Lab 8 Lab Report

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Mullins 1

Lab 8

Buffers Effecting pH Stability

Alana Mullins

Kassandra Charlesworth, Shelby Dalton & Madeleine Rogg

April 8, 2019

Praveen 01G
Mullins 2

I have read and agree to the terms of the Academic Honesty Statement.

_Alana B Mullins__________________________ ______1/27/2019__________________

Student Signature Date

This experiment is testing weather the addition of a strong acid or strong base will alter
the pH of a buffer at the same rate, more, or less than it will alter a non-buffer solutions pH. This
is tested by measuring the pH after different amounts of strong acid and base are added to
different buffer solutions as well as a DI water solution which is the control. Due to the buffer
effect, the pH of the buffer’s resists shifting pH much when either the acid or base is added
because they give the additional ions something to react with when added to the buffer. Since DI
water contains nothing for the H+ or OH- ions to react with, the pH fluctuates at a much larger
rate than the buffer solutions. This lab was successful because these results were logical and
make sense when compared to the buffer effect.


A buffer solution is a solution containing both an acid and its conjugate base, to
“stabilize” the pH of a solution when the addition of either a base or acid occurs. Some buffers
are made with a weak base and its soluble salt conjugate. (Sanders, 2019) No matter what the
buffer consists of, it will resist pH fluctuation when small amounts of either acids or bases are
added. When an acid is added to a buffer, the conjugate base will react with this acid to form
more of the acid it is the conjugate of. The opposite will occur when a base is added, such that
the acid will react with the base, creating more of the conjugate base. The pH of the solution may
change slightly, but because the buffer can neutralize either additional acid or base, the change in
pH will not be tremendous enough. When making a buffer a weak acid or weak base and a
soluble salt is used. The important component is the soluble salt. It must be soluble so the H+
ions can react with OH- ions when a base is added to the solution and the OH- ions can react
with the H+ ions when an acid is added to the solution. This is what helps stabilize the pH,
making it hard to drastically change the pH when the addition of an acid or base occurs.

When determining the pH of a solution when acids and bases are present the equilibrium
equation may be used. This equation is displayed below. Ka and Kb are the dissociation
constants for both acids (Ka) and bases (Kb). The higher the dissociation constant is for a
substance the stronger it is and the more it will dissociate. The smaller just means the opposite.
(Wyman, 2018)
[𝐻3𝑂+ ][𝐴− ]
𝐾𝑎 =
This equation can be derived to find [H3O^+] which is then used to find pH.
[𝐻3𝑂+ ] = 𝐾𝑎 −
[𝐴 ]
Once concentration of H3O^+ is found the following equation may be used to find pH.
𝑝𝐻 = 𝑝𝐾𝑎 − log⁡[𝐻3𝑂+ ]
Mullins 3

When combining all of the above equations, the simplest form to skip these steps is displayed
below. This is known as the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
𝑝𝐻 = 𝑝𝐾𝑎 + log⁡
When determining the pH change with the addition of an acid or buffer to the solution, a few
more steps have to be taken. It is usually easiest to create a “RICE” table which an example one
is displayed here that comes from the lab manual (Sanders, 2019)
H3O^+ OAc^- HOAc H2O
1mmol added + 5mmol 5mmol + N/A
-1mmol -1mmol +1mmol N/A
0mmol 4mmol 6mmol N/A
The final row may now be used to calculate the pH as shown with the equations above. H2O will
not have an effect on the pH.
Many different things function at a very specific range of pH. Such as the blood in
humans’ functions at a pH of about 7-7.4, and if this pH becomes too basic or acidic enzymes
begin to not function correctly and are not able to properly function. Therefore, our blood is a
buffered solution so that the pH is not easily changed. Buffers are very important in the world
even though we may not even be aware of it. Other examples of buffers include shampoos,
which are counteracted with detergents in the solution to keep the pH of the mixture slightly
acidic. (Ernest, 2014)

It is hypothesized that in this experiment, with the buffer solutions made with the
addition of a soluble salt, the addition of either an acid or base will cause a slight change to the
pH of the buffer, but not a large fluctuation in the pH. It is also hypothesized that the pH of
addition of both acid and base to the pure water will change the pH greatly because this has no
buffer effect. The blood in humans is made up mostly of water, so it is scary to think that if the
blood was failing at being a buffer, the pH of our blood would fluctuate greatly, resulting in
insufficient functions within the body which would quickly lead to death of mankind.


In this experiment, a LabQuest and pH probe must be calibrated with known pH

solutions, that way all of the measured pH values will be accurate. A pH solution of 4 and 10
were used for this calibration. About 100mL of 0.1 M acetic acid was put in a 250 mL beaker
and the pH was measure and noted in results. This pH is a control and can be compared with the
buffer pH which will also be a control. 10 mmol or 0.82034 grams of sodium acetate was added
to this beaker and dissolved to make the buffer solution, and the pH was taken and noted in the

About 100mL of 0.1 M ammonia was put in a 250 mL beaker and the pH was measure
and noted in results. This pH is a control and can be compared with the buffer pH which will also
be a control. 10 mmol or 0.53491 grams of ammonium chloride was added to this beaker and
dissolved to make the buffer solution, and the pH was taken and noted in the results. These two
beakers contain the stock solution that will be used throughout the experiment.
Mullins 4

Both the buffer stock solutions can be split in half into two 100 mL beakers each,
resulting in four 100 mL beakers containing 50 mL of the buffer solutions and they are all to be
labeled so nothing gets mixed up. Two burettes will be set up on a stand, one containing 1.0 M
HCl and the other containing 1.0 M NaOH.

The next steps will be performed to one of the beakers containing the Acetic Buffer
solution and to one of the beakers containing the Ammonium Buffer solution. To the beaker
containing the buffer, add one mL of HCl. The initial and final volume of HCl in the burette
should be noted so one mL can be measure as accurately as possible. The pH after this mL is
added should be recorded. This can be repeated for two mL, three mL and four mL added to this
buffer solution. Each time a mL is added the volume in the burette and the pH of the buffer needs
to be noted. Now with the second group of beakers also containing 50 mL of each of the buffers,
one mL of NaOH should be added and the volume on the burette should be noted, as well as the
new pH of the buffer solutions. Repeat this with two mL, three mL and four mL as well.
In two clean 100 mL beakers, 50 mL of DI water should be added to each. The pH of one
should be noted because the pH of both beakers should be the exact same. In one of the beakers
add 1 mL at a time of the HCl, while taking the pH every time and noting the amount of HCl left
in the burette. In the other beaker containing DI water, 1 mL of NaOH should be added at a time,
while taking the pH every time and noting the amount of NaOH left in the burette. Once finished
doing this until four mL of each is added to the DI water beakers, everything may be cleaned up,
washed and put in the correct location for the next lab to use.


Table 8.1 Control pH values

Measured pH Calculated pH Measured pH-Calculated pH
pH of 0.1 M Acetic 2.77 2.872 -0.1024
Acid Solution
pH of 0.1 M Acetate 4.53 3.6587 0.8713
Buffer Solution
The pH of the buffer solution is slightly above the pH of the Acetic Acid solution.

Table 8.2 Ph of Acetate Buffer after Addition of Strong Acid (HCl)

Burette Burette mL HCl Total mol Measured Calculated Measured Ph
Initial Final Added HCL Added pH pH –
(mL) (mL) Calculated pH
After ~ 50 49 1.0 0.003236 4.35 3.6423 0.70766
1Ml 1.0 mol
After ~ 49 48 2.0 0.006473 4.10 3.3444 0.7556
2Ml 1.0 mol
After ~ 48 47 3.0 0.009709 3.76 2.2462 1.5138
3Ml 1.0 mol
After ~ 47 46 4.0 0.012946 3.29 2.007 1.283
4Ml 1.0 mol
Mullins 5

As more strong acid is added to the buffer solution, the pH of the buffer slightly lowers
becoming more acidic.

Table 8.3 Ph of Acetate Buffer after Addition of Strong Base (NaOH)

Burette Burette mL Total mol Measured Calculated Measured Ph –
Initial Final NaOH NaOH pH pH
Calculated pH
(mL) (mL) Added Added

After ~ 50 49 1.0 0.005325 4.79 4.0407 0.7493

1Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 49 48 1.0 0.10651 5.00 4.1994 0.8006

2Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 48 47 1.0 0.015976 5.23 4.3303 0.8997

3Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 47 46 1.0 0.021302 5.67 4.4449 1.2251

4Ml 1.0 mol

As a strong base is added to the buffer solution, the pH of the buffer slightly increases becoming
more basic.

Table 8.4 Control pH values

Measured pH Calculated pH Measured Ph – Calculated pH
pH of 0.1 M Ammonia 10.62 11.1215 -0.5015
pH of 0.1 M Ammonia 9.40 10.5148 -1.1148
The pH of the buffer solution is slightly lower than the pH of the Ammonia Solution.

Table 8.5 pH of Ammonia Buffer after Addition of Strong Acid (HCl)

Burette Burette Ml HCl Total mol Measured Calculated Measured Ph –
Initial Final Added HCL pH pH Calculated pH
(Ml) (Ml) Added

After ~ 46 45 1.0 0.003236 9.14 9.3428 -0.2028

1Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 45 44 1.0 0.006473 8.87 8.85529 0.01471

2Ml 1.0 mol
Mullins 6

After ~ 44 43 1.0 0.009709 8.60 7.6332 0.9668

3Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 43 42 1.0 0.012946 8.04 2.53365 5.50635

4Ml 1.0 mol

As more strong acid is added to the buffer solution, the pH of the buffer slightly lowers
becoming more acidic.

Table 8.6 pH of Ammonia Buffer after Addition of Strong Base (NaoH)

Burette Burette Ml Total mol Measured Calculated Measured Ph –
Initial Final NaOH NaOH pH pH Calculated pH
(Ml) (Ml) Added Added

After ~ 46 45 1.0 0.005325 9.46 9.1055 0.3545

1Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 45 44 1.0 0.10651 9.63 9.2858 0.3442

2Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 44 43 1.0 0.015976 9.83 9.4699 0.3601

3Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 43 42 1.0 0.021302 10.13 10.315 -0.185

4Ml 1.0 mol

As a strong base is added to the buffer solution, the pH of the buffer slightly increases becoming
more basic.

Table 8.7 Control pH value of DI Water

Measured Ph Calculated Ph Measured Ph – Calculated Ph
Ph of Deionized Water 7.15 7.00 0.15
The pH of pure water is commonly known to be a pH of 7 which is neutral.

Table 8.8 pH of Deionized Water after Addition of Strong Acid (HCl)

Burette Burette Ml HCl Total mol Measured Calculated Measured Ph –
Initial Final Added HCL pH pH Calculated pH
(Ml) (Ml) Added

After ~ 42 41 1.0 0.003236 1.86 3.6361 -1.7761

1Ml 1.0 mol
Mullins 7

After ~ 41 40 1.0 0.006473 1.66 3.3350 -1.675

2Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 40 39 1.0 0.009709 1.51 3.1590 -1.649

3Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 39 38 1.0 0.012946 1.43 3.03399 -1.6040

4Ml 1.0 mol

As a strong acid is added to the pure water, The pH drastically lowers becoming much more
acidic at a much faster rate than either of the buffers.

Table 8.9 pH of Deionized Water after Addition of Strong Base (NaOH)

Burette Burette Ml Total mol Measured Calculated Measured Ph –
Initial Final NaOH NaOH pH pH Calculated pH
(Ml) (Ml) Added Added

After ~ 42 41 1.0 0.005325 11.89 10.0187 1.8713

1Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 41 40 1.0 0.010651 12.13 10.3114 1.8186

2Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 40 39 1.0 0.015976 12.30 10.4692 1.8308

3Ml 1.0 mol

After ~ 39 38 1.0 0.021302 12.41 10.5960 1.814

4Ml 1.0 mol

As a strong base is added to the pure water, The pH drastically increases becoming much more
basic at a much faster rate than either of the buffers.

Example Calculations and Explanations:

Equation 1~ This is how to find the pH of Acetic Acid, with no buffer present. This must be
done to compare the pH of the Acetic Acid buffer solution and start at a known pH so the change
when an acid or base is added, may be observed. Ka is known as 1.8x10^-5 in this equation.
Mullins 8

[𝐻3𝑂][𝐶𝐻3𝐶𝑂𝑂 − ]
𝐾𝑎 =
𝐾𝑎 =
1.8𝑥10 =
[𝐻3𝑂] = 0.0013416
𝑝𝐻 = −log⁡[𝐻3𝑂+ ]
𝑝𝐻 = − log[0.0013416]
𝑝𝐻 = 2.8724

Equation 2~ This is how to find the Acetic Acid Buffer. This may be done to compare the pH
when an acid and a base is added to this buffer.
[𝐻3𝑂+ ][𝐶2𝐻3𝑁9𝑂3]
𝐾𝑎 =
[𝐻3𝑂+ ] [
1.8𝑥10 = −5 100 ]
[𝐻3𝑂 ] = 2.1942𝑥10−4

𝑝𝐻 = − log[2.1942𝑥10−4 ] = 3.6587

Equation 3~ This is an example calculation when a strong acid is added to the acetate buffer to
find the pH.
[𝐻3𝑂] = 𝐾𝑎
[𝐶𝐻3𝐶𝑂𝑂 − ]
[𝐻3𝑂] = 1.7𝑥10−5 = 2.2786𝑥10−4
𝑝𝐻 = − log(2.2786𝑥10−4 ) = 3.6423

Equation 4~ This is an example calculation when a strong base is added to the acetate buffer to
find the pH.
[𝐻3𝑂] = 𝐾𝑎
[𝐻3𝑂] = 1.7𝑥10−5 = 9.1046𝑥10−5
𝑝𝐻 = − log(9.1046𝑥10−5 ) = 4.0407

Equation 5~ This is an example calculation when one mL of NaOH is added to the DI water
𝑝𝐻 = 14 + log
𝑝𝐻 = 14 + log = 10.0187
Mullins 9


The hypothesis of this experiment was the buffer solutions with the addition of a soluble
salt, the addition of either a strong acid or base will cause a slight change in pH of the buffer, but
not fluctuate the pH in a large amount. It was also hypothesized that the pH of addition of both
strong acid and buffer to pure water will change the pH greatly because this has no buffer effect.
Both of these hypotheses were proven correct. The addition of 4 mL of acid to the acetate buffer
changed the pH from originally being 4.53 to 3.29 and to the Ammonium buffer from 9.40 to
8.04. This is not a huge fluctuation in either of the buffers when comparing it to the change in the
pH of the DI water when the strong acid was added which went from 7.15 to 1.43. The buffers
decreased their pH about 1.5 but the DI water changed nearly 6 less. This is a much more drastic
decrease in pH. This proves that the pH when a strong acid is added will change drastically in a
solution that is not buffered more so than a buffer solution. The addition of 4 mL of a base to the
acetate buffer changed the pH from originally being 4.53 to 5.67 and the Ammonium buffer from
9.40 to 10.13. This is not a huge fluctuation in either of the buffers when comparing it to the
change in the pH of the DI water when the strong base was added, which went from 7.15 to
12.41. The buffers increased pH about 1, but the DI water changed nearly 5-6 more. This is a
much more drastic increase in pH. This proves that the pH when a strong base is added will
change drastically in a solution that is not buffered more so than a buffer solution.

Buffers have a resistance to change their pH, and this is known as the buffer effect.
Buffers contain both an acidic and basic component, that way when an acid or a base is added to
the buffer, it has something to react with and neutralize it as long as not too much is added.
(Buffers, 2019) The ion concentration of H+ and OH- remain stable to resist the altering of pH.
Buffers simply give the additional H+ ions or OH- ions something to react with so they are not
floating around along, which is what would change the pH in non-buffer solutions. When an acid
is added to a solution that is not a buffer, H+ ions accumulate and decrease the pH because they
have nothing to neutralize them. When a base is added to a solution that is not a buffer, OH- ions
accumulate and increase the pH because they have nothing to neutralize them.

There is a slight difference in all measured pH values versus calculated pH values. This is
because in calculated values, this would be the pH if all ions have reacted and the salt completely
reacted with the added acid or base ions. Of course, we are not in a perfect scenario, so not all
ions will react, and the salt will not completely react with all added ions, and this is a source of
error that is hard to avoid or correct in any trial of this experiment.

Sources of error in this lab could have occurred when the pH was being calculated for
adding 4 mL of HCl to both Ammonia buffer and Acetic Acid buffer. This is because when these
calculations were being done, the amount of base left was a “negative number”, but this is not
possible, so I just calculated this value with a very small value, therefore this guessing method is
where the error and large difference between the measured pH and the calculated pH comes
from. Temperature during the lab may have slightly changed which could also result in a small
amount of change of the pH of any of the solutions. In increase in temperature may slightly
decrease the pH and a decrease in the temperature may slightly increase the pH. Another possible
source of error is when calibrating our pH probe, the pH of water came out as 7.15, which it
should be exactly 7.00, so all pH values may be slightly off.
Mullins 10


Ernest, Z. (2014, July 5). What are the applications of a buffer? Example. Retrieved April 5,
2019, from

Sanders, L (2018). CHM 1210: General Chemistry I. Cincinnati, OH: Van-Griner Publishing.

Wyman, E. (2018). Acid-Base Equilibrium: Calculating the Ka or Kb of a Solution. Retrieved

April 5, 2019, from

Buffers. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2019, from 26-

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