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Burger King advertising

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xnternational fast food chain Burger King has employed varied advertising programs, both successful and
unsuccessful, since its foundation in 1954. During the 1970s, output included a memorable jingle, the
inspiration for its current mascot the Burger King and several well-known and parodied slogans such as Ñ 
    .[4][5] Starting in the early 1980s and running through
approximately 2002, BK engaged a series of ad agencies that produced many unsuccessful slogans and
programs, including its biggest advertising flop   Ñ .[6][7]

Beginning in 2003, BK began resuscitating its moribund advertising with the hiring of the Miami-based
advertising agency of Crispin Porter + Bogusky (abbreviated as CP+B).[8][9]As one of CP+B new advertising
strategies, they revived the Burger King character used during BKs 1970s/1980s Burger King
Kingdom advertising campaign as a caricaturedvariation now simply called "the King". The farcical nature of 
   centered advertisements inspired an internet meme where the King is photoshopped into unusual
situations that are either comical or menacing, many times followed with the phrase   

Additionally, CP+B created a series of viral web-based advertisements to compliment the various television and
print promotional campaigns on sites such as MySpace and various BK corporate pages.[10][11][12] These viral ad
campaigns, coupled with other new campaigns and a series of new product introductions, drew considerable
positive and negative attention to BK and helped TPG and its partners realize about $367 million in

Burger King was a pioneer in the advertising practice known as the product tie-in with a successful partnering
with George Lucas' Lucasfilm, Ltd. to promote the 1977 movie   . This promotion was one of the first in
the fast food industry and set the pattern that continues to the present. The company's most successful period
of tie-ins was the decade from 1990±2000 that saw a highly successful campaign with Disney's animated films,
including the Academy Award nominated Beauty & the Beast and Academy Award winning Toy Story, and a
partnership in association with the Pokémon franchise in 1999.[16][17]








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Beginning in 1973, Burger King ran a series of much-lampooned but successful and catchy television
commercials in which its employees would sing: "Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders don't upset
us. All we ask is that you let us serve it your way!" This advertising strategy aimed to contrast Burger King's
flexibility with McDonald's famous rigidity. Many of the companies subsequent advertising campaigns have
reiterated this same theme.
Dne of Burger King's first major cross-promotional successes was in 1977 when they offered several
collectibles including posters, glasses and sticker sets that featured scenes and characters from  
 .[18] The promotion was wildly successful, and the glasses are highly sought after to this day.[19][20] The
relationship with George Lucas' Lucasfilm, LTD. continued through the other two films in the first  
 trilogy and continued through the final film and the DVD release of both trilogies.

xn 1982, Burger King created an advertising stir when it created a set of commercials featuring a then-4-year-
old Sarah Michelle Gellar, in which Gellar stated that McDonald's burgers were 20% smaller than Burger
King's. Arguably the first attack ads on a food chain by a competitor, the campaign was controversial in that
prior to it, fast food ads only made allusions to the competition in a vague manner, never mentioning them by
name. McDonald's sued Burger King, the advertising agency that came up with the ads, and Gellar. The suit
was settled the following year on undisclosed terms.[21]

During the 1984 television premier of   , Burger King commercials are featured prominently, including
an advertisement about "When Burger King came to 9th Street". This advertisement shows African-American's
break dancing to many Burger King products, including one man who is spinning to form the shape of a

xn November 1985, Burger King spent $40 million on the   Ñ  advertising campaign. The company
stated that Herb was the only man in America who had never eaten a Whopper. xf a customer located him in
any store, he or she would win $5,000. Burger King purposely chose not to reveal what Herb looked like,
resulting in annoyance among its patrons. xn a Super Bowl XX commercial, Burger King finally revealed Herb
as a bespectacled nerd in an ill-fitting suit. Herb toured stores across the country, appeared on  

, and served as a guest timekeeper during     . The campaign had little impact on sales and
was quickly dropped. According to     magazine, the Herb campaign was the "most elaborate
advertising flop of the decade."[6][22] Dther 1980s ad campaigns such as "This is a Burger King town", "Fast food
for fast times", and "We do it like you'd do it" had little more success.

The iconic Burger King "crown", worn byNick Van Eede.

xn the early 1990s, Burger King advertised introduced its new dinner offering, dinner baskets and table service,
with the "BK Tee Vee" (or "BKTV") ad campaign. The taglines for the campaign were "BK Tee Vee... x Love this
Place!" and "Your Way Right Away!", which featured Dan Cortese as "Dan: The Whopper Man." Burger King's
continued lack of a successful advertising campaign during the 1980s and 1990s, in contrast to McDonald's
usually memorable slogans and jingles, led to ridicule by the advertising community and the general public.

xn September 2002, Burger King introduced its 99¢ Value Menu. The menu was in response to Wendy's 99¢
Value Menu and included a grilled sourdough burger, a bacon cheeseburger, french fries, onion rings, soft
drinks, three flavors of ice cream shakes; beef chili, two types of tacos; chicken tenders, baked potatoes and a
garden salad. The ads featured the comedian Adam Corolla as the voice of BK's drive thru. Since then many of
the items have been removed from the menu or have been made an optional menu item, and the menu has
become the !  with prices starting at a dollar (US).[23]



ù 1958±68 - Hume, Smith and Mickelberry

ù 1968±76 - BBDD[24][25]
ù 1976±87 - J. Walter Thompson[26]

ù 1987±89 - N.W. Ayer

ù 1988 - Einsom-Freeman and August, Bishop and Meier[27]
ù 1989±94 - D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (DMB&B), Saatchi & Saatchi[27]
ù 1994±2001 - Lowe, Lintas & Partners - General Market and Kids Club[28]
ù 2001±2002 - McCann-Erickson[29]

ù 2002±2003 - AMDEBA, xnc.

ù September 2002 - Deutsch, xnc. for introduction of BK 99¢ Value Menu.[30]
ù 2003±2004 - Young & Rubicam, xnc.[31]
ù 2004±Present - Crispin Porter & Bogusky


ù 1983±present - UniWorld Group, xnc.

Ñ   [4]

ù 1989-2009 - Bromley Communications[32]

ù 2009±present - LatinWorks[33]
x  [4]

ù 2001 ± June 2008: VML, xnc.[34]

ù July 2008 ± present: Crispin Porter + Bogusky

J    [4]

ù 1989±1994: Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising

ù 1994±2001: Lowe, Lintas & Partners

ù 2001±2010: Campbell Mithun

ù Present: Pitch, xnc.

[edit]Most recent campaigns

Shortly after the acquisition of Burger King by TPG Capital, L.P. in 2002, its newly hired CED, former Darden
Restaurants executive Bradley (Brad) Blum, set about turning around fortunes of the company by initiating an
overhaul its flailing advertising programs. Dne of the first moves by the company was to reinstate its
famous Ñ  
 slogan as the corporate motto. BK handed the effort off to its new advertising agency,
Miami-based Crispin Porter + Bogusky (abbreviated as CP+B). CP+B was known for having a hip, subversive
tack when creating campaigns for its clients, exactly what BK was looking for.[8][35]

CP+B set about revamping BK's image with a complete top to bottom overhaul of how the company marketed
itself to the public. Everything from the cups and bags to the company logo was completely redesigned with the
intent to give BK a hip, culturally aware image that would appeal to modern sensibilities. Humorous statements,
claims and product descriptions were placed on bags, product packaging and on in-store promotional
materials, including a Burger King "# that gave its customers the right to Have it Your Way. xt also set
about creating an advertising campaign that not only focused on television spots, but also print, web and
product tie-ins.[8][36]

Dne of it major strategies was to revive the Burger King character used during BKs 1970s/1980s Burger King
Kingdom advertising campaign. The new character was redesigned as a caricatured variation now simply
called    or just . The new incarnation replaced the singing and dancing  $   
 with a non-speaking mime-like actor wearing an over-sized, grinning plastic mask resembling the original
actor who played King. Employing the practice of viral marketing, CP+B's ads generated significant word of
mouth and for its new use of what has been became known as the %  persona, an appellation that
CP+B adopted for use in newer ads.[8]

xn April 2009, a CP+B advertisement for Burger King's "Texican burger" was pulled from the air after causing
an international uproar over insults to Mexico.[37][38]

The humor of the "Creepy King" is derived from the fact that he is a medieval king with a disproportionately
large plastic head whose smiling facial expression never changes and who turns up unexpectedly and in
unusual or anachronistic locations. The "Creepy King" was first used to advertise the chain's breakfast
sandwiches. The King presented a breakfast product to unsuspecting consumers in unexpected places such as
their own bedroom or in their front yards. The new breakfast slogan "Wake up with the King" also began
showing up in these ads. The farcical nature of    centered advertisements inspired an internet
meme where the King is photoshopped into unusual situations that are either comical or menacing, many times
followed with the phrase    

Additionally, CP+B created a series of web-based advertisements to compliment the various television and
print promotional campaigns on sites such as MySpace and various BK corporate pages. These viral
campaigns coupled several other new advertisement campaigns drew considerable positive and negative
attention to BK.

ù {   J   

  $&  %$ 

This ad program was used in 2004 to introduce the TenderCrisp sandwich. The first appearance of the
Subservient Chicken character was in a commercial called   %$ ! . The
commercial was the first in a series of ads for the sandwich utilizing a line of viral marketing
promotions by Crispin Porter + Bogusky for Burger King. xn the ad, a man is sitting in his living room
directing a person in a chicken suit to behave in any way he wants. The tag line was "Chicken the way
you like it." After the success of the Subservient Chicken, Burger King used the character in several
subsequent advertising campaigns. Dther versions of the character appeared for various other
promotions of new and limited time versions of the product.
ù J

xn the summer of 2005, Burger King introduced BK Chicken Fries to its menu. The advertising
campaign featured a faux metal band named Coq Roq in a commercial called ( Ñ ,
members of whom wore chicken masks parodying the style of masks of nu metal band Slipknot. The
website included music videos, downloadable cellular ring tones, and a store selling band
merchandise. xn addition, there is a MySpace page for the "band" that features bios, pictures, and their
songs.[40] While successful, the campaign drew scorn for sexual double entendres and a lawsuit from
Slipknot in regards to the promotion alleged copying of Slipknot's "look and feel".[41][42]
ù was an interactive website that tied in with the   )  &#"
 advertising program. The site featured an interactive video of Darth Vader utilizing a 20
Questions-style answering program which operated in way similar to the Subservient Chicken
ù £  

Dr. Angus was a CP+B creation launched in 2004 to promote the new Angus line of Sandwiches.
Played by British comedian Harry Enfield, he is a smarmy self-help "doctor" with gleaming white teeth
and a starched toupee who encourages eaters to "sit down" and enjoy the BK's large Angus burgers.
xn 2006, the character was again used to advertise BK's new Cheesy Bacon Angus
and TenderCrispsandwiches.[44]

xn addition, CP+B added a viral marketing web page The Angus Diet. Designed to work with the larger
Angus campaign, this site featured the such things as the Angus diet testimonials, a faux diet book and
Angus interventions. The "interventions" could be sent to people via e-mail by filling out several fields
on the page. As CP+B stated: "They were a way of getting people to spread the idea of the basis of
the Angus Diet - just enjoy life. Do whatever you want. Eat whatever you want as long as it makes you

xn May 2006, in promotion of the Texas Double Whopper, Burger King released a campaign called the
"Manthem" which parodies Helen Reddy's  ** . xt depicts a man and his girlfriend at a fancy
restaurant. Disappointed by the meager portions he is served, the man bursts into song, expressing
his desire for a Texas Double Whopper, in place of what he deems "chick food." As he walks out of the
restaurant, he is joined by a chorus of men who rebel by not only eating Texas Double Whoppers, but
also go commando, lift a minivanover the side of an overpass, and unfurl a banner which says "Eat
This Meat." This has been the source of some controversy, as the commercial has been described as
demeaning to male vegetarians/vegans, as well as misogynistic toward women.[46][47] This ad was
reused in January 2007 when the sandwich was reintroduced and in Germany for a sandwich in the
company's BK XXL line, and in January 2008 in Great Britain for the Double Whopper.
ù ‰ 


Ugoff was a character in a 2004 ad campaign for Burger King directed by Roman Coppola. He was
used to promote the new "Fire-Grilled Salads" and the paper "Salad Pouch" which was used to keep
the chicken and shrimp warm for the salad entrées. Ugoff was designed a stereotypical male fashion
designer with an indeterminate middle-European accent and haughty personality.

xn Summer 2006, Burger King launched a commercial stating that its broilers, named 'Earl' on the
commercials, won the most valuable employee award. With the Earl logo stamped on the side of the
broiler on the commercial, it seems that this name was made up and that their broilers are actually
made by Nieco and not named Earl.[48]

ù Movie Deal

xn Dctober 2006, it was announce that BK and CP+B were soliciting a movie deal for a film
called  the film is reported to be a comedy about a teen misfit who lives in an apartment
above a Burger King restaurant and has an unlikely friendship with an aristocrat.[49]

ù Advergames

xn November 2006, Burger Kings began selling three advergaming titles for the Xbox and Xbox
360 (entitled  , ,$  # $ and *) for an additional $3.99 each with any
value meal. By the end of December, 2006, The games had sold more than 2 million copies, placing
them as one of the top selling games along with another Xbox 360 hit,  " .[50]




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The first logo that Burger King used was a simple text
version which was introduced July 28, 1953.[51] xt was
expanded upon by the addition of the first graphical
representation of the Burger King character in the
1960s and can be described as the  logo,
as the Burger King character is shown sitting atop the
sign holding a beverage.[52] The sign has several
versions, with the King either sitting atop a hamburger
or on an inverted trapezoid with the company name
along the top and its motto Ñ*"
 below it; some signs did not include the
King and only had the inverted trapezoid. This logo
was used in one form or another until May 1, 1969
when the famous Burger King "bun halves" logo made
its debut,[53] and has continued in one form or another
until the current day. As implied by its name, the logo
is meant to resemble a hamburger;[54] the logo had
two orange semi-circular "buns" surrounding the
name, which was the "meat" of the logo. Dn May 1,
1994 BK updated the logo with a graphical tightening,
replacing the aging "bulging" font with a smoother font
with rounded edges.[55] xn addition, all secondary
signing, such as roof and directional signs, was also
updated with new rounded font.
The current BK "blue crescent" logo made its official
debut on July 1, 1999.[56] The new Burger King logo is
a stylized version of the original "bun halves" logo. BK
changed the color of the restaurant's name from red
to burgundy, while leaving them sandwiched between
two yellow bun halves. The new logo also tilts the bun
halves and the font on an axis, has a smaller "bun"
motif and wraps the burger with a blue crescent,
giving it a more circular appearance. Most restaurants
did not acquire newer signs with the new logo,
menus, and drive-thru ordering speakers until 2001.
Again all secondary signage was updated with the
new logo and sharp type face, and all sign posts were
repainted to match the blue coloring of the new
crescent from their original black.[57]


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The Hungry Jack's logo is based on the Burger King

"bun halves" design. HJ currently uses a variation of
the second generation "bun halves" logo, featuring
the smoother font used in the Burger King logo from
1994. xn Arabic speaking countries the logo is
mirrored and uses characters from the Arabic
alphabet (ύ ϥϱϙ έ ύέΏ); otherwise the logo is identical
to the "blue crescent" logo used in the west. With the
expansion of the company inside Russia with its first
store in Moscow, Burger King added another version
of its logo that used non-Latin text, now in the Cyrillic
alphabet (Ȼɭɪɝɟɪ Ʉɢɧɝ).[58]

To establish a brand identity for its youth oriented
products, Burger King created a separate logo for its
children's products with the introduction of its Burger
King Kid's Club in 1990. The original logo, an inverted
triangle with a blue "sign", was part of the new kid's
program and was used in television and print
advertising; signage; and toy and meal packaging.
Through the life of the program they changed the logo
several times and introduced several local versions in
its international market. xn 1996, the company
replaced the original logo with one that resembled its
corporate logo, the "bun halves" logo. The new logo
featured the original Burger King text logo on a single
line with the kids' club text under it on two lines.[59]

The most current logo in North America is for its Club

BK program which was phased in during July
2008.[60] xn the countries where the BK Kid's Club is
still an active promotion, BK and its franchises still
use the "blue crescent" iteration that was introduced
at the time the company modified its logo to the
current corporate logo.

Evolution of the logos used for the children's

advertising programs in the US and abroad.

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[edit]Non-product oriented

Dver the years BK has introduced advertising that

emphasized value or hours of operation. The first of
these was in 1983 when BK began encouraging its
stores to keep their drive thru open past midnight. At
the time most QSR locations closed around 10 or 11
p.m. xn the summer of 2007, BK again began
advertising later hours in response to similar late night
programs from Wendy's and McDonald's.[61]

xn 1989 Burger King restaurants introduced "King

Deals", daily specials that were offered for 99¢ with
the slogan   -$ -
$ . The schedule was Sunday ±
Whopper Junior, Monday ± Big King, Tuesday ±
Chicken Sandwich, Wednesday ± Whopper,
Thursday ± Bacon Cheeseburger, Friday ± Fish
Sandwich, and Saturday ± Double Cheeseburger.

xn Dctober 2006, Burger King rolled out a new design

for both their drive-thru and dining room menu boards,
expanding their Value meal selections to 12 items,
from the previous 10.

[edit]Children's advertising
Starting in the 1970s and running into the 1980s, BK
had a generic Kids' Club that gave children coupons
for selected products each month, a small toy that
rotated on a monthly or weekly basis, and an extra
surprise if it was the child's birthday. Burger King has
been known for its longtime giveaway of free paper
crowns, which are sometimes redesigned to match
any promotions the restaurant may be running.


The original advertising featured a small, animated

King. The King would travel around on a
modified chopper with a throne as the seat and visit a
BK and present the children with small gifts. The tag
line was   &    .


The original animated King was soon replaced by the
"Marvelous Magical Burger King," a red-bearded king,
acted out by actor-singer Richard "Dick" Gjonola, who
ruled the Burger King Kingdom and performed magic
tricks (mostly sleight-of-hand, but sometimes relying
on camera tricks). This campaign paralleled
McDonald's McDonaldland children's commercials,
which featured "Ronald McDonald," "The
Hamburglar," and "Mayor McCheese," along with
other characters and mascots.

Dther characters in the Burger King Kingdom

ù "The Duke of Doubt," the King's arch nemesis,
who constantly tried to prove that the King's
magic was not real; he always failed, and each
commercial that featured him ended with the tag-
line, "No doubt about it, Duke."

ù The "Burger Thing," a large, three-dimensional

painting of a hamburger that talked.

ù "Sir Shake-A-Lot," a knight, whose name was

drawn from the fact that he was often literally
physically shaking, with a craving for Burger King
milkshakes and armor made of BK Cups. (Sir
Shake-A-Lot's name was a take-off on Sir
Lancelot, and his constant shaking was
sometimes misinterpreted as being a symptom
of hypoglycemia from the sugar content of Burger
King milkshakes.)[$ ]

ù The "Wizard of Fries," a robot who could

"multifry," or generated French fries whenever
given a sample.
Driginally, BK would only offer a kids' meal when it
had a cross promotion with a children's orientated
product such as a film or a holiday. With the success
of McDonald's Happy Meal in the late 1970s, BK
introduced its own permanent kids meal, called the
Kids' Meal Pack, in 1985 with a He-Man cross
promotion. xn June 1999 BK introduced the Big Kids'
Meal aimed at the preteen market with larger portions,
which forced McDonald's to introduce its Mighty Kids

The original packaging for the Kids' Meal Pack was

similar to McDonald's Happy Meal, a paperboard box
with colorful graphics featuring games and BK
characters or promotional images from product tie-ins.
With the introduction of the    
J  the packaging was changed to a less
expensive, multi-compartment white paper bag that
had a cellophane window that displayed the toy
prominently on the front of the bag and had the food
in the second, larger compartment. When the Big
Kids' meal was introduced, BK changed its regular
Kids' meal packaging to smaller, standard single
compartment bag with the    J 

 in the graphics and they added a second, larger

brown paper bag with graphics targeting at the
preteen market for the Big Kids Meal. Eventually both
bags were replaced with a single white paper bag the
same size as the Big Kids' meal packaging with the
preteen oriented graphics.


The Burger King Kids Club Gang

xn 1989, Burger King re-launched its kids' meal

program as the    J  meal across
the United States and in New Zealand. The   
 , a group ofmulti-ethnic fictional
characters, were created to promote the Burger King
Kids Club meal by providing a group of stylized
characters that most kids could associate with, e.g.
the brain, the artist, etc.
The members of the gang were:

ù Kid Vid, a Caucasian male who loved video

games and technology; he was the leader of the

ù Boomer, a sports loving Caucasian tomboy with

red hair.

ù x.Q., a male Caucasian nerd who wore

red glasses, a green lab coat, and a pocket

ù Jaws, a tall African-American male with an

insatiable appetite.
ù J.D., a dog and the group's mascot.

ù Lingo, a multi-lingual, Hispanic male who liked art

and carried an easel.

ù Snaps, a blonde Caucasian female who always

carried her camera.

ù Wheels, a Caucasian paraplegic male in

a wheelchair.


xn the early 2000s a new female character was added

to the group:

ù Jazz, an Asian girl who loved music and sported

a beret.
Each of the characters' signatures reflected their
personality, e.g. Boomer signed her name with
a football andbaseball for the "D"s.

Furthermore, Burger King created a "Kids Club" in

which club members receive an annual mailing in the
month of their birthday that contains games, product
information, and a birthday gift in the form of a coupon
for a free Kids' Meal. Even though the BK Kids' Club
Gang has been discontinued in the US, the club itself
continues in operation to this day and is the largest
club of its kind in North America. Additionally, they
can still be seen on some playground signs and
decorations in some locations.[62] The club has been
closed in New Zealand.

The Burger King Kids Club had a logo that was used
from 1994±2001. The logo was a variation in the
classic "Bun Halves" logo that BK introduced in 1969
and revised in 1994. xt used the two "bun halves" like
the main BK logo but the    name was on
one line under the top half of the bun, while the
words  % were on two lines below the BK
name in a larger, different style font.

The Burger King stores in the Middle East are still

using the BK Kid's Club Gang for its children's
advertising, though xQ and Jazz are absent.[63]

The Honbatz characters

xn 2005, the Kids Club Gang was replaced by the

Honbatz, odd creatures who were designed to replace
its 15-year-old Kids Club gang with a more modern
group of characters that would appeal to
the preteen market.[64] Each Honbatz has a
personality that you would find in modern elementary
school: the class clown, the brain or the rebellious

The new group consisted of:

ù Mixmax, a punk who likes showing off;

ù Thisorthat, a green monster that likes to eat
everything but cannot decide where to start;

ù Bonny, the studious one and the only girl in the


ù Chomp, an intimidating, large Honbatz, who is

really a big softie that wants to fit in;

ù the Eeeps, a group of small, red, ketchup-craving


They have appeared in numerous ads, and are still

used in some European markets and New Zealand.


An updated version of the original   .

xn September 2006, BK began using the original

animated King design from the 1970s on its cups,
bags and in nontie-in kids advertising. The new (old)
King is portrayed as a sarcastic type who sometimes
gets in trouble for his mischief making adventures.


Dn 12 September 2007, Burger King announced that
it was joining the The Council of Better Business
BureausChildren's Food and Beverage Advertising
xnitiative. The program, a voluntary self-regulation
program designed to shift advertising messages
aimed at children so that they encourage healthier
eating habits and lifestyles.[65] As part of this new
initiative, BKC has stated that it will restrict advertising
to children under 12 that uses third-party licensed
characters to Kids Meals that meet its Nutrition
Guidelines, refrain from advertising in elementary
schools and from product placement in media
primarily aimed at children under 12, promote Kids
Meals that meet its Nutrition Guidelines as set forth
on its web site and promote healthy lifestyles and
healthy dietary choices in its advertising.[66][67] xn
response several groups, including the CSPx, lauded
the move as guarded good news.[68]


Hungry Jack's Kids Club mascots are unique to the

Australian franchisee, as opposed to other
international locations that use one the two existing
kid's mascots, the Burger King Kids' Club or the


xn Europe, the Kids Meal bag features two

youngsters, a boy and a girl, on the packaging and
advertisements. The names of the characters are not
xn Sweden Burger Kings main slogan is "Grillat är
godast, bara på Burger King" which translates to
"Grilled is tastier, only at Burger King".

[edit]Promotional partners

ù ADL[69]

ù DirecTV[70]

ù Konami[71]

ù Major League Baseball Players Association[72]

ù Maxim Magazine Hometown Hotties[73]

A Flash based section on the US Burger King website that allows visitors to engage in a "conversation"
with some of the pin-up girls from Maxim's Hometown Hotties models as well as drivers from Waltrip
Racing. xt operates in a manner similar to the CP+B Sith Sense site.

ù MTV cross promo

xn December 2005, Burger King teamed with MTV for a "Have xt Your Way" rap contest. Burger King
and MTV selected Anthony DeSean Stokes out of 400 entries to star in a commercial. Part of his
winning rap was "You can have it your way, there's nothin' to it / xf you can dream it, you can do it!"
The commercial ran for a short time, exclusively on MTV.

ù Dale Earnhardt[74]

ù Joe Nemechek's 87 Chevrolet in

the mid-1990s

ù Michael Waltrip Racing BK co-

sponsored the 00 Toyota driven
by David
Reutimann with Domino's Pizza in
2007, and Bill Elliott(part time) in

ù Tony Stewart (2009-)

ù Formula Dne
ù Sauber (minimal sponsorship that
began at the 2010 European
Grand Prix)

ù NFL[76]

ù Jacksonville Jaguars[77]

ù Nintendo[78]

ù Microsoft Windows 7 and Xbox[79][80][81]

BK has been known to hire celebrities to
pitch their products in ads. Dne of it most
famous CSP issues was with the then
unknown Sarah Michelle Gellar. Ms.
Gellar, in 1981 at the age of four,
appeared in a series of commercials that
disparaged the size McDonald's
hamburgers, claiming them to be 20%
smaller than BK burgers. These
commercials, some of the first to mention
a fast food competitor in a TV ad, angered
the McDonald's Corporation executives
who in turn sued BK, their ad agency at
the time the J. Walter Thompson
Company and Ms. Gellar. The laws suit
was eventually settled in 1982 for an
undisclosed sum.[21]

A 2005±2006 viral ad campaign by CP+B

had model\actress Brooke Burke and The
King going through a mock celebrity
courtship. The campaign had
fake paparazzi photos and videos show up
in gossip columns and celebrity gossip
web sites across the internet.[82] The
courtship followed their meeting on the set
of the Whopperettes ad, dating, risqué
shots of them at the beach with her
topless (no nudity), an engagement and
summary break up.[83] She also appears
as a playable character and cover girl in
the Xbox 360 games PocketBike
Racerand Big Bumpin'.[84]

xn 2009, CP+B and Cow PR launched the

Burger King Flame fragrance in the UK,
which featured Piers Morgan fronting both
a poster campaign and viral video.[85]

[edit] { 
  &/ "     * 

Burger King's first major tie-in, and one of

the first tie-ins for the QSR industry, was
with the 1977 film   (later
renamed   )  !& 0

Ñ) in which BK sold a set of glasses
featuring the main characters from the
film. From that point on a competition
between the major QSR chains became
one of the cornerstones of advertising in
the fast food industry. BK's early success
was overshadowed by the joint venture
between McDonald's and Disney in the
1980s and early 1990s. xn 1994 Burger
King reversed the situation with its own
ten film contract with Disney, a venture
that led to great success as this period in
Disney films was considered to be
Disney's second Golden Age. BK was able
to promote such top ten films such
as   (1992),   
  (1991), / (1994)
and   (1995).[16] These cross
promotions were some of the most
successful in the industry, rivaled only by
McDonald's\Ty Beanie Babies cross-
promotion in 1999±2000.

The King in a Simpsons/Burger King


Burger King continued it successful

partnership with Lucasfilm LTD. for the
other two films in the original  
 trilogy, )*    
 $ (1980) and # "
1 (1984), as well as the last film of the
second trilogy, #"
 (2005). BK lost the first run tie-in
rights to the first two movies of the second
trilogy,   )  &, *
 $ (1999) and   )  &
 $ "% (2002), to Yum!
Brands (KFC, Taco Bell et al.) but had an
extensive tie-in with the DVD release of
the two trilogies in 2006. xn 2008, Burger
King joined with Lucasfilm and Amblin
Entertainment for the release of the
fourth xndiana Jones film,   1 
*"%    .[86]

Another long running Burger King tie-in

partnership has been with 20th Century
Fox's property The Simpsons. BK first
promotion with Fox began in 1990, when
the show became a series after three
years as a short segment on  $
, and was a set of 8-to-12-
inch (20 to 30 cm) dolls featuring each
member of the Simpsons family. Dther
Simpsons/BK promotions included a
British Kid's Club toy in 1998, 2000 and
2001; a Halloween themed Kid's Club toy
in 2001 and 2002; A summertime special
at Hungry Jack's in 2001 and The
Simpsons Movie in 2007.[87] As part of the
Promotion for the Simpsons Movie, CP+B
produced a commercial with a Simpsons
version of the King with yellow skin,
overbite and four fingers as well as a web
site that allowed people to make a
"Simpsonized" version of themselves from
uploaded pictures.[88]

[edit]See also
÷  |


÷ |



%"*"%%|"|"%%||?) |

ù Fast food advertising

ù Burger King Kingdom
ù McDonald's advertising

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it makes you question if god exists.
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67. € BKC (2007-09-12). "Burger King

Corporation joins the Council of
Better Business Bureaus'
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Advertising xnitiative". Burger King
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68. € Margo G. Wootan (2007-09-

12). "Burger King to Reform its
Marketing to Children". CSPx.
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69. € Burger King, ADL Fire Up

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Saunders VlickZ.cpm 5 November

70. € Digital Domain puts Burger King

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71. € Konami Announces Major Burger

King Promotion by César A.
Berardini on, 5
December 2006

72. € The Players Choice Group

Licensing Program MLBPA xnfo on

73. € "BK Table Guest". Retrieved


74. € Earnhardt signs a

Whopper Charlotte Business
Journal 9 January 1997

75. € Elliott to drive No. 00 Burger King

Car NASCAR Headlines on 5 July 2006
76. € Burger King huddles with NFL as
sponsor NFL News on 16
May 2005

77. € McDonald's revives burger war

with Burger King by Susanna
Barton; Jacksonville Business
Journal 5 September 1997

78. € Nintendo Burger King

Promotion on
Rick - Editor in Chief 6 January

79. € Davidson, John (2009-10-

22). "Windows 7: A Whopper of an
DS, with a Side of
Fries".  *, . PCWorld.
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80. € Eat Like a King. Play Like a


81. € "".

82. € "Burger King, Brooke Burke Viral

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83. € Steven Hall (2006-01-

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Courtship Reaches Engagement". Retrieved 2007-10-

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06). "BK 360 Games (Dfficially)
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85. € "Britain's got flame". News from

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'Simpsons' limits tie-in partners".
The Hollywood Reporter. Archived
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Retrieved 2007-07-06.

[edit]External links

ù The Subservient Chicken website

ù The Whopperettes Homepage
ù BK Masks site
ù Dfficial Honbatz website
ù New Dfficial BK Kids (US) website

ù Crispin, Porter + Bogusky's




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