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New Media 10 Free Write Rubric

Category Extending Proficient Developing Emerging

Work contains Works contains Work contains Work contains
very few some mechanical several several
mechanical errors errors that mechanical errors mechanical errors
that do not distract the that often distract making the
distract the reader including the reader from intended message
reader including spelling, the work. These difficult to
spelling, grammar, and can include, understand.
grammar, and sentence spelling, These can include,
Writing sentence structure. Strong grammar, and spelling,
Style structure. Strong introduction and sentence grammar, and
introduction and conclusion both structure. An sentence
conclusion both engage the reader introduction and structure. The
engage the reader and bring the conclusion is piece lacks a clear
and bring the piece to a good present but does introduction or
piece to a good resolution. not provide the conclusion.
resolution. reader with a
strong opening or
Excellent details Details are Some details are Minimal details
either support an provided to provided to are provided to
argument or bring support an support an support an
narrative to life argument or bring argument or bring argument or bring
with sensory narrative to life narrative to life a narrative to life.
details. Argument with sensory but significantly Argument is very
is well made and detail but more more are needed. unclear. Narrative
followed through are necessary. Argument is lack basic
Voice to a conclusion. Argument is clear somewhat characteristics of
Narrative but does not unclear. Narrative a story including
provides enough come to a lacks one or all of exposition,
exposition, a conclusion. an exposition, conflict, and
strong conflict, Narrative conflict, and/or resolution.
and a sufficient provides some of resolution.
conclusion. an exposition,
conflict, and

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