver a product which just meets the
of an emulsion breaker additive) and requirements of the specification at the
so on. highest possible price. Independent,
third party testing is therefore very
However, if the analysis report important, a must for safe and effective
indicates an unsatisfactory fuel, the ship operation on today’s fuels.
fuel testing service will also provide
recommendations on how to optimise Know the limitations of your fuel
its treatment and use, if necessary. treatment plant
unfit for use, then the operator will be Through communication with all parties The only way to effectively treat marine
able to take appropriate action while involved, including supplier, testing fuels on board is to use centrifuges. But
the ship is in port, which will be a lot service, perhaps also class and/or even centrifuges can not remove 100
cheaper for all involved. insurer, sound decisions can be made per cent of all the sludge and particles
based on facts. The problem may be detrimental to engine components.
A number of operators give clear related to the separation of a high- Centrifuge manufacturers may claim
instructions to their ships not to use density fuel. The advice could then be that some 70 to 80 per cent of catfine
new, untested fuel until the analysis to modify the purifier into a clarifier, by particles will be removed when their
report is at hand, indicating satisfactory installing the smallest gravity disc of machines are operated optimally.
fuel quality. These ships carry larger the set, thus converting the separator Documented reports, however, show
reserves of the “old” and tested fuel, into a clarifier, frequent shooting of that during manufacturer-controlled
or may even change to the more costly the clarifier bowl, possibly operating tests at their factory, the removal of
MDO or gasoil. Such measures may be two clarifiers in parallel, depending on catfines was just over the 50 per cent
considered as extra insurance, naturally other fuel parameters such as water, mark. But even if one accepts a figure
at a cost. However, avoiding delays sediments or catalytic fines (al+si). of 70 per cent removal of particles and
and/or engine damage will enhance the Provided you know exactly the quality sludge, it still leaves 30 per cent of the
ship operator’s reputation in the market, of the fuel received on board, the particles and sludge in the treated fuel
and influence the premium paid for operator will be in a position to make entering the vessel’s daily service tanks.
insurance.2 the right decision.
Is it customary to re-centrifuge the fuel
Having said that, as ships frequently Now imagine a vessel also having in the service tank? Some vessels have a
may have to set sail prior to receiving received inferior quality bunkers, but fuel piping arrangement to enable this
the fuel analysis report, operators will without any sample sent for testing. She to be done. Still, not all carry out this
be well advised to provide fuel test will carry on until engine damage of very important operation regularly.
kits for their vessels, thus enabling some sort occurs, resulting in delay and
their chief engineers to verify the fuel’s extra cost, usually far exceeding the Are bunker fuel tanks cleaned from
density, viscosity and water content, cost of regularly using a testing service. time to time? The answer is only very
plus the nature of the water, whether occasionally. Tank cleaning may be on
fresh or salty. The issue of seaworthiness Marine Fuels Specifications the list of items to be carried out during
is likely to arise if a vessel leaves port The operator who realises that docking, but it is frequently the item
with fuel having a density higher than the quality of marine fuels varies that is dropped either due to cost or
the ship’s fuel separators are designed considerably, being “the bottom of the time, or both. Settling and daily service
to handle, a viscosity too high for the barrel”, the “leftovers” at the refineries, tanks (or at least the daily service
heat available on board, or a density/ a “low priority product” in the eyes tank) should be cleaned annually. Just
viscosity relation indicating that the of the manufacturer, accepts that fuel imagine what happens to the sludge
fuel may be deficient in ignition quality quality control is required for safe ship and particles accumulated in the
(CCAI), since this could result in ignition operation. He realises that even though tank bottom when the ship runs into
delay, severely hampering the ability of “highly priced”, marine fuel is priced stormy weather! This is almost certainly
the main engine to provide propulsion. way below the crude oil from which it is the time when excessive engine
A too high water content speaks for derived. components wear occurs.
itself, particularly if it is sea water.
Marine fuels are in the main produced How effective is the fuel treatment
While fortunately most fuels delivered to company specifications, which are plant on your ships? Most operators
are of satisfactory quality, every normally stricter than or at least equal probably have no idea. The centrifuges
operator knows from experience that to ISO specifications. are spinning, the fuel is separated at
mistakes are made and problem fuels the throughput matching the engine
are supplied. Such products will be The purpose of fuel specification is consumption, the fuel temperature and
discovered at an early stage through to stipulate a product quality which, flow are kept as constant as the fuel
proper sampling and professional when meeting the requirements of treatment plant auxiliary components
analysis of representative samples. the specification, should perform will allow. The fuel quality is known
satisfactorily in the application for through testing, and hopefully the

2 See article “Effects of off-spec bunkers” elsewhere in this issue of Gard News.

© Gard AS, January 2014

correct gravity disc has been installed
in the purifier. The chief engineer,
having done his best to optimise the
fuel treatment, will have little or no idea
as to the quality of the fuel entering
the ship’s engines. He can not see
what is going on in the treatment plant
and is not supposed to taste, smell
or even touch the product. In fact, he
has to cross his fingers and hope that
satisfactory quality fuel is entering his
power units.

In practice it is very simple and easy

to ascertain the effectiveness of the
treatment plant through sampling and
testing. Some sophisticated operators
do this in a planned way, and they
have an experience factor at hand as
to which quality product they can treat
satisfactorily. The day such operators
receive an off-specification fuel, they
will know whether or not their vessel
can handle the product in question and
whether to arrange an off-lift operation.
This does not mean that the buyer
must accept off-specification products will be able to avoid a costly deviation a “Fuel System Check” programme to
without having compensation from and off-lift operation. At least one of their customers. They are well advised
the supplier. However, in many cases it the fuel testing services recommends to make use of it.

© Gard AS, January 2014


Effects of off-spec
Loss Prevention Circular
No. 08-01, November 2001


Introduction equipment. Power was temporarily However, the bunker brokers advised
Taking onboard off-spec bunkers restored at 2217 hrs. A second the company that the samples had
can cause significant disruption to a blackout occurred at 2218 hrs resulting not been taken at the bunker barge as
vessel’s ability to trade. In addition, it in the vessel not being under control. required by the Singapore Standard
creates problems in recovering from Although power was finally restored at CP60:1996. Further samples were
the insurers costs incurred due to a 2220 hrs, the vessel was only able to drawn at the barge’s manifold and
lack of and/or limitation in cover. This continue at half speed. sealed with a barge seal.
circular is intended to provide an
example of the problem as experienced The Chief Engineer observed that Damage to machinery
by shipowners. The case described the bunker which had been supplied The damage to the main engine as
below relates to a passenger ship, but in Singapore that day, had a high a result of using the off-spec bunker
applies equally to all types of vessels. degree of carbon residue, clogging was abrasive wear marks on all fuel
Loss Prevention Circular No. 08-01 the complete fuel system in the main nozzles, abrasive wear on all fuel pump
is the next instalment in a series of and auxiliary engines. The Master barrel/plunger assemblies as well as
circulars produced by Gard dealing with informed the owners of the problem heavy fouling of all turbochargers. The
damages associated with bunkers and and the decision was made to return to turbocharger impellers were noted to
bunkering1 and outlines problems which Singapore due to safety considerations. be heavily fouled, the labyrinth seals on
may arise when passenger ships have to the gas sides were choked with carbon
deal with off-spec bunkers. At 1100 hrs the following day, fuel deposits, and the bearing bushes were
samples were taken in the settling and worn. In addition, the boiler burner
Passenger ship operations are very service tanks where the bunkers had unit was also heavily fouled. Upon
sensitive to operational disruptions. been loaded and the vessel began review of the engine logbooks, there
Costs of disruption can occur in the discharging the off-spec bunkers at was no evidence of any problems with
form of hull and machinery damages, 1200 hrs. A representative from the the engines prior to taking on the off-
damages and compensation to Singapore Maritime Port Authority spec bunker. The running hours of the
passengers and crew as well as damage informed the vessel at 1230 hours that main and auxiliary engines were noted
to reputation that may influence future they were being cautioned due to the to be well within acceptable limits for
bookings and earnings. Compensation emission of black smoke – apparently overhauls.
to customers beyond the initial costs the result of the burning of the off-spec
due to commercial considerations can bunkers. An engine repair contractor In this case, there was no indication
easily fall outside the scope of cover of boarded the vessel at 1600 hrs and that the vessel had received the results
hull and machinery, loss of hire and P&I upon surveying the situation, indicated from the first fuel test prior to sailing.
cover. that repairs would take at least two In addition, the vessel had apparently
days provided no extensive damage a very limited amount of bunkers
Course of events was found. After consultations with the onboard prior to loading the first off-
Upon arrival in Singapore, the vessel owners, the Master decided to abort spec bunkers. Therefore, the vessel had
was firmly secured to the pier at 0550 the cruise. to commence using the new bunkers
hrs. At 0800 hrs, a bunker barge prior to receiving the test results. In this
came alongside to deliver bunkers to At 0630 hrs the following day, the circumstance, the vessel was not able
the vessel. The barge commenced debunkering operation was completed. to create a ‘buffer’ by using the existing
bunkering at 0810 hrs and completed Another bunker barge began loading bunkers while awaiting the test results.
the operation at 1255 hrs. The bunker a fresh supply of IFO 180 cst at 0810 Had this been the case, the company
delivery statement noted that 90 metric hrs and the operation was concluded may have been able to discharge
tonnes of supposedly IFO 180 cst was at 0945 hrs. All passengers were the off-spec bunkers and taken on
supplied. Fuel samples were taken for discharged from the vessel at 0945 replacement bunkers.
testing by a credible bunker quality hrs. A second agency was used for the
testing company. However, the results sampling of the second bunkers taken What types of damages are actually
from this bunker test would not be and a different bunker testing company covered? In this type of case,
available for another 2 – 3 days. was used to analyse the second shipowners can find themselves in a
bunkers. The results of the tests of the situation where insurance cover can
The vessel departed Singapore for first and second bunkers indicated high only pay a portion of the costs incurred.
Thailand at approximately 1745 hrs on ash, water and total sediment potential For example, in this instance the cost of
that same day. At 2215 hrs that evening, (TSP) content. In addition, high sodium repairs to the damage to the machinery
the vessel experienced a total blackout, to water content was also reported, was below the deductible. For loss
including the loss of all navigational indicating the presence of seawater in of hire, the vessel was off hire but
the bunkers. within the off hire deductible. The P&I

1. Gard Loss Prevention circulars related to bunkers are: Loss Prevention circular 01-00 (Main Engine Damage Due to Ignition
Delay), Loss Prevention circular 03-01 (Bunker Quality), and Loss Prevention circular 04-01 (Charterer’s Liabilities and Bunkers).
These circulars can be found on the Gard website at

© Gard AS, January 2014

entry covered the Member’s “liability apply to all types of ships. However, the significant damage to the vessel
to pay damages or compensation passenger ship industry can be more and its ability to trade. In the case
to passengers onboard the Ship in sensitive than most industries. outlined above, the costs were
consequence of a casualty” as per Rule considerable and were only partially
28(b) of Gard P&I Club’s Statutes and Fuel testing recoverable from insurers.
Rules. As stated in the Gard Handbook 1. Bunkering procedures, including
on P&I Insurance2: “‘compensation’ fuel-testing procedures, should Taking on bunkers
relates only to the Member’s legal be reviewed to ensure correct 2. Every precaution should be taken
liability to the passengers and cannot procedures when dealing with off- to ensure that adequate bunker
include any claim by the Member spec bunkers. The crew involved supplies are available to allow for
in respect of payments made to should also be properly briefed on the proper testing before use of
passengers to protect the Member’s these procedures to avoid costly any new bunkers taken on. It is
commercial reputation.” P&I cover and time-consuming interruptions. imperative that passenger ships, as
thus, does not include additional In the Det Norske Veritas Annual well as other vessels on tight charter
compensation to passengers above the Report 2000, it is stated that only 40 schedules, are able to deal with
Member’s legal liability made to foster per cent of the world fleet performs situations where it is necessary to
customer goodwill. fuel testing.3 This lack of testing can use bunkers without the test results
lead to extensive damage to the being available. This may involve
The shipowners is therefore left to bear vessel’s machinery which is costly complex contingency planning
a significant cost for business disruption both to the owner and insurer alike. in order to properly evaluate
in these types of instances, where and ensure that a ‘buffer’ exists.
only limited insurance cover would be On the other hand, there are For example, some shipowners
available under hull and machinery, loss cases where there is a company maintain a quantity of marine diesel
of hire and P&I. Dependent upon the fuel testing procedure but due oil (MDO) onboard for situations
circumstances, demurrage may also to commercial or other reasons where off-spec bunkers need to be
need to be charged and thus creating the results of the tests are neither discharged and only limited IFO is
problem for the shipowner. received in time nor actions taken available.
to adjust the fuel equipment and
Lessons learned engines accordingly. The improper
The lessons learned from this case use of off-spec fuel can cause

2. Gard Handbook on P&I Insurance by Simon Poland and Tony Rooth. Published by Assuranceforeningen Gard. Arendal, Norway
1996. The preface of this handbook can also be found on the Gard website at
3. Det Norske Veritas Annual Report 2000 can be accessed via their website at

© Gard AS, January 2014


Main Engine Damage

Loss Prevention Circular
No. 01-00, July 2000

Due to Ignition Delay

Ship Type: Panamax bulk carrier Extent of the Damage of the quality of the fuel received on
(built 1980) The result was a complete breakdown board. There is however little value
Course of Events of all pistons, cylinder liners and in companies spending money on
In a Gulf of Mexico port, the vessel cylinder heads with related parts. Due sampling and testing if shipboard
received heavy fuel oil IFO 180 to lack of availability of spare parts engineers are not properly trained to
according to ISO category RME 25 onboard ship, only preliminary repairs understand the fuel quality analysis
with a density of 989,6 kg/m3 and a were made. Thus, the voyage to the and provided with procedures and
viscosity of 172 Cst. The bunker receipt discharge port was made at reduced instructions on how to adjust the fuel
information and the following DNVPS speed. Meanwhile, the company had equipment and engines accordingly.
analysis coincide with respect to these to make arrangements at the discharge
parameters. port to acquire spare parts and make Procedures and instructions should
preparation for final repairs. The vessel be established in the technical or
was taken off-hire upon arrival at the operational departments on how to:
Based on the density and viscosity
discharge port. - establish requirements for fuel quality
information, the ignition qualities of
depending on the fuel treatment
this fuel (CCAI) were calculated to 860
As a result the total cost to repair is equipment and engines on board
which is acceptable for slow speed
approximately $530,000 USD and the - follow-up the vessels’ bunkering
engines. The vessel is equipped with a
total time off-hire is approximately 45 schedules, ensure correct sampling and
16-cylinder medium speed main engine
days. where to send samples for analysis
of European design, and this fuel is on
- ensure the engineers on board and
the limit of where operational problems
Probable Cause technical staff ashore will understand
could be expected for medium speed
The ship manager and/or commercial the analysis and the limitations for their
engines. As a result, the chief engineer
on board and the ship management operator of the vessel made the error in equipment, and
office were informed by DNVPS that believing that a lower viscosity fuel (180 - in the event of having taken on
Cst) was of better quality than a high fuel of inadequate quality, establish
precautions should be taken to ensure
satisfactory combustion. viscosity fuel (380 Cst). This is commonly communication with the engine makers
seen when a fuel supplier lowers the and fuel analysing company in order
The chief engineer on board and the viscosity by adding lighter components to provide proper instructions to the
that may seriously alter the ignition vessel.
ship manager ashore did not pay
any attention to the fuel analysis. characteristics.
They did not considered the specific
recommendations issued by the engine The ship manager had arranged for
maker or DNVPS’s precautions for sampling and analysis of fuel. However,
operating the main engine with fuel the ship manager had not ensured that
with inferior ignition characteristics. their chief engineers were provided
To compound the problem, the vessel with proper procedures and instructions
was sent to areas for trading including to take the necessary precautions
days with river passage with variable against damages that could be incurred
loads on the main engine. This made by inferior quality fuel.
it difficult to maintain maximum
combustion temperature and thus The result was that the vessel left the
made it virtually impossible to follow bunkering port with no preventive
the operational recommendations. actions and precautions on how to deal
with a situation with a fuel on board
The delayed combustion resulted with inferior combustion characteristics.
in increased combustion pressure,
combustion close to the cylinder walls Lessons to be Learned
and the consequential failure of the The importance of fuel sampling and
lubrication of the pistons and liners. analysis is essential for verification

© Gard AS, January 2014


The interplay of fuel and Gard News 174,

May/July 2004

lubricating oil quality on the

reliability of diesel engines
There is a basic relationship between machinery policies, of which 73 per problems by extensively testing
engine reliability and quality of fuel oil cent are main and auxiliary engine- different types of lubricating oils during
and lubricating oil. related claims. This means that main shop trials.
and auxiliary engine-related claims
Introduction constitute approximately 31 per cent of It is generally agreed that the fuel
Hand in hand with new secondary Gard Marine’s total hull and machinery oil, which is the third element in this
refinery processes, which have claims. interplay, has the most influence
developed during the last decades, and the biggest variation in terms of
new engine problems have emerged. The above figures should be compared quality and properties. The continuous
It is, unfortunately, a proven fact of life with indications from the industry that development of refinery processes
that the end users often have to “pay” 80 per cent of all engine breakdowns during the last decade has resulted
for technological advances, until all the are related to problems with either the in changes in the characteristics of
links in the chain have adapted to the fuel or the lubricating oil. both distillates and heavy fuel oils.
new parameters. Increased demands with respect to
Trilateral interplay environmental issues have also resulted
The significance of fuel oil quality In any particular engine installation the in changes, in particular for the lighter
in relation to the condition of an choice of lubricating oil must not only distillates. Possibly, a high quality
engine is obvious. But this will always satisfy the requirements of the engine grade of lubricating oil may prevent
have to be considered taking into design, condition and load, but also the negative effects of unwanted fuel
account the complex system of the requirements put forward by the quality oil properties and secure satisfactory
main parameters, such as engine/ of the fuel oil. This may be described engine performance. Even with a high
turbocharger specifications, load by a trilateral interplay involving the quality grade lubricating oil, the risk
parameters (high/low), environment, lubricating oil, the fuel oil and the of experiencing problems with low-
filters, purifying systems, quality of the engine. quality fuel oils is high, particularly
lubricating oil and the qualifications in combination with certain load
of the operating engineer. It is not Trouble-free engine management conditions.
the intention to expand on all the requires each of these three elements
aforementioned aspects in this article, to have both design and quality within The interplay involving fuel oil,
but mainly to highlight the basic certain limits. Exceeding these limits lubricating oil and the engine can be
relation between engine reliability and may lead to reduced service intervals illustrated as in the below table.
quality of fuel oil/lubricating oil. or, in the worst case, serious engine
damage. The areas of concern mentioned in the
Statistics illustration above may (hopefully) not
Gard Marine’s statistics show that Lubricating oils can vary both in quality materialise very often, but, if they do,
machinery-related claims constitute 42 and characteristics, but most engine they will cause serious problems. Very
per cent of all claims under hull and manufacturers attempt to avoid these often these problems may be traced

Overview of hull and m achinery claim s Overview of m achinery claim s divided by

divided by num ber of claim s (1998-2002) num ber of claim s (1998-2002)

Collision Other 2% Propeller/
Machinery Rudder 5%
Other 15%
Grounding Auxiliary
15% engine
Main 25%
Heavy engine
w eather 48%
Contact Fire 3% 4%

© Gard AS, January 2014

directly back to unwanted fuel oil fuel oil is the receipt of off-spec emphasised. The incidents described in
characteristics, but in some cases they bunkers. Although this article does the following article in this issue of Gard
are due to inappropriate adjustment of not deal specifically with this issue, News highlight the benefits of good
the properties of the lubricating oil to the areas of concern mentioned sampling and analysis routines.
the characteristics of the fuel oil. above are also applicable to off-spec
bunkers problems. The importance
Off-spec bunkers of proper fuel oil sampling and
A major concern related to marine analysis procedures can not be over-

Fuel Oil – Engine – Lubricating Oil

Areas of concern
Fuel oil: Lubricating oil:
Stability   Sludge
Sulphur   Separation
Particles/Cat. fines Oxidation
Fouling Additive
Ignition Concentration
Combustion Thermal degrading

Engine – Problems:
Cylinder wear
Piston ring groove deposits
Cylinder liner polishing
Piston crown deposits
Gas leakage
Crankcase deposits
Fuel oil leakage to the crankcase

© Gard AS, January 2014


Bunker spills
Gard News 165,
February/April 2002

Every vessel needs bunkers. Some are to come out of the hole, and five litres monitored an operation from the
run by fuel oil, others by gas oil, and reached the sea. The costs paid by shoreside, or that shoreside monitoring
some need both for their machinery. Gard reached USD 3,000, in addition was sloppy, and that the speed was
In addition, vessels need lubricating to what the member had to pay under excessive compared to what had
oils and hydraulic oils. The oils are the agreed deductible. How could been agreed. How can that be proved
normally taken on from barges or shore this have been avoided? First of all, afterwards? Is there evidence that the
connections through hoses. Hydraulic were the scuppers plugged? No. So, vessel had told shore personnel to slow
oils or lubricating oils may be taken on whose fault is this? Is there a routine on down? It has to be remembered that
in drums. the vessel for plugging the scuppers it is the spiller who is the responsible
when bunkering? Somebody must be person and who shall have to pay in the
Seamen know these things. They know responsible for that job and it should first place. Under OPA 90 the spiller can
how to plan the bunkering operation, be set out in the safety programme. It only avoid responsibility if he can show,
how to follow the routines set out in the is essential that the responsibility for by a preponderance of evidence, that
vessel’s safety programme. They know doing a job be allocated to a specific somebody else, not being at all related
how to calculate their need for bunkers individual – not in order to be able to to him, was the sole cause of the oil
and how to order. They know how to blame somebody when something discharge.
hook up the bunker barge and how to goes wrong, but in order to make sure
connect the hoses to their manifolds. that the job gets done. Could the None of the cases mentioned above
And they know how to monitor the “blurp” have been avoided? A “blurp” involved criminal investigation of the
bunkering operations. is most often caused by an air pocket responsible crewmember or company.
being trapped between the beams However, nowadays it is quite likely
And yet, bunkering spills do happen. underneath the tanktop depending that the Coast Guard will look closely
Over the last 20 months, 350 pollution on the trim of the vessel. It is essential into the vessel’s routines and safety
incidents have been registered in the that the person in charge is aware of programmes whenever a spill occurs.
Gard system. Many of these cases what trim the vessel has, and what If they find that something is not in
(165) have been reported merely can happen in certain circumstances. accordance with rules and regulations,
for precautionary reasons and are Hence, it is better to stop the operation e.g., MARPOL 73/78, the FBI may be
not expected to cost anything. Of one or two centimetres short and informed about the case and start
the remaining cases, the majority is avoid the very expensive oil being a criminal investigation. This means
expected to cost Gard between USD lost overboard. [5litres = USD 3,000; that criminal lawyers may have to
100 and USD 100,000 each. There are i.e., 1 ton = about USD 750,000]. be appointed to defend the master,
also a few cases expected to cost more Another way of trying to avoid the oil chief engineer and others, and, if
than USD 100,000 each, of which three slipping overboard is of course to have non-compliance is grave enough, the
are expected to cost more than USD absorbent material ready near to every shipowning or operating company.
1 million. The most expensive will cost opening from which oil could possibly At this stage Gard and its local
somewhere around USD 25 million. escape – not only by the manifold. correspondents have to step aside
because of the attorney/client privilege
It is true that not all of these incidents Another vessel was bunkering in aspect.
involve bunker spills. However, the Texas. In order to be able to follow the
majority of the 165 no-cost cases operation a manhole had been taken Japan
involve minor spills during bunkering off. Despite such a precaution, the A vessel was transferring oil internally
operations – spills so miniscule that tank was filled faster than expected into the settling tank. Unfortunately the
they would not, some years ago, have and 1,000 litres were reported to have tank overflowed and some oil found its
been reported to Gard at all. It is also reached the surrounding waters. The way into the sea through the airpipe.
true that the majority of the remaining product was heavy fuel oil, and the Whenever there is a pollution incident
cases relates to bunker spills one way vessel’s response plan under OPA 90 in Japan the Maritime Police will start
or the other and this article will analyse was activated. Everything went well in investigating to find the culprit of the
some of these events to provide a the end, but the operation, including mishap. Such investigation may take
picture of what happens, and how a QI (Qualified Individual), OSM (Oil Spill some hours, but it may also take days,
mishap is treated in different countries Manager), oil spill response company, and in the meantime the vessel is not
around the globe. US Coast Guard, etc., cost USD 180,000. allowed to leave the port. After having
How could this have been avoided? interrogated the chief engineer and
United States Obviously, by closer monitoring of the other engineers it was found that the
The vessel was bunkering in Oregon. It operation. The person responsible second engineer was the wrongdoer.
appeared that the engineer in charge for the operation should not be The investigation took two days,
of the operation had unscrewed an distracted by having to do other things which meant that the operators of the
ullage pipe cover to be able to check simultaneously. liner vessel involved, being on a tight
the quantity in the particular tank. schedule, had all sorts of problems with
Unfortunately, as often happens, a What about the bunkering speed? their customers. Criminal proceedings
“blurp” forced a small quantity of oil Quite often it is said that nobody started and bail of USD 10,000 had to

© Gard AS, January 2014

be put up for the second engineer, with any oil or oily mixture irrespective of manifold valve on the other side of the
a promise that he should come back to whether there is fault, and the state of vessel is closed, he feels that somebody
Japan for trial at a later date. If he does mind of the offender is irrelevant. Only else should be responsible for those
not show up when called upon to do so, certain limited defences are available. things so he does not bother. Rather
the bail will be cashed in favour of the than showing interest in doing a good
Japanese authorities. These are some of the penalties under job, he feels that the master or the chief
the PPSA: engineer does not appreciate what he
The spill in this case was miniscule. – for discharge of any oil or oily does anyway, so why bother?
In other cases clean-up costs will be mixture from a ship, a fine of between
added to the bail costs. SGD 1,000 and SGD 1 million, or There are so many excuses for behaving
imprisonment not exceeding two years, carelessly. Not all of them can be
Ukraine or both; mentioned here. But what can be done
Heavy fuel oil had leaked into the – for failure to report any actual or to try and avoid mishaps caused by
tunnel of a vessel, and the tunnel was probable discharge of any oil or oily sloppy behaviour? Should one have the
emptied overboard in Ukrainian waters. mixture, a fine not exceeding SGD careless individual replaced? Is there
An unspecified quantity of oil escaped. 5,000; any guarantee that the replacement
The system in Ukraine is to impose – for failure to properly maintain oil will not behave in the same way after
a fine and any clean-up costs on the record books, fines ranging between a while? There appears to be no easy
vessel. A table is used to assess the SGD 5,000 and SGD 10,000, or answer to these questions. But it seems
amount of the fine. In this case, since imprisonment not exceeding 12 that companies that have closer ties to
the quantity discharged was unknown, months, or both. their crew members, that offer them
USD 3.1 million had to be paid. the option to come back to the same
While imprisonment for an offence vessel or other company vessels after a
Of course, the original reason for under the PPSA is rare, in a recent vacation period, have less mishaps than
this mishap was a structural fault case involving a VLCC, the master companies that do not. But people are
allowing the oil to enter the tunnel. was sentenced to three months different and what is
But who decided to empty the tunnel imprisonment and fined SGD 400,000 good for one may not be good for
overboard? Could that have been done for the discharge of oil and oily another. Still, making the crew member
otherwise? mixtures from the ship. On another feel he is part of the company in which
charge of failing to properly maintain he serves can only have a positive
Singapore the oil record book, the master was effect.
After having touched the dock, a hole imprisoned for 10 months.
appeared in a bunker tank of a vessel. The cover
Approximately 27 MT escaped into the Imprisonment is not covered by The cover provided is set out in Rule
sea. The cost of clean-up reached USD the P&I Club. Neither is a fine for 38.1 of Assuranceforeningen Gard’s
465,000. having contravened Marpol or other 2001 Statutes and Rules:
regulations or for having committed a “Rule 38 Pollution
Another case involved a fractured criminal act. 1.The Association shall cover:
ballast line passing through a bunker a.liabilities, costs and expenses
tank. In this case the quantity of oil Turkey (excluding fines) arising in consequence
was unspecified but the mishap was During bunkering, an unspecified of the discharge or escape from the
detected and stopped quite rapidly. quantity of heavy fuel oil escaped Ship of oil or any other substance or the
The cost of clean-up reached USD through a manifold valve which had not threat of such discharge or escape.”
33,000. been checked. A fine for USD 45,000,
based on the size of the vessel, was It should be noted that the rule covers
Singapore is quite effective when imposed. pollution caused both by oil and other
it comes to combating spills. A lot substances. Hence, it is a very wide
of money has been put into their One wonders how it is possible to cover. The cover responds equally
contingency plans and there is plenty forget to check that other manifold where oil is spilt during bunkering or
of equipment which can be used in valves are closed. However, this case is a chemical cargo overflows from the
the area. Still, with all the islands and one of many involving just such a cause tank during loading. It should also be
the sea currents in the Straits, clean-up of pollution. Are routines and safety noted that the substance must have
operations of some magnitude do not programmes unsatisfactory, or are the been discharged or have escaped from
come cheap. In addition, the Prevention individuals in charge reckless? the ship. This means that the cost of
of Pollution of the Sea Act (PPSA) cleaning up the vessel’s deck after an
imposes criminal liability for, amongst The human element overflow is not recoverable.
other things, the following: The reader will have noted that in the
– discharge of any oil or oily mixture cases mentioned above the human The rule says that “liabilities, costs and
from any ship into Singapore waters; element has been of relevance. It is a expenses” are covered. Liabilities in this
– failure to report any actual or fact that very often the human element context mean legal liabilities.
probable discharge of any oil or oily is the cause of mishaps. So what is this
mixture into Singapore waters; and “human element”? It usually seems Fines are not covered under Rule
– failure to properly maintain oil record to consist of the individual who does 38.1, but under Rule 47, which will be
books on board a ship. not do what he should under certain considered later.
circumstances. Rather than checking
It should be noted that the Singapore the ullage of the tank he goes aft to To give a picture of actual liabilities
High Court has held that the prohibition have a cigarette. Rather than checking which are covered under Rule 38.1, let
on discharge of oil and oily mixtures the safety programme he feels he is so us examine a specific section of OPA
from ships is a strict liability offence. In experienced he knows how to handle 90:
other words, the offence is committed this operation. Rather than making sure “Sec 1002. Elements of Liability
the moment there is a discharge of that the scuppers are plugged or the (a) In General: (…) each responsible

© Gard AS, January 2014

party for a vessel (…) from which oil have the same attitude, although not, to be totally insane to be criminally
is discharged, (…) is liable for the perhaps, to the same extent as the US. charged because, for instance, some oil
removal costs and damages specified gets in the water after an incident, many
in subsection (b) that result from such The second Rule of particular interest in countries today do have legislation
incident. respect of pollution is Rule 47.1.c: under which the individual will be
(b) Covered Removal Costs and “Rule 47 Fines charged. The US and Singapore are
Damages 1.The Association shall cover fines examples mentioned before. Fines (or
(1) Removal Costs – The removal costs or other penalties imposed upon a imprisonment) in such cases are not
referred to in subsection (a) are Member (or imposed upon a third party covered under the Rule set out above.
(A) all removal costs incurred by the whom the Member is legally obliged
United States, a State, or an Indian to reimburse or whom the Member Conclusions
Tribe (…), and reimburses with the agreement of the – Use your brain when you are in
(B) any removal costs incurred by any Association) by any court, tribunal charge of or part of a bunkering
person for acts taken by the person or other authority of competent operation.
which are consistent with the National jurisdiction for or in respect of any of
Contingency Plan. (…)” the following: – Know what you are doing.
(…) c. the accidental escape or
Removal costs are costs incurred in discharge of oil or any other substance – Check valves once more, even if it is
removing the oil from the sea or land, or threat thereof, provided that the not your responsibility.
marsh areas, soiled boats, beaches, Member is insured for pollution liability
docks, and so on. They include the cost by the Association under Rule 38, and – Check that scuppers and absorbent
of boats and people, safety equipment subject to the applicable limit of liability material are in place.
for people and other equipment, under the P&I entry in respect of oil
storage and hauling of waste to a dump pollution risk.” – Make sure that there is good
yard or place for incineration, including communication with the bunker
the cost of getting a permit as a waste It should be noted that not only supplier.
generator to haul the waste to the site fines imposed upon the member as
of destruction or storage. shipowner are covered under this – Make sure the bunker supplier is
“(…) (2) Damages – The damages rule. If the member is legally obliged going to deliver the quantity you
referred to in subsection (a) are the to reimburse a crewmember, for ordered.
following: instance, for a fine imposed on that
(A) Natural Resources – Damages for person, it may also be covered. Where – Remember that a fine may cost you
injury to, destruction of, loss of, or loss the member is not legally liable to dearly.
of use of, natural resources, including reimburse the fine, but wishes to do so
the reasonable costs of assessing the for other reasons, he could still apply – Remember that your family may not
damage, which shall be recoverable by for cover. It is then up to the discretion be able to visit you in prison.
a United States trustee, a State trustee, of the Club whether to provide cover
an Indian tribe trustee, or a foreign or not.
It should also be noted that for a fine to
This paragraph is of vital importance be covered under Rule 47 there must
whenever there is a spill of some have been an accidental escape. Rule
significance in the US. It should be 38 mentions nothing about the escape
noted that those who can formulate having to be accidental. So it could
a claim under this paragraph are the happen that even though the Club
federal or state authorities, or Indian would cover clean-up and other costs
tribes. It should also be noted that related to a spill, cover would not be
“reasonable” costs of assessing the provided for a fine if the escape had
damage are recoverable. Unfortunately, not been accidental. From a practical
it does not say who should decide on point of view, the provision in Rule 47 is
what are “reasonable” costs. there in order to exclude fines where a
deliberate action from those on board
Natural resources in this context are has caused a pollution incident. It does
for instance birds, sea otters and fish. not matter whether the fine is imposed
One of the intricate points from the upon the vessel or any of the crew
Club’s perspective is the “loss of use responsible for the deliberate action.
of” aspect. In one case some years This means that a fine imposed because
ago the shipowner was found liable of a deliberate and unauthorised
to the trustees for approximately USD pumping of bunkers or bilge water
12million because people were not overboard would not be covered. On
allowed to visit a beach for about the other hand, a fine imposed upon
2 weeks while clean-up was being the vessel or a crewmember due to an
undertaken there. accidental over-bunkering would be
There are further elements of liability
described in the OPA 90, but these Civil fines do not create problems
are beyond the scope of this article. for the cover provided the above
However, the US is not the only country requirements are fulfilled. Criminal
imposing strict liability on an offender. fines, however, do create problems.
Singapore is mentioned above, but Although it might seem from a
most countries with interest in shipping shipowner’s or a seaman’s perspective

© Gard AS, January 2014


Charterer’s Liabilities
Loss Prevention Circular
No. 04-01, May 2001

and Bunkers

Introduction agency stated that the amount of water It was determined that both the IFO
Neither shipowner nor charterer likes in the IFO was likely to be difficult to and MDO bunkers contained non-
receiving poor quality bunkers. This remove. hydrocarbon additives typical for
can lead to a number of problems for motor vehicles lubricants. These
shipowners and charterers. These A dispute arose between the owners additives may negatively influence
problems include: and the providers of the bunkers. It is ship’s machinery (see the Gard Loss
– damages to main or auxiliary common practice that the fuel supplier Prevention Circular 03-01, Bunker
engines; attends the bunker sampling procedure. Quality). Their use may lead to
– finding terminals willing to receive In this case, the request to witness increased wear rates of machinery by
de-bunkered fuel; the sampling had been signed by the inhibiting the separators that remove
– co-ordinating and bearing the costs supplier prior to commencement of the abrasive particles and water from the
associated with diverting the vessel bunkering. The validity of the samples bunker fuel and contribute to fouling
for off spec bunker discharge; drawn by the ship was questioned in the exhaust spaces, turbocharger
– coordinating and bearing the costs since neither the fuel supplier nor blades and nozzle rings. In addition, it
of providing new bunkers to the other unbiased personnel observed was explicitly stated in the charterparty
vessel; the sampling procedure and handling. agreement that no spent lubricants
– reducing speed to accommodate The supplier contested that the were to be found in bunker fuel used
the use of off spec bunkers; and or contamination of the bunkers occurred onboard the ship.
– Co-ordinating and bearing the cost after being loaded onboard the vessel.
of lost time, i.e. off-hire. The vessel informed the owner and
The vessel secured a continuous drip charterer of the results of the analysis.
These problems can lead to disputes sample using the flange sampler The owner then requested that
between ship owners and charterers. fitted at the ships bunker manifold. immediate action be taken to discharge
Therefore, it is important for both The bunker supplier took the bunker the off spec bunkers. On the same
shipowners and charterers to protect samples at the point where the bunker day that the sample evaluation was
themselves in the event of disputes. hose was connected to the shore received, it was arranged for additional
The objective of this circular to present bunker installation. The supplier samples to be taken by a survey
case study examples of these types refused to make arrangements to agency appointed by the charterer.
of incidents, how disputes can arise, arrange for the discharge of the inferior The surveyor took various samples of
and provide some guidance as to how bunkers contending that it was the the IFO and MDO. Analyses of the
shipowners and charterers can protect vessel’s fault for the contaminated three samples showed that for one
their interests. bunker. They contended that other sample, blending with another fuel
vessels had bunkered soon before had occurred and hence less spent
Case 1: Fresh water contamination and after ship A and had no water lubricants in the mixture. The MDO was
Upon arrival in port, ship A had a contamination problems. The vessel needed to run the auxiliary engines and
remaining 24.8 MTs of bunker fuel in was required to retain and use the the donkey boiler. Results from the two
the settling tank and requested that bunkers and eventually discharge the other samples showed no drop in the
an additional 150 MTs of intermediate remaining unsuitable fuel during a elements that indicated the presence of
fuel oil (IFO) be stemmed. The bunkers scheduled dry-docking some months the automotive lubricants. However, it
were loaded into an empty bunker later. The off spec bunkers added was the view of the charterer’s surveyor
tank. Since there were little remaining additional deadfreight to the vessel, that the bunkers were not as bad as the
bunkers onboard prior to loading the thus reducing the amount of cargo that owner had suggested.
new bunkers, the Master and Chief could be carried.
Engineer agreed that the new bunkers The charterer then arranged that the
should be used. When the separators Case 2: Motor lube oil original shipboard sample be sent to
were started, it was noticed that large contamination a second bunker-testing agency for
quantities of sludge and water were Ship B took on IFO and marine diesel analysis. The results of that test showed
clogging sludge discharge passage. A oil (MDO) bunkers and the bunker- that the IFO and MDO conformed
separate sludge line was then fitted to testing agency received the bunker to the requirements of ISO 8217 as
collect the sludge in drums so as not to samples 5 days after the operation. The required by the chartering agreement,
overload the vessels sludge tank. bunkers were placed into 7 different but contained spent automotive
tanks. The sampling procedure was in lubricants.
It was determined that approximately accordance with the vessel’s bunkering
15% of the separators throughput was procedure. Two days later the bunker- The charterer contended that none
sludge. It was believed that the IFO did testing agency informed the vessel of of the surveyors or the bunker-testing
not have the proper time to settle due the results of the sample analysis. The agency ever requested for the bunker
to the short time period between the specifications stated in the charterparty to be removed. In addition, some of
stemming and purifying the bunkers. required that the bunkers be in the presumed off spec bunkers had
This created the large quantities of accordance with ISO 8217. already been mixed with other bunkers
emulsified sludge. The bunker-testing onboard by that time. However, the

© Gard AS, January 2014

owner the MDO that was used resulted fuel testing services such as DNV reason new and previous fuels
in the black out of the auxiliary engines. Petroleum Services (DNVPS) or have to be mixed, avoid equal
Lloyds Register (FOBAS). Ensure proportions. This includes ensuring
In addition, the filters needed cleaning that proper wording in the that records of all fuel transfers
twice a day whereas this procedure charterparty form is included to are properly documented in the
normally done only once a week. ensure that bunkers are ordered vessel’s logbook. If problems are
against the appropriate fuel experienced, secure samples from
Eventually, it was decided that the ship specifications. the tanks involved and describe the
would use the IFO after ensuring that problems.
all procedures were implemented to 2. Procedures are in place and
optimise the fuel treatment onboard. implemented onboard the ship 5. The vessel should notify the owner
However, the auxiliary machinery was to test the bunkers for density, immediately if they are experiencing
sensitive to traces of catfines (e.g. viscosity and water, using a simple problems with an off spec fuel. This
aluminium and silicon) that were found test kit. A suitable sampler should enabling the operator to register
in the fuel. The charterer made all be used drawing a continuos drip a complaint against the supplier.
arrangements to discharge the off spec sample at the vessels fuel manifold The vessel must also receive clear
MDO and replace it with MDO without during the entire bunkering instructions from the operator as
any traces of spent lubricants and operation. to the handling of the product in
catalytic fines. question, including that of de-
3. The Master should ensure that all bunkering.
Recommendations relevant parties including the fuel
Similar cases as those described supplier’s representative witness For further information on bunker
above are common in our industry, the sampling procedures. If the quality, testing and other relevant
and we suggest that the following supplier refuses to witness the information, you can visit such websites
recommendations be considered by sampling procedure, preparation, as, www.dnvps.
both the owners and charterers to signing and sealing, the Master com, and/or and www.
protect their interests: should document their refusal in
1. Both owners and charterers should order to protect the interests of
ensure that standard agreements both the owner and the charterer. Gard would like to thank and
are in place with regard to ensuring acknowledge Mr. Kjell Haugland for is
that the quality of bunker fuel 4. All efforts should be made by assistance in preparing this circular.
meets recognised quality standards. the ship’s crew to segregate new
That is, make use of responsible and old bunkers. If for some

P&I incident – How

Gard News 154,
June/August 1999

not to do it – Bunker
A Member’s vessel – a bulk carrier – and the slick spread, contaminating The above incident demonstrates how
recently had a spill of bunker oil in a the walls of four berths. A number of simple deficiencies and a small amount
dock area and clean up costs alone barges and other vessels in the vicinity of oil spilled can have significant
amounted to around USD 130,000. of these berths were also contaminated. consequences. Before any bunkering
The vessel was conducting an internal The vessel’s discharge operations were operation, including the internal
transfer of heavy fuel oil from a deep temporarily suspended. transfer of oil, procedures must be
tank to a settling tank and as a result followed to ensure that any potential
the bunker line became pressurised. Clean up was made difficult and deficiencies are rectified before it is too
Whilst ordinarily this might not have protracted because heavy fuel oil is late. On this occasion the importance
been a problem, the deck manifold for persistent in nature, meaning that it of blanking off manifold connections
the bunker line had not been closed. naturally dissipates slowly. not in use and plugging the scuppers
Consequently fuel escaped onto the became regrettably obvious.
starboard side of the deck and via the Claims from stevedores and barge
scuppers into the dock. owners for idle time, as a result of the
spill and clean up, are currently being
It was estimated that a quantity of 5 to reviewed. The Master is also to be
10 MT of oil found its way overboard fined.

© Gard AS, January 2014


Stone cold bonkers –

Gard News 165,
February/April 2002

FD&D bunker disputes

The phrase “stone cold bonkers” (stone form), albeit that the charterers also question, may assist in avoiding
in coal bunkers), which was used to referred to a clause dealing with a problems or, at least, if problems do
describe a chief engineer’s demeanour on vessel’s description where the fuel was occur, in identifying which party bears
discovering large lumps of flint amongst described as “IF 180 CST”. The vessel, the risk involved. Of course, if there is
what was supposed to be best Welsh after taking fuel on board, sustained an express stipulation with regard to the
anthracite, suggests that the problems problems with the fuel injection bunkers then that must be complied
concerning bunkers, if not just fuel equipment, which led to damage to with.
oil, coincide with the introduction of both cylinder liners and piston crowns,
mechanical propulsion on vessels. which necessitated a deviation for Quantity of bunkers
repairs. The charterers argued that their Disputes in respect of the quantity
Whilst the problems associated with obligation was confined to supplying of bunkers delivered
poor quality bunkers have given rise to fuel with a designation “IF 180 CST”, It will come as no surprise to anyone
a number of serious disputes between given that that was the sole criteria to hear the complaint from a vessel
the respective parties involved in bunker contained within the charterparty. The owner alleging that he has been
operations (owners, charterers, physical owners, on the other hand, referred charged for bunkers in excess of what
suppliers and brokers), it has been noted to the passage in Wilford on Time he, purportedly, received. Whilst
by a London solicitor that the potential Charters3 at page 138, namely: tanks that are large and of a regular
for a major casualty is enormous where “The bunkers supplied by the charterers shape pose few difficulties insofar as
such casualty arises out of the provision of must be of reasonable general quality, ascertaining quantities, tanks which
substandard bunker fuel. suitable for the type of engines fitted to are of an irregular shape pose much
the particular ship.” greater problems. Any dispute will
The question of bunkers has provided largely depend upon the evidence
a considerable number of disputes for The tribunal found in favour of the available (this comment applies equally
members and clients over the years. owners. It is perhaps of note that for disputes in respect of quality). If
The following disputes appear most the tribunal seemed to have placed operational circumstances permit, the
frequently: considerable reliance upon the fact that bunkers can be loaded into previously
– Disputes in respect of bunker quality. it was the charterers who had control empty tanks, then it will be easier,
– Disputes in respect of bunker quantity of the bunker supply operation, in from an evidential standpoint, to
(quantity actually stemmed and quantities that they contracted with the supplier, convince a judge/tribunal that the
upon re-delivery). controlled where the vessels bunkered, position is correct. Further, well kept
– Disputes in respect of damage done to at what price were the bunkers and how records and contemporary documents
bunkers whilst aboard the vessel. much was to be bunkered. are of paramount importance. Lastly,
as disputes of this nature arise
Bunker Quality Finally, the authors of Bunkers4 opine as between the owner/charterer and the
The solicitor referred to above also follows on page 109: bunker supplier, it should be noted
mentioned that he could not recall the “(…) there appears to be a growing that the contracting party with the
last time he had seen a decent bunker consensus that, even without a bunker bunker supplier may have to act with
clause in a charterparty and, by and large, quality clause/fuel specification in considerable speed, as it is a feature
that comment holds true. In Nippon the charterparty, charterers are under of many bunker supply contracts that
Yusen Kaisha v. Alltrans Group of Canada an absolute obligation to provide should claims not be presented, or
Limited,1 the court was asked to consider bunkers which are reasonably fit for proceedings commenced, within a
whether Clause 2 of the NYPE form (1946 the vessel’s engines. If the engines are reasonably short period of time, then
edition) imposed a strict liability on the non-standard in any respect, thereby the purchaser waives all its rights
charterers with respect to the quality and requiring non-standard bunkers, then it against the bunker supplier; this is, by
fitness of the fuel supplied to the vessel, is of course for the owners to so advise and large, to be contrasted with the
or, in the alternative, the charterers were charterers whose obligation, otherwise, position between owner and charterer.
merely under a duty to use due diligence is simply to provide bunkers which
in ensuring that there were proper would be reasonably fit for the standard
bunkers. The court held that the duty on engine of the type in question.” Disputes in respect of bunkers
the charterers was an absolute one. upon re-delivery
The point being made reinforces the There are usually two types of dispute
In a subsequent London arbitration2 a comment referred to at the beginning in respect of bunkers upon re-delivery,
tribunal was asked, again, to deal with of this section: a properly drafted but there is one common denominator:
this issue (namely Clause 2 of the NYPE clause, applicable to the vessel in the volatility of bunker prices. The

1 1984, unreported.
2 Lloyd’s Maritime Law Newsletter 1/88.
3 Time Charters by Wilford, Coghlin & Kimball, 2nd Ed, 1982.
4 Bunkers by Fisher & Lux, 2nd Ed, 1994.

© Gard AS, January 2014

first scenario concerns the case where become the owners of the fuel following arbitration.7 There was an
the vessel is to be re-delivered with on board the vessel at the time of allegation that the bunkers supplied
“about” the same quantities of bunkers delivery, with the owners taking over to the vessel were contaminated.
as on delivery and, additionally, where the property in the bunkers upon re- The owners relied upon analysis of
the bunker price has been stipulated in delivery. Accordingly, whilst the vessel samples they had taken from the ship’s
the charterparty. Obviously, it is difficult is on charter the owners are bailees manifold. The arbitrators held that
to determine when, precisely, a vessel of the bunkers on board and they are, the vessel’s samples had been taken
will be re-delivered and, accordingly, accordingly, under an obligation to care in the normal and correct manner by
common sense dictates that some for the bunkers. In one incident cargo means of continuous drip mechanism.
allowance must be made. The question gained access to the bunker tanks Conversely, no samples had been taken
is, therefore, how much of an allowance. due to a failure of a sounding pipe on the barge itself. The award then
The answer will be a matter of fact that ran through the cargo hold. The goes on to state as follows:
and will depend upon factors such as ensuing contamination of the bunkers “Had they [the samples] been taken,
the daily consumption expected, the in the adjacent double bottom tank properly witnessed and acknowledged,
quantities stipulated in the charterparty caused considerable damage to the analysis of them would have been of
and the characteristics of a particular vessel’s main engines and, further, the considerable weight. As it was, some
vessel. An accurate determination of owners were obliged to compensate ‘samples’ were handed to the Chief
the quantity of fuel used, together with the charterers for the bunkers on board Engineer, who had been persuaded
historical records (daily tank soundings, which had become unusable by reason to sign for them but there was no
daily flow meter readings, records of of the contamination.6 evidence (our emphasis) as to where,
bunker receipts and records in respect how and when those ‘samples’ were
of sludge and settled water spring to Evidence taken.”
mind), will assist in resolving any dispute With the exception of some disputes in
that arises. respect of quality, where considerable The tribunal found in the owners’
technical expertise may be required, favour, and whilst it may well be that
The second scenario is where the the majority of these disputes do not others will not follow it, that tribunal’s
charterparty is silent on the question involve “rocket science”; the disputes methodology is reasonably clear, in
of re-delivery bunkers but the price are, however, to quote our London that the absence of evidence placed
of those bunkers is pre-determined. solicitor, “very expensive claims to the charterers at a considerable
The charterers stem bunkers to take run”. From a legal standpoint, a good disadvantage, notwithstanding a
advantage of this contractually agreed case without good evidence simply significant number of arguments put
price by bunkering the vessel to full becomes a bad case. Good on board forward by them.
capacity just prior to re-delivery. The practice is only good on board practice
courts, both at first instance and in if there are records to place before the
the Court of Appeal,5 held that the appropriate tribunal. The provenance of
charterers had no power to order the samples of the fuel alleged to have
fuel that was “in no way required for caused the problems must be clear.
charterparty purposes”. Further, of course, the link between the
fuel in question and the damage has
Damage to the bunkers whilst on also to be proven. Usually the latter is
board the vessel easier to establish than the former.
It is generally accepted that under
all time charterparties the charterers A good example on the question of
evidence can be gleaned from the

5 THE CAPTAIN DIAMANTIS (1997)1 Lloyd’s Rep. 362 and (1978)1 Lloyd’s Rep. 346.
6 Liability for said damage falls under the P&I cover – see Rule 39 of Assuranceforeningen Gard’s 2001 Statutes and Rules.
7 London Arbitration 8/98.

© Gard AS, January 2014


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