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Introduction of the Event:

Brainiac of the Year event consists of two rounds i.e. 1) Picture Depiction Round, 2) Debate Round.

1. Picture Depiction Contest:

This round is a written contest in which the qualified candidate will have to make a story on a given
picture, by using his/her depiction skills. The candidates will have 45 minutes for this round. The
evaluation will be made on the basis of the thoughts, concept and the composition of the content.

2. Debate Round:
This round is further divided into two models.
i. Council of Common Interest (CCI) Model:
Council is responsible to formulate and regulate policies in relation to the matters
enumerated in Part-II of Federal Legislative List (FLL) and exercise supervision and control
over related institutions. The decisions of the Council shall be expressed in terms of opinion
of majority. The decisions of the CCI are appealable in the Joint Session of the Parliament.
Constitution extends the purview of CCI on resolution of a dispute among federation and the
federating units or area’s governments regarding their rights on water from any natural
source and authorizes the Federal or the Provincial Government concerned to make a
complaint to CCI. The CCI can either decide or recommend the President to set up a
Commission consisting of persons having knowledge and experience in irrigation,
engineering, administration, finance and law under the Pakistan Commissions of Inquiry Act,

Composition of the CCI:

The Prime Minister Pakistan chairman

The Federal Minister Pakistan Member
The Chief Minister Balochistan Member
The Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Member
The Chief Minister Punjab Member
The Chief Minister Sindh Member
The Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan Member

The topics under this round are:

1. NFC award distribution 2019

2. Pros and Cons of water Dams building in Pakistan
3. Devolution of Higher education commission (HEC) to provinces
4. Ownership and distribution of natural resources between Federation units and

Rules for the Council of Common Interest Debate:

 Every member will be given maximum three opportunities of one minute each to share his/her
 In first opportunity, every member will share his/her policy statement. In proceeding opportunity,
one has to defend his policy and challenge opponent’s policy. In final turn, each member will
conclude his/her argument by providing a solution agreeable to opponents.
 Each candidate will be evaluated on the basis of logical reasoning of argument, authentic
background information, flexibility in reaching to solution and communication skills (clarity of
 Policy statement should be prepared according to given format and must not have duplication.
 Every candidate must wait for his/her turn. Uninvited interruption may result in reward of negative
ii. General Debate Model

1. Should death penalty be abolished?

2. Communism VS capitalism
3. Women empowerment is a western agenda.

Rules for General Debate Model:

This will simply be conveyed during the session scheduled on Saturday.

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