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Francis Amos P.


12- Saint Teresa of Calcutta

My World

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”- Confucius

Mad world. World is unfair, life is unfair. People are like these and like that, things are like these and
like that. Race, color, sexuality, appearance, etc; there is no unity. Crimes are present, goodness is
absent. Everything is unjust.
In this world, everything is unbalanced and messy which looks terrible. I can see from observation that
life is not fair and living is not simple. There are many crisis, crimes and problems but people just make
it worse. People are unique and extraordinary. I too have that so called uniqueness. Uniqueness which
can help me have a better future. Far from crimes or maybe not. I can't just say the world and life is
unfair but most of the time I come to think that it is really or sometimes unfair. I came to see different
situations that makes me sad where people is the cause of it. We do things without thinking whether it
is for the good or not. In school, there is bullying whether it is all about color, traits, physical apperances,
your sexuality and many more. Such scenarios were when your classmates or schoolmates laugh at
you, talk to you without manner, calling you inappropriate nicknames and even degrade you because
of your color, sexuality and physical apperance which may cause depression and low esteem to that
student. As a student who experienced it, life is really unfair for me because of the treatment they give
me. I come to ask myself if I am different from them, what is wrong with me and even why is this me
that they can't accept. I also tell myself that people are judgmental and I think it will not change anymore
because maybe people were born to be that way. Mostly students like me chose to be alone in order
to avoid things like those and for my sake too. I can say that I am lucky to have good friends, really
good friends who accept what and who I am which I hope people should be. When I am alone, I feel
free rather than when I am with someone who makes you caged. I would sometimes ask if the world is
mad at me that is why I am feeling this or why am I in this kind of situation. Sometimes I can't protect
myself from my bully and I just go with it and not give any attention but deep inside, it hurts that you
must put your mask on to be called tough eventhough you think of yourself pathetic for doing it.
Even Innocent people became part of and victim of bullying and other crimes. They were bullied without
acceptable reason sometimes or because sometimes these bullies just jealous to these people's
achievements. Many happened in this world and one of the crimes that continuously happen is killing.
Why are these people killing?, does it give them satisfaction or happiness? Some observation of mine
why people kill is because man angered him/her or man done bad things to him/her. But for me killing
is not the solution, it just make things worst. I sometimes heard killings in our community and I feel sorry
for him/her.
Killings, bullying and other crimes should be stopped because there is no good things happen in the
future with it. It will make world unstable and life miserable. Acceptance, unity and love must rule the
world. Let's make it a better world for the future of our successors not to make it a mad mad world for

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