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PEANUT MARKETING NEWS – July 19, 2019 – Tyron Spearman, Editor (90)
PEANUT SUPPLY & DISAPPEARANCE– Source: Crop Production and Peanut Stocks and Processing, NASS, USDA, Census Bureau
and U.S. Department of Commerce – June 13, 2019. (OIL CROPS OUTLOOK) – Million pounds,
Acres (1,000) Yield Supply Disappearance
Yr. Beg Planted Harvest Lbs/ac Begin Imports Prod. Total Dom. Crush Seed & Exports TOTAL Ending
Aug. 1 Stocks Food Residual Stocks
2017/18 1,872 1,776 4,007 1,442 171 7,115 8,728 3,149 705 885 1,273 6,011 2,717
2018/19 1,426 1,369 3,991 2,717 110 5,462 8,289 3,098 650 871 1,250 5,869 2,420
2019/20 1,364 1,323 4051 2,420 100 5,360 7,880 3,158 704 739 1,275 5,876 2,004
Divide by 2,000 to get exact farmer stock numbers. 2017/18 is Estimated, 2018/19 & 2019/20 are forecast
Major changes were posted by the team evaluating Peanut Supply and Disappearance, all impacted by the estimated peanut
acreage. A 4.3% decline in planted acres will lower production to 2,680,000 tons and reduced the ending stocks to about 1 million tons.
Domestic consumption of peanuts is projected up 1.9%. Stocks and Processing showed usage down 0.4% after 10 months (Aug18-
USDA said, “Spring planting intentions for U.S. peanut acreage in 2019/20 had indicated a small increase. Actual peanut
sowings, however, fell to a 5-year low of 1.36 million acres. Georgia farmers reduced sown acreage by 10 percent and reductions in
other Southeastern States were nearly as large.”
CHINA PEANUT UPDATE – At the recent China Peanut Industry Development Conference and Expo, a presentation gives us some
indication as to U.S. competition next year.
China is the world's largest producer of peanuts, with an average
annual output of more than 14 million metric tons from 2000 to 2018. Henan,
Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin, Hebei and Anhui provinces account for more than
85% of total peanut production.
Based on peanut industry estimates, it has predicted that the peanut
acreage in China would increase by about 5-7 % compared with 2018, to
12.12 million acres in2019.
Henan: Based on information gleaned from the many field visits,
Fuda peanut predicted that the acreage has increased by 5%. The peanut crop
is growing well because of favorable weather conditions and abundant water
in Henan. Over the years, the irrigation and machinery are widely adopted in
Henan province for amassed peanut acreage.
Shandong: According to industry estimates, because of the dry
weather, the acreage may decrease by 10% in Shandong. There is little rain
after the planting, and the water supply is quite limited in many peanut
growing areas.
Hebei: According to a recent survey of peanut farmers in Hebei,
almost equal percentage of respondants feedback with up or down. Peanut
production is likely to be flat or decline due to the dry weather.
The Northeast area: Survey indicates that acreage increases by about 12% in Liaoning and Jilin provinces.
About 133,000 acres of high-oleic peanuts were planted in China in 2018 and 500,000 acres of high-oleic peanuts is estimated in 2019.
PAC AUCTION GETS BIGGER - The 2019 Pre-Harvest Meeting, jointly hosted by American Peanut Shellers Association and National
Peanut Buying Points Association is August 6-7, 2019 in Albany, Georgia. The "Fiesta" PAC Auction and Dinner will be held at
Merry Acres Event Center on Tuesday, August 6th. The Reception and Silent Auction will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by the Live
Auction and Dinner at 7:00 p.m. The cost is $50 per person and includes dinner and open bar. Officials said this week there will be over
100 auction items valued at $50,000. A list of live and silent auction items will be made available on the APSA website closer to the
event. Guests are welcomed.
The general business session is Wednesday, August 7th at The Bindery at Oakland Library. APSA & NPBPA will host a
luncheon following the general session and all meeting participants are invited to attend. There is no charge for members to attend the
meeting and enjoy lunch, however registration is required. See for a complete schedule of events and to
register. All registrations should be submitted to the APSA office.
Sponsorships are available for $500 and $1,000 to get your company name on all event items plus live publicity. Call
Tyron or Angela at 229-386-1716.

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