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Which of the two writers do you agree with more?

I agree with both writers in different ways. however, I was thinking a lot and I believe I agree more
with writer one because people have to pay for the work that other people do and they have to
value their effort.

What are the main reasons why you disagree with one of the writers?

I disagree with writer two because all singers earn different and some of them earn less in their
concerts . Moreover , some local singers have to pay a lot of money to record a song while they
are beginning.

What are the main reasons why you agree with the other writer?

I agree with with writer one because it’s true that musicians have to work very hard and a lot of
careers can be destroyed because they are not getting the rewards of their work and then they
don’t have enough money to pay for continue making music.

Post one

Nowadays music have become a great business for a lot of people, not only for singers also for
companies that pay for their rights author and then play music for a price. However , there exist a
lot of internet pages where you can hear music and download music illegally and these internet
pages are destroying a lot of careers in special little careers of local singers , because they don’t
have enough money to pay for making music and if they don’t earn money they can’t continue
with their career. Moreover , I think today it’s very difficult control that internet pages and I agree
with that pages because, on the other hand, a lot of people don’t have enough money to pay for
an app or for an original CD.

Post two

Nowadays people think music is free and they are complaining about announcements on youtube
or different apps that offer music , but they don’t understand they have to do that to pay for right
author and earn money for their companies. However , there exists people that don’t like concerts
and also in corcents every singer have different gains. Moreover some local singers have to pay a
lot of money to record a song while they are beginning and if they don’t earn enough money they
can’t continue with their careers. I think that free music is excellent and the most of people use
illegally pages to get music , but sometimes we have to value the effort of musicians.

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