Twelve Twentythree Twelve

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Below when I went to the biblewheel website and typed the number 2034 the Greek versions all

three had
seven times with the value of 616. which is the seed value of the vowels in my full name. It is also the
seed value of the correct Mayan end date

Twelve ===6 twentythree=11=2 twelve==6

255345=24 25552728955=55 255345=24

24 6 6 55 11 10 24 6 6

6 24 10 2 1 6 24

6 1 6 6

616 666

Revelations Chapter 13 Verse 18 Revelations 1+3+1+8=13=4 49

4 9 # of the beast 6+6+6=18=9


The name Michael first appears in the bible in Book 4 Numbers Chapter 13 at verse 13 and only appears 13 times in the
old Testament.
2/19/2013 The date I turned 43, 2+19+2013=2034 All Verses containing Greek Strong's Number 2034
Mat 18:21, 18:22, & Luk 17:4 and All Verses containing Hebrew Strong's Number 2034 Amo 9:11 are all
shown together in the next 5 lines. There is no cottage 9 or 11 at 5300 Arsenal St.
Then came Peter to him, and said Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till
seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I
repent; thou shalt forgive him. In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up
the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old:
70X7=490 in 2013 I turned 43, 2014--44, 2015--45, 2016--46, 2017--47, 2018--48, 2019--49. 2013+43 for
my age=2056=13 a number for Michael. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 is seven years and in
the seventh year I turn 49. my full name in the Cabala Gematria table found on the 369 studio website is
146 and when I looked at what I connect with in regards to Hebrew Strong's number 2034 Amos 9:11 is
shown as follows. I only encluded the ones with the value of 146
age total for the 7 years 43+44+45+46+47+48+49= 322= 7 The sabbaths of 2-1970, 7+14+21+28=70

Greek numerical meaning for 2034

The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek Dead Sea Scroll (11Q13)

A striking mid-first-century BCE document, composed of eleven fragments from Cave 11 and centred on the
mysterious figure of Melchizedek, was first published by A. S. van der Woude in 1965. It takes the form of an
eschatological midrash in which the proclamation of liberty to the captives at the end of days (Isa. lxi, 1) is understood
as being part of the general restoration of property during the year of Jubilee (Lev. xxv, 13), seen in the Bible (Deut.
xv, 2) as a remission of debts. The heavenly deliverer is Melchizedek. Identical with the archangel Michael, he is the
head of the ‘sons of Heaven’ or ‘gods of Justice’ and is referred to as elohim and el. The same terminology occurs in
the Songs for the Holocaust of the Sabbath. These Hebrew words normally mean ‘God’, but in certain specific
contexts Jewish tradition also explains elohim as primarily designating a ‘judge’. Here Melchizedek is portrayed as
presiding over the final Judgement and condemnation of his demonic counterpart, Belial/Satan, the Prince of
Darkness, elsewhere also called Melkiresha’ (cf. pp. 391, 570). The great act of deliverance is expected to occur on
the Day of Atonement at the end of the tenth Jubilee cycle. This manuscript sheds valuable light not only on the

Frs. 1-4

II ... And concerning that which He said, In [ this ] year ofJubilee [ each of you shall return to his property (Lev. xxv,
13); and likewise, And this is the manner of release: ] every creditor shall release that which he has lent [ to his
neighbour. He shall not exact it of his neighbour and his brother ], for God’s release [ has been proclaimed ] (Deut. xv,
2). [And it will be proclaimed at] the end of days concerning the captives as [He said, To proclaim liberty to the
captives (Isa. lxi, 1). Its interpretation is that He] will assign them to the Sons of Heaven and to the inheritance of
Melchizedek; f[or He will cast] their [lot] amid the po[rtions of Melchize]dek, who will return them there and will
proclaim to them liberty, forgiving them [the wrong-doings] of all their iniquities. And this thing will [occur] in the first
week of the Jubilee that follows the nine Jubilees. And the Day of Atonement is the e[nd of the] tenth [Ju]bilee, when
all the Sons of [Light] and the men of the lot of Mel[chi]zedek will be atoned for. [And] a statute concerns them [to
prov]ide them with their rewards. For this is the moment of the Year of Grace for Melchizedek. [And h]e will, by his
strength, judge the holy ones of God, executing judgement as it is written concerning him in the Songs of David, who
said, ELOHIM has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgement (Psalms lxxxii,
1). And it was concerning him that he said, (Let the assembly of the peoples) return to the height above them; EL
( god ) will judge the peoples (Psalms vii, 7-8). As for that which he s[aid, How long will you ] judge unjustly and show
partiality to the wicked? Selah (Psalms lxxxii, 2), its interpretation concerns Belial and the spirits of his lot [who]
rebelled by turning away from the precepts of God to ... And Melchizedek will avenge the vengeance of the
judgements of God… and he will drag [them from the hand of] Belial and from the hand of all the sp[irits of] his [lot].
And all the ‘gods [of Justice’] will come to his aid [to] attend to the de[struction] of Belial. And the height is ... all the
sons of God... this ... This is the day of [Peace/Salvation] concerning which [God] spoke [through Isa]iah the prophet,
who said, [ How ] beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who proclaims peace, who brings good
news, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion: Your ELOHIM [ reigns ] (Isa. lii, 7). Its interpretation; the mountains
are the prophets... and the messenger is the Anointed one of the spirit, concerning whom Dan[iel] said, [ Until an
anointed one, a prince (Dan. ix, 25)] ... [And he who brings ] good [ news ] , who proclaims [salvation]: it is concerning
him that it is written... [ To comfort all who mourn, to grant to those who mourn in Zion ] (Isa. Lxi, 2-3). To comfort
[ those who mourn: its interpretation], to make them understand all the ages of t[ime] ... In truth ... will turn away from
Belial… by the judgement[s] of God, as it is written concerning him, [ who says toZion ] ; your ELOHIM reigns. Zion
is ..., those who uphold the Covenant, who turn from walking [in] the way of the people. And your ELOHIM is
[Melchizedek, who will save them from] the hand of Belial. As for that which He said, Then you shall send abroad the
trump [ et in ] all the land (Lev. Xxv, 9) …
The Number 2034

Factors: 2034 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 113

Below I went ahead and did my name in English simple Gematria,

9 1 5=15=6 1 9=10=1 1 5=6

M I C H A E L===7 D A V I D===5 M A S E K===5

13 9 3 8 1 5 12=33 4 1 22 9 4=22 13 1 19 5 11=22

6 4 4

9 6 8

51 40 49

6 4 13

6---------------------28 4--------------19 4---------------21

10 10 3

1 1 3

644 113

14 5

5 5

The full seed #55 of my name in English simple Gematria

( Below is a partial screen shot of page 138 from ( The Doomsday Code) by Robert Fitzpatrick published
by Xulon press 2010)

ELOHIM backwards is MIHOLE pronounced the same (My Holy) below I just drew lines between the words and
when I was done I seen the words mY HoLY I did not try to spell anything. I held the page at an angle from bottom to
top was my sight of view because it was eaiser to see the spaces between the words. The section my holy is on is
chapter 14 of Genesis from the Septuagint Bible published by Oxford in 2007.

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