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President Nonoy and his promise of change I believe in

It was my first time glued gravely on a news broadcast - watching the swearing of
the country’s 15th president. If not that we are required to, I won’t have truly listened and
mindful of every words of the speech. Never before that such rite attracted my attention
because I always have this thought that politicians are all but the same on promises. I
watched it all the way through the rituals. It was not frustrating as my passing judgment.
Indeed, it was inspiring.

Pres. Noynoy inaugural address was to me fitting for the times. A wonderful
speech that is full of virtue and not promises. He did not promise us for lofty goals but
rather directly addressing the fact that we have major crises to deal with and that is,
rampant and excessive corruption in the government. He made it plain in his speech
that progress is not possible under a corrupt environment. Corruption is evil and it
cannot sustain a happy and contented people and it should be eradicated.

I believe that the new president was sincere with his words. I felt how he put his
hearts and souls when he delivered it. I believe he will bring change into our country. He
will lead our nation and will help get back our government officials to be responsible, to
function openly, honestly, efficiently and with integrity. He is a leader by example.

There were very few points that raised among us watching at home to
thunderous applause. We cheered together as the president spoke “I can forgive those
who did me wrong but I have no right to forgive those who abused our people”, this
referring to wrong doings of the past administration. And another one was, “No more
junkets, no more senseless spending. No more turning back on pledges made during
the campaign, whether today or in the coming challenges that will confront us over the
next six years. No more influence-peddling, no more patronage politics, no more
stealing. No more sirens, no more short cuts, no more bribes”- A solid message of
warning to corrupt and incompetent public officials.

Pres. Noynoy’s inaugural speech has provoked a greater level of pride and unity
in this great nation. A lot were being emotionally moved and felt such a sense of hope
and even pride in our new national leader. Me, oh yeah I am now a big fan of him and I
promised to take up his call to work together to make our vision for a new Philippines a
reality. I have high hopes for his administration. I am so proud to be a Filipino.

Kristelle M. Castillo
Sir Frank Lloyd Tiongson
Eng10 – THV2

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